Team 62 Ton Son Nhut

MACV Team 62 – Ton Son Nhut

This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 62 located in Ton Son Nhut.  To post a new comment on this Team page please scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to “Leave a Reply”.

184 thoughts on “Team 62 Ton Son Nhut

  1. James Pascarella here
    Tan Son Nhut 69-70
    I remember the big, orange malaria pills. It’s truly frightening to read about the medical problems. So far, I have no ill effects at age 75.

    • I had forgotten those. I suppose they helped with malaria as I fortunately didn’t come back with it. But I have not heard of any of us from the schools that did. It was much more prevalent out in the field.

  2. Gentlemen,

    I hope all is well and everyone is staying safe and healthy and thank you all for your service.

    Prior US Army from 2000 – 2013. Two tours in Iraq.

    I recently acquired some items from a Military museum auction, and am trying to verify some information, and any assistance is appreciated. I am verifying information to keep his items and information together and correct.

    One is an Mle MAS 36 French rifle that was captured and brought home from a Captain Robert Tully Mckinney. On the capture form 603-1 it says he was assigned to Advisory Team 76, period of service 13 March 70-12 March 71 and the 603-1 was issued at Long Binh post on 16 February 1971.

    It says APO 96309 under advisory team 76 on the 603-1 which comes back to both Cholon and Tan Son Nhut which were both close to each other in Saigon it looks like.

    On his other information that was part of his legacy, it said he served as a platoon leader in the Mekong delta in 1968 through 1969 and was on advisory team 76 training svn soldiers from 1970 through 1971.

    Robert passed away in 2004 and was buried at Coastal Carolina State Veterans cemetery in NC. He was originally from NJ.

    I have pictures of his uniform, pictures in Vietnam, capture papers, obituary and the rifle that were offered in the auction.

    Thank you gentlemen

  3. Gentlemen,

    Today, 21SEP20 VN time, marks the 50th anniversary of boarding World Airways flight # W2A4, my “Freedom Bird” back to Travis w/ a refueling stop @ Yokota AB, Japan, then the polar route. A much shorter trip than the one over; Travis, Honolulu, Guam, Philippines, SGN. Those of you who were also on that flight give a shout-out.

    Regards from Sai Gon,

    Michael Burr
    +84 90 501 7

  4. I have a list of all the Amn. language Inst. who were promoted 1 Nov 1969. I can not publish the pic as their “new” AFSN (i.e. ssan) are there as well. It will take a while to type in all the names. There are 47 on the on just this list.

    • Can you fold the page in a manner the SSAN is not showing and photograph the page to post it?
      If the columns are not even, photocopy the page, black out the numbers on the copy then post a photo of the copy.

      • Easiest way to to it. That’s what I do when I post copies of my orders, DD214, etc. I used White-Out but don’t know if they still make it. Otherwise use a Sharpie just be sure to have a sheet of plain paper underneath as the Sharpie will bleed through as will almost any wide-point ink marker.

  5. To: ALL. 1. It was Tan Son Nhut not “Ton Son Nhut”. The current name is Tan Son Nhat. 2. It was Koelper not “Koepler”, a misnomer that continues to persist over these past 50 years. 3. Re: Jim Findley’s post. I don’t remember my instructor’s name either. There were a number of classes going on simultaneously.

  6. Dean. Ed Fox. Just poured thru all of these to see if I could stumble across any of my ‘66 colleagues who continued on. NO LUCK. Noticed George Wanamaker good participant letters. 12/15/16 mentions Blue Patch …only one of two in entire Yahoo. …to work on my Assignment! Best. Ed. 5/9/20

  7. Greetings Brothers and Sisters:

    As a MACV Team 62 member I send my best regards. I did two tours in Nam. First at Phu Cat AFB with the 37TFW and second with MACV Team 62 at the Koepler Coumpound, Cho Lon, VN in 1969, staying at the Saint George Hilton. I’ve attended one reunion and desire to see you at the next. I recall getting wounded on August 7,1969 along with twenty seven other Brothers. Many killed on street side. I’m still living the details. The VA just informed me that I’m ninety per cent dead. Agent Orange related. RIP Miss French.

    As always,

    SSGT Gary A. Plath USAF

    FB name is Plyath for security reasons.

  8. Dean,
    I was a member of the team Oct 70 – Oct 71. Your name is quite familiar. We were probably there at the same time. I’ve not had a chance to scroll all the messages. I pretty much hung out with Doug Kruse and Joe Galvan. Both of whom I lost contact with in the early 80s

    I just stumbled on the site.

    Art Munson

  9. I was at the Tan Son Nhut School (and briefly at the Koepler Compound) during my year’s tour, Dec 69-Nov 70. Has anyone heard from John Baker? He left for CONUS just before I did. He said he planned to return to VN.

