Team 16 Quang Tin

MACV Team 16 – Quang Tin

This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 16 located in Quang Tin.

148 thoughts on “Team 16 Quang Tin

  1. Yes I’m sure you have some tales about major Travis
    Lt Stark I was glad to hear he survived his time with the 196 as I never knew what happened
    I did hear from Lt Bill Allman who was team leader on 16

  2. Lt Mike Wheeler Team 16 MAT leader,I think Major Travis was District chief

    Oct 70 to Oct 71 I replaced Lt Stark who transfer to 196 th Americal said he wanted more action

    • yes I recall all three of you, I worked in S1 and can recount some tales about Major Travis and Lt Stark to a lesser degree.

  3. Lt. Dallas New. I was the S-2 officer replacing Capt Hamm in Jan 1970 til Jan 1971. Ironically, both Capt Hamm and myself were from North Dakota. Col Stafford was in charge at the time.

      • I owe you an apology but by name I don’t remember you. And there were several officers in the 3 shop and the TOC. Do you remember Major Mac…?I was the advisor to the 3/4 ARVN Cavalry. The unit was between the MACV compound and the 2 CORDs compounds. But for alI that I have forgotten, I still remember the “party” that opened the Officers Club and all my JAKE and MAT friends.LeeLee J. MayE –  Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

  4. Is there anyone on this site that was with Macv that was stationed in tam ky in 1971 when we moved from the old compound to the smaller compound down the road

  5. Anybody remember the Vietnamese using diesel oil to burn outhouse remains in burn barrels around MACV compound in Thang Binh / Ha Lam and other places? That thick, black vile smelling smoke? I still do…

      • I was at Tam Ky 1969. Initially, was made night TOC OIC, flew as Aerial Observer and saw part of Ho Chi Minh Trail System SW of Kham Duc went on convoys to Tien Phuoc, controlling field operations fm H110 and LZ Young, visited all districts and some O/N stays, visited the MAT teams in the desert E of QL1. RD advisor late in tour.

        Now: Visited Tam Ky 2017 with a group of Americal Div vets. Subsequent to 1975 , Quang Tin was eliminated as a province and rolled back into Quang Nam. Tam Ky is now the province capital. Province HQ area much expanded. MACV compound is of course long gone and so are the rice paddies close by the compound. All built up. We stayed at a new 17 story hotel, 2 blocks NE of the railroad. The street on the NW side of the hotel is the same that
        went by the MACV compound, 300-500m NE of hotel.

        Beaches still wonderful. Chu Lai has a commercial airport. The big airport is of course Da Nang. We stayed at a beautiful hotel there too.

        They were building essentially an Interstate out of QL1. Probably done now.

        We visited Kham Duc and ate lunch there. Pop 3-5K. 3-4 small but nice looking hotels. Also visited Ngoc Tavak.

        • Rusty here. Thanks, Michael for that very recent and interesting information on the area. Kham Duc with three hotels? My oh my. Did you spend any time in Hoi An?

          • Thank you Michael Ebert for the great update. I have often wondered what the Tam Ky area looks like today and I still plan to go there on an extended visit since the prices and facilities are so reasonable now. Thank God the Vietnamese people got their country back and they can finally pursue their dreams uninterrupted by the bungling, corrupt U.S. government. We never learn. Just ask the Afghans we hung out to dry too. After 14 months in Vietnam I went to college and then back into the military as a Navy SEAL. I missed the buzz, and got it big time, but the failed leadership and sleazy politicians were just the same.

    • I am meeting George Kenney September 5 when he flies to Baltimore on Sep 5 with mid-Michigan Vet Honors flight to Baltimore and Washington. He was seriously wounded in April 1971. There are some December 2021 posts from Brain Walrath that details of his being wounded. One of the few casualties we suffered in my two years on the team. Case Gresey

      • Casey: It was great meeting with my brother George and wanted to thank you again for getting him out and to an evac hospital in a timely fashion.

  6. I was Senior S2 Advisor for Quan Tin Province Jan 70 to Jan 71. Served with Colonel Stafford. I was First Lieutenant at the time.

