Team 87 Xuan Loc

MACV Team 87 – Xuan Loc

This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 87 located in Xuan Loc.  To post a new comment on this Team page please scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to “Leave a Reply”.

435 thoughts on “Team 87 Xuan Loc

  1. My Dad MSG Luby A Raynor was in Viet Nam having arrived in Early Spring of 1967; Raynor, Luby A 3d Bn 48th Inf Regt Adv Tm 87 18th Div Adv Det, III CTZ Xuan Loc Viet Nam. I have several of his records from files he kept. He is still alive and just turned 93 this past Saturday.

  2. Advisor to 2/5 Cav, 10th Inf Div [ARVN] later 18th Inf Div, from 6/66 to 6/67 [with a hitch in G3 plans].

  3. Does anyone know or has worked with a then Capt. John R. Landry who was at Gia Ray in 1966 to 1967 and was involved in one of the Highway 1 attacks by the infamous VC Regiment close to Gia Ray….Heard it was a 4 hour firefight that resulted in 1 man loss and well over 200+ VC dead. Incredible story but I’d like to know if anyone have worked closely with him in Vietnam during this era. Dad passed away in 2015 (June) of Lung Cancer- and I found out through a few guys that served with him that he earned two Silver Stars during his time in Vietnam. One in Gia Ray in that firefight and the other in An Loc.

    Would love to hear from anyone that knew him / worked with him. By the way, he came to Vung Tau on one of the three Ships from Oakland by the way of Ft. Meade. Did anyone ride over there with him as Im trying to find out what the Boat’s name was that he was on….and when he left Oakland.

    Im at if anyone wants to connect with me (Im his eldest son)….Thanks and ALLONS!

    • The Ships that carried us from Oakland were Sultan, Upshur and Barrett I

      was on the Sultan which carried 1st Sqdn, Regt HHT, 541st MID,37th Med.Co.and a couple of other units. The Upshur had 2nd Sqdn, 28th Military History The Barrett carried 3rd Sqdn. The Sultan left on Aug. 19th, Upshur on 20th and Barrett on the 23rd. There was one other ship that left on Sept. 23 named Eltinge which carried the rear Detachment. Hope this helps you.
      Ron Rego

  4. I am confused (nothing particularly new, I suppose!). I served at MACV 87 in Xuan Loc(???) in 1968, but it was down in the southern half of the country(???). To get to Xuan Loc one would drive or fly from Can Tho. It was a city with red clay mud that permeated everything. There was a Vietnamese Special Forces camp there too and ARVN SF guys started beating up American soldiers so the supporting artillery unit dropped a “short round” off the SF encampment’s border to get their attention. (This happened before my time though.) Does any of this feel or look right? Team 87’s headquarters was in the city within eyeball distance of the 18th Division commander’s compound. The picture of Xuan Loc I see above does not look like anything I saw when I was there. I went from the team HQ to, I believe, the ARVN 3d Bn 52d Inf at Tanh Linh Village that sat on a 200m nhigh hill. Somebody set me straight, please! The ARVN regimental HQ was just over the horizon in August of 1968 and was mortared off the map at that time. SP4 FTO Howard McCosh back then, now SFC USAR retired admin NCO. or [Chi Lang to An Khe]. Side note: Clerk Dispatcher 25th EOD (bomb disposal) 1967-68; MACV Team 87 1968. Det B-43, USARV Individual Training Bn Chi Lang and relocated to the other side of Vung Tau Harbor 1971-72 (US SF not on jump status training Cambodian soldiers in basic and advanced infantry tactics.

    • I served at the airfield in Xuan Loc in1967-1968 at different times. US Army. No, the picture was not of Xuan Loc at the MACV compound. The compound was on the other side of the road a block or two West of the field. It had a lot of big trees and a very relaxed atmosphere. One of our platoons was billeted there so I visited them occasionally.

    • Hi Keith,
      Regarding your query on the Team 89 website seeking information on Bui Van Vien, I have replied – noting an address in Ho Chi Minh City in 1988 following his release from post-War detention in Thu Duc. Hope that I’ve got the “right man” for you.
      Regards, Ernie Chamberlain (former 1 ATF, Nui Dat; Baria 1969-70)

    • I was MAT III-12 team leader during 1969. There was an incident where the enemy took over a
      village Xa Binh Hoa) on QL20 for about 24 hours.. Does any one on Team 87 remember anything about this inscident. One of the units of the 18th ARVN took the village back. The traffic was backed up all the way to Bien Hoa CITY. My email is . I would be thankful for any info at all about this incident.
      John Gillham

  5. My great uncle Staff Sgt Leon Green belonged to this group… if anybody remembers him, I’d love to hear some stories about him..

  6. Did anyone know my Father Louie M. Montes “Monty”? After serving in airborne units, U.S. Army Special Forces, and completing his last tour in Vietnam, he then served as a Senior Drill Sergeant at Fort Ord.

  7. I was with the 1st Sig Brigade in the MACV compound in Xuan Loc Dec 69, in Bien Hoa for the friendly fire incident 17 & 18 Feb. 70. Sent to Nui Chui Chan, Hill 837, in March 70. Then to Nui Thi in late June, was there on 26 July when it was overrun.
    Don’t remember very many names from that time. Sr Adv Col Tuberty may be the only one. Most of the good memories came from that area and the people there.

  8. I am searching for the location where two members of Team 87 were killed on 23-May-1969 in Long Khanh Province.
    MGRS coordinates would be most helpful, or a location description will be greatly appreciated.
    1LT Raymond Lyn Collier &
    SGT Milford Eudene Cobb

    • My unit was the one that linked up twitch their unit the morning after they were killed.
      I ended up next to SSG Cobb’s body.

      • Rusty,
        Do you know the location &/or the coordinates?
        Do you know if there was a report on the engagement?
        Were they on maneuvers or was this a fixed position battle?
        Much appreciated,

        • I don’t have the coordinates because I don’t have a map. Their unit was just probably assigned an AO to check out. Looking at flattened trails in the grass leading from the engagement area, it appears that John’s unit just ran into the or the VC surprised them.
          I am sorry that I can’t provide any more info. I will keep digging.

        • I kept a diary so I got it out and read what I wrote on 23/24 May. This was near the village of Tuc Trung. (Off of Highway 20) My unit was alerted and sent to link up with Johns unit who had been in a heavy fight. We moved out about 1700-moved about 2 miles. Very difficult terrain and was raining hard off and on. Finally linked up the next morning. We found 35 ARVN soldiers and 2 advisors dead, 71 ARVN soldiers and 1 advisor wounded. SGT Cobb ‘ body was with the Senior Advisor (John)who was wounded and LT Colliers body was 49-50 yards away.
          I will try to locate Tuc Trung’uy.

          • Rusty,
            Thanks so much for this helpful information.
            And if you discover anything else, it’ll be greatly appreciated.
            All the best,

          • Rusy,

            I found 4 locations of a “Túc Trưng”
            Tuc Trung, Long Khanh Province – 11.1187347,107.1901956; YT3964 2966; (6431-3) Quán Cà Phê Mộng Điệp (Mong Diep Cafe)
            Tuc Trung, Long Khanh Province – 11.118574,107.231167; YT44112968 (6431-3)
            Tuc Trung AF, Định Quán District,Dong Nai – 11.08862,107.21218; YT421263 (6431-3), 18km NNW of Xuan Loc.
            Tuc Trung SF Camp, Định Quán District,Dong Nai – 11.147357,107.504830; YT740331 (6431-3)


          • Rusty,
            The 2 Định Quán locations are 37 km apart, but Tuc Trung Airfield is in close proximity to Highway 20 (QL20) a hundred or so meters to the north.
            Tuc Trung AF – 11.08862,107.21218; YT421263 (6431-3)
            How close was your base to the runway?
            You mention moving out about 2-miles (or clicks) during the night.
            Do you recollect direction you went to link up with John’s unit?

            • I don’t remember an airfield at all As I remember Highway 20 ran N and S. We would have left highway 20 on the E side.
              Tuc Trung was a small village that was adjacent to some rubber. We were under a French house that was built off the ground. Trying to remember more. I want to help you if I can.
              I will be back with you. Give me a bit of time.


      • Rusty, you or other watchers may also know more about my cousin, E6, Wilbur Leon Green, from Tennessee. Per the official records, he was KIA, body recovered May 8, 1969, in Long Khanh. The local paper ran an article that stated he was killed in Ben Hoa but I have been unable to verify that information. I’m trying to find a more accurate location or perhaps a report on the operation he was involved in.

        • John, I kept a diary while there and this is what I wrote on 7 and 8 May, 1969.
          SGT Green was an Advisor with the 1st of the 43rd/18th ARVN Inf Division. They made a Combat Assault on 7 May and established contact with the enemy about 0900 and stayed in contact all day. This was in the Lang Gha river bridge general area-stretching 5-10 clicks east/west and north/south.
          I was an Advisor with the 4th/43rd/18thDivision and we went into the same area as the 1st on the 8th. We did not hook up with the 1st because we ran into the enemy also. pertaining to MAJ Turner and SGT Green, this what I wrote “MAJ Turner and SGT Green, Advisors to the1st Bn were killed but they could never get MAJ Turner’s body back.” It was my understanding that SGT Green was shot in the groin area-the bleeding could not be stopped and he bled out.
          He did not die in Bien Hoa but in the general area listed above.
          I hope that this clears it up and gives some closure to SGT GReen’s family.

          • My recollection: Sometime in 1969 myself and a E7 or 8 Tom Canfield and one other medic were sent to retrieve the body of Maj Turner from a designated area where the remains of a battle were accumulated. Both American and ARVN. Don’t recall the month. Sgt.Canfield was close to Maj. Turner and felt he could identify the remains as Maj. Turner and we removed to our compound. This Maj. Turner was an older fellow. I remember that he was in charge of the girls working the PX. I thought what a sweet assignment he had. And when he was reassigned to an Arvn unit doing patrols I remember thinking he must have really pissed of somebody as he seemed too old for for such an assignment.
            Don’t know if this is the same Maj. Turner referenced in Cpt. Hightower’s posting but the timing, name and rank seem too much to be a coincidence.

              • Unfortunate that the censor chose to delete my description of the corpse I didn’t intend for it to be deliberately graphic but rather to provide context for why Sgt. Canfield was able to identify Maj. Turner’s remains. Seems like if more people understood the true nature of war we might have fewer of them.

                • John, Rusty, & Leroy –

                  I was the Headquarters detachment commander for Team 87 in Xuan Loc for April, May, and June 1969, after completing nine months as senior advisor with 3/52 Infantry.

                  During that time, I got to know both MAJ Bob Turner and SSG Green. Bob and I bunked in the same building, so we had a lot of time to talk. He was from McPherson, KS; operated a restaurant there. He was a member of the Army Reserve and requested to go on active duty. When he arrived in Xuan Loc, he was made the PX officer because of his business background. He was 43 years old and not in top physical condition as best I could tell. He told me his main reason for wanting to come to Vietnam was to get the Combat Infantryman Badge. Several times, I tried to convince him that was not a good idea. I pointed out to him that I was 15 years younger and that the physical demands of being a battalion advisor was about all I could handle. I strongly encouraged him to not do it. I knew he was trying to get Colonel Coleman (or it may have been Colonel Tuberty), the division senior advisor, to agree to the transfer. I was very surprised soon afterward that Bob was going to a battalion. It wasn’t long after that we received word that he was KIA. I sometimes wonder even today if there was something else I could have done to convince him to give up on his idea.

                  As a sidelight about Bob: I told him that he reminded me of someone but I couldn’t come up with a name. He grinned and said John Wayne was his half-brother. It immediately clicked for me. I don’t know if it’s possible to include a photo here, but I have one that shows the same smile.

                  About SSG Green: I had crossed paths with him occasionally while I was in 3/52, then saw him more frequently when I was in Xuan Loc. I learned from him that he was getting ready to extend his tour by six months, which he had done several times before. After talking to him for a while, I suggested that it might be a good time for him to take a break from Vietnam — maybe return to the states for a year, then back to Vietnam if that’s what he wanted to do. I thought it might be helpful for him to get away from the day-to-day Vietnam routine to gain a better perspective. He was not receptive to the suggestion and stayed.

                  I hope this information might be useful in some way.

