Team 84 Kien Phong

MACV Team 84 – Kien Phong.

This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 84 located in Kien Phong.  To post a new comment on this Team page please scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to “Leave a Reply”.

411 thoughts on “Team 84 Kien Phong

  1. Anyone know Lt Webb PRU Advisor Cao Lanh. Lt Webb replaced Capt Tine, KIA in May 1st 1969. My name is Henry Nguyen.

  2. Greetings, all, Just ran across Team 64’s website. I was Subsector Advisor/District Advisor for Cao Lanh District from May of 1966 to May 1967, with LTC Allis as Province Senior Advisor. When a CDG and B-43 SF (MAJ Frost, cmdg) moved in to take over the province advisory role in Feb 67, mine was the only province MACV District Team retained and placed under SF operational control, The District Chief was Dai Uy Pham Doan Thanh, a Viet Minh officer in Ho Chi Minh’s army who rallied to the new government at the Accord. when I came back in 1969 for my second bite of the apple, I wound up with responsibility of overseeing all 361 MATs – my nickname was MATman, my MATmobile was a gunship-(never knew if my LZ was going to be hot) , I had a desk and a bunk in Pentagon East for show, but my main time was spent going to, visiting with, and flying off to another location! Glad to see that SGT Keese is still with us, sorry to report that SFC Parrisher has passed (buried in Savannah GA., and at 88. my wife and I are living in an apartment in a seniors” independent living facility in Kirkwood MO. I spend a lot of time talking to young people in high school about Korea and Viet Nam in various history programs. With his permission, I’ve used Terry Turner’s photos in my PowerPoint presentation. Would be glad to hear from any of you, and answer questions about the early days.

    Ron Jones

    • I was with team 84 MAT 32 in Kien Phoung province in 68-69 ,team medic. Lt Col Will was the Province Senior Advisor when I was there. Lt Terry Turner was on MAT 32 after I left I only met him on one of our reunions and had a good talk about people we knew

  3. I just came across of a letter of appreciation to my dad dated april 7th 1969 he was assigned to Kien Phong Province Advisory team 71 & 84 I’ve never seen this as he does not talk about his army past

  4. Mike, we had overlapping assignments. We probably met but time tends to affect memory. I remember both SSG Coffee and SSG Campbell and I have a few pictures of the team members I had during my time as MAT Team leader from Jan 70 to Nov 70.

    My email is:


  5. Cpt. Mathis, For some reason I had this page pop up on my email after many years. Strange that this showed up now but I’m glad that it did. I’m glad that you made it back safe and pray that you are doing well.
    I was your chess playing partner when ever we had a little time to spare which was very little time.
    Hope to hear from you soon. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    MSG Carvajal

  6. 07 Nov 2019: Today in DeRidder, Louisiana; I had the honor to pay respect to our Vietnam Fallen Brothers and Sisters.
    Our Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1138 hosted the “Vietnam Traveling Wall Replica”. I payed special honors to our
    Bothers from Team 84; CPT Paul Smith, 1LT Dick Davis, and SFC Vernel Collins. All three were killed in action during my
    tour in Nam from July 1969-July 1970. I was the only PFC and served in Cao Lahn as the Mail Clerk, Supply Clerk, RTO in the TOC; and a gofer. Jose Blanco, Retired in Oct 2003 as a CSM.

    • My father-in-law was able to go to DC on the October 16th Honor Flight Bluegrass (Captain Howard T. Davis, aka Dave). He was 1LT Dick Davis’s Captain (no relation). He has shared many stories about 1LT Davis, as well as what happened when he was KIA. I have some of my father-in-law’s pictures from his time in Vietnam if anyone from this group might be interested in seeing them. When Dad visited the Wall in October, he spent quite a bit of time reflecting on 1LT Davis. It was an honor to be with him that day and remember 1LT Davis.

      • Shannon, I was Captain Davis’ assistant team leader on his MAT in late 1969 —1st Lt John Meaney. When he left for his HQ assignment in early 1970, I took his position and would be interested in any photos he might have of his time as the MAT team leader.

        He was a great leader.


        John Meaney
        Dallas Texas

        • John

          I was assigned to MAT 72 in April 1970. MAT 72 changed to 162 at some point.

          Like to see photos. I remember SSG Coffey and SSG Campbell. There was such a turnover of NCOs. I am not sure who was on the team at April 1970.

          Tanks and be safe

          Mike Early
          Bel Air MD

          • Mike, I was on MAT IV-72 in Tram Chim in early ’69 before the Team designations changed and we on IV-72 suddenly became IV-32. If I recall correctly, IV-72 became the designation for the MAT advising the province capital’s lien doi and living in the province HQ compound in Cao Lanh. I think 1LT Dick Davis was on 72 when he was killed in early 1970. Did you know him? Replace him? Thanks.

            • I replaced LT Davis. Bob Shoreman and I arrived on same flight from Can Tho and taken to the compound to see the ceremony for LT Davis and SFC Collins. I was on 72 with the two liendoi and Bob Shoreman went to Tram Chim. Later I became the S-2 and Bob Shoreman replaced me on 72/162

          • Mike,
            I remember an engineer officer on Tm 84 in ’69-’70 whose name I seem to remember was Early. This engineer was a friend, as I was, of Dick Davis, who was KIA after I was back state-side. If you are that person, you and I were sent one day up to an improvised air strip outside of An Long where painted steel drum halves were being installed as runway markers–or something like that. All I remember of doing anything at the airstrip was shooting holes in the drum halves to keep the locals from stealing them and using them as water troughs. Also, the Cambodian guards we had with us had old M2 carbines that were so decrepit or ill-kept that they wouldn’t fire on automatic. Anyway, was that you.

        • That is wonderful! Thank you, Mr. Meaney! I would be happy to send the pics I have – let me know your email address.

          Thank you again,
          Shannon Davis

      • Shannon, I was Captain Davis’ assistant team leader on his MAT in late 1969 —1st Lt John Meaney. When he left for his HQ assignment in early 1970, I took his position and would be interested in any photos he might have of his time as the MAT team leader.

        He was a great leader.


        John Meaney
        Dallas Texas

      • Shannon, my team leader of MAT 106 when I got in country was your father-inlaw, CPT Howard T. Davis. I often wondered what happened to him. Please tell him hello for me and to email me at

        Tommy Seargeant
        C 512-217-2586

      • Shannon, I am retired LTC John Sawyer. I went to MATA training at Fort Bragg with Dick Davis and he went with me and my wife to visit her folks over Easter holidays. Our tours overlapped by a few days. Learned of his death via Army Times. Made contact with his folks and stayed in touch with them for years. Visited them once. David Donovan wrote the book Once A Warrior King and dedicated it to Dick and his NCO that was KIA. Sad beyond words. Been in touch with several Team 84 guys over the years. Be very interested in seeing any pictures of Dick in Vietnam.

        • I am Dick Davis’s cousin, only 6 weeks younger than him. I made contact with David Donovan, and got a copy of the book, Once A Warrior King. Dick’s (Dickie to family) parents are both deceased for many years, but his brother, 12 years older than Dick and me, is still living, though his health is not good, and Dickie has 2 nephews and their families, that still talk often about him. One in Pennsylvania and one, another redhead, in Alabama. I will share all of this with them. Thank you for the comments. So much appreciated.

    • I served with MAT 32 in 68-69 I started out in Kien Van then they send me to Tram Chin but we were mobile so we were at some other outposts that I don’t remember their names. Col..Will was the province chief

    • Hi, CSM Blancio,
      I was there too. When my niece asked if I was a hero on Veteran’s Day I sent her the following response (please excuse memory lapses):

      ” I will never forget 1LT Richard A. Davis and SFC Vernall Collins who served with me in Advisory Team 84, Cao Lanh, Kein Phong Province, Delta, South Vietnam. We were located on the Mekong River just south of the Cambodian border. SFC Collins was an African American with a big heart and the body of a professional football lineman. LT Davis was a red headed average size Irishman from Memphis, TN that always had a smile on his face. We were both young officers. I was a Captain, and he was a 1st Lieutenant. But Lt Davis and I had one more thing in common. We were both engaged to be married upon our return. Your Aunt Jill, in a rare lapse of good judgment, had agreed to marry me when I returned. LT Davis was near the end of his tour and was looking to go home to marry his bride.

      On a day in late April 1970 LT Davis and SFC Collins had been advising a South Vietnamese unit conducting a sweep of an area southwest of the small town of Kien Van. They had finished their operation and were walking to a nearby road to be picked up and returned to base for the evening. Without warning they came under heavy fire from a tree line. (We later determined it was a battalion sized unit staged for a night attach on the town). Most of the Vietnamese ran for cover away from the fire. SFC Collins was wounded and could not walk. LT Davis lay down on the ground next to SFC Collins and they returned fire. Davis called in air support. The helicopters delivered their ordinance and received heavy enemy fire. One or more were shot down.

      The last thing anybody heard LT Davis say on the radio was “That’s right where we need it”. The fire fight raged on as the Viet Cong dispersed in the dark. Air and ground support was rushed in but could only find some of the South Vietnamese troops that had run to the road. LT Davis could not be raised on the radio. The search went in for them into the night.

      In the morning they finally found them. Unfortunately, they were both killed. They were still lying next to each other, and they had expended all their ammunition. They put up a hell of a fight. We put them on a medical evacuation helicopter. They would be respectfully prepared in a US flag draped coffin with a military escort for the return trip home to LT Davis’ fiancée and parents and to SFC Collin’s wife and four children in Chicago.

      On May 2, 1970, an Army Chaplain from Saigon came upriver to our compound on the Mekong. In the center of the compound, two M16 rifles with bayonets were stuck down into the ground side by side. On one we placed a helmet with a 1st Lieutenant bar and on the other a helmet with the Sergeant First Class stripes. On the ground next to each rifle was a set of combat boots. The compound flag was at half staff. The Chaplain lead the service: invocation, read scriptures, words of tribute, salute, taps and benediction. The Commanding Officer (LTC Clement Will) would send a heartfelt letter of condolence to the families. We returned to our duties feeling sick. They were so full of life and laughter in what seemed a few minutes ago and then they were gone. I was four months away from the end of my tour.

      So, on Veterans’ and Memorial Days I think of LT Davis and SFC Collins whose sacrifices make my years in the Army seem like a “walk-in-sun”.”

      Best regards, LTC (ret) James H. “Jim” Thompson, One time Province Sr. Phoenix Coordinator (1969-1970)

      • Jim

        Thank you for your narrative on the death of LT Davis and SFC Collins. I was the replacement of LT Davis and arrived at the compound on the day of the memorial service. With your description, was LT Davis written up for an award other than the obvious Purple Heart?

        Michael (Mike) Early COL USAR Retired

          • Hi James Thompson,

            This is Bruce Cleverly, the S-2 Advisor and your hooch mate from Team 84. Please confirm and let me know how you are doing!

            All the Best,



            • Hi Bruce,
              Great to hear from my hooch mate. I remember when you were with me flying in the C&C ship, and we lost the engine and went down in VC Base Area 470 south east of Kien Van. Jill and I are doing well retired from Army in 1986 and fully retired from IT careers now. By best title is Granddad of 10 grandkids. They are healthy, smart, beautiful/handsome and athletic and for some reason thing I am loveable. Love to get together to tell war stories and update.
              Best regards, Jim

              • Hi Jim,

                Great to hear from you. Please see my address earlier on the train. If you can send an email we can connect and do a call/zoom early in the New Year to catch up. I remember the C&C ship going down..I think it was the same op where we heard a Loach pilot say “that little SOB through a grenade at my tail rotor”! Crazy days those were.

                All the best,



              • Hi Jim,

                Great to hear from you. Please see my address earlier on the train. If you can send an email we can connect and do a call/zoom early in the New Year to catch up. I remember the C&C ship going down..I think it was the same op where we heard a Loach pilot say “that little SOB through a grenade at my tail rotor”! Crazy days those were.

                All the best,


              • Hi Jim,

                Great to connect; I spent 5 more years on active duty (primarily Operation Homecoming, Advanced Course at Huachuca, and some time at III Corps Ft Hood) then 30 plus years at Gillette/P&G in marketing / general management, retiring in 2008 as President Global Oral B/Crest business..lots of great people, places, experiences along the way. If you send me a note at we can connect and set up a call. All the best, Bruce

        • Mike
          I found the following: Richard Harold Davis, First Lieutenant, ADV TEAM 84, HQ, MACV ADVISORS, MACV, Army of the United States
          Memphis, Tennessee, DOB: November 12, 1944 to KIA April 30, 1970
          RICHARD H DAVIS is on the Wall at Panel W11, Line 72, He was indeed awarded the Silver Star and Purple Heart
          We will not forget, Jim

      • Hello Jim, I hope things are going well for you. That was a sad day I never forgotten. We lost two fine Men and Soldiers. It was a pleasure serving with you Jim,stay healthy. Frank Hynes

        • Hi Frank, I was great to hear from you. I somehow missed this site until recently. Going through some of the comments brings back many memories, some great and some not so great that in many ways shaped our lives, hopefully for the better. I had the privilege of serving with some very special young men that tried to do their duty, working as a team in a hard place, as best they could with the tools at hand. It is nice to know some of us are still around to share those memories. All the best! Jim

      • Hello Jim,,, I am Larry Eubanks and I was in country 1970 -71 ,Team 84 in Hong Ngu on the MeKong just south of Cambodia .. We may have crossed paths.. Have a happy new year.

        • Hi Larry, Good to hear from you. I remember visiting Hong Ngu several times. Part of the “Cambodian Incursion” that passed through your district in early 1970 captured a lot of weapons but not many enemy troops.
          One event, probably early in 1970 that comes to mind was a snatch operation to capture what we thought were VCI in a small village just on the east side of the Mekong just before it jags to the east before heading south again toward the district town. We had a Calvary Pack and some VN troops advised by US Navy from the west side of the river. The operation went off well. The LT advisor on the ground reported they had captured what appeared to be a Chinese cell. I thought surely there would be Air America helicopters there in a heartbeat to haul these people to a specialized interrogation center some place. This caused me to have extended secure conversations with HQ, Can Tho. About 24 hours later I was ordered to let them go. It seems that the “National Authority” did not want an incident to interfere with US and Chinese negotiations in Paris at the time. Troops on the ground were not happy.
          Regards, Jim

      • Jim,
        Thanks for your memory of Dick Davis. He and I were great friends, both being MAT leaders on Tm 84. I DROSed before him, but we had exchanged state-side addresses as I was leaving so we could be in touch once he returned. I lost the address and only found it several years later. I wrote him a letter and was shocked to get a letter back from his mom telling me of his death. We remained in contact until her death and had a chance to visit once. I had some details of the operation he was on, but appreciate the other detail you gave in your note. Dick was a great guy. Thanks again.
        Terry Turner

        • Hi Terry,
          I recently bought and read your book “Once A Warrior King”. I was pleasantly surprised that it read like a novel with all the colorful and graphic descriptions that conjured up my memories of the Mekong and Kien Phong, some good and not so good. The resurrection of memories of incoming, monsoon, mud, mosquitoes, leeches, ticks, flies, gnats, snakes, crouch rot, malaria pills and its side effects are from a “work environment” I do not miss. The physics and biology lessons of the “flash, zip and bang” effects and the resulting adrenaline rush do not need repeating. Certainly, feeling helpless to provide aid to suffering people (US and VN) stays with us.
          These experiences in many ways shaped our lives, hopefully for the better. I had the privilege of serving with some very special young men that tried to do their duty, working as a team in a hard place, as best they could with the tools at hand. It is nice to know some of us are still around to share those memories.
          Thanks for writing the book, in many ways, it was therapeutic. Special thanks for the dedication to MSG John N. Testor and 1LT Richard H. Davis.

          • Hi, Jim;
            Thanks for your comments. It’s always good to hear the book has hit some contact points for those who were also there doing the same or similar things.
            Terry (AKA David Donovan)

      • Col Thompson, my name is Henry Nguyen. I was with Phoenix/PRU Cao Lanh Kien Phong from 68 to 71. May 1st 69 my US Advisor Capt John R Tine was KIA in a firefight with the VC in Phong My village, Cao Lanh. I was right next to him and I tried to save his life but he was killed instantly. His body was lifted to a Loach. A few weeks later, Lt Webb replaced Capt Tine. I believe they were from MACV Team 84. I would appreciate if you know any information whereabouts Lt Webb. Thank you
        Henry nguyen
        Houston, Texas

        • Hello Henry, it is good to see you are living in Houston and I trust doing well.
          As you mentioned CPT Tine was KIA on May 1st, 1969. As I remember, a LT Webb filled in for him until a captain was sent to replace CPT Tine. Apparently, the captain that was sent and LTC Clement Will, the Province Senior Advisor, did not see eye to eye. I was sent to Cao Lanh about five months after CPT Tine’s death. Unfortunately, I do not remember LT Webb’s full name.
          Within hours of my arrival, I met the PRU and their leaders at their compound near the Team 84 compound which had been newly named the “CPT John R. Tine Compound” in his honor. The PRU was a highly respected unit by the US advisors. My first operation in Kien Phong was a night ambush with the PRU.
          Best regards, Jim

        • Henry, I had a great interpreter when I was Phoenix Coordinator for Kien Phong (1969-1970) that went by the name “Jean”. Do you remember him, his full name and what ever happened to him? Thanks, Jim

      • The following comes from publicly available records as written at FIND A GRAVE Records:

        “SFC Vernel Collins
        BIRTH 17 Jul 1934, Blue Island, Cook County, Illinois, USA
        DEATH 30 Apr 1970 (aged 35), Kon Tum, Kon Tum, Vietnam
        BURIAL: Lincoln Cemetery, Blue Island, Cook County, Illinois, USA
        PLOT Flat Granite Marker
        MEMORIAL ID 102447745 ·
        Sgt. First Class, U.S. Army, Vietnam War-Sgt. Collins was killed in action by small arms fire on 4-30-1970 while serving as an Indirect Fire Infantryman {11C4H} with Advance Team #84 of the HQ, MACV Advisors, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam. Spec. Collins started his tour of Vietnam on August 14, 1969. This Soldier had 16 years of service.

        MACV was created on February 8, 1962, and was at Ton Son NHut Air Base, Vietnam.

        He is the son of Mr. Rufus Collins of Paducah, Kentucky, and Mrs. Erma Thomas of 13495 South Avers Avenue, Robbins, Illinois, and the husband of Mrs. Joyce E. Collins of 5709 South Ada Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, and is a 1952 graduate of the Blue Island School System

        Awards: Silver Star Medal, Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, Vietnam Service Medal with One Service Star, Vietnam Campaign Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, 3rd award.



    • Jose

      You were likely the person who I met when I first arrive at TM 84 along with 1LT Bob Shoreman at Tan Tic airfield. I was to replace 1LT Davis. You drove us to the compound in time for the memorial service for 1LT Davis and SFC Collins. I spent about six months with MAT72 renumbered MAT162. I replaced CPT Cleverly as S2 for a few months. When an MI officer arrived I worked selected operations with the NPFF and the PRUs. Ended up with 5 years active duty and 25 in Guard and Reserve retired as an O6 Joint Chiefs of Staff. What a long strange trip.

      All the best.