    • Some added memories from Tan Son Nhut School and MACV Annex: the girls at the Rainbow Bar, guard duty in the tower and at the gate, the beautiful manicurist at the MACV Annex Barber shop, my funny mamasan Nguyen Ti Lung, a beautiful mamasan supervisor named Hoi, movies at the MACV Theater–“Patton” and “The Wild Bunch”, and some of the instructors I remember–Joe Werfelman, Tamborino, SSgt Connolly, Fortier, Danny McKnight, Jim Menges, McPherson, and, of course, John Baker. My plans for grad school didn’t work out, so I stayed on and served tours in Florida, Thailand, Greece, Virginia, Greece again, Georgia, Japan, Korea (where I met my wife), and Okinawa. I retired and am living on Guam now and just retired from my second career–school librarian.

      • Nice life thanks for sharing
        I am curious for those who made a career with the USAF if you ever crossed paths with my ’68 – ’69 St. Georges roomie Jim Binnicker. He passed 2 years ago with a Agent Orange Cancer
        Jerry Brown
        Koelper Compound 11/68 to 5/69

        • Is this the same Jerry Brown (Beaucoup Kilo, as named by his mamasan) that lived next door to me at the St George Hotel? I am sorry to hear about Jim Binniker. I have a good picture of the three of us in Saigon. It is buried somewhere in a storage unit. If you are the correct person, please contact me at: Hope to hear from you. Bob Crego

        • I’m wondering if you are referring to Jim Biniker who was the CMSaf I f so, I had many contacts with him I spent over 28 years and rtirdin 1989. I was an NCO when I got assigned SSgt with line number for TSgt. ever did any classroom work but ran theist control facility at TSN.. Attended 2 reunions n the past.

      • this is Denis Fortier here. Just stumbled across this today. You mentioned my name, and that brought back memories. I am in touch with Jim Findley. Can’t believe that 50 years ago this month, I was 5 weeks away from DEROS.

        • James mentioned “Patton”, which was shown in the HQ movie theatre (air conditioned, padded chairs, etc.). I recall one move that was shown in the Annex “theatre” (open air, log seats, dirt floor, etc.): “Oh, What a Lovely War”, Sir Richard Attenborough’s musical parody of World War I. They ran it exactly one time and then it disappeared. Go figure.

          • I remember watching MASH at the Annex theater and the scene when the guy playing the jeep driver (Bobby Troupe) came on screen how everybody roared. Troupe was a jazz (?) pianist with a show on AFVN TV. PATTON was a real charmer too. Good times.

  10. This is really taking a long shot after 49 years, but does anyone remember the name of the DLI instructor at Lackland AFB who taught us how to teach English as a second language?

    • My instructor for the class that graduated in mid-April 1970 was Mr. J. S. Ward, a GS-9. He was retired from the US Army. He’d taught there quite a while and for at least three years after I left.

      Rod Gale

    • I am sorry to say I forgot my instructor’s name. I knew he was a retired GI and had a bad heart, but we weren’t exactly saving up stuff for a 50 year reunion 🙂

    • I have no clue either. There were multiple classes going on simultaneously. I started on 03JUL69 & finished mid-August. Reported to Travis on 21SEP69 for the 24 hr. flight to Sai Gon via Hawaii, Guam & the Philippines. 50 years ago I was 11 months into my tour. DEROS 22SEP70.

      • Fred Carter, William Raynor, were “Binky” Smith were all 6 month TDY instructors.Another was a guy I remember his last name was Hibbard, possibly Ron. I was there PCS but remember them. I have a phone number for William Raynor.

        • We may have been on the same flight. Braniff TKBP2A3, a 707. I have my travel orders but, unfortunately, cannot attach to this message

          • Hi George
            Yes I was from Las Vegas. I never moved back. After Nam, I flew C-141’s and then C-5’s as a load master. After retiring from the AF (at the end of Desert Shield/Storm) I went to work for the local Community college, first as a computer Lab tech, retiring as a network Admin. Retired at 60 and have been traveling and what ever since then.
            What about you?
            Bill Ressler

            • hi bill i did a second tour in 1971 and got out air force in 1972. went back to auburn finished my degree got married and went to work for glaxo smithe kline. retired in 2002 and am now enjoying the grandkids i have been in okla city since 1974 and have often wondered what happened to the students after we pulled out.
              take care
              george reaves

  11. While in country in the spring of 1971 I was force to take an in country R&R. I was on my way to the movie theater in Cholon when it was blown up. Does anyone remember the name of the theater?

  12. I also taught at Cholon and then Ton Son Nhut after they blew up school. We stayed at the Hung Daug Hotel. I was there from May 1969 until October 1969.
    In the mid 1990’s I started to get signs of Peripheral Neuropathy. It kept getting worse. Docs at University of Pennsylvania said there was nothing that can be done. About 5 years ago I heard about the relationship of this to agent orange. I filed for compensation and was turned down because the claim was more than a year after Nam. I didn’t’ have signs of it till 25 + years later. I do not have diabetes which it could be related to.
    Now the bones in my feet have broken down . Tried to appeal and got the same answer.
    Anyone with similar experience ?
    Tom McGinn

    • I field for diabetes about 5-6 years ago, long after coming home. It took 9 months to get approved. peripheral neuropathy secondary to diabetes would be a “presumptive condition” due to Agent Orange exposure. Get a good VSO and you can win this one.

