Team 80 An Xuyen

MACV Team 80 – An Xuyen.

This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 80 located in An Xuyen.  To post a new comment on this Team page please scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to “Leave a Reply”.

268 thoughts on “Team 80 An Xuyen

    • My name is Bill Mellgren. My father was John Mellgren. He was in Au Xuyen province in 68 + 69. My father passed away in June of 2021. I have many pictures and recognize some of the names here from my dad’s POC list from An Xuyen.

      • Bill – My name is Rich Sutton, I was with your dad at Hai Yen with three others – John McKenzie, Gerald Green and a medic I don’t remember his name. I was still there when he rotated home. You can email me at I would really like to get in touch with you.

      • Bill, I never knew your Dad, but I did serve with the others Richard Sutton mentioned when I was in Hai Yen in 1970. I would love to see your photos or learn if they are posted on social media.

        • George,

          Great to hear from you. I’d be happy to upload all my pics to Dropbox where you could download them. Just send your email address to and I will share them to you. Otherwise, send you mailing address to the same email, and I’ll burn them to DVD and mail them to you. Apparently, most of the pictures I have were compiled by Jim Greenwalt. I’m not 100% on exactly how he and my dad were connected, but I believe Jim was in Hai Yen at the same time as my dad, if only briefly.

  1. This is Jim Greenwalt from MAT IV-74 An Xuyen Province 3/69-3/70. Did Advisor Training in Di An. Upon my arrival in Hai Yen (Binh Houng) District, CPT Bill McLarty was Team Leader and SFC Richard (Mac) McConchie was Light Weapons Advisor. I became Heavy Weapons Advisor by default. We were in a PF outpost where our men slipped home every night. CPT McLarty DEROSed within a couple of weeks. We sat idle in Hai Yen until 1LT Gary Findlay, 1LT Jim Moran, and SFC Larry Stewart (Medic) arrived. Moran stayed in Army Reserve and reached COL. He is deceased. I am still in touch with 1LT John McKenzie, District Intel, 1LT Gary Findlay, my team leader, and Cowboy, who is 1LT Nghiep’s son, Intel platoon leader. Nghiep was one of Father Hoa’s siblings.
    Would very much like to hear from those who served in An Xuyen Province. I have an outdated contact list that I made some yaers ago and lots of photos that were shared with me.

    • Jim, so happy to hear from you! i would like whatever list you have! I went back to Ca Mau and Dam Doi in 2016 and had an incredible trip. There was a barmaid at the O-Club in Ca Mau :Co Ha” who now lives in Florida with her husband, a Sea Wolf Pilot who she connected with after 20 years after she escaped. She wrote an incredible bool “My Love Far Away: by Ngocha Dickinson. she is on facebook and you can friend her if you would like to connect with her! Stay in touch!

    • Jim,
      I was the senior advisor in Hai Yen, starting in December 1969. In early 1970. the District Chief, Major Le Van Ta, and I were transferred (as a package) to Thoi Binh District where I served as senior advisor until December 1970. I worked with a MAT in Thoi Binh, but I’m afraid I don’t remember the team number or the names of the team members. You and I should have crossed paths, but my old brain cells aren’t what they used to be. I would love to see your photos. By the way, for everyone who views these messages, I want to say that I met Father Hoa a few times and even had dinner with him. He was a fabulous person and an authentic hero. He did not get enough recognition for what he did.
      George Kolesar

      • George, I wonder if you were ever in the O-Club in Ca Mau and rememb69!er the barmaid…Co Ha? She is now in Florida (boat person) living with her husband John Dickinson a former Sea Wolf Pilot. I was the Pheonix Advisor in Dam Doi Jan-Oct 69 and Deputy Phoenix Advisor for Team 80 Ca Mau Nov.-Dec. 69!

        • An O-Club! Did you guys actually have an O-Club? Man, all we wished for was water for a shower. Just kidding (but not by much), Paul. I was in the O-Club a few times in my 12 months and I do remember a nice lady working there, but I don’t remember her name. I’m sure it’s the same person. If you were on the staff in Ca Mau in late 1969, I’m sure we met.

          • In Dam Doi No O-Club. You must have been in Ca Mau at least two times. There was an O-Club in Ca Mau at Team 80 headquarters…about 300 sq. feet. You must have been in Ca Mau a few times. There were only six Americans in Dam Doi…no O-Club. I was in Dam Doi for 10 months and in Ca Mao for the last two months of my tour as Deputy Phoenix Adviser for An Xuyen Province. I had to fly out to the district Phoenix Advisors. Hai Yen stopped there once. Look up Ngucha Dickenson of facebook and friend her! I’m sure she will be happy to connect with you! I have a picture of her bartending!

            • I was there with 2 other Marines in 1972/73 with ANGLICO, we worked with AOs out of Can Tho and whatever Destroyer was on station. There was a club, but all ranks as there were probably 15 total on base. Don’t remember any names except Col King.

              • Sorry Mike I misunderstood. In 69 there were about 80-100 Americans in Ca Mau at Team 80 headquarters. When you were there it must have been winding down.

      • George, by December, we were working out of New Song Ong Doc on the oceanfront. We also knew Father Hoa and two of his brothers. He was such a great man. Will be happy to share photos and my old contact list with you.

        • Jim, I would love to have a copy of your contact list, as well as the photos you mentioned. My email is If there is a way to post or attach the contact list to the Team 80 An Xuyen site, I’m sure everyone else would enjoy it, too.

          George Kolesar

    • Jim (or anyone else from An Xuyen),
      I had a good friend on Advisory Team 80 who was killed September 28, 1969. I went thru advisor school with him at Dian in Feb, 69..
      Would any of you have known him or the particulars of his death? His name was Charles H. Emery Jr., 1LT, U.S. Army. I have completed my book “Rice Roots,” based on a diary I kept, and he is mentioned throughout. I am also in contact with his sister, Helen Emery.
      Any information much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
      (Former) 1LT Robert R. Amon Jr.
      Team Leader MAT IV-88, Advisory Team 55
      Kien Giang Province, RVN
      Jan 69-Jan 70

    • Hi Jim..glad to see you are still searching! I served with a Ranger Lt. Lance Therrel?…in Dam Doi who later said he went to Hai Yen..I wonder if you remember him? I have a picture of him if you would like to see it. We were in touch many years ago and I was able to send him a pic. of himself…he lost all of his pictures.

    • Jim, saw your post, haven’t contacted you for a while. This is Edward (Ted) Baker. Was on MAT IV-75 in An Xuyen 3/70- 3/71.From the New England area New Hampshire. Am now in Colorado. Spent my time away from Team 80 in Hoa Thanh, Thoi Binh and later down by the PBR base on the Son Ong Doc. Hope all is well.

        • George,
          I had to back and look at my notes! I was in Village of Tan Loc up near the border of Thoi Binh and Ca Mau (An Xuyen). I was there June/July 1970. They bounced us around to the villages a lot.

          • I live in Warwick, Rhode Island and Rangeley Maine! I was in Dam Doi, An Xuyen Jan. – Oct. 69 as Phoenix Advisor and then in Ca Mau as Deputy Phoenix Advisor for the province. 401-644 4588.

            Paul E. Cary ________________________________

            • In October of 2020 I moved to Colorado due to my wife’s medical issues to be near the majority of my kids. I was in New Hampshire for the previous 40 years working in Boston, made many trips to both Rhode Island (Federal Hill) and Maine for my job!

              • I have two nephews in Colorado, one in Bolder and one in Golden. Nice to connect with brothers from MACV. Federal Hill has great restaurants!

          • Ted, during my time in Thoi Binh, I can only recall being visited by one MAT team. I don’t remember its number, but I believe it was led by a Captain Longnecker. Does that ring a bell?

      • Hi Ted, doing well, except for the Agent Orange cancer… just something to live with. Was at both New & Old Song Ong Doc until DEROS March 3, 1970.

    • Hi Jim, This is Pete Ragan. I was the Lt. Team Leader of MAT IV-115 July ’70 – Oct. ’70. Never moved location, way below Ca Mau. Hosted a few Navy Seal Team operations. Then went back to Di An as an instructor.
      Does anyone recall any information about this MAT? The other Lt. was a Paul Harkey from NC, he got malaria and was sent home.I have tried to contact him many times without success.
      Best to all the MAT vets.

      • So sorry Pete, but I don’t know that MAT. I have an outdated contact list from An Xuyen Province that I would be happy to share with you.

    • Jim, I hope you are well on this Vietnam Veterans Day. I wonder if you have an updated list of contacts for Advisory Team 80 Bless you brother for keeping us in touch all these years.
      Regards, paul E, Cary

      • Not updated, but I still have it. Dealing with Agent Orange cancer and chronic PTSD has kept me busy at VA

    • Jim, I received a call this AM from someone looking for Sgt, Gary Fuentes AF Medic who serve in Quan Long in 68-69 and is thought to be living in Oregon. Anyone who has any info. on him please contact me and I will pass it on! I hope you are doing well!

      Paul Cary

  2. Good afternoon! My great uncle was COL John P. King. Aside from and old award presented to him from this unit I have no idea what you guys did. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

    My email is

    • I was a young Marine stationed with two other Marines at Ca Mau with Col King. Not sure what he and the Army guys were doing, but we were part of a Naval Gunfire unit that along with an aerial observer fired on enemy positions in the Delta. As he was a Col. and I PFC, we did not interact much, but I guess I did something right as he put me up for a Joint Service medal.
      I was there from Oct 72 until the end in spring 73.

