Team 64 Chau Doc

MACV Team 64 – Chau Doc.

This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 64 located in Chau Doc.  To post a new comment on this Team page please scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to “Leave a Reply”.

462 thoughts on “Team 64 Chau Doc

  1. Dad was with team 64, Chau Doc I think. 68-69. James Darrell Vaught

    mentioned Erickson, Barry, and a Vietnamese captain Lap.
    he passed in 2019

  2. I’m looking for any information regarding my grandfather, Harold Jackson. I was never able to meet him and I’ve been wanting to learn about him, but no-one in my family will talk about him. I’m unsure about what team he served with but team 64 felt like a good place to start looking. If anyone knew him or knew anything about him, please reach out to me. I need to learn more about him, it feels wrong to just forget him.

  3. Most of my tour was in Ahn Phu
    District. To all the interpreters out there thank you. Especially Tan (whose wife was the midwife at the local clinic). I tried to speak vietnamese as i speak several other langiages but the pronunciation really got me. Nouc dau and dau bom were the most common complaints.has anyone heard from lt Larry Meeks? He was an island of sanity in a sea of craziness. He was on one of the Mats teams.

      • I was in an phu from about august 1968 through may 1969. I DEROSED IN JUNE OVER TO ROTA SPAIN. HEAVEN AFTER VIET NAM.

        • I was wondering if you remember the conflict at An Phu on December 24th, 1968?
          Sp/5 Tuite. Team 64 July 68 – July 69

          • I don’t remember the date but we were mortared heavily one night around that time frame. Among the many rounds that landed hitting the camp as well as district HQ “downtown”, the VC put a round into the roof of my dispensary inside the camp. A lot of VN’s were wounded including Dai Uy Tan and our interpreter Tan. I ‘m pretty sure we only had one US casualty, the radio operator who stood up in the sleeping quarters to see the flashes and took a fragment in the neck. We Medevac’d him and I don’t know what happed to him but I heard he made it OK.

          • I’m interested to read exchanges about MILPHAP team members who were in Chau Doc. From 1966-67 I was the Medical Service Corps officer (ex-Corpsman) administrator of Navy MILPHAP Team N-5. We were the first MILPHAP team to be assigned to Chau Doc. MACV wasn’t yet responsible for Chau Doc. We were assigned to Army Special Forces Detachment B-42. It’s rewarding to know our efforts in establishing the MILPHAP program there bore fruit in the future. I did return to Chau Doc (with my wife) — on holiday — in 1994. The hospital complex was much more modern than when we were there in 1967. When we left the hospital grounds, through the front door facing the river, the area that used to be our casualty triage and OR area was converted to an administrative space; however, one of our team’s original OR lights was still sitting on what used to be the OR. Amazing!

          • Yes I was the Navy Miphap in Anphu July 68- June 69. The team was sent back to Saigon for rotation before we had replacements in situ.

          • Randy,

            I relieved him in 69 for a few months and then Brandshagen replaced me when I went back Chau Doc. I was then HM1 Bob Patton, USN.

  4. I haven’t seen any document mentioning about the important roles of the Vietnamese interpreters during Vietnam war!
    Do you think that MACV TEAMS could fulfill their duties without the cooperating of the Vietnamese interpreters?

    • Interpreters were our soul mates, our fellow warrior brothers, our life line to accomplish our mission as advisors.  I worked for a year with the MAT 63, Tuan was my dear friend, brother and teacher.  He taught me how to cook rice the method I use today and what ingredients to add to create a meal beating the hell out of dried rations, add water.  Moonlit night, 0200 hours, our outpost got rocketed.  Tuan and I rushed outside along the sand bagged entrance way.  Wall had firing ports with B 40 barbed wire on the top.  Tuan was about 4 feet to my left.  I’m looking through the firing port and said Tuan I can’t see a damn thing.  He Said, trung si, you Dinky Dau, he reached up to my front and pulled a piece of B-122 rocket out of the fence.  It wasn’t a firing port I was looking through, I was staring at that piece of shrapnel.  We shared one hell of a good laugh over that one. Your question about interpreters, I think I have answered you in the best way I can.  I thank you for your role also.  Best regards. 

  5. Hello all honored Veterans,

    My name is Richard Novara and I’ve been looking for a site affiliated with Delta IV Delta Watch Team 64 because I wanted to inform you of the death of SP4 Thomas Arthur Schilder who was my Uncle and will be buried at Forest Hill Cemetery in South Milwaukee, Wisconsin with full Military honors tomorrow morning.
    I was also hoping to find out anything about what he went through there from Sep 1069 to Nov 1970 and would be both honored and indebted to anyone that may have known or knew of him. All I have from him is his C.I.B. and a couple of his decorations and a special release form with some very heartfelt words.
    His Commanding officer was LTC Horace L. Hunter, Jr and I’m guessing this is the man that stepped in for CPT Hurt. If anyone would like a copy of this release form I would be happy to send a digital copy via email. If anyone has photos, I would be grateful and I’m also in the process of obtaining some negatives of his that will be made photos if anyone is interested.
    If this isn’t the place for what I’m asking then kindly let me know where I could go. I served in the Army in the early to mid 1980’s although combat was not required of me. The Tommy I knew at age 3 never came back and I always wondered what happened to him. He was sill a warm, kind-hearted guy but kept his distance and over the years I have understood why at least in part.
    He was a radio operator.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this and again, my heart goes out to everyone involved in SE Asia and all other Veterans past and present. My email is

    Your Very Respectably,

    • Hi!
      I Was an interpreter for MACV TEAM 64.
      I think your uncle and I were working in TRI TON from Oct 69 – Dec 1970.
      I remember that he was only German American working in Chau Doc at that time.
      I left Team 64 and went back to RVNA after Dec 70, therefore I have seen your uncle since then. Please send my condolences to your uncle’s family and send me all information about your uncle.

      • Hi there,

        Okay thank you, that seems consistent with some negatives I obtained and a release document. If you’d like I can send you digital copies of those images. Just leave your email address. Thank you very kindly for responding.

  6. I was on R and R during this attack on my return I learned of this attack and the loss that occurred . You are correct no 9 th Inf.

    • CPT Hurt was assigned to An Phu subsector. Returning to Team 64 from R and R with a new clearing operation taking place with Rome Plows along western forested area between Tien Bien Village along Chi Lang pass to rice fields that run from forested area tp the Vinh TE canal. My MAT Team 63 was located on the bank of the Vinh Te canal in a PF outpost. Our team conducted nightly combat ambush patrols between forest and rice fields as security for the Engineer Unit. Our team was within 3/4 of a mile of the explosion the day it happen. Here is the absolute info: Ronald Wayne Hurt
      Army of the United States
      Owensville, Indiana
      April 19, 1943 to March 23, 1970
      RONALD W HURT is on the Wall at Panel W12, Line 37

      My team got on the command net and reported what we had observed when the mine when off hearing the loudness and debris in the sky. We didn’t get involved because there were enough choppers and ground vehicles arriving on sight and we were not asked to participate. That is as accurate as I can get and my team was as close to eye witnesses possible.

      • Thank you for all that valuable information. Captain Hurt was a close relative of a past friend of mine and being a vet from that time and a frequent visitor to The Wall I took interest in the condition of his passing. This site has been a good source of information for me. Thank you all.

      • Do you or anyone else know the location of the compound named for Cpt. Hurt? Seems to be much misinformation about it. Was it the compound at Chau Doc?

        • The MACV compound in Chau Doc was named in memory Major John Arnn , Special Forces, KIA, TriTon, 12/26/1965.

          • Thanks. Best lead I can find on Camp Hurt has it at Solid Anchor, Nam Can. Others put it at Rach Soi, Kien Thanh subsector, or maybe at Rach Gia. Just trying to sort it out for my own satisfaction. Glad y’all made it home.

      • I was Captain Hunt interpreter in 1969 and we were cooperating with a Vietnamese Engineering Unit in the Field Clearance operation in Tinh Bien. I was transferred to Tri Ton and my Advisory Team leader was Major William. Please share me any information you have about MACV Team 64. Thanks

        • There was a Sgt Brian Buker KIA Chau Doc probably Tri Ton or Tien Bien. MOH recepient action date 4/5/1970. Was SF Team B-55 at the time. Info for him is on The Wall website.

  7. Hi Floyd,
    I am Van Hieu Nguyen, Interpreter of Team 64 and worked in Tri ton since 1970.
    Please send me any picture related to our team.
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Kind regards,

  8. I was in chau doc from aug 69 to July 70 as the Seabee team 7403 corpsman lived in the French 2 story fort we had a bar (club) which attracted a lot of different military and civilian personnel we were mortared from time to time. It was a very interesting town very busy place spent a lot of time in field doing med call activity to civilians. Don’t know any of the army names although they frequented the bar. There was a MacV compound as well as an ArviN unit next to us. We also have a medical unit housed within our facility. There was a very odd civilian who would disappear for weeks at a time many thought he was a spook. Exciting and fun but scary times as well.

    • Just by chance did you know a CAP Ronald Hurt, who was with MACV in Chau Doc and was KIA March 23, 1970, when his jeep hit a land mine. He did frequent a bar/club in the compound.

      • Hi Borris,
        I had been in Chau Doc from 6/69 to December 70 but I have never heard any member of Team 64 was KIA during this time. May be he was transferred to another team and KIA after.
        Kind regards,

        • Thank you for the info. However, I have received several emails over the years on this site from different people confirming that CPT Hurt was indeed KIA at that time and was a member of Team 64. One processed his remains the other processed his personal items for shipment home. The date and place of casualty is further confirmed by his bio listed on The Vietnam Wall page. Since I was not there, I can only state what others have writen to me. In either case I appreciate your input and assistance. Boris.

          • Sorry for coming across this post so late. My oldest brother, John Hughes, CPT (USA), was KIA’ed in June 1970 while serving with Team 64. He had only joined the team about 5 weeks before he was killed.

            • Paul,

              I served with your brother, John, at Ft. Sill back in ’66. Initially, we were both Privates serving in the Second Battalion, Second Artillery Regiment (Second of the Second). Our unit was located next to a chapel and very close to your parents’ home on Post. After several months we were assigned to Field Artillery O.C.S. Class 24-66 and both graduated on 11 Oct ’66.
              Please let me know how to correspond personally.
              Jim Wambold, RVN ’67-’68, MACV Team 17, Quang Ngai

              • Thank you for your service. Did you by any chance know my father Lon S. Meyers? He was there at the same time. MAC-V

                  • Robert……I remember you and believe I have a couple of pics of you In Tri Ton. My name is John Russell I was assigned to Tri Ton, June 67…Sep 67. I was slotted as MOS 11H4F…Infantry Ops an Intelligence Advisor. I had no training, no experience and no idea what I was doing…just a body to fill a slot. You and Elmer were the ‘communication guys’…Doc, the medic arrived after I did. The weapons Sgt and I did not get along…Capt Meyers always treated me well regardless of me being miss assigned. Capt Meyers counterpart ‘DI WE Chaud ‘… my spelling, was killed in Jan 68, I was informed this by team interpreter (Fritz) in a letter he sent me in Jan. Do you know any of the details as to how he was killed? He was a great guy and the news saddened me a great deal. Glad you made it home. I have a few pics of the compound and I believe a couple of you…let me know …I can email you. John Russell

                    • Thanks for the shout out for my dad, Captain Lon Meyers. He was a great father as well and loved having his family since he grew up in an orphanage. Any stories or pics would be greatly appreciated as he has since passed away. Thanks again.

        • Yes Cpt Hurt was killed in 69 , Ihad to ship his effects home. He was Team Chief at Anphu returned from RR and was re assigned to Chau Doc was working with aRome Plow clearing operation when his keep hit the mine.

      • I knew Captain Hurt pretty well. He was a good guy. We received his remains the day of his death at the French Fort where the Seabees and our Medical team resided. There was little we could do, except pay our respects…

        • Hello LCDR Patton. My name is Lee Hilling, also a retired LCDR MSC. I was interested to see you were with the MILPHAP team in Chau Doc, with MACV. Was the team still N-5? I was with the first N-5 team in Chau Doc. We went there in 1966, when it was still under Special Forces. Our team was attached to Special Forces Detachment B-42. When were you there. My wife and I went back to Chau Phu, on vacation from Karachi Pakistan, where I was working at the time, I think in 1993 (I’ll have to check). I was able to find what I think was the French House, but boy had everything changed. I toured the hospital and met with several of the people who were at the hospital when I there, including spending New Years Eve with my former interpreter / bodyguard, who was also visiting at the time from their home in San Francisco — with his wife and son.

          • LCDR Hilling, I was at Chau Doc with N-9 from May 69-May 70. I think they changed our number to N-9 from N-5 while we were en route from Bethesda. I was an HM1 then and our two MSCs were Jerry Bielowski (sp) and Wild Bill Bentley (a former SEAL). Our Team Chief was Herb Campbell. I would like to return to Vietnam to both I and IV Corps since I did a tour in each, the first with the Marines, of course, in 1965 at Da Nang and Chu Lai. While at Chau Doc I served as advisor in the An Phu subsector for a few months and then returned to Chau Doc as Public Health Advisor for the Province.

            • Thomas Brookman Hm2, i was one of the Corpsman attached to Milphap N9 May 69 to June 70. Chief Campbell was our leader, Dr . Farrell, Md and Dr. Frailey MD our lead MD. We lived in a French Fort on the Mechong river with group of Seabees. I am hoping i can find more of our team on facebook.

            • Hello Bob. Thanks for replying to me. It’s quite a walk down memory lane, being in touch with someone who was with a MILPHAP team in Chau Doc. My wife and I returned to Chau Doc during the Christmas / New Year holiday — I think 1992-93. We were living in Karachi, Pakistan, where I was running the Aga Khan University Hospital. We got a direct Air France flight to Ho Chi Minh City. We toured the hospital – much more modern and advanced than when we arrived there in 1966. When we left the hospital compound, through what used to be the entrance to street along the river — the then OR was just inside the entrance — we say an OR light that was part of our TOE in 1966. My former interpreter / bodyguard — Lam Hu Le — was also there at the time, from the U.S. where he had made it to as a refugee. He invited us to a New Year’s Eve dinner at his relative’s house and some of the hospital staff from when we were in 1966, came in from their home in one of the districts. It was a fantastic experience — for me, but even more so for my wife. Where are you located now? I live in Bethesda, right behind NIH and across from the (God help us) Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

        • Patton, if you don’t mind I would be interested in hearing a bit more about CPT Hurt. I did not know him but have taken personal interest in his military service (can explain in a personal email). You can contact me:
          Boris Derugin (US Army veteran).

    • I was with the Army 125th ATC in the MACV compound next door. We used to frequent your club and I have an interesting story. I am from Gulfport, Ms and as you know there is a large Seabee base here. One of the first things I noticed while in your club was a large sign on the wall from my hometown reading CLUB ORLEANS CORNER OF TEGARDEN AND RR. I wonder how it made the trip half-way around the world!

    • Could that spook have been “Sherwood” a big blonde guy with a Dudly Doright chin? I was there from July 68 through May 1969 with Milphap 5 (Navy Corpsman). He would occasionally show up in An Phu where I lived and worked.

      • I was in Chau Doc in 1966-67, with MILPHAP Team N-5. That was pre-MACV. We were attached the U.S. Special Forces Detachment B-42. If you know about the big generator on the hospital compound, I brought that to Chau Doc from Saigon. That’s a story unto itself. I was the MSC Administrator of the team. We moved to Chau Doc from Go Cong. For various complicated reasons, we only had one doctor on our team by the time we go to Chau Doc.

    • You must have come in just as I left. My team (V) was at the seabee compound from July 68 until June 69, I was assigned to a remote location in An Phu district for most of the tour. After I DEROS’ed I was sent to Spain and I lost track of the others . We were 12 in all, two doctors, an Admin, a Dental technician, four senior Corpsmen and four Junior Corpsmen (like me). I don’t remember most of their names…R.A. Carlson, Kell, Bianchi, come to mind.

  9. Hello, I found a picture and trying to id the men shown. On the back of the photo: ‘1967 MACV Chau Doc Province Tri Ton. Green Beret Unit -Advisory Group to ARVN.” My email: I will be glad to send a copy to anyone interested. Thank you, Burks Hunt, CPO, USN (Ret).