      • Tom,
        Could you send me what the VA stated when they gave you the benefits ? My lawyer is asking for it.
        Tom McGinn

        • I don’t think they sent me anything specific, just eventually a letter stating that my claim had been accepted. I had the most through physical exam of my life at the Salem VA Medical Center, on top of the earlier diagnosis. I kept pointing out to them that it’s a “presumptive condition,” and automatically qualifying for compensation; and made at least one trip to the local VA office in Roanoke. It took 9 months but I attribute that mainly to bureaucratic incompetence coupled with a move from one building to another. Once they accepted the claim I started getting compensation checks, which so far as I know have no termination date; and I’m being treated for that and other conditions at the SVAMC. That Center is great, I have been around hospitals and doctors and medical schools all my life, and the SVAMC is top notch, I can’t fault them in any way. It’s the paper shufflers who are the real problem.

          If you have a presumptive condition, keep pressing them. They HAVE to accept the claim.

        • Hey Tom, are you going to the reunion in Sep at Branson. MO? If you are, bring your letter along from the VA, plus your military medical records and shot records. As I said before, it is likely that your neuropathy is from the dapsone that they gave us for malaria back then. Right now that is not considered a presumptive condition, but as more vets become aware that it probably is the cause of their neuropathy it could be. And if you request that your appeal go right to Washington DC, you will have a better chance of it going through the first time.

    • Hi Tom…John Grunseth here. Your name sounds familiar to me.I was at the AFLS Koepler Compound in Saigon teaching English from May 69-May 70. I lived in the Hung Dao for most of that time until we moved to the While Hotel in Cholon. 5 years ago I was diagnosed with Burkett’s lymphoma which now gone. I filed a claim with the VA and the non-hodgkin’s lymphoma I had was considered caused by Agent Orange. During treatment, I was 100% disabled. Now, with lasting residuals from 720 hours of chemo in 6 months, I’m at 70%. I stay in touch with Larry Sutterer, Joel Corneli and Dennis Edwards. my email is;

      • Chemo often leaves you tired, and at 70% you could apply for unemployability and be paid at the 100% rate. Important if you have a wife, because if you die of a service connected disability or are rated at the 100% rating for 10 years, your wife could receive $1200./mo at your death. Unemployability rating is the same as 100% for VA purposes.

    • The malaria pill dapsone was given to us at this time. But it was for leprosy, and if given to people without leprosy, it can cause neuropathy. While I feel you could file a good claim, because it is not due to agent orange, you may have a fight on your hands.

      • Thanks . My tour was the same as yours even the hotel. Neurologist told me there is no treatment. Lost all feeling in both feet. VA doc also turned me down 3 times. Said I had to claim with in one year of leaving the service.Didn’t start til 25 years later.Cannot get any doc to relate it to agent orange.Even one of the heads at U of P.

  13. You may want to review a new web site: . It contains pictures of the AFLS facilities, a history of our unit, etc. A list of AFLS instructors with contact information is also available to those that register.

    • AFLS-Vietnam (Advisory Team 62) will be holding our third reunion in Branson, MO on September 27-30, 2018. Registration information for the reunion is posted at . If you register at the site you will also be able to download a list of men we served with.
      Dean Hjelle

  14. Anybody know where I could find Jack Swanson? We went through Palace Dog training together at Lackland and he went to Nha Trang, at which point we lost touch. He’s on the PD list but no e-mail or other address is included.

  15. Gentlemen:
    I am an Admin on a Vietnam Vets Only FB page. We have a gentleman trying to gain entry into our group who claims he was with MACV Team 62. His name is Ed Stutz. I’ve tried to search for him here and on other MACV platforms but I am unable to find him listed anywhere. Can you guys help me out?
    Jim Buckland
    SSgt, USAF, 1970 & 1971

    • The Brinks I think.

      I was back in 1997 teaching prospective English Language Teachers on Semester At Sea. Took my son up to our apartment near the Pasteur Institute. Noticed that all the hotels that had been assigned quarters for US personnel were being torn down and replaced with Hilton, Marriot etc new buildings. The USO as well. Go figure!

      Near the Continental Palace at the end of the block and behind the Opera. I think the grand hotel dropped the Palace designation out of respect for Marx.

      Mike Johnston
      Navy group.
      What were we called? Squids?