      Mike Early

  7. Strongly recommend any Vietnam Vet, or anyone for that matter, read THE GROUND KISSER, by Thanh Duong Boyer, co-written by Lisa Worthey Smith. Thanh escaped from communist South Vietnam at the age of 12 and the book is her story. Thanh expresses strong appreciation for the US soldier and our attempt to secure the freedom of Vietnam. (She was born in An Giang Province).

  8. Just curious: Why did the government of Vietnam, after the war, change the names of Provinces and Districts? Kien Phong was combined with Sadec Province and renamed Dong Thap. Kien Van District was renamed Thap Muoi. Don’t want to be political/controversial: Just curious.

    • No idea but I suspect the changes were political. I remember Dong Thap was a designation to two VC elements Dong Thap 1 and Dong Thap 2. The Tat Muoi was a canal name I remember. May have been pne of the canals that made up the “plus sign” and I think that was in My An.

      • The Thap Moui was indeed the major canal through the province. In ’69-70 I had to do a resupply of a MAT up there. The resupply was by water, I think because of bulky lumber. We could load that on the boat, but apparently not so well on a chopper. I don’t know, but a VN pilot and I went putting along some back ways from Cao Lanh up to the Thap Moui then along the canal to the MAT. I don’t know why I got sent alone, but I was and sat in the bow the whole time with my M16, switch on. I remember the brush covered banks looked pretty bombed out in some places and I assumed it was from the storied VC activity along the canal. I thought this could only go bad, but I guess Charlie had the day off and I heard not a peep from him.

      • Mike, It was My An I was assigned to the District Team their right @ the intersection of the plus sign. Lots of activity. Almost overrun one night Capt. Tony Durso, My self Jim Leaman, Trung, and Phoc our interpreters, and the guy who ran the country store back @ Tm 84 came out to visit for a 3-day in-country R/R was he in for a surprise. He got on a slick back to CaoLanh the next day he didn’t have any boots on he was in a hurry to get the hell out of there.
        . Sept.69 Nov.70. I hope whoever reads this has a healthy and Safe New year!

        • George, I roomed with Tony Durso when I was the S2. I remember being in the TOC when MyAn nearly overrun. As I recall the team was back into a safe room. Could hear gunfire on the radio. TOC got air moving and got the lien doi ready to go. I went in next day with John Van.

          • Happy New Year Mike! At the time E6 Jim Leaman was in the bunker inside of the team house on radio watch with Tuung 1 of our interpreters in contact with CaoLanh TOC. My Self Capt. Tony Durso, Phoc our other interpreter, and the guy from the country store were in the back of our Team house trying to get some sleep when all hell broke loose, Capt. Durso made it to the District Chiefs bunker also able to make radio contact with CaoLanh TOC. Phoc my self and the guy from the country store were able to get to our outside bunker with another PRC25 and return fire. Seawolf was up and running and I believe they saved our bacon. We actually got more support from the Navy at MyAn, I’m guessing because of where we were located than we got from the Army. The next day we received 3 105’s and a company of RF’s for extra support. We did have sappers in the wire whose remains were discovered at daybreak just outside of our bunker.

    • The village of Tram Chim was the seat of Dong Tien District now renamed Tam Nong District. The area in the vicinity of Tram Chim on the north side of the major East-West canal in the Plain of Reeds is now designated Tram Chim National Park.
      Interesting, too, that personal care products marketed in the US under the trade name ‘Maleluca’ are labeled as products of the Plain of Reeds.

      • Trap Moui was the name of a major canal that crossed the province. Dong Thap probably comes from Dong Thap I and Dong Thap II which were part of NVA 88th Regiment . This is all if memory is correct.

        Friend travels there for business. There is apparently a commercial fish farm in or near ZplIn of Reeds.

        Mike Early

      • Bob is correct about Dong Tien now being Tam Song. The old Plain of Reeds is much truncated, cut up with paddies and fields and a population that must be 10x that of ’69-’70, when I was there.

      • I was with MAT 32 in tram chim in 68-69 I was the team medic and I will always remember the people of that village that were good to me

    • The name changes, in the most part, were a formal recognition of what had been the “Viet Cong”” names and boundaries. While the Government of Vietnam (GVN) consisted of 44 Provinces the National Liberation Front (Viet Cong) divided the south into 33 Provinces with differing names and boundaries, including at the district level. The NLF (Viet Cong) always considered Kien Phong and Sa Dec to be one Province. In a couple of instances urban growth such as the incorporation of Gia Dinh Province into Ho Chi Minh City occurred at a later time.

  9. I posted here several years ago when my father passed. I was seeking information about him. His name was Nathan C. Bowen Jr. I think he was in this area 70-71 or 71-72. I really don’t know the dates. My siblings and I found this info on his DD 214. I was just wondering if anyone knew my dad. He never spoke of any of his time in Vietnam. He was a good man and a true patriot. He volunteered for a long time in Fayetteville, NC for the SF Assoc. I miss him.

  10. Dear All !!!!
    My uncle is martyr Do Van Duong, died on 7 June 1970 in My An Canal-Kien Van district. Now is Thap Muoi District, Dong Thap Province. Former Chief of the Special Forces Company, 25th Company, 10th Battalion, 88th Regiment. He died in the battle at My An.
    Dear Mr. / Ms. Who know information related to the battle in the District of My An or information about X12-Y3 is 88th regiment hospital please help me. The family would like to thank you!
    My email:

  11. Did anyone cross paths with Dudley Fry? Was an airborne ranger, was probably a 2nd Lt or Captain during his tours in Vietnam. Spent a number of tours in advisory roles. Would love any stories.

    • If this is the Dudley Fry I know, He was my JROTC Instructor at West Forsyth High School in Clemmons, NC. He had told us he was in Vietnam in an Advanced Advisory position. He was a great person and teacher. Taught we a lot on how to be a man and live life. One of the best role models I had. I found this site while researching to see if he was still around. Any input or stories would be appreciated.

      • That’s great to hear. I’m his grandson – that was shortly after he retired. He taught at West Forsyth for a year or two and then moved over to a school near Goldsboro.

        He’s still around and living in Southern Pines. Unfortunately, his memory has begun to fade but he’s in good spirits.

  12. Command Sgt. Major Ret. Moises R. Segura, Ft. Worth Texas. Receiving award in Washington D.C May 4th. 2018… uncle.


    • Aloha,
      I served with 2LT Earle John Bemis at Fort Lewis, WA before he volunteered and went to Vietnam. While I served with him , he was always positive and had a great smile. According to the Vietnam Memorial information, he was from Marietta, Ga and served in Chau Doc on Team 84. He arrived in Vietnam on April 15, 1969 and was killed on June 1, 1969.

      I arrived in country in July 1969 and served on MACV Tm 17 initially in Quang Ngai Province Headquarters as logistical advisor and later as Tra Bong District at District Senior Advisor.

      Lt Bemis was a great guy. I often think of him and wondered how he died. I would greatly appreciate any info about Lt Bemis.

      I can be reached via email:

      Thank you,

      John Riggins

      Former Captain, Airborne, Ranger, Infantry Officer, US Army

  13. Thanks, vety interesting csreer. I was sworn in on my 17th birthday , retired in 76 . Married 53 yrs, 4 children. Spent a lot of time at ft hood and ft polk 1 tour in Korea w/ 1 st cav and 2 tours in nam. Sorry about your wife, must be rough. I had to get my two yrs of college at central texas college.

  14. For anyone interested, I have written an article on Mobile Advisory Teams that will appear in the Oct 2017 issue of VIETNAM magazine. It’s title is, “On the Leading Edge of Counterinsurgeny,” and has some photos of and comments about that life from Kien Phong and other provinces around the country.

    • Hi Mr. Turner, may I have a copy of “On the Leading Edge of Counterinsurgency.” I worked in Kien Phong 1968-1969. With Pheonix Program. Later with KOPHAP Medical team at Cao Lanh Hospital. My email is Thank you.

    • Roger that. Joined Marine Resrve 8 Feb 54 ,just turned 17I was a junior in high school. Stayed a PFC till I went RA in Mar 57. Enlisted under the Speciial Forces. ProgramGuarantee . Finished basic and AIT. Offered me a chance for OCS.. Graduated June 58? Got my chance for SF in 61. Didn’t have an hour of college. In 62/66 was with the 7th and 8th Sf.i had Hgs Co. 8th SFGP in 64/65. Famous Bull Simons was our CD-R. He called me in one day and let me know in very explicit terms that I was a Capt and would probably stay a Capt unless I had college. He ordered me to start night school with Florida State Panama Canal Zone. In June had my 2 year certificate and I got my RA. Went back to Ft Benning in 66 for Infantry Advance Course.Made Major just before we graduated in 67 and went to Kien Van. I knew a lot of the guys that were SF in B 43 and the C Team in Cantho. The Army sent me to bootstrap after first tour. Went back in 71/72 was A Battalion Senior Advisor with the 1sr Vn Abn Bn. TM 162.Had a 6 man team ,1 per rifle company,I was at Battalion. We did not have interpreters. I went to DLI at Ft Bliss for language school ,13 weeks , before I went back to Vn. We had operations in 2nd and 3rd Corps. John Paul Van was ,running 2 Corp at the time. He was killed a month after I left. Had many great assignments and finished as Col. Garrison CD-R , Ft Rucker. Retired in May 87 and became City Manager in Dothan Al. Left the city in 94 and stayed in Dothan. Lost my wife a year ago ,56 Years of a great marriage. We have two kids, both born in CZ. Son retired 2 years ago ,0-6 28 years,, Abn ,Ranger AH64 pilot. Now working for a defense contractor in his second career., My daughter is a Nuc Engr working at a Nuc plant in Comanchee Creek, Tex.. She had 28 years with Southern Co before and is on her second career in Texas.Thanks again for the pictures. I’m on Facebook and have a lot of pictures on my page. Keep Smiling

    • Jackie I would really be interested in having a copy of your pictures if possible. My address is 8649 W. Eagle Lake Rd. Peotone Illinois 60468

        • Hi Jackie,

          I was the Team 84 S2 Advisor from Nov 69 to Nov 70…spent a lot of time in the TOC with George Weiland when he worked the radios. I’d love a copy of the CD if possible. Address is Bruce Cleverly, 48 Commonwealth Avenue #3, Boston, Mass 02116.

          Thanks very much!

          • Hi Bruce,
            Please contact me at:
            I will be in Boston during the 2nd week of September and would like to get together with you for coffee, or something stronger, on Newbury Street.
            Bob Shoreman

    • Hi Jackie,I would like to get a copy,when you get a chance. Thanks frank hynes. 10400 s kolin,oak lawn Il. 60453

    • Hi Jackie, I would also appreciate a copy of your CD of Kien Phong, Vietnam.. I had posted a few comments earlier on this Kien Phong site where I was first assigned here as a 2nd Lt. to Advisory Team 84 in August 1968. LTC Callahan, Engineer Special Forces Officer was commander; Captain Kittredge was the S-1 who assigned me temporarily to a spare top bunk for the first night. Then I left with Infantry Advisor Lt. Fremont, (from New York), to head out to an out-of-town Infantry outpost which had a small 1-1/2 story grass hut building with a partial mezzanine floor above, situated directly under a scorching concrete tiled roof. This small Vietnamese soldier’s compound was surrounded with concertina barbed wire and about a (3) foot high earth berm with fox holes sparsely situated therein. All the officers and NCO’s here at Team 84 and later at Team 85 spoke perfect, fluent French. There was a small pond in the middle of this small Vietnamese Compound with a single, raised outdoor toilet in the middle of this pond mounted on shaky wood stilts. Every time the stilts would shake, the fish knew somebody was approaching to sit on the toilet bench; hence, the starving fish down directly below the toilet seat were jumping. Today this may be referred to as Ecological Re-Cycling. I remember my first morning here where an old non-combatant elderly Vietnamese gentleman who served us hot, unsweetened tea from a china tea pot encased in a large coconut hull to keep the tea warm. The tea was not strained very well, and it had pieces of tea leaves therein– I hope it was tea leaves? Needles to say, with no water well and no cisterns around to capture rain water, the water for the tea came from this same centrally located pond with this sophisticated outdoor elevated structure on stilts situated above. I remember Lt. Fremont saying the hot tea was safe to drink, because this pond water used to make the tea was boiled prior to pouring it on the tea leaves. Hmmmmm! So many of our combat experiences in VN were carved very deeply into our very young, then alert minds forever ……which in some cases can cause unimaginable instant flash-back dreams that last forever. These past experiences are never repeated too often by us because most would never believe us. I left Vietnam later in August of 1969. I think around 11,000 American soldiers were killed in the year I served. Thank God we are here. This fish pond story would always sound a lot nicer to French speaking people if told in the French language….. however, similar stories in the English language always sounds so vulgar to the so-called Elite English speakers, so to tell such a story, the English speakers always preface their similar stories in English with the familiar expression, “Pardon my French, but …..!”
      Thanks for your service. Address: Henry L. Chauvin, 9429 Highway 941, Gonzales, LA 70737

      • Hi Henry I live across the basin from you nearBreaux Bridge . I am currently getting new copies if my dvd made . I will send them out out next week. I tell the story about the pond a lot, but I refer to them as recycled catfish! I learned to like nuoc mom, did you?Us cajuns eat anythin tha dont eat us furst right. Lol

        • Jackie,

          I am currently working on a Library construction project with a gentleman originally from …. he and his wife recently attended the Breaux Bridge, LA Festival and operated some type of booth ….. his name is Lester Berard.

          When I first met Col. Callahan at Team 84 in August of 1968, , and told him I was from South Louisiana, he told me he had worked in Acadiana near the Gulf of Mexico. After his most unique revelation that he enjoyed the all the people in South Louisiana, I had no doubt he would eat anything the local Vietnamese would slap on his plate.

          Later, at MACV Team 85/SF Compound B-41 in Moc Hoa, Kien Toung Province, I used to go to the local market, (Cho). Like anywhere in Vietnam, all of us could easily find any Vietnamese market in the dark, at midnight, with no flashlight, with only some sort of “semi-clear” nasal passages. I used to buy small packages dried squid …… tasted exactly like Louisiana dried shrimp ……. rest of the few U.S. soldiers we had at Team 85 had absolutely no idea what they were missing!

          • Yeah, I used to buy and chew on dried squid in the village in korea in 61. I also thought theytasted like dried shrimp.

    • Hi Jackie: I enjoy the comments of fellow advisors about life in My An and in the other districts in Kien Phong Province. My particular experience was as assistant sub sector advisor on the MACV team at My An from January 1966 to July 1966. The fish pond story was amusing. I never considered using the toilet facility over the various fish ponds. They were flimsy in construction and would draw a large crowd of spectators to see an American give it a try. Luckily, the team had a nice porcelain throne behind the team house enclosed for privacy. Our District Chief spoke excellent English and had a great sense of humor. We normally ate lunch at his house and were on our own for other meals. We were often invited to attend social events such as weddings with the District Chief. Normally, he would sit at the head of the dinner table and the advisors would sit to his right and left. If I was the senior advisor present and seated to his right, as a courtesy, he would fill my rice bowl. Usually, with a broad smile on his face, he would put something special in my bowl such as the eye from a fish. Rather than be repulsed, I would quickly pick it up with my chop sticks and swallow it down much to the delight of all others at the table. It helped to drink a few cups of rice wine. Later, the toasts would begin. From down the table, various other guests would approach the advisors to propose a toast. This would go on until the liquor would run out. The District Chief did not drink. On combat operations, we would break for lunch and have coconuts from the trees and a cook would prepare us a bowl of meat and rice. The meat was sometimes field rats purchased at the market at My An. A hot meal for lunch was good. Another amusing thing occurred on operations when we were advancing along a canal. At points along canals there were irrigation ditches going off into the open fields. There were so called monkey bridges crossing those irrigation ditches. A monkey bridge was usually nothing more than a foot log with a hand rail about like a cane fishing pole – very flimsy. The soldiers knew that the huge American, well over six feet tall, was not made for the bridge and vice versa. So, when the soldiers approached one of those monkey bridges, they would all run around the American to get across the bridge before it was torn down. Usually, in my case, if it didn’t look good to cross, I would go up the irrigation ditch until I could jump across. I carried a long walking to make it easier. Living at My An was full of challenges. Jackie — I have a question for you. Where was the camp at My Da which was opened after Special Forces assumed the advisor mission in 1967, actually located? My research indicates that it was located to the east of My An along the Thap Muoi Canal near the eastern border of Kien Phong Province. Also, In miles, about how far apart by our old outboard boat were the My An where I was Located and the camp at My Da? And, were some of the team members serving at both locations after 1967? Finally, where was the District Chief located in 1967? Jackie — thank you for your postings — I really enjoy your comments. Joe Griffith

      • Hi joe. I never heard of my da.. could it be where we called the wagon wheel? We had a mat teamthere. The district chief when i wasthere kived in the big concrete building next to our team house. Cant remember his name but he was rvn major. He and i hit it off right away..we had a boston whaler with twin 40 johnsons and thr wagon wheel was sixor seven klicks east of My An. Things were prettyquiet in 71. And wehad noincoming during my 6mosthere. We had one vc hamlet to theeast . Possibly me Da? It was at the edge of our district. When we went there the locals looked at us with hate intheir eyes!

        • Thanks Jackie: I believe that My Da was in the wagon wheel area of northern Cai Be, where six canals came together southwest of Tri Phap. There was some change in My An from 1966 to 1971. In 1966, the big concrete building was not being used to house the District Chief — it was being used as a warehouse to store USAID supplies. The District Chief had a less exposed house and headquarters at the east end of the compound near the entrance. The big problem with the big concrete building was its exposure to direct fire from the open fields to the north and the canals to the south. Of course, our team house was nearby the big concrete building as well. When we came under fire, the senior advisor went up to the District Chief’s house/command post. The rest of the team took the radio from the team house and went into the concrete bunker near our house and awaited orders. We called it our “last stand bunker.” When it was all clear — we returned to duty. We had some enemy activity 1966.

    • Jackie, Received your CD. Thank you very much. My senior NCO when I was with SF in Canal Zone in 62/66 was a M aster Sgt Moses Segura. We were the SF LNO team at Southcom Hg at Ft Amador. I have many pictures from 67/68 in Kien Van and 71/72 in Vietnam Abn Bn Senior Advisor Vietnam. Send me your e-mail and I will send some. Thanks again. Keep Smiling o

    • Hi Jackie, My father is Major John Weston, he was an adviser on Team 84 from Feb 71-72. His health is not to good, fighting agent orange from first tour in 68-69. He talks about the team often. Could you send me a copy of your cd I think he would enjoy it. If anyone know him let my now. He sometimes was called Robbie, a nickname he picked up early in his career. He retired in 75 after aafter a heartattack. John Weston 1004 S. Davis St., Jerome, Idaho 83338 Thanks from A Proud Son

      • Its on the way . Hope he enjoys it. Sounds like he was there while i was. But i was on a small district team 4 men , and I never met mostof the men in the Province team .

    • Msgt Jackie P Segura, I would like a copy of the CD. I am Spec4 Robert J. Dawkins, I served Team 84 from 1970 – 72. My address is: 11635 Cosca Park Drive, Clinton, Maryland 20735. Would be nice seeing familiar faces. Thanks

      • Msgt Jackie P Segura, I would like a copy of the CD. I am Spec4 Robert J. Dawkins, I served Team 84 from 1970 – 71 Sorry my typo. My address is: 11635 Cosca Park Drive, Clinton, Maryland 20735. Thank you.