      • I flew out there on Mondays on a UH-1 made available to the Phoenix advisor, and we’d taxi personnel and supplies.
        I can’t recall whether it was Hiep Duc or Hau Duc that was under seige during that time.
        The E-4 interpreter received a Purple Heart for cutting his hand on a can of C rats.
        Team 16 was a magnificent way to spend a tour in Vietnam. Immersion in the varied aspects of the war, interfacing with all branches, getting up close to the good, bad and ugly of the conflict all while dressed in Hawaiin shirts and drinking vodka giblets.
        In fact, I so missed the service buzz that I went back in after college on the G.I. bill to spend a career as a Naval Special Warfare officer.

  7. Started out as the weapons maintenance advisor, and moved out to nui yon with MAT-I-7, then into the compound as security NCO, Yep an E-6 Back then. Still see Mario Trouche (MAT-I-9) now and then.

  8. Am searching for anyone who knew my brother, Capt George Kenney who served as an advisor to MAT Team 16 December of ’70-April ’71. Am doing military research for our family tree.

    Any information would be a great help.


    • Hello Mark,
      I knew your brother George. In fact, I was on the helicopter that picked him up after he was wounded by a booby trap. I had been on MAT I-24, part of Province Advisory Team 16 in Quang Tin Province. I was made assistant S-3 just before George arrived. My understanding was that he more or less took over my MAT when I was moved to Asst S-3. I always wondered what happened to him after he was wounded. In fact, I made a couple of half-hearted attempts to locate him on the Internet over the years, without success. I can provide more details about his wounding if you would like. Please contact me to let me know.
      Also, I just recently published through Amazon a book about my time in the Army, and about half of it relates to my time in Vietnam. I’d be happy to send you a free copy if you are interested.
      Brian Walrath

      • Brian thank you for the reply. The wounds George sustained that date prevented him from returning to active duty and after attempts at Re-hab he was given a 100 percent classification and retired out of the service. He’s still with us today and continues to live in Michigan

        The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Captain George H. Kenney III, United States Army, for gallantry in action: Captain Kenny distinguished himself by gallantry in action on 8 April 1971 while serving as a Senior Advisor to a Regional Force Battalion in Tam Ky District, Quang Tin Province, Republic of Vietnam. On that date Captain Kenney and the Battalion he was advising were preparing to leave their night defensive position when an incoming helicopter began to receive hostile small arms and automatic fire. Captain Kenney personally led elements of the Battalion to the landing zone and directed the helicopter off the ground. Once the helicopter had left the landing zone, Captain Kenney reorganized a Regional Forces Company and identified the enemy position. He directed the tactical employment of the company and personally led the assault element on a platoon of Viet Cong stationed in bunkers. The bunker complex was engaged with hand grenades, small arms and automatic fire. Inspired by Captain Kenney’s display of bravery and exemplary leadership, the Vietnamese successfully routed the enemy from his position and destroyed the bunkers. Captain Kenney’s conspicuous gallantry in action was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Army and reflects great credit upon himself and the military service.

        • I’m glad to hear that George is still with us. I’ve asked Mark for his phone number so I can give him a call. It’s hard to believe that after 50 years we may be in contact again.

          • If you speak to George keep in mind that his wound to his jugular caused him to lose his ability to read write and verbally communicate.. He has the ability now to speak but stumbles for words and you may have to help him fill in the blanks. I will say his memory of his tours in Nam are very sharp so he’ll have no problem relating to that. I’m sure it’ll brighten his day to talk to one of his former comrades in arms. George loved the military and upon his retirement from the service he refused to resign his commission.

      • Brian:

        Thanks for the quick response. I would be very interested in hearing more about your contact with George.
        He just celebrated his 78th birthday last week and is living in a senior home in Northville, MI.

        I am his POA and in the process of getting him into the new VA Home in Chesterfield Township, MI sometime this April.

        I’m attaching his address if you want to write to him. You can also text me for his phone number. His cognitive skills have declined since 1971 but would be more than thrilled to hear from you.

        As for your book, that would be very much appreciated if you could mail that to me.

        His address is: 42000 7 Mile Road
        Apt 254
        Northville, MI 48167

        My address: 1232 NW 55th Ave
        Bell, FL 32619
        Cell: 813-690-0901

        Looking forward to your input from that point in time.