    • I was a LTJG administrative officer of Navy MILPHAP team N-5 (Military Provincial Health Assistance Program) stationed in Chau Doc / Chau Phu in 1966-67. We had 2 doctors and 8 Navy Corpsmen on our team. We worked under the technical direction of USAID, but were based with Special Forces Detachment B-42. They provided all our logistical support and security. We certainly knew the Green Beret team well. I would enjoy seeing any pictures you have. Thanks.

      • I served with Milphap Team N5 From June 1966 till June 1967, HM1 Larry Gay, I am now retired as a CPO in 1975,,currently living in Huntington West Virginia,Where I retired from the VA Hospital, Thanks for the Naval Achievement Metal. Have not seen much about N-5 on the InternetGlad to fine something about team.

        • Hello Chief Gay. I’ve tracked notes on this MACV website for several years and yours is the first I’ve ever seen from one of my former N-5 teammates, of Detachment B-42 days. I realize I’m replying to your note just over 3 years late but I hope you might see it anyway. Like you, I’m long retired (June 1978). My wife and I now live in a retirement community in Annapolis, Maryland. Unlikely it might ever happen, but I’d love to hear from you again. You definitely were my righthand man / partner in almost everything I tried to do for the team. I hope you’re well. Best, Lee Hilling

    • Hi Burks,
      My name’s Van Hieu Nguyen, a military interpreter & Translator at Team 64/Chau Doc Province from June 1969 to Dec 1970. Ia am in Australia now.
      I was working with Lt. A Brother, Sgt Colman….in Tri Ton from 1969 to Dec 1970.
      Would you please send me all photo related to Team 64?
      My email:
      Thank you and look forward to hearing from you.
      Kind regards,

    • Burks, I was a radio operator in Tri-Ton from (I think) January 67 to mid August 67. Lon Meyers was the officer, if you E-mail me the photo I ight be able to ID them.
      Luck, Elmer LaBrash

      • Lon Meyers was my father. Any stories or info you have would be great. Miss him! Thank you all for everything 🙏💚

        • Gwen,
          Was your Dad stationed at Ft Leonard Wood after Vietnam? There was a couple of Myers’s, Meyers stationed in our area. I want to make sure we’re talking about the same guy.

          • Thanks for your reply. Wow. I can’t imagine another Lon Meyers being a commander during those specific years in Vietnam especially in that area. But he was not transferred to Missouri but who knows… Maybe he had to stop in Missouri before he made it home to us in California. I do remember him showing up one day while we were sitting around playing… He definitely did not get the fanfare that you see in today’s news media. He basically walked in the door while my mom was at the grocery store and we kids didn’t even remember who he was. Especially because of the way that he looked. Lost a lot of weight as you can imagine. Pretty tragic.

        • Gwen, I am sorry I didn’t see your post until today. I have lots of photos of Lon and the area around Tri Ton, send me your E-mail address and I will send them to you. Also some stories of life in Tri ton with the best officer in the army (IMHO)
          Warm Regards, E LaBrash


        • Greetings Robert. Lon Meyers was my beloved father. I would love to hear any stories about those times or see pictures since he has since passed away xoxox

          • I remember the time we were driving from Tri Ton to Chau Doc. I was the driver and he was reading his mail on the way back when a sniper put a few rounds near us. I sped up slightly only to hit a few large potholes. One of the holes was rather large and Captain Meyers went flying over the top of the jeep. He was very upset about this but he was just fine. Cpt. Meyers took great care of all of his people. Best regards , Bob Housley

            • A fabulous story. I hope he was reading a letter from home! Thanks for reaching out in any pictures or stories are appreciated. Much love and peace to you and your family. And thank you for all you did. Gwen Meyers Cruttenden

  10. Hello all, my dad was 1lt (later Cpt) Bill Mark. He was in team 64 from 70-71. He passed away last Dec and in the process of going through his papers have found more details of his service in Vietnam Nam. He retired as a LTC, in the chaplain’s corps. He worked as a PTSD coordinator in the VA hospital in Bedford Ma. Would love to hear any stories about his service.


    • Billy — My brother, CPT. John Hughes, was with AT 64 from Apr-Jun 1970 at its site in Tinh Bien district of Chau Doc province. He was killed in action on 3 June when the camp was attacked. I am curious to know if your father might have been at the camp on 3 June. I visited the site back in 2009 — it’s now the headquarters of the 301st Vietnamese Division.

      Paul Hughes

      • Hi Paul, my dad would have arrived in-country right around June 1. 1970 so would probably not have had much contact.

      • I was with MAT 63 on Vinh Te canal in Popular Force (PF) platoon outpost directly west of Tinh Bien Village.
        Reaching my DEROS (catching freedom bird) Choppered into team 64. Mat-63 now at strength of 2 was moved into Tinh Bien district. This all happened the day before the attack. At day break evac helos started setting down at Seabee compound adjacent to team 64 compound. They had 2 doctor and 2 civilian nurses. They triaged for movement to Field Hospital in Can Tho. Our mortar SGT Nixon was among them severely shot to hell but survived SFC Tinh Bien Intel NCO passed while on flight to Can Tho. !971, Fort Benning, GA. I run into Sgt George Nixon, Still convalescing from his wounds, working in post bowling alley. He said all hell broke loose at about 0300 hrs as they were attacked by large NVA force with a Sapper platoon. He credits Navy Sea Wolf attack helicopters saving the annihilation of the entire district compound. He said a team would come in, expend their ordnance, depart and replaced by another fully armed team. He said they did this until daylight. He said they did this while green enemy tracer were being fired at them. I and many more are here today because of the heroics of Sea Wolf. So I give credit where credit is due. George nor I have any knowledge of the total causality list during the attack. 50 years later I still think about it.

        • Mr. Tratt — Thank you for your post. I visited Tinh Bien back in 09. The camp is now home to the 301st Division of the Vietnam Army. Your description paints a vivid picture for me. I was commissioned in June 1975 so never made it to that war but over my 30 year career I’ve seen my share but nothing like what you experienced. Thank you for your service. You will always be in my thoughts. Paul Hughes

        • Hi Tratt,
          I was a military interpreter &Translator for team 64 and attached to Tinh Bien in 1970. Did you know about our Mobile TOC /Chau Doc Sector was attacked by a NVA company at Ba Chuc village? The NVA was defeated with the help of a by pass gunship which was on its way back to Can Tho.
          In the next early morning, while General Ngo Quang Truong’s delegation moving out from a RF compound, the VC launched a 62mm mortar from the top of Nui Dai Mountain, causing 25 civilians wounded and killed, luckily the General was escape!
          This is a sad story sticking to the rest of my life!
          All the best to you and I look forward to hearing from you.
          Kind regards,

          • Van- I got to Team 64 in late July 1970. Lt. Infantry from Ft Benning OCS. Was assigned as PSDF advisor to Major Canh , head of military police and PSDF. In mid August LTC Hunter sent a team to Ba Chuc as a forward TOC. Majors Wilkie and Mordeaux were part of the team and so was I. The night of the attack I was on radio duty and remember the incident clearly. My first combat experience. The air support helped as did part of a US unit, 3rd brigade 9th Inf Div who were not too far away. Were you there ?
            I stayed on at Team 64 until June 1971. I have some photos that I could share.

          • VAN… I was in Ba Chuc during the attack. I seem to remember that the VC force was more than a Company. They withdrew mostly because the US 9th Infantry units were coming into the area. I remember helping to evacuate wounded civilians to include children.
            Corry Mordeaux

            • Sorry! There was no US infantry unit in Chau Doc and we we had tried to defeat the VC with the help of only one gunship in ten minutes. There was no other US member besides our advisory team : Captain Hunter, Ltd A Brother, Sgt Coleman and me. ( I can’t remember the name of of this US Colonel)

          • My name is David brode and I remember that attack by the NVA.I was on nui tuong mountain that night doing radar surveillance.I picked up a large contingent of nva’s.I made the May Day for that helicopter and added support from vinh long and can tho.the next day we recovered 58 nva dead,god knows how many got carried away.if u need any info u can email me at “” or call me at 571-232-1116

      • Paul,,,I was John’s endorser as he was the DIOC Cordinator in Tien Bien. I believe his
        co was Major Phil Gibbs. Do to the short time working with him I did not get to know him well. Maj Bob Wilkie and I were tasked to ID his body. He died from a RPG round that went in his bunker. I seem to remember his dad was a General who was killed in a airplane accident in Italy. Am I correct? I was with the second Special Forces A Team in Tien Bien that completed construction of the camp (1964) and began training and operations. Second tour took me back to the same area. Sorry for the losses to your family. I felt that John was a good officer with lots of potential,

        • Corry — Thank you for your response and kind words. John was one heck of a big brother and the manner of his death doesn’t surprise me. He was a warrior and died the way he probably desired. Your clarification suggests that he was KIA in the attack and was not a medevac patient. My other brother was deferred a year from going to Vietnam and when he went over he served in 1 Cav DIVARTY and then as an advisor to an ARVN 175mm battalion during the Easter offensive in 72. Yes, our father was the commending general of Southern European Task Force headquartered in Italy with subordinate units in Turkey, Greece and Italy. SETAF served as the nuclear force for AFSOUTH. Dad died in a crash in Milan, IT in Feb 69. Seventeen months later John died. Tough times for the family but we made it through the years. As you may have read, I visited Chou Dac in 2009. When our van stopped by the perimeter fence of the now PAVN base, an elderly Vietnamese who seemed taller than the others came up to me and asked me in perfect English if I was American and why we were in Chau Dac, saying they don’t see many Americans anymore. I explained why I was there and he told me he remembered that battle because he commanded the ARVN Ranger company that had been there. He also pointed to a copse of forest and say that was where the bunker where John died had been. Very emotional experience for us all.

          Thanks again and stay in touch. My best wishes to you and yours during this pandemic.

        • Corry, would you mind if we could trade email addresses? Your description of John’s death is the first first-person report our family has seen. As I recall, we did not receive any letter from John’s CO. So your words have been gratefully received by myself and my siblings. Paul

          • Paul..glad I could add some information. John was not a MEDEVAC but died instantly. I wonder why no letter from his CO or the Provence boss, John Swango. More than happy to hook up. Corry Mordeaux,, POB 187, Huntley, MT 59037

    • I knew your Dad in Chau Doc TM 64, Only real contact was bar time. Bill was nice fella. I later had contact with him when he was taking VETS back VN, Just in email set up by Col Hunter. So I am lacking details of his time in VN. Sorry to hear he is gone.

  11. I am searching for anyone who knew my grandfather last name Bohach. All I know is from Nov 68 to 69 he was MACV team 64 in Chua Doc. I am hoping to learn more about him. I greatly appreciate any information! Contact info is

    • I was at Chau Duc from October of “68 thru June of “69 : I was first assigned to An Phu which was just north of Chau Duc on the Bossack before it joined the Mekong….was a 1st Lt and the MI officer..remember Jim Binns and others tell…. me something else that’s unique about your grandfather we were a pretty close group..rank…MOS glad to help
      wt Gregory

      • Could’ve known my father. He was a captain or a major then. In his 30s. Lon Meyers. He is deceased now. Anyone else ? Would love to hear stories. Good luck

      • I was on MILPHAP team 5 in Chau Doc assigned to An Phu district. June 68 to May 69. Got to see a lot of Chau Doc on supply runs and Patient care runs to hospital. Is was the Bassac river. The Chau Doc river and the Bassac joined just at Chau Doc. I used to catch a ride with the PBRs from time to time .

      • Did You Know Sgt D. Goodwin or Sgt Hopkins Spec. Forces? I was at An Phu from August ’68 until June ’69. I was the Navy MILPHAP Corpsman assigned to the district.

    • Hey Jarrel my name is Barry Gilson (Spec 4). I was in Chau Doc (69-70). RTT operator. Are you the same Sgt. Riley that was there then? I remember Schoenburg, Farris, Jeffel, Ayers, Grubb, Bean the switchboard operator, etc.,etc. I haven’t been in contact with anyone from there in 50 years. We were all just kids then really. When I saw the names Riley and Schoenburg it really took me back. If you want to BS (

      • Barry,
        Gary Smith (Sgt). I was attached to Tm.64 from Can Tho from approximately March 70 to Sept. 70. I had the commo van in the corner of the compound. Read your comment and I do remember Bean. Sure wish I could remember more names but his did register. Spent a lot of time on the barge on the river where they re-amored the gun ships as I had a site on board there to maintain. There is so much I would like to remember but we all know it was a life time ago. Hope you’re doing well and glad we made it home.

        • Hey Gary—-I sure do remember you. I enjoyed our BS sessions. I remember having a photo of you petting a dog. I live in Canandaigua, N.Y.. Where are you now?? I hope not in Chao Duc!!!! Feel free to email me at I just happen to be browsing and ran across your reply. Glad I did. Hope you are well. I’m fine but feeling my age. I was also an attachment —- from 52ND Signal Batt. Hope to hear more from you. Barry

          • Doing well I think. (Maybe a biased opinion). Right with ya on the feeling the age thing though. Where did the time go? Picture sounds about right for me. I always was a dog guy. After I sent my last post I looked through some “old” alblums and found a picture of six really young guys somewhere in our compound. There was Butler, Bien, you, Ward, Mears, and me. Sure glad I wrote the names on the back!! Came home and ended up in Lancaster Ohio. Bout 30 miles south of Columbus. Retired 15 years ago but still working with a friend doing electrical work. Not to smart for an old guy! Just enjoy doing the work. Did you ever locate anyone else from your past? You are the first one I have talked to since I left country. Guess we all went our separate ways and time got away. Talk more later.

            • Gary—you sure are right, time did get away from us. I retired from NYS in 2002. Spent 37 years supervising a state home for developmentally adults along with about 25 years playing music in nightclubs, school dances, etc.. Glad to hear you are still working. We need to keep busy. I haven’t talked to anyone but you since we left the madness either. I do remember all the guys you mentioned. I have always hoped everyone got back to their lives safely. We used to travel through Columbus quite often when our son was living in Tennessee and stationed at Fort Campbell. Canandaigua, where we live is in the Finger Lakes Region of NY. At the north end of Canandaigua Lake. Hundreds of wineries and brew houses in the region. We also have a home in Palm Coast Fl. Good being in touch with you. We will be talking!!!!

        • Gary— remember you well. I always enjoyed your company. It certainly has been a very long time. I’m doing well but feeling my age. I live in Canandaigua NY our kids are all grown with families of their own. I was just browsing this site which I often do and just happened to come across your post—-glad I did. Stay well and I will post my email below. Brothers In Arms!!!!!!! Barry

          • Gary—-you have 2 messages from me. Not loosing my mind the site said my first one didn’t get posted because I put my Email address in the body. Anyway, too many rules….talk to you soon.

  12. Sam,
    I’ve been following this comment trail.
    Yes, I agree that following “chain of
    command” is a normal perspective on this. Another perspective which may not sit well, the “civilian” probably was just that…a civilian who knew a lot more details about why you were there and that his parent organization’s
    involvement probably superceded this dialogue. Like it or not, sometimes one becomes involved in something which is
    meant to be forgotten.

    • The civilian giving a command in this context is not all that surprising (afterall, it was Vietnam, and civilians were embedded in the command structure). What still baffles me is the pile of rocks in the middle of a shallow body of water on (or inside) the Cambodian border, and the instant accommodation made between the ARVNs and the VC. I hope others can offer some explanation.

      • I have been searching for a map of Chau Doc Province with the district boundaries intact. No luck so far. Where Basac and Mekong intersected, navigating up Saigon a short distance I assumed you entered An Phu District. I don’t know exactly. mentioning the battle being in An Phu was base on two assumptions, 1 the LT saying he was from An Phu and secondly that Chau Doc senior adviser accompanied J. P. Vann.