  3. Dear Joe, yes I knew them. Sgt. Cau worked with S-2 Adv. and VN S-2 Sector HQs. After he was promoted to SFC, in the mid-1969 he was reassigned to a new unit at the 3rd CORP. HQs in Saigon. Then I disconnected with him. About Sgt. Ton Lam, he was promoted to SFC too. He was the Interp. Tm. Leader at that time 1968-1969, and worked with Col. PSA and Col. Province Chief. Then, he was reassigned to the Police HQs in Saigon in first half-69. As you might know, everyone of us wished to be promoted and transferred back to Saigon, or Can Tho at that time because they were the 3rd. CORP. HQs or 4th. CORP. HQs. SFC Cau and SFC Lam were lucky :))

      • No, not his cousin but one of his close friends 🙂 I worked with Capt. Patrick at MAT 109 then Capt. Patrick went back home. And after that I worked with Maj. Hunsicker at Song Ong Doc District HQs location at a river mouth vicinity with the US Naval Sea Floats, then we moved at the same time ARVN Maj. Duong District Chief moved their District HQs to the new important location deeper inland at Rach Ran vicinity which was a throat of VC movement route. After the new location was stably settled down, Maj. Duong was transferred to Bien Hoa Province and promoted to Lt. Col. Then Maj. Hunsicker went back home, and I was back to AnXuyen Prov. HQs.

    • Lam had an interesting life. He became an interpreter at the US Embassy in Saigon. He , his wife and their child were on one of the last helicopters which lifted off the Embassy the night it was evacuated. They eventually made their way to Chicago where he struggled but eventually started a very successful Vietnamese restaurant and owned an apartment building. The Vietnamese ex-pat community turned against him when he proposed resuming ties between the Hanoi and Washington governments and became an important liaison to start negotiations. After his home was firebombed, his restaurant vandalized and he received death threats, he moved to S. California and eventually to Hanoi where he now lives. The Chicago Trib as well as the local PBS station followed his odyssey.

  4. I am Son Ngoc Hoai, born in 1948. Former interpreter for the US government from 1967 – 1972. I have tried contacting Major Carl.A.widel. MACV Team District Senior Adviser of Hai Yen District, Ca Mau Province 1971 – 1972 in Viet Nam.

    • Did you get my email? I would like to know if you were in Dam Doi in 1969 or did you know Sgt. Son who was there/

      • Dear Paul, the team of NCO interpreters belonged to ARVN. We called An Xuyen Sector in military terms or An Xuyen Province in civilian terms. After’75 VC called it Ca Mau. I knew every NCO interpreter in my Interp Team. No one had the above name Son Ngoc Hoai, it sounds strange to me. In the team of NCO Interp. working with MACV Team 80 there was one Sgt. named Pham Van Son. After the Paris Peace Agreement was signed and enforced in 1973, Son was assigned to another ARVN unit and then we disconnected. We were kind of close friends when we worked with Team 80. Dear Paul, be cautious with someone terms himself a former Interp. You can email me for more info. I believe that You know my email address. Bye now Paul. Sincerely yours.

        • TRi, Thank you for responding. Please send me your email address and I will send you a picture of my interpreter.
          Thanks you, Paul

        • Thank you for responding. I had another interpreter I worked with I think his name was Trua. I can send a picture if you provide your email address of facebook connection.
          Thanks, Paul

        • I was the District Senior Advisor in Thoi Binh in 1970. I had a wonderful interpreter working with me. I have a picture of him and his wife, but I have forgotten his name. Would it be possible for you to provide a list of every interpreter you knew, his name and district, the time he served, and where he is today?

          • Maj. Kolesar ̣(?) Your interpreter was SGT. LỘC, his wife and he were very kind and little funny. Because since 1975 I’ve been living in San Francisco, I disconnected with him, so I don’t know where he is now. 😦

            • Thank you for providing his name. I hope he is doing well with his wife. I will never forget him. (I was only a captain at the time.) George

        • Can I send you a picture of my interpreter Sgt. Son to see if you recognize him? I will need your email address to attach a picture.

  5. Still looking for my teammate 1 Lt. Chan Prince – Dam Doi 69 I think he may have returned in 70? If anyone knows what happened to him please reply. I think chan was from Ft. Lauderdale Florida.

  6. Hi I just found this website.
    My name is John Mulloy. I was with A Team 59 out of Ca Mau. First with the ARVN 4/32nd and them with 32nd HQ at Ca Mau from Feb. 66 to Feb 67. I ended up being the utility man for the 32nd ARVN, spending time in Dum Doi, Thoi Benh and Hai Yen. Father Hoa was not in Hai Yen when I was there, he was spent most of his time in Cho Lon. I was with the 32nd on the Nam Cam operation when we took out the Tai Do Battalion (U minh II). Major Boggs was the 32nd SA until Sept. of 66 and was replaced by Major Art Kenzel. The SA for the 4/32nd was Capt. Rodrigues from Texas, Ssgt. Carter Georgia, Sgt. Joe Miller from Colorado, (KIA) also a 1st Lieutenant who was great guy, but sorry I can’t member his name.

    John Mulloy
    978 774 7541

  7. Shot in the dark but, anyone know a Stephen Lurie? Either an LT or CPT during his time in Vietnam.

    Tall, skinny, creepy icy blue eyes. One of the guys he worked with was an outspoken Texan, and another threw up after every patrol/op.

    That’s mostly all I got, pretty sure he was there from 69-70 or 71.

    • I don’t know that I ever met him but his name is on a list of names I got from a Lieutenant that I was stationed with in Hai Yen. Shows his as a Lieutenant and being there in 69/70.

      • Hey Rich, hope you are well. Am really, really retired in Chattanooga, TN, now. Am spending way too much time at VA clinic here because of Agent Orange cancer and chronic PTSD

  8. Does anyone remeber a Captain that was shot and killed in a helo in the 2nd half of 69. He was leaving to meet his wife in Hawaii the next day. She had already left for Hawaii and had to be greated at the airport and given the news of his death.

    • I was with MACV 69 70 2 corps hoi an district . this officer was flying front seat and caught a burst’ didnt know his name my team mateshad served with him… we were at the bar in quinhon at us air force base,, on a 3 day stand down,, he was on a jet headed for japan .. he died right on the runway before they could take off,,, dont know if that was your guy,, or not,,

  9. MAT103 was formed in November of 1968 with Capt. Fredricks (CO), 1st. Lt. Ronald Raleigh (myself as XO), SFC Garett (Heavy Weapons), Sgt. Jones (Light Weapons), “Doc” (Medic), and Sgt. Trinh’ (RVN/RF/PF Interpreter). After 2 weeks training at the MACV School in Di An (Big Red One’s Base) the team was assigned to MACV Advisory Team 80, An Xuyen Province (now Camau Province), based in the Provincial Capital, Camau – the last Province in the Delta. MACV Advisory Team 80 had a total of 7 MATs under their control (for sure I remember MAT 103, MAT 109, & MAT115 in the mix – not sure about the other 4). I do remember that 1st. LT. Fowler, a Georgia boy from Winder, Georgia was one of the first KIA’s involved in the MAT program on one of the first ordered night ambush patrols (half of the RF/PF soldiers disappeared in the “Viet Cong” ambush of the patrol).

    MAT 103 members headed to the Delta after training, I went to Cam Rahn Bay to pick up a “conex” filled with our equipment and was “held up” in a supply depot fro another 2 weeks. Finally, via C126 and Chinook, I rejoined the Team for deployment to our first Operation Base at the Provincial Village of Oro via boat (“Boston Whaler” our means of transportation, along with Vietnamese “sam pans”. As the next 9 months unfolded, our interpreter was replaced by Sgt. Tuan (RVN/RF/PF), SFC Garett (DEROS) was replaced by SFC Lingo, Sgt. Jones (DEROS) was replaced by SFC Elugardo, and Capt. Fredericks (DEROS) – I was moved to the CO slot. I served with MAT 103 from November 1968 to July 1969. Many of our operations involved treks into the U’Minh Forest (2000 square kilometers) – designated as a “free fire zone” as it was a known Viet Cong Base Camp area. The U’Minh Forest is now a National Park.

    • I was in error when I reported that 1st. Lt. Fowler was KIA while on night ambush patrol in 1969. He was actually KIA in May 1970 while on his 2nd. Tour of Duty. Ronald Raleigh

    • My name is TRI NGUYEN, I used to be an ARVN SGT. Interpreter assigned to MAT 109 during Nov 1968 to Nov 1969 with CAPT. Patrick, SFC. Sullivan (Medic), SFC. Manfeild, and LT. (? I don’t remember his name now!) We operated and trained the local RVN/RF/PF Platoons in Quan Long District.

      After no more MAT Programs in 1970, I was reassigned to Song Ong Doc District at the time ARVN began to re-locate the SOD District Headquarters from the river-mouth on the beach to a new location deep into inland in order to intercept the VC moving routes.

      I worked with the DSA Major Henseiker, Capt Holt, LT. Daniel and ARVN District Chief Major Duong, Capt Chau. Until 1973 after the Paris Peace Accords signed into enforcement, in July 1973 Major Henseiker went back to the States.

      For my work with him and District Chief Maj. Duong, Maj Henseiker recommended an ARCOM with V sign for me 🙂 After going back to the States, Maj. Henseiker, Capt Patrick, SFC Sullivan, SFC Manfeild, Lt. Daniel did not contact me any longer.