  15. 1LT Richard Davis and SSG Vernell Colin’s were killed. I replaced 1LT Davis but I had not yet arrived at TM84. I arrived the day of the memorial service at the compound.

    • Mike, do you remember a Julius Warren Myers? He was a 1st or 2nd LT and was on 84 during Jan – Dec 1970. Another question for anyone, my father received the bronze star. Was this commonly given during this war?

      • Luke, Sorry I do not remember your father. He may have been assigned to one of the teams at district level or the teams that moved among the villages and hamlets. The Bronze Star was given liberally to officers who served as recognition of their performance.

    • Can you tell me about the memorial service at the compound? And anything else that you would like to share.

      • Doris

        I was there at the memorial for Lt. Davis and SFC Collins. It was held on the volleyball court in the center of the Team 84 headquarters compound in Cao Lanh. As I recall, there was a display of a pair of combat boots, an M16 rife and a helmet set up each for Lt. Davis and SFC Collins. One or more persons made comments but I do not remember more. Dick Davis was my hooch mate for about 5 months so I knew him well. He was a great guy. I later received a letter from his fiancé.

  16. CD received. Thanks for the pictures. It really puts into perspective the stories that I have heard over the years.

    • Just now back from three months in Vietnam as well as visits to Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore and China in that period. I traveled via car through the Mekong Delta; to include a portion of what was Kien Phong Province. Kien Phong Province no longer exists as its area has been consolidated with Sa Dec Province and is named Dong Thap Province. The area is highly populated with houses and shops lining the the entire route. The river and waterways, large and small, teem with boats. These is large scale fish farming and rice is produced in three yields per year. The roads are paved but rough. There is a constant traffic flow, mainly motorbikes.
      I ended the car portion of the trip by following the Mekong to Chau Doc near Cambodia. Then I took a speedboat to Phnon Penh, Cambodia, a rapidly modernizing city, did some touring and then coninued up the the Mekong via boat to spend three days visiting ihs Angkok Watt temple complex.
      A visit to Vietnam, indeed anywhere in east Asia, reveals a dynamic scene of real hard working people, urban development and a dedication to education that is amazing. On the negative side corrupt and inefficient governments do not serve their citizens well in many cases.

  17. Someone from San Antonio asked for a copy of the DVD but I lost your address in my phone somehow so if you send it again I’ll send you one.

    • A Jesuit priest named Father Devlen went to work with refugees in Kien van district in 1970. I talked to him in the mess hall at the province team and then again at mass the day b4 I derided He was still there when I left My An in dec. I had always wondered what happened to him. I renewed my Vietnam magazine which had lapsed and the next issue had an article called boat people’s priest. It was about him! Turns out after he left Kien Van he wound up working with refugees in Thailand, and was forced to return to conus when the Thais wouldn’t renew his visa . He died a few years later in California. I always felt like I had met real live saint.

    • I served at MACV Team 84 from May 68 to May 69. I shared a hooch with Gene Frament and Larry Ruzyla. Larry passed away several years ago as a result of Agent Orange. Gene and I are still in touch. He lives in Williams-burg VA. Maj Gruber was the MACV leader at our compound but Calahan was the one really in charge. He was a great solider. If you could send me a copy of your CD it would be appreciated. I am also in touch with Jim Mullin and Mark Twedall. Does any one have contact with Sgt. Chapman was was my senior NCO a great solider and I would like to reconnect.

      Jim Murray 1Lt.
      23 Loggerhead Land
      Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

      • Hi James,

        In August of 1968 I was assigned to Tm 84 in SF Compound B43. Upon arrival, I met B-43 Commander, LTC Callahan, (Engineer Branch, SF) who told me he was not expecting me, had no idea where to assign me, so he asked me to join Lt. Fremont as an Infantry advisor even though I was a 2nd Lt., Engineer Branch.

        I’m just wondering if this is the same Lt. Fremont I served with back then. I remember he had gone to Ft. Benning and also went to Vietnamese language school ….. he spoke Vietnamese very well …. I did not. He also was from New York. We went out on several Infantry missions together with the South Vietnamese Infantry. About 12 years later, while in the Army Reserves, (in about 1980), I saw him in the PX in Kaiserslautern, Germany where we chatted a bit.

        I just got back last Monday from spending a week in Williamsburg, VA. If he is the same Fremont, please ask him to drop me a line at (225) 612-0707 and if I am not there, just leave a message.


        Henry Chauvin

        • Henry,
          Did you know a LTC Ray Mullen, SF, of B-43. I understood he was the PSA prior to COL Clement Will, who was there in 1969-70 as PSA when TM 84 was in a compound across the street from B-43. Thanks.

      • Jim, I’m Joe Rohner, 1LT (MI) at the time.

        I was assigned to TM 50 arrived 2-68; transferred from Tm 50 to Tm 84 approx 10-68, Asst S2 ADV under S2 ADV CPT David Daughters. MAJ Gruber was TM 84 SA under the shadow of LTC Callahan. Also remember CPT Gerhard Frick, SF; did joint MACV/SF intel briefings with him. CPT Joseph Burchak, AF FAC L19, was shot down and killed during that period. When the crash site was located somewhere near the Tap Muoi Canal, CPT Daughters sent me on the rescue slick to attempt recovery. No remains, VN back seat gone as well. Remains recovered a week or so later. Can’t recall my hootch mate, think he was an O3??? Also remember 1LT Swan, SF; and SFC Montgomery, also SF; went with him on a few Ops. Martha Ray came through on the day of one OP; I was chased out of the shower by SF CP Marcek (SP???) so she could powder her nose 😉 Steak & shrimp on the grill on occasion, numba one bottled Coke from the Cambo black market come to mind – SF did have a fantastic logistic supply channel!

        Ring any bells? Have quite a few pics, including “Hamburger”, a shepherd pup. B-43 mascot.

        Joe Rohner, AKA, IdahoJoe
        Grangeville, ID

  18. Did he make it back? Is he still alive? If he took his basic at ft Polk I probably taught him while I was on the weapons committee.

    • He did make it back but has since passed away. I will have to check his records but I think he did go to Ft. Polk. He was originally from Bastrop, LA.

  19. These were taken from slides with some sort of gadget that I bought,so they weren’t professionally done I was really skinny back then. You should see me now after all my good Cajun food.the children were taken during the children’s tet which would correspond to ourhalloween

  20. I was with TM 84 from Apr 70 to Mar 71. MAT 72/162 then S-2 to replace Bruce Cleverly. There was a CPT Tony Durso from New Jersey who worked with Phoenix Program. I don’t remember any vehicle accidents so can’t help with a date. Maybe CPT Bob Shoreman would remember the date. He was in the TOC as day duty officer.

  21. I have a DVD containing pictures taken during my tour in Kien Phong province thru all of 1971. There are pictures of Thanh Bien and MyAn Districts and of the Delta. If anyone would like to have a copy, email your mailing address to me and I will gladly send you one free of charge. There are no discriptions written on the pictures, so you will have to figure them out for yourself. I am the skinny guy ina lot of the pictures.

    • Jackie,
      Would like to see your pics. If I can identify anyone or any place I’ll let you know. Please mail DVD to:
      Bob Shoreman
      PO Box 22091
      Saint Simons Island, GA 31522

      Many thanks,

    • Hey Jackie, I was in My An as the first team to replace the SF team there and would love to have a copy of the DVD that you are talking about.
      Vidal Carvajal Jr
      5238 Coral Mist St
      San Antonio, Tx 78219

    • Jackie,
      I was on TM 84 assigned to MAT 32 out in Tram Chim in 1969-70. I’d love to see your photos, if you still have them available. My address is:
      Terry T. Turner
      256 Turned Rd.
      Coolidge, GA 31738


        • Jackie, I hope I replied by regular email, but, if not, I did get your cd of photos. Thanks so much. They are similar in nature to the few that I have but at the same time different, of course. Thanks again.


          • Terry, I just saw your picture in my latest Vietnam magazine. YOU WERE AS SKINNY AS I WAS BACK THEN.LOL

    • My father 1st Lt Julius Warren Myers served from Jan – Dec 1970. He was from Louisiana. Could you please mail a copy to the following address:

      Luke Myers
      8550 United Plaza Blvd., Ste 1001
      Baton Rouge, LA 70809

      Thank you.

        • Jackie:
          Any chance you have a CD left to send? I was at Team 84 compound and in town Cao Lanh with CORDS from Jan 70 – Jan 71.

          Ben Gayman
          111 Amherst Street
          Manchester, NH 03101

          Thank you

          • Hey Ben,
            I remember you from the John R. Tine compound in Cao Lanh. As I recall you were a good friend of 1LT Jeffrey Mercadante…..if memory serves me correctly you two guys were known as ‘Benjy’ and ‘Merco’, right? I took over the TOC after Mercadante DRO’d. I will be in Newburyport, Massachusetts in September 2020. If you’re available, Ann and I would love to get together…..someplace halfway between there and Manchester….for a cold beer and war stories.

    • I would like to get a copy of the CD. I was with MAT IV-33, in and around Kien Van, 8/68-12-68.
      Tony Hoehner
      60 Arends Lane
      Walnut Creek CA, 94597-1801

      Many thanks

      • Yes, I’m very interested in seeing a copy of your DVD. Please mail me one:
        Roger Clark
        4502 W Rose Lane
        Glendale, AZ 85301
        I was on team 84 1969-1970 with Terry Turner.
        Thanks for the DVD and your service!!!!!

      • My father, Julius Warren Myers, served from Jan – Dec 1970. I would love to see it. My address is 1712 Beechgrove Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70806. Thank you for you service and the DVD.

    • HI Jackie,

      I would like a copy of your DVD. I posted on the general site yesterday, but today noticed the reply button.
      Tony Hoehner
      60 Arends Lane
      Walnut Creek, CA 94597-1801
      Thanks so much…

    • Jackie, Would appreciate a copy of CD. I was at Kien Van , senior advisor, 67/68.
      Don Marnon , 3001 Foxridge Rd , Dothan ,Al. 36303. Keep Smiling

    • my name is jesse tamayo I was the team medic of MAT 32 in 1968 and 1969. Col Will was the the province chief I was in tram chin when I rotated back. Yes I would like a CD My e-mail is Thank you very much

      • Please send. Opt of DVD to Michael Early 513 Ponderosa Dr. Bel Air MD 21014.


        Mike Early.

        Sent from my iPhone


  22. I was at Thanh bien from Jan to aug 71 and at my an till I derosed in mid dec 71. I don’t remember hearing about any keep accident at team 84 . I don’t remember anyone named Edwards. Capt pollard was the Phoenix advisor in My An District while I was on the team. Major Mann was the DSA, I was the opsintel nco and our medic was sfc Dunn if I remember his name correctly.

  23. Lee, LT Davis was the XO on Tm 72 and Sgt Collins was one of the NCOs Good bet that your father and LT Davis were friends Pretty sure your dad went back to SF after the death f Davis and Collins The places you mention all had SF camps The SF were pulling out and replaced by more MATs Send me an email at

    • I’m seeing Lt Davis mentioned, and I believe this refers to my cousin Dick Davis who died in an ambush in April 1970 at age 25. I was referred to this site by a close friend of Dick’s who served with him on the Advisory Team 84. I am interested in any information or pictures available. Am giving my email and name.

  24. When I left in June, 1969 I was senior advisor of MAT 33 located in Kien Van district. I reported directly to the SA of Team 84 in Cao Lanh. I’ve never heard of a team 64.

    • Mike,
      Here are some of the dates we found:

      Unit Adv Tm 84
      -4/12/1970 Hong Nhu-TT 4/15/1970 Dong Phuc, Hong Nhu
      -4/25/1970 Hong Hnu-TT 4/28/1970 5/2/1970 5/4/1970 (all number coordinates)
      -5/28/1970 Kien Van, My An, TT 5/30/1970 6/4/1970 My An, Ding Tien, Ca Lauh, TT
      -9/8/1970 Kien Van, My An, TT
      CPT Donald L Zimmerman USA Adv Tm 84, DMAC, APO ##### for service March 1970 to Feb 1971

      • Lee Zimmerman I remember your Dad well and he was a great guy. I lived with him for several months at the Team 84 compound in Cao Lanh. Lt. Dick Davis of whom you have referred was also one our hooch mates. I recall your Dad going on R&R where I believe he got married.

        • Dan, thank you. I really wish he was here to tell him. He would have been excited to here from you. I hope things are well with you and yours.

        • Hi Dan,

          Thanks so much for replying to my brother’s message. So far, you are the first person we have encountered that knew our dad. I have a number of pictures from his time in Vietnam. Most are landscape/location images, but he has a few capturing men he served with. Perhaps you are in one of them or know some of the other guys in the photos. If you have an email address, I could forward them to you to check out. Also, any other info. on my dad would be greatly appreciated. He passed away in 2000 due to complications from MS, and we never talked much about his earlier years. Would love to know anything about him you could share. Thanks so much!-Fawn Zimmerman

        • Dan, where did you end up after June 71? Did you stay in the same location? Do you know if they sent my dad back to sf? Did you ever have contact with him after?

    • Mike, I’m not totally positive on this, but Lt. Davis may have been one of my dad’s close friends. I remember him telling me a story of when he was set to go on leave the next day to Taiwan to see my mom (whom he’d married in January 1970) his best friend and Lt. had volunteered to take his place on patrol that night. He told me that the Lt. was hit by a direct mortar strike and I won’t go into the rest. It as one of the things that haunted him and he referred back to it as justification for all the years of struggling with Multiple sclerosis after the war, how lucky he was to even be alive, and us as his children. He told us the story when we were screwing up or in dark places growing up. We may still have pictures of the the dog they had adopted/ saved from slaughter and Lt. Davis at the house somewhere.

      • Mike, I could be mistaken on lt Davis. From reading the other posts and descriptions of him being of stocky build and The way he went may be a different incident. The Lt. my dad told me the story about was pretty skinny with glasses. May have been from adv team 64 mat 33. I apologize for the confusion. My dad has since passed in 2000 and I’m trying to piece things together from memory and some pictures we still have from that time.

        • Could you refer me to the other posts about Lt. Davis. I believe this is my cousin, Dick Davis. He was of “solid build”, usually wore glasses, and had red hair. Broad smile. He died in an ambush in April 1970. He was 25 years home, and scheduled to be back home in a maybe a couple of weeks.

      • I believe the Lt Davis you are referring to is my cousin, Dick Davis, who died in an ambush in April 1970. Dick was scheduled to come home within a couple of weeks. He did volunteer to take someone’s place (I thought it was his replacement’s place.) and he and another soldier died. He was 25 years old. I was referred to this site by a close friend of Dick’s, who was also a member of Advisory Team 84. I am very interested in information and pictures. The friend recently sent me a picture of Dick in an email attachment.

            • Hello,

              I am Donald Zimmerman’s daughter (Lee’s sister). I have a bunch of photos with different guys he served with in them. I can email you the pictures, so you can see if your cousin is in one or more of them, if you’d like?

  25. Doug. Thank you. Glad to know you made it back. What happened in the rest of your tour? How long did you stay in Army? I have been in touch with Bob Shoreman. He is in Georgia and I’m now in Maryland.

  26. Regard to my previous comment this explains why I didn’t remember CPT Pollard. We missed my a month. In TM 84 I was replaced by an MI Captain with first name of Dale but can’t remember his last name. My asst S2 was 1LT Doug Hudson. Anyone remember Dale’s last name?

  27. I was assigned to Tm 84 in April 70 to MAT 72/162 with LienDio at Tom 84 compound. Six months later I was S-2. I don’t remember CPT Pollard. Bruce Cleverly was the S-2 and MAJ James Luckett and CPT Thompson worked the Phoenix program. When I was S-2 I also worked some Phoenix operations with the PRUs. I can’t remember Luckett and Thompson being replaced.

    • I was assigned to TM 84 in 1970-1971 and work in the office of the Phong Wong Program. My name is Bruce Edwards also I was the Mail Clerk for the team. I was involved in a vehicle accident driving back to TM 84. The vehicle was being driven by a Captain and there was a SSG riding in the back of the vehicle. We turned over in a pond with the vehicle being upside down, I almost drowned. I am trying to get the name of the Captain and SSG to include the month of the accident.

      • Bruce,
        Regretfully, I don’t remember you. Where was your hooch? How did you receive the mail? Where did you receive the mail? Where did you sort the mail? How did you get the mail to the District Teams and MAT’s?

    • CPT John Tine, Kein Phong Phoenix Coordinator was KIA on May 1st, 1969. As I remember, a LT Webb filled in for him until a captain was sent to replace CPT Tine. Apparently, the captain that was sent and LTC Clement Will, the Province Senior Advisor, did not see eye to eye. I was sent to Cao Lanh about five months after CPT Tine’s death to serve as Phoenix Coordinator. Major Luckett replaced me at the end of my tour. Bruce Cleverly replaced CPT Jake Hannon as S2. Jake and then Bruce were my hooch mates. Best Regards, Jim

    • Msgt Jackie We just came home from a vacation yesterday and I did get the DVD. It was great. It brought back memories of the old days. I forgot how muddy it was and how difficult and crude the living conditions were for the Vietnamese people in My An.
      My wife could not believe the size of that centipede which was as long as a flip-flop. I think I have a picture of you driving our Boston Whaler and me waterskiing behind wearing red swimming shorts. Easy target for the VC. (pretty stupid on my part) I am glad you are back. It sounds like you have a great family and Welcome Home.
      Thanks for the DVD and keep in touch.

        • My name is Bruce G. Edwards and I work in the Phung Hoang office in the city of Cao Lang from 1970 – 1971, with Major Luckett, the Captain that work in the office was from New Jersey (I think), but at the time of my vehicle accident he had rotated home. I was involved in a vehicle accident while being driven back to AT 84. The vehicle was being driven by a Captain and a SSG was riding in the back seat of the vehicle. Also I work as the Mail Clerk for the Team 84. Wonder if you remember me. I am trying to get the month and year of the accident.

          • Bruce,
            I am going back thru some of the old notes here. Saw your note. I don’t know if this helps much. The CPT that left was Tony Durso. The officer that replaced me as the S-2 was a CPT Dale York, I believe that was his last name. The S-2 NCO was an SSG named Cruz. The Asst S-2 was 1LT Doug Hudson.

  28. Hi Kevin: I can’t verify your monkey tale. It could have happened that way either before or after my time at My An. However, I can verify there were few official visitors to My An while I was there. And, if anyone did come out – the helicopter landed on the soccer field/helipad across a canal bridge from the District Chief’s Compound near the village market place. When a helicopter approached My An – any available advisor would go over there to pickup supplies or meet with anyone on board. If it was an official visitor – we would offer to escort him or them over to the District Chief’s Office across the bridge in the District Chief’s Compound to meet with the District Chief and his Advisor. I recall only one time that it was my turn, due to temporary absence of the Senior Advisor, to welcome such a visitor. The visitor did not want to go over to the District Chief’s Office, so, we could either talk near the running helicopter or go over to the Chinaman’s Restaurant, which was in the market place, nearby the landed helicopter. The visitor chose to go over to the restaurant. So, the helicopter crew nervously shut down their engine and we sat down at a table and the Chinaman selected an appropriate number of his best large plastic cups — went over to a sawdust pit — washed off some pieces of ice and drop them in our cups. Then, he placed one of his cups along with a large bottle of beer on our table for each of us. As I recall – my visitor looked over the scene. He could see the chickens, pigs and other livestock running around in the same sawdust that the ice in his cup had come out of — he didn’t touch anything. So, in short order, he accomplished his talking mission – thanked the Chinaman for his fine service –got back on the helicopter and had his story about his close encounter at My An. Perhaps, he was a headquarters troop trying to qualify for an Air Medal or a CIB. And, perhaps, if he claimed he was monkey bit in the process – he might be awarded a Purple Heart.