      • It was the White BEQ, Upon leaving the Capitol go left then left again on the first street & the White was on the left. Across the street was a Steam n’ Cream. The Brinks was down the street from the Eden Building on the N. side of the Opera House. I have a map dated June ’69 showing every US facility in Sai Gon as circles w/ numbers in them. On a separate sheet there is a list broken down by type of facility, e.g., BOQ, BEQ, etc., the number in the circle & grid coordinates, e.g., A9. The Eden & the Brinks were both demolished. At the site of the Eden is a faux-French colonial bldg. & the Brinks location is now a Park Hyatt. Last year Joe Bellino, Joe Skelton & I walked from the Opera House to Cho Lon passing in order from E>W: the Rex, Dai Nam & Wabash Inn, Bui Vien, Hung Dao, Ky Son, & Kalamazoo BEQs, the Dong Khanh school, Capitol/St. George & the White BEQs. The Capitol was demolished & replaced w/ another bldg. which was in turn demolished so there is just a pile of rubble there now. I last visited the St. George earlier this year w/a British filmmaker who shot a 10 min. docu. about my life here then & now. It’s on YouTube: Joe S. & I live here; Joe B. visits frequently as he lives in Naning, China. He is temporarily stranded here as both China & VN are closed due to COVID.

        • Very interesting YouTube video, Mike. I enjoyed seeing the changes in Saigon and learning that I’m not the only one who has grown old and grey. Good luck.

          • We’re all there at varying degrees of health at about the same age -mid ’70s. After discharge I became a hippie & radically changed my diet; lost 25 lbs. in 2 months & I’ve been on a very healthy diet ever since. Heavy on the fresh fruits & vegetables & light on the animal protein; mostly chicken, turkey & fish. But… being a “red-blooded American boy” I have a craving for a hamburger or pizza & indulge myself 2-3 times a month. Then I work it off by swimming & strength training. Have to confess I was kinda’ shocked @ the 2014 reunion at how many guys were so far out of shape. How are you & where are you? I’ve been in Sai Gon for the past 3-1/2 years &, while not “living large” am enjoying it. Living on 1/4 of what it was costing me for my apt./studio in SoCal. Regards, MB

            • I retired after teaching history for 32 years at the Louisiana School for Math, Science, & the Arts and at Northwestern State University. Currently, we are still living in Natchitoches, Louisiana, though our children (and grandchildren) are scattered from Seattle to NYC to Dallas to Baton Rouge. I live in Louisiana, which means that I eat and eat well . . . which isn’t necessarily the same as healthy. But life is good. . . .

            • Michael, I think I was on that flight. I know my Freedom Bird was on World Airways. I remember it was dark when we took off, and I remember a stop in Japan, but no certain about Yokota. I vaguely remember Kadena, but maybe that was not this stop.
              I have been retired from all paid work since November 2012. After my 4 years were up, I got my MA from Teacher’s College, Columbia Univ. Ultimately, I returned to Maine in 1975 and joined the Maine Air National Guard to help me pay my mortgage. I stayed for 28 years, retiring in December 2005. My last duty was as Command Chief Master Sergeant of the Maine Air National Guard. My civilian employment was as an Educational Specialist for the Maine Department of Labor, from which I retired in 2006, then went to work for Central Maine Community College as the Institutional Research consultant until 2012. I now spend my time dodging Coronavirus germs, and playing a little golf in the summer. Like Jim Findley, our children are scattered–Houston, Minneapolis, and Jersey City.

      • The Brinks was a BOQ not a BEQ & located in downtown SG far from the St. George. It was on Hai Ba Trung behind & NE of the Opera House. Demolished & a Hyatt built on the site.

  16. I hope there is someone out there that can help me. I too was assigned to Det. 11, 1131 USAF Specl Acty Sq (HG Comd, USAF), Ft. Myer, Va. I too lived out of the St. George and was assigned to the Armed Forces Language School. But I never heard of Team 62 nor Palace Dog. To be specific, my assignment (as it reads on the Citation on the Medal I received) was: “NCOIC of Instructors, Armed Forces Language School, Camp Tran Hung Dao, Joint General Staff Compound, Training Directorate, Headquarters, Military Assistance Command Vietnam”. I can Google the St. George but when I Google Camp Tran Hung Dao I draw a blank. Even though I’m now 80 years old, I don’t think I’m going senile yet but obviously I’m doing something wrong. Anybody??

    • The term ‘Palace Dog’ was unique to the Air Force. We went through instructor training at Lackland AFB then went to Vietnam under a program then known as Palace Dog. Several years ago, I began the Yahoogroup called Palace Dog. Only later did I learn that the Army and Navy instructiors never heard you hat code name. There are so many posts on the group that changing the name now would cause a lot of history to be lost.
      The Air Force was there PCS but many of the Army and Navy personnel were there TDY.