                  Dallas Van Hoose

                  • Of some comfort, I suppose, to know that, at least, it was Maj. Turners idea. All these years it bothered me somewhat to think that he was in the field because he got on the wrong side of someone.
                    I guess he was not a big fan of Napoleon who once noted that it was only young men who were willing to die foe ribbons.
                    Thank you Dallas.

  9. Served with 1st signal Brigade 269 signal out of Ben Hoa, was with detachment billeted at Team 87 compound, April 70- Nov.70. Would like to see some good quality aerial shots of then and now.

  10. I have had .any different maladies from my tour in Vietnam. Just letting everyone know that Dennis Diekman aka:Zoomie, also passed from cancer last year.

    • ‘Chief Yava – I moved to AZ in Apr 2018. I served at Xuan Loc from Dec 65 thru Jun (?) 66. I was the Sgt Maj transferred from Duc My (Ranger Tng Center). Retired Aug ’73. Would appreciate an email to Thanks

  11. I was with Team 87 in 1970/71 – I was a Spc 5 then. I went back in 1980 or there abouts and was frankly amazed at the transformation of the town, but more to the topic at hand, had an opportunity to talk with some of the town folks from “back in the day” about what happened to them (those that would talk) after 75; The road between Xuan Loc and “Saigon” (Hoi Chi Minh City) was not so terrifying now, the rubber plantations not so deep and forboding, and the rice fields up around “Plantation” (near Bien Hoa) where II Field Force HQ’s used to be, were now covered over, or had beaucoup construction vehicles – and speeding was frowned upon! Am sorry I can’t remember names of my bosses or comrades from then – anyway, glad to see so many still on this side of the grass – Tom B

    • I was there from December 70 til Dec 71. About half in Xuan Loc and half forward at Tay Ninh when I was in a compound. What did you do while there? Maybe we can help with names. I was Artillery and spent most of my time with them, but advised the G4 from Jan-Jun. Never know who we might run into,

      • I was the S1 driver (Maj Nichols? Was the Adjutant I think) in the compound I showed movies and often went up to Tay Ninh to bring the movies or up to the top of Nui bah Dinh. Ithere was a major Ferguson on the team (whi I later served with in the 82d when he had the 1st Brigade after I was commissioned but can’t remember the team commander I recollect an E6 on the arty side (I think)

        • Part of 71-72 LTC Ferguson was the 43rd RCAT Senior Advisor replaced in 72, (I think) by LTC David W. Patton. I remember it was before the Team Main Compound showed the movie Patton. We had to travel over there to see it. Captains were Stansfield and Parbela? Sgts Maher and me.

          • Phil, This is Dave Prybyla. I was there with you under Ferguson and Patton. Severely wounded during the Easter Offensive (April 72) and spent a year in the hospital. Circumstances were: TF 3-43 surrounded at Dau Tieng, east of Cu Chi for about 10 days. I was the lone American advisor. Patton and rest of 43 Regt fought a break through operation to relieve us and beat back the NVA. I stayed on active duty and was eventually medically retired in 86. Patton is gone now. He and I remained good friends until his passing.

            • 10-4 Dai Hui, Sorry I screwed up and wasn’t there. That was just after I left. I talked to the LTCs wife after his death. Glad you got thru it. I did 5 months at Valley Forge after I was wounded with the 101st in may of 70. The another 5 for rehab at Brooke/San Antonio. Ever hear from Dai Hui Stansfield?

            • Happy Thanksgiving Sir. Hope all is well. Weather here in Southern Arizona is turning perfect. all the stuff going on, all over, makes me feel guilty but I’m willing to accept the duty. 120 in the summer but 70-80 winter. hunkering down seemed to keep us from Corvid Lost my mother to it last year in Florida. Anyway Take Care Stay Safe. Getting “older” is day bye day. Hope to travel by next spring.

              • Phil, Thanks for the friendly comment. We will go to a local restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner. Just received a note from my USAF son in Korea with a picture showing their Thanksgiving meal prepared by their Flight. Ham and all the trimmings.
                We are in Leaf city. They are everywhere, don’t remember seeing so many last year. Anyway, they will keep me busy for awhile. We seldom travel any distance and have invited all our relatives to visit us. Sharee was able to travel to Denver to see her Granddaughter get married and visit with her daughter and son.
                Hope your medical conditions are under control.
                Good to hear from you again, stay safe,


    • I was with MACV Team 87 in Xuan Loc between November 1968 until November 1969. I was a Spc 5 as well. I worked in the Admin office and then later worked for the Senior Advisor as a secretary in his office on the ARVN base hq. I remember the rubber plantations as well — Steve K

      • Steve, I am Spec 4 LeMoyne Watkins my MOS was RTO,but when I came to MACV TM 87 in Sept. 69. They put me in Admin. I was short and had glasses. Do you remember our Cpt. name ? I think it was Watts ?

          • Lee
            I sure would like to see pictures from the compound. Most of mine have been lost.
            I was there May 67 to May 68. I was the Signal Officer with the complex at the base of the tower, and on hill 837.
            Dick Wolfe

            • Dick
              I was in Xuan Loc at the MACV compound ’67 until June 68. I was in radio/carrier repair. Sgt. Moneypenny was my immediate superior when I arrived.
              Paul Norris

              • I was in Xuan Loc during this time frame. I remember Sgt. Arnold Apple, Smith the clerk, Zoomie, Geoff Michaud, and Col. Scarborough. I was mainly with G-3 Ops, and had transferred from Ham Tan. Was there during Tet ’68.

      • Steve, given the tour dates you posted with MACV Team 87 in Xuan Loc, you probably knew my cousin, E6, Wilbur Leon Green, from Tennessee (also with Team 87). Per the official records, he was KIA, body recovered May 8, 1969, in Long Khanh. The local paper ran an article that stated he was killed in Ben Hoa but I have been unable to verify that information. I’m trying to find a more accurate location or perhaps a report on the operation he was involved in. Anything on him his helpful.

      • So you worked for Colonel Tuberty?

        I was Senior Advisor 1/48th, but haven’t posted on the site since 2017. Was with Team 87 68-69. Very happy to see the site is still going.

  12. Tim Murphy, : I was with 18th ARVN G-3, TOC and the I&R after transferring up from Ham Tan. Zombie visited with me and family here in Arizona.

    • gokey
      I james wade, team 87 from april 67 to april 68. sorry to hear you have skin cancer. I will be going to Dr in Feb. to check
      some spots on my body.

      • I was with the signal company in Xuan Loc June 67 til June 68. My memory is lousy about too much, but I remember too much as well. I also am a cancer survivor. Mine was in the glands in my face.

        • Paul, my name is Steve Barth and I was at Xuan Loc Signal during this same time frame. I am pretty sure that you, Ronnie Jenkins and I were on the compound at the same time. It would be good to hear from you.

          • Steve I was the platoon leader while you were there Dick Wolfe Lt at that time

            Get Outlook for iOS ________________________________

          • Steve, if you remember Ronnie Jenkins then we were there at the same time. Ronnie and I were both from the Atlanta, Ga. area and got together many times after the service.

  13. Sadness is the word. Set. Dennis ” Zoomie ” Diekman passed away due to complications of cancer. Zoomie was with the Air Force FAC there in Xuan Loc. Rest in Peace my friend.

    • I served at Xuan Loc in1967-68.Some of what Zoomie wrote was spot on that I saw first hand. Don’t know if I ever met him though. I lived with the 54th Arty but went to the MACV compound sometimes as half of our unit was billeted there. Would have liked to have talked to him. I was with the 74th Recon Airplane Co.

  14. yes I was there august 1969 with 199th lib as combat medic for 2 months and got short and left field too drive a jeep ambuklance

  15. To all team 87 and 49
    Proud to have served with you folks
    I am Lloyd Arnold was 1LT
    With 1/48 from Apr 69 to June 1970
    Would like to hear from any one who served with me

    • Terry Thompson I was Sgt E-5 with 4/48 and stayed with you a couple of weeks before you left VN. After most of advisors were pulled from 48th to Tay Ninh while 18th was in cambodia i worked with all of the battalion at 48th and then toc and chopper pad airfield at Xuan Loc and latter with the sensor group. I think shortly after you left Major Stimlsly? 4/48 was wounded and evac back to state. Hope all is well with you

      • Rusty,

        It started with the inquiries by Cole and the Lt that was killed. Prior to that I only received email about things I had commented on. Now I am getting more than I really need. I must have checked something that told the computer I wanted all messages or something.

  16. Thank you for your timely reply. We’re you the escorting officer. If so I met you at the funeral home. I don’t remember attending the funeral as I had to attend school. I did come across vague action report(s). Are there any photos of Carroll in uniform?

      • Yes, it would help. Thank you. I would appreciate it. My connection with Carroll is. I’m a cousin of his wife Nancy. I was only 14 at the time of his passing. Since I have no brothers I consider him a big brother.

            • Mr Cole,
              Following are the words that I wrote on Tuesday, 11 Nov 1969:
              “I learned that my very good friend, LT Walker has been critically wounded in an ambush on the River Road at Long Binh…They ambushed his jeep with B 40s and AKs. He was terribly shot up on his left side from his head to hi s toes and even had some shrapnel is his heart, but he is still hanging on. I pray that
              He makes it. He just came back from R & R at Hawaii.” .

              And on the 20th
              “Sad news today-LT Carroll Walker died of his wounds he received last week.. He was a good man, tall and blond, with a new family and the bastards killed him.!”

              I hope this brings some closure to you and his Family.

              • Thank you Rusty for the information on Lt Carroll Walker. This does help a lot. As the following:
                USA “This We’ll Dedend”
                USMC “Semper Fidelis”
                USN “Semper Fortis”
                USAF “Aim High…Fly,Fight Win”

                To all MACV Team 87 members Thank you. Hope all had a Blessed Christmas and a Blessed New Year to you.

  17. Good afternoon, does anyone remember 1Lt Jackie C (Carroll) Walker. He was wounded in action and passed 20 Nov 69. He was due to rotate back to The US in a few weeks. Who was the escorting officer? Carroll’s greatly missed and loved by all.

    Thank you for your service.

    • I remember him. He is was a RuffPuff unit. Was shot up then transported to a Japan where he died. We got together and we thought that he had made it. He loved his wife- he talked about her.
      It shocked us all when we found out that he had died.

  18. For Bill Stoner,

    Sorry to heard about your bout with cancer. Did you get the AO screening physical from VA a year or so ago. I did, and they established a base line for me and listed every place I was during all tours with the dates. I have had no symptoms associated with exposure. I walked all over III Corps during my time there especially war zones C and D., the Iron Triangle, Dogs Head, etc. Most of my exposure was to dust, not liquid. I am just having normal old age symptoms, aches and pains. lol

    • Hi Joe….many thanks for your kind reply. Be sure to watch those PSA levels in your annual blood check. Keep well, safe and all best, Bill

    • Hi Joe….well, the situation was bad enough that I had a prostatectomy in early October. Cancer was not the slow moving, but rather the aggressive type. Anyhow, last week my surgeon was overjoyed that PSA level had dropped to nearly zero. Big relief as you can imagine. Now it looks like quarterly monitoring, plus Lupron injection 2X annually.

      For any guys reading this WATCH those PSA levels closely!

      Closing with sincere wishes for everyone to have a glorious Christmas and that 2018 will be your best ever. Bill

      • Thanks Bill Stoner for the update. I have added you to my prayer list and will keep you there. Please have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

        Joe Williams

    • Joe. Glad to hear you are doing well. Except for old age. I had my colon exam and except for a couple polyps I’m fine. III Corp I didn’t think much about Agent Orange. To young to know. I do remember being sprayed a few times but mostly Up north when I was with the C, 1/327th Inf 101st near Laos or central highlands with A 3/21st Inf 23rd Inf. Americal.
      Did have some surgery for skin cancer.
      Bill Stoner, hang in there. our prayers and positive vibes on gong your way.

      • Phil, Great to hear you are doing fine! We just keep going and going. Have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It’s been 46 years since I left the last time in 12/71.


        • 45 years since I left in 72. 51 since my first tour. I am still in Port Angeles, WA. House is for sale. We are out before 1/2/18 and on way south.
          Hopefully no snow or fires slowing us down. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.