      Since 1990 I have been living in San Francisco until now. Please, let me know about Maj. Henseiker, Capt. Patrick, Capt. Holt, Lt. Daniel, SFC Sullivan, SFC Manfeild, if you have their information. Thank you so very much for your help. TRI NGUYEN ARVN/EX-INTERPRETER

      • My name is Paul Cary I was the Phoenix Advisory in Dam Doi January 1969-October 1968 and the Deputy Phoenix Advisor in Ca Mau during Nov. and Dec. 69. I am trying to find out what happened to my interpreter Sgt. in Dam Doi. I wonder if you knew him? Please send me you email address and I can send you pictures!

      • Hello,
        This is AF Sgt Gary Puentes. I was assigned to the Quan Long outpost during November and December 1968. There were 6 of us there and one I remember was the cook, Sgt. Wescott. I was the AF medic assigned to that army outpost and I supervised the dispensary in Quan Long. Do I know you?

        • Hello Gary,
          This is Sgt David Husson, assigned to Carswell AF base in ’69. Can we exchange contact information?

    • MAT 74 was another team in the An Xuyen Province. We did the U Minh Forest “wandering” around, looking for a NVA battalion one time in 1969. As I remember, we did run into something strong enough to cause our RF commander to call for extracting our forces. I had to call in some Cobras to cover our “Di Di Mau”. I think that was the time that our medic had to be extracted during the operation because of heat exhaustion (too heavy)… he left our team, never to be replaced, for a job at Province hospital with the Air Force Drs. That took us down to just my team leader and me. My Assistant Team Leader got a gig as the liaison with the Navy and Coast Guard on our coast, and our light weapons advisor hooked up with our District Advisor, that left all the ops and outpost deployments for the two of us. Sometimes, when one of us had to go to Ca Mau, we were left alone at our outpost for a day or so…. fun. I have an outdated contact list for An Xuyen Province Advisors.

  10. Peter Ragan, I must have just missed meeting you . . I was DSA in Dam Doi from about November 70 to April 72, and we had quite a bit of cooperation with the MAT in Tan Hung, until it went away. I’m Dave Hutcheson, in St Paul MN.

    • Dave, Did you replace Capt. Martinez? I was the Phoenix Advisor in Dam Doi in 69. I returned to Dam Doi in Nov. 2016 with my son. I am also in contact with Co Ha who was the barmaid at the O-Club in Ca Mau, she now lives in Fla. with her husband who was a Navy Helicopter Pilot out of Song Un Doc. I would highly suggest anyone from Advisory Team 80 purchase “My Love Far Away” written by Co Ha about her 20 year odyssey to find her long lost love. Her story is one of the most unbelievable stories I have ever read. If you or anyone is interested I can provide you with her contact information and she can provide a signed copy of her amazing book. ( available on Amazon at the same price $20 but not sighed).


      • Paul,
        After CPT Martinez left there were 2 other District Senior Advisors before Maj. Hutcheson arrive. One was a CPT Hanson (West Point Infantry); however, he transferred out after a few weeks. The next one was an Infantry Maj. (can’t remember his name) but he was relieved because he was drunk from morning till night every day. He did like to play a lot of cribbage though and was good at it. He was a nightmare for the district team which I had to do a lot of his combat and advisory functions with the VN District Chief and his second in command (Lt. Nghia). The VN made fun of him and had no respect for him for which we suffered. It was a difficult time for me as the Phoenix Adviser. It was very awkward to say the least. Maj. Hutcheson arrived but left for an extended time for a DSA orientation course. I was there literally by myself numerous times with an NCO (Sgt. Martinez) and then another NCO (Can’t remember his name). Sometimes it was self only.

        • Richard, Thanks for the info. on Dam Doi. Ft. Nghia was one of my close friends and I tried to find him when I returned in 69. Do you remember Co Ha the barmaid in the O Club in Ca Mau? Co Ha is now living in Fla. and is married to a Sea Wolfe Pilot she met in 69.. I am in contact with them.



          • Nghia got married in late 70 or early 71 to a real pretty lady from that area. I really trusted him and we went a lot of places together and his English was very good. He was the S3 for the District Chief and we counted on him to get things done and authorized. I, too, would like to know what happened to him for I owe him a lot. Do you have a picture of him? Do you remember a local VN by the name of LIM who did all the house chores and cooking for us. Was it you who taught him to cook southern style or was it the medic stationed with the team that got over run. Everything written in these blogs is accurate for the CS gas prevented the NVA/VC from entering the house and gave them time and opportunity to escape. No one was killed but everyone was wounded. I think the team house was outside the VN District Chiefs protective burm which was the reason they were over run with little security/protection. The finally move us into the compound when I arrive in late May. An Engineer unlit from Can Tho built us a plywood house with a kitchen and inside toilet. No running water but a bucket of rain water worked just fine. I hated drinking rain water and taking baths out of a small pot of warm water. As you know-you did what you had to do. That team house was great but it stuck out like a sore thumb especially at night when and if the generator was working and our light were on. Needless to say, it was an idea target worthy of several 122 mm rocket attacks which missed. They always tried to mortar us or the 155 howitzer right next to us.
            The Sea Wolfe’s out of Nam Can naval station south of us worked our area and they were great, fearless, and very very reliable / dependable asset. They saved the lives of a team of Seal Team 1 during an ambush. When we extracted them from a sunken sampan they were using, the media-vac dust off picked them up right on the canal water line with the Sea Wolfs providing cover. After one of our OP’s was over run late one night, I shot a 155 flair where I thought they would be and sure enough the Sea Wolfs caught them in the open. They were excited! I know this sounds crazy, but do you remember the team dog-Tina? If you have a picture of Nghia, let me know for I would like to have a copy.

            • Richard, Yes I have picturs of Lt. Nghia and Lim. Don’t recall the dog, Please give me your private email address so I can send pictures.


            • Did you ever meet a Captain Chan Prince? Chan was a great friend and a 1 Lt. when I arrived…he came back in 70 on his second tour.

      • Emery, We were hooch-mates for a while in Ca Mau before I went to Thoi Binh. The last time I saw you IIRC you were commanding 101st EN Bn.
        Allen Youngman

        • Allen, I was the District Senior Advisor in Thoi Binh until December 1970. The District Chief was Major Le Van Ta. Do you know what happened to him?

          • George, I do not. Major Nguyen Queen was the DC the entire time I was there (Dec 71 until the US withdrawal as far as I know.)

    • I hope you remember me but I was your Phoenix Adviser when you arrive in Dam Doi. I guess one of the most memorable experiences were those involving Seal Team One working out our AO. I think the team leader was a Lt. Richards. Even though I was ultimately RIF’ed after that tour and experience with Col. Horace Hunter (PSA), I got a Intel assignment to Ft. Sill, OK (Installation General Staff (S2)). l ultimately graduated from the Intel Career Course with my required research paper proposal being selected as the outstanding paper. It was ultimately implemented by the TRADOC Command.. I have had a very exciting, rewarding and varied career since being separated from the Army in ’75 doing various vocations. God has been very good to me and my family with all of us being very successful in life. Drop me a line if you get a chance. Some names you might remember-VU / Sgt. Martinez / Lim (sp) / Nghia / Google : Richard Baur, Bryan, TX

      • Sounds like that would have been Zulu platoon, SEAL Team One 70/71. They were one of 3 or so SEAL platoons that operated out Solid Anchor. Mr Richards was the 2 IC.

      • Doug, Thanks for reaching out. I was the Phoenix Adviser in Dam Doi January thru end of Oct. 69…I then became deputy Phoenix Director An Xuyen End Oct. thru end Dec. 69. Could you end me your private email address.

  11. Do any of you remember MAT 115? I was team leader 1970. Based in Tan Hung. My 2d Lt. went home with a purple heart and hepatitis. We often hosted Navy Seals on Phoenix missions.

    • I was with Advisory Team 80 in Song Un Doc, arriving in late December ’68. I was the 1LT. The rest of the team with our Cpt (can’t remember his or anyone else’s name) and 4 or 5 enlisted men and a medic.

      I blew out my left knee after about 4 months in-country. Probably about April or May.

      My injury happened on a Sunday AM. I got on top of our bunker which was made up of abandoned 55 gallon drums that had been filled with rocks and rubble and bound together. The idea was that if the VC got thru the first or second level of wire around of our fortifications then we would try to hold them off while falling back further, and then our team would hop aboard our 16′ skiff and head out to sea.

      Here’s a brief summary of what I remember of Song Un Doc in terms of activity with the VC. I would accompany our Cpt on his visits to the SVN captain in charge for the area. Our Cpt tried to entice and urge and suggest that our group should take action to try to engage the VC. My recollection is that the SVN Cpt which we dealt with tried to avoid gathering his local militia-level soldiers and heading out to VC territory.

      Periodically, the avoidance maneuvers were no longer tenable and the SVN captain relented and we would go out in pursuit of VC. I was involved in maybe 5 or 6 of these. Some times we simple marched out of Song Un Doc a fair distance in search of VC. We drew fire and returned fire from 200m or more.

      Other times we got access to a sampan and motored some distance inland to try to engage the VC, usually with very modest action. One time we got the US Navy to provide a WW2-like vessel that could run the vote up on the beach and drop the nose which enabled up to penetrate new territory. But the result was almost always the same in terms of the quite low level engagement and results.