      • Yes, I was PCS’ed there (I was USAF). We did our training at Lackland, and yes, we were “Palace Dog” trainees at the Defense Language Institute installation there. I still have my “DLI” badge from that time. The DLI school at Lackland was one of my better memories: we had a lot of foreigners there including some Iranians: we were allied with them at the time, since the Shah was in power. A lot of them were Iranian AF women, some of the most beautiful ladies I have ever seen in my life. With only an E-2’s pay I was unable to do more than look, I’m sorry to say.

        We had a few Navy people in the compounds where I taught (JGS and Tan Son Nhut) but well over 90% of us were USAF. One of the Navy instructors was a guy I was in college with. The Army people were mostly the senior NCO’s and the officers. A Major Gardner was CO during most of tour.

        I believe the Palace Dog program was unusual in that all of us had at least a Bachelor’s degree, and I knew of a few people with Masters’ degrees; there was one who was rumored to have a PhD but I can’t remember who he was.

        At first I lived in a BEQ in Cholon (I can’t remember which one, but I think it was White’s) just down the street from an NCO club; I have a picture of it somewhere. Later I was moved to the MACV compound barracks, which were nowhere near so comfortable. Late in my tour (I was there a year) I was hospitalized at Third Field for pneumonia that I contracted from exposure. Damn and blast, that was a long time ago!

        • I was TDY from Phu Cat and remember Advisory Team 62 as an English Language Specialist on the call for volunteers. I joined sometime in December 1968 (I thought November). Our teaching began Immediately and each day we boarded buses and went to Koelper Compound. there was a group of about 8 army guys that were a permanent duty there. I remember that the school on Tan Son Nhut had been destroyed during Tet of 68 so where they taught until Koelper opened in December 1968 assume it must have been Camp Tran Hung Dao
          Jerry Brown November 1968 – May 1969 Saigon

        • I was at Tan Son Nhut Annex School out from the base and MACV Annex. In country with Det. 11 from 13 Jan. 70 – 14 Jan. 71. When we went through the program at the DLI School at Lackland, we were referred to as Palace Dogs. One airman that I remember even from our BMTS was Michael Tubb from Maryland or Delaware (I think). He lacked only the defense of his dissertation to officially earn his PhD. Can’t remember his college. When I was there, several of us pulled “extra” duty as members of the MACV Aux. Defense Force. I ended up with one of the M-60 pigs (fun piece). On a daily basis, we all were armed with M-16’s and took them with us to the “school” which was an old French Army Ammo Depot. One day, we were assigned to dig a “fighting pit” for ourselves and we came across several old parts of French “stuff”, some of which we had to call in EOD. Ended up at Brooks AFB in San Antonio as a SSGT.

        • Tom, I was at the TSN annex school (13 Jan. 70-14 Jan. 71) in Det. 11. I remember your name somehow or other. The PhD “candidate” was Michael Taub. Most of us lived in the MACV Annex barracks. John Mark Lester

  17. I was an aircraft mechanic on C-7A caribou which serviced the small fire bases in the Central Highlands. After reading of and ignoring openings for a 6 months TDY assignment as an English instructor in the base daily bulletin I was called in by my CO at Phu Cat Air Base. He briefed me that it was in Saigon and on what the assignment involved. Well I arrived in February 69 and taught at Koeppler Compound till August 69 while living in the St. George in Cho Lon. We sat in on a few classes of the guys already assigned were giving to get our bearings and then were thrown in to the deep end of the pool with our own classes. We knew we were part of MACV at Ton Son Nhut but had no idea the group was referred to as “Palace Dogs” nor “MACV Team 62” at the time but simply Armed Forces Language School. I was in the St. George when they blew up the Dong Khanh school. After August 69 if I remember right the trained instructors from Lackland took over.

    Most of the gray matter has become gray hair but some of the guys with me were Dave Pierce, Grant McCloud, Gerald Van Zandt, John(?) Mattingly and McCoy. The CO was named Capt. Springer if memory serves me.

    • Quite a shock to see my name in print after all these years,Bob! Especially after hooking up with the “Happy Valley” Phan Rang group this past week (perm. In-country base) The bells are ringing,but by now I’d be happy with a tinkle! Names are tough to come by,but events are much clearer. Jim(?) Dent (Dente)was my roommate,but he had a place downtown. I always felt safer in Cho-Lon than NYC; that was until they blew the front off the school.
      My experience was close to yours. No one volunteered, so the CO “Volunteered” someone. He raised HELL and I caught wind of it. Sounded good so I went for the bait. Why didn’t I listen to dear old Dad? (Do not volunteer!)

      • Grant: Great to hear from you again !

        I can’t blame you if you can’t picture anyone after all these years I have trouble also.

        I was notified of your post by a ex-Navy guy named Dean Hjelle who taught at Koeppler after us and is running a site on Yahoo groups called “English Language Instructors” for the guys who taught there and Dong Khanh.

        I could probably write here all night of what I remember while assigned at Koeppler / Cho-lon but why over extend my welcome after all these years. So I’ll give you my “E”mail and you can drop me a line if you wish.