  19. Can anyone remember Rodney Nauman , not sure of the name spelling. He was a radio man that went out with the advisors on missions. He was there in 66. Got wounded. like to talk to him.

    • Rodney Nauman was Capt. Clark Woodworth’s radio man. It has been 14 yrs since last I spoke to him. I have some contact info if you would like it. Ward Meldrum (Capt. Woodworth’s nephew)

  20. I was attached to team 87 from Jan 66 to Jan 67. I wonder if any remembers how tall the como was. I used to have to climb it a month to replace the batteries in the field phone. Artillery officer would direct fire from there. I was caughtup there one time when the cong the fuel dump on the air field.

    • The tower was an AB-216)
      I think it was up to 200 feet at the top
      Took a few hits in the guy wires during
      Dick Wolfe Xuan Loc 67-68

      • I do remember the tower . I climbed it to take
        Photos of the surrounding area.
        I do remember a Lt Dick Wolf / 44th Signal
        Battalion . Broke his leg . 1967 – 1968

        • I was Bn Senior Advisor Nov 68 – Oct 69. During that time Captain Dave White was Senior Signals Advisor at 87 HQ in Xuan Loc. Dave went on to LtGen as Chief of Army Signal Corps, Pentagon.

    • Chuck Billeaud

      I was there in 68-69, I used to climb that tam tower all the time. I believe it was around 320 feet. I was on the top when Husky let lose with their 175’s it shook the crap out of the the Com-Tower. I made it down from there in record making time. I still have Pics of it. Took a lot of Picks of the Compound and the Airfield.

      • Sir- Do you have any pictures of the Gia Ray Base Camp? I hear it was next to the rock quarry….am trying to locate it on Google Map but am having trouble finding it.

        My father was Capt. John Landry then at the 11th Cav and was routed to the Suoi Cat attack by the VC on 2nd December 1966. Am doing research on where the Gia Ray camp exactly was located. If you can help, I’d appreciate it.

      • Mr. Chuck Billeud. Sorry if I misspelled your name. Bill Harper here. I was a radio operator at Xuan Loc from Sept. 1967 to late Aug. ’68. I remember going up on that Damn tower one day to repair some co-ax cables for our ANGRC- 46 base radios. It seems to me I remember that tower being a little o we 210 ft. It has been a lot of years since, so don’t quote me on that.

  21. I am wondering if any remembers how tall the tower was. I used to climb it once a month to change the batteries in the field phone on top platform. I once was up their when the hit the fuel depot at the airfield. Rod Lynch

      • I can ‘t remember the date but it seem like it was august or Sept. I had my camera with me I have slides of the attack and maybe the slides will have a date.

        • Yes, I believe it was in August. I was there at the time. It was about dark time. I was walking to the villa I stayed at in Bien Hoa. My first exposure to actual mortar attack. 1965

          • My first mortar attack was about week after I got there. I was on the switchboard in the old como building.. I thought the roof was going to come in on us.

  22. For Harold Caldwell.
    I came to Team 87 camp about August or Sept 1965. I was in Bien Hoa before that. I eas TDY to Bien Hoa and stayed in a french villa with some other guys. I was never assigned duties in Bien Hoa. I was in the EM club just about everyday talking with other guys about what was going on with no duty assignment yet! I was in Bien Hoa when there was a big mortar attack, I believe in August 1965. I just missed the bomb attack on the saigon floating restaraunt by a couple days. Went there frequently. Best cream of chicken soup i have ever had! Used to stay at the continental hotrlbin saugon when i had time off. Never went on r&r. Was in xuan loc when we built a cinder block commo center there. Had acreal gung hi captain that made us fall out for chow and work formation till the colnel had a talk with him!! Dont remember any names from there. Was there for Martha Ray when perform on the makeshift stage. They built a little hut for a bar after i was there for a while. I can remember one time we had a night time mortar attack and puff the magic dragon came and took care of that real quick! I have a few other memories ifbyouvare interested. Have not had any contact other you from the time i was there Sept 65 to april 66. Take Care, nice to hear from you.
    Doug Sichler 312-810-8345 if you have any pics.

    • Doug – Quit while since Jul 2017 but I hope you are still with us!!. During the interval since 2017 I have relocated to the Arizona High Desert Country (off grid) and it required quite an ‘attitude adjustment’!! This message hopes to re-establish contact.

      • Hi Harold I still get notes from macvteams/xuan loc and got your message you are in Arizona.
        You must have been at xuan loc same time as me-
        65-65 June to April.
        Hope you are doing well!
        I already care,
        Doug Sichler

        • Doug – I am looking at a set of orders that puts me in Xuan Loc with the 10th Inf Ad Det on 19 Nov 65 w/ DEROS 26 Apr 66. The DEROS date was amended to Jul 66 to coincide with Col Ridenbaugh’s departure.

          • Nice to hear you Harold,Yes that is same time II was there. I was radio teletype operator there the compound. I was attached from the 39 signal Batallion. Had a free mortar attacks and probes at night with machine gun fire, boy that siren there was loud when it went off!Take Care, Doug

            Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  23. Can’t quite follow the dating system these days, but responding to Team Surgeon info I well remember Doc Bagwell. He was sharp, funny and had a solution to end the war. Put Johnson and Ho Chi in a ring with spears and may the best man win. Then everyone goes home.

    • (at the time) Frank Blackman., Now Mahendra. I was with the 135 AHC in Blackhorse Royal Australian Navy says:

      The surgeon I worked with was a red-cross volunteer from Canada, I don’t know if his name was Bagwell . We were working in the civilian hospital.

  24. just found this spot. weird to read some of the stuff. was with andy strong when he got killed. just a new be. Hi haylett was with you on both mountains and smitty the black guy. would love to chat so get ahold of me if you read this.

    • Hi “speaker” . You’ll need to fill in your info so I can know who you are , but I can only think of one guy. Smitty and I were alone when we went to set up the site outside Tay Nihn. I was sent home after 2 months on that hill. Sorry but names have never been my strong suit so you will remind me.You must be the guy I took on his first trip to Saigon. Contact me at

  25. I’m Nguyen Van Suoi. I used to to ne an interpreter for American advisority team 87. I am looking for a teammate John C. Lamar at 18 DIVISION in Phan Tri training center at Long Giao Base who worked there in 1971 then goong back to America. After that in 1972, he went back to Vietnam and worked at Bien Hoa Air Force with the position of LSI. Then he moved to Quy Nhon air base. From that moment I lost his contact. Please contact me back if any of you has his information just let me know at 1/57 block 5 Tan Phong ward Bien Hoa city Dong Nai province Vietnam.

    • Hello. I am also looking for information about my Vietnamese counterpart. I was with the 18th Division G-3 TOC and the I&R. . My name is Edward Yava and everyone called me Chief.

        • I was in TM 87 69-70. I read this on line…
          Edward Yava says:

          December 28, 2015 at 4:53 pm

          I remember a ARVN Sgt Vo Van Vu with 18th Div also Major Xa who was KIA in Phouc Tuy.

    • Chuck Billeaud

      My first night in Xuan Loc with Team 87, I was with Comm that night April 18 1968 I was sitting in the Open Air Movie Theater watching Bonnie and Clyde thinking this isn’t all that bad. That is until the Machine Gun fire, Mortar and Rockets started coming in. My Opinion Quickly changed. I made friends with a Vietnamese Interpreter.

  26. For Doug Sichler – I was assigned to the 18th in late Nov (65) or early Dec (65). My name is Caldwell and I was the Team Sgt Major.. ARVN Div did not have a Sgt Maj in their TOE/TA. In effect I became Col Ridenbaugh’s gofer…. I had some experience in the I&R field and helped out the Div I&R company until a company grade officer (cannot recall the Cpt name) advisor showed up. I had an RTO named GROUT from Sparks, NV. I stayed with the Unit until I rotated in Jul (66). Done another tour with the 101st in 68 and 69.. Retired Aug 73. Living in rain soaked OR.. The RVN monsoon season was like ‘boot camp’ for OR….

  27. For Marv Zumwalt (Captain) Several years ago I found a site devoted to the An Loc Battle. A lot of information To think I missed that operation by a few months. I may have been involved had I not rotated in December. Anyway, I am so glad you survived. Hope your civilian life has been good and productive. I am totally retired now, after 28 years in the Army active and reserve, & 25 years working for a Defense Contractor. You never said if you were the Captain I worked with that night at Black Horse in September 1971.


  28. For Marv Zumwalt, Thanks for the reply. I have read the story about your close call while with the 52nd in March (Captain). I was interested to know if you were the Captain I was with at Black Horse during the Vietnam Presidential election in September. If not, do you know who it was? I know I was sent there for a day or so until LTC Ginger could be sent from Tay Ninh. Seems the Regimental Advisor had been relieved.


    • For Joe, I was only in Team 87 a few months (Dec 71 – Apr 72). I was shipped to Walter Reed in DC in May. There were no other Captains on the team during my “short” tour.


      • I was a captain with Team 87 from Jan-Dec 1972. ‘Started out with 48th Regiment at Long Giao, was wounded in February, returned to the Team after two weeks and ultimately ended up with TF 52 in An Loc after Marv, SFC Winland, and LTC Ginger were evacuated. Stayed at An Loc until 9 July when I wounded a second time.

        • Thanks Jim, The Captain I am looking for must have left before TF52 was formed and sent to An Loc . Marv Zumwalt doesn’t remember me and I don’t remember him. Thank you for writing that paper on An Loc. That is what started my search. I had met LTC Ginger while at Tay Ninh. He ended up being the SA for TF 52 with Marv and the Sergeant that were wounded. I got out without a wound. Although close a few times.


        • Mr. Willbanks: I’m a volunteer with the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund effort to find photos of all men who died in Vietnam for the “Wall of Faces.” Only a few hundred photos are yet to be found. One of them is SP5 Rudolf Micka who died February 20, 1972, of an accidental weapon discharge. He is listed as a 52B30 Power Generation Equipment Operator with Adv Team 87. Do you have any photos from that period, or know of anyone who does, that might include SP5 Micka? His case is particularly difficult. He came to America with his mother as a refugee from Czechoslovakia in 1956 when he was six years old. They settled in Binghamton, NY. His mother died in 1976, and there were no relatives in the United States. We have beat the bushes in Binghamton, but no one remembers him, much less has a photo. We’re grasping a straws. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. John F. Schlatter, Las Vegas, NV. I can be reached at or 859-230-7070.

          • I think I remember Micka and the debate on the accident. No pictures. He was supposedly getting out of a jeep and had his M16 by the barrel. Somehow, it caught on something and discharged. It was a crazy time. I was down the road at 43rd RCAT. I went down to Team 87 base for important things. Like to see the movie, Patton. His nephew was our senior Advisor. LTC. David W. Patton.

          • No photo. I was there the night he died. I heard the gun shots and raced to find him. About the third person there. It was called an accidental shooting but I am not so sure. The Senior Advisor had just refused to extend his time in VN and he had to leave his girlfriend. Bullets hit his back a couple of times and an arm as I recall. Died quickly.

            • I remember the incident but didn’t see it. I did hear that he somehow discharged his AR pulling it out of the vehicle. Some said he did it to himself because of personal problems.

          • On February 20, 1972 I was a Captain and the commander of the Team 87 Compound. I had spent May ’72-Nov. ’72 in combat as Senior Advisor to the 3d Battalion 48th Regiment 18th ARVN Division. I took over command from Cpt. Welk.
            I was in my office when Sp5 Micka returned from transporting some local hooch help to Xuan Loc. Suddenly I hear a very close burst of M-16 fire. I rush out of my office to find him crumpled atop his rifle. I rolled him over, shoved his rifle aside and screamed for a medic and a dust-off. Ten minutes after departing, the pilot radioed me and in a rather incensed tone informed me that I had requested a medivac for a deceased soldier. I closed the connection abruptly.

            When he returned to the gate, the guards didn’t make him clear his weapon as was the procedure. He parked in front of the compound headquarters, turned the jeep off and dismounted. He reached for his M-16 by the barrel to extract it from the vehicle. What caught the trigger and why he had his rifle on automatic was never understood. He took a burst in his right armpit with half a dozen rounds exiting various parts of his body.