    Kevin – concerning your Province O-1 Bird Dog story. It may have occurred before my time at My An. I do know that our team did not want our mail bag dropped on land or water. The mail was our most precious delivery. We received letters and packages from home full of home baked cakes, cookies, candy, smokes, tang mix and many other wonderful things. We constantly requested air support for our operations and admin use. We made a request each day and were usually turned down each day. However, a high priority Chaplain from Saigon flew out to Sector each Sunday to conduct services there. While the Chaplain was there, his helicopter was sent out to My An to deliver and pick up mail. We would swim for our mail if we must – but our team morale would be lower than the bottom of the muddy canal. However, during my time at My An, I can say with pride that every American in Vietnam knew the importance of mail and made it their highest priority at every level and at any opportunity to get us our mail.

  29. Hi Joe,
    Kevin aback again- Just remembered an old story about My An. Frequently your mail was delivered by the Province O-1 Bird Dog plane. The pilots aim was frequently bad and missed your drop zone- most of the time you had to swim in the canals to recover it

  30. Hi Joe,
    Great to read your message. My An was the worst location for an advisor- totally isolated!! I do remember one story about My An- the Province ( Sector) advisor – a LTC was visiting My An when the team mascot- a monkey bit the col.. Col departed back to Cao Lanh- several days later the monkey mysteriously died. . The Col asked for the body to be sent to Province for testing for rabies- however someone had disposed of the monkeys body by throwing it into a old mine field . No one was able to recover it so the Col had to undergo weeks of rabies shots.
    Kevin Connelly

    • I dont know if it was the worst ir best. We werent bothered much in 71 by either vc or our higher upsi

    • Hi Kevin, I am James Keese. The monkey accidentally scratched LTC Allis’ arm. The monkey’s name was Jock, and he sort of belonged to the whole Cao Lanh Tm. 84 populace. He was a rude little guy. Would throw feces at you if he did not like you. I was assigned to Team
      84 with various duties from June ’65 until June 67. Each man wore several hats. Captain Ronald Jones was my immediate senior there, He was a great guy, and as brave as they come. SFC Parrish wss the team medic. I went to My An once , but was not there more than a few hours.

  31. Hello Kevin – my name is Joe Griffith and I served as a Capt in My An District from January 1966 to June 1966 as Asst Sub-Sector Advisor. I was thrilled to see your comment about our mutual time served in the delta. As you mentioned, our team also took its share of walks in the Sun. But, mostly, our time was spent fending off attacks at night on our outposts up and down the canals. As you may recall, My An had no roads and travel by canal required a major operation to clear the way; so, helicopter was the only way in or out of the District. Hearing the flop, flop, flop of an incoming copter was a wonderful sound. Maybe – we would get some mail. Your comment about the team refrigerator brought back fond memories. We had two of those refrigerators in our team house. I was told by those team members who had been there the longest that originally each of the District teams in the Sector had been provided with a refrigerator fueled by a propane burner. After the first propane tank ran out – it was discovered there was no source for more propane. Thus, for a time — all the team refrigerators were made useless. At My An, the District Chief sent one of the local artisans from My An village to the team house to try a local fix. He fabricated and installed a kerosene burner on the refrigerator. It worked!
    Meanwhile, one of the My An foresighted NCOs made a trade with one of the other teams for their useless refrigerator. So, after a little work around the problem, we had lots of refrigeration during my time at My An. Also, the same local artisan who installed the kerosene burner — was further tasked by the District Chief for the care and cleaning of the kerosene burners. He was diligent in his work.
    The My An team members were cautioned that the burner must be really clean and that kerosene was a dirty burning fuel. Kevin – perhaps your Feb 1966 encounter with the kerosene powered refrigerator made all of us more aware its danger. Thanks again for your entertaining comment.

  32. Kevin Connelly- I served as a 1/LT in Kien Van District from March 1965 to March 1966 as Asst Sub-Sector Adviser. We averaged 3 combat ops a week and I was the only one not to get hit- fortunately the other team mates were not seriously hurt. Our only source of refrigeration came from an old kerosene powered refrigerator. One night in Feb 1966 it malfunctioned as I was trying to adjust the flame the fuel tank exploded an I got covered in flaming kerosene. Our ops sgt got to me in time and put out the flames- Capt Robinson our Team chief thought I had eye damage and called for a Dustoff. I was amazed by the chopper pilots ability to set down at night among th barb wire to pick me up. Arrived in Saigon at the 3rd Field Hospital- got checked out – no damage. Rough way to get a couple of days off in Saigon.

  33. Thanks for sharing this.And I am really amaze! 🙂 thanks to everybody for keeping the history alive! I served on Team 84, then MAT 113 in Kien Van, from May 69 to May 70. My memory must really be failing because I just don’t remember a lot of the names you folks have mentioned.

  34. Capt Pollard, if you send me your mailing address I’ll send you a DVD with pictures from slides of Thanh Bien and My An and of the delta

  35. Don Steiner: I (LT Tom Pallas) went down to Kien Van after you departed. My predecessor was LT Bob Tennyson. I don’t remember a lot about the District Advisory Team – as I said, the senior advisor was an older guy (an 0-4? For some reason I think he was a reservist), and then there was a black NCO who did a lot of the cooking (may = the Bac Si who we medevaced out.) Wow, I’m drawing a blank on everybody else. Our team lived in the two-room hooch along the fenceline, next to the District team house. There were 2 or 3 105 tubes just on the other side of the fence.

    Don (presumably a different Don): There was a log in the little commo center in the bunker, but I have no idea what happened to it. Did you ask about ‘Ft Marnon”? I don’t recall seeing this.

    Other random recollections: The “football field” and the “football” (islands): very hostile territory; we always got in a firefight when we went there. Would take the team boat to Sa Dec every now and then; at one point we swamped it and in an alternate universe I’m sure we wrote if off as a combat loss. One day a Huey lands out of the blue; guy jumps out and asks “Is this Kien Tuong?” . After just about falling over, we pull our maps out to show him where he needs to go. Got a new ground sensor kit; spent a day testing it out in the field across the road from the team house. Up all night with false positives; just about anything would set it off. Boxed it back up. We believed that the 502nd VC main force battalion was increasingly being reinforced with NVA cadre. One day late in my tour, the 105s started firing like crazy.. None of our guys were out, so we went over to the 51st Lien Doi CO to see if he knew what was going on. He said the 54th Lien Doi was in a big contact. We later learned that they decimated a platoon-sized unit; they claimed it had been an NVA unit that had gotten lost. Folks in Cao Lanh sort of confirmed this, and the Vietnamese swore up and down that it was true. We never did get a full readout, but it reinforced our sense that we were more vulnerable to potential NVA infiltration than was generally thought.

    BTW, my eternal gratitude to whoever put in the showers.

    • Tom, I ,Don Marnon, asked about the log and Ft Marnon in general. We built the shower ,washing area and commode and screened it in.My e-mail is Anyone interested in sharing info and pictures please send. When you read this whole blog from start to finish its almost impossible to follow who is who. I thought of making a spread sheet but hell I’m almost 80 and would never finish it. This blog is like candy as people respond with their personal stories and it brings back so many good and sometimes bad feelings. Thanks to all who have contributed in making this part of our life come back in time. God Bless You All

    • Kevin Connelly- Assst subsector advisor 3/65-3/66. Loved the shower we had installed – 55 gal drum on a small tower. Water was ideal for showering at 6am- Scalding hot from the sun in the afternoon.
      I worked a lot with the 991 RF company- CO was Lt Quan- outstanding leader- sadly he was killed in 4/66 when a mortar round came through the roof of his house killing him and his entire family. I later returned to Vietnam in 6/68-4/71 and was with AID- Chief of NLD in Go Cong- I reported to a LTC and had 3 Capt . working for me- CORDS was a very effective program- we were driving to our District capitals at night in early 71. Returned to US in 71- and was still in the Army Reserve- Army was going to kick me out for not attending drills for the past 3 years. Had to get a waiver to get back in the Reserves- finished up as a LTC.
      Was a strong supporter of our efforts there. Recently learned that in 1947 Pres. Truman used the US Navy to transport the French Army back to VN. French said if they did not get their Colony back they would sabotage the Marshall Plan and not let Germany to re-build. I think we forced Ho into the Soviet camp! And all the lessons we learned on how to fight an insurrgency- the Army forgot. Later on I learned that if you served in Vn, it was more difficult to get promoted to the higher ranks- Army could only think in terms of conventional tactics and still does.

      • Hi Kevin! I served with Advisory team 84 from ’65-’67. The story about the monkey injuring tje Senior Advisor is true. The monkey’s name was Jocko, and had his teeth not been filed he would have been viscious. He scratched the Lt. Col.’s arm. The Senior Advisor (Lt.Col. John Allis) did have to get rabies shots. He said there would never be another animal near him. About a month later, the Village Chief gave him a lamb. It lasted one month, and allegedly ran away- to the leper colony. Does anyone remember SSG David Scruggs, KIA July 30, 1966 near Vinh Binh? MSGT James Talley, Field First? SSG Rejatus, the cook at District Compound? Have a great day gentlemen! Welcome home.

  36. Tom, welcome aboard. Both Paul Montgomery and I were at Kien Van from April 67(Paul) ,Aug 67 Me) thru June 68. You can see our posts in the blog and would enjoy corresponding in e-mail as well as this blog and sharing photos of our tour. As mentioned in our blogs we built and scrounged a lot of what you used and we both have a lot of questions on what happened after we left. I came back to Vn again in 71/72 with the Vietnam Abn Div,but spent all my time in 2 and 3 corp areas. Always wondered what happened to the official log notebook we kept in the team house. It was filled with all the notes on what happened before and while I was there. I replaced Major Paul Danker as Senior Advisor in Aug 67.Met him later in Germany when I was stationed at Natick Labs in Natick Ma in 78/80.Paul Montgomery is in the Huntsville area and I am down south in Dothan. We got together a couple months ago and talked and shared a lot of what we went thru together.Glad you made it back. God Bless!!! Keep Smiling

    • Shout out to Colonel Marnon from your former secretary at Natick Labs, when you worked in the combat arms division !! Great memories from back then ! To refresh your memory some of the other guys in the office were Captain Aycock, Captain Conrad, Mary and Delia. . -Janet Rose P.S. Did you ever become a mayor??

      • Jan,
        Glad to see your comment. How did you find this Web Page? I will never forget my time at Natick Labs in the Office of the Individual Soldier. I still stay in touch with
        Tom Keville. The job you people did were the main factors for the success of our office. I visited Natickbefore I retired and saw Mary Arena. Would appreciate you updating me on what has happened since I left in 80/81. My e-mail is Thanks again. Keep Smiling

  37. Wow, just ran across this site; thanks to everybody for keeping the history alive! I served on Team 84, then MAT 113 in Kien Van, from May 69 to May 70. My memory must really be failing because I just don;t remember a lot of the names you folks have mentioned. Some random recollections:

    -Arrived at the airfield on an Air America flight, the only passenger. Late in the day, nobody there, no commo, Some traffic on the road, but I have little idea where I am. Been in country four days; my plan is to wait along the tree line, hunker down for the night, start paralleling the road north to Cao Lanh in the morning. An NCO drives up just before dark (to pick up the mail), practically falls over when he sees me coming out of the tree line. “Welcome to Kien Phong sir; we didn’t realize you were coming.” Jeez, reallly?

    -LTC Will: wound pretty tight, but loosened up a bit when he was promoted to O-6. When I arrived, an NCO in the front office told me that as the new junior officer there I would now be responsible for movie night and then he rolled his eyes and snickered. Oh yeah, LTC Will really loved his movie night and brought major smoke whenever the ancient 16mm projector broke down. I hated that damn job.

    -Deputy was a State Department guy (was this Glazer?) who I was continually at odds with. He was my endorser and wrote something like “this officer has difficulty following orders.” I totally blew it off because I had no intention of making the Army a career, but it was only in retrospect that I saw what a kiss of death that OER could have been.

    -XO a kind of overweight Major (that’s how I remember him), but really a good guy

    -Became the S-5 and talked my way into working downtown with the PAO office (I think). Run by an older Air Force officer in civvies and a real character who I believe had been a NYC police officer. Volunteered to set up armed propaganda teams and spent a lot of my time at the Hoi Chanh camp down towards the airfield. Great experience, but sort of out of the loop, so I volunteered for MAT 113, Will thought I was some kind of hero for “volunteering for the field”; I just wanted to get out of Cao Lanh and get a CIB.

    -Succeeded LT Bob Tennyson at MAT 113. It was a great team: SFC Roger McDonald, SSG Bob White, SSG Sylvester Curley. We were out with the 51st Lien Doi just about every day. Their commander was great; had fought the French, the Vietminh, the Vietcong. Local area was chiefly Cao Dai; these guys were tight and hated the VC. I thought his name was Chuc, but some of you have referred to him as the District Chief. Maybe the commander’s name was Knoc? Yeah, the bunker was a real citadel; I would go up the tower and dry run the hand-cranked grenade launcher to figure out a firing plan if we were hit a night. We were colocated with the District Advisory Team – forgot the senior advisor’s name – older fellow, and a great guy. John Paul Vann: truly impressive. Came down every so often to inspect us and no matter how much we prepared he would always catch us up on something. A few months before I left, he put the word out that we should focus on night ops, which we did. A lot dicier, but they worked well. Vann wanted to get the job done, but as I got toward the end of my tour, sentiment was subtly changing to the priority of avoiding US casualties.

    -LT Davis and SFC Collins: sadly, this is not a clear memory for me. Was LT Davis a MAT team CO working out of the Team 84 compound? Kind of on the short side, but a bit of a bulky build, maybe blondish hair? I just don’t recall the circumstances; what was the time frame? I do recall a gas explosion at a MAT team way up in the plain, where one of the team members was killed. Our team went up to salvage what we could of their equipment. Nothing like having a Chinook hovering 30 feet over your head when you’re trying to hook up a jeep for extraction,

    -Bac Si on the Kien Van district team was wounded by a road mine; we were stuffing money in his pockets as they were medevacing him out. We learned that they dropped the stretcher off-loading him, and he broke his leg. We later heard that he did okay and went home. My replacement (forgot his name, sorry!) was lightly wounded a couple of days in. d

    -We made a lot of progess in Kien Van. Big op was putting a compound at the “crossroads” (canal crossing out in the middle of nowhere; right in the backyard of the VC) and resettling the area. Our team was there on day 1; VC fought it fiercely but finally gave up. Momentum was really going in our direction but a few days before I left, a French armored car, which the Vietnamese hardly every used, was heading up the highway toward the Cambodian border (I was coming back from visiting Hong Nu). I asked what was going on and someone said “they’re invading Cambodia” . That apparently really stirred up a hornet’s nest, because I subsequently heard that a month after I left, Kien Van was hit hard and the team house was heavily damaged. (I never heard about casualties; can someone fill me in on this?)

    -I was happy to be going home but sad to leave. Our job was unfinished, but I have no regrets at all about serving. Thank you all for doing your duty.

    • The ‘Deputy’ at that time was a civilian last name ‘Eny’. Don’t remember his first name. Harry Glazer, another civilian, replaced Eny in early ’71. Glazer was one of the good guys.

      • If I remember correctly his first name was Richard. I know he was senior civilian. Not sure what he did. MAJ Brown, first name may be Joe was the military deputy. I didn’t remember Glazer’s first name.

        Sent from my iPhone


    • Tom, I enjoyed reading your stories. I came along a little later. I was team chief of MATT 113 from September through December of 1971 after I came over from Phong Dinh province (Team 56). We were stationed in the compound at Cao Lanh. I worked with the 423rd RF Battalion. They were later redesigned as the 28th Lien Doi. I remember the battalion commander was Captain . I liked and respected him and often wondered what happened to him. He had received training at Fort Knox as I had so we hit it off in that way.

      Take care and God bless you.
      Al Nash

      • Al, I was there from April 70 to Apr 71. I started with MAT 162/MAT72 ended up as the S-2 . We advised the 28th and 62 Lien Doi which later changed some structure. As S-2 I worked closely with a CPT who was the Province S-2. Do you know if that was the same CPT that took over one of the Lein Doi? When MAT 162/Mat 72 worked with the two company groups there ws a young MAJ as commander of one and and old LTC or MAJ in charge of the other. The old guy was fierce but old. Fighting all his life. When he wore his US jungle boots we were out for a walk in the sun. Hope that is the same CPT . He was Buddhist and wife Catholic.

        • Hi All,

          I know CPT as S-2 was ethnic North Vietnamese who came south because he and/or wife were catholic. also had an I and S platoon headed by a wiry tough SOB lieutenant.


        • Mike, Thanks for your reply. I think there was a Major who commanded an RF battalion or lien doi. Maybe here was one of the officers you referred to. I’m not sure what his unit was. I know that CPT was Hoa Hao Buddist. I don’t know about his wife … never met her. I know she had a baby around September or October of ’71. My team got a change of mission around November. We worked out of My An District and went each day down the canal to a 21st ARVN Division firebase. Our job was to teach procedures for controlling USAF and VNAF air assets. One elderly captain I met there had been at Dien Bien Phu. I don’t remember his name.

  38. I was sorting through some old memorabilia and found an early 1969 CORDS “Kien Phong Province Briefing Folder”. It’s 20 pages but I scanned it into a single .pdf file. If anyone is interested, shoot me an email and I’ll send you the file. My email is penland (@ symbol) (don’t want bots harvesting my email address).
    Bob Penland (MAT IV-72, ’68-69)

    • Bob, when looking at the photo you sent of your Team the Lt with the hat on looks like the Lt on my Mat Team which I sent you a picture. They were standing beside their jeep. The Team leader was a Cpt Mooney??? Keep Smiling

      • Don, I don’t think it’s the same Lt. Our team at My An all came over from Infantry units and we all had already earned our CIBs & Combat Medic Badge. Tm Ldr was 173d Abn Bde, XO, 4th Inf; medic 1st Div; hvy wpns, Americal Div. and myself, 9th Inf MRF. There were no roads in My An, no vehicles – chopper or boat only. Our “transportation” was a beat up Boston Whaler & a very balky & unreliable Merc outboard which broke down about half the times we used it,
        I remember at least a two of us spent a couple weeks at USARV language school in Di An before we reported. Between that and my half-assed French, I was able to communicate fairly well. Many of the older Vietnamese understood French pretty well. We initially had an outstanding interpreter who not only spoke excellent English, but knew all the American slang and colloquialisms to go with it, and was a good hand in a firefight to boot. I believe he was with SF and when they left My An, he soon followed. Don’t know about anywhere else, but It wasn’t until early ’69 that we started receiving personnel fresh from the states. Finally, the name Mooney does not ring a bell. I knew very few names beyond my team and was only in Cao Lanh a couple times.

    • Hey Bob, sorry I hadn’t kept in touch, my computer crashed during a thunder storm. I found an old backup disk and got some of my information back. I had your phone number on my phone ID and lost that too. We need to talk. You have my e-mail address. Hope you are well that you had a Merry Christmas also have a Happy New Year.