      In terms of my knee injury, initially it was thought the knee would recover after some rest and treatment. But things didn’t improve and it was decided I needed go to Can To to get looked at by an appropriate knee specialist. I hopped a UHEE. Eventually I was seen by a senior doctor. After some preliminary testing the orthopedist said my injury was such that to fix the knee properly and enable me to be combat qualified would mean six months or so in Tokyo.

      But then I would have only 2 months or so back in Vietnam. So the decision was instead to not do anything about the knee, So I was sent to Saigon to find myself a job in the rear for my remaining 6 months or so. That’s what I did. I ended up in Danang doing nothing especially useful.

      When I was exiting Anzyn heading to Saigon I was told by someone that my team in Song Un Doc had organized another initiative to penetrate further into VC territory. This time a much larger sampan was used with a good sized motor that would enable them to penetrate deeper and surprise the VC. But in fact the VC knew what was coming and when the sampan reached the deeper territory VC opened fire with RPGs and other ordinance. The sampan turned over and an unknown number of SVN and US were drowned or shot or wounded.

      This last paragraph may be totally spurious, arising from some corner of my mind. But I just don’t know.

      • My MAT 74 was in both NEW and OLD Song Ong Doc from Sep 69-Mar 70 and perhaps longer as I DEROSED in early March 1970. MAJ Hunsicker was our District Advisor. I have an outdated Contact List for An Xuyen Province

  12. To all Advisory Team 80 members. I just returned for Vietnam last Friday and have some amazing news. There was a young girl Co Ha who was the barmaid in he officers club in Ca Mau, she actually taught me my first words in Vietnamese. I remember Co Ha was in a relationship with an american and I often wondered about their fate. While in Vietnam I traveled with my son to Saigon, Vung Tao, Ca Mau, and Dam Doi. It was a long shot for me to connect with any of the Vietnamese that I had contact with….I did not re-connect with anyone; however it was an amazing experience and I returned with a great deal of satisfaction. Upon return I went to google images to try and see pics. of Ca Mau then and now, and to my amazement a picture of Co Ha and an amazing story captured in a book she wrote, “My Love far Away” (Amazon Books). Co Ha is now married to that young officer but only after 20 years of an Odyssey of which movies are made of. Yesterday I spoke with Co Ha for 20 min. and my wife and I plan to visit her and her husband in Fla. My contact info. 401-644-4588.

  13. Just returned from a 9 day trip to Vietnam. We went to Saigon, Vung Tao, Ca Mau and Dam Doi (where I was a Phoenix Advisor in 69). There is a brand new hotel in Ca Mau that caters to tourist and seafood buyers. I went with my son and we stayed in Saigon at three hotels: The Rex, Intercontinental Saigon, and Caravelle, Saigon is amazing and capitalism is taking hold. There was little or no evidence of restrictions from the government.

  14. I have booked a flight to Saigon 11/9/16 3 nights at the Rex Hotel, 2nd day hydofoil to Vung Tao (Phoenix Advisor school in 1969) for the day. 3 nights in Ca Mao and a day trip to Dam Doi (private guide). 2 more days in Saigon Caravelle Hotel. It will be 49 years in Dec. I always knew I’d have to return.

  15. I recall. Prior to going to TB I was HHC Commander, or what was left by then! COL King was a good man to serve! Do you know where he is now?

    • Agree on COL King! No idea where he is. I ran into Ben Calhoun a few times over the years. We were in each other’s weddings. He retired as an LTC in the DC area I think.

  16. Hi Jim, I was in contact with you a few years ago before you retired. I was in Hai Yen from Sept 69 to Mar 69 then moved to Ca Mau and with the radios.

  17. Was on MAT 74 for MACV Advisory Team 80 Mar 1969 to Mar 1970, worked out of Hai Yen, Ca Mau, New Song Ong Doc, and Old Song Ong Doc. Team Members: 1LT Gary Findlay, 1LT Jim Moran, SFC Rich McConchie, SSG Larry Stewart (Medic), SGT Jim Greenwalt. My first team leader was CPT Bill McLarty.

    • I was a pilot with HAL-3 Det-.6 (Navy Seawolves) at Old Song Ong Doc from March 1970 until October when we got overrun. Also staged out ofCa Mau on standby for SEAL night ops. Remember being scrambled several times to Outposts in U Minh.

    • I was a Navy Corpsman (OR Tech) at SEAFLOAT II on the Song Cua Long in Ca Mau in Spring & Summer of ’70. I became very good friends with an SF Medic whose name I can’t remember now and it haunts me to this day. We would sit on the Float at night and talk about what we would do when we got back to world. I had considerable experience, but he taught me many things. He died when he and his (Biet Hai?) irregulars were ambushed about 5-10 clicks (?) from SEAFLOAT in the morning of a sunny day. They brought him to the “Float” and laid him out on the stell deck. He had a peaceful face with a single hole in his eye from a Claymore ball that Charlie stole and placed in a tree above thre river. I sat with him for a good while and I was gently ordered back to work. I lost my many of notes and a photo of him (alive) when I got back. If you can help me remember him with a name, unit and Date of KIA, I would be most grateful and could replace a bad memory with a peaceful one. Thank you for your valuable time and considerations in this matter.
      Robert L. “Doc” Chapman
      Timberville Virginia

      • Hey Doc,
        I just ran across this site by chance. Mark Fontaine HMC USN (Ret) here.
        I was on Seafloat from late July of 69 to early July 1970. I was an HM2 when I left. I don’t remember the exact incident you are referring to but there were at least 15 sailors who operated out Seafloat killed in one way or another during my tour. I’ve tried to forget a good part of my time there but from time to time over the years have been contacted by men wounded who are seeking evidence of their injuries either for purple hearts or VA so I’ve dredged those memories up from time to time. I apologize if I don’t remember you,(like I said I tried to forget) but if it would help, I have a list of the names of those KIA during my time there that I keep in my wallet with the dates they were killed. I can provide those names to you if you give me a time frame of when you think it occurred. There are probably some who died that are not on my list. My email is below.


        Mark Fontaine
        HMC, USN Ret

    • Hey Jim,
      My name is Larry Moran. 1LT Jim Moran was my oldest brother. He served with you in 1969-1970 in An Xuyen Province with Advisory Team 80 MAT IV-74. Jim came home from Nam in 1970 and was a Social Studies teacher in Woodbridge, NJ for 36 years. He stayed in the Army Reserve for 30 years, and achieved the rank of Colonel before the Army forced his retirement. Unfortunately, Jim passed away from a massive heart attack after a surgery in August of 2009.
      If you get this reply, could you please contact me at my email address : I would like to talk with you a little bit about my brother and the time that he spent in Nam.
      If anyone else from this page knew my brother, could you also please contact me at the above email address? I would greatly appreciate it!

      • Larry Moran. I was Phoenix advisor. Knew your brother. After Vietnam, I was living in wood bridge. He went to Seton Hall didn’t’he? My email larryjodaniel@yahoo.

      • I remember him, I was on Advisory Team 80 in 69-70. He was kind of blonde guy, pretty nice fella. Do you remember Denton Brown?

  18. I was a Navy advisor staying at macv 80 compound in Ca Mau. In 1971 went on a joint operation with Army into Cambodia . Was with a Army man who was killed. Only 8 of us went including the Colonel of the compound. At the time no one was to go into Cambodia so we took and later staged the body in a Arvn base that was over run. I am trying to find out the name of the man killed. We also had one Army soldier hit in the arm. Our role was to be radio support to aircraft and stay away from the action while the ARVN went into a village and destroy a large cache of weapons that we had info on. The ARVNs left us at our LZ where we were engaged by a large group of VC. With help from air support we were able to kill all the VC and get picked up by helicopter.

  19. Has anyone found any maps on the internet that’s shows the outpost of Team 80. I’ve been looking for something that shows the locations were we worked but haven’t been able to find much for the Delta. If anyone has found anything please respond directly to my email with a link.

        • Barry that is “Red”. I was in touch with him for a while but haven’t heard back for about 6 months now. I’m Rich Sutton and worked in commo with him. Were you in the bunker with us? I remember the name.

            • Barry, did you work in the back off the bunker with the switch board and the teletype? I was moved to the radio when Red went home on leave from the outpost of Hai Yen. Rick Newman and I were the only two for a while until Red came back. Did you work nights or days. I worked some of each. The nights were usually a little quieter.

              • Switchboard…right across the hall from radio room and the Seal team office. Teletype was the room at the back end. I remember being amazed at Lt Boink, the seal team leader, planning ops AND studying for some advanced college degree from M I T in that little office of his. Worked both nights and days as needed. At one time, 2/3rds of the way into my 14 month tour, we were short handed and went to 12 hrs shifts. That lasted until my last month in country. Newman, Red, and I were close buddies. Had a lot of good buddies on the team, but after returning home, my apartment building burned down, along with most of my stuff, including my address book, so I haven’t been in touch with most of them.

                • Hey Rich, how ya doing these days? I am now retired and have been going through my stuff from back in the day. Was wondering if you could scan a copy of that picture for me. After Nam I had an apartment fire that burned up all most all my stuff…pictures and my address book, etc. I have no useful pics of me in the green. I did have some slides at my parents place at the time, but none of me to show my kids…would really appreciate a copy. Also, I’ve been wondering how things would have turned out if Trump had been President back then. God bless, Barry

        • Yes Barry this is “Red” Persinger. I do remember you very well. I remember you being with ..I think 126th signal batallion. How are you doing still in Wisconsin. Want to talk about things I am at

  20. I remember both you and Rick. I arrived in Hai Yen as the District Senior Advisor at about the time you were “promoted” to Ca Mau. I replaced Captain Jesus Hernandez (I’m sure of the first name, but not so sure of the last). Sergeant Green was a member of my team, as was Sergeant Sid Monge (I will never forget either of them). We also had a MSG or 1SG and a lieutenant on the team, but I don’t remember their names.