            This was such a sad incident. He was three weeks from his tour ending and had finalized all the paperwork needed to bring his Vietnamese fiancee back to the U.S. Writing to his Mother was the most unsettling task that I faced during my tour. I’ve visited him on each of the numerous times I’ve been in Washington D.C. So sad.

            • Mike, am glad you are still with us. I was new to the compound as the G1 Advisor when Sp5 Micka died. I was watching the movie and ran to the gunfire. I was the third one there I believe. There was no pulse within minutes.

              We began the big drawdown soon after you left and cut the compound down by about 1/3. When the Division moved to An Loc we had 75% advisor casualties in 3 months but none killed. I remained in Xuan Loc as the compound commander. Major Larry Wigner joined later and we were the last two Caucasians in the area. We used VN civilian guards. A really scarry situation. Finally bailed out to HQ. Frank Plumber was slightly wounded before he left. Replaced by Col John Evans in June 72. Send me email if I can help fill in any more. r

              • I remember the event and lots of rumors. I was down the road with 43rd RCAT. Sgt with Ltc DWPatton, Dai hui Capt Parabala. Can’t spell and Capt. Stansfeld. I left before the move. Didn’t know what was going on. Many regrets.

              • I left in Dec 71, so missed all the An Loc events. Enjoyed working for Col Plumber, a Great Senior Advisor. Since we were short Infantry Field Grades, Col Plumber used me a Major Whiteside, both ARTY to fill in. So I spent some time with the 48th Reg on sweeps between Tay Ninh and Cambodia. Once with the 52d at Black Horse after the Senior Advisor had been relieved.
                Joe Williams

            • Michael: Thanks for calling my attention to this information. After your phone call I intended to look up your post on this site, but it slipped my mind. (That happens a lot at age 73.) I appreciate knowing the background on this sad incident.

        • Jim, I remember all of you guys. You might remember I met you and your wife about 1974 on Ft Myer. I was the G-1 Advisor from Jan to Dec 72.
          Times go really rough about Aug to Oct 72. Advisor Team had over 75% casualties but no body killed. Lucky.

  29. I was a member of MACV Team 89 Nov ’71- Nov ’72-As the District Senior Advisor. During the Easter offensive of 72, my district ,Dat Do, in Phuoc Tuy province received help from 18th ARVN division. I was in contact with the Division Senior Advisor, whose callsign was Buffalo 6 (mine was Hawkeye 27). Does anyone know who he was?

  30. Hi the one I worked with was a red cross volunteer surgeon, I believe from Canada. we were working in the civilian hospital, army captain Snyder was our boss. I was hoping to contact anyone from that time frame and medics working for Snyder.

  31. My father was in Xuan Loc in 1968 or ’69. Col. Walter E. Coleman. He has been deceased for 10 years and didn’t talkbout his fighting in WWII, Korea, or Vietnam but I know from his files that he was in Xuan Loc. Does anyone remember my father? Thanks.

    • Yes…..he was The Senior Advisor to the 18th ARVN commander of Advisory Team 87 and was a vicious volleyball player as I recall. Sgt Zoomie Xuan Loc JUL 67-SEP 69

    • Yes I remember him. He knew who was in the field doing the fighting and not at the compound . Several LT’s including me who had disputes with higher ups found out he took our side.. I always wanted to contact him in later years. When I found out he died I sent your mother a picture I had of him.

      • Thank you. I will look in my parent’s photo albums for the photo you sent to my mother. I also appreciate your saying that he stuck up for his men. Bill Coleman

    • I worked for your father from September 68 through March 69. He was the senior advisor to MACV Team 87 headquartered in Xuan Loc. After I left Vietnam, I did not any longer have contact with your dad. He was under a great deal of pressure from his boss. The 18th ARVN Division had a very weak commanding general and was not much of a leader. It always seemed that the III Corps people wanted more and more and the stress was obvious. He and I got along very well. I am sorry to hear that he is deceased. I believe he was awarded the Silver
      Star but I do not know the details.

      • Thank you for the reply. My Dad was awarded the Silver Star for action on 14 March 1969. He retired at the end of 1972 after 30 years service. Thanks again. Bill Coleman.

      • I know exactly what you are talking about with the stress from higher hq. I was a lt commander of the MAT team in Cam Tan with the 413th RF. THe VIetnamese commander at the time avoided the VC and probably was a turn coat. Was there from 1 dec 68 thru 1 mar 69. Advisors were killed under mysterious circumstances probably set up by their Vietnamese counterparts.. Please contact me if you have into on this matter.

    • Yes, I worked very close with your father during the period 1968 thru 1969 and can tell you a real scary story about one of our ordeals. I also have a picture of him awarding me a medal which I don’t remember which medal. Your father loved milk shakes and had one almost every evening that we spent together at Xuan Loc. My name is Major Daniel E Griffin, 2 Pennwood Lane, Pueblo, CO 81005. Phone # 719-561-4749, E-Mail: – I was a Captain when I served with your father and retired as a Major.

    • Col.Walter E. Coleman. military team 87. I james wade, served their from Apr. 1967 to Apr. 1968. was Col. Coleman a small older guy
      around age 50 to 60. If so he was in my bunker during TET 1968.

      • Thank you for your reply. However, my Dad was 6′-1″ tall and and 44 years old. I believe he arrived in Vietnam after you had left. Bill Coleman

    • Chuck Billeaud

      My First contact With Col Coleman on April 8th 1968 was a firm Butt Chewing. I was a newbi, we were suddenly attacked, I headed to the closest bunker which happened to be the Command Bunker. I didn’t know that at the time but found out real fast. Col. Coleman chewed me out wanting to know why I was at his Command Bunker and too get my Butt (he said a lot of curse words) to my bunker fast. After when ever we met he was a nice guy.

      • I remember Sgt. Arnold Apple. I have a picture of him still yet. The MARS station and commo area underneath the The tower and the one Sp/4 I remembered was from west Texas. That was in ’67 – ’68.

        Sent from Samsung tablet

      • The team surgeon’s last name was Bagwell, He was from Fort Worth, TX, as I remember. He arrived in country about October 68. I left country in late March 68.

      • Capt. Bagwell was my superior for the time I was with team 87 ( Nov. 1968 to Nov. 1969). Also Maj. Perkins was his superior.. Also at that time there was a E7 or 8 sgt. Holdich. A E6 Crumbley and E6 Reyes. Several other E5 or lower besides myself.Capt. Bagwell left in Late 68 and replaced by Capt Stanhope, A young and very green doctor.

        • (at the time) Frank Blackman., Now Mahendra. I was with the 135 AHC in Blackhorse Royal Australian Navy says:

          Hi, Dr Snyder was in charge of the unit I was with, but I left Vietnam October 1968

  32. Wife of deceased SSG Charles (Charlie/Chuck/Super P.) Joseph. Prusik seeking any stories or leads or information about his service in Team 44. This would have been approximately 1969. According to the notes I found he was also in: MACV Delta; MATT Adv Team #55 at Rach Gia; then Military Advisory Team #87. During 1969 he told me he was a “STRAK Man” in 1969 (and taught quick fire with rifles), which I cannot locate on any abbreviation site. In 1970 he was on “recon” but did not get to tell me where, but that was when he was serving his second term 1970/1971 at Rach Gia again. I believe it was during this time that they were in Cambodia under heavy fire by a machine gun nest and lost many man until he lost it stepped out into the machine gunner’s range of fire and blasted them away. The Reg Forces/Rough Puffs called him “Crazy White Man from then on. If it helps he was also at Tet Offensive 2/19/68. There are some fuzzy areas between 1961-1966 I am trying to piece together. Any help appreciated. Thanks!

  33. thank you men for your imput I messed up on the patch it was the lighting bolt crossed with the blooiy hachet he also was in that when they were ambushed my dad and sgt Dalton were on hwy one . with the 2nd batt 43rd inf reg of the 18th in 1968 at about 1230 hrs do any of you men remember that action

  34. does any one remember a unit patch with the bloody hatchet on the left breast pocket or a sfc Runion he was my dad. just wondering? he was there from 1966 -1969 as a advisor.


      • thank you for your reply he did not want to talk much about the ambush or the search & destroy missions

    • I was an advisor with the 1/43 18th Inf Div from April ’68 through August ’68. I was a captain although the Senior Advisor was CPT Ed Bailey from somewhere in KY. Yes, I served with your dad. He was a tough-as-nails E7. Yes, I still have a couple of fatigue jackets with the Sat Cong emblem on them. In May of 1968, we were the first unit (US or RVN) to operate in War Zone D in over 20 years. I have a couple of photos of your dad that I would be happy to send you as well as information about them. He was a very brave man and very cool under fire. I assume from your use of “was” that he has passed on. My sincere condolences.I have often thought about him through the past 50 years.

      • Just happened across this site – many thanks to whoever put this together.

        Ed Bailey took over as SA to 1/43rd ARVN in January from me. I was acting SA as a 1st LT. When he came in, I reverted to my normal position as deputy SA. The two NCO’s on the team at that time were MSG Ray and SSG Zipperer, to the best of my recollection. When TET hit, it was a wild and wholly time for about 4 days. On about the 5th of February, 1968 I took over as SA of 3/52nd ARVN after they lost most of their advisory team in an ambush near Ba Ria (sp??), north of Vung Tau. I was with Team 87 from September 1967 until I was wounded at Gia Ra in August 1968, when our compound was overrun. Unfortunately, I don’t remember hardly any of the folks that were there. I do remember the O’Club, because that is where I got my Captain’s bars which were presented to me by Col Coleman at the bottom of a glass of bourbon. If anyone wants to help jog my memory, feel free to contact me at

  35. I spent time in that bunker, but never on top. I was the G4 advisor Dec 70 til Jun 71, then one of the ARTY Advisors. I have an aerial pic of the Fire Base. There was an old SF Site just South of it. We had ARVN ARTY there.

  36. Hi Walt. Seems we were there at the same time. I was there from about November 1965 til april 66. I was a radio teletype operator. They built the cinder bhlock commo center when I was there. Also Martha Raye came and entertained while I was there. Never left the compound much except to catch a ride to saigon every once in awhile. Let me know when and what you were there for. I was TDY from 232 nd signal co. Macv.
    Doug Sichler

    • I was assigned to Advisory Team 87 in Xuan Loc in October 1966. I was a Rdo Opr. I was there for approximately 3 months. I don’t remember anyone there except for a Major(can’t recall his name), FAC Pilot, that I rode along with (O1E Birddog) doing aerial recons and marking targets with ‘WP’ for air strikes and doing BDA’s after the airstrikes….HOWEVER, I do remember seeing Martha Raye In the Mess Hall at Xuan Loc . Before I found out who she was, the first words out of my mouth were, ‘WTF’! I was wondering who was this Woman, dressed in Jungle Fatigues, wearing a Green Beret with 5th SFG Flash. I think she was even wearing the ‘Special Forces Tab’. Not to be insulting, but, she appeared to me to have a ‘battle weary face’. I was reassigned to Advisory Team 95, “Train Compound” at Long Binh. I don’t remember anyone from there either, But, I do remember Jayne Mansfield’s Visit to the Compound. Unfortunately, she was killed in a car accident about 30 days after leaving Train Compound…

      • Hi Ben,
        I was at Xuan Loc Team 87 from Sept 65 til April 15, 1966. I was 39th SIG Btn, MACV attach to Team 87. I was a radio teletype operator at the Team Base. Sorry to say I don’t remember any names either. I went up in FAC small plane also for a couple rides. Very seldom went to town, Xuan Loc. Mostly took a chopper ride to Saigon on time off. Seems like yesterday. Was 51 years ago for me.

        • I was at Xuan Loc 65-66. Army aviation platoon. Aloft. There were two Higgins – a Captain (Infantry) and a Medic.

          • I was at Xuan Loc June 65-September
            I remember Major Tarno and Col Ridenbaugh

            We lived in a chicken coop type hut.
            The Col expanded the perimeter and got wooden hooch with canvas tent covering and parachute ceiling.

            I had some great photos from the Tower and movies too.

              • I have photos of my dads from 1966 that I would like to get to someone who could get them to their family members. My dad Capt. Pete Boszor told my Sgt. Nebby lived in Oregon and I was able to e-mail him photos he had not ever seen. They are very good quality photos that had been kept sealed in an ammo box fit 40 years. Their family needs to have them. Just email me and I will get them to you.