      • My thought is that because of the height of the rock pile neither party saw the other and in the end it was a draw and negotiation was least destructive

  13. Hi everyone who I might have known before 1975 in Chau Doc Province:
    I am Tham Huy Vu, a former military officer of the RVN, who was the chief of the Planning Section of the Rural Pacification and Development Council of Chau Dọc Province from 1965 to 1975. After 1975 I was put into several infamous reeducation camps by Vietnamese Communists for five years, but I am still survived. I escaped from VN by boat in 1986 and came to America in 1987. I would like to have information about Jim Tully, a civilian advisor of Chau Doc Province and Captain Dixon a military advisor of Chau Doc Sector. If anyone of you who know them, please let me know.
    Thank you in advance,
    Tham Huy Vu

    • Looking for information. After time lapse I have difficulty with time of events. It had to have been late 69 or early 1970. MAT 63 was located in rear of a Pagoda which was Located west side of juncture of Vinh Te and Ba Sac. A Vietnamese Rural Development (RD) team consisting of about 20 young civilians with families (wives and babies) established a temporary working and living structure along the Ba Sac at western end of the village on south bank of Ba Sac about 1000 meters from Cambodian Border. 0330 in the morning we received word that the RD team was under attack. We alerted the village chief who controlled a reaction force. Working with our interpreter we tried are hardest to get him to move out as we could hear weapons fire. He held off until daylight began to appear and the we set off towards the RD encampment. As we approached the village chief directed my team leader and I to observe 3, 52 mm machinegun positions facing our direction of advance stating why he didn’t react during darkness. The sight of the onslaught had us advisors in tears. After all these years that image remains embedded in my mind. Today I can write about it with no problem but to orally relate it I can’t do it without tears flowing. What we witnessed I can’t described but if you look at the team composition you can draw a conclusion. If in your position at Chau Doc, do you recall that event?

  14. Anyone looking for some topographical maps of Vietnam, here is a good link:
    Not all locations are available, but Nui Xam, Ba Chuc, etc can be found. It’s in PDF format so you can enlarge on your computer and zero in a particular spot.

    • my name is Dave Brode, I was on nui thong and nui giai and ba chuc compound from June 1970-june1971. I have military maps of the whole IV Corp from 1964. spent a lot of time with Vietnamese major trung former commander of Vietnamese “black panther” ranger unit.was with the 69th infantry detachment ground surveillance radar. feel free to contact me, I have a lot of info and Intel from ba chuc to chau doc.
      PS: phone # 571-232-1116

      • my name is Dave Brode and I wrongly stated that major was the commander of the of the Vietnamese 44th ranger battalion,it was major.i have been in contact recently with both majors. if anyone would like any info on either,feel free to contact me at or cell phone:571-232-1116
        Dave brode

      • Hi there !
        How are you, fiends and family?
        I a Van Hieu Nguyen, former interpreter for MACV Team 64.
        I had been working around Tri Ton Sub-Sector (including Ba Chuc) from 1/1969 to 30/12/70.
        Please contact me if you have got information about our collages.
        Best wishes to all,

        • Hello Ban. Did you ever know CPT. John S. Hughes? He was the District Intelligence and Operations Coordinating Center Advisor from April to June 3, 1970 when he was killed in action. Please email me if you have any information about him. Thanks. Paul Hughes

    • I’m trying to make connection with recollection from the past, An Phu,1969-70. I remember meeting the District Senior Advisory. And I think he started his career with the Peace Corps. Could it be that you are the one and the same.

      • Hi Sam, yes, that is me. I was a PC Volunteer in Sierra Leone just before joining USAID and working in An Phu. The PCV job was in rural and community development, and that is what I thought I was getting into with USAID. Not quite what I expected, but I enjoyed it all just the same. How did we meet?
        Take care,

        • I was with MAT 63 out of chau Doc, my team leader and I were sent to An Phu for some type of liaison of which I can’t recall. We discussed your background and I told you that in 66-67 I worked with USAID and Catholic relief Services shipping commodities from the Saigon port to every Province of Vietnam. We got up to An Phu via a Boston Whaler with duel 40 Johnson’s. It’s been 49 years since 69. Sometime in 69 LT Broderson and I were ordered to MACV airfield at 0300 hrs. 10 slicks awaited us. Got on 2d slick, took off following the Mekong. sunrise dropped on to an island in the Mekong and picked up and RF company. We flew northeast again and landed on a hot LZ., made it to out skirts of a Hamlet occupied by enemy forces with built bunkers. Saw 3 Vietnamese gray naval boats drift by us on fire. We couldn’t get any help from anyone as to where we were. I still don’t have a clue. I will tell you that on the 2d day we were joined by a 2d Lt from An Phu, medium build and redish blond hair. Name escapes me. Even had a meeting with LTC Horace Hunter, Sr Advisor Chau Doc along with J P Vann to rear of the contact lines. Withdrew morning of day 3.. No enemy or their casualties left behind. Got Province, took shower, donned our dirty, bloody uniforms, stopped in their bar to have a cold beer. Hoping this next event might jar your memory. A civilian, no identification. joined us at our table and said to us, “What you reported to higher as seeing during your engagement is classified TS and you are not allowed to even discuss it among yourselves, do you understand?” The only thing that has bothered me in my life time is the fact I still have no clue to what hamlet, its location.

          • Hi Sam, Thanks for your reply. I don’t recall the military event you describe. I am curious as to what exactly you saw and then reported to Hunter/Vann that provoked the order from the “civilian.”

            There was a lst Lt. in An Phu who worked with the Phoenix Program (DIOCC). He was about 6’1 or 6’2, slim, but short brown hair, from N.C., name of Jack Glasheen. He sometimes posts on this website.

            We had 3 fortified VC hamlets in An Phu, but they were to the N.W. beyond the small lake in the northern part of An Phu. These 3 hamlets bordered with Cambodia. I don’t recall any RF/PF outposts on islands in An Phu. An Phu has only 3 villages that border on the Mekong. There are two big islands in that area which I believe belonged to Tan Chau District. That could have been where you landed to pick up the RF/PF. If you then proceeded NE perhaps your actual location and the site of the contact was outside of An Phu’s borders, maybe northern Tan Chau, or even Cambodia. Sorry I can’t help out more.

            • It is hard to determine if what we reported has been declassified at this point in time. Seems like after 50 years it should be, In Chau Doc, someone had built and purchased some Vietnamese boats. like canoes they paddled or poled, Anyway, another event for MAT 63. An Phu, I think, transported by PBR. Night time, looked like a Hugh shallow lake, full moon, six boats, about 6 RVNs per boat. Shallow. because green stalks of vegetation. In the moon light we viewed a big rock pile. Probably 40 feet long. 30 feet wide and 10 feet high. We paddle to the rock pile, upon reaching we disembark onto the rocks. We then hear Vietnamese voices on the eastern side. Both sides start talking. Then we get back into the dugouts and paddle westward. My team leaders says to our interpreter, Than, what the hell is this about? He says the enemy and us got to the rocks at the same time and so both sides agree to depart withdrawing in direction we came, at the same time”. Our mission was to check infiltration by means of water Cambodia. Randy, I was just thinking, he must think you are one sick puppy making this BS up .Everything I’m telling you is the God’s honest truth. Our team was used like a yo yo with little guidance or direction, simply be some where with 2 advisers for link up with someone. That is why exact locations are confusing to me.

              • Hi Sam, I guess you are describing 2 separate events, the lst was a 3-day opns, the second was the moonlight insertion by PBR. In the latter, I believe you were on that big lake in northern An Phu. They called the 3 VC hamlets Bac Dai 1, 2, and 3. The rocks might have been a defensive stone wall or a landing platform for fishermen and their catch. The lake’s depth varies significantly (several meters) from rainy season to dry season, though it never goes dry (it’s a popular tourist spot these days). If you want to contact me directly, my email is

          • You mentioned John P. Van. My third tour out of Cam Rahn Bay, I was Chief Engineer on a Q vessel( Generals Boat) and was in Nha Trang to pick up some VIPs. We took a 3 Star and his family out to one of the islands for a picnic. John P. Van was with them and he remembered me from Chau Duc. Small world huh!!!

        • Randy, I have been reading the threads for some research and noted your comment about Peace Corps in Sierra Leone. My family
          lived in Freetown from 66 – 68 and my Dad William Bradford for the DCM at the Embassy. We also lived in Saigon from 62 – 64.

          • Hi Andrew, I was working in Koindugu District in SL, 100 miles or so north of Kabala. I spent very little time in Freetown over my year two year tour, but I always looked forward to enjoying the beach and the hi-life dance bars.

            • Hello Randy,
              Hank Cushing was the Senior Province Advisor in Chua Doc. I believe someone else was asking about Africa. Sorry for the delayed response.

        • I think I remember you Randy, You had some soret of ford bronco and you told stpories about working in Africa. I am the MILPHAP corpsman stationed in An Phu distric June 68 to May 69

        • Randy, Were you in An Phu in ’68 or 69? I think I may have met you. I had an Akai reel tqape recorder and Had a bunch of tunes I grabbed when I visited Saigon once. I was the MILPHAP Corpsman.

          • Eric, I was assigned to The MACV unit next door to MILPHAP in ’71. I am from Gulfport, MS where we have a large NCBC Base. The first time I visited the club in MILPHAP I was surprised to see a sign on the wall behind the bar that read “Club Orleans corner of Tegarden and RR street” which are directions to a bar in Gulfport. Some Sea Bee went to a lot of trouble bringing that thing halfway around the world!

            • That French Girls School (Looked like a fort) was the Milphap 5 HQ but I was one of the Junior Corpsmen and as suck was assigned to live out in the districts. My District was An Phu on the other side of the Basac river about half way up towards the Cambodian Border. I lived with a MACV advisory team in a former Spec Forces A team encampment there. Capt Johnson, Sgt Kitrell Taylor (who helped me learn to speak Vietnamese), Sgt. Don Goodwin and Sgt Hopkins (both Spec forces medics), Sgt Bynum (Army Medic), Major Phillips, Sgt E-7 “Swede” and especially Sgt Barnes were some of the folks I remember well. There were two MATS teams operating in the area as well. Lt. Larry Meeks was on one of them. Lt Charles Boyle was on the other. I remember Boyle being a crack shot with his personal Ruger Blackhawk chambered for 30 Cal. Carbine rounds. There was a CIA type who drifted in and out of the area as well as guy who I think was named Randy, from USAID. He had been in the peace corps in Africa and had a lot of cool stories to tell. Of those folks, Goodwin is the only one I’ve had contact with in the past 50 years.

        • You are definitely the guy I remember then. You drove some kind of International Harvester or Ford bronco`. I was the MILPHAP corpsman in An Phu I had just come back from Saigon with reel to reel tape recorder and I remember listening to music with you and hearing your stories about the girls in Sierra Leone.

  15. My wife’s father, Major John W. “Skip” Fisher served with Advisory Team 64, I believe in 1970. He didn’t make it home. We know what happened in general terms. I’m looking for anyone who may have known him during his time there, so his grandchildren, who he never met, can know more about him. I served in the Army for almost 30 years myself (Cold War through Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan), but retired in 2011. My father also served as a MACV advisor in the mid-60s. Please email me at if you knew him and are willing to share.

    • HI MR JIM.
      I heard you from the Web of MACV team 64 Chaudoc You told about your father -in -law at MACV team64 Chaudoc in th mid60s ,I am 1st Lieutenant VUONG.TRUNG at Chaudoc sector S-2 from 1966 to 1975 ,Maj FISHER is my ADVISOR .we are working together about a month thenI heard him transfer to MACV Team CAO LANH ,KIEPHONG (the same province). The times shortly, I heard ( the bad new) from MACV they said Maj FISHER KIA when he arrival the new Team at KIENPHONG province..But I dont no what happen , I only share with your family about I know. After Maj Fisher,new ADVISOR is Capt JOHNSON & KING 1966-68 . Right now I am finding them ,If who know , Please contact Me by Email address .I have pict with them.

    • Tuan, do you recall an interpreter of mixed VN-Chinese descent ? He worked out of Jim Tully’s Rural Development Office at CORDS/MACV but was assigned to An Phu while I was there (1969-1970). Do you know his full name or whereabouts? Thanks.

        • MAJ Jim McConnell was District Advisor 68-69, I was MAT IV-71 Team leader in Tan Chau and later Tien Bien. I extended and became Asst District Advisor in Tan Chau from 1/69 to 7/69. If there was a civilian in Tan Chau it would have to be after July of 69.

          • Hi John, Thanks for that info. I was Dep DSA in An Phu beginning in April of ’69. This Tan Chau DSA was a civilian and was there for the entire year I was in An Phu. Not sure exactly when he arrived. Take care, Randy

            • Randy, this is an email I received from W.H. Siefken 12/2010 I think we was the district advisor, “My apologies for long delay in reply. I was in Tan Chow, April ’70 to April ’71. I think you guys took care of most of the problems. After they cleared out the border area in Cambodia, it was pretty quiet. I worked Triton / Tien Bien area from April to November. Still some activity, but nothing like before. You guys did the hard stuff!
              In Tan Chau, still lived in same team house. Good Job!” Bill

              Does that name ring any bells? Some where I made a spread sheet of each district advisors name and time of duty, I will have to look it up. I was always trying to find out what happened to my old MAT IV-71, seems when we left in November of 68 it just disappeared.

          • I, Nguyen Van Hieu was an interpreter at Tinh Bien in late1969, and major Jim Mc Connell was there also. May be we also have worked together at that time. Tell me your story if you have time.
            Kind regards

      • Hello Randy,

        I don’t know him. But “Van Hieu Nguyen”, an interpreter also, could help. He posted some comments in this thread.

        Do you know that there are 2 books about An Phu district, written by American veterans? I really like them. “Expendable Elite: One Soldier’s Journey into Covert Warfare” and “Vietnam: Remembrances Of A Native American Soldier”.

          • I and Hoa were working at the TOC/ Chau Doc Sector from June – Sept 1969 . After that I was transferred to Nha Bang. Our group was consist of five members: Captain Hunter, Lt. A Brother, Sgt Coldman, a PRC 25 operator ( Sorry I have forgotten his name!), then Tinh Bien, under supervised of Major Jim McConnell and major Dwyer and finally Tri Ton, Team supervisor was Major Jim William.
            The last time I met Hoa in Tan Chau in June 1975.
            Kay was a Cambodian-Vietnamese who was also our team’s VietnameseEnglish interpreter. However he deserted to Lon Non Regime in Cambodia and rank was lieutenant. No one know what happened to him since June 1970.
            Please let me know if you have more information about MACV team 64.
            All the best to my friends.
            Van Hieu

            • I worked for Major Dwyer in Chau Duc as his RF/PF NCO. I also ran supplies and whatever by Skinner Ski Barge to the districts in 68-69. Don’t know if I ever met you or not bu did want to ask you if you might know where Kaye, Maj Dwyers interpreter, might be. Would like to find him. Thanks
              SFC (Ret) Floyd Burks

        • Taun, do you remember the interpreter for Maj Dwyer named “Kaye”? I would like to find him if he is still around. Thanks
          Floyd Burks (I worked for Dwyer 68-69)

        • Hi Taun, did you remember Major Dwyer’s interpetor named “Kay”? I was his RF/PF NCO and never did know his name, just Kay. Would like to contact him if possible. Thanks Floyd Burks

      • HI RANDY
        I am Maj VUONG,TRUNG worked in CHAUDOC Sector from 1966 to 1975. I think the man who want to know his name is HUYNH CAM LUONG (maybe). You remember Maj LOC at Chaudoc RURAL Development office anh 2sd Lieutenant VU HUY THAM . TanChau is 2sd Lieutnant THUAN , Please sent to me by email or cal 571-241-9543 any time

        • hi major trung, my name is Dave Brode and I was in ba chuc compound and nui though.i worked the ground surveillance radar on nui thong June 1970 to May 1971.if you are the same major trung that I remember you liked cognac.we were attacked in Jan.or feb. 1971 by about 200+ nva that I picked up on radar.i called OV 10 navy broncos or air flairs and helicopter gunships.if you are the same person please give me a call at 571-232-1116.i live in Herndon,va. sincerely,
          sgt. Dave brode

    • Randy, I was assigned to An Phu as Medical Advisor for a few months in 1969 before I was reassigned to Province HQ. If I remember correctly you were the Agricultural Advisor. My interpreter was Minh. I have no idea what happened with him… Have you communicated with anyone else on the An Phu Team? – Bob

      • Hi Bob, I was actually the Deputy Senior Advisor in An Phu from 4/69 to 4/70 (then transferred to Bac Lieu), so I looked after all the pacification programs. There was an army medic (John Galvin) for about 6 months during that time, and then a MILPHAP medic by the nickname of Brandy. There are a couple of people who are on this message board with whom I correspond regularly via email. Do you happen to remember a civilian in Chau Doc who was head of the New Life Development Program, name of Jim Tully?