    We supported Major Le Van Ta, the District Chief and an outstanding soldier, and frequently were visited by Father Hoa of Swallows fame. I worked for LTC Buzz Sawyer.

    One day, I was in Ca Mau for a meeting with Buzz and others, when the District Compound in Nam Can was attacked. The defense was led by a 1LT who was the second in command since the DSA was with me at the meeting in Ca Mau. Buzz immediately sent the DSA back to his base by chopper and called in gunships in support. The 1LT back at the district was nearly hysterical communicating back to Buzz and staff and I’m sure both you and Rick were involved in the conversation and trying to calm him down.

    Buzz asked me to go over to your commo palace and see if I could help calm things down. I had never been to your palatial estate before and was impressed when I saw you and Rick firmly in control of the commo and coordinating the gunships and general chaos as well as anyone could. I don’t remember what you said to me, but you made it clear that you guys had everything under control. I stayed just enough time to “save face” (remember that?) and then went back to Buzz and told him things had settled down nicely. By that time, the cavalry had arrived and the attack stopped.

    I’m not sure what the results of the attack turned out to be, but I don’t think there were serious friendly injuries. Soon after that, I was transferred to Thoi Binh District with Major Ta and finished my tour there. Compared to the action in Thoi Binh, life in Hai Yen was a picnic. But that’s for another day.

    George Kolesar

    • George thanks for the reply. I looked back in some of my stuff and found that Cpt Mellgren and 1lt McKenzie were the two officers at Hai Yen when I left there. I don’t remember the exact incident your talking about but some days there was a lot of action in our little commo bunker. Nights were usually better than days because there was a lot less action most of the time. Rick and I took 12 hour shifts for a long time everyday. I was in touch with Sgt Green several years ago. I was with him on the first patrol I was ever on and we got hit. I was thankful I was with him because I was scared to death. He passed away in July of 2010.

    • George, How long were you at Hai Yen? I found out the Cpt Mellgren went home the end of 69 and not sure when McKenzie left. I flew back to Hai Yen a couple of times in 70 working on radios. Anyway that was my excuse I just want to come back. I liked it there much better than Ca Mau. Do you remember when Jerry Green left?

      • Rich, I arrived in Hai Yen in mid-December 1969 and replaced the senior advisor a couple of weeks later. The name Mellgren is not familiar to me. My predecessor was CPT Jesus Hernandez, but he may have filled in for Mellgren until I arrived. SSG Green, by far the most competent member of the team, served with me until I left Hai Yen in the spring of 1970 to accompany the District Chief, Major Le Van Ta, to Thoi Binh. I think Major Ta was sent to Thoi Binh because things there were getting a little out of hand there and he was a great leader who brought things under control. I’m sorry to hear that SSG Green has died. He was a wonderful man and a great soldier who kept me and 1LT McKenzie under control as best he could. I never saw Green or McKenzie again after I left Hai Yen, so I don’t know when they returned to the World.


  21. I was stationed in Hai Yen in the fall of 69 with two officers and Sgt. Gerald Green. My name is Richard Sutton and I was an E-4 draftee. I was there until the first of 1970 and was transfer to Ca Mau as a radio operator. There I worked with Rick Newman. We were the only two radio operators for quite a while. Anyone remember me or Rick?

    • My name is Lyle Persinger, I too was a radio operator in Camau. I do remember you and Newman also. As I remember, you used to smoke a pipe all the time.

      • Hi Lyle. Yes I use to smoke a pipe then. If I remember right you had red hair I think you came after Rick and I were there. I’m thinking before you showed up Rick and I were the only two operators. We were still in the commo bunker and later were moved outside the compound to the Vietnamese TOC.

  22. I knew Captain Martinez quite well when we both served together in 1970, although I didn’t know the details of his background that have come to light recently. He is an absolute stud and I would serve under him anywhere.

  23. I was the 2LT on MAT 115 in the summer of 1970. Anyone familiar with that team? The other LT, Paul Harkey, from North or South Carolina, was sent home with hepatitis.

    • Hey Peter, Do you remember the senior Adv Dom Doi? He was a Cuban and a captain. They were hit hard one time and him and a NCO were given the Silver Star. I went down a couple days after that to salvage documents etc and you couldn’t touch anything without disturbing the tear gas and it was a big mess. They said later if it hadn’t been for tear gas no one would have made it out alive. LTC Buzz Sawyer I can remember like it was yesterday, He could knock the bottom out of a whisky bottle by filling it with water and slapping the top.
      Lol! I ran into him on my way out of country on the street at MACV Saigon, We saluted and he came across street to shake hands and say goodbye. I really appreciated that.

      • Yes, I remember that Cuban Capt. clearly. His location was very close to my team.He hated the VC. Went on a few boat missions with him.
        Recently found my diary of my time on the MAT and will have to look through it for his name.

      • Jim and Peter, I was the Phoenix Adviser in Dam Doi 1/69 -10/69 and Deputy Phoenix Adviser for An Xuyen 11/69 – 12/69. The Cubans name was Capt. Martinez, a fierce anti-communist. He was in the Bay of Pigs and spent 2 years as a POW and later ransomed by Pres. Johnson. Martinez was also on the team that captured and killed Che Guevara.

  24. They have tons of stuff but it takes a little work to find it. You just have to keep refining your search and be willing to spend lots and lots of time. Here’s a link to the site It’s worth a look because there is lots of info there.

  25. Does anyone remember the alcoholic drink the Vietnamese had, it was a clear color and pretty strong. I thought it started with b, but have no idea how to spell it. Does anyone have any idea what I’m talking about?

    • You are talking about “Ba Xe De,” pronounced “Bah See Day.” The stuff kicks like a mule and gives you a hangover like you’ve never before had in your life.

      • I got a little drunk on this stuff (Ba Xi De) and it took me 2 or 3 days to recover-I can’t remember, The other “wine” was “annis” and was yellow in color with a licorice taste. Both of these kill everything in your digestive track!.

    • Rượu Đế – Rice Wine. Or it’s also called Ba Xị Đế. The name begins with Đ. Đế is very strong popular rice wine in SVN. I used to be an interpreter who had worked with MACV Team 80 from 1968-1973 in An Xuyen Province. Now, I’m living in SF California.

      • Tri – Did you work out of Ca Mau or one of the outpost? I was in Hai Yen in the fall of 1969. Our interpreter went by Tiger.

      • Hello Tri…I also was in MACV team 80 in 1969 to 1971. I worked as a radio operator and also worked in Dom Doi. I think I remember you and you were also with me in Dom Doi, I do hope you were our interpreter, I was a young redheaded man that usually called red or rusty. thanks Lyle Persinger

          • Paul, hope you are doing good. Do you still have pictures from our times in Dom Doi ? Trying to put together some of my history for my grandchildren. I was a spc4 radio operator with red hair. If you could send anything would be great. Thanks Lyle

            • Wow, Lyle so good to hear from you! Yes I have many pictures but will take sometime to get them. We have been in our Vacation home in Maine since March and will be going back home next week in Rhode Island. What months were you in Dam Doi? I went back in 2016..amazing trip. Please send me your email and phone #.

  26. Hope this helps, I flew every day from Feb 1970 to Dec 1970 and then spent my last 2 months at Song Ong Doc, District, The navy had boats there. This Song Ong Doc was halfway down the river from Camau, then if you continued you would be at another Song Ong Doc, where it meets the ocean, “no US military” there. Here we go, pretend you are in Ca Mau facing north, to your right just maybe 15 Klicks woud be Toi Binh and on the only road that would take you North out of the province. Then as you are facing north would be Quan Long, they would usually come down by boat as it was pretty close. Now on left and south would be first stop At Song Ong Doc. Then on southwest to Hai Yen. Hai Yen used to be SF Team. From there we flew to Nam Can, lot of US Navy. And furthest point south in Vietnam. From there back up North to Mat 119 and then into Dom Doi. And then back to Ca Mau ab time for lunch. Hope this helps.

    • I may have east and west wrong but the north and south are right on. Most of the time we called the mission a “round robin” BC it was flown in a big circle. The mission was to take mail and supplies to the Teams and to take and pick up members of the team. Charlie didn’t have much interest in this but was used one time for dust off and we got shot up pretty good. Was real lucky to make it out of that one. I remember the tracers coming up thru the bottom of chopper. Had a couple of rounds go through map that I was holding. We went down where the Arvn were and there was a major on ground with them. I think his name was Major Short.

      • Thanks for the info, I was at Hai Yen when I first was in country which was Sept. od 69. I was moved to Ca Mau some time very early in 70 and put on the radio. At that time there were only two of us and we manned the radios 24/7 for the next 5 months, me during the day and Rick at nights, so I probably talked to you sometime. We had maps with everything marked at far as the outpost in our commo bunker, but just don’t remember anymore. Guess it didn’t mean that much then, but sure wish I had it now.


      • Sgt Hall, Do you remember me? Urgent contact please. I am THOAI (Toys) The person you had brought to attached the MACV compound in 1970. (spring ship Camau short strip.)