      • Grant: It was good to hear from you again after all these years.

        I can’t blame you for not remembering names and faces because outside of the few I mentioned I can’t remember many either. I also find it easier to remember stories and things that happened. Well I could probably write all night about some of those stories but I don’t want to over extend my welcome here and this site won’t let us post pictures, videos or links (except personal web addresses) so if you care to talk more about the old days my address is :

  18. December, 1968, I was an E4, Malmstrom AFB, Montana. I volunteered for an assignment to Vietnam. Left Montana December, ’68, flew to Lackland AFB, enrolled in Defense Language Institute (still have the sweatshirt I bought). When I left Montana, the high was -25 degrees. Mid February, 1969, I landed in Tan Son Nhut AFB, where is was the middle of summer, about 105 (humidity). Our groups was taken to Cho-Lon, where we were billeted in a multi-story hotel, just around the corner from an NCO club. We taught at the Dong Khan hotel on Tran Hung Doa street, until it was blown up by a parked quatre-chevaux taxi, 12 August 1969 (per the date on the list of Purple Heart recipients) (I was one), then we were moved to the tin huts on the outskirts of Tan Son Nhut. We were never told any unit or other information, other than we were assigned to MACV, We had a VN General, and a U.S.Army colonel, and a USAF captain. We had a first sgt, Snowden. I left Vietnam in February, 1970, for Pease AFB,NH. I had exactly 6 monthe and two weeks to go and they would not let me out early because of the extra two weeks. I have never seen any of my colleagues on any site, and I am not sure if I was Palace Dog, Unit 62 or what? Some of my fellow instructors were Bush, Rutherford (four-eyes), Alan Coates, and Morton. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you and goose morning!

  19. Guys,

    Help me out here.

    I have a memory that we were told that we were in Team 62, we didn’t talk about it much. We wore the standard MACV patch but after reading many of these posts, I wonder if we were in Team 62.

    I’ve seen all of these posts about living or working in Tan Son Nhut, which I didn’t do. I lived in some hotel on a busy street and walked a few blocks to an old, French colonial building to teach at the school.

    After initially being sent to the 199th Lt Inf Bde (Sep) from July to September or October, 1970, I was transferred into Saigon to teach English to Vietnamese military who were taking training in English. I went back to The World in April, 1971.

    It was the DLI method, which I was familiar with because I attended a 30 week course in Vietnamese language at Ft Bliss, Texas.

    Going into Saigon was great. I took my first hot shower in over three months and felt that I could not only get out of here alive, but I had clean sheets, a roof, a good mess hall, and a light work schedule (12:00 noon to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday – I couldn’t believe it – weekends just didn’t happen in Viet Nam). The rear was great duty. Like with the 199th, I met some great guys and can say that occasionally I felt equally like a GI and like a tourist.

    A good pal was Craig Peacock from Asheville, NC and we had civilian administrators, Ed Hahn and Richard Merrill.

    So, what is the collective wisdom of this group? Any recollection of a similar circumstance?


    Dan McCoy

    • Dan
      When I responded to a call for volunteers in fall of 1968 it asked for those interested in becoming language specialist in Advisory Team 62. I was selected and arrived either November or December 1968. I was picked up by and Army member of team who wore the MACV patch and was taken to MACV HQs to process in – quick work and the Army guy waited and then delivered me to the St. George Hotel where I became on of initially 8 AF guys to join about 8 or so Army guys. We were given a blue AFLS patch to wear from our fatigues shirt pocket. The army had only MACV patches and never asked them if they were part of team 62, most had been through TET 68 when school was destroyed and they moved to Cholon. We were soon joined by maybe 8 or 10 navy guys who also wore the blue patches.
      We and Army lived at St. George and Navy lived elsewhere. We all taught at Koelper Compound, would guess old French building until Dong Khanh in April 1969? opened to accommodate a huge influx of AF instructors.
      I return to my activated ANG unit at Phucat AFB in May 1969 returning to Andrews AFB for discharge.
      I recent got my complete records from St. Louis and there is no mention of my time in Saigon as either Team 62 or Palace Dog. They said write AF directly if what I want is not in my file.
      Hope this helps
      Jerry Brown

    • Hi Dan,
      My name is George Wanamaker. I was in the first group of instructors at the AFLS in 1968. I too was brought in from the 199th. Ed Hahn was the original admin. guy and headed the civilian team. There was about 15 or so instructors at that time. The operation was headed by a Lt. Col. Telafaro, along with about two or three other civilian admin people. We had a Jeep driver named Chu who mainly did PX runs. E-7 Popp was the first sergeant. He would buy any rations you did not use on your card, then sell the stuff on the black market. Everyone else actually had to go thru the process for a promotion! We taught on the JGS compound next to Ton sa Nhut AFB. That sure was good duty after being in the field. At the time that school was Westmoreland’s little pet project. He once spoke to us as a group, making the remark that we couldn’t be effetive partners with the S. Vietnamese if we could not communicate with them in the field. We taught interpreters, Viet pilots going stateside to Ft Rutger aviation school, and people working in the US embassey with Americans. I returned home in July of 1968. Back then we did not have a team number that I was aware of because the project was Westy’s experiment at the time. I can answer questions from July 68 back regarding the AFLS.