  9. Did anyone know a SSG Dennis Arthur McElroy, 1969-1969, 11C20, MACV Advisory Team 16. KIA May 12th, 1969, Quang Tin? I think he served with 2LT Curtis Breedlove, CPT. Robert J. Hunt, 1LT Clarence “Ed” Rarden, SP5 Casey Gresey.

    He was my grandfather. My brother and I are trying to find some more information on him and would very much appreciate any details that you may have from that time.

    Please email me at

    Thank you,

  10. Ron Knolles MSG Retired
    Was with 525 Military Intelligence Group (MACV Adv Tm) Sector Level (Province) Tam Ky from Nov 67 to Nov 68
    When I was there, we had about 60 of us on the compound located across from an element of the 2nd ARVN Div. Had some Army signal, Navy Corpsman(worked local Hospital), Marines for security and a couple Air Force FAC folks.on our compound. Took some of the first 122 rockets used in I Corps by NVA in May 68. Chu Lai South-DaNang North had major American units.

  11. I remember a hanging badge that attached by a shirt button that some guys wore. It showed Team 16 designation but I don’t recall the design. There was such an assortment of military units that everyone looked a little different.

  12. I was with the ARVN Armored Cav., in TamKy Fall ‘ 69 to Fall ’70. More to the point I belong to a Vet. group called Jake FACs. The Jakes were the AF Forward Air Controllers. We are always looking for brothers with new stories.
    My email is


  13. I was with MACV Team 15 at Hoi An. MACV Team 16 was at Tam Ky …I had a buddy there named Randy Asp during Fall 68 to Fall 69.

    • I was RF/PF advisor from Aug 69 to early July 70 in Quang Tin. The first operation that I went on was in LyTin district in Aug 69 with an RF unit working with a unit of the 198th LIB. To the best of my memory we had no district team in Ly Tin at that time. The province was all in the AO of the 196th LIB with the exception of Ly Tin, which was in the AO of the 198th.

      • Hello, Ron. I was initially the DIOCC advisor for MACV Team 16 in Ly Tin and later the advisory team leader. I was there from January to November 1970. Besides our team, we had with us a detachment from Chu Lai (198th, I think) who worked with us to coordinate operations between the 198th and the RF/PF in the Ly Tin District. In our compound also was a Marine CAP team and two PF platoons. We relied on Fat City for fire support. I was hoping to find someone who lived in our compound when I was there in 1970. I spent only a couple days in Tam Ky and remember no one there.

        • My name is Mike wheeler I headed up team 16 MAT as a second LT from November 1970 till about June 1971 when I got transferred out to a team in the mountains
          Didn’t you attempt to bring a Vietnamese boy home to the states

          The actual person I replaced transfer to Americal wanted more action to better his career never new if he survived

          • Mike…I thought I replied to your note, but I don’t see it posted.

            I didn’t attempt to bring the boy to the U.S., but I continued to provide financial support to his mother and sibling after I left Ly Tin.

            I have a few pictures from inside our compound, but can’t remember names. One name I do remember is one of our interpreters, Luu Hien. Mr. Hien we called him. A fine man.

            I can send you copies of the pictures if you’d like. Just send me your email address.

            • Thanks Bill nice to hear from you,I may have already responded to your message but I’ll repeat my self.I also have pictures if you have any interest