        • I do remember Taylor who had rusty blond hair from Texas. I believe I knew your mother too. Do you have a picture of your Mother? I would know for sure if I saw her photo. When I knew Taylor he was working as a radio operator at TOC Camau. Let me know if I can help you more.

        • Thoai, Where are you living now? I have contact with Co Ha who was the barmaid in Officers Club in Ca Mau, she now live in Florida.

          Paul E. Cary

          • I used to be an Interpreter who had worked with MACV Team 80 in An Xuyên Province, with LTC Sawyer and COL King, from 1968-1973. Now, I’m living in SF California. Would you be so kind as to help me connect with Ms. Co Ha the barmaid in OC? For sure, I’m very happy to see her again after a long long time! (1973-2017!!)

        • Thoai, I was the Phoenix Adviser in Dam Doi. Son. Did you know him? I am also in contact with Co Ha the Officers Club Barmaid…she lives in Florida with her husband John Dickinson who was a Navy helicopter pilot. Ha was a boat person and re-connected with John after 20 years.

    • I was with Det 6, HAL-3 (Seawolves) based at what was known as new Song Ong Doc from March to October 1970. New Song Ong Doc was at the mouth of the Song Ong Doc River. The PBR’s were also based there, and it was in October that our “base”, if you could call it that, was overrun by the VC. It was after that that the PBR’s were then moved to Old Song Ong Doc, several klicks north. That’s my recollection.

  27. Has anyone found a map of the Ca Mau area that’s shows any of the Team 80 locations? When I manned the radios I communicated with all the locations but can’t even remember how many there were now. I’ve searched the internet but most maps don’t even show Ca Mau.

  28. While doing some research at the Texas Tech University Vietnam achieve I came across the following information about the Advisory Team 80 patch:

    White disc, black border, ADVISORY
    TEAM 80 and AN XUYEN. A yellow map
    of An Xuyen Province bordered black, a
    white fish, brown tree and green rice stalks
    tied by a red ribbon. Machine sewn.

    • Richard- can you tell me what information is available at the Texas Tech archive? for example would they have sitrreps from Advisory Teams?

      • They have tons of stuff but it takes a little work to find it. You just have to keep refining your search and be willing to spend lots and lots of time. Here’s a link to the site It’s worth a look because there is lots of info there.

    • Yes, I met him only one time and I never saw him in the field and my District. He was the PSA (Province Senior Adviser) in March ’71. I left for the world in May ’71 and move on with my life. Enough said!.

    • I remember your father. I commanded MAT Team 67 in ’70 and he was the Province Senior Advisor during part of my tour. My team worked for three different District Senior Advisors during that time and spent most of our time in RF/PF outposts. Very little time in Ca Mau except for meetings – but when we did get to the HQS always reported into COL King and gave him a SITREP.

  29. Paul Cary (1Lt. Phoenix) Anybody from Dam Doi January to December 1969, I would like to be in touch. 401-644-4588

  30. I knew Sgt Taylor. I was 1 of 3 Marines in Ca Mau in the fall of ’72 – until we shut down in April ’73. I can’t remember the name of the ship, but remember a lot of bologna sandwiches, kool-aid, back alley, spades and the AO’s coming in for lunch.

  31. I was an E 4 radio operator stationed at Ca Mau from late in 69 to the fall of 70. I worked with another operator by the name of Rick Newman from Akron, Oh. We manned the radios 12 hours a day keeping track of all the operations in the province.

    • Do you remember sp4 Taylor? TOC I think Robert was first name…kinda sandy blond hair

      • Yes I do remember Bob. He arrived a month or two before I left. At that time I was the Chief radio operator and we had a full staff of operators, so I mostly over saw them and scheduled the shifts. Don’t remember a lot but I’m sure he was from Texas.

      • Rick Newman had red hair, but I don’t remember if he went by “Red” or not. He was on the radio early in “70”. After he went home we had another guy with red hair, his last name was Persinger but don’t remember his first name.

      • Yes I surely remember. I actually got to team 80 in May of 69. I needed to get home on an emergency leave and the only way was to extend for nine months. I left In March of 70 and got back to Camau at end April. That is when I met you after the move to TOC. I then went down to Nam Can for a short time to fill in for a guy that went home, after that I was back in Camau and then to Dom Doi with Captain Martinez. Dom Doi was my nightmare.
        I am currently working here in the states but I have winter home in Thailand, I have been back to Camau twice have you ever considered going back ? It has been very cathartic for me. I will be going home to Thailand in November not sure if I will return to Camau but will be in Saigon for sure.
        Do you remember a guy by the name of Barry Fig ? He was with a signal battalion and worked the teletype in the back part of the old common bunker ?
        What part of the states do you live in ? For some reason Nebraska comes to mind.
        Hope to talk again….Lyle

        Ps. That picture was of me, didn’t think I was ever that young. Lol

        • Lyle- I was i Ca Mau in 67/68 when the team number was still 59. I went back a few years ago but unfortunately had a guide whose English wasn’t too good nor was her knowledge of how Ca Mau became such a large city. Do you know the significance of the large monument in the traffic circle just outside the old compound gates? Joe Gorman

        • Lyle, I was the Phoenix Advisor in Dam Doi Jan.-Nov. 69 and then Deputy Phoenix in Ca Mau. My cousin just moved to Thailand. I returned to Vietnam in 2016.

          • Hello Paul, I am not sure remembering you in Dam Doi…..but a lot of things get blocked out. I would love to see some of your pictures from your trip from Camau, I went back in 2010, and 2014 but never had much success in going down to Dom Doi. Do you remembering that outpost also calling Cha La ? I arrived in May 1969 and left in Jan 1971. I am now retired in Thailand, would certainly like to meet your cousin, where does he live ? Do you ever remember a spec 4 Wayne Stevens from Dom Doi same time ?

        • I got to Dam Doi in May of 70 and worked with Captain Martinez till he let in July or August (I think). He was fearless and a real pleasure to work for-he taught me a lot “Baby” a term he used quite often. He carried an old “Grease Gun” which shot 45 cal. rounds. I asked him why he carried that weapon and he said ‘Baby when I hit them they are going down and not getting up Baby”. Sgt Martinez rejoin the team after he recovered from the “overrun” and he was very helpful. He was constantly picking copper fragments out of his chest and was always very nervous after his experience of being overrun. Quite a story Hey-Dam Doi was a nightmare for I spent all 12 months there and had no less thank 4 District Senior Advisers and a lot of times it was just me,a Sargent, and RTO which you may have been him We all cross trained on the PRC 25.

          • Hi Richard, I was in and out of Dom Doi as they moved me from outpost to outpost and back to Camau. I was there with Capt Martinez right before they were overrun, and came back down the day afterwards. Man what nasty flippin place that was. I stayed quite a time, until after the sea bees came in to rebuild the team house, and then went back to Camau and stayed there until I left in Jan 71. Do you remember Wayne Stevens from Ohio ? I think he was a buck sgt ?

  32. Dear Team 59/80 Vets:

    I’m working on a history of the Binh Hung / Hai Yen Special Zone, also known as Tactical Zone 33. I have found some documents on this from the Team’s records at the National Archives in College Park. I’d be especially interested to know more of your experiences with this embattled outpost lying just below the U Minh III and II. I’ve traveled to the area in recent years, even visited Binh Hung as well as the old airport and the Ca Mau area. Thanks for any help.

    • Hi David, I was with TM 80 2-1970 thru 2-71. I was Swing Ship Coordinator until 12-70, I then went to Song Ong Doc till I left. I remember Hai Yen very well as it was my far most point from CaMau. I heard Hai Yen had a SF team before TM 80 went in. I had some leave time coming and a Hai Yen Team member took me out to a Coast Guard Cutter Yakatat, I went to Singapore with the crew and crossed the equator both going and coming back. which was out of our way. I flew the whole province twice a day until I finally had enough. Jimmy

      • I was stationed at Hai Yen as my first posting. There was a captain, a lieutenant, and a sergeant. The only name I remember is Sgt. Green. I was there from 9/69 to 1/70 when I was transferred to Ca Mau. I was a 11B (infantry) and was made a radio operator at Ca Mau. I went on several patrols was Sgt. Green and the PF’s. We were mortared on the first patrol I ever was on and was scared to death. They needed another radio operator was I was made into one. was there until I left 10/70.

    • Look at the Team 59 site for comments by Maj Daigne who was in Hai Yen and has some history about when it was settled n by Hoa’s people

  33. I was a very young Marine LCpl radio operator stationed in Ca Mau from Oct 1972 until March 1973 with Sub Unit 1 Naval Gunfire. We supported aerial observers that worked the U Minh Forest for USN Destroyers. There were only 3 or 4 Marines at the camp. I remember a Vietnamese restaurant that served coke bottled in Paris that would feed four us for $5, lots of card playing, and bologna sandwiches everyday for 6 months and much more.

  34. I am former Sgt. Gary Puente(s) and was a member of the USAF 559th MSF attached to MACV in Ca Mau from July 68 to July 69. I was assigned to two separate outposts during that year. The first was in Quan Long and the second was in Nam Can. I seem to remember Capt Samples and Capt Hirschler. I have been trying to locate Sgt. Sam Williams from Miami Florida. Are there any more of us out there communicating recently?

  35. I was assistant district advisor with adv tm 59 in Hai Yen 3/68 to 6/68 and established a new adv tm 80 in dong cung on the song bay hap in 7/68 with maj dajenais (sp?) and became DSA advising dai uy/thieu ta Hy in 3/69 until deros in 10/69. Wore no adv tm patches. Unaware of them.
    Former Cpt. William Hirschler separated from army 3/70.