  39. I just read once a warrior King and it really brought back memories. I was inThanh Binh and My an districts and was familiar with Kien van but i had neverheard of Tram chin and it was apparently the district just to the north of us. He never mentioned that we were on rations not available ($77.10) per month when he complained about the $1.50 for the Christmas meal .lol ! We scrounged a lot of food from the Navy and Seabees, and of course we ate with the villagers when we visited them. I liked Nuoc-man. Lol

    • I was the team medic for Mat 32 from 68 to 69 . I was in first sent to Kien van and stayed there about a month then got sent to tram chim to join mat 32. I remember col Will very well he made me give up the sks rifle that i got on an operation lol. well i did take it from a weapons cach that we captured. my it would have looked pretty mounted on my wall . i am going back this summer to vietnam for a visit thanks for your service

      • Jesse,
        I was Asst. Tm. Ldr. of MAT 72 in the summer of ’69 and later Tm Ldr of MAT 32, both at Tram Chim. After the big explosion at our outpost in August of ’69 our team became MAT 32 and MAT 72 became the designation of one of the teams operating out of the province compound in Cao Lanh, the one team ILT Dick Davis and SFC Collins were serving on when they were killed in April of ’70. Your name has a familiar ring to it, but old age has blocked my brain camera and I can’t come up with an image to go with the name. Is it possible for you to send me a digital photo of you at the time? I’m at Do you remember SFC John N. Tester on the team. He passed away last year from cancer. SSG Andy Anderson and SFC Dennis Mau I remember, as well.

        I returned to Tram Chim in 1991 back in the days before the US recognized the VN government. Even then Tram Chim was a much larger place than in ’69-’70. A lot of refugees had been moved out there and the town hall with a big picture of Uncle Ho was sitting square atop where our old outpost had been. If you have Google maps, you can get a view of the place today. The development around the place is phenomenal, but it is still way out of the way! How are you getting to VN? Are you going to get up to Tram Chim? A large block of land outside the village is now a bird sanctuary. I’d love to go again.

        All the best,

        Terry T. Turner

        • Good to hear from you. Thank you for answering. I will send you a picture of me but i dont think we ever met. sgt Lagasca the heavy weapons advisor I remember very well from tram chim and he joined me in Ft Carson when he left vietnam. He was a good man i wish i would have ask him for his phone number or something when i got out in 1971. I did tell you i read your book and it was awesome . My trip to vietnam will be in september of this year and i am trying to get down there to tram chim if can swing it. we had two interpreters when i was there. I sure want to meet others that were advisors in MATS teams but so far i have only met one that worked with me at the post office in austin texas, i live in canyon lake texas now. well i got to go talk to you later jess

        • Terry,
          I’ve recently found some documents that put my dad with advisory team 84 march 70 to February 71. He went over as 1st lt. And left cpt. He has since passed in 2000 but I do recall a few stories he told me when he’d gotten pretty far along with multiple sclerosis and I expect he felt it was ok to talk about. I also remember him telling me that there would be books about some of the things you did over there. Was wondering if I could send you a few pics that I’ve found to see if you remember him or the guys he served with. I will be reading your book as well. Thanks Terry.

    • Another name: John Ford a foreign service officer was DSA at Thanh Bien district while I was there in 71 until we declared the district pacified in July and I went to MyAn.

      • Msgt Segura, My team, MATT 113, spent several weeks at My An District around November and December of ’71. We went everyday down the canal to a 21st ARVN Division Fire Base. Were you My An then? I was the team chief (captain) and other members of my team were 1LT Mazzolini and SFC Varner.

  40. Its been my experience that Guys that are frustrated with the VA are too impatient.if you have your DD 214 you shouldn’t need much more. Once you submit a claim your time starts then. If you get an award you will get retroactive pay.

  41. Aaron. You are on a noble effort and mission to help your father and I am sure he appreciates your effort. My experience, use a local VFW, American Legion or DAV chapter. They have professional service officers often collocates with VA offices to give you advice and help make your case at no charge. When you deal with the VA claim you need all sorts of documentation. If a claim is submitted and more information is needed the claim will not be held it will be returned and you have to start over. The Service Officers from the veteran organizations are good and work this all the time.

    • Thanks for all the responses but I have tried the VFW and AML VSO’s and they keep telling me to consult with the VA about retrieving such documentation but they tell me that they are limited to what they can locate so I hope to hear something from the St. Louis archives and if no luck there I plan on writing letters to my state reps.
      One way or another I will complete this mission even if drastic measures are called for.

      Thanks to all.

  42. Hello and a SALUTE to you all for for your service.
    My name is De Shazo, Aaron L. and I am trying to find anyone that may happen to remember a one PFC De Shazo, Robert. H whom is my father. All I know is that he was at first SOG TM84 during the years of 62-63. He was to train the Vietnamese counterparts on how to use the M81 mortor under the command of the SF then he became a mule while the SF did intelligence gathering and as far as I know the intelligence gathering itself and areas of operations were considered classified.
    My mission is to find any and all info to show proof of “boots on the ground” because he was not assigned rather he was attached and because of that plus the classification of his missions nothing was documented on his DD-214 except that he did receive the overseas combat service bars or hash marks which ,according to the VA, is not enough proof to show “boots on the ground” in Vietnam. I have sent the request forms to the Missouri archives to see if they have any documents to prove such a thing.
    First and foremost I want the recognition that he deserves no matter how small or big it may be, Secondly he has prostate cancer and even though the VA states in its veterans disability hand book that certain “diseases” that are listed in it are presumed to be service connected resulting from agent orange he still needs proof of “boots on the ground”. How I love political language. Any suggestions to help me complete this mission will be greatly appreciated.
    MY info is as follows:
    De Shazo. Aaron L.
    531 Deckard School Road
    Rineyville, KY. 40162
    Phone: 502-417-1139

    • Aaron,sorry to hear about your dads troubles with VA,not uncommon. You do not want to pursue this alone. Get ahold of your local Viet Nam organization and they will steer you thru this mess. They usually have an office in VA hospitals and are very good. Good luck. Frank Hynes 69-70 adv team 84.

    • Try your local chapter of the VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America) – there should be one listed in your local phone book. The VVA is usually pretty good at helping people cope with the what is a quad ire at the VA

    • Hi Jackie
      Please read message above with Bills name I guess it should have had your name on it instead. Was Trung and Phouc the interrupters when you were there? If you go to (AZ Wall Project Press Conference YouTube) there is a guy there that was on our team in 71 after I left Roger Pollard is his name. I don’t know him and I wasn’t able to cantact him. Welocme Home!

    • Hi Jackie,
      See Mike Early’s reply which is right on. Mike and I were on TM84 together, literally arriving at the Team on the same day and departing on the same day. John Paul Vann was, indeed, the subject of the book ‘A Bright and Shining Lie’. He was generally known as ‘John Paul Vann’….’The Man With The Plan’. Mr. Vann was ‘the boss’ in IV Corps and reported directly to Ambassador William Egan Colby who was DEPCORDS.

    • I think Pollard was a Phoenix Intel capt. We had one Interpreter and think it Phouc . If anyone remember the District Chiefs name I would like to know. He and I hit it off pretty good. My nickname was Trung si Dep.

      • Hi Jackie,
        My Vietnamese language skills are getting a little rusty, but the last time I checked the word ‘dep’ meant pretty, or beautiful. Sergeant Pretty? Sergeant Beautiful? Post a photo and we’ll vote on it. At least we know that you’ve got a sense of humor.

  43. My father Julius Warren Myers, Jr was there from Jan – Dec 1970. I found a journal and it mentions a lot of these same names and events. Does anyone recognize his name or remember him? He was a 1LT. Thanks.

  44. Have old photos of several Team 84 personnel from 1970-1971 era. Able to identify: Mike Early, John Dolby, Earl Irelan, Herb Waymire, Dennis Mau, Paul Schmidt, Don Dorenbach, Herman Perry. From US Navy T-53 while at Tram Chim, radio call sign ‘Bogus Money’, have photos of BM1 Manuel, BM2 Corbin, and others who I am unable to identify. Will share free, via email, with anybody who asks.
    Also, be interested to know if anybody has any old pics of me.

      • Mr. Wilson,
        Do you remember working in the TOC with me, 1LT Shoreman (after 1LT Jeff Mercandante DROS’d), and SP4 Dorenbach? Do you recall that both you and Dorenbach went to Can Tho by jeep with me as my bodyguards the month that I was the payroll officer? Would like to hear more from you. How did everything go after you got back to the world?

    • Hello LT Shoreman! I couldn’t believe I found your name in here. It has been so long ago. I would like copies of any pictures you have of our time in Cao Lahn.

  45. Does anyone remember Master Sergeant Julius Danko?? Tall, country white guy from Tennessee. I mean real country, and deep Southern accent.

  46. I am looking for anyone who may have served with my dad in Kien Phong, he was KIA on January 24th 1970. He was Army and was killed in a helicopter incident his name was Nathaniel Sonny Thomas I’d be interested in speaking with anyone who may have served with him. Thanks so much.

  47. I would like to learn more about Kien Phong my Dad died there in a helicopter crash during the war. I was 3 Yrs old.His name was Nathaniel Sonny Thomas I’d be interested in speaking with anyone who may have served with him. Thanks so much.

  48. Hi Paul,

    At Team 85, (and according to U.S. Army Regulations), we were told that Infantry Insignias and Infantry MOS’s were never required in Vietnam for receiving a CIB if one was an Infantry Advisor to a South Vietnamese Infantry Type of Unit. Some CIB’s were awarded to Artillery Officer Advisors, etc. etc. at our location. At Team 85, with a duty roster for assignment, all types of officers were required to go on patrol every night along the nearby Cambodian Border, with said duty pulled at least once a week with about 8 accompanying South Vietnamese Infantry soldiers. We would head out about 6 p.m., cross the Vam Co Tay River, make several stops along the way at pre-designated check points, get under a wool blanket with a flashlight to check our map, call in our position to the TOC, and return the following morning at 6 a.m. Terrain was very similar to Kien Phong, (“La Plaine des Joncs”), the Plain of Reeds. We had at about a total of 45 SF and MACV American soldiers in Kien Tuong Province combine with outer MACV & SF A-Teams etc., with a population of about 45,000 Vietnamese civilians and solders combined. Our local Moc Hoa hospital had a Vietnamese Doctor and an American Doctor for all 45,000 or so inhabitants. The Team 84 and Team 85 quarters were very similar — I was told by the locals that these were former French Foreign Legion quarters.

    General Abrahams was an Armor Officer, General MacArthur and General Robert E. Lee were Engineer Officers ….. I learned quickly that what is on the inside of a uniform is what really counts in any profession .. a white jacket does not make a good dentist or doctor.

    Thanks, Henry.

  49. Hi Bob,

    Never heard of the RVN Cross of Gallantry. After being re-assigned from Team 84, further north to MACV Team 85, (located in Special Forces Compound B-41, in Moc Hoa, Kien Tuong Province), I was their first, Lieutenant Engineer Province Advisor, under Command of a MACV Ltc Terrell, and a Special Forces Ltc Herlein, and all of us were under a USAID civilian Foreign Officer 04, Mr. Richard White. In September of 1968 President Thieu visited with us in Moc Hoa, later Mr. John Paul Van, and later General C. Abrams. When General Westmoreland departed, his chief cook, a Sgt. Roush and his Vietnamese wife came to Moc Hoa as our Mess Sergeant — great guy, great cook. My counterpart, engineer Lt. Do Dinh Phuc escaped with the “Boat People” in April 1975 with his 3 sons and wife. He died but his sons became doctors — we stay in touch — great & wonderful intelligent guys.

    Thanks for you most kind and considerate note …… good military friends are always good friend forever.


    • I was an Armor Branch officer assigned to Team 84 in Kien Van Sub Sector from April ’67 to March ’68.  I was awarded the CIB.  Looks good with my Armor insignia!  Good luck, Paul Montgomery

  50. Hi Don,

    About 43 years ago, I had asked the Army Records Department in St. Louis about same who said I needed written documentation for same. I just never followed through and felt it was not very important. Lt. Fremont left me in charge and I cannot even remember my replacement’s name or the names of the Vietnamese Commander.

    At my new location further north we had several MACV non-infantry advisor officers who were awarded CIB’s as advisors.

    It seems what the St. Louis guys read to me at that time years ago is similar to what I found below on Google in AR-8-22, dated 11December 2006, as you recommended:

    (a) In addition, any officer, warrant officer, or enlisted Soldier whose branch is other than infantry, who under appropriate orders was assigned to advise a unit listed in (c) and (d) below or was assigned as a member of a White Star Mobile Training Team or a member of MAAG–Laos as indicated in (2)(a) and (b) below will be eligible for award of the CIB provided all other requirements have been met.

    (c) Subsequent to 1 March 1961, a Soldier must have been—
    1. Assigned as advisor to an infantry unit, ranger unit, infantry-type unit of the civil guard of regimental or smaller size, and/or infantry-type unit of the self-defense corps unit of regimental or smaller size of the Vietnamese government during any period such unit was engaged in actual ground combat.
    2. Assigned as advisor of an irregular force comparable to the above infantry units under similar conditions.
    3. Personally present and under fire while serving in an assigned primary duty as a member of a tactical advisory team while the unit participated in ground combat.


    Most sincere gratitude for your very concerned response ……. in looking back during those times, not many cared either way what happened afterwards anyway ……we are most fortunate to be here.



  51. Henry. If all is as you described then it is doubtful that award of a CIB was warranted. I was on a MAT team assigned to Team 84. None of our team members, all infantry officers or Infantry EM/NCO’s, except the medic, were awarded the CIB. You might Google the requirements for its award, and you will see what I mean. “Sorry ’bout dat”

    • At Adv Tm 84, I served on MAT72/MAT162. Team members with Infantry MOS were awarded CIB. Award criteria was based on five offensive operations where there was contact with the enemy. Team medic already had combat medic badge from previous tour.

      Mike Early Sent from my iPhone


  52. Hi,

    I was incorrectly sent to Team 84 in Kien Phong Province in August of 1968. Still have my orders written on a piece of paper the size of a cigarette paper with the hand written note “Tm #84.”
    In Saigon they asked me to find it on a map on the wall and get there the best way I could. I flew to Can Tho, then to Tm 84 in a fixed wing Helio single engine plane with an Air America Pilot.
    I was later greeted by a very friendly Special Forces Engineer Officer, LTC & Commander Callahan who had no idea I was arriving.
    He sent me out as an Infantry Advisor with Lt. Fremont from New York who was an Infantry Officer. We may have been about four (4) American soldiers with about 50 Vietnamese soldiers at an outpost. Lt. Fremont could speak Vietnamese, I could not ….. but I spoke fluent French.
    All of IV Corps was previously a French Colony known as Cochin-China for 100 years prior to 1956 —— all Vietnamese born prior to about 1946 who had at least a 3rd Grade education were very fluent in French as well as all Vietnamese Officers. If born prior to 1948, they could all acquire French dual citizenship if requested.
    Our counter part was a Vietnamese Infantry Captain, maybe 45 years old in 1968, i.e., born around 1922 …. he had been a former soldier with the French Foreign Legion.
    We went on several search and destroy missions, de-armed some personnel mines, encountered enemy fire often and almost got wiped out one day by a U.S. single jet on an Air Force bombing mission.
    Every creek we crossed was about 5 feet deep and infested with leeches was customary for the Vietnamese soldiers to pick leeches off of one another after crossing a creek.
    While staying on a top bunk one weekend in the officers quarters in the Special Forces Compound, after going to bed one night, I saw a bright flash in the dark about maybe 100 yards away …. a few minutes later I heard a “thump”. I had no idea what was the “Thump”. I got up to notify the CQ Captain who accompanied me in the dark around midnight with a flash light.
    It was 40 pounds of TNT wrapped in burlap known as a “Sachel Charge”. It landed outside about 3 feet from my bunk. For some reason, thank God, the lit wick fell out as it was catapulted towards us and never exploded.
    After some time out at the outpost, somebody came out to our outpost in the field to tell me I had to report to Team 85 further north on the Cambodian Border in Moc Hoa, KienTuong Province.
    There was a black Infantry Special Forces Major who told me because I had encountered enemy fire while on several daily Infantry Operations he was recommending me for the CIB.
    I later arrived in Moc Hoa, stayed there as a Engineer Advisor until August 1969, came home, and stayed in the Army reserves for an additional 26 years and retired as an LTC.
    As one can imagine, as is so customary with Combat Veteran treatment, I never did received my Combat Infantrymen’s Badge, (CIB).


  53. To Lee Atwood, I was on MAT 106 in Kien Van the same time you were. Have often wondered how to get in touch with you.

    Tommy Seargeant

  54. My name is Lee Atwood. I was part of Adv Tm 84 from Nov 70-Nov 71 and was the DIOCC Advisor and DeputySA in Kien Van District. Our DSA was LTC Sanders and later Maj Bobby Stone. Other team members I remember Sp5 Paul Harden, SFC Sweatman, SSG “Doc” Brooks. All good people. Also remember LTC Hippler, Maj Brown and Maj Mo Ralston. My VN counterpart, Dai-uy Knoc, was tremendous and we had our share of encounters with small elements of the 502nd VC Bn and the 88th NVA Reg. Didn’t lose any Kien Van team members but lost many, many RF/PFs. Someone earlier mentioned building the Kien Van bunker. Concrete filed sandbags, firing ports, observation tower. Great job. Life saver for us. Many thanks.

    • Lee,
      We were at Kien Van Aug 67 to June 68. When we got there had only a concrete block shell but had not had real heavy pressure in the past. WE also added the rear bathroom screened area. We also added 55 gal drums filled with water to give us some quick protection until we could get in the bunker. Also had 4 50 cal and auto 40mm grenade launcher all on loan from the PBR people at Sa Dec. Also VRC 46 Radios rather than 25 and 77 they gave us. all scrounged along with all the bldg. materials. My XO ,Paul Montgomery is near Huntsville and we have wondered if the Bunker with Ft Marnon painted in Orange Paint on top was still there. Will provide more info if you desire. Really happy because what we built is the reason our team made it out in one piece. WE lost 22 out of 28 outposts during our tour. Thanks for the update. Later went back on second tour in 71/72 with the Viet Abn and fought all over the country. Keep Smiling

      • I was at Kien Van from Nov 68 to Jun 69. I don’t recall any of those names. We were MATIV-33. Senior advisor Cpt. Shaw. DSA was a Cpt. Tuman. PSA was LTC Wills. Love to hear more as I do recall the 50 Cal on the tower and the 40MM scrounged from the Navy. The VN district chief as a Major Chuc.

        • Don, MAT. team IV -33 was also with me in May. 68. I have a picture of the team and a going away gift to me from them. Capt Roony ,Lt Gee,Psg Adkins,Ssg. morada and Ssg Tinday. I thought a Ssg Jackson was also on the team. Send me your e-mail and I will send you other pictures from that era.

          Keep Smiling

        • Paul Montgomery here. I was Don Marnon’s XO. Was at Kien Van from 4/67 to 4/68. Served first under Major Dankers. District Chief initially was Capt. Bach Hung Ung. Replaced by Major Chuc. Loved Major Chuc. He was a scrapper!! Didn’t hear a VC shot fired until Aug. 67. Then it heated up some. Lost the first outpost and associated bridge on the road to Cao Lanh near the end of my tour. Gained a jeep Major Marnon had “borrowed” from Cao Lanh. No way to get it back to them. We used it to haul water, fuel, and supplies to and from the “boat dock”. When I got there we had old engineer assault boats with worn out 40 horse Johnson motors. Great day when we got the new Boston Whalers with new motors. Felt like a sports car compared to the old boats.