        • Randy, I haven’t been on for a long time obviously. Somebody told me you were an Ag Advisor but I always suspected you worked for the Company. Sorry about the reap info. I remember Galvin and Brandshagen who came in after me when I became Province Public Health Advisor. No, I can’t say that I knew Jim Tully.

      • Hello Bob. Mike Ureneck DT2 here. Do you remember me? I want to reconnect and find out what happened to everyone. I have some information that you may find of interest. I would love to know how you are. If interested contact me at
        Your friend

      • There were two that I remember.. Dung and Tien. Dung was a young guy with an attitude. Tien was a stand up guy. Tien was shot up pretty badly and we had to move heaven and earth to get him to a US run Hospital by chopper. He survived but was badly scarred. His Wife was the local Midwife. I can remember exactly when the attack took place, sometime in the early Spring of 1968 I think. The VC Mortared our compound and the local School yard and village HQ. The blew the roof half off my dispensary as well. Anybody know what became of Major Phillips? He was a good guy too. Mr. Patton must have been my replacement in An Phu. I remember a Minh being there but he was a carpenter and did not speak English. Probably a common name.

        • Hi Eric, I think that attack actually occurred in spring 1969, shortly after I arrived in An Phu. If I recall the VC set up around the Cambodian border and fired 2-3 107 rockets, One rocket it the District Hospital and the other hit the District Hdqs. Several people were killed, including I think the Deputy Distrtict Chief for Admin. Major Phillips was DSA, Cpt Johnson his deputy; Lt Jack Glasheen was DIOCC, a SSG Vaughan, and others. Shortly after this a new crew took over: Major Barry as DSA, me as deputy; a SSG Smith, and others. The new Milphap was Brandshagen (“Brandy”). We had a MAT team there for most of the time I was in An Phu. The team leader was a Lt from the northeast (maybe Massachussetts), SSG Virgil Peterson, and others I can’t recall. District Interpreters were Tien and Dung when I arrived and when I left there for Bac Lieu in 1970. I saw Minh, the carpenter, when I returned in 1974.
          Best wishes,,

    • Randy, I am Bob Patton and was at An Phu with you in the summer of 1969 (Navy Corpsman – medical advisor). I remember the ARVN interpreter but can’t recall his name. All I remember is he always said “Tai sau” or “why” when anybody missed a shot in volleyball. My interpreter’s name was Minh. Hope you are well.

    • The two I remember were Dung and the other one was the midwife’s husband whose name escapes me right now.. He was chewed up pretty badly in a mortar attack one night and we had to fight to get him on a US medevac chopper to the hospital. He made it OK and was back on a duty about a month later. His grasp of English was excellent. Not so much the others.

      • Hi Eric,
        Please send me Tuan’ email address. I had been an interpreter forMACV TEAM 64 from 1969 – 1971.
        Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.

  16. I was there working in S4 same time as you, the only ones in that shop was me young 18 year old, a SFC Noel, a SSG on his way home. Then SFC Stuby and CPT Dearment. Not sure who you are talking about was he enlisted or anofficer?

    • He was a Cpt. I wonder if we are talking about the same s-4, the one I am referring to was at the main compound right next to the river where our PSA was. We used to get all our food from there also. Also had an NCO that was with me my 12 months, his name was Dean Hicks, One of the best scrounger I ever knew. I advised the newly formed 419 RF Bn. till I left in Oct. 1971. Glenn Frazier

      • I actually ran the Country Store, were the teams bought foot. I showed the weekly movie in the courtyard. Pulled a lot of guard duty, Ambush and ops as a RTO. The two ski barges and the Boston Whaller where under my care along with the teams vehicles and generators. Every Tuesday I would make runs to Canto for supplies. The team sent a reaction force to retrieve me one evening about have way back after a brake down .

        • HI Johnny, my name is Tom Brookman I was with Milphap team N-9 June 69-70. We lived next to you in the French fort.I was one of the Navy corpsman in the team.You may remember an incident where the See Bee chief went bonkers and was ready to shoot our chief in our bar.We had to send him out in straight jacket to Saigon. Quite an ordeal. Hope to hear back from you. Hope this finds you well.. Tom.

          • Tom, it is I, Bob Patton from MILPHAP N-9 69-70. How are you? I retired from the Navy in 1987 after 25 years. Let’s hookup. I’d like to know if you have had any contact with any other team members…

            • Hi Bob so glad to finally hear from someone I served with. After vietnam I went to x-ray school and from there I was the company x-ray tech. In Antarctica for 2 summers.I was discharged in 1975 and went to PA school.My wife and I retired 2014.

              • Hey Tom, Great to hear from you. I went to B School from Nam, then the Naval School of Health Care Administration at Bethesda where I made Chief in ’72 and Ensign in ’74. I retired as an LCDR in 1987. When I went to Bethesda in ’70, I hooked up with Bachsi Frailey. We had a few beers before he got out. He was a surgeon in Eastern PA the last time I checked on him… I heard recently from Joe Gibilaro’s sister and she told me he is having a tough time with PTSD. That’s about all I know. If I remember correctly you were from Maryland. Did you retire there?

                • Bob, Good to hear back from you. Yes I still live in Maryland.After leaving the navy I was accepted in the PA. program at John Hopkins/Ecc. I helped start a medical clinic In Baltimore in 1979. We grew to 3 clinics and in 2015 a large Corp. bought the 3 clinics. I stayed on as chief PA. Until my retirement in 2014.I am glad you were able to see Dr. Frailey on your return, he was always a great guy. I don’t know if you remember but I got married 2 was after we returned.Dr Farrelll and the chief came. Where are you living these days.? Hope this finds you well, where have all the years gone.

                  • Hi Gentlemen, My name is Levi (Lee) Hilling. I was the Medical Service Corp administrator of Navy MILPHAP N-5, the first one assigned to Chau Doc Province in 1966. I like to have a bit of contact with you. I’m delving into MILPHAP history and am considering writing a book about that little know, extremely unique program.

                  • Tom, I haven’t been to this site for sometime… Sounds like you had an interesting career. After the Navy I worked for Science Applications international Corporation for 15 years. Retired long ago. Most of my family (except for a daughter in Bel Air, MD) lives in San Antonio, TX. SAIC transferred me here in 2000 and I retired here. A great town… Hope you are well…. Bob

                    • Bob, thanks for getting back to me. My wife and I retired 4 yrs ago. We live 10 miles from Bel air. We have 2 children and 3 grandchildren who we enjoy when ever we can.Hope you are doing well. Tom.

                  • Tom, I f you still check this board, I am living in San Antonio, TX, a COVID hotspot. These are strange days. Hope you are well. – Bob

    • Johnny, do you remember SFC Bob Null, the supply Sgt? I made a few trips to Tri Ton with him carrying Mogas and stuff with him in 2 Kenner ski boats. Would like to find him if he’s still around!!

    • Johnny,
      My name is David Tuite. I was S-4 Chau Doc 7/68-7/69. I slept in the rear area near the motor pool. Did it all!

        • “Pot Time” I remember you !!!! You went back and married some great girl in Iowa….you were my RTO on lots of recon ops hope you and family are well and safe

    • Was there in 70/71 and knew the pic of the s-4 shop. cannot remember his name but he was QM and was about 6′ +/- Had a very bushy black mustash and wore black rimmed glasses. I have a picture of him that I would like to give him if anyone can remember his name or his location. Perhaps you can at least supply a name since we were there at the same time. thanks

      • Glenn,

        I was in Chau Doc from Sept 1970 to June 1972. I think that I recognize your description but the one who comes to mind was in S2. Don’t remember him in S4. The guy I remember was SSGT Hubert Stair. But I might be wrong too.

        Anyone remember a black medic at Team 64…really good, able guy named Sgt “Shep” Shepherd. Might have been an E-7.


          • I am Rich Hanson and was a Captain and Team Leader of MAT IV35. I reported to “Richard Hilton” at Embassy House.Was Major Wilkie there 3/70 to10/70? I knew him and worked with him ocasionally. I was the Captain wrongly accused of murder; a charge that was dropped and cleared from my record. I left the Army 4/71 with an Honorable Discharge.

            • Rich… not completely sure of Wilkie’s dates at Chau Doc. I was there from April 1970 to April 1971. He got there just before I did and was reassigned a few months later. So I think your dates are on the mark. Sorry for the delay of answering but was traveling. What is the deal on the murder charge? I don’t recall any of that. Corry

          • Mr. Mordeaux, I believe you relieved me on tm 64 as I DEROSed, You and Major Wilkie saved a heli pilot when the bird crashed at the airport. I live in Sheridan, WY and I believed you are in MT. Jim Ferriman worked for Major Wilkie and Powe 69 and 70

          • Joe,
            As far as I know, the medic was SFC Shep Shepherd and I am doubtful that he was a chef at Team 64. Although assigned to and billeted at Team 64, zig believe that he’d spend some time
            assisting some teams in some southern areas of Chau Doc province…thinking BaChuc, Chi Lang, etc. Shepherd was a black guy. Jovial and a good friend and very likeable.

            • Tom,
              Thank you. Different guy this guy did both.Medic and gourmet chef and ran the mess hall. Accused me and the guy I was replacing(his fatther died) of being potheads. This was in the first minutes of meeting me.

              • Joe,
                Guess we are both referring to two different medics.
                Such a long time ago. Still…quite something how memories are indelible.


        • Tom,

          Do you have any info on SFC Wayne Patterson? He was KIA in Chau Doc on 11 Nov 71. whiled assigned to MACV Advisory Tm 60. He was my favorite Drill Instructor at Benning in 1967. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

          • Hello, Marvin,
            I’m sorry. I do not recall that name. MACV Advisory Team 64 was Chau Doc. Unsure where Tm 60 was attached. Wonder if he was on special assignment farther south in the “Seven Mountains” area. A lot of infiltration across the Vinh Te Canal and into the caves of the mountains. Some of the guys monitoring this website may recall and respond.

            • Tom… I believe that Paterson was killed during the Tet Offensive while responding to the attack on Chau Doc. You can read more in Drew Dix’s book…

          • Marvin,

            Sorry. I did not know Wayne Patterson.
            You mentioned that he was assigned to Team 60. I was attached to Team 64.
            I wonder if he was on special assignment.

            Stay well.


    • Did you know my brother, Joe Gibilaro (originally from Brooklyn). He was a MILPHAP medic with team 64, Chau Doc.

  17. I am looking for anyone that may have served with my father, Charles David Harrell. I am pretty sure he was in Gia Nghia, Dak Nong area. He said the area he was in was claimed by both sides. He was stationed out of Ft Hood Tx 2bnd armored Tank Div I think. (Hell on Wheels is what I remember) He was civil affairs adviser to some village and served 68-69. My mother also remembers him saying Tri Ton and Quo Doc. He got a Bronze Star for something about the villagers taking food to the cong in the mountains. I don’t want to say too much he did not like being called a hero. Any help is appreciated as the memories there were too much for him and he lost his fight to go on.


    • hi capt Johnston. this is your favorite radio operator Eriksen ch or erik or mop as the viet dalled me. wow its great to know your are still with us 70 so you must be somewhere around 71 I’m retired truck driver enjoying somewhat kind of a life with all my ailments.hope your doing fine, Charlie eriksen .

      • Eriksen, amazing hearing from you! I have been finally retired since 2005, but kept busy doing volunteer stuff. I celebrated my 74 birthday this past April and am also not as spry as when we served together.

        • hey captain Johnson talk about you a lot .a lot of good me meres thank you and the other team members for getting me home safe. God bless you

          • I am CPT Johnson from An Phu 1968-69. I retired from the Army in 1984 as a major, worked for another 20 years for DoD, mostly in Germany, as a civilian until retiring in 2005. My wife and I live in Ponte Vedra, Florida.

            • I left the Navy in November 1970 and bummed around Europe for a few months. Then I went back to Ohio and got my degree. I worked for US and German companies for some time before joining Parker Hannifin in 1981. Great Career working all over the world. Retired to a Sailing Vessel in 2008 been chillin’ ever since! It is Ironic to find you are in Ponte Vedra because we travelled through there North and South on the intercoastal waterway every year from 2012 until 2020 on our way to northern waters for the summers. I’m getting old and the long hauls have become too much for me so we stop in Myrtle Beach now. Also I have grand kinds in Ohio that we love to see.

      • Hey Eriksen, remember the ambush on the Cambodian Border in June1969? You and I and Major …. (Having a senior moment) and the company of Ruff Puffs. I stayed in the Navy and retired in 1987… Hope you are well and this reaches you….

        • Hi Robert and Charles, I was in An Phu at that time, too. Do you remember approximately where on the Cambodian border that ambush was? I am doing some research on the lake area in northern An Phu (Khanh An Village) where there were 3 VC hamlets, which for some reason the local RF/PF never did much about. Thanks.

          • Randy, At one time I had the grid coordinates memorized, but that was a couple of years ago. If I had a good map of that area, I think I could still point it out.

          • You are out of mind! There were no VC hamlet in An Phú or Khánh An, because these hamlets were under control of Hoà Hao Buddhism forces therefore VC could not occupy these hamlets. Do you know that VC is an enemy of Hoà Hảo Buddhists?

      • Hi Sgt. Eriksen, my name is Jack Glasheen and I was the DIOCC coordinator for An Phu district from Feb 69 until May 70. We went on several walks in the sun with Sgt. Vaughn, Sgt Galvin and Major Berry. I always admired your good attitude and I believe I called you Eriksonian”. I hope you are doing well.

        • wow lt glasheen what a great memeory you are. And all those other guys you mentioned.. igot a brain tomor, prostate cancer, and a bunch of other stuff but I am bleesed to be here got pictures of you guys so think I would ever forget any of yous what a time we had wow

        • Sgt Vaughn or VAUGHT ? My dad was in team 64 in ’69. James/Jim Vaught. Often went by his middle name – Darrell. He had a stroke in June and is physically well, but beyond recognizing everyone.. his mind is pretty shot at this point. Still remembers Vietnam well and speaks often of his several tours there. I’ve got some photos from his time in the team. The only one mentioned by name in them is Eriksen

    • I served with Team 64 November 68-69. I worked for ltCol Bobby J. Dwyer, RF/PF. I was also the advisor to the RF 033 River Boat Co with LCVP Higgins boats. I also ran the Kenner Ski barges carrying mogas, grocies, beer and what ever to the outlying districts and took care of the boats
      SFC Floyd Burks, ret

      • Hi Floyd, our paths may have crossed in 69. We came into Chai Doc June 69 – June 70. Hope this text finds you well.We lived with the Seebees in the French fort.

    • I got to Chau Duc in nov 68 till nov 69. I was the RF/PF NCO under Major Dwyer. I also took care of the Kenner Ski barges and whalers in Province, went on operations with Dwyer as his gun bearer and radio man, ran all the rivers around to An Phu, tan Chau, even took ski barges to Can Tho for supplies when 2 1/2 broke down. Anyone know about our interpreter, Kaye. My name is SFC (Ret) Floyd Burks

    • hi hi hi capt. Charlie eriksen here. thank you for getting me home safe..good times and bad times. thank you.what the hell were we thinking

      • Hope this message finds you well Charlie. I kept a log during my tour and noted you many times in it. I recall you were also a good cook. I have spent some time transcribing my notes from my 20+ years in uniform from 1963 – 84.

    • I served under Maj Dwyer and was his RF/PF NCO. I also resupplied the districts by boat when the roads were closed. My name is Floyd Burks ( and I live in Odessa, Tx

  18. Hi, Rich. Hope 2017 has started off well for you.
    I’ve been looking at a few old maps of Chau Doc province especially ones which provide good detail on the “Seven Mountains” grids. I remember
    The geography all around Nui Cam, “Little” Nui Giai , “Big ” Nui Giai and Nui Coto and further south down to Rach Gia and Ha Tien in the Gulf. The whole stretch from Ba Chuc down to the Gulf was perfect terrain to conceal the numbers which were infiltrating from Cambodia near Nui Tabec. The caves and foliage were a sanctuary for the bad guys. I remember hearing the drone of Puff and observing the tracer rounds seeking their targets. Boy!…a long time ago.