      • Mike Ebert here. I have visited this site a few times but this is the first time I saw someone’s name I recognized. I was with Tm 16 Jan-Dec 1969. You replaced Major Rockroth who was either famous or infamous depending upon your experiences with him. He may have departed before you arrived. I was supposed to go to a District Team at Tien Phuoc when I arrived but they were waiting for the Sr District Advisor to arrive. This turned out to be Major Livingston. Then I was told the position I was to occupy was redlined. They kept me at Tam Ky in the TOC for most of my tour. I worked nights for several months. Then beginning in Mar 69, I began doing observation flights. I got to fly out to Kham Duc on four occasions. That was a thrill. On two of these occasions, we flew further SW and I saw a portion of the Ho Chi Minh Trail heading for Kham Duc. We also made one or two overflights of Kham Duc’s FOB Ngok Tavak. I went on numerous field operations with Major Cu the deputy province chief. One time out in the field I asked him what he wanted to do after the war. He said he wanted to operate a car/truck repair garage in Da Lat. Sadly, I don’t think he got the opportunity to do that the way things turned out. Another big thrill was meeting three US ex-POWs on the morning of 5 November 1969. They had been released by the VC at then Hwy 533, the Tien Phuoc-Tam Ky road. They were told to follow the road toward Tam Ky. Marine CAP team 114, picked them up and radioed in to the Province TOC where the CAP RTO was located. The USMC Gunny Kalready, Jerry Hamm S2 and I got in a jeep and went into Tam KY where Herb Lind the Tam Ky District Adviser joined us. We drove out to 114’s location along 533. The guys had NVA fatigues on and one of the Marines commented how they almost shot them but then noted that one of the guys had blond hair. Thank God for that. We took them back to Tam Ky to the District HQ, gave them some sodas and cookies (they appeared to be in pretty good physical shape) and tried to get basic intel out of them re where the camp was and who else was there. The news of their release went like wild fire. After 20-30 minutes at most at the District here came an Americal Huey. A major or LTC came in and relieved us of responsibility for these now exPOWS. At Chu Lai they probably sat them down to ask the same Qs we were doing and then ran them past the medics. I will just mention two other names, LTC Stafford was the PSA and “Emperor” Jerry Dunn was the chief honcho of CORDS. Glad you survived your tour and are still with us.

        • I remember the 3 POWs being brought into the Province TOC before being taken to Chu Lai or wherever they were to debriefed. They were wearing power blue Vietnamese pajamas and seemed to be in a semi-state of shock.

    • I was there November 70 till June 71 . I headed up Team 16 and my memory fails me as to who else was thing I do remember was that nasty monkey that we put down

  14. Merry Christmas to all you former Team 16 members. I’m reminded of Christmas 1970. I was lucky enough not to be on an operation that day, so I was able to enjoy the conviviality in the little officers club at the Payne compound in Tam Ky. It was one of the few times that the door between the O club and the NCO club was opened so we could all mingle. But within a few days it was back to business and pretty soon I was back in the bush with the Ruff-Puffs. By the way, there seems to be some confusion about where Team 16 was located. Evidently whoever created the initial Team 16 entry on this site put down the location as Thang Binh. There was a District Team in Thang Binh, but Team 16 was the Province Team for Quang Tin Province and was headquartered in Tam Ky.

    • Hi Casey,
      Finished college and took commission in Navy. Spent 10 years in the SEAL Teams. Now I live in Florida with Peruvian beauty. I go to Chicago periodically if you are there. Otherwise, you’re always welcome here.
      Great to here from you.

      • No I dont live near Chicago anymore
        Finished college joined Federal government now retired rural Maryland with a 6ft blonde beauty from the south. If ever in DC let me know. Going to head to Florida soon to see you. My pal from grade school who is my attorney lives in Parish.

  15. Worked in S1 from Aug 69 to Aug 71. S1s were Stephen Morgan, Honeycut, Otis Ashley, George Ikeda and LT ? Sgts King, Mac…., Norris Claypool. Various clerks: Parker, Bass, and even Griemel before he/you went to S2.

        • By the way, Brian, I’ll be in the Cleveland area March 14-18. Busy schedule but maybe we can get together for breakfast sometime.

        • I just found this site. I worked as a fire support liaison and coordinated in Thang Binh quite a bit…and the entire Hiep Duc Valley, as well…but from LZ Baldy, Hoi An, down Hwy 1 and into Tam Ky…I visited with many of you off and on. Worked with Daffy Duc and RFs/PFs quite a bit. Was in country on attached duty in the area from Mother’s Day 1969 until 1 Mar 1971. I always appreciated the coordination I got from you all. Was known by Rusty, no rank worn.