                • Morning Eddy l was with 87 Nov 68-69. Would love to have the pics. Email bstoner3 at

                  Closing with thanks and best wishes for the new year. Bill Stoner

                • Hi Eddy
                  My name is Doug Sichler.
                  I was stationed with Team 87 in July 65 till april 66. I was a Radio teletype Operator there.
                  I would appreciate any pictures from the area. lost all mine coming back the states. They lost my baggage. Never got it back.
                  Email is
                  Thanks a Million!

  37. Won’t be attending the reunion. I do have a few pictures (non-combat) of Xuan Loc, Tay Ninh, and Nui Ba Din I would be happy to send to you for your reunion. If Williamson and Haylett read this, if you want the Picts. email me at also with a mailing address.

  38. I was there in late 65 till april 66. I was a radioteletype operator. I help build the como center. Back then it was an outpost mostly Special Forces. I was MACV tdy to there. Doug Sichler
    I remember once we got mortared and the commander went on the loudspeaker and told evryone to get to the right hole and turn that Damn siren off!

  39. I was a radio operator @ MACV compound 7/67 to 7/68. I was usually on the horn during Tet and remember Apple as well as Aloft 34 ( Pappy ). Had a friend in Ham Tan named John Fritz who served the same time period, anyone know his whereabouts today? Also Don Keogh ( Philadelphia ) and Doug Souza ( Boston area ).

    • Do you remember Don Cholish from the 11th ACR who was liason with TM 87 in 67….He was from Newark NJ……..I was in the Security Plt. and ran into him there….we went to high school together and we’re dumbfounded as we met near the radio room

    • Jim
      I was there May 67 to May 68. Was the signal officer with the comcen next to the radio room at the base of the big tower. Got a fewe rides in the back seat with Pappy, Aloft 34.

      Do you remember the Doc that got assigned to the compound ? I think it was after TET. He was a Black guy, and a great help to us all.

      Dick Wolfe

      • I remember Doc very well. I think his last name was Williams. I have a picture of a group of the guys. I will have to try and post it here. also have their names.

      • Hey Dick! I was there with you!! Bo Beauchemin, worked in comcenter. The doctor was Snyder and the medic was Turner. Shortly after you rotated I was sent to Ham Tan to run that site.

    • Jim – my name is Gail and I am Doug Souza’s cousin. I am sorry to tell you that Doug passed away Feb 6, 2006. Medically, it was from a heart attack but many of us believe it was from a broken heart. His wife died unexpectedly 16 months earlier and he never was the same. I hope it is all right to post this response but I was searching for information for my family tree and found this site when looking for information on Doug’s service in Vietnam. When I saw your post I wanted to let you know. Thank you all for your service, Respectfully, Gail

  40. I was in Macv tdy to xuan loc in 1965 and 1966. Left in April 66. I was a radio teletype operator there. Tdy from 39th Signal Batalion Hdqtrs at Vung Tau. Helped build the cinder block como center. At the time I was there mostly there were big tent cover with wood sides and floors. The bar and movie stage were built while I was there also. army Spc 4th class Doug Sichler. Wish i had some pics. Lost all mine during baggage transfer to CONUS.

    • Was the Deca tower up back then? Col. Chuck Ridenbaugh was the Senior Advisor.
      Major Tarno was there too. I was there in June 65 when the wire was 6 feet from the chicken coop barrack s. Col Ridenbaugh enlarged the compound to have wooden framed tents.
      Long ago and far away .

        • Chuck

          I worked the Switchboard from April to May 68, then I worked as a Lineman with the Comm Unit. Layed a lot of WD1 on “A” frames through a lot of razor grass. Also worked Telephone Repair. I loved those concrete Poles, they were easy to climb.

        • I was there 66-67 hammer switch board operator in comm building with Jeff Brown. also got to see Col Martha Ray and actor Robert Mitchum.

          • Ronald – H. Caldwell here – I was the Advisory Team SGM from Nov 65 thru Jul 66. I have a couple of Mitcham photos taken in the MESS. If you share your Email account I would be happy to TRY and get them sent to you. HEC

      • Yes the tower was there. When I got there they wooden framed tent over the top barracks. We built the bar and the stage there. Martha Raye came there when I was there.

      • Yes the tower was up. Exactly where was that camp/ Xuan Loc, Gia Ray? I arrived by chopper and left by chopper. Never drove by vehicle. Always thought it was a MACV camp at xuan loc. Anyways nice to hear from someone who was at the same place and the same time. I was there about june 65 to april 66.

      • Was there 65-66. Ridenbaugh was Senior Advisor, LTC Millington was Deputy Senior Advisor. Medic was MSG Higgins and there was an advisor. Rumor was that Ridenbaugh, Higgens and Higgens elisted together years before. I DEROSed same day as Ridenbaugh. Was with 74th Aviation Company (Aloft 30/36).

        10th Division Cof S was a Colonel Nimh. One of my jobs was to advise Col Ridenbaugh whenever Nimh requested a flight to Saigon because we would get mortared that night.

        Walt Chrobak

        • I got there June 65 as Security Guard. We lived in the chicken coop next to the wire. The Col made changes with tents with wooden floors. Decca tower was up and I got some great photos from there. Gia Ray was the thorn. There was a 6’7″ sergeant there. We used to have bbq cookouts near the patio. There was a construction project not far away for office HQ . Chuck lost both legs when I saw him at Benning later on. I transferred to Ba Ria. Not so much mud there. Strange story: as I arrived I saw a guy from Oshkosh WI at Decca that I knew since I bought a motorcycle from his father .

          Long ago and far away . John DeLeon from MACV HQ Had a room in a hotel in Saigon, I used to crash there when at HQ. He saved my bacon but lost track of him.

          Welcome home A.J.


        • Just found this site. My father was at Xuan Loc 65-66. CPT Ralph Standbrook. An older CPT – He was prior enlisted. Was An artillery officer but had CIB from Korea.

          He died in 04 but he always spoke of his time there. I do have some photos/ maps. Would love to share

  41. I’m Suoi as an interpreter for US adviser team 87 locate in Xuan Loc from 1969 to 1971 , I’m assigned to 52 rd regiment infantry and interpreter for 52 rd I & R company locate at Phuong Vi hill , I was award US bronze star with V device and US commendation medal , now I ‘ m living in Dong Nai province my address is 1/57 KP 5 P. Tan Phong Bien Hoa Dong Nai , I want contac with US advisor who was in there on Viet Nam war

    • I was with the 1/52 during that time. I remember the adviser to the I and R company but cant think of his name. Glad to see you survived

      • Dear Mr Bob Morse ! Thanks for your information about adviser of I & R company , I remember 1/52 rd battalion is cast Danh ( RVN ) and sgt Danh is interpreter and LtC Boon is adviser and LtC Thinh is regiment commander , Lt Keith is adviser of 52 rd I & R company and I’m is interpreter for Thiet , well ! How about your family and are your fine , what is state you are living , I’m very glad to see you, over 40 years I haven’t chance to speak English , so good luck to your family and happy new year

    • Yes it was Lt Keith. And LTC Boone was the adviser after LTC Davis. We are all fine here and New years wishes to you and your family as well.

      • Bob Morse,, When were you with the 52nd? Were you at Blackhorse or somewhere else? I interacted with the 52nd periodically, but primarily with the Arty Battalion. One time in September 1971, I was the temporary SA for a couple days. Can not remember names of a Captain and Sergeant I worked with at the Regimental HQ at Blackhorse those days.

      • Bob, I found your earlier post and now know you left in April 70 before I arrived. So disregard my previous questions.


      • Dear Mr.Bob Morse
        How do you do?
        I always remember in operation with adviser in 52nd rigement when I was there. Almost, I worked with LT. Keith, LT. John, capt. Green, SGT. Lee and SSGT Bang who are interpreter for LTC. David and LTC. Boone, and now SSGT Bang is living in Hochiminh city, we are continueing to contact with American advisers, who was living in Giaray, was during Vietnam war

    • Hi Suoi: My father, LtC. Gus Watt, was an advisor with Team 87 in Xuan Loc for several months spring/summer of 1970. I wonder if you knew him. I would truly appreciate any information you have to share. Thank you!

      • Was your father a Capt. in 1970. I was with Team 87 Aug. 1969 to May 1970……Spec. 4 LeMoyne Watkins . He awarded me the Bronze Star.

    • Suoi, I sponsored Ha Manh into the US. He retired from Hewlett Packard as a System Programmer and lives in California. I was the G-1 Advisor from Jan-Dec 72

    • I am trying to place you. Are you sure you have your dates right? When I came to 4/48 in late June of 1968 there was a Captain who was Senior Battalion Advisor, who had been with 4/48 during Tet 1968 and left the Battalion about the 3rd week of July. Are you he? Give me a call at 818 591-7767. I don’t like to utilize so public a space as the internet Mark Scully

  42. Bo

    A voice from the past. What a great team we had at Xuan Loc. I went back there in 70, as a pilot, flew into the airstrip. What a change at the compound. They even had a PX, and TCC-1 telephone central with Vietnamese girl phone operators.
    Between the active Army and National Guard I ended up with 34 years service. Really miss it.
    Dick Wolfe

    • I was tickled to death to see your post! I can’t imagine the compound being that improved! I was sent to Ham Tam to run that site with Team 48 – great bunch of guys. I ended up on recruiting duty for three years then switched to Combat Engineers. Served a total of 23 years active. Living in Jennings Florida just south of the Ga line on I 75. Living the dream!!

  43. Ray

    Don’t remember the operations. Most of my time spent with commo on the MACV 87 compund, up on Signal Mountain, and down at Ham Tan. Remember a few Aussie Arty guys from my 2nd tour, they were down between Long Binh and Vung Tau.
    Last year we visited with one of the Signal Officers I met on our trip to Australia. He lives in Melbourne.
    R. Wolfe

    • R. Wolfe: Remember me – Bo Beauchemin? I stayed at Xuan Loc for a while then they sent me to be site4 commander at Ham Tan to restore commo! Great to see your still kicking!

  44. Hi Richard Wolfe
    My name is Ray Godfrey . I was an Australian navy pilot who flew with the 135AHC out of Camp Blackhorse 1968.
    I am currently assisting in the writing a history on the 135th and the navy contingent.
    We conducted a number of operations with the Mike Force & 18th ARVN at Xuan Loc and wonder if you have any recollections of our operating with your unit?
    We had a navy liaison officer attached with Mike Force named David “Foxy” Cronin. Worked with Maj Jeff Barker and Maj Putnam.
    Any info from yourself of anyone who worked with the EMU’s would be appreciated and acknowledged.
    Thanks Ray Godfrey

    • Hi Ray Godfrey
      I was just browsing through the MACV Team 87 comments and came across you mentioning the 135th AHC out at Blackhorse
      I was the advisor to the Vietnamese Provincial Reconnaissance Unit (PRU) in Xuan Loc. The 135th flew many of my missions in Long Khanh Province including War Zone D. I used to drive alone in my Ford Bronco from the ‘Embassy House’ compound to the Aussie Officers Club tent to drink Vic Bits, where I was always greeted with “here comes that Crazy Pommy Bastard” (I served with the British Parachute Regiment before volunteering for the U.S. Army.
      Somewhere I have a group pho of the 135th taken in 1962 at Blackhorse, I will try to find it if you are still interested.
      I visited Nowrah (sp?) in late 1971 and attended Dave Cronin’s wedding in Melbourne.
      Geoff Barker –

  45. Thanks for the reply on “Pappy”. I was the sig plt leader from May 67 to May 68. Went through Tet. Got stuck with the guys up on the mountain relay site for a few days.
    Will remember Xuan Loc and the great bunch of guys forever.
    R. Wolfe

  46. Hi Richard Wolfe. There wasnt a reply link to your comment so I hope you see this. Pappy was an interesting guy. After I got back I was at Ft Jackson and he and Miss Dolly came by to visit. Interesting evening.