    • Tom, I was the team leader for MAT IV-71 and we worked Nui Cam and south in late 68. We were staged out of SF Camp A-421. What years were you there? I think there is a Intel Report at the Texas Tech web site that shows which NVA Division was stationed on the west side of the mountain in Cambodia. The higher ups chose not to share that info with us and I am sure there was a reason.

      • John,
        I was in Chau Doc from Sep 1970 into June 1972. Not much doubt in my mind, NVA were there at least in the last quarter of 1967 and until they were decimated after Tet 1968. Took a few years but the NVA were back in late 1971-72. Great geography in which to hide.

    • hi Tom, my name is Dave Brode and I have detailed maps of chau doc to ha Tien and everything in between. I spent a yr in ba chuc was on nui thong nui giai nui cam nui tabec.i worked ground surveillance radar with 69th infantry detachment out of can tho. spent a lot of time with Vietnamese. u can contact me at my email – or call me at 571-232-1116. I drove that lonely road from chau doc to ba chuc too many times!!!!!!!!

      • Hi Tom, I don’t have any maps of the seven mountains are but I spent 18 months in Sa Dec and Tri Ton (mostly Tri Ton) area 1964-1966. Did a lot of MEDCAP and operation around Ba Chuc which was mostly under VC control. The Team numbers have changed, it was MAT 2 then. Charlie Mitchell

  19. Tom…Gad, must be getting old. Not one of those folks rings a bell with me. Donovan seems familiar tho. Merry Christmas!

    • Corey,
      I replaced Capt Bill Tucker in Sept 1970 and his full tour was in Chau Doc. We had a house in the city…not far from the Bassac river…maybe a kilometer from Team 64 compound. Garth Feeney was there with Tucker for his tour but rotated out around January 1971 if I remember correctly. Donovan was a Foreign Service Officer. Wrescics had something to do with the local police. Jim Slover was assigned to the CORDS compound as I recall. I can still see a lot of faces but the names are just plain “fuzzy”. If I think on it hard enough, I can sometimes jog my memory.

        • Hi, Tom,

          I think that I remember your name. Bill Donovan was in Chau Doc…at the CORDS compound…for most of the time that I was there (September 1970 thru mid June 1972). He was in the Foreign Service (FSO 3, I believe and often went out of his way to reveal that rank) and folks like him usually had more than one year tours. Can’t really recall what he did but probably tied in with “Vietnamization”. I think that Harold Sykes worked for Donovan.

          • Tom, you have an excellent memory. I remember Sykes also. We used to go to an outdoor cafe and have coffee, and wash it down with hot tea, the three of us. In Chau Doc, I lived in a French Fort , that was built in 1881. I actually have a pic of it. If you have any photos, I would like to see them. I spent alot of time on the river with the South Viet Nam Navy. Thanks for your response. Tom

            • Tom,
              From time to time we’d venture out to one of the outdoor cafes too. I still remember my initial experiences with iced coffee…eventually came to like it. Given the ubiquitous opportunities to pick up a virus or some intestinal malady we’d usually agree on washing down a double shot of Jack Daniels rationalizing that it might kill whatever it was that we ate.
              Don’t have a lot of photos. The photos were film prints which have faded. The negatives might still be all right. Like you and many others, I’ve got volumes of images stored. Can think of a place and “see” it. Often, I can even resurrect the particular “smell” of a place or memory. Interesting how that works.
              Didn’t get to spend much time on the Bassac nor on the Vinh Te canal but travelled along them often enough. Since you were USN you might know or have crossed paths with a naval liaison I knew in Chau Doc at the time…tall, slim guy named Ross. He was a NILO. Think his last name was either Bengal or Barnett. Nice guy as I recall. Unfortunately, I lost track of a lot of guys I knew then. Too many years gone by.

            • Tom, I have some pictures of the Fort. I was based in An Phu but I got down to Chau Doc frequently and stayed with the rest of my team in the Fort. The Seabees created a palace there compared to other accommodations I stayed in country. How can I get you copies?

  20. Hi, Corey,

    Hope that all is well. Here’s a few more names of guys that I worked with in Chau Doc. Do these “ring a bell”?….Garth Feeny? Bill Tucker and Garth Feeney? Travis Rickman (worked out of Cau Lanh), and Joe Bozevitch? SSgt Jerry Wrescics…associated with guys at the CORDS compound and FSO Bill Donovan. Merry Christmas!

    Regards, Tom Potter

  21. I didn’t work for Wilkie, but I coordinated intelligence about the VC Unit very near Vihn Giao. He swore they didn’t have an 82 mortar; I brought tail fins to the next Country Team meeting. I liked Major Wilkie and knew that he need to stick to the lie that Chau Doc was “pacified.” I didn’t/wouldn’t deal with DIOCs and PIOCS because they leaked info to the other side, according to Embassy House.

  22. Jim .. your dates confuse me. If you were in country in Aug 1970, the picture may be of you. Seems your name on the backside but misspelled. I was never good at spelling. Were you in the S2 office with Wilkie? If not, I’ve got the wrong guy. Sorry

  23. I left Chau Duc 8/15/70, by April 1970 I was in an
    alternate universe back in the world. Think you’ve got me confused with someone else.

  24. Rich,
    I think that there were plenty of guys who were scared, filled with angst, caught up in circumstances and a lot hasn’t been unloaded yet. so you are not the “Lone Ranger”. I remember that one of my biggest fears was kids who would run up to me out of curiosity if nothing else and I’d have sapper threats always in mind. I often wondered too if I’d be unlucky to be hit by a stray round because some of the ARVN in town very often would empty a clip at night…just horsing around or shooting for the heck of it. Some things just seem to stick in my memory. We all have plenty of that. Cut yourself some slack.

    • I completed a mission to rescue 2 wounded PRU agents during a battle on the big mountain near BA Chuc.  There was a Ranger Advisor with a few dozen VN Rangers losing that battle….I don’t recall his name, but he impressed me enough to volunteer to go up and get those two Cambodians.

      Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  25. Hi, Corey,
    I remember Bill Decker’s general demeanor…can’t recall any occasion when he’d smile…always a “stoneface”
    is my recollection. John Swango was previously a “bird colonel,”, I think. Saw him lose his temper a few times.
    I can see how he’d jump on Decker.
    I know that Swango passed. Decker has to be 85 by now if he’s still kicking.
    Stay well.

  26. Thanks Tom for connecting. I left CORDS and Chau Doc officially in December 1, 1970. I was assigned as an Operations Officer at the MACV TOC at Than Son Nut until April xx, 1971, when I went home as an Honorably Discharged civilian. Team 64 made four attempts to wrest me from CIA control, but I joined CORDS fro the 1st Special Forces Group, and had spent a year training with CIA from July, 1968 to July, 1969. Mostly Cambodian Language, with an emphasis on rural idioms and nuance, and was briefed on the use of trained KKK volunteers for special operations in Takeo Province, Cambodia; so MACV couldn’t break me out. They did transfer me to Saigon, but I retained CIA perquisites, including optional uniform, Full Colonel air priority, and exemption from curfew or “off limits” areas. I was transported back to Chau Doc on Air America in 1971 to bid farewell to my crew.

  27. Hi,Rich.

    An interesting anecdote you shared….
    I managed to acquire a few experiences too. I only flew in to Chau Doc in early
    Sep 1970. The Huey I was in departed Can Tho but we had an emergency landing in Chi Lang due to a rotor bearing failure.

    Although I’d have a few beers at the
    Team 63 compound, I probably made my way to the CORDS compound a few times a week. I probably saw you…
    your name I think I remember but if you left country in December then we may only crossed paths a few times. I do not recall the names of the guys you mentioned. Decker was SC at the OSA
    compound. I remember Phil and a new young guy who had been SF who were there at the time. I remember the Nunes
    at their compound. So long ago…seems like another lifetime.
    Be well.

  28. Jim Slover was a Military Intel civilian. He was later assigned to the INSCOM Special Ops Det at Ft Mead, MD. He passed away some time ago.

    • Corey,
      Sorry to learn that Jim Slover passed away. I worked with him…and saw him daily at the CORDS compound. I was billeted in the city with other DASD folks. Do you remember Capt Bill Tucker? I was his replacement. Can’t believe that was almost 45 years ago…I remember the Bassac and even the smells and odors of the place when I reminisce.

  29. I was in Chau Doc July 69 to August 70, in the S2. Just missed each other, I don’t remember any of those individuals either. Jim Ferriman (Sp/5)

    • Thanks, Jim. When I arrived in Sep ’70 I think that Team 64 strength may have been 130 or so but dwindled to about 25 or so when I left in jun ’72. Like I mentioned, I remember a lot of faces but some of the names just escape my grasp. Getting old, I guess.

    • James..I just found a picture of you, Maj Wilkie, and myself taken in Ba Chuc. Date unk. I was in Chou Doc from April 70 to April 71 and in Tien Bien 1964.

      • my name is Dave brode and I was in ba chuc from june1970-June 1971.. I was a ground surveillance operator on nui throng.vietnamese major trung and I spent a lot of time together on that mountain. I have many pictures of ba chuc and the surounding area. would like to hear from you or anyone else that was in that area or chau doc. If you would like to call,my # is571-232-1116, I live in Herndon,Virginia and Myrtle beach,South Carolina.
        Hope ,to hear from you,
        Dave Brode

    • Jim, i was a member of Milphap team N-9 june 69-70 . We lived in the french fort between your team and the Arvn. We lived with the Seabee team. You probably didn’t remember me or much of our team except maybe the Corrpsman that came over to get new movies from you. I am planning a trip back to Vietnam and in particular Chau doc next year.Just wanted to touch base with someone that was there at the same time. Hope this message finds you well.You may remember the time the vc blew up the whore houses down from our compound, terrible day.

      • Hi Thomas, do you remember a MILPHAP guy nicknamed “Brandy” who was assigned to An Phu District about the time you were in Chau Doc? I have forgotten his full name. He was involved in getting an eye operation in Saigon for a young Vietnamese boy from northern An Phu. Thanks.

        • Sandy, I’m not sure when you made your comment. It just popped up in my mail. My name is Lee Hilling. I was the MSC Administrative Officer of Navy MILPHAP Team N-5. We were the first MILPHAP team assigned to Chau Doc, in 1966. There was no MACV there then, only Army Special Forces. We were attached to Special Forces Team B-42. We lived in what I guess you describe as ‘the old French Fort’. In 1995 my wife and I went to Chau Phu. The old building was still there, but the whole neighborhood was hardly recognizable. I was able to tie up with staff from the hospital and my Chinese translator. We celebrated New Years Eve with about 5-6 families I had worked with 24-25 years before. The hospital was much upgraded from when we first saw it in 1966.

  30. I was at the HQ in Chau Doc TM 64 had some contact with MATT and District Teams, our paths may have crossed, time frame matches.

  31. Mike, I did not know CPT Hurt well, for I had only been in country a short time befor his death. I do know he was assigned to one of our District Teams I beleave Anphu, north east of Chau Doc. I was told that he had just returned from R and R in Hawaii with his wife and was assigned to a foliage clearing operation in our area ( Chau Doc) . We all thought this was ironic because Anphu was much more of a hot spot. During this clearing operation his Jeep ran over a mine, this account was shared with me while I was preparing his personal effects for return to his family. Sorry I can’t help with more information, other team members may share with you after reading this. Be proud, we did good work and for the right reasons.

    • SFC Sam Tratt, Lt Weapons Advisor MAT 71, Chau Doc May 69 – Jun 70. Tinh Bien District spring of 70. PF Platoon in outpost on bank of Vinh Te Canal. Witnessed defoliant applied to area you are referring to, then the arrival of a Rome Plow team. My team was about 1/4 mile from the site and conducted night security Ops for plows. Heard and saw smoke of jeep and mine. Was told the CPT was giving an in country brief for recent arriving two second LTs. All three were killed. The Lts were to replace CPT who was to rotate as liaison Tm 64/Rome Plows. Shortly there after I was evacuated to Can Tho for medical treatment. I was scheduled to PCS and was returning to my team to gather my personal equipment. Team 71 would be reduced to the Team Leader, Asst Team Leader and Mortar Advisor Sgt George Nixon. They were evacuate to the Tinh Bien District for safety the night I reached TM 64. The next morning about day break choppers started land at Sea Bee compound and stared off loading litters .I was informed that Tinh Bien had been attacked By NVA and a Sapper unit at about 0300 hours. George Nixon was severely wounded as well as Tin Bien S2 SFC. I saw SGT George Nixon at Fort Benning in 1971. He was convalescing from his wounds and possible medical retirement. He said S2 SFC passed during evacuation to Can Tho Hospital.

      • Sam Tratt, you were on MAT Team IV-71? That was the team I formed in May of 1968. Please tell me more about the team. My email is we were last working out of an SF Camp in Tinh Bien. Would enjoy talking with you and learning more. Thanks in advance. John McKay

  32. Rich… Bob Jenks does not trigger any memories. I will search some of my stuff. If you want a copy of the photo I have of you send your email address to Good to hear from you. I lost track of Wilkie but he owes me $200 as I paid off his pistol debt to a CIA guy. He was not with TM 64 when he got wounded doing bomb assessments. Last saw him in the hospital.

  33. Warren… Your Dad, Doug Hamilton, and I were friends at Chau Doc. I did not get to see him much as he was in Tri Ton and I was in Chau Doc. Both of us were involved in the Phoenix Program (Phung Hoang). He was also the advisor to the Kit Karson Scouts (Khmer Krom). They were a tough bunch and very good at what they did. I recall your Dad organizing an ambush of NVA moving into the Seven Mountain area. It turned out to be very successful. I attended Doug’s wedding in 1972 (I think). We tried to stay in touch but due to my moving and my divorce I lost his address and the x never let me know if he called or wrote. I suggest that you get a book by Peter Scott “Lost Crusade”. Peter was in your Dad position just before your Dad took over. I could not find any photos of your Dad. I gave Peter your Dad’s name and maybe he contacted him. You might want to contact the Counter Parts Association for info. Let me know what other help I can offer.

  34. I would like to find SFC Virgil Peterson, who was a member of a MAT team in An Phu, Chou Duc. Anyone know anything on him??

    • Hi Floyd, I was the Deputy District Sr. Advisor in An Phu May 69 to May 70. SFC Peterson was on the only MAT team we had while I was there (either MAT 36 or maybe 34). As I recall, they spent most of their time living and working out of an RF outpost in Phuoc Hung Village on the Bassac R. I am not certain but the leader of the team might have been a lst Lt Leverett. SFC Peterson and the entire team were hard working and committed and had the respect of their RF/PF counterparts & trainees. Sorry I don’t have any more info on him.

      • Last I heard of SFC Peterson, he was somewhere around Ft
        Leonard Wood but that has been years ago. He made several re supply runs with me in the Kenner Ski Barges and I got to see him off for home on the work chopper. Thanks for the comeback. Stay safe!

    • I was there when he was shot in the foot. Can’t remember the date, maybe early 1969. He was medevac’d and I never saw him again. I wasn’t in the camp when it happened. When I came back to camp that evening Sgt Bynum (the army Medic) told me about it.

  35. Yeah my room was on the east end of the building close to the boat motor shop. Doc was Msgt Bunnell who lives in Austin Tx last I heard. Maybe we can work all this out and have us a reunion someplace. Just finished talking to Len a couple of minutes ago and he is ready to get together. Keep it in mind

  36. Floyd, I worked out of the S-4 shop. I worked for two SFC and two different CPT. The first was an older stocky brown haired fellow do not remember His name for sure but I think it was Burk he also had a SSG Tall Blond headed guy was on his way home when I got there. Burk was replaced my SFC Stube. You where gone by then I’m sure. I shared a room with Leonard on the second floor rear of the hotel. The very first thing I was shown was the out board motor rack next to where the two Koreans hung out. When CPT. Hurt from Anphu was killed I had to process his personal effects. I remember a few SFCs had living spaces in across from our water truck behind the hotel. I’m sure you where one of those guys. One was Doc .

    • Johnny, In July of ’69 i was in Australia. I was in a bar when it was announced that we had landed on the moon. What a celebration the Aussie’s gave us there. By the time i got back i was packing to go home. Major Stravinsky was gone by then & i was pretty happy about that. We did not get along at all. I do remember meeting you when i returned from Australia, but being a short timer, i just wanted to get the hell out of there.
      Take care buddy

    • Hi, when you mention Captain Hurt, are you referring to Ronald Wayne Hurt from Indiana?