          • Hi Paul’ I was Asst. District Advisor In Kien Van from 3/65 to 3/66 and those old assault boats got there in Aug 65- new. Used them for trips over to Sadec.
            Amazed to learn that the road to Cao Lanh was cut during your tour. That was our main supply route in 65′. Capt Ung was the District Chief. Capt. Thonious Robinson was the District Advisor- outstanding leader-got the job done with few casualties ( Minor). Had the pleasure to meet up with him in Baker , Louisiana last November. while attending a VA trade show.
            Kevin Connelly

    • Response to Lee Atwood- Lost my fingerprints handling the cement filled sandbags for the bunker at Kien Van!!! Didn’t know what wet cement would do to your skin. No permanent damage. Returned to Kien Van in 1995; not recognizable. All the 1968 buildings gone and many replaced. Had to hurriedly “get out of Dodge” for taking pictures. Upset the locals!! Interesting visit but all too short.-Paul Montgomery

    • Hello Cpt Atwood. This is Paul Hardin. I was happy to read your entry. I hope we can continue to correspond, It was a great opportunity to serve with you. I hope you and your family are doing well.

  55. My name is 1st Lt Donald Surgent—my brother Joseph was on Team 84 1965-66—-I spent my time 1971-72 with the 221st Signal Company {Combat Photographers}–I am very proud of my brother for spending all that time in the Delta area—God Bless all of you fellows—check out our Website 221st Signal Company Vietnam—Don Surgent

  56. In January 1965, a DA Rep met with all the 1st Lts in the 47 ADA Bde in Los Angeles. We had 2 choices: Go to RVN as an advisor now or go later. Later involved the MATA Course at Ft. Bragg. I chose later and arrived in Cao Lanh in September 1965.I, like Mark Pilgrim, did not recognize any of the individuals mentioned in the website (except Jack Jacobs, or course). I also had trouble with Team designations. In 1965 Team 84 members were the only Americans in Kien Phong. No SF. No Navy. The 9th ARVN would pass through. We did have 3 AF FACs on the team.

    Mark was my roommate for my last six months. My first roommate, a QM 1st Lt flipped out and was med evaced. Mark and I were the Lt Go Fors on the Team. We split all the extra duties and alternated on the bi-weekly supply convoy to Saigon. We still managed to go on 1 or 2 operations per week.Some of the Team members in 1965 were: LTC William H. Young, Maj Pugh, Cpts Rufus Rogers and Jim Locklear, 1st Lt Gregg Franks (he was in a subsector), SFCs Talley and Scruggs and SSG Sams.

    The war went on daily in Kien Phong. Air strikes, outposts were overrun, RF operations, IEDs, etc. We were lucky, no team member was WIA or KIA during my year. Most RF operations were within range of the two 105s in the the Province Chief’s compound, but I was on several in the Plain of Reeds and on the Cambodian border. The operations seldom resulted in contact but there were several real good Firefights.. We had no contact with the NVA, but felt that they were using Kien Phong in transit. It was a big deal when we captured our first AK-47. The Team Compound was never attacked but we were harassed by mortar and small arms fire. However, the air strip was overrun and an L-19 was destroyed.I was proud to be in MACV and on Team 84.

    As an ADA officer, there was no way I could get into RVN and earn my CIB without being an advisor. I have no regrets. Got off active duty in 1971 and retired as an O-6 in 1993.

    Joseph Surgent
    Team 84 1965-1966

  57. Just finished reading “ECHOES OF THE MEKONG” by Peter Huchthausen. A must read for anyone who served on an advisory team along the Mekong. Good detail and excellent, heartwarming story. Thanks, Don, for the tip on this book. I got it off Amazon for less than $10. My daughter is reading it now to get a better understanding of what Dad did. Paul

  58. Terry,

    Did you write the book “Once a Warrior King” under name of David Donovan? Only book I found accurately describing the efforts of the MACV adviisors.

    Mike Early
    MAT 72 later MAT 162 then S-2
    Tm 84

  59. All,
    I just came upon this site—again. I had forgotten I had somehow come upon it and made a comment a couple of years ago, but I just saw that comment as I scanned the site. I was on Tm 84, MAT-32 in 1969-70. If I recall correctly, we were MAT-72 for a bit before province changed our designation to 32 and made the province town’s lien doi advisors MAT-72. MAT-32 was assigned to the RF/PF units in the village of Tram Chim up on the Dong Tien canal. We were out on the Plain of Reeds not far from the Cambodian border. I knew George Weiland in the TOC because I was assigned there for a couple of weeks as my badly sprained ankle healed in a cast. I remember COL Will, MAJ Smith, 1LT Dick Davis, and SFC Collins, who have been mentioned in many of the previous emails. They were all back in Cao Lanh, so Dick was the only one I knew well. Out at Tram Chim, the VN government made a new district, cutting off a part of Kien Van, I believe it was, and since I was already on site, I also became the DSA. Talk about being stretched thin! Anyway, two of my guys, MSG Chalmers Humphreys and SFC Edward Ambrose on my team were killed in a fire and ammo explosion in our compound. Would love to be able to communicate to their children and grandchildren what great guys they were. I kept up with MSG John Tester who, unfortunately, passed away a couple of months ago. His kids had the chance to know what a great guy he was.

    I don’t know if the MACV veterans who read this are aware of Counterparts, an association of former VN advisors. If you are interested, you can google their website.

    All the best,

    Terry T. Turner
    MAT IV-32
    TM 84

    • Terry,
      I was your replacement at Tram Chim. You may recall that I had contacted you a few years ago and even sent you a photo of the newly constructed team house. Others there at the time were DSA Cpt Mallory, SFC Waymeier (sp?), SSG Herman Perry, and SFC Dennis Mau (Bac Si). Later arrival, SFC Warren Nobles replaced Mau as the team Bac Si. I still have the photo of Thieu Uy Bien (sp?) that you sent me.
      Bob Shoreman
      MAT 32 and later MAT 162
      Team 84, 1970-1971

    • I was with mat 32 in tram chim and when we left you guys replaced us until the accident which was about 2 months or so after we had left there. We were ordered back to tram chim to replace you there. I was the team medic my name is jesse tamayo

    • I was the team medic from 68 to 69 . sgt lacasca came to us before I rotated back to the states. I read your book and liked it very much.. I remember doing radio watch and shooting rats with my slingshot and giving them to the PFs nexr morning. sgt lagasca joined me in ft carson about 6 or 7 months later. he is a great guy and i wished i had gotten his address before i got out of the army. jesse tamayo

    • My name is Roger Clark. I had them send me all my military records so I could remember what MAT team I was on 1969-April 1970. My records show MAT 84. I was a 2nd LT. I remember being assigned as a district team. My memory is not very good. I can’t remember names. Please contact me at

  60. Mike,
    Reference the post on use of defoliants in Kien Phong.when I Arrived in Kien Van in Aug 67 I received a briefing from some expert ????, that said the Vn planted a new type of high yielding rice grain that produced the best rice production in all of Vn. Because of that, very little defoliant was used except for around bases like in wire and mine fields. The southern tip near Cammau ?? and up north used C123’s round the clock spraying any place they thought the enemy would hide. In 71/72 at North Of Tay Ninh and DakTo we were covered in it round the clock. Your right that it doesn’t matter as long as you set foot in Vn as far as VA is concerned. Paul Montgomery had a post a while back asking if anyone remembered the bunker we built at Kien Van and the letters on top cut into the cement *Ft Marnon *painted bright orange letters. Many times the helos would wake us up asking if anyone was up at Ft Marnon. I have pictures on my Facebook page of the bunker and weapons we sqrounged. Don’t know how to get pictures onto this site.I told Paul that the 4 50 cals and auto 40mm auto grenade launcher that the PBRS’ loaned us made us a too costly target to take on. Also we had VRC46 radios that we got from destroyed PBRS . We took the parts and carried them to a Maint facility in Cantho and told them our jeeps had been destroyed along with the radios.They put them on order for us. About a week or two later we got a message from the Maint facility asking us if we wanted the radar system which was in the box along with the radio parts. The PPR Co ,Pete Huchhauser needed wood for their club at Sa Dec. I told him if he would loan me his Mike boat we would go to Dong Tam and get him his wood if I could fill the boat with what I wanted.End result we had more trading material and things like cement ,sandbags and hard to get ammo like 40 mm ,carbine ammo grenades etc. ltc Mullins would chew my ass out because I was getting material for his counterpart that he wouldn’t get for him. Maj Chuc ,our counterpart, used it to his advantage to get what he needed. It was a great tour. I blew out my right eardrum in June of 68 and was sent to Cantho after being released from the 24th evac Hosp in Saigon. My ear got infected and they sent be home mid June. Went to language school and went back in June71 thru April 72 with Vn Abn. Had only non English speaking Bn Cdr in Div with no interperter. I taught him English and he taught me Vietnamese . He was a great leader and soldier. I left him on a mountain top fire base just south of Dak To in April 72 .)Served 10 months with the 1st Abn Bn. Had one American advisor with each rifle co and I was alone at the Bn Level. Fought in War Zone D and along the border near Tay Ninh and last at Dak To where we lost Dak To. We lived in Saigon but went out whenever the Vn Corps couldn’t handle the attacks. OurAdvisory team was TM162. Great bunch of people both American and Viets.

    Keep Smiling

  61. I’ve had three friends with different issues, depression mental health, ALS and prostate cancer. All filled and received compensation and treatment. It’s worth checking out the VA list of issues attributable to agent orange.

  62. MAT 72 later 162 had responsibility for compound security. I remember being told that the SF B team forward that used the compound used defoliant in the fields around the compound with the concertina wire.

    Check current VA rules but I believe anyone serving in RVN potentially exposed to agent orange. There is a list of ailment attributed to agent orange and VA covers the medical bills.

    Don’t know about Tan Tic. One of the companies in the Lien Doi secured the airfield.
    Can’t remember which Lien Doi but doesn’t make a difference.
    Mike Early

  63. I recall SPC Dawkins and Mollet who were great RTOs in the TOC. They worked with Jeff Mercadante who was OIC for awhile. I was in S-2 with a SSG Cruz and SPC Dolan. At one point I remember that Bobby Dawkins and I were sent to a site where a new ARVN outpost was to be built We stayed there in a bunker for a few days. Glad to get out of that site.

    • Mike,
      When I took over the TOC from Jeff Mercadante the RTO’s were SPC’s Dolan and Dorenbach. They both accompanied me overland by jeep to Can Tho when I was Class A Agent for payroll. A foolish mission which turned out to be a quirk of fate. The Air America flight that I was supposed to be manifested on collided with a Huey on final for Can Tho airfield and all were killed. The finance officer was surprised to see me when I reported in to pick up the payroll. He believed that I had been on board the AA flight.

  64. My father Julius Warren Myers, Jr was there from Jan – Dec 1970. I found a journal and it mentions a lot of these same events. Do you recognize the name? Thanks.

  65. Greetings I am Jim Murray and I was the S4 for Team 84 from May 68 to May 69. LTC Will was there as was Maj Smith. I was the adviser to the RFPF Supply company down the road from the compound. I would like to know if anyone remembers Sgt. Chapman who was my support Sgt. I would like to find him. Let me know if anyone knows how to contact him. I have stayed in touch with Lt Jim Mullin, Lt. Eugene Frament. I had been in touch with Lt Dennis Arthur and Cpt. Larry Ruzyla both of whom have passed over. I am also looking for Lt. Mac Donald the S3 for the SF B team. Best to all

  66. Good Morning Shelby; As I’m sure you know Sfc. Collins was from Blue Island Illinois. Me I was from the south side of Chicago not very far away from each other. Yet we met on the other side of the world in Vietnam. So he and I had something in common instantly. He and I talked many times together and we joked if we ever made it back to the world we would visit each other he was now my friend. He was a good man proud husband, father and soldier who believed in God and his Country. I was RTO with Team 84 the day he was KIA he was a brave man who lost his life so others could live.There was a brief service for him and Lt. Davis also KIA back at Team 84 Base Camp the folowing morning. The next time I got to see them was many years later. Down Town Chicago Lake Shore Drive Olive Park on the Vietnam Traveling Wall. I’m friends with Paul Smith Retired Army Captain he was Sfc. Collins Team Leader in Nam for some time. I will get in touch with him and maybe he can give you some more info. Shelby know this anyone who new Sfc Collins would call him a friend.

    • George, I somewhat remember your name, the Last Names in particular. I was there 1970 to 1971 and I may have been country 2 months when this happen. Story has it that SFC Collins was shot one time. Wheras Lt. Davis was shot mulitple times in the face and genitals until nothing was there. Remember having to meet the Chopper on that day. Still not sure if it was them, but it was only 2 casualties the whole time I was there. It was a SAD DAY. But we had to go on. I remember SFC Collins Big Guy, very Professional, proud Black Man. George, didn’t you work in the TOC? I was a Radio Operator back then. Get in touch, would love to hear from you.

  67. Hello Shelby,I. Remember sfc Collins very well. We grew up about a mile apart from each other. Spent a lot of time talking when we were on guard duty together. Taught me to how to use BAR,50 cal and the twin 50 in the north bunker. A professional soldier,he was a real gentleman and a sad day when he was KIA. His family could be proud of Him.

    • That is amazing. His grandaughter and I are very close friends. I am a SPC in 4th ENG BN, 36th EN BDE stationed out of Fort Carson, Colorado. I told her there are so many websites where veterains try and reach out to the soldiers they served with, and i would help her try to gain as much information as possible. His wife, son and grandaughter all miss him so much and are very proud of him and the things he did for his country. Things they were wondering, what kind of leader was he? Did he ever talk about his wife and son much? What kind of man was he to his soldiers?

      And for one Sir, I am very graitful for the things the men before me did while serving. If it was not for you and the sacrifices that have been made i would not be able to wear the uniform i so proudly wear today. So thank you for your service.

  68. Checking in from Nha Trang where a new 47 story hotel/apartment building towers over nearby 30 story onesYesterday I talked with a young man who lived in Cao Lanh. Using Google Earth we noted that downtown Team 84 location is now a nice park area with the nearby then small pond now is a lake as a centerpiece for the park. Also as I previously noted the road from Kien Van to Cao Lanh is fully urbanized.
    Vietnam is a young dynamic country with little collective memory of the war. Communism is only evident at entering and exiting the country as the passport and visa is examined in great detail.
    The Hong Ngu intel advisor was Terry Johnson. I served with him later in Izmir, Turkey.
    Mo Ralston Team 84 70-71

  69. Don,

    I was with TM 84 70/71. Guess it was Joe Jellison who was your classmate that was shot down. He was the Province S-3 before going to the DSA job. He was flying night hunter killer operation. Think he broke one or both legs in the crash. He subsequently made BG and was stationed in Korea last I read about him.

    Kien Van was always a tough district. Mar/Apr 70 two US KIA from MAT 72 in Kien Van on operation with the RF Lien Doi. The 502 Main Force Bn and 88th NVA Rgt were there. COL David Hackworth came into TM 50 (44th STZ) and wanted the 502d eliminated. They caused him problems with the 9th ID. They were ineffective by March 71. My An was very remote. The district compound was almost overrun at one point. The US had to go to the team bunker within the house. I remember talking with them during the attack and hearing the gunfire in background. Attack was repelled with air support. I went there the next day. The claymore chargers at the perimeter were dirty and not connected on a portion of the wall.

    I read Once a Read Warrior King. I don’t remember a Terry Turner having a MAT team in Than Binh. I remember there was a Terry that was the district intel officer in Hong Nhu.

    I was with MAT 72 later designated 162 with the two RF Lien Doi later two battalion reaction force. Spent a month as Asst S-2 with cast on my leg then back to the Team. Bruce Cleverly left and I was pulled to be the S-2. The replacement arrived and my drop was disapproved. I worked with the PRU’s and strike force on selected operations. There was no longer a MAT assigned to the force.

    The US 7/1 air cav at Vinh Long started to stand down and VNAF helicopters were starting to take some of the airmobile operations. LTC Woodmansee (BlackHawk 6) was the commander. I think he later was CG at Ft. Rucker and maybe a LTG later. Figure that is why Army now has Black Hawk and Apache helicopters and tried to have a Commanche helicopter. His call sign was Black Hawk and Apache and Commanche were two of his troops.

    Mike Early

    • Mike ,
      You were correct ,it was Jellison that was my classmate. Also Hackworth was our Deputy Abn Div Advisor before he went to 44th SZ.. Ben Willis ,a Car Course classmate of mine was his S-3. The 44th was activated just after Tet 68 with Col Geraci serving as Commander. His call sign was Mal Hombre. During Tet a Maj Wally Crum was killed in Cao Lanh from a mortar blast going out to pick up a wounded buddy. He was another Car course classmate. Jack Jacobs was awarded the MOH for action in Kien Van during a battle we were all involved in. I think it was against the 502 main force Bn. He was a Lt with a 1/16 .9th Arv Div. Sea Wolf 35/36 saved his life by picking him up. I was in a blocking position with RF/PF and were unable to help him. We also had a Mat Team come in after Tet and they were a big help. I talked with Turner and helped him get some pictures and info on Ray Mullins who was the SF Prov Cdr. Mullen died in Thailand in the 80/90 time frame. I think Turner is his real name or Donavan.. One or the other. He wrote a good book. Great hearing from you. I now have to call Paul Montgomery to find out how he is doing. He was a great XO

      Keep Smiling.

  70. Don Marnon
    Was with TM 84, District Advisor Kien Van District Aug 67 to June 68. We were attached to SF B43 with Ltc Mullins as Commander. Had just spent 5 years with Special Forces and was assigned to Kien Van. Had served with most of the guys in B43 and also the C team in Cantho. Paul Montgomery was my XO along with the other guys he mentioned in his post. We had a great team and if the PBRs had not given us the 4 50 Cals and auto 40 mm grenade launcher we would have been overrun for sure. We had 28 outposts including the District Hgs and we lost 22 of them during our tour. Most were lost in Tet 68. Paul visited me in Dothan, Al several years ago. SSG Grimes was our weapons man and saw him at Ft Benning many years ago. Sent some pictures to Terry Turner after reading his book ,Warrior King. Maj Chuc was our District Chief. Outstanding soldier. Lt Pete Huchthauser was the Commander of the PBRs that saved our neck all the time. I stayed in touch with him after I retired and he died in France a couple years ago. Kien Van was the most active district in Kien Phong Prov. My Ann was a SF A camp and we road shot gun on the LCVPs that resupplied it all the time I went back to Vietnam in 71 /72 for a tour with the Viet Airborne ,Adv Tm 162. Great soldiers!!! One of my classmates in CGSC 71/72 was the District Advisor in 71/72 and was with Maj Chuc when they were shot down in a night Helo mission over Binh Tan Island. Major Chuc lost the use of his legs on that operation. Retired with 33 years and enjoyed every day of it.Retired from Ft Rucker in 87 and became City Manager ,Dothan Al from 87/94. Would love to hear from guys that served with us.