    • Robert

      I owe my Military career to Pappy. He got me into flight school. Bird Dogs, and then the Mowhawk, which I flew from 1969 until 1991. Total sevice 34 years.(including National Guard)
      I am not on FB or twitter

      R. Wolfe

      • I too flew a few times with Pappy [call sign Aloft 34 if i recall correctly] ]to see how the Army did it as I was the spook [call sign Kenny Zero One Alpha] with the Air Force FAC team that supported the 18th ARVN from July 67-Sep 69

        • Chuck

          Dennis, you were with the AF FAC when I was there. I was with the Comm Unit worked on the Telephones. I got to know most of you AF Guys. I don’t remember all the names, but one of you set me up with a Observation Flight when one of our ARVN Units was attacked by Charlie. I sure was glad that person gave me a couple of Barf Bags ha… I actually got out the Army in 71 and went into the AF spent 21 years in it Thanks to you AF guys.

        • Sir – I knew Pappy in ’76 after he was grounded due to a heart condition. He was reassigned to QM, and I was in a Supply Management class with him. Definitely made an impression on this young LT! Doing research on him, because I want to write a biography on him. Please contact me at if you have any info you would/could share. Many thanks for your service!

          • I was privileged to fly in Pappy’s back seat on several missions. Think I still have a couple of the maps he taught me to follow. He also arranged for me to take the FAST (flight school) test in Saigon, and arranged help flight to take me down and back to XuanLoc.
            I was there from May 67 to May 68
            I was the Signal Officer
            I went to flight school
            And returned to fly Bird Dogs and Mohawks
            I will never forget him
            Dick Wolfe
            Col. Retired

  47. Right on Phil!! I had some good Vietnamese military friends that were as brave and courageous as the next guy. Because of US political decisions we did not stand behind our word and let them loose. With our support, Xuan Loc would have never happened. They ran out of ammo.
    I miss them all. I just hope they were able to withstand the end. I know some relocated to the US.

  48. Just chatting on here has brought a lot of stuff back. I need to look at some maps. I went to a Vietnamese New Years Party in 72. Still had the invitation until our fire in 2010. Lost a lot of pictures and paperwork from back then. My ration card, Staff Sgt promotion list. Travel pass for all over signed by LTC Patton, Cards from President Thieu and others. Souvenir weapons paperwork. I actually didn’t believe we would abandon them and was heart broken. All I only blame our government.

  49. Phil,

    That’s my problem also. Didn’t take enough pictures along the way. I have a good memory and every once in awhile, a name pops up. I quickly write it down. lol

    Reason I asked about those Advisers to the 52nd. During that Presidential Election (September 71), I was taken to Blackhorse by the Colonel and Vietnamese General and dropped off at the Team House. I was met by an Infantry Captain that asked me how we were going to set up the defense for the night. I said, why do you ask? He said, didn’t they tell you, You are in charge. I said What, why? He said the Colonel and General were taking the LTC out of the bunker where he had been for a few days and sending him Stateside. What a jolt! Then he, the sergeant and I helped set up the defense for the night with the Regimental Commander and his Artillery. That evening we were able to reject a strong VC probe that began about midnight and lasted until about 3 am. I am racking my brain for their names. I do remember that a few days later, LTC Ginger came from the forward area at Tay Ninh and I was able to resume my Artillery duties. I rotated in December and in late March the 52nd became a Task Force and was sent to Loch Ninh/ An Loc for an operation involving the 5th and 18th Divisions. LTC Ginger was the TF SA with Captain Zumwalt and SFC Winland. They ended up in an awful battle and all three were wounded and evacuated.

    • Sir, I am former CPT Zumwalt. Your assessment of the fight is correct. I was hit in the face on 7 April by a chunk from a B40. After 2 failed MEDEVACS, TF52 moved south to An Loc, but we were ordered to remain in place until a rescue could be organized. That did not occur until the morning of the of the 8th. That was a long, long night! We were evacuated on an Air Cav loach. Counting the two crew, there were 5 US and 4 ARVNs on board. SFC Winland was shot when we flew over the trees. He was only wounded because the receiver housing group of his M16 deftlected the round from his head to down his right hand and arm.

      FYI. LTC Ginger directed me after we returned to the states to find the III Corps After Action Report which I did. I have a personal copy of most of it and I sent the entire report to the Infantry School.


      Marv Zumwal.

      • I listened to Walt Ginger on the radio all night. Thank God for SFC Winland. He pilled up a lot of NVA that night with his M 16 that kept jamming. Ha. I was your G-1 Advisor. Jan-Dec 72. Walt Ginger returned to the team after that but he was never right mentally I figured.

  50. Can’t say I do Sir. So long ago. My first SA was LTC Ferguson I think. He was replaced early 72 by LTC Patton, David, nephew of General Patton. His cousin, George JR was 11th ACR. Heard he was imitating Senior. LOL. Lot of us were with so many units they run together, Wish I kept better info but didn’t think 50 years ahead. I retired from the Border Patrol and now regret I didn’t take more pictures of the “Old Patrol”. There were 1700 of us in the whole country back then and we were para military. I worked from Miami to Texas to Chula vista, CA then Port Angeles, WA to Alaska and the Bering Sea. Now There are 30000 or more. I was going to work overseas when I quit that but my 9 year old said I was done going away and thru my paperwork out the window.

  51. Phil, the roads we took, wow!! In 67 we helped equip the Americal and sent some personnel. Most of the Division came from in-country assets. Started as Task Force Oregon with 3/25ID, 1/101ID and 196th Lt Inf. I remember we were excess about 100 people that filled in some of the support elements. The Army was sending replacements to Vietnam based on Korean war KIA/WIA data. Our KIA and WIA rates were much lower. That’s why I ended there as excess in 1966.
    In September 71, I was taken to Blackhorse and worked with the 52nd during the Vietnamese Presidential Election. The Colonel had just relieved the Regimental Adviser. I can’t remember the Captain and Sergeant’s names. I know that LTC Ginger was the SA to that Regiment when I left in December. Did you know any of them?

  52. the 25th set up a Defense Language school in Hawaii. Total Immersion but I got thru it and had an extension on my MOS. Got to work with Kit Carson Scouts with the line units. Never got back to my original MOS (112-11C) With the 101st I was just a squad leader and when I got out of the hospital I went back with orders to MACV but at Cam Rahn Bay they said Infantry NCO and sent me to the 23rd. Finallt got to MACV in 71,

  53. Phil, My first tour was in December 66, straight from a 155 mm Battery command in Germany. I was scheduled to replace a Field Artillery Captain that was killed, but none happened, so they sent me to the Air Defense Group where I was an Assistant S4 and later the S4 at the Battalion in Long Bien. We did Civic Action duty in Bien Hoc Province, Nhon Trach District. I was destined for 3 Corps. I had Advisory Training and Vietnamese school at Fort Bragg and Fort Bliss then upon arrival assigned to Team 87 at Xuan Loc.

  54. I came in country on the Troop ship Walker in April of 66 with HHC 4th Battalion 9th Infantry Regiment 25th Infantry Cu Chi. Who’d guess I’d leave my final tour down the road 6 years later.

  55. I was in Xuan Loc in 1965-66. I was a radio teletype operator TDY from 39th Signal Bat. I remember we built a block building for the como center. It was before the 25th inf moved to xuan loc and the sh8t hit the fan!

  56. I get my dates and time and people confused now. So long ago. It is good to hear so much on here. Brings back memories. We were young and foolish. I think I got my years goofed up. I was there 71-72 left April or so. Ran around scrounging with my driver. Still had a pass allowing me to travel all over. Lost in a fire along with the paperwork for a TT1933 pistol, Invitations to weddings and Vietnamese Parties. I was a temporary lifer 65-72 with most of it in Vietnam.

  57. Hi Doug
    Thanks for the reply but a bit before our time .
    However Have you heard of a Major Putnam who was also at Xuan Loc in 68.

  58. Hi
    My name is Ray (Beachball) Godfrey I was an Australian Navy pilot with the 135AHC EMUs We operated with Mike/Special forces & 118 ARVN out of Xuan Loc during 68.
    Does anyone remember a Jeff Barker an ex British Army officer who led a bunch of mike force or David (Foxy) Cronin another Aust Navy Officer who was a liaison officer at Xuan Loc.
    Thanks Ray

    • Chuck

      Hi Ray, I had the honor to meet some of You Aussies while I was there during 68-69. Even had a few drinks in the EM club. Glad see your post. You could have been one of them.

  59. A question for Robert Morse. Was the Pappy Devine you refered to the WO helicopter driver that flew P-47’s in WWII and also flew missions in Korea?

    • Same guy except he flew bird dogs. Retired from the Air Force and then came back as a warrant. Flew Spitfires in the RAF in the Battle of Britain. When he joined the Army Air Corps in 1942 they sent him to flight school even though he already had 6 confirmed kills. He liked to say he was the only ace in his flight school class.

      • Hi Robert

        Pappy Devine let me fly in his back seat out of Xuan Loc. He also helped me to pass the aviator test for flight training which I did in 1969
        I was the Signal guy at Xuan Loc May 67 to May 68. I just found this site
        Dick Wolfe Lt Sig C
        I am not on Facebook

      • You guys bring back a lot of memories some good some bad. Dick Thoma, Aloft 27 took over Aloft birddog platòon after Bob Pickron left in Mar 70.

        • I remember Pickron but I cant place you. I was in the TOC at that time but left in April. I wirked night so we may never have crossed paths.

  60. Interesting reading. I was there from May 69 to April 70. Started as DSA to 1/52. In June Maj. Lewis got sick and never cam back so I took over as acting SA. Fortunately I had SFC Clark, SSG Dowling and SSG Fowler who all had prior tours. Keep this brand new 1LT out of some trouble but got me into more. Regimental SA was LTC Davis,a great guy. He was replaced by LTC Boone, an ass hole. I knew Mike Hope and Pappy Devine pretty well. Found out about Mike after I came home. Cried like a baby. What a loss.Stayed in 3 more years but got RIFD along with all the other Infantry Captains. Never went back and really dont want to.

  61. Hey Zoomie. You got that right. Xian Loc. Gia Ra, Hamtan, and the trips up to the Dong Nai, plus other LZ’s and place in the 3 Corps Tactical Zone.

  62. ‘glad U all remember so much so well. Thank you for sharing. I was a Sgt E-5 with 43rd RCAT with 1st. Lt col Ferguson and later with Lt Col David W Patton Capts Parabela ?? and Stansfield// 71/72 Transferred from 196th LIB Americal. We’re all pretty old now. I went in at 17 in 65 got out in 72. No real desire to go back. Vietnam was my home most of the time. 4/9 25th Inf. 3/4 Cav D trp Air LRRP 25th Inf 1/327 101st inf.
    3/21 196th LIB 23rd Americal.
    Glad to have worked with so many of you and life is /has been pretty good. Merry Christmas and great Holidays to you all.

  63. Sgt [E-4] Zoomie here [aka Dennis Dieckman] Intelligence Operations Specialist with USAF FAC TEAM KENNY CONTROL, call sign Kenny Zero One Alpha, July 1967-Sep 1969. Returned early 2005 and it changed my life. Am going back again TET 2018…..anybody want to join me?

  64. More research on Team 87…

    Three members of MACV Advisory Team 87 were killed in a helicopter accident in Tay Ninh Province on 01 June 1968:
    • CPT Edward A. Werman, Hensel, ND
    • SGT Dean R. Isaacs, Missoula, MT
    • PFC Andrew C. Strong, Rochester, NY

    For more details go to:

  65. Just stumbled onto this site. Arrived team 87 late September 67. As a 1LT was assigned deputy senior advisor to 1/43rd ARVN and immediately kicked off on long screening operation for the 9th DIV (I think) to open Route 1 to Phan Thiet. Took over as SA in November. We got back to Xuan Loc just before Christmas. Was replaced by CPT William Bailey, and reverted back to DSA. When TET hit, all hell broke loose. I ended up manning a .50 Cal position on the south berm by the airfield with an American training NCO. Got a Spooky and broke up the attack there. Then led (advised) an ARVN rifle company to reinforce other parts of the perimeter. About 5 Feb. took over 3/52nd ARVN in Ba Ria after their advisory team got shot up. Stayed with them until late July 68. Took an R&R, then got back to 52nd Regimental compound at Gia Ra. That got overrun on 4 August and I was pretty badly wounded. 11th ACR and their Medivac’s saved my ass that night. Medivac’ed to 90th EVAC, Japan, then Walter Reed. All of my pictures, records and notes were destroyed at Gia Ra, so if anyone on this thread has memories of that time period or contacts, I would sure like to hear from you via this site or directly at

    BTW – 2nd tour was with the 1st Cav in 70 – 71. Was CO of D/2/12th Cav and D/2/8th Cav.