      I am Ron’s son, Mike. If it is not to much trouble, I’d love learn more about him during his tour. Did you know my Dad? Much thanks,

      Mike Hurt
      email: cell: 206-940-1301

    • Johnny, where did you work from March 69 till Nov 69??? When did you take over the boats??? I know I have met you during that time!

  37. There is a growing interest from a few of team 64 members who would like to have a get together of members who served in 68-69 in Chau Duc. If you are interested, contact SFC Ret Floyd Burks, or David Tuite(tweet) probably around spring somewhere!

      • I’m Tom Potter. Reunion would be great! I was in Chau Doc/Team 64 from Sept ’70 to Jun ’72. Spook. RememberPSA John Swango, S-2 Maj Don Anderson, Jim Slover, SSgt Hubert Stair, Ed Donovan, the NILO guys, a Medic SSGT Shep Shepherd. Can “see” a lot of faces but some names are elusive. Any of these names ring a bell?


    • This is Richard Mohlere, 1lt Inf, PSDF advisor on Tm 64 from Aug ’70-Jun ’71. The Major you refer to that was hit while in a chopper was Robert Wilkie, Metairie,LA. He was MI and worked with Maj Corry Bordeaux on the Phoenix program along with Lt Bob Jenks and several FSO’s. LTC Horace Hunter was the DPSA and senior military advisor. The PSA was John Swango, FSO or State Dept (?) Do you recall any of these names ?
      There were many others but my memory is not so good, perhaps you could jog it a bit.

      • Hi Richard: Hunter, Swango I remember but cannot recall any others except the last PSA was LTC Redding. They had pulled the civilian from that position and LTC Redding was wearing both shoes. Had a good relationship with the spooks that had a house right on the bassic with a space under the house where they keep their boat. They had water skis and they pulled me up and down the river to the amusement of the locals. especially when my GI issue shorts keep coming down. Only skied the one time as there were bodies floating down the river and that was the end of water skiing. Major Anderson was my boss, for awhile, and we went to Australia for R&R. Your name rings a bell but cannot put a face to you, Some 50 years sure dims the view of the time spent there.

      • Rich..Maj (then) Corry Mordeaux back to you…Just found this site. A lot of memories here. I went thru some old pictures and found you along with Cpt Carmackle, Cpt Myer the PC and myself. Also had pictures of LTC Hunter, Maj Wilkie, SP4 Rod Wallace, SP4 Freeman, Maj Don Berry (An Phu), Cpt Merideth, Cpt Kauka, Cpt Fisk, LT Bragg, CPT Burns, and SGT Stair. I saw Mr Swango after returning from VN as he stayed at my house in Federal Way WA. I talked to LTC Hunter several times over the years but did not know he passed away. I attended Doug Hamilton’s wedding while I was attending the FBI Academy in Virginia. A good weekend break. Tried to keep up with him but divorce and many military moves lost the address. If my memory serves me he was running a Thrifty Nickel operation. One of the CPTs whose name slips by me was arranging trips back to VN. I talked to him several times. He was in the business of helping Vets who were having a hard time adjusting. Any ideas who he was?
        Later.. Corry

        • Corry,
          My father is Douglas Hamilton. I joined the site hoping to be able to connect with anyone that knew or served with father. I served in the Army in our recent conflict in the Middle East. My father has developed dementia is quite progressed at this stage. I was hoping to connect with men who served with him to learn anything I can about the nature of his service or any stories from his deployments. He didn’t talk about it much, and now due to his medical condition I’ve lost the chance at learning of his experiences and relating my own. Any insights, stories, or even pictures would be appreciated. Thank you for your service to our country and God bless.

          Warren Hamilton

          • Warren, I served in Team 64 Mar 69 thru mid 71 and had the pleasure of humping a radio for many of our officers on various operations your dad may have been one but I do not remember the names of most. When I first arrived in country my operations where with the officers with a number of operations behind them, after a signed on for more time that reversed and became interesting. During these operations I almost drown twice and was close to being captured more than once. The Team was lucky to have some great men assigned to it , we supported each other well and we believed in what we were doing.

            • Hi johnny,
              Did you by any chance know a Cpt Donald L. Zimmerman. I’m his son and I’ve found documents and pictures placing him with advisory team 64 MAT 33. Chau duc was written on some of the pics I’ve found. He was SF. He was also with adv team 84 MAT 72 which I’ve confirmed but there is time I can’t account for during his tours. Thanks johnny. This would have been between January 70 – February 71 time frame.

        • Hi Corry, great to hear from you. I don’t know who the Capt might be that you mentioned. Some of the names I recall were Paul Quasnitska, Randall Dyce, as well as the fellows you named. Do you remember Bob Jenks ? Lt. like me and both graduated from the same OCS class at Benning. I think he worked with you and Maj Wilkie as well as an FSO named Ed Donovan. I was in Bob’s wedding late 1971 in NYC and have tried to reconnect with him. Any ideas ? Regards, Rich

        • COL Hunter was my father, would you be willing to share the pictures of him? Thank you for your service. Douglas Hunter

          • Douglas..I would be glad to send you what pictures I have of your Dad. Although under the Phoenix Program I did not work for him directly unless I was on a unrelated operation that he controlled. He treated me very well for the year we were at Team 64. I talked with him later at where he worked as a civilian. Send me an address…

    • I was with Adv Tm 64 from May 1970 until March 1971 after serving a year with Adv Tm 69. I was one of the radio operators, I remember Major Wilke being wounded, actually shot a couple times in a helicopter ,I believe by a 30 cal machine gun,I visited him in march 71 in Can Tho on my way out of country.I remember doing a couple Roam and Plow operations in May and June of ”70. I remember a Capt Miller from New Jersey and I had a sergeant who was married to a british woman and he worried constantly about her because of the fighting between the Methodists and catholics,don’t remember his name. Also did some time(month)on a hill top with a bunch of Arvn’s and Monks,I remember walking up ,seems like a thousand steps to our CP.We also did a week or so in Cambodia during the Cambodian fiasco.Time has a way of flying,that was a long time ago

    • Hi Frazier,
      I was in Chau Doc from 6/69 to 12/71. Tuong is my very close friend, however I haven’t met him since I left team 64 in 12/1971. I had been working around the SEVEN MOUNTAIN AEREA, such as Districts of AN Phu, TINH BIEN, TRI TON, CHAU PHU….My Advisory team commanders were Major Mc Kommit, Lt. A Brother and team members: Sergeant Coldman, Sergeant Moore… many more but.I cannot remember them all! Take a look at the photo of Nha Bang Advisory Team 64 – I was the team’s interpreter at that time.
      Please contact me at if you have more information about team 64. I look forward to hearing from you.
      Kind regards,
      Van Hieu

    • My Name is Hieu V Nguyen, and Tuong was my colleague. I worked as an military interpreter from 6June 69 to Dec 1971. Just contact me if you need to know any information.

      • my name is Dave brode and I was with the 69th infantry detachment in ba chuc. I was a ground surveillance operator on nui throng. major trung spent a lot of time on that mountain with me. June 70- June 71.i wonder if he ever made it out alive.please respond,I have a lot of stories to share about ba chuc and the surrounding area.i don’t know where you are located, but I live in Herndon,Virginia and Myrtle beach, South Carolina.if you like to call me,my # is 571-232-1116.

        Hope to hear from you,

        Dave Brode

    • my name is Dave Brode and I was on nui thong in ba chuc. major trung spent a lot of time on that mountain with me. almost got. over run in early 1971 by nva. if it was’t for the “outlaws” gunships coming to our rescue we would have died.that major that got hit in the stomach was major doyle if my memory serves me right. The only soldiers on that mountain that night was me-sgt Brode, sp4 Jon parvi, major trung and his cadre of 50-60 ARVN soldiers. I was working ground surveilance radar and picked up approximately 200 nva crossing the border near ba chuc. funny thing about the whole was major doyle comes by the next morning and says i’m going to put me and Jon parvi in for a silver star. never got one, nothing, no thanks. RHIP oh well,i’m still alive with a screwed up head
      sgt. Dave Brode-us Army
      PS:all the good soldiers are dead. and proud of it
      all of the lucky ones are alive

  39. Richard Mohlere

    Oct 16, 2015

    I have just discovered this web site given to me by a fellow graduate of Infantry OCS class 22-69 who served on MAT 10.
    I was assigned to Team 64, arriving early August 1970 serving as PSDF advisor to Thieu Ta (Major Le Minh Canh) also the MP Commander (I think) of Chau Doc. PSA was an FSO John Swango, DPSA was LTC Horace Hunter, FA.( I will e mail his son Douglas).
    People I remember are Maj. Corry Mordeaux, Capt. Paul Quasnitska, SSgt Colman, Capt. Randall Dice, Lt. Bob Jenks, also a graduate of OC 22-69 whose wedding I was in (1971).
    I am in the midst of moving house, so soon will have access to all my pictures, maps, and my diary filled with many more names and ops. Departed Chau Doc early June 1971.

  40. Ladies and Gentlemen, I served as DDA for An Phu District, Team 64 from August 1968 through May 1969, The experience was an interesting one on many levels, and most of the period is a blur in my memory. I did have a number of black and white pictures from that tour, but lost them during one of our family’s many moves since. I came upon this site as I was beginning to write this chapter into a book I’m drafting. Unfortunately, life moved on after I returned from Nam and events encouraged me to repress memories of my time there. Now that I am fully retired, the faces of those who served with me there are beginning to resurface in my dreams. Some of the names, such as Major McBride, who was there briefly when I arrived, I do remember. Team 64 was transitioning from mixed SF/MACV to fully MACV when I got there. That was not a good thing from my perspective, but in hind sight I must acknowledge that many things were trending downward in terms of the war. I would welcome contact with others who were in the Delta during this period, including our Navy comrades who supported us on many occasions when we needed them. my email address is: OPTAB001@YAHOO.COM

    • Tim, I served in Chau Duc till Nov of 69. I was the RF/PF NCO under Maj Dwyer. I was also advisor to the 033 RF Company of LCVP (Higgins boat). During the Rainey season I hauled supplies by boat to the districts. There are several of us on the website, Tuite(Tweet). Lenard Livinge ( Blond headed Supply) and more.
      When were you there?? Looking forward to hearing from you. My email is and live in Phoenix, AZ, Lt Binns (s2) also lives here.
      Take care
      Floyd Burks SFC (ret)

    • Hi Tim, my name is Floyd Burks! We are trying to get a reunion of team 64 members together if we can get enough interested! I was the RF/ PF advisor to the 033 RF Riverboat Company (Higgins boats). But mostly I ran supplies to all the districts when the roads were under water. The date and location is still up for grabs if we get enough that could attend, then we can work on that! Looking forward to hearing from you! My phone is 360-490-3981, Odessa, Tx

  41. Tweet, dam it’s good to hear from you. I have looked for you before but had spelled your name wrong. I live in Phoenix and still remember you were from around New York someplace. There are several of us still around. Lt Binns lives here in Phx but is seldom around, Len Linvige lives in California and we correspond all the time, as John Easters.
    My email is “ and would love to hear from you when you can.

    • I was on Tm 64 from about June 68 until May 69. Started at Tien Bien and moved to Chau Doc as S-5. Knew Warren Gregory, Bill Adams, Jim Binns, Bill Carter, Maj. Andrews, Lt/ Col Rasmussen, etc. Knew a couple of guys on the Navy barge on the Bas Sec River. Maj. McBride sounds familiar–not sure if I knew him. Suppose I did.
      my e-mail is $pencer Culbreth

  42. My father was Capt. Douglas Hamilton (might have been a 1LT or 2LT on first tour) and I believe he served with ADV TM 64 somewhere between 1968 – 1970. I was told that he served two tours during that time period, but he rarely ever talked about it. He has developed dementia, and can no longer effectively communicate. As an Iraq war veteran myself, I am interested in connecting with anyone who might have known or served with him. My email is Thanks.

    • Sir, Your Father was assigned to my Team in 1970; around May or June. He was Armor Branch and not trained in small unit. intelligence, or indigenous force leadership, but was a very effective Officer in terms of his responsibility for everything at our Base Camp in Vinh Gia, Tri Ton District, Chau Doc VN.

  43. My name is Ed Oller. I was a member of Milphap team 9 out of Chau Doc Provence – apart of the advisory team 64. I was there from May 18, 1970 thru Nov 1970. Looking to catch up with anyone from that time period.

    • Hi Ed, my name is tom brookman i was a member of Milphap N-9 in Chau doc from June 69-70. Your team replaced us for the next year. Would like to hear about your experience in country. My wife and i are planning a trip to Vietnam next year and are planning to stop in Chau doc. Hope this message finds you well.

  44. Hello Sirs,

    Thank you all for your service.
    I’m a young Vietnamese from An Phu district. Please mail me ( if you have any picture or story about An Phu.

    • I am Van Hieu Nguyen. I was working at Chau Doc TOC as interpreter for team 64 since 1969. Please send me pictures of An Phu interpreters information ASAP.

  45. My name is Dave Brode and I was stationed in ba chuc,just down the road from chau doc at the same time you were there.june 1970-June 1971.i spent manny a day in chau doc.if anyone would like to contact me, please call me at 571-232-1116.i live in northern Virginia.

  46. Worked out of Tan Chau 1968 -1969. Our Mobile team worked for about 4 months in the Nui Sam, we were based out of a SF Camp in An Phu in the summer of 68.

    • Mr. McKay, I was in Team 64 in Chau Duc, 68-69, and Advisor to the 033 Riverboat Company there. I also Took care of, operated, and Hauled supplys to all the district teams including An Phu. Am enclosing a picture of (l to R) of Maj Davis who was the District Chief at An Phu, Myself and Major Dwyer, head of the RF/PF in Province and my boss. Hope this will bring back some memories.Take Care SFC (Ret) Floyd T. Burks

      • Floyd
        Thanks for the post, the picture did not show up. Please try again look forward to seeing if I recognize anyone.
        John McKay

      • Floyd-My name is David Tuite(Tweety) I have 8mm film of you pulling me while skiing down the Bassac River in 69. Foulds was my mentor. I would love to hear from you.

  47. Greetings Fellow Viet Vets – My name is Ronald Wood and I was stationed in An Phu which is 6 miles north of Chau Doc from November, 1966 to April of 1968. I was the advisory team radio operator. An Phu had been a SF A team until the Summer of 1966 when it converted to a MACV Team. I spent 18 months there including my extended tour. My commanding officers there were Major Vincent Spacratella, Major Larry Ivers and Major Thomas McBride. If any of you knew any An Phu team members please give them my name and e mail address. I would like to get re-connected. My e mail address is I’ve written a book about my experiences there and I would like to give them copies of it. Later, Ron

    • Ron
      I was sent to An Phu when I arrived in the spring of 1968….there were still SF personnel running the camp who were much more seasoned to combat conditions than I was….but they treated me well…there was always a little dissonance if you were MACV and not SF..but I learned a lot….after a few months I was sent back to Chau Duc as the S-2/S-3 Air Officer..a post for which I was badly equipped but we had good men, Bro Adams, Jim Binns and Lenny as well as PFC. Burns and many others…..
      Today…..I am told but my daughters friends who have visited Chau Duc…that there is a Four Seasons Hotel in the old market and that you can take a hydrofoil to visit Angor Watt for the day….Cambodia still not being an overnight tourist destination

      • Warren, my name is David Tuite “Tweety”. I was your RTO on 12/31/68 near the rock pile. Do you remember that day?

      • David,
        I remember some LTC named Hazem (I think) who kept wanting to get all of us killed with some type of frontal assault on Nui Koto…the local RF/PF were not very keen on this idea (not being very keen on assaults in general) and Hazem took this lack of aggressiveness to be my fault…as i recall I came close to a court marshal by telling him what I thought of his idea for a frontal assault…but by then my enthusiasm for the war was well gone…..but perhaps you are thinking of another time and I have the wrong day…I hope you are well…keep in touch

        • Hi,

          The guy was COL Walter Hazam and he was the Senior Advisor (MACV Team 50) to the 44th STZ. He was bucking for BG and didn’t care about much else. I worked for him for a while as the Asst HQ Detachment Commander for Crum Compound in Cao Lanh. I set up a small forward base for near Nui Coto and remember the operation. I hope he never got his star.