  71. Wish every Vietnam veteran could revisit the country! The overall situation is turning out OK, based on what I could see in 1995 and 2013 when I was there (Saigon and Delta in 1995, Da Nang, Hoi An, and Nha Trang in 2013). Still not free, as we perceive it, but the free market system seems to be thriving. Just to be sure people can contact me by email, Input from people stationed at Cao Lanh would be helpful in helping me understand what happened after 4/68.

    • Hi Paul,

      I was in a MAT team in MY AN 68 & 69. I find that the Tm numbers were changed and do not know how to ID myself. Info I have on my Team is Team 72 Adv Tm 84. Capt Fry was the Team Leader. If you make contect with any members of my team please let me know.
      This Web page is what we need for peace of mind. Thanks to all who were in a MAT team
      only you know what it was like. WELCOME HOME!

      • Hi Bill,
        Stumbled across this site and recognized your name right away. I was on MAT IV-72 with you. Team members at various times while I was there were 1LT Glen Rose (Dist SA); 1LT Leonard Necaise (MAT SA), Lt. J P Cayce (MAT XO), SGT Ben Larrabee (MAT Hvy wpns – killed Dec. ’68); myself, SSG Bob Penland (MAT Lt. wpns); 1LT Bill Voecks (PHX advisor); and yourself. Our original interpreter was “Nevada Smith”, who’s real name we never knew. We also inherited a housekeeper named Ba Xau, who was said to be a Cambodian. SFC Claude Humphreys replaced Larrabee. I seem to recall that Cayce was replaced by a LT Bible, and Necaise was replaced by CPT Fry,
        Not sure, but we may have been the original team, as when I reported to My An the advisers there were a partiai SF A team (A-433) from My Da. We took over their old team house and they moved on. At that time I think the 44th STZ was still under SF control, possibly the last to be so.
        Recall that in ’69 they moved us to My Hoa, a move reminiscent of a marine version of the Grapes of Wrath. We loaded all the “goodies” that we had scrounged up on our Whaler and a borrowed boat and headed up the canal locked and loaded. It must have been quite a sight to the locals as we even had wall lockers lashed to the boat. If the VC wanted our “stuff”, they damn sure were going to have to fight for it.
        As I recall, our new camp in My Hoa consisted of a clearing and a conex that was dropped in next to an RF/PF outpost. We set up a GP medium tent and that was our new home. You and I went on a scrounging trip to Saigon and scored (among other things) sandbags for tent protection. We “hired” the local kids to help fill sandbags and eventually we managed to get the tent perimeter protected.
        Too bad we can’t post photos to this site. I have quite a few of My An, My Hoa and personnel. I also have the Kien Phong briefing document I was given either upon arrival or maybe up at USARV language school.
        Glad to know you are still alive and kickin’. It was a pleasure to serve with you.

        • Do you remember anything else about CPT Fry? Trying to discover anything about my grandfather during Vietnam. His full name was Dudley Fry, from California, and was an airborne ranger. All I know is that he did a few tours of Vietnam, normally in an advisory role to Vietnamese troops.

          • William, even though your grandfather (Capt. Fry) and I were on the same team we didn’t have very much time together to exchange information about each other. We were a 5 men team and were busy 24/7. One would man the radio while the rest of us were on search and destroy operations. What little time we had at camp we tried to sleep. However, I can tell you that your grandfather was a good leader. One of the best. The one thing I do remember is that when I earned my CIB (Combat Infantry Badge) he asked me if I wanted the CIB or the CMB (Combat Medical Badge). I had a chose because I was the team Medic. He also recommended me for my first Bronze Star. I only know of one other person beside my self that made it back alive from our team. I hope and pray that Capt. Fry made it back too. If he did and he is still with us please tell him to get in touch with me. Would love to chat with him. God Bless.
            Msg. Carvajal

          • I see the California reference. I served as COL Fry’s operations officer in Korea in 1979-1980. I remember him as a very fine officer and gentleman from North Carolina.

  72. My posting yesterday was hurried. I’d like to add a bit of detail. Would like to hear from Cary Hembree, Cecil Grimes (Hynos :), Rusty Pettinger, Gene Hoffman, or Sgt. Johnson (came in to TM84 just before I left.) I have been able to meet up with Major Don Marnon. He retired as a Colonel and lived in Dothan, Alabama when I talked to him. Anybody see the Fort Marnon sign on the top of the TM 84 bunker. I went back to Kien Van in 1995 for an all too brief visit. Was run off by the locals for taking pictures of the District HQ compound. You can see my e-mail address. Phone is 256-318-3256. I have read all the TM 84 postings and don’t recognize a lot of what is referred to. Must have been a lot of changes after I left in April of 1968.

  73. Would like to hear from Grimes, Pettinger, Hembree, Johnson, et al who were in Adv. Tm. 84 during time frame 4/67-4/68.

  74. All; My name is Jose R. Blanco, I also served with ADV TM 84, I was there when SFC Collins was KIA. I served as the Mail Room Clerk, Supply Clerk, and helped out in the TOC. I do remember COL. Will, he sure liked to play Volley-Ball on Sunday Afternoons. I retired from the Army, and currently working as a GS at Ft Polk, La. Plan to fully retire in Oct 2015.

    • Hi Jose; I remember you well you picked me along with the mail up out @ TanTic air strip when I was heading to Tm 84. I remember you in a little mail room glad you made it back. I think were in same hooch for a while along with Mike Mollot?Mullot, Frank Hines, Oxie who ran the country store, I worked @ the TOC for Maj.Smith then whent out to MyAn District Tm and finished my tour. I think I remember you were from Texas. Take care Brother!

      • George Weiland do you rememer a soldier by the name of SFC Collins, Vernel. he served his second tour with MACV team 84. He was KIA on April, 30th 1970. His wife, son, and grandaughter have very little information on him. His grandaughter has never gotten the oportunity to meet him and has always wondered who he was and what he was like. if you have any info on him it would be much appreciated by not only his grandaughter but his entirie family.

      • George, now I remember. I was you and Mike Mollet’s replacement. You guy were short timers. You had to teach me the ropes.

      • George Welland, hope all is well. I found my old Vietnam shot records, and it list the two “GG” injections that I’ll never forget.
        The shot records indicate that I received the injections from a SGT H. Munoz, the TEAM 84 Medic.
        Later, take care.


  75. . I served on Team 84 Dec 70-Dec 71. It was an interesting of experience of forced rosey reporting to an advisory chain of command that was clearly out of touch with reality. It is very sad that so many were lost in an endeavor that was doomed from the onset.
    I returned to Cao Lanh in 2007. The province is now called Dong Thap as the former Kien Phong area has been combined with the Sa Dec Province accross the Mekong River It is now a much larger city with modern buildings; including a five story hotel. The Province Headquarters is in the same location in a very large, well landscaped building. New streets and construction make finding the location of the Team 50, Team 84, ant the in town complex where I lived almost impossible. The Tan Thic airfield is now the location of a college campus. The roads are paved and the route from Kien Van to Cao Lanh is urbanized. There is a large athletic complex at the location of the Cao Lanh District Headquarters.
    In December I will return to Vietnam for the eighth time to spend the winter. I have traveled the country from the China border to the islands off the southern tip. I have also spent time in Laos and Cambodia. Despite the corrupt central government the people of Vietnam are hard working, welcoming to Americans and it a country with a bright future.
    Mo Ralston
    Colonel, Retired

  76. Sorry I don’t recognize any of you guys but the places you speak of are burned in my mind. Was assigned to MACV Team 84 in 1966 and was there through the Mekong flood that year. We turned operations over to a SF Team just before I left. Only contact with “66 team members was in 1983 while advising the 40th Div Cal. Guard. Jim Chin who had been the Province S2 advisor and Rod Surgent, a Cao Lahn District advisor. Hope all are doing well. Thanks for recalling that year.

    • Mark – i have the same lack of recognition. Yours is the only one i recognize. I am Paul Martin and I was attached to Team 84, but on loan to USAID as an agricultural adviser . I much preferred helping Col Allis flying TOC and doing the “Hook and Ladder” little enterprise we cooked up. I’ve got some photos of the flood waters creeping up the compound posts. As the team’s mess officer i remain proud today of my unauthorized liberation of a case of whipping cream from the Saigon PX and serving strawberry shortcake with whipped cream when we got back in camp.

  77. My dad served with Macv team 84 from Oct 67-68. Looking for anyone in this time frame that was stationed in Cao Lanh and surrounding areas. Father was Harvey E Runion of Virginia.

  78. My dad served from January 1970 to December 1970 in the Adv Team 84. His name was Julius Warren Myers. We found a journal that mentioned the same things posted on this site and would like to know more about his time spent in Vietnam.

  79. For some reason I was thinking about Team 84 and “googled” it and found this site. Unbelievable, especially as some of you were there during my tour from October ’69 to October ’70. I started as the Deputy District Advisor in Ken Van. After about 8 weeks I was transferred to Cao Lanh as the supply officer for the teams for the remainder of my tour.
    I also remember Ltc. Will. I remember signing a form with red ink and learning quickly that red was reserved for Will only. Ltc Hipler followed Will and I remember well the episode with his wife. I was visiting one of the district teams and he and the wife flew in and had dinner with us. Strange. Lt. Davis was my room mate. I still remember getting a call to go find two body bags for he and Sgt. Collins. Later, I got a letter from Dick’s fiancé’.

    I believe that I remember all of you that have posted so far. Also, Ron Schreiber, the Swamp Fox pilot who thankfully flew me to Can Tho on my way out of country, because I had missed the daily Caribou flight. Major Smith, for sure a great officer. I do remember the officers breakfast table. I remember the SS Benewha, having been taken out there by the District Advisor at Hong Nu. I can see his face but cannot remember his name. I just thought it was really odd to find a US Navy ship anchored in the Mekong. I remember going to Bangkok and buying a specially designed ring for some one. Was that you George Weiland? A lot of memories and yes it has been long ago. I trust that all of you are doing well.

    • I believe the Hong Nu DSA was a MAJ Denton. I ran into him a few years later when I was Ops Officer in Traing Command at Ft Ord and he was the commander of the garrison troop command. The Ops NCO was SFC Earl Ireland and the intel officer’s first name way Terry.

      Mike Early

  80. Bruce,

    To answer your question, I left with Bob Shoreman headed to Ft Benning. I was diverted to become an aide de camp to a 2 star in MD. I went through two generals. Headed off to Ft Ord as operations officer for Advanced Subjects at the training center. Resigned and went back to MD as an Army civilian. I went into the Guard and later the Army Reserve. I retired as O-6 from the Reserve and as an Army civilian. Consultant work is diminishing and real estate license for 10 years is now in referral status. That is fine with me

    • Hi Mike,
      I just Googled my name to see what trash might be there and lo & behold, this popped up. We did, indeed leave together, after visiting the IG because we were short and had not yet received DROS orders. You might recall that we were deposited at TT airfield together a year earlier and sat on our duffel bags not knowing where the hell we were until SFC Fix arrived in a jeep to take us back the John R Tine Compound in Cao Lanh. Went to that same formation with you and the change of command.
      I replaced Terry Turner at MAT32, Tram Chim. His book was great. A fellow I knew in Hawaii gave me a copy to read and after going through the first few pages I realized that he was actually taking me back to those days gone by. I had established contact with him briefly a few years ago when he was a professor of urology at the University of Virginia Medical School.
      I was the TOC OIC the night that Jellison’s CC was shot down. I took over that job from Jeff Mercandante when he DROS’d. Maybe my memory is failing but I thought Jellison’s first name was ‘Bob’ not ‘Joe’. I visited him and a couple of the aircrew at 3rd Surg in Binh Thuy before they shipped him out. Don’t remember how I was fortunate enough to get to BT….might have been the Class ‘A’ Agent that month for payroll. It was troubling for me because I had started the night hunter killer missions out at TC before he started doing them out of CL. I always felt that I should have been on that bird, not Jellison. I ran into him again at Benning a few months after I got back. He had recovered and was doing well.
      I was also on MAT172 and went out with the 28th Linh Doi on a bunch of ops before we left.
      After getting back to Benning, became S-1 of The School Brigade. It was a major’s slot and never should have had it. I find it interesting and not at all a coincidence the COL John P Geraci, my former department head the Infantry School, was the 44th STZ Senior Advisor before David Hackworth. The Army works in strange ways, sometimes,
      I tried to apply for an RA commission while I was at Benning, but you know what was happening in ’72. The Army was getting rid of the high priced help and my application was returned without action.
      Stayed around for a few years, first in the NG as a rifle company commander, then on to a USAR unit as a battalion S-1, and eventually HHC commander.
      Of course, I remember COL HIppler…his number 2 was a civilian named Eny (I think), replaced by a civilian named Harry Glazer (?). Major Warren Brown, Major Frank Dolby, 1LT Jeff Mercadante (Merco), 1LT Benjamin Franklin Gayman, CPT Herb Hodges, SFC Dennis Mau (MAT32 Bac Si), SFC Warren Nobles (MAT32 Bac Si), SFC Macedo (MAT172 Bac Si), SSG Herman Perry, SFC Herb Waymire, 1LT Ron Schreiber (Swamp Fox 31), WO Dean Clothier (Shotgun 37) who replaced Ron….flew with him a couple of times. TOC RTO’s Sp4 Donald(?) Dorenbach, but can’t remember the other guys name…began with a “K”. Fox 31 actually delivered a map overlay to me on an op in Kien Van. It was wrapped around a rock with rubber bands and he dropped it out the window as he made a slow pass over my position. Crazy stuff. I still use all my old radio call signs as computer passwords.
      Worked in the defense electronics industry for a few years and became president of the U.S. division of a multi-national. We didn’t make our numbers, hard as I tried, and I was ‘down-sized’ right out the door. Then went back to work for Uncle Sam in a couple of different agencies before transferring to the IRS as a commissioned revenue officer. Retired at the end of 2010 as a GS-12.
      Great to hear from you. Be interested to know if you have any old photos from back then. I had a bunch but most have been misplaced or lost over the years.
      Ann and I call Saint Simons Island, Georgia ‘home’. We’re only a few minutes off I-95, Exit 38 if you’re heading SB, or Exit 29 of you’re trekking NB.
      Bob Shoreman

    • Will was the major reason I got out, I was going reup and stay on 84. 84 had been under SF B 43 until Will came in. I got stuck with being his bodyguard when ever he went anywhere. So I got out for 10 years before going back in in 81

  81. Hi Frank, Yep I still remember that night we had that conversation with Swede and I bet he does tooooo! I’m in Vero Beach untill May 15 lets try and get together for a few cold ones. George

  82. Bruce,

    I didn’t replace CPT Thompson. They wanted me to go with the PRUs, national police field force and did a few with marine police to help control air assets and help combat operations, like a high paid RTO.

    I liked MAJ Joe Brown, COL Hipler always had that red pen. Remember we had name plates at breakfast. Always wondered if he new our names at all. Just after you left he brought his wife in for Thanksgiving. Worked a visa somehow. She flew in on Air America. AA left her luggage in Ving Long. He had Ron Schreiber and I fly to Ving Long to get the luggage. He also took the swing ship to fly to the USS Benowah for lunch with his wife. Not my favorite person.

    This is the only contact I have had with anyone who served on TM84. One of the regrets I have had not serving in an American TO&E unit is the camaraderie of a unit. Friend of mine has a reunion every year with his platoon.

    Hope all is well with you after all these years. Do I remember correctly that you were going to get out of the Army and work in Maryland, maybe advertising?


    • Hi Mike,

      I remember Major Joe Brown also as a good guy. Now that you mention it, I do remember the ridiculous name tags, and that Hippler must have had his wife over once before Thanksgiving, because I remember going to a “cocktail party” he organized with her….I thought I was in the twilight zone!
      You have an extraordinary memory….much better than mine! I ended up going “voluntary indefinite” to do the counterintelligence course back in Maryland, and then got into some really interesting work planning for the repatriation/debriefing of Army POWs in Operation Homecoming….we got 78 back, and I like to think I had a positive effect on their re-entry. Net result was I stayed in for 6 years, then left and started 30 plus years in marketing/management with Gillette and then P&G. Retired in 2007 and now do some consulting/board work and very happily remarried here in Boston/Cape Cod.How about you?


  83. Hi Mike,

    Great to hear from you. I remember Dai Uy Dong with fondness and also my interpreter, Sgt Phong. It would be great to know if they ever made it out.
    My “room mate” in the compound was Cpt James H Thompson who I’m assuming you replaced on Phoenix ops. He went to the 902nd MI Group in DC on his return… I lost track of him…did you know him?
    I remember Maj Brown as a good guy…not so much Colonel Hippler who seemed to be ticket punching.
    Hard to believe all if this is over 40 years ago!


    • Bruce, In 1971 I was the Team Chief for MATT 113 and worked with a Dai Uy . At that time he was commander of the 423 RF Battalion which was later redesigned as the 28th Lien Doi. I liked and respected him. I first met him at the Team 84 Headquarters in Cao Lanh when he noticed my branch insignia and told me that he had been to Fort Knox as well. I often wondered what happened to him. I hope he came through the end of the war okay. I don’t know if this is the same Dai Uy Dong that you talked about. God bless you.

      Al Nash

  84. Bruce,

    Good to see your note. Appreciate working with you as asst S-2. When you left, MAJ Brown pulled me from TM 162 and moved me as the S-2. SSG Cruz was there and SP4 Dolan. Dai Uy Dong was the ARVN S-2. I eventually got an assistant but he was also an RA officer so he had been in an infantry unit in the states, changed branch to Intelligence and sent to RVN. He would go to Intel School when he returned from RVN. I started working more with Phoenix Program operations.


    Mike Early

  85. Hello all,
    I preceded Mike as Ass’t S2 and then S2 Advisor from November 69-November 70. I have vivid recollections of tough but fair Colonel Clement Will, and his S3 Major Smith. George, I believe I remember you from the TOC, and the attack you repulsed at My An.I vividly also recall going out to small landing pad near the TOC and talking to Sgt Collins and Lieutenat Smith the day they went on their last operation. I had seen the mission overlay and was worried they were going into an area where the 88th NVA regiment had infiltrated. I offered to join them,but had no equipment with me, and they had to get to the airfield to link up with their troops. Instead, I took my jeep down to Kien Van and listened to the operation on their radios. I’ll never forger Lieutenant Smith’s last message that the airstrikes were on target and to “keep them coming”. Terrible day.
    I look forward to connecting more with everyone…..

    • Col.Will was the big dog and he made that clear to everyone. Major Smith was a great guy he had already done a tour with the Cav. befor he came to Tm.84. Major Smith was in the C/C ship the day Lt.Davis and Sfc. Collins were KIA’s by the 88 th NVA regiment that they ran into. Smith was shot down twice while in the C/C ship trying to exteact Davis and Collins. While friendly forces were runing away.

      • Hi George,

        Yes, Colonel Will was the big dog….I remember the red helmet he always wore when he was in the C&C ship! Major Smith was a good guy….wanted to be a General…I later ran into him in the halls of the Pentagon in the early 70’s. Don’t know anything about him after that.

        I remember listening on the KV radios to everything that day with Lt. Davis and Sgt Collins….Smith was shot down twice, they also shot down a Skyraider that was making bombing runs. In another story earlier I had briefed John Paul Vann that the 88th was in the Province…he said that was impossible…more nonsense from Saigon.


      • Your comment on LTC Will is an understatement, had he not taken over and run SF B43 out I would probably stayed on the team for the duration. Was MSG Berry still there when you were there ?