      • I was assigned about April 68. I came out of the 716 mp bn in Cholon. I recall your name and some you mentioned . Plus the army was E-7 Hunter. A MSG was a legendary shooter st Ft. Benning . A SSF Fensterer or Fenstermaker? All Army NCOs. A Major ran the outfit. I was not trained and totally unqualified. I was there a year then took an in country discharge.

    • Dan – I was a Navy AFLS-Vietnam instructor from October 1970 – October 1971 and taught at Royal Annex, JGS Annex, Vung Tau and Tan Son Nhut. We lived at the St. George BEQ and later the barracks at MACV. We (Navy) were assigned to MACV Advisory Team 62. While collecting contact information for our instructors, I realized that the vast majority of Air Force instructors relate to Palace Dog rather than Advisory Team 62. Some Air Force instructors have also mentioned Det 11, 1131st USAF Special Activities Squadron (HQ Comd USAF) and Advisory Team 7 in Nha Trang. I had never heard the term PalaceDog or any of the others while I was in Vietnam. Our Yahoo Groups page and a Facebook page are named PalaceDog.

      In December 1969 we had the following numbers of instructors USAF 354 (JGS, Koelper, Tan Son Nhut), USA 15 (Dong Khanh Annex), USN 70 (Royal Annex), ARVN 29 (Dong Khanh Annex), VN Civ 11 (Dong Khanh Annex) and USA 80 (Vung Tau Annex). This information is from After Action Reports posted on the PalaceDog site.

      Dong Khanh Annex was car bombed on 1/31/68. 28 instructors received Purple Hearts.

      • Sorry for the error, the Dong Khanh bombing occurred on 8/7/69. The JGS Annex facility was destroyed on 1/31/68 during Tet.

      • I lived in a hotel in Colon for a couple months and was moved to barracks at Tan Son Nhut. Instructors did live there from about October 70 on.

  20. I arrived at Ton Son Nhut in Oct of ’70 and left in May of ’72. I remember Tom Caceci because his bunk was just down the line from me. I remember the names Ken Cronin and Larry Hayes. I was on the morning shift at the language school and kept busy as a life guard at the MAC V swimming pool in the afternoon and sometimes evening. I lived on the tennis courts and on the racket ball courts otherwise. Other names I remember off the top of my head are Steve Jones, Jim O’Hare, Tom O’Neil, Rod Baber, – Nishihara, Marlin Howard, Bob Blank, and Don Fink. It was great duty and full of great people.

    • Mac – Please send me an email address so I can contact you off-site. I am part of the AFLS-Vietnam reunion committee and have contact information for several of the instructors you mentioned. Dean (

    • Haven’t viewed this site in years. I recall Jim O’hare fondly. Jones and Blank as well. Also worked mornings. Recall not wearing any badges due to security. Also worked at the MACV gym handing out equipment and driving a truck into Saigon to laundry. My buds were Pacifico, Gomez, Carpenter and Reeves. Remember volleyball games and barbecue s at Ton Son Nhut campus. New school was being built at the time. Enjoyed the students . Recall that they were sent to front if they did not pass their lab exams. Very difficult to say goodbye to them.

  21. I have the list of the 18 guys who received the Purple Heart when the Dong Khan school was blown up in 1969, if anyone is interested. I also have pictures of the aftermath.

    • Alve, My name is Tom Upson and I was one of the 18. I had a picture at one time after the blast. My room was on the second floor facing the street not far from the guard shack that was leveled. If you could send me any information I would appreciate it.

  22. I served from Oct 60 to Oct 70, mostly at TSN #1. It is good to see some familiar names joining the group!

      • Now silver hair, what there is left, but still the glasses. I saw a post from Tom Downey earlier. Hope all is well with you. Eric Floyd sends his regards.

  23. Peter, we were there at the same time at TSN. I arrived end of December 1969 and Deros’d November 1971. I was headed for Wiesbaden Germany after VN. I took German classes with one of you guys. Any idea who that might have been?

    Jim Buckland (SSgt)
    834th Air Div., 377th Combat Support Group

  24. I trained at Lackland, Defense Language Institute, in 1969. I served Dec 69 to Nov 70, mostly at the Tan Son Nhut School and lived at MACV Annex. I spent part of that time at the Koepler compound and lived at the St. George Hotel. I remember a couple of guys who were with me during that year at the Tan Son Nhut school: James Menges, Danny McKnight, Orin Schaal,
    I am James Pascarella, now living on Guam. Facebook page: James Joseph Pascarella Jr

  25. This Rodger Poole from I think North Carolina. Yes I remember him. I was with MACV 62 from Apr-Oct 69 taught at Dong Khanh School in Cholon(Saigon).