      • Greetings: Where are you now? Hope you are faring well. Gee, a Four Seasons in Chau Doc–unbelievable. Wonder if it is located at our former French hotel?

        • Spencer….found this old message and remembered your wife sending us a tape of the Buckley-Gore debate..I hope you and family are well….I heard Jim Binns being interviewed on NPR last month he is a a successful attourney and is doing volunteer work representing Desert Storm vets; Bro Adams was a college dean and eventually became the Ex Dir of the National Endowment for the Humanities….love to hear back from you…I live in Park City Ut now retired
          warren t Gregory

            • I do not…..but I take the Fifth to avoid self incrimination….tell me…..I think we got mortared and I spent the night in the machine gun position on top of our old French hotel
              Best to you and family for the new year

              • I believe you and I were in a blocking position SE of the rock pile. An APC with a zippo rolled up near our position. They headed south of us turning into the tree line. Not a good idea. They were hit and we (platoon of rf-pf’s) were told to secure the apc for the nite. We didn’t get close and retreated. I hope I got the right guy. I was. S-4 Chau Duc but rto’d part time.

                • Yes, you are correct I remember the APC and I think Rasmussen (the LTC who was the deputy PSA) wanted one of us to go back to the APC and either try to start it, or somehow disable it……both skills far beyond my MOS…again as I recall we spent the night going back and forth with the base camp until finally the RF/PF commanded just said “lets di-di-mou” or words to that effect….hope you and family are well…best for the New year

  48. I have started a board on Pinterest with my father’s photos from his time in Vietnam. He was Captain Lon Meyers, advisor on Team 64 during 1967. Sorry, not sure of exact dates. Please comment on the photos and add more info. Also, feel free to pass the link on to others who might be interested. The Pinterest board is entitled “MACV-SOG Chau Doc” and can be found at

    • Cheryl, My name is Elmer LaBrash. I was Lon’s radio operator in Tri-Ton 1967, I have many good photos and fond memories (like the day in June we were pinned down at the base of Nui-Coto sp?) a great man. Hope to hear from you.
      Regards, E

      • Elmer…my name is John Russell. We corresponded awhile back. I was stationed in Tri Ton 6/67-9/67. Any pics of camp and personal would be appreciated. I dont have many photos…will see about posting what I have. I believe I have a couple of you and the other como guy….I will check. JR

        • Elmer…obviously time has passed quickly sense first corresponded. Hearing from Cpt Meyers daughter Gwen sparked some action and i re -found a few black and white pics of Tri Ton compound. If you would like, send me your email address and I will get them to you. Hope you are well. JR

      • I hope you looked at some of the pictures I posted on Pinterest.
        I mostly put up the ones my dad wrote comments on.
        I will eventually put up the rest; I just haven’t been able to get to that task.
        I’m glad my dad is still remembered by others… he had a long, exciting military career, with Vietnam being near the end.
        He returned either at the end of 1967 or the beginning of 1968 — I was only in 2nd grade then. He retired in June of 1969.

      • Hope you’re doing well. Cpt. Lon Meyers was my father. Cheryl who posted also is my sister. Any pics or info are appreciated. He was in Team 64 in 1967 possibly other dates.

        • Hello Gwen….sorry it took so long to get back to you. I just took the leap and scanned a few photos I have of Tri Ton, from 6/67 to 9/67. I will send them today, if possible. The older I get, becoming more introspective etc. I realize your dad and I had a very unusual and unique relationship. When I was transferred to Tri Ton, I was a disappointment to team members. Although I had been in country for 8 months, I had no training, experience or useable skills to help the team. Your father was good to me, trained me, and was patient. We shared experiences, sometimes side by side depending on the situation. Your dad was quite unique, very cerebral. He also carried a M1 carbine, cut down and custom fitted with a large holster. Which I thought at the time was so cool! Nice to hear from you, I will attempt to send pics this afternoon. John Russell……. former team member

  49. I worked for Major Bobby J. Dwyer in RF/PF in 68-69 in Chau Duc. I had forgotten to mention about him before. Bobby left Team 64 in late Sept of 68 for home. He. Was being assigned to an Air Defence someplace in NY.
    He had ordered a Camera from the YRBM PX down the river. When it came in, I picked it up and mailed it to him. Didn’t hear anything and later I wrote to find out if he got the camera. I received a letter from his wife that he did get the camera, but he was in Walter Reed with an inoperable brain tumor.
    When I rotated back end of Nov, I went to the Pentagon as an official Courier to drop of something. After that we went to WR to see him. They had him so doped up he did not know who I was. Just before Xmas, I called to wish him a Merry Xmas and was told he had expired a few hours ago. I talked to his wife and she told me she was taking him back to Nachadoces, LA for burial .
    A little late getting this out and apologize.

  50. John Russell

    Dear Cheryl…Thank you for your reply. I m sorry to hear of your fathers passing. He was a good man and treated me with respect. I had no combat experience or special training when i arrived in Tri Ton. Your father took me under his wing…gave me responsabilities and trust. We were a small 5 man sub-secter team, we were together literally 24/7. I didnt take many pictures back then, so any pictures you can share with me would be greatly appreciated. I have always regretted not taking more pictures of Tri Ton and the other team members….i am very excited about this opportunity….i have tried for years to get some pictures of the camp..the people..and the area at that time. Once again Cheryl.. I am sorry to here of your fathers passing…and grateful to you for contacting me. At this point in my life getting pictures of “way back when” would be a minor miracle! Looking forward hearing from you……John Russell email address is …

  51. Thank you so much for the info. If you can think of anything else that you remember about CPT Ronald Hurt, anything, it will be much appreciated. I will relay this info to his son who was 3 at that time. So far you are the only source of info.

  52. I have thought many times of making a trip back to Chau Doc with my boys. If any of the former team members do and have pics please share with me. Team 64 69-71.

    • LTC Hunter was the Senior Military Advisor when I arrived in Chau Doc early August, 1970. I found him a bit distant in personality but very exacting and clear on guidance for subordinates. A good officer. Part way through my tour I remember his wife somehow got permission to visit Camp Arnn, charming ! Is my memory correct ? I believe he was followed by another FA officer, LTC Charles Redding. I will search for pictures.

  53. This is for Boris Derugin about Cpt Hurt. I was in Team 64 Nov 68 to Nov 69. I have a picture of him, I believe,that I took in the Bar in 69. Will try and see if I can upload it here. Tried to send it to your email address you had put up but it came back, twice!
    Well it wont let me paste the pic, so email me at

  54. Still looking for any information about CPT Ronald Hurt, member of Team 64, according to military records, and KIA on March 23, 1970. If you have any info or know someone who does, please do contact me at: (Note, email has been corrected.)

    • I had to process his personnel effects and ship them home. I was 18 at the time and this made it quite clear the situation we faced and the danger we faced. As I recalled he was close to going home and was removed from a hot spot and placed on a special project clearing an area with plows and his jeep hit a mine. The move was supposed to have been a safer place for him the few days he had left in country, that was Vietnam.

      • My name is David brode and I was with the 69th infantry detachment in Ba chuc from June 1970-71.i was also assigned tdy with Macv 64.spent manny a day in chau duc.please give me a call at 571-232-1116. I live in northern Virginia. I could share a lot of stories with you.

      • I served with your father, went on several patrols together. I was a Sp5 interrogator/interpreter. He was a Captain when I knew him, engineering I thought. Good guy and a friend of mine. Had one or two adventures with him

  55. Please call me at 571-232-1116 I live in Herndon virginia 20171 I spent 9 months in ba chuc. I was also temporally assigned to macv 64.

  56. Thanks for your help on this, guys.

    I now have some of the answers I was looking for.

    In 1966 through June, the USAF FAC team was at Chi Lang. Their Radio Operator, who had to get clearance for air strikes from the province chief, was based at Chau Duc. His name was A2C Art Fromm from Ohio,

    The two FACs that flew Beaver 98 were Capts Don Taylor and Dean Eggen. All of these guys moved to Chau Duc and Chi Lang from Long Xuyen at the end of 1965, The reason was so that they could be closer to the action closer to the Cambodian border.

    I was able to piece this together once I got my brother’s 201 File from St. Louis. I have met with ex-FAC Don Taylor here near D.C. and I have talked with Art Fromm on the phone about their experiences there.

  57. I’m nnot sure why but this weblog is loading incredibly slow for me.
    Is anyone else having this problem or is it a issue on my end?
    I’ll check back later and see if the problem still exists.

  58. Was assigned to a military Intelligence field team of the 525th MI group. Advisory Team 64 was our cover and our support in Chau Doc. We lived in a house separate from the Adv Team and cords/usaids people.We belonged to their mess association, got our mail, We also provided bodies when needed for operational requirements. I was there from Jan 72 until we turned everything over to the ARVNs after the cease-fire.I have photos but don’t know how to post them.I would love to hear from anyone who was there during my tour.I have not talked to anyone in over 40 yrs who was there.

    • Mike,
      Greetings! I’m Tom Potter. Just stumbled upon the MACV/Team 64 website recently and have been scrolling through entries and just saw yours from a few years back I was a member of the 525 MI Grp and in Chau Doc too. Was there from Sep’70 to mid-Jun ’72. Boy! That was a long time ago! Your name rings a bell.

    • I was a radio operator with 525th MI in Châu Doc for a short while after New years 1972. Lived in a house with COORDS stenciled in red paint on the roof. Small courtyard in the front with a generator on a flatbed trailer. 3 enlisted men, three officers, 1 civilian(Tom I believe); and two vietnamese interperters. Three rotating guards an old guy named Chin, a civilian who always wore military camouflage fatigues and a maroon beret and a kid with a motorcycle who lived in a mosquito net covered hammock in the backyard.
      I believe red beret dude was arrested as a VC long after I left. One of the enlisted men was Norman St. Germaine from Fall River, Massachusetts. One of the interperters called him “hippie”. I was at 504th Siganal Detachment/525th MI compound near Ton Son Nhut from Feb. 72 to DEROS in Sep. 72. “Hippie” joined me there and we went home together, well to Oakland, I had family in SoCal that I visited before going all the way home to Massachusetts. Remember Feds interrogated me at LAX before letting me board plane. Drugs and weapons thing.

    • Michael do you remember a Capt. Krysnowski(spelling) nicknamed Ski. Was a photography bug.He was525MI lived in a house in Chau Doc with a handful of Americans and two Vietnamese interperters?

  59. Bill,
    I hope you are well…Peter Scott had a story in FORBES many years ago about this Province Chief and his visits with him in SF; I corresponded with him a few times but never got to meet him but as I recall Peter’s story sort of supported what his daughter told you.

    • Nice to hear from you Warren. I am hopeful that Peter and I will be visiting Chau Doc in the coming year. We will take lots of pictures.

      Bill Adams

      • Bro,
        Congratulations on you appointment as Chairman of The National Endowment for the Humanities. I saw the NPR story tonight and you still look the same as you did briefing Mr. Tull on VC activities in Chau Duc. Best success and keep in touch.

    • My name is David brode and I spent 9 months in ba chuc in 1970-71. I was temporally assigned to Mach 64 out of chau doc. I was talking to Leonard Levine. He told me to contact you. He said you live in virginia. I live in Herndon virginia 20171. Please give me a call. My number is 571-232-1116. Thanks, hope to hear from you soon!

    • Hello Warren;

      Just returning from Chau Doc and a trip covering most of Vietnam. In addition to Chau Doc, I went to Tinh Bien, Chi Lang, Triton, Olam, Coto, Ba Chuc. On a boat ride from Chau Doc to Phnom Penh, we also passed Tan Chau. Lots of memories. I was not able to find any trace of Camp Arnn, and I’m almost certain it’s entirely gone. Ditto with the provincial military facilities in Chau Doc. The city is now about 200,000 and is entirely transformed. Amazing place but not much the 1968-69 version. There is a good hotel there now on the river, not a Four Seasons, but pretty nice. It’s called Victoria Chau Doc. Boat ride to Phnom Penh takes 5 hours. Long but worthwhile.

      Peter was not with me but I will see him this summer.



  60. I need some help from you IV Corps (Mekong Delta) Advisory Team vets.

    I am trying to piece together my brother’s experiences in Vietnam (June 65 to June 66) for the benefit of his boys and the rest of the family.

    A2C Tom Toussaint was a USAF reciprocating engine mechanic. For part of his time he was on Advisory Team 53 at Long Xuyen or Can Tho. He spent time at Soc Trang and Chi Lang. And he had been in both Thailand and Laos.

    I think he was a crew chief on a Forward Air Control 1-E Bird Dog. He had hundreds of slides taken from the rear seat of the FAC plane of air strikes in the forests below. But the few pictures I have of him show only Bird Dogs with US Army markings, not USAF.

    How were these Advisory Teams organized? Who did the members report to?

    Could he have been working on an Army plane?

    He talked about having an M60 mounted on the door of the O1-E. The FAC’s I have talked to said that the Army O1-E’s did this, but not the Air Force.

    What was the role of these USAF people on these Advisory Teams in the Delta?


    Ed Toussaint
    Potomac, MD

    • Dear Ed Toussaint,
      As I know, the USAF was cooperated with the VNAF through MACV Headquarters, it was not belong to any MACV Team. As a reciprocating engine mechanic, Tom was still belonged to the USAF. You should contact with the Department of Veteran Affairs to get the information concerning to Tom Toussaint.
      Good luck,
      Van Hieu

    • There was a Bird Dog flying off and on out of Chau Doc airfield while I was there. Remember the pilot well. He gave me a ride to Can Tho for some dental work. I’m sure it was crewed by others for maintenance and whatnot. I don’t remember those folks but don’t remember there being AF people present. The pilot was Army and wore a USRV patch so, wasn’t MACV. I think he rotated bunking and flying out of Chau Doc and Chi Lang. Fair chance the crew stayed in Can Tho. Maybe someone will get on here from there who could comment. VA won’t have anything but medical records since he got back. Dept. of Defense has a big records archive, in Missouri I think, where his service records would be. His kids would be able to solicit a copy if he is deceased.

    • Hi Ed
      I was, among other things, the S2/S3 Air Officer for MACV Team 64 from March 68 thru June 69
      AF Pilots flew the FAC(Forward Air Controller) missions..they had the radios that could go from the FM which we used for ground commo and the UHF that was generally what the Fighters used…I would fly back seat with the Army Pilot (Swamp Fox 34) and we would talk to the guys on the ground then communicate to the FAC who would actually call in the fighters, F-4’s and sometimes other prop A/C
      FAC’s had WP(White Phosphorus) rockets on the wings and would go in to mark targets
      I would trade off with another officer on the ground every week or so we knew the terrain…AF guys were stationed in Can Tho Chi lang and other bigger bases…Chau Duc was too small to support a USAF unit
      Most USAF planes were silver and Army guys were OD but this is my memory…
      If your brother kept the birds in the air it was unlikely he was as far forward as Chau Duc
      which sits right on the Cambodian border (and would get mortar attacks with some regularity) and so we never kept any aircraft overnight except the NAVY Sea Wolfs who were in the river
      The Missouri VA storage facility had a big fire several years ago but if you write them and are patient…they can usually dig up a copy of his DD 214…the best general record for service…
      keeping us flying when full of bullet holes was a big job
      your brother’s service was most appreciated
      hope this is helpful

      • Warren;

        Thanks for your response. I am waiting on his 201 File from St Louis. His DD214 won’t tell me what I need. I need copies of the orders (PCS and TDY) he got in RVN.

        I need to piece all the anecdotes he told me together his file. Than I can make some sense of it and communicate it to his sons and my sons and grandkids.

        I know the last place he was was Chi Lang. So that ties to your comments. He talked a lot about The Seven Mountains area. He said that not a single convoy ever completed the trip from Chi Lang to Chau Duc … even though some ballsy guys tried it. That would have been in the Spring of 1966.

        Prior to Chi Lang he was somewhere in Laos. And before that he was at Soc Trang and Can Tho.

        He told me some stories. I was an AF veteran too, so we had that in common. But now that I have done this research (A lot of it), I have a much better understanding of where he was and what he did and what he had to deal with. He really didn;pt give himself much credit.

        I am still close to my AF buddies.