          • I was attached to 196th Bde…and floated between 2/1, 3/21 and 4/31. When we moved from Baldy to Hawk Hill, replacing 1/1 Cav I took on even more responsibilities. I never got to know people personally…one of the problems I have with my service in VN…I was always attached. I’d walk with line companies, went on missions with RF/PFs on small patrols, no more than 6 men…walked in support of an ARVN engineer unit that was clearing and grading the road towards Hiep Duc Ville, through “Death Valley”…usually the only American with units. I did fly aerial observer in the 196th AO in a LOH with a very young warrant officer, although I wasn’t but two years older…I only visited Thang Binh on two occasions to coordinate combined force mission with RF/PFs…don’t remember who I visited with, don’t think we even had a beer. I do appreciate the intel and support I rec’d from you all…and the radio communications off and on. My memory is so bad, I can’t even remember specifics. I was contacted a few years ago by the Recon platoon leader who followed up with a letter, and his remembrance of the mission I supported in Kham Duc was different than mine…it did jog some thoughts, though…

            Again…I just wanted to reach out and thank you all for the support I rec’d even though you may not have thought much of it at the time.


      • I was on Hawk Hill a couple of times and made several trips up Highway 1, passing right by your place. Was your Senior District Advisor (the one with “problems”?) an LTC rather than a MAJ? I recall he and I being lunch guests with a local village when I was on Nui Loc Son. I made the mistake of eating a tiny red pepper in a bowl of rice – I huffed and puffed for quite a while, much to the amusement of the Vietnamese.

        • Oh yes! The LTC definitely had “problems”. It was resolved in a scene right out of M*A*S*H. I generally hung out with the locals who preferred eating rice and tuna fish. Nui Loc Son was a nice place when I was there. However, I heard it became quite hostile in ’72.

  16. I was 1LT with Team 16 in Quang Tin Province from August 70 to May 71. Started on MAT I-24 with Sergeants Pitts and Malotte and “Doc” Malave. We were initially stationed on Nui Loc Son, but a couple of weeks after my arrival our bunker burned down due to a malfunctioning propane freezer. We made it out with just the clothes on our backs. Had to go back to Saigon to get new rifles. After that I lived at the Payne compound in Tam Ky and went on operations all over the province with a variety of Ruff-Puff units and counterparts. The head of the MATs was Major Whitmeyer, one of the greatest burpers I’ve ever met. In February 1971 I was made Assistant S-3, working primarily in the TOC (our RTO was fellow Ohioan Spec 4 Moore, almost certainly the Jerry Moore who posts on this site.) The S-3 was MAJ Travis, who was replaced, I believe, by MAJ Sampson. There was also a CAPT McNulty, a nice guy who was a member of Mensa. I happened to be on the helicopter that picked up CAPT Kenney, a MAT leader who had been wounded by a booby trap. In the last couple of years I’ve been in communication with former 1LT George Ikeda, our Assistant S-1 and Casey Geasey, who also worked in S-1. I’ve also traded emails with Hal Meinheit, a State Department member of Team 16. He was there when I was, but we never met at the time. George, Casey and Hal have been kind enough to share a number of pictures and fill in blanks. Many more memories and faces, but a lot of the names have faded.

    • I was with the Phoenix Program with Team 16. Capt. John Poncina and then Major Markham were the Phoenix advisors. I remember Casey Gresey. We both got the Soldiers Medal while rescuing a bunch of Air Force guys that got screwed up in the ocean near our beach east of Tam Ky. Those were great times and Team 16 was a very cool place to visit Viet Nam. Craig Turner

    • Good afternoon Brian:

      I was reading your post and wanted to reach out to you. You mentioned picking up Capt George Kenney who was wounded by a booby trap in 1971.

      I am George’s younger brother Mark, who is now his Power of Attorney. I would be
      Interested in hearing more about the day you retrieved him. My email address is:

      Look forward to hearing from you.


  17. Stationed there in 1971 until march of 1972 assigned as a communication advisor ended up flying supplies to lz’s

  18. I was in Thang Binh, Quang Tin (now Quang Nam) Province in ’70-’71. Was originally slotted for Ly Tin District, but at the last moment was sent to Thang Binh.

    How do I say this nicely… the District Senior Advisor had “problems” (he was eventually removed), but the District Chief was pretty good!

    We were written up on the front page of the Washington Post in May 1971.

    I would be happy to communicate with you even if we never crossed paths.

    • I spent time on team16 November 70 -June 71 Tam Ky Then Phuoc Me(spelling)June till October 71.Mat team leader

  19. Wow. I just happened upon this site. I was assigned to MACV Advisory Team 16 and served with the Phoenix Advisor. What a hoot. Based in Tam Ky and operated around Quang Tin Province. I was there from January 1970 to March 1971. After college went back into the military as a Navy SEAL. Missed the buzz.