  26. In the “old days” of 1967 we wore only one patch, that being MACV. The very few Viet military personel wore the blue patch of their unit. There were even a few American civilian cadre, and Viet civilian cadre teaching classes. They did not wear O.D. but were able to wear street clothes. We had a Viet corporal as a “company driver” on call for PX runs, trips on and off the base, and special trips for C.O. He just sat in that Jeep all day and smoked when not driving!
    We taught out of paperback books, and had other collateral with pictures for examples of difficult to explain subjects. The total office personell consisted of the C.O., a 1st. Sgt., an American G.S. rated civilian supervisor that the few American civilians answered to, and a Viet civilian male clerk typist.

  27. Armed Forces Language School (AFLS) – Vietnam instructors are encouraged to check out our Yahoo Group site: . MACV Advisory Team 62 and PalaceDog were both names used for our group. We taught English to Vietnamese Air Force, Navy and Army personnel. The majority of instructors were Air Force, but we also had Navy and Army instructors. Facilities were located in Saigon, Cholon, Vung Tau, Nha Trang and Dalat. Some of the facility names you might recognize include Dong Khanh, Koelper, Royal Annex, JGS Annex and the new school at Tan Son Nhut. We have identified the names of over 900 instructors and have contact information for over 200. There is a very good chance some were there during your tour. Our next reunion is scheduled for the end of September 2018 in Branson, MO.

    Dean Hjelle
    MACV Advisory Team 62
    AFLS – Vietnam
    Oct 70 – Oct 71

    • I would be very interested in your list of instructor names. I was there Aug 70 to Aug 71. Is there a way to post pictures? I have quite a few. I lived in a billet in Cholon for a couple of months (forget the name, it was a grubby “hotel”) then moved to the JGS compound.

      • Tom,

        This site won’t allow me to send an email directly to you. I would be happy to send you the most recent version of the list of instructors . Just send an email requesting it to me at . Pictures can be posted to the Yahoo site. A lot have already been posted there and there are even a few after action reports in the file section. The hotel you mentioned was likely the St. George BEQ, or possibly the Capitol BEQ which was right in front of it. Several instructors brought slide shows and scrapbooks to the reunion. It was a great time!

    • Just stumbled on this page. Served as English language instructor in Saigon Oct 69-Oct 70. I lived at the St George Hotel, and taught up the street at Dong Khanh if memory serves me.

    • I was an Air Force English Language Instructor at the Koelper School from April 23 to October 8, 1969. I also did some liaison work at the Dong Khanh school until they blew it up August 7, 1969. I just discovered this website. Please include me on your emails and notices. It was a long time ago and many details are gone with the wind, but many cannot be erased. I would also be interested in the list of names you have. Please advise how I can be included on the list and notices. I do not do Facebook or Twitter, but I do email. See below.

      Thanks for your help.

  28. I was Air Force attached to MAC-V at Tan Son Nhut Air Force Base, Saigon in 1971. Was with a great bunch of guys I remember fondly. New school was being built at the time. Although memory is lagging these days. Tried to research the time but not much seems to be on-line about the language school. Some small article from a guy was trying to convince that it did indeed exist as he new someone who served there. Comments above are from an earlier time. Anyone out there from 70 -72? Nice to see some reunion efforts have gone on. Starting to write memoir and would love to connect with guys I knew from that period. Please e-mail me.

    • We do not have your current email addresses on the Advisory Team 62/PalaceDog master list. If you would send me an email ( I will send you the Advisory Team 62 reunion announcement. Any other names and email addresses you would be willing to send would also be greatly appreciated.

    • Peter,
      As Jerry implied, I manage the MACV Advisory Team 62 / Palacedog instructor list. We plan to hold our third reunion in Branson, MO, in 2018. Please send an email to We have contact information for quite a number of instructors that were in Saigon the same time you were. I am unable to send you a personal email from the information available on this list. Dean – Oct 70-Oct 71

    • I was there, yes, the language school existed. We trained at Lackland at the Defense Language Institute facility. I arrived in Vietnam August 1970 and left in August 1971. Taught at JGS, and Tan Son Nhut. I was assigned to teach AFVN enlisted personnel. I was USAF but the team was run by the Army, so we wore Army uniforms with USAF insignia. It’s hard to find anything about the language school! Glad to find this site.

    • Good to see a name I remember. You will find a lot of information and photos by joining the Palacedog group at Yahoo groups

      Last I recall you and Pacifico were heading out to billets downtown.


    • Peter, I arrived at MAC V in Oct ’70 and after a 6 month extension, I left in April/May of ’72. I was billeted just opposite the mess hall on the second floor. I believe that I may remember you and that you