  66. From 1965-66 the 18th ARVN Div was the 10th ARVN Div. Changed destgnation sometime in 1966. I was with the 87th from Aug 65 to Feb 66 when i was trfrd to Team 97 in Bein Hoa. The outdoor theater was built in early 1966. Bill Candelore

    • Bill – I was with the team during the 10 Div time frame (late 65 – early 66) Came down from Duc My as the Det SGM. I rotated home prior to the
      18th Div take over..Earned my pay as the Div Recon Platoon adviser.

    • Do you recall some Philippine Army Officers with the 10th ARVN Div? My father served with the 10th. He mentioned the division commander, Gen. Lu Lan,was fluent in English and French.


      • I was with Team 87 in 1965-1966 (74th Aviation).

        At Christmas 1966 I was back in the States and received a Christmas card with the picture of a Vietnamese woman on the front of the card. I was simply signed “Lu Lan.” Needless to say it was not appreciated by my wife. Indeed Lu Lan was CG of the 10th Division. He later settled in Falls Church, Virginia where I met him once.

        There was a Philippine Civil Affairs detachment somewhere in the area. I sold my Colt Cobra to a Philippine Captain on my way home. Years later the FBI tracked me down as the revolver was used in an attempted assassination of Marcos in the Philippines. I had purchase it in Toledo Ohio in 1965. Wish I still had it.

  67. There was a Spec.5 if I can remember who was in common in Xian Loc. He had a big boil or lump on the back of his neck
    Thinking back about the name
    It had to be pre- 1969.

    • This was at the MACV compound across the street from the airfield. I was the Fire Chief at Blackhorse and when they closed it down (about august 69) I moved the entire fire dept to Xuan Loc and set it up on the airfield..Don’t remember the name of the SA, but I recall he was not that well liked. This was about the time that Capt. Hope was lost when his 0-1 went down just outside of town.

      • Probably Colonel Tuberty, who came over from 11th Cav. Facing a courts martial for striking his Division Surgeon in public he was forced into retirement as a 2-star in Germany. A nasty piece of work with “short man” complex. Ruined many a good officer’s career.

      • Mike Hope was killed 8 Jun 1970 at 1300 hours. His call sign was aloft 21. Great pilot and friend. God rest his sole he was within weeks of his DEROS, after 2 years at Xuan Loc. Not many like him. Maj (R) Dick Thoma, Aloft 27

        • I was RTO @ Blackhorse at the time. Took a jeep out to the crash site. Worked many times with Yourself, Captain Hope and Pappy. Captain. Hope is in my thoughts to this day.

        • I was Kenny Zero One Alpha from JUL 1967-SEP 1969 and flew with PAPPY [Aloft 34] a few times and remember him with great fondness…..he was there when i got there and there when i left….i heard rumor he too died there ????

  68. Does anyone remember sometime in late 69 early 70 when they were playing WILD BUNCH at the open air theater. The film was in 16MM and there were 3 reels. The last reel was the climatic bloody shootout. The film ended the lights came on and no one got up as it was protocol that you didn’t leave before the Senior Advisor.Well he got up from his front row chair turned to the projectionist and said “play the last reel again”. So, we all settled down to watch the fight scene again.

    • 69-70 I was with 1/327 Infantry 101st Airborne out of (shit I can’t remember where our base camp was. Maybe Evans.) Wounded outside of Fire Base Bastogne. Never saw a movie up there in six months.
      I did see crazy TV at hospital in Japan.

    • Patton commanded the 11th ACR. Never met the man. Drove past Black Horse base ~10 km south of MACV compound a few time. As I recall Patton was pretty much despised when he commanded the 11th ACR. (Google the famous “Xmas card” incident.) Same was true of his Deputy, Col Tuberty, who left the 11th to take over as Senior Adviser 18th ARVN Div. Nasty little piece of work.

      Tho’ we all called the town Xuan Loc, its real name is Gia Ray. Found that out the hard way when I went looking for Xuan Loc last year.

      • LtCol Patton with Team 87 43rd RCAT was David Patton nephew of George S. He wasn’t a bad guy. Nothing like George in the movie but there were only the five of us so it wasn’t a big command thing. We went the same places and ate the same food. This was 72 when he took over. Think I left in the spring 72

        • Actually LTC Patton told me he was adopted by the Patton family from England after WWII. He was level headed and well liked. Strong as hell as he carried his deputy out of harms way after he got shot in the hip. Forgotten the Deputy’s name. But Patton carried an AR 15 and sprayed the bastards on his way out caring that big guy. I even visited the deputy in the hospital and cannot remember his name. A cute nurse came in and he got a rise over it and was very happy that it still worked. Ha. Ron Larson

          • Yep LTC Patton told us the same. Adopted by Gen Patton’s’ sister. The movie came to team base camp while we were all together. It was mandatory we go. We took a Jeep, in the dark, to see it and back. He grew up with the Generals son and the family. Big guy who liked to play games. We threw knives, played volley ball against anyone…lol.

            • Chou Dai Hui. Many years. Hope your life went well. I screwed up and ended up training REMFs at Long Binh. One of my regrets. went on with life and did 23 years as a Deputy Sheriff and over 20 in the Border Patrol. Tried teaching Exceptional children but wasn’t my thing. Retired in Wellton, AZ. Hot Desert. No Rice Paddies.

              • well Sir y0u beat me to retirement. I retired in Port Angeles, WA in 98. Got tired of the cold, I lived in what they call the Banana Belt. Not much rain. All the things I messed up or had repaired don’t do well in the cold. How are your wounds doing? What part of the country are you in? My email is Phone I can send if you have email. Strange I just received another email for the Memory Book for the LTC. I guess you rose in rank also. I know another Capt. P from 25th Division LRRP 66-67, Mark Ponzillo. He was the founder of our unit and it became F Company 75th. He passed not to long ago. LTC but always Captain P to us.
                East of Cu Chi was our/my original stomping ground. Went all over but my 1st tour was with the 25th Infantry. Unit arrived by troop ship. US Walker 4/66. Built Cu chi Base and worked HObo, Iron triangle, War zone 3, Friliho?? and Micheline Plantations.

      • Two different Pattons then. George Patton IV commanded the 11th ACR in 68-69. Only knew of him by reputation. By ’72 I had been gone three years.

      • Gia Ray is built on the site of the old 1st Cav base camp at the base of Hill 837. Our Xuan Loc is about 15 Klicks to the west in Long Khank Province ( District)

      • Gia Ray was east of Chui Chan mountain which would put it 15-20 klicks east of Xuan Loc and was in Indian Country……Xuan Loc is now know as Long Khanh City and Long Khanh Province and Bien Hoa Province were merged and is now known as Dong Nai Province

        • Hi….sorry for delayed reply, but I don’t check the site as often as I should. Hope you are recovering OK from the stroke. Anyhow, for everyones’ consideration I’d much appreciate some accurate coordinates for location of the 18th American base camp. Might go back poking around again Spring 2018 (if I’m still kicking). The VN government has changed names a lot in the past 50 years, so just a place name may/not be good indicator. Thanks and best to all the old 18th hands. Bill

  69. I lived down the road from the Team compound with 43rd RCAT near the officers (Viet) club. If I ever make it back I’m sure I couldn’t even recognize anything. Didn’t get to the compound much except when they showed Patton. Our LTC was David Patton and he insisted we drive to the compound to see it. My memories after all these years are few.

    • Rod….Little before my time. Last year I had my driver go up the big hill where I believe all the signal equipment was sited. On way back down stopped at a small mil post to see if anyone could point way to the old MACV compound. Yikes! Got on the post, but w/in 5 minutes the political officer — white shirt and black trousers — showed up and threw me out. Driver paled to the color of a sheet.

        • Hi Don….sorry for the extremely late reply. I can’t be of much help since I didn’t have more than minimal contact with the 11th.

    • Rod – Do you remember a Sgt Ken Mason who was in Xuan Loc at that time. He had a large birth mark on his face and ran the PX?

  70. I took a car out last year past Bien Hoa….super 6-lane h’way w/toll booths and modern rest stops, Not to be believed. Town itself was unreconizable. My driver got the shakes when we ran into local security types a couple of times, so had to skedaddle.

    • There was nothing left of the old Xuan Loc after the “Battle of Xuan Loc”, the last organized battle of the war. Two week of bombing by both sides left it a pile of burning rubble. If you haven’t already, google the battle and view the videos.
      I have gone to gogle earth to view the tops of the signal hills where I spent a total of 8 months of my life and found them to be scrubbed clean of any reminders of the war.
      The girl that cuts my hair these days, born in Cu Chi in ’72, tells me that her mother will travel to the top of Nui Ba Nihn each year which is now a resort out side of Tay Ninh.

      • Thanks Ed….I’ve pretty much sifted thru all the material re the Battle for XL. Yep, it was total destruction, but thought I might at least see what was built to replace where camp was. Only thing I recognized in town were the railroad tracks that ran thru town.

  71. Hi Chief – all’s well with me. Hope same for you. Thanks for asking. Looking forward to having a second try at finding the old Xuan Loc camp next month.

  72. Was with AT#87, 68-69, senior advisor to 4/48th for most of the time. Heading back to VN on 17 March 2014, with intention to visit Xuan Loc and former Bn base at Nhon Trach (on the river about 10km SE of Saigon). Tried to do that last year, but stubbed my toe with security in Xuan Loc and had to make a “strategic withdrawal.” Little more savvy now so might get past the gate keepers.

    Am still in contact with Dave White (LTG Ret), who was 18th Division Signal Offcer; and with Lt Mark Scully my #2 in 4/48th.

    • Hello Bill,Iwas Capt David Whites NCO signal advisor for a few months before he rotated.Great officer and just a good guy. I would like to get in touch with him if you could help.Thanx,SSG John Fechner,MACV TM 87, 69 and 70.EMAIL:

  73. I was a RTO with 39th Sig. attached to 87th MACV at Xuan Loc from April 67 through TET until end of March 68. Still have thoughts of the camp and all that went on. Getting harder to remember names, but do remember LT. Wolfe, & Capt. Sholley. Ring any bells?

    • Dan, I was TDY to team 87 from 39th Sig Bat. in late 65 till aprill 1966. I was a radio teletype operator.

    • I was with the signal unit at Xuan Loc from June 67 until June 68. I was working under Sargent Moneypenny and with Ronnie Jenkins. I tended to the radio equipment in the communications building.


  74. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. Xuan Loc and all the other places are so far away. Not just in distance but in time. Lots of memories I thought would last forever have faded but lots remain. God Bless you all.

  75. I arrived in Xuan Loc in Feb. ’70 and was assigned to the 5th ARVN Cav. Went to Cambodia with the Cav and was sent to Tay Ninh Base Camp, that had just been turned over to the ARVN, when all Americans were ordered out of Cambodia, where we set up a forward team base while our ARVN remained in Cambodia. After several months in Tay Ninh I was brought back to Xuan Loc and assigned to “The Hill” hill 837 radio relay site, 15 clicks east of Xuan Loc, where I spent the next 6 months. When I had about 2 months left in country I was sent back to Tay Ninh province to set up a forward relay site on Nui Ba Din ( Black Virgin Mountain) until my tour was up in May ’71. Thank you for creating this site.

      • Wish I was better with names for the guys outside of the cav. I spent 12 hours a day down on the chopper pad in Tay Ninh basecamp before being sent to “The Hill” outside Xuan Loc. I only remember the “Capt” in com there.

      • I remember an E-5 in Tay Ninh who brought his wife and child to live near him in town. This was his second tour. He also showed me a very nice place near our Siagon headquarters where a guys could get a drink, black market steak and relax. Sound familar?

        • Ed Haylett

          I was at Tay Ninh, TM 87, from 10/70 until 9/71 as G-2 Staff Officer. SA was Col. Robert Steele, and my superior was Maj. Skip Wolf. Would the name of the E5 who had a wife and child be Dean Issacs or Andrew Strong?