    • Hello Captain Hirschler! You probably do not remember me, but I was stationed with you in Nam Can in 1969. I am Gary Puente and was a medic there when the SEAL team came and gave us some relief. How is life treating you? Kathryn and I now live in Southern Oregon and we are enjoying our retired life. Where are you living these days? I would enjoy hearing from you.
      Gary Puente

      • Gary, I do remember you. Post VN, we ran into each other in ’75 or ’76 at a restaurant in La Habra or Whittier. My wife and I are retired and still live in So Cal. If ok with you, I would like to continue corresponding through email ( Hope to hear from you.
        Bill Hirschler

        • Would be great to hear from you again Captain! Pray this Christmas finds you healthy and well. Email me in return and I will share my mobile number with you if you would like to talk. We are well here in Southern Oregon and life has been very good for us. Merry Christmas to you friend!

          • Hi Gary,

            You recently replied to my brother, Bill Hirschler. I’m sorry to tell you he passed away in October, 2017 of Agent Orange related cancer/complications.

            Tom Hirschler
            Vietnam 65-66, 69-70

            • Dear Tom,
              I am so sorry for your loss. Time slopped away and I neglected to follow up on the Captain’s email. Your brother was an outstanding leader in Nam Can and a special man. Please give my regards to his good wife and family. I would be happy to share what photos I have of him.
              Gary puente

    • I just recently found this website and saw your name, and sent you an email. Hope that you are interested in communicating. Good to know you still alive and kicking, as am I. I have posted a few messages under Team 59. (

      Henry (Hank) Dagenais

  36. 16 MAR 14 Gentlemen: I served in MACV Advisory Team 80 from December 1970 through October 1971 as “Administrative Officer”, later Adjutant, at the team headquarters in Ca Mau, I did not do anything exciting or historic. Normal uniform for the team was OG tropical fatigues, with the MACV patch on the left shoulder and the Delta Military Assistance Command (DMAC) pocket patch on the right pocket. The latter was just a subdued version of the ARVN IV Corps patch, with the word “DELTA” in an arc over the IV, and the initials “M.A.C.” below the IV. DMAC was redesignated Delta Regional Assistance Command (DRAC) but I do not think anyone bothered to change the pocket patch, which was unofficial anyway.

    At various times, I roomed with the advisor for MAT Team 5, serving with 412 RF Rifle Battalion, and then later with a NAVADGRUV advisor serving with VNN 29 Riverine Division. Our MAT teams just wore the US OG fatigues, usually with a boonie hat, but normally with no special insignia other than the RF/PF pocket patch and occasionally the appropriate neck scarf for the unit they advised. My Navy roomie, wore VNN issue “tiger stripes” with VNN metal rank insignia, and a pocket patch for the unit he advised.

    A few of our advisors did wear special uniforms. E.g., the Rural Development Cadre advisor wore the Viet issue black pajamas with the RDC pocket patch, and the Chieu Hoi Advisor wore VNN tiger stripes (a really dark green variant) with a Chieu Hoi patch. it is possible some of the advisors to VN National Police Field Force may have worn the “burnt grass” pattern camo uniform, but I did not see that personally while I was there, and our police advisor (a Marine major) wore civilian clothes.

    A good friend of mine was Dam Doi District Senior Advisor in 1969-1970,and he confirmed that at that time they were wearing US issue jungle fatigues, and occasionally an RF unit scarf or an ARVN dark blue beret with ARVN rank badge. In the field, he had a helmet cover with a hand painted water buffalo on it, given to him by his RF counterparts. (Off duty, at the team hooch, they wore T shirts, cut offs, and flip flops with zero insignia.)

    While I was at Ca Mau, Team 80 consisted of about 110 military personnel (mostly army, with a few Navy, Air Force and Marines assigned or attached), plus about 10 civilian advisors. There were also some attached units which came and went from time to time. Some of the attached units did wear non-standard uniforms.

    1. A gunfire detachment from 1st Marine ANGLICO had just come down from ROK 2d Blue Dragon Brigade, and they wore ROK issue pebble suits with the ROK marine pocket badge.

    2. A detachment from USN SEAL Team 2, co-located with us, wore VNN issue tiger stripes with no insignia whatsoever, and a variety of camo headgear.

    3. A detachment from NAVY HAL-3 wore more or less regulation Navy uniforms with squadron insignia, sometimes with black berets.

    4. The Navy intelligence liaison officer wore a similar uniform, i.e., fatigues with black beret.

    5. Occasionally aviators (usually from 13th AVN BN (CBT)) would billet with the unit, wearing typical two-piece nomex flight suits with many, many non-regulation insignia. An attached FAC from 221 AVN CO normally just wore regular jungle fatigues.

    Otherwise, I do not recall military personnel wearing any unusual uniforms (except for one assistant cook, a Navy type, who insisted on wearing a bootleg set of ERDL camis and a Navy black beret). Officially, footgear for everyone at that time consisted of the spike resistant jungle boot, except for the aviators who, I believe, still retained the standard black leather combat boot. (We did have one advisor, Major, Infantry, who for obscure reasons wore the low-cut leather “Engineer Boot” that strapped instead of laced up.)

    The Division Combat Assistance Team (DCAT) for ARVN 21st Infantry Division was located right across the road from us, and for a while one of their regimental advisory teams (31st RCAT) billeted with us. They all wore standard OG jungle fatigues with either baseball caps or boonie hats, nothing unusual at all.

    With regard to a specific MACV Team 80 patch, I never saw one. My friend who was there in ’68-’69 has confirmed that it was not worn at that time. We did use a purported Team 80 emblem on the cover sheet of some of the reports we sent up to Can Tho, but I have no idea how far back the design was invented, or by whom. The emblem consisted of just the outline of An Xuyen Province, on which were superimposed some sort of fish (a carp, maybe) and a stalk of rice. I have seen a small “beer can” badge of that design. which was probably originally an emblem on some sort of award plaque. I have also seen a patch in that design (on a white disc with a black border), but to my knowledge that emblem was not worn as an item of uniform, at least not during the period 1968-71.

    I hope this will be of some assistance. I’m glad someone is making an effort to document some of the interesting historical details of the MACV teams. Better late than never! Good luck.


    • Thanks for the info. Might those civilian advisors been CIA types with the PRU? The rice shutes, and carp over the outline of the Province was at the top of a plaque I received in June 69.

      Ken Sample, former MILPHAP team member.

      • 17 MAR 14 TO: Captain Sample
        In 1970-71, there was a PRU unit (roughly platoon size) that operated out of a base down river from Ca Mau about a click. I never went down there myself, but some team members had occasion to go there because US Navy riverine units took over the site when the PRU’s relocated. I do not know where they went, or why. As you know, the PRU’s reported directly to the Province Chief, and acted sort of like his personal bodyguard and hit squad. I was informed that some of the PRU’s were not ethic Viets, and included some Nung Chinese, ethnic Khmers, and others. I do not know who the US advisors to the PRU were (or, in fact, whether there were any at that time).

        I know that some of the PRU troopers, or their US advisors, were in our compound on at least one occasion, because I found a metal PRU badge on the ground outside our tiny little PX. Badge was a pin back white metal device consisting of an oriental sword, single edge with curved blade, with wings; I collect military uniforms and insignia, so I picked it up for my collection. I later swapped a bottle of nice wine for a PRU boonie hat, Viet manufacture, with a cloth PRU badge – the winged sword on a red triangle – sewn to the front. The GI, from whom I obtained the hat was an Army riverboat type, and said he “found it” down at the old PRU base, which was then being used by US Navy riverine units and occasional Army Transportation Corps boat units.

        There was a CIA element in Ca Mau, but they had nothing to do with MACV Team 80, and I only saw them two or three times. I think they came to the Team mainly to use the PX. They were a couple of guys in their late 20’s or early 30’s, wearing civilian clothing. Their post (given some BS name such as the “Embassy Liaison Office”) was in downtown Ca Mau. We referred to them simply as “The Embassy”. They may have interacted with our S-2, and with the Viet intel types, but I have no information on what they did, or why. Team 80 regarded them as an asset primarily because of their ability to provide our “morale officer” some X rated movies that were not available through military channels. I assume that the Agency guys had an administrative staff of some sort, probably including VN local hires, just as Team 80 did. However, I know nothing about how big their staff was, or what their primary missions might have been.

        On one occasion I was riding a swing ship (from 13th AVN BN) back from Can Tho, and we made the routine stop at Bac Lieu. There was a young man (American, early 20’s) standing on the tarmac, waiting for someone. The guy was wearing white cotton riding breeches tucked into suede “chukka” boots, a fringed leather jacket, and a broad brimmed Panama hat. He had some sort of belt radio – a rather Buck Rogers looking device – and he was carrying an Uzi slung over his shoulder. I was informed he was one of the CIA’s men in Bac Lieu. Presumably he was wearing civilian clothes, such as they were, in order not to draw attention to himself. Unfortunately, I did not have my camera with me that day.

        I hope this will be of some interest.