    • Craig…I was in Ly Tin as DIOCC coordinator and Team 16 team leader in 1970. Don’t remember our paths crossing. I rarely went to Tam Ky after serving in January 1970. If you told me the name of the Phoenix advisor in Tam Ky, I’d probably recognize it.

      • Capt John Poncina, a guy who hated being there and let everyone know, to the detriment of his career. He was replaced by Major Marhum, a little guy, aging, and knowing this was his last chance at making rank.
        Phoenix in Quang Tin shuffled more paper than jungle boots.

    • Arrived in Thang Binh in Oct 71 to serve as Maj Joe Arnold’s deputy district senior adviser. Joe was awarded the Silver Star for actions against the 31st NVA Regt prior to my arrival. The 5 man district team closed in Mar 72 and I took over from Maj Whitmeyer at Tam Ky as the province Sr RF/PF adviser and S-3 just in time for the NVA Easter offensive. We lost Hiep Duc and the western half of Thang Binh the first week but stopped them at Binh Dinh village west of Thang Binh on TL 534. LTC Wagner departed in July and was replaced by Howard Thomas (FSR). I left in Oct 72.

      • Glad to hear from you! Bing Dinh wasn’t that far away. There is a big memorial there now, commemorating something which I do not know. Nui Loc Son was quiet when I was there, but I heard it was bad afterwards. Whatever happened to MAJ Arnold and SVN LTC , the District Chief? LTC Wagner wrote a novel and became a Major General. Have you read the book: “Road of 10,000 Pains” It’s about the USMC along Route 534. Where are you and what are you up to?

        • Maj Arnold retired in 1982 as a LTC. Don’t know about the District Chief, he refused to go down the road with LTC Wagner and me to stop the NVA advance. Worked for MG Wagner again as the Professor of Military Science at Eastern Mich Univ from 88-93 before retiring from the Army. Moved to Acme Mich, just north of Traverse City, and taught chemistry and math at the local college for 19 years before really retiring. Haven’t read the book you referred to about the Marines.

          • Michael, We must have been in the same jeep when LTC Wagner had his conversation with the Province Chief. As I recall, he told LTC Wagner words to the effect “if you want to stop them then have at it. I’m out of here”. Not words a Province Senior Advisor (Wagner) wants to hear from his counterpart! My recollection is that we were parked on a rise on the road west of Tam Ky while LTC Wagner tried to convince the Province Chief to get off his hind-quarters. I was an FSR civilian advisor on Team 16, based in Tam Ky, from January to September 1972, and worked throughout Quang Tin Province on a variety of projects.

            • Since there were different Province Chiefs at different times, can anyone remember the name of the this Province Chief at the time of this incident?

                • Col. Tho was still the Province Chief in April 1972 when this happened. After LTC Wagner and I returned from halting the RFs and PFs just east of Binh Dinh , we met with him and asked that he counterattack the net day before they dug in. He listened but didn’t seem to be buying in. Much to our surprise, they ( the Ruff Puffs) executed the counterattack plan the next day flawlessly. They routed the NVA from Binh Dinh, who left 18 of their dead comrades bodies on the battlefield. He turned it into a huge success for the Provincial Forces.

            • Jack, good to hear from you. I thought I recognized your name. Looked at some old photos I have and found one of you with me and LTC Wagner at my birthday party/ Wagner’s farewell party at the Ranch House in Tam Ky in late June of 72.

  20. Jim, I worked for you in Korea. For the past 10+ years, I’ve been running Ops and your guidance has been implemented in many of my endeavors. Thank you for your leadership and service!
    Always Out Front

  21. Request from James H. Cheatham, Jr.; formerly Captain with MACV team 16 Thang Binh District. PRU Advisor. Injured in mine explosion that damaged M113 track in late 1968 or
    early 1969. Trying to find records or determine the date. Operating with 1/1st Cavalry Regiment at the time.

    • Very late reply to MSG Allinger, but just saw your post…..were you E6 on MAT I-7 on Nui Yon, 69-70?
      /Lt. Ed Rarden

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