          • I wish that I could say with certainty, but Dean’s name rings a bell. Dark hair, maybe glasses. He took me out to a small house on the outskirts of town for a visit with the wife and baby.

          • David Pasco,
            I was the G4 advisor from January til June 71, The G4 was LTC Xuan. He drove back and forth to Saigon where his family was. Since I my branch was Artillery, I went with COL Steele when he visited War Zone D. Seems a lot of our Artillery was dispersed to those old fire bases along the Cambodia border. My last 6 months was spent as an Arty advisor to the arty with the 48th and 52d Regs. Alternated Tay Ninh and Xuan Loc every other month with Major Whiteside.Doesn’t anyone remember the 5th Cav SA? He was at Tay Ninh with the rest of us. The new SA was Col Plummer and he used all combat branch officers as Infantry on operations with the 48th. I was fortunate to have a former SF Sergeant with me on each operation. Also remember meeting Major Wolf many times.

            • I want to test your memory. First off, I came home on emergency leave (family illness) late Aug. 71 and didn’t return. Sometime earlier a NVA Maj.(?) was captured near the fire support base between Tay Ninh and Krek. He was taken straight to Saigon for interrogation. I never heard the intell. results. When back home (late Sept. early Oct.?) read an article in the Indpls. newspaper that Tay Ninh West had been hit. I had a phone number of Capt. Camancho(sp.) I called him later when I knew he would be back in the States and said the Team were all hunkered down in the Field Grade bunker and that the ARVN repulsed it. Maj. Wolf had returned to the States a couple of months earlier and my new superior officer was a Artillery Major. Do you remember his name?

              • David, Prior to the Vietnamese Presidential election, I believe either September or October 1971, The 18the and 25th switched AO’s. A Major Whiteside and I were the only Artillery Majors that I remember. We were used, one forward and one rear. I may have been in the rear. I remember flying into a fire base near the Parrots Peak (can’t remember which ARVN unit since I was with the ARTY), but never going into Chu Chi (25th ARVN HQ). I also, remember that the 25th lost all the ground in Cambodia and the NVA was headed toward Tay Ninh. The 18th formed up with the 43rd leading the way and went right back to Tay Ninh West. A few days later, I was placed with an SF Sergeant with the 48th. The 43rd lead the way followed by the 48th and went back into Cambodia and the 48th back to Trien Ngon( The old SF Base just South of the border). We had no contact at all. I was like a 20 mile hike is full combat gear. I seldom had any association with G2, only Div Arty, G3 and 48th during my last 6 months while forward. In Xuan Loc I was with the Arty and 52nd There was another Helicopter failure, but I will need to find the data on another site. I had ridden it back from that border Fire Base to the chopper pad. I grabbed my gear and went to the TOC to report in. The chopper left and went up to Nui Ba Dinh. When I arrived at the TOC the duty sergeant asked if I had just arrived at the chopper pad. I said, yes, he said that that chopper just went down. One of the RTO’s from the hill was aboard. I’ll dig up that info and send it.

              • David:

                I’m Michael Smith, replaced Maj Judd Reynolds in March 1971 as OIC of the team advising the ARVN COMINT support detachment to the 18th Div and was at Tay Ninh West until Oct 1971. Knew Skip well and ran into him in early 1975 when he was at DIA. Can’t remember the name of his replacement (maybe Tanner or something like that) but recall he was scrambling around on top of the field grade bunker during the attack you mentioned–never could get a coherent explanation for why he was up there. NVA sappers were stopped less than 100 yards from that bunker.

      • Hey Jerry, I remember you. We first met in Oakland awaiting out flights to Nam. We ended up on the same compound in Xuan Loc., you on TM 87 and me on TM 49. I remember taking SOI’s by helicopter to fire support bases with you. And you got a telescope while in Xuan Loc, we wondered what the VC were thinking it was while we observed with it at night. Barry Smith, S2 advisor, TM 49.

        • Hey Barry I remember when you and Lance had a cookout that night I was on my back to fire support base I still have that telescope and 3 more I am very sick but still around.

    • I think I remember you Wilson……I was S/G under Big “C” ( SFC. Collick from Philly) April 67 to Feb. 68…..Was sent to Blackhorse for a couple months then to Ham Tan and back…..Bobby Clark in Jersey

  76. Just for info anyone who remembers David Patton LTC(R) TM 87, 43rd RCAT. 18th ARVN Xuan Loc.. He Passed away this year. He replaced LTC Ferguson in 72. captains were Parbeum? and Stansfield.
    Sgts. -Moar—- and Phil Adam (me)

    He3 was nephew of
    George Patton. Drug us down to Team site when movie showed. lol.

      • Phil, we bump into each other again. Arrived TM 87 12/70, left 12/71. Most of my time was forward as both the G4 Adviser and sporadically as Artillery Adviser for the first 6 months. The SA was Colonel Steele and we visited all deployed Artillery sites scattered across old War Zone D. Most of that artillery was deployed as two gun platoons. The Artillery deployed with the 43d in Cambodia and the 48th in Tay Ninh Province was deployed as Batteries. As the G4 Adviser I spent most of my time getting replacement vehicles for those lost in ambushes in Cambodia. We were reduced to two Artillery officers that Summer and were short Infantry Officers. So the two Artillery Officer split the Advisory duty for the Division 30 days forward and 30 days in XL. The new SA was Colonel Plummer and he though the Vietnamese Artillery didn’t need much advise and used the two of us as ‘Infantry’ advisers with a seasoned Infantry Sergeant. As a Field Grade I communicated easily with the Battalion and Regimental Commander and conveyed Infantry instructions from the Sergeant and coordinated Fire Support..I went with the 48th on missions into and around the Dogs Head and the area North of Tay Ninh West and the Cambodian border. When at Xuan Loc, I was usually advising the artillery around XL and Black Horse, but on time I filled in as SA to the 52nd Regiment at Blackhorse. I look back on some of the places I went to and wonder how I had the ‘guts’ to do it. Many times trips were made with just me and my driver.
        BTW: Both Steele and Plummer were great as SA.

        • Hope you are doing well and mobile. Did you sell out in Nevada? I’m getting ready to sell out in Port Angeles and move to Wellton, Arizona. Bought a one story house across the street from Coyote Links Golf Course. I can watch grass grow and not have to mow. Wish I could remember more on the days gone bye but all the notes here are good. I also wonder how we survived but wouldn’t trade the experiences for anything. I hope to travel more. Have parking and hook ups beside the house so except for getting run down with age have wheels will travel. Wife is an excellent driver. lol.

          • Great to here from you again Phil. Yes, I met a lady in 09 and we married in 10, but she could not handle the dry of Nevada and needed humidity. So, we sold out and moved to Hot Springs Village, AR. Our house looks at the 10th green of one of 8 courses here and 9 lakes. It’s a golfer and fisherman’s dream. My yard is river rock with beautiful bushes that bloom and the golf course has green grass. A beautiful view. We only travel where porcelain facilities exist, but wish we had a camper at times. I guess I spent too many days and nights in the woods, enough to last a lifetime, so camping out is not my cup of tea. Glad to hear you are still kicking. Enjoy Arizona, where is this new place? Stay in touch, enjoy communicating with you.


            • Been to Lake of the Ozarks and like it. Born in Concordia KS. Wife was born in El Centro, CA and has family in California and Arizona. I don’t want to live in CA. Wellton is about 15 miles over the mountains from the east side of Yuma. Snow bird country. 2-3 thousand population year around 5-6 thousand in the winter. Shopping, Medical, Marine Air Station, and VA Clinic in Yuma.

              Roughing it’s not for us either. We do like to travel with our animals. Only a Chihuahua at the moment but never can tell what my wife will take in. The house is Santa Fe style with high ceilings 2200 sq feet with 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. If we get a rig it will double as another guest bedroom.

              Fifty years. Hard to believe we got to be old timers. lol. Enjoy. Life is short. Best to your Lady.


              • Phil Adam,

                I check this site periodically to stay in touch with a few including you. Glad to here that you are to be in Arizona. A Marine friend just relocated from CA to near Prescott. One of my High School buddies. We just had our 60th reunion, so we are OLD.

                Stay safe, make all the doctor appointments and live the best you can. I’ll stay in touch.


              • Hi Phil,
                Thought I would touch base since the pandemic is now pretty much behind us. We survived with no ill effects. We signed up for an apartment in a senior living facility here and sold our house last year in about two weeks. So, we needed a rental quick, found a place , but it’s on the West side of the Village in a different county. Changed all our registrations and the last one is my car registration which renews in July. Arkansas is one of those States that everything is done at County level, no consolidated DMV. At lot of foot work. When our name comes up on the waiting list, we move back into the other county and do all the registrations over again. Oh well, keeps us alert and young. lol I spent a night in the hospital due to low blood pressure and low O2 %. They adjusted all my meds and I am doing well again. My wife has Fibro, asthma and gurd, so we are paying a lot of attention to each other. That waiting list was to be 6 months to a year. It’s been 10 months already. We heard the other day that one lady just moved in after 3 years.

                Hope all is well with you,


                • Wow Joe that sounds like I never want to move again. Moving 1500 miles ourselves got me down. I had heart failure. Well Have heart failure and Diabetes. Got some ulcers on my left foot. Infected the bone so lost my big toe, little toe and the bones on the side of my foot. Slow healing so I go to a wound clinic every Friday. I also have Kidney failure. Start prep classes for dialysis next week. My wife is a rock. She deals with everything.VA has been pretty good. Life goes on. My meds get adjusted to often. One day Primary care says restrict liquids to 1200 MJ. The the Nephrologist say need to drink more. Lol. Stay healthy. Best to you both.

                  • WOW! Phil, my little health problem are dim compared to yours. I have added you to my prayer list. Hope you transition to kidney help okay and your foot heals. Just follow instructions and keep your attitude up. A lot of healing is in your attitude, be optimistic and push hard.


                    • Thanks Joe. Take care and enjoy the new (Temp) place. I get a little carried away telling some people to much. Life is just a journey full of interesting moments. I made many mistakes but still kicking the ball down the road. All in all I can’t complain.

  77. Do you remember Smitty the co.vlerk at Xuan Loc or Sgt Apple? What about Mischaud the crew in the telex bunker.Zoomie came to visit me awhile back. With I&R I also was RTO for Col.Scarborough out if G-3. In Ham Tam with Th 48

    • Familisr name. Geoffery Mischsud s guy named Riley, LTC Scarborough, SFC Adkins and some others. There is a pic of me at G-3 TOC that Zoomie has on a web page..

  78. I was there before and during Tet 68. Servered wgith G-3 TOC and I&R G-2. Most people called me “Chief”
    Zoomie is one of my friends.

  79. I was with Team 87 from Sept. 1969 to May 1970 Spec. 4 Lemoyne Watkins. I was from WV,but I now leave in Naples,FL

    • Did you know Jackie C. Walker, 1st Lt? We were childhood friends in East Tennessee, and I would like to know more about his tour in the Nam. He was wounded and died of wounds late in 1969. Thanks

    • ED when were you in-country and with Tm#87??? I was in the security plt. at Xuan Loc and also spent time with I&R when they needed additional RTO”S……Spent about 7 or 8 weeks at Ham Tan as well…..3-67 to 3-68……….

      • I remember the MARS station, and the antenna we had on the tower. Can’t remember the name of the Warrant Officer who was in charge of all of that. At that time he seemed to be an older soldier. I was the Lt in charge of all that commo stuff from 67 to 68. I still have a card from AB8AO.

        • Bill Stoner, When I was the advisor to the Div Recon (I&R) Co we were attached quite a few times to a 11th Cav troop but I can’t remember which one, F troop rings a bell. I do remember being with a cav platoon that had two Dusters attached and we set up a firebase with a battery of 155;s, It was called FB Penny after the artillery CO a black Capt named something like Pennypacker? It was summer of 68. We had some wounded from sniper/ claymores at night they would plant and one killed from a mine they planted when we were moving out after a week or so. The arty might have been from the Cav, Had good intel about a attack so we did the mad minute thing all night. Foun 2 or 3 of them dead the next morning about 100 meters out.

          • He was a Lt. Col in 1970. He did do a previous tour from 66 – 67 as a Major. Congratulations on your Bronze Star. I would love to find out more both of his Vietnam tours! I hope you find the Captain who pinned your bronze star! Best wishes,

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