      • Mark: as you know us medical guys were not exactly “in the loop” when it came to operational issues. I do not remember where I heard about the PRU. But, I was told those guys were a nasty bunch. Also told many of them came directly out of Viet prisons. May or may not be true. Also told as a condition of release they joined up. Suspect your “hit squad” comment is accurate. Also would not be surprised if PRU was a key component of Operation Pheonix. Ken

    • Just wanted to ad one more thing about Dom Doi, They were overrun in 1970, but didn’t loose anyone because a cs canister went off in their hooch and Charlie got discouraged, and pulled back. I was in there the next day going thru stuff that was confidential and retrieving it. Every thing I touched reactivated the CS so it was mostly a waste of time. Their MAT team leader was a US Army Cpt who was from Cuba, can’t remember name but would probably remember his face. There were some medals awarded the Team members, I know at least one Silver Star was awarded. Was SP5 Hall

      • I remember that too. I was on duty that night running the radios in Ca Mau. I was trying to coordinate support for them at the time.

      • I was one of the Lt’s on MAT 115 and arrived in about June 1970 just after the attach on Dam Doi. I remember that Capt. from Cuba very well. He hated the commies for what they did to Cuba.
        The other LT on my team was Lt Paul Harkey. I think he was from NC. The day I arrived on the team he had just returned from the hospital as the result of a mortar attack. Thereafter, he was sent home with hepatitis. I have tried to find him all these years to no avail.

    • Mark: i was one of two 221st pilots in ca mau, from sept 70 to april 71, and attached to team 80…we wore nomex with no insignia when we flew. I flew with anglico, and they had usual marine jungle fatigues as far as i know, with rank under the collar. . leader was george class (sp), but they arrived only just before the 21st went into the uminh.

      Cia usually came in a uniform du jour.. it .could be air force, viet, navy, marine…you name it, and they were active with the PRU’s. Flew some operatives a couple times , one of which i thought the guy was bored, and just wanted to get up and out of the heat. (temp drops with altitude and 8000 was pretty comfortable)

      Sea wolves wore pretty much the same as we did during my stay (limited to 6 months attached as you likely know) and were billeted at the long strip to my knowledge
      Flew several missions with seal teams, some on brightlights, and others on special ops, and as they were on a rotation different than ours, both teams 1 and 2 were represented as far as i know, also known as east coast and west coast seals then, and they were billeted next door to us at the old french compound,(along with big bertha the snake and king rat).

      Their dress code on base was non existent, but when they went on ops, all green, with paint, and sometimes with black pajamas or cutoff utilities. Also had a couple aussie folks with them. Played some basketball with/against them at the tennis court, dribbling seemed to be optional.
      My main contact and function was with Col.j. ross Franklin via the 21st arvn division TOC or the operations officer there , as the main event was entry into the UMinh, which was my ao for 6 months.(ps: colonel herbert obit was in paper yesterday, who wrote the book ” soldier”, and was relieved of command by col franklin when he was with the 173 )

      reguarding other questions following : There was a seal team site at song ong doc on the coast, and a coastal watcher on the little rock island out there (macv-sog) who i dropped c-rats to a couple times.

      Outpost at the corner of the song and doc, and the uminh canal was hit hard one night, and lost quite a few folks there…thought i saw a thread on that in following posts. I could not get there until dawn, as no light to shoot, but marked it for spooky and hour before dawn.

      private reply only please… my e mail. 221st website closed to others after serious hack. hope it helps. Likely saw you there….and at one time flew back two gunnysacks of lobster tails from rach gia for messhall on a sunday grilled tails…..after a seal opplan drop up there. .

      just happened to run across your site when checking details for a story in our monthly newsletter. bjs

      • I was the Phoenix advisor in Dam Doi in from Jan.- Oct. 69 and the Deputy Phoenix Coordinator for An Xuyen from Nov.-Dec. 69. The Cuban Capt. in Dam Doi at the time was Capt. Martinez (arrive around July 69), he was a former officer in Batista’s Army and was later was in the Bay of Pigs invasion, only to be captured. After spenting two years in a Castro POW camp he was ransomed along with others by Pres. Johnson. Martinez was also on the assassination team of Che Guevara and may have been involved in the Watergate break-in (plumbers). As for the CIA in Ca Mao, they were in charge of Phoenix (I answered to them indirectly) and had PRU and Navy Seals for black ops.

    • Mark, you mentioned a good friend of yours served in Dam Doi in 69. I was the Phoenix Advisor in Dam Doi Jan-Oct 69 and Deputy Pheonix Advisor Ca mau Nov-Dec. 69. Could you give me the name of your friend in Dam Doi. Looking for Lt. Chan Prince if anyone know about him…he was from Ft. Lauderdale Fla.

    • Paul, I just discovered this discussion thread this evening. I was the District Senior Advisor in Thoi Binh throughout 1970. I’m sure we met, but I don’t remember you. However, I do remember Martinez very well. He impressed me a lot and was a great guy. I had no idea of his background until I read your comments. Did you ever see him again after our time in An Xuyen? What about the Province Senior Advisor, “Buzz” Sawyer?

      • George, Sorry for such a long lime to reply. I remember a Lt. Col. Buzz Sawyer, he came to Dam Doi for a visit with his counter part. I never saw Martinez again but have corresponded with a former N.Y. Times reporter Zalin Grant the wrote “Facing the Phoenix” (best book I ever read on Vietnam). Zalin now lives in Paris, he remembered Martinez and shared some thoughts.

        I hope all is well
        P.S. I am planning a trip back to Ca Mao and Dam doi next year if anyone is interested. I will be with my son and my nephew who is a film maker.

        • Paul

          My name is Lyle Persinger I was with team 80 5/69 to 2/71. I was in Dom Doi also in 70. I have been back to Camau twice. I have a home in Thailand where I winter every year. Are you planning a trip over in 2016 ?? I will be in HCMC sometime in November. If I could be of any assistance or if you would just like to chat…

          Thanks. Lyle

  37. I was PHX adviser Thoi Binh July 69-Sept 69 and Song Ong Doc Sept 69-Jan 70 having transferred in from Hoa Tan Go Cong Province Team 92. I seem to remember name Amon from that time period. Glad to find this site – My friend from Team 92 filled me in on it.

    • I was in AT 59 in Dec 66 to Nov 67. I started in Quan Long Then moved to Thoi Binh and opened up the PF adv team there , there was already a RF team just down the canal.
      Theen was moved to Son Ong Doc and we opened that one up till I rotated back to Ft Mcferson in Atlanta. Maj Laverty was the SOD team leader

    • Hello again Col. Maddox,

      To date I have not heard from Kass. Would you please reach out to him and ask him again to email me, or perhaps get his permission for me to email him? Thanks in advance…

    • Hi Emery. I think I served with you 70-71, can’t recall exact dates. Do you know of COL King’s whereabouts. I have fond memories of the poker games we had.

  38. Does anyone know on what date Team 59 became Team 80? I have found a Team 80 patch but thus far nothing for Team 59. Might be the same. Ken Sample, former USAF MILPHAP team member in CaMau.

    • Think it occurred between Sep 8th and Sep 16th of ’68. My dad’s letters to my mom switched during that time… Cpt Dan Davis.

  39. I was in Team 80 Dec 71-Dec 72 and have no recollection of LT Emery’s name then and I spent a lot of time at Thoi Binh. Perhaps Cary Kassabaum the USAID director there would recall as he was on the Team in 1969.

    COL Emery Maddocks USA retired

    • Thank you so much Colonel Maddocks. Since my last post, I now have the exact coordinates where 1LT Emery was shot. It took place in Tan Loc Village, Thoi Binh District, 28Sep69 at 0645 hours.

      Do you have any contact information for Cary Kassabaum or could you please furnish him with my contact info? Really appreciate this lead. Thanks again.

      Bob Amon

      • I was in Thoi Binh 1972. Did you ever contact Kassebaum? I have an EM but it is an old one. I also remember Col. Maddocks, I think! It’s been a long time.

      • Hi Brian, I knew a Taylor that was radio operator at TOC think he was from Texas, I left Feb 1971 and he was an E4 at that time.

  40. I am putting together a memoir and looking for anyone with knowledge of my friend’s death: 1LT Charles H. Emery Jr. Date of casualty 28Sep69.

    I have his personnel file, but his exact team and location at the time of his death are confusing. Some records show Adv Tm 68 while others show Adv Tm 80. He may have been with Adv Tm 80, but MAT Team 68, or vice-versa. And even the location is questionable. They mention An Xuyen Province in the paperwork, hence I am trying here (Team 80 – An Xuyen)to see if anyone from this province knew him.

    I am reasonably sure he was killed in Thoi Binh District, although even the paperwork states Thoi Binh Province (there is no such province). If anyone knew my good friend or had knowledge of his KIA, please let me know. Thank you in advance.

    Bob Amon
    (908) 451-2123

  41. Should be An Xuyen Province, with Province HQ in Ca Mau. Was formerly Advisory Team 59. I was with MAT IV-74 March ’69-March 70…We were in Hai Yen, Ca Mau, Song Ong Doc, and various smaller hamlets.

    • Hi Jim,

      I’ve been trying to get ahold of you but the only email address I have is from the MACV site and it keeps kicking back on me.

      Would you know of anyone who knew 1LT Charles Emery (Adv Team 80 – KIA 28Sep69)? He was a good frind of mine and I’m trying to locate anyone with knowledge of what hapened to him that day. I believe he was on MAT 68 in Tan Loc Village, Thoi Binh District.

      Thanks in advance for anyhelp you can give me.

      Former 1LT Robert Amon
      MAT IV-88, Team 55 (Rach Gia – Kien Giang Province)
      Jan ’69-Jan ’70

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