        It’s remarkable isn’t how that experience stays with us as we get older

        Ed Toussaint
        Potomac, MD

    • Hey Ed,
      I was Air Force in Chau Doc Special Forces Camp B-42. The USAF Pilots (FAC’S) were kept at Chi Lang. I was the Ground Radio Communicator between FAC and Can Tho! I also flew back seat in the O-1 with an M-60 to help FAC from being shot down. If you would like anymore info, my email is

    • My name is David brode and I was in ba chuc with the 69 th infantry detachment for 9 months from June 70 till June 71. Was temporally assigned to team 64 in chau doc. Please give me a call at 571-232-1116. I live in Herndon, virginia

  61. I arrived for a year with Advisory Team 64 in January ’72. Worked with interpreters Tuong, and, I think Dung at different times. They were forming an RF battalion headquartered on the top of Nui Sam and I spent the first few months with them. Took a couple of hikes on Nui Koto with them in that time, then went with the KK squad for a few months. A couple of after action reports qualified me for the CIB during that time. The majority of the KKs were ethnic Cambodians when I was with them. Operated mostly out of Tri Ton, but also Tinh Bien down around Ba Chuc. Mostly on the back side of Nui Cam from Chi Lang. Lot of Cambodians living as Vietnamese around the mountains as I remember. Worked nights in the Province TOC the last three months or so. My tour there wouldn’t make a book but it’s rare much time passes I don’t think about it. I wonder sometimes how things turned out for some people I knew while there.

    • I think a lot of us have wondered over the years what’s happened to friends we made there. After 43 years i posted pics i took on my Facebook page. Camp Arnn, Nui Sam, You would be surprised how many you served with have Agent Orange issues. When i was there in ’68 – ’69 Tri Ton was a sub sector that was always getting hit. Take care buddy

      • I have some pictures of the big Temple at Nui Sam where the road from Chau Doc comes up to it. There’s a nice one at Ba Chuc. I’m in the VA Agent Orange registry. No symptoms but something was done to large sections of Nui Koto I walked around on so I put myself on it. I always felt edgy in Tri Ton District, though it was probably a lot quieter than when you were there. Anything happening somewhere else was pretty rare. Nice to here from you. Kinda like a time machine.

      • I was with sub sector team 64 in Tri Ton….6/67-9/67. CO was cpt Meyers. We had an interpreter i nick named Fritz…i used to tell him he was a fn nazi. We became good friends…the viet commander was Diwe Chaud …i believe he was killed a couple of months after i left. We worked with Mobile Guerrilla Force when they went up on Nui Coto ….up until then the VC owned it…couldn’t go near it without taking fire. I read it was taken over a couple years later by a large combined operation. Glad you made it.

        • Hi John. Anything you can tell me about your CO Cpt. Lon Meyers would be great. He was my father. Team 64. 1967-ish. Thank you.

    • Dear Steve,
      Tuong and Dzung were working with me at Team 64. I left Chau Doc since Dec 1971, therefore Tuong or Dzung was taking me place. I had been working with an American Phoenix Officer at Tri Ton (I forget his name!) and a KK squad. Unfortunately most members of this squad were killed by the VC after the USA withdrawal!
      Tri Ton is big town now! It is one of a well known tourist point of Vietnam, especially the Seven Mountain Area, including Tri Ton mountain. Please email me any picture you have.
      All the best to your family and friends.
      Knid regards.
      Van Hieu

      • Thanks for commenting Van. I was there when you were still in Chau Doc province. I left in Jan. ’72. I’m sure we encountered one another at some time.
        Dzung was with me when the KK squad was pulled out of Tri Ton for a while in the fall of ’71. I can’t remember if he was along when I went on one operation with the squad before that. tThe Major, Capt. Vela and an NCO whose name I forget were on that too. Sad to hear what happened to the Scouts. Always knew it must be what happened. I got to know and liked a couple of those guys. Watching the pull out on TV all those years ago, I think what might happen to the Vietnamese I got to know pained me more than anything else about it. You know anything about what ended up after with Tuong and Dzung?

      • To Steve Russell:
        My father was your Cpt Meyers (later Major) — he passed away in 2002. He never told us too much of what he did in Vietnam (or anywhere else) — mainly focused on the more upbeat stories about the orphanage. We have lots of pictures from Vietnam. I will get them, digitize them, & probably post them on Pinterest. I saw there are already MACV team photos posted there.

        — Cheryl Meyers Boyland

    • Dear Steven,
      I worked as military interpreter like Dung and Tuong. I had been working with the Advisory team for Tri Ton, Tinh Bien, An Phu as well as the at the TOC of Chau Doc Province from June 1969 to Dec 1971. It will be great if you could send me the photos you took during the time were in Chau Doc.
      I look forward to hearing from you.
      All the best,
      Van Hieu

  62. Dear Johnny,

    Although I had been travelling to Can Tho with my team leader for most Advisory Teams Conferences during 1969 and 1971 but I haven’t heard this event! May be I was on duty at Tri Ton Sub-Sector at that time and one of my friends was your interpreter. However it was our nightmare wasn’t it?
    Please send me any picture you had taken during the time you was with Team 64.
    Take care,
    Van Hieu

  63. We were a US unit from Long Binh doing historical stuff for Department of Army. We were part of the Southeast Asia Pictorial Center. Thanks for getting back to me.

  64. I served in Chau Doc 69-71, retired now (91) I was the team goffer, ran the movies , fixed the boats and vech. ,carried radio on many operations and night ambushes, lots of guard duty and ran supplies to the out laying teams. I worked with Cpt. De Armament, Lt Pointer and SFC Stube. I remember Leonard Lavigne. One amusing story I still talk about today is when Lt Pointer and I were in Canto picking up some supplies for the Bar. I was first in line with most of the stuff and LT P was next with a last min. pick up he thought would be a good thing to have at the bar (two cases of rubbers) . The young Vietnamese girl on the register thought he was buying them for his own use and got so tickled she got the other girls attention, they all had a good laugh at LT P’s exspence. If you remember LT Pointer he was some what small in stature, wore glasses this added to the fun.

    • Dear Chris,
      I had been working with Major William at Tri Ton Sub-Sector from May 1971 to September 1971. I could not remember the name of the captain in the film! Was the 221st Signal of the USA? If it was Vietnam Unit, it might be a Regional Force, not Signal company! Therefore the film you shot was one of the operations which was conducted by a Regional Force from Tri Ton Sub-sector, because the Signal unit have never conducted any operation with one company! Each Army unit has a own group of Signal staff, consists of one or two officers and two or three signal-men looking after its unit’s communication systems. But only one officer and a signal-man, not a Signal company, were reattached to an operation.
      However the film reminds me the past, a terrible, silly war which killed millions of Vietnamese and thousands of allies – Let’s we forget!
      Van Hieu

      • Dear Van,
        A family member directed me to this web site. I was the Major Williams you referred to as the District Senior Advisor in Tri Ton District. I remember you well and often wondered what had happened to you after the Americans pulled out. I remember you as Vo Chi Hieu, was that the name you went by at the time? I recall you had a wife and two daughters. I think I have your email address as well, so I will attempt to contact you there.
        I look forward to hearing from you.
        All the best, Lyons Williams

        • Dear Sir Williams,
          I am very happy to hear about you. Please let our team members to contact me I have been looking for all of you since 1983 when I first arrived in Australia but all were unsuccessful!
          I am Sgt. Nguyen Van Hieu a military interpreter.
          Vo Chi Hieu was an civilian interpreter for USAIDS and we were working with you in Tri Ton District.
          Do you still remember the night we were attacked by the NVA in Ba Chuc when General Ngo Quang Truong with an ?
          Please contact me for more information.

    • I was a member of Team 64 Delta Mac, 1969- 1970 the people I remember PSA Lt Col (Ret) Knolls, PSA Lt Col (Ret) Swango, Asst PSA Lt Col Hunter, Sfc Stube, Sfc Bob Noll, Sfc Henry Inman, Sfc Troutman, SSg Jesse Wolbert and the team dog Hardcore I am former SSg Timothy G Miller.

      • WILLIAMSBURG, VA – Colonel Horace L. Hunter Jr., 80, of Williamsburg, Va., passed away on Feb. 12, 2010, after a long illness. He served three tours of duty in Vietnam as well as tours in Korea and Liberia among other places. Colonel Hunter was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Colonel John Virgil Swango died on January 29, 1982 at Quincy’s Blessing Hospital. Colonel Swango was given a twenty-one-gun salute and buried with full military honors in Sunset Cemetery, Quincy, Adams Co., Illinois.

      • I worked for Noll and Stube out of the S-4 Shop 69,70,71 SP4 at the time ran the boats, and was involved in several operations as an RTO. Hardcore was a fixture , I remember he would bark at the lizards on the wall during movies.

      • Hi Tim, I was the Deputy DSA of An Phu District from May ’69 til April ’70 (and then transferred to Bac Lieu Province). I had one of Hardcore’s pups (named him Head) while I was in An Phu; took him with me to Bac Lieu.

  65. I will try my best to find out what happened to Cpt Hurst. However I believe that there was no KIA reported when I was working with Team 64 ( From June 1969 to Dec 1971).

  66. Looking for any information about CPT Ronald Hurt, member of Team 64, according to military records, and KIA on March 23, 1970. If you have any info or know someone who does, please do contact me at:

    • We had one casualty that I can think of about that time on Team 64 and he was a Captain although that was a long time ago and I don’t remember the name. In any event, he was on the road to Tien Bien and hit a explosive device. That’s about all know except we received his remains at MILPHAP Team N-9’s location in Chau Doc.

      • Robert, Thank you for that info, it is really appreciated. You are probably thinking of the same person CAP Ronald Hurt, the only other info I received was that he hit a mine clearing a field, that just did not sound right. If you ever run across any further info please do contact me, it will always be greatly appreciated.

  67. Van Hieu Nguyen
    I have been trying to reach all members who were in MACV Team 64, from June 1969 to Dec 1970, especially Lieutenant A. Brother, Sgt Colman and the following interpreters: Bong, But, Tuong, Chanh, Phong, Dung, Diep, Du …
    Please contact me at
    Looking forward to hearing from al of you.

  68. Van, great to hear from you. The interpreter I really remember worked for Major Dwyer in RF/PF. I remember his name as Kay. Do you remember him? There is several of us in contact now. Leonard Lavigne, Jim Binns, Paul Buschard and a couple more.
    Would love to find Kay but have no idea where to start looking for him.
    Thanks for contacting me and stay in touch when you can. Send me your email address and I will send you a picture of me. Maybe you will remember me.
    Take care
    Floyd Burks

    • Dear Floyd,
      I Had working with Major Dwyer and Major McCormick at Chau Doc TOC. I was detached to DAO and worked as a technician for the Integrated Communication Systems when the American troops started withdrawing in 1971. Therefore I haven seen any member of MACV Team 64 since then.
      My email:
      I hope to see you and all of our friends in near future.
      All the best to you and family..
      Van Hieu

    • Dear Floyd,
      I have just remembered, the Team leader at Tri Ton District was Major William ( I also forget his family name, very sorry!)

  69. Wow. After trying to find some of the former team 64 members, seems they are showing up. I worked for Maj. Dwyer in RF/PF and was also Advisor to the 033 RF Riverboat Company there in Chau Duc. I also took care of all the outboard engines in province. That included carrying supples during the Rainey season when the roads were flooded to the Districts. Tri Ton was the longest haul down the canals. Would love to hear from anyone and chat. I have talked to Jim Binns, Len Levinge, and Paul Buschard. My email is

  70. Thanks for your response. I remember Lt. Adams very well. We went on a few operations together. James H. Binns is still in Phoenix. He was on a Washington DC committee looking into the effects of Gulf War syndrome. I’ve been in contact with Floyd Burks and Paul Bushard. Lt. Gregory & i went out with the Kit Carson squad. It was just before our first operation that he told me who they were. Never felt comfortable going out with former VC. I’m on Facebook and have pics i took there. Get on it and send some pics. Take care buddy

    • I also worked in the S2 from July 69 until August 70 under major Stravinsky and later Major Powe. I remember Christmas night with Lt. Pointer on a successful night ambush along the canal. Jim Ferriman, Lived in the old French Hotel when I first got there. Major Powe died a few years ago as did Lt. Whitcomb (NILO). Saw Captain Woodruff back in the states when he looked me up in Colorado.

  71. I was on MACV Team 64 in Chau Doc in 1968-69 in S2. Did operations with a Lt. Gregory & Kit Carson squad (former VC). Worked in S2 under a Major Stravinsky and Lt. James Binns.

    • Len, yes we ran the KK Scouts and also supported the Phoenix program….spoke to Jim Binns 10-15 years ago, a lawyer in Phoenix I recall..the Province Chief was taken by the VC but his daughter made it out to SF-another officer organized the Team and we all chipped in to the daughter who had the connections to somehow pay off the VC and get him released- I saw him once in SF before he died–brave guy— Lt. Adams landed up as the President of Lehigh University so I’m told but I never saw him again…also remember a Lt. Janko who got me out of a tight spot on Nui Koto one night… also Herb Gingras(sic) a southern boy who came back for a second tour….understand from some friends that there’s a big luxury hotel in Chau Duc now with day trips to ANKOR WAT…how times have changed…be well

      • Dear W. Gregory,
        I think you have mistaken from telling the story about the Province Chief who was taken by the VC!
        I was working as an interpreter & Translator at MACV Team 64/Chau Doc TOC from June 1969 to 30 Dec 1971, and I have never heard about this terrible event in Chau Doc Province!
        I can provide you any single information within MACV team 64 within 1969 -1971. Please contact me at

      • I recently discovered this web site through Glen O’Neill, who visited me several weeks ago in Waterville, Maine. I was on Team 64 from July ’68 through May ’69. I served with Warren Gregory, Peter Scott, Jim Binns and Glen, among others mentioned in these posts. Peter Scott and I are intending to visit Chau Doc and surrounding areas in the coming year or two.

        I was the S3 advisor for Chau Doc and worked many operations throughout the Province. Many years later, when I taught at Stanford in the late 1980’s, I had a student who was, incredibly, the daughter of the Province Chief in Chau Doc in the early 1970’s. I met his former wife at a reception for her daughter, who won a writing prize for a paper she wrote in one of my classes. The mother, whose name I have now forgotten, informed me that her husband was captured when the NVA occupied Chau Doc, and later died in a prison camp somewhere in the Delta. She was of course deeply surprised to hear that I had served in Chau Doc just prior to her husband’s service there. An astonishing story, in every sense.

        Former 1st Lt. William Adams

        • I was there the same time as you spent late 68 in the 7 mountains as team leader MAT IV-71 and then assistant district advisor Tan Chau till July 69.
          John McKay

        • I am Cpt VUONG.TRUNG Chaudoc sector from 1965 until 1975 . I was the S2 from 65 to 68 .then Chief TOC at Chaudoc from 69 to 70, I am finding my advisor S2 Cpt KING anh Cpt JOHNSON.Please email me at
          thanh you very much.

      • Dear William,
        I was detached to Chau Doc Sector (Province) in June 1996 and working at the TOC, but there was no story about the province chief taken by the VC that I have heard!
        Colonel Hue was the province chief at that time, He took bribe from an illegal cow imported form Cambodia and he had to to pay a bribe of 60 million VND to avoid imprison, and was degraded to Major and transferred to another province. There were no province chief taken by VC in Chau Doc Province through out the VN WAR!
        Please do not believe what the Province chief’s daughter told you! She is a big liar!
        Please ask me what happened from June 1969 to 30 Dec 1971,
        Good luck.
        Van Hieu

    • Sandy Arrington, Did you live in the old 3 story French building next to the river?? I was the RF Riverboat Advisor there in 68-69 and several of us are looking for guys who were there same time. Contact me at
      Floyd Burks SFC Ret.

      • Dear F. Burks,
        It was only 2 storey building located next to SEA BEES HQ. I was a military interpreter & Translator for MACV team 64 from June 1969 to 30 Dec 1970.
        However I am looking forward to hearing from all of you!

    • Sandy, I ran supplies to Tri Ton down the canal from the BA Sak river when the roads were under water. Long haul. I remember a blond headed E-6 who used to meet me with a truck and we would load up barrels of mogas and I would take empty barrels back. Also brought propane bottles, Beer and groceries. Send me your email address and I will send you a couple of pictures.
      Take care

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