    • Bruce did you take Cpt. Thompsons place and did you know Frank Hines who worked with Thompson? I used there jeep when I flew in on the work slick to go for supplies a few times @ the Tm 44 PX just down the road from Tm.84.There PX was a 30 or 40′ trailor.
      As far as MyAn we had the usual mortar attacks and Zappers on our ass a few times who got thru our wire @ 0 dark 30 one night sliceing the throats of 6 fop’s we had 3 fop’s out 2 rfpf in each post (all 6 were sleeping). Navy Sea Wolf’s bailed us out as they did on many ocassions. I was on prc 25 out on the back side of our team house in contact with Sea Wolf’s @ day break when things calmed down we found a few VC KIA’s in the paddys were Sea Wolfs were working out. We Medivaced many friendlys out that day. Also had 3 105,s and there ARVN crews droped off by shit hooks during the day for support our 105 was destroyed in the zapper atack along with a small aid station we had set up next to our team house. Hard to believe over 40 years has passed. I think of Nam every day and the 58400 plus men we lost to that damn war and for what. Stay safe old friend!

      • Hello to all..I left before CPT Thompson and good to see he made it out of there,great guy. George, I remember one night we had a conversation with the Swede. Hope everybody is doing well.

        Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 13:19:38 +0000

      • Hi George,

        No, I was there as S2 Advisor when Cpt Thompson was Phoenix Advisor. I don’t recall Frank Hines but no doubt ran into him.


    • Hi Bruce,

      I was with Team 72 Advisory Tm 84 from Oct 68 to May 69. After many years of searching the web you are the only one that has mentioned My An. That was my base of operations on a MAT Team. The information I have read does not match with what I know of these teams.
      If anybody knows of anyone who was in My An please reply to these msg.

      Bill C.

      • Hi Bill: I was assigned to My An as assistant sub sector advisor in early January of 1966. At that time we had six members on the team. My An was a pretty active place in those days. I loved it. I left there in June 1966 and went to Sa Dec to work in the TOC for the rest of my tour. What I remember most about My An was that I served there with one of the greatest soldiers I ever knew. Sergeant First Class Dale Franklin Rollins. Dale Rollins was later killed in 1968 while serving as first sergeant of an infantry company at Fire Base Vera. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions on 13 November !968. I also loved My An because there was no vehicle traffic problems there — no roads! Thank you for your posting – it brought back things that should be remembered. Joe Griffith

  86. Steve langford
    Was on 84 from May 68 until Sep 69, first worked with the RUF/PUF MAINTENANCE unit and the hepled MSG Berry with security and coordinated the air field

      • George, does anyone suspect, like I do, that the Tan Tic Air Field was sprayed often with the defoliant “AGENT ORANGE” I remember it well the smell and the color. Everyday once, twice a day to met helicopters there. Breathing the dust!!!! I can be reached at

        • I was at Tan Tic as an Air Force crew chief from September 1968 to June 1969. Lived in B-43 as part of AT 84. No spraying occurred. There hamlets immediately adjacent and the strip was in 5e middle of a paddy 7ntil the army filled it in with river mud. Hope this helps. Mike.

        • Second iteration: I was at Tan Tic as an Air Force crew chief from September 1968 to June 1969. We had two O-1 Bird Dogs. Lived in B-43 as part of AT 84. The strip was 1300 feet with a madam surface (chip sealed). C-7 Caribous were the largest aircraft accommodated. No Agent Orange spraying occurred, at least in my experience and I would have known. The defoliant WAS used to clear the perimeters of Bin Thur Air Base. I have a friend who is collecting compensation from his exposure while walking the wire as a security police augmentee.

          This is not to say spraying never occurred at Tan Tic before or after my history there, but I kind of doubt it, because there thriving hamlets, lush and green, immediately adjacent to the strip. The strip also was in the middle of an extensive rice paddy (no need to defoliate). The army filled in this paddy with river mud in the winter/spring of 1969 to expand the facility into a helicopter assault base {or so I was told…they never used it while I was there). They piped the mud for about a mile from a dredge that was anchored off the Sa Dec ferry landing. A company of army engineers was brought in to build the new field. We nearly cancelled air operations during this time. I returned to Cao Lanh in 2003 and was pleased to see that a college campus now occupies the strip site.

          Hope this helps a little more.


    • Steve Langford, I don’t know how to ask you on this page but if you can and are willing I would like to ask you some questions about vietnam.

  87. Will you put pictures up online? Mr Glazer was Deputy PSA while I was there. I believe he replaced a Mr. Eny (spelling).

  88. I just purchased a box of 150 + slides that belonged to a H B Glazer Advisory team 84
    Great shots of a John R Tine base, Saigon and other places

    • Ted, my name is John Weston, my Father is John R. Weston, Jr (Maj. Ret.) he was a member of the Team 84 and served with and was a friend of Harry B. Glazer. Would be interested in seeing the slides and or pictures.

      • I too would like to see photos of TM 84 compound.  Mr Glazer was the senior civilian advisor whenI was there. Mike Early

        From: MACV Teams To: Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2015 10:54 PM Subject: [New comment] Team 84 Kien Phong #yiv4790457555 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv4790457555 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv4790457555 a.yiv4790457555primaryactionlink:link, #yiv4790457555 a.yiv4790457555primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv4790457555 a.yiv4790457555primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv4790457555 a.yiv4790457555primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv4790457555 John L. Weston, Sr. (Maj. John R. Weston, Jr.’s Son) commented: “Ted, my name is John Weston, my Father is John R. Weston, Jr (Maj. Ret.) he was a member of the Team 84 and served with and was a friend of Harry B. Glazer. Would be interested in seeing the slides and or pictures.” | |

    • Ted,
      I was at Team 84 during the Harry Glazer era and developed a special rapport with him. I recall the day that our work chopper went down en route to the old SF camp near the Cambodian border at Don Phuoc (also known as Cai Cai) with Major Brown and his counterpart on board. I briefed Harry (he was in command at the time because Col Hippler was out of the country on R&R) and Major Frank Dolby (S-3) on the conduct of the rescue operation while the C&C was getting cranked up for me. Col David Hack worth loaned me his ship, Blackhawk 444, also known as Green Delta 444. I had already scrambled Seawolf helicopter gunships from ‘Company Store’ location, the USS Benewah and YRBM-21, both anchored on the Mekong just inside the Cambodian border in order to secure the LZ. I also diverted a Dustoff to pull any WIA off the LZ. Harry decided that he should fly as C&C because he was in command. I wouldn’t let him because he didn’t know as much about the situation or the area of operation as well as I did.
      It is very likely that I will be able to identify almost everybody in those photos and tell a little bit of their respective stories. Do you still have them and are you willing to share them either originals or copies? You have my solemn word that I will make every effort to preserve them for posterity. Please feel free to contact me directly at my email address:

      • Who is selling the photos from Mr. Glazer? He replaced a Mr. Eney (spelling) Mr. Glaser officially promoted me to CPT. CPT John Knightly unofficially promoted me in the bar
        in club bar in the compound.

        • Hello Mike:
          Saw my name in your post and started remembering. I bunked with Jeff Mercadante in 1970 until he got fed up with life in the compound and requested transfer to a District team. Also spent a crazy week with John Knightly on R&R in Sydney. Spent a lot of my time in downtown Cao Lanh with USN Cdr Harris planning leaflet drops and tripping to Saigon to pick up currency for local civic projects. Went up with Ron Schreiber a bunch of times – once flew into Cambodia “just to see it.” Ahh youth.

          If there is access to any of the picture collections from the compound please let me know where to request. Many, many more stories that ended when I walked out of the gate in Oakland to hail a taxi with muster out pay in cash 48 hrs after leaving Cao Lanh. Surreal – Still proud of my service and the good people I served with.
          Benjamin Frankiln Gayman

          • Ben

            Good to get your note. Yes remember you doing the psyops with a Navy LCDR. Also a Navy LT Ross Peterson who was the NILO.

            I roomed with Tony Durso.

            Bob Shoreman and Bruce Cleverly monitor this somewhat. I exchange once in awhile with Bob. He does have some photos. Also I believe a MSG Segura at My An has an offer to give a CD.

            Saw a video a few weeks ago of Cao Lanh. It is an amazing development. Binh Than Island is now full of floating fish farms.

            Glad to get your email. Keep in touch.

            Mike Early.

            Sent from my iPhone


  89. I happened to stuble on this page while searching the internet. Found out the province has now changed names. I was assigned to TM 84 MAT 72 later renumbered 162. Then reassigned to TM 84 as the S-2. I replaced 1LT Davis on MAT 72 and replaced CPT Bruce Cleverly who was the S-2. There from April 70-Mar 71. Like to follow up with anyone from Tm 84. I always regret not being assigned to a US Infantry unit. We all seemed to just pass through. Be good to learn what others have done.

    • Mike I would imagine we new or @ least ran into each other, I was on Team 84 Sept.69 thru Nov. 70. I was in the TOC for a few months then finished my time out on MyAn District team with 4 other Tm 84 guys and 2 inturpeturs. Do you remember Captain Paul Smith he ran Mat’s you mentioned out of team 84 base camp that Lt. Davis and Sfc. Collins were on when they were KIA. They were friends when I was in Basc camp I often think about he day they were KIA.

      • George,

        When I reported to Tm 84, first thing the group did was attend the ceremony at the wall in their honor.  I was introduced to a CPT who was the Tm Ldr but cant remember his name. May have been Zimmerman.  Guy was about 5’9″ with dark hair and SF. Whoever, he was reassigned in a few days so never new him. Think he was sent back to SF.  There was a SSG Donald Coffey and an SFC Campbell on the team.  I was LT Davis replacement. 

        Mike Early

        • Mike, hope you are well. My sister and I have been going through my dad’s stuff since my mom passed this year. You may be talking about my dad, Donald l. Zimmerman. He was assigned to advisory team 84 70-71. Team 64 as well.

        • Hi. My brother already responded to your post because we think you mentioned our dad CPTDonald L Zimmerman. I was going to post his pic from his time there but am not able to post it on here. He was there from march 1970 to feb 1971.

  90. Thanks George Weiland.
    I searched the site and he is not listed. He has a plaque on the wall with the info. I don’t see mention of it on his DD214 but I saw it on some other paperwork. Where else can I check?

    • Patricia,

      1LT Richard Davis and SFC Vernell Collins names were on the wall when I arrived in April 70. Not sure if there were other names. I replaced 1LT Davis who was on the MAT advising the airmobile reaction force.

  91. I was a member of Adv. Tm. 84 in 1969-70. Had MAT IV-32 in Tram Chim, which is on the Dong Tien canal. It is now a bird sanctuary supported by the World Wildlife Fund. Go figure.

    I wasn’t in the Tm 84 compound much except the couple of weeks I had my foot in a cast, which George Weiland spoke about, but I remember the PSA, Col. Clement Will, the Deputy PSA, who was a civilian, and a Maj. Smith, who I think was the province S-3 advisor.
    I remember other faces from around the compound, but no names at the moment other than 1LT Dick Davis, a good friend who was KIA in ’70.
    MAT IV-32 included 1LT. Roger Clark, Sgts Lagasca, Mau, Anderson, and Tester, who survived, and Sgts Calmers Humphries and Edward Ambrose, who did not.

    Terry Turner

    • Thanks for your service mr. Donovan, and thank you for sharing “once a warrior king” with us.
      Danny Contreras JR.

    • i was in mat 32 in 68 and 69 sgt lagasca and sgt jenkins, cant remember the capt name he had been with the big red one like me i was the team medic we were in tram chim twice i jioned them there and spent 3 months there and left and came back about 4 or 5 months later after the accident to the team that was there sgt jesse tamayo is name

    • I was assigned to a MAT under Adv Tm 84 then later assigned to Adv Tm 84 as the S-2.

      I remember a sgt Pittman I served with over 30 years but not sure it was in RVN. The Sgt Pittman I remember was a about 5’9-5″10″ and rather stocky build. First man may have been “Richard.

  92. Mornin Frank
    Lt Terry Turner was Mat team leader located in Tram Chim he broke his leg and came back to base camp for a while whe he was on the mend you might remember him walking around with a cast on his leg. He wrote a book called Once a Warior King. Great book fast read and really hits home.
    Captain Paul Smith ran the two Mat Teams that worked out of Team 84 Base Camp. Sfc Vernal Collins and Lt Dick Davis were KIA when you were still there. Davis had red hair and Collins was a black guy from Blue Island Il. I met Paul Smith a few years ago @ the Vietnam and all Veterans Reunion held in Meelbourne Florida it’s held every year there.
    Captain Dan Mathis tall blond guy had something to do with intell. I think he might have worked were you did down town I’m not sure.
    At any rate these are 3 really good guyslike your self!
    Stay Safe my friend


  93. All is well here hope you are good to Frank. It’s been a while my old friend. I have been in contact with other members from Tm. 84 via. email Terry Turner, Dan Mathis and Paul Smith over the last few years.

  94. I was a member and RTO on team 84 at the
    TOC Kin Phong Province for a short then I went out to MyAn District team with four other Advisors. Sept. 69 thru Nov. 70. My name is George Weiland. My proudest time on Team 84 MyAn District Team was when I Earned the CIB. I can be reached at.

    • George,

      I was on MAT 72 then renumbered 162. Later I was the S-2 on Tm 84. I remember many operations near the “plus sign”.

    • Hi George,

      After 44 years of searching you are the only one that has said was in My An. The time you went there was about 4 months after I left. If you have any info on the team before you please let me know.
      Welcome Home!

      • Hi Vidal (Bill) Carvajal Jr.
        The guy who I replaced @ Myan last name was Bible he should have been there when you were. There was also a Sfc. Jim Leman I remember who might have been there when you were. We had 2 inturpeters Phouc and Trung. Our DSA was from rockford Illinois I can’t remember his name. Our medic Doc.Aillia ,Also a VN woman who cleaned up around our Team House BaSau who had a half American kid cute little baby boy who I was told was fathered by former medic of our team.
        Welcome Home!

      • Hi Vidal (Bill) Carvajal Jr.
        Hi George,
        Like so many respondents on this blog, I have a difficult time remembering names and specific times. Bill, you may have been in my team when I was there. I was DSA at My An from mid to late January 69 to sometime in June. During that time, I was ordered to go and re-leave the MATS 72 team leader because he was accused of mistreating the PF commander and his men. The team was in a mud-walled compound with lots of wire about 10 or so clicks north up the canal My AN. A member of my team (SFC Calmers Humphrie) written about in Terry Turner’s book “Once a Warrior King”, went with me. The rest of the team that was there was great to work with.The team-house was an army issued GP medium tent. I was only there for a few weeks. I remember it so well because the livings conditions were so poor (rats as big cats) and hardly any supplies. Also, we were attacked by the VC at O-dark-30 one night (like George says) and thought we were going to be over-run. We called MY An base for 105 support but was out of range for accurate fire. We finally raised the Navy gunships that George spoke of and they came to the rescue. The only problem was that they ran their minnie-guns and rockets to far down the canal and killed and old man. I latter went to his funeral with the district chief (Major Heip and boy was I unwelcome. Major Heip had to get in between me and a young fellow there. I had gone to language school prior to my tour in Vietnam but some of the words coming out of his mouth, I had never heard before.
        Anyway, a short time after returning to the district, I was called into Province to assume command as Senior Adviser to the RD Cadre (Revolutionary Development Cadre) previously advised by the CIA. My repleacment showed up, a Major that I have a picture of but can’t remember his name. I have two great guys, both SFC’s working with me. I have pictures of them but boy, I wish I could remember their names.
        Someone in this blog mentioned the Phoenix Team. The senior officer at that time was (Cpt. Walter Joseph Gutowski) good friend of mine. His name is on the Black Wall in DC.
        Please email for pictures ans any questions or comments. The only patriots I’ve been in contact with are George Weiland and Terry Turner.

        Email or

      • I was in My An from JUn 71 to Dec 71 I was an SFC ops intel nco / RD cadre . My DSA was Maj Mann and I cant remember the Medics name, but he was also an SFC, I left there in Dec 71 and went to Project MASSTER at Ft HOOD Tx and retired as an E8 1n1976. My name is JACKIE SEGURA I served at Ft POlk for a total of 7 years as a Rec rifle/mortar inst and ops NCO for AIt COORD office Served one tour in Korea in the ist cav 61-62 and 25th div in Hawaii in 56-59. B4 My AN I was at Thanh Binh fgr 6months.I remember the COORDS director came to our team hjouse one day and I was cooking a pot of pinto beans at the time, and he really enjoyed that He later got killed in a chopper crash .I cant rememberhis name right now but there was a book written about him and later a movie called ‘ A Bright Shining Lie’

        • John Vann, who was chief of CORDS IV Corps when we were there. Vann last was reassigned and died in a helicopter crash. He was also a retired Army LTC. Worked as a contractor and managed to get the civilian government job with CORDS.

          I was on MAT 72/MAT162. Later Province S2,then selected operations with Phoenix program.

          Mike Early

        • Bill I left MyAn Nov 70. I have pic of Medic trying to remember his name he was Hispanic also had a heavy weapons guy he was black his name was Harry Pain or Payne not sure on spelling. Capt. Tony Derso all good guys. Bocis name may have been Ailla or Munos. Bill send me your email I will send you pics. I have of MyAn

        • Msgt Segura. My name is Roger Pollard. I was a Army CPT in Nam and the DIOCC advisor in My An District from May 71 through Dec 71. I replaced CPT Mike Mulligan who was moved over to the PIOCC until he left in Sept 71. Mike stayed in My An for about two weeks teaching me the ropes. I was Mike’s best man for his wedding before he left for Nam. (05/70) After we came back, Mike was the best man in my wedding. (12/73) Mike died from agent orange related prostate cancer 05/07.You had a great sense of humor during that time and I really appreciated it. Thinking back on the days, I do remember BaSau was a terrible cook. I am glad you are back and Welcome Home. By the way, I am involved in a non-profit organization called Operation Welcome Home and we have a project, the AZ Wall Project, which is building a park,Welcome Home Veterans Park in Gilbert AZ. The anchor of the 8 acre park is a permanent 80% scale of the Vietnam Wall in D.C. It will be 360 feet log and 8 feet high at the apex with all 58,315 names. Should be completed by the end of 2017. If you and/or your family are ever in Arizona, you need to stop and see it and see me. Betsy and I live about 10 minutes from the park. Take care and God Bless.

          • Roger, My name is Al Nash. I was the team chief of MATT 113. Among other assignments, my team spent a couple of weeks at My An in November and December of ’71. We were working with the 21st ARVN Division at a fire base up the canal from My An. I suppose we were there at the same time. Excuse me, but my memory is so bad.

            • Al,

              I do remember a MATT Team up the canal from our My An team house and I am sure we met at some point in 1971. I left near the middle of December 1971. Major Mann was our CO and I was the DIOCC and S-2 guy. We had very little action in My An during my stay but had some incidents in the hamlets in the district. If the kids did not come up to our Boston Whaler as we approached the hamlet, something was going on. Over the years, I have lost some of the memories of Nam.

              Thanks for reaching out and thank you for your service.

              Sincerely, Roger Pollard

              Roger Pollard Co-Chair AZ Wall Project Mobile: 480-313-6668 Office: 480-400-9341760 E. Pecos Rd. Ste. 344 * Gilbert, AZ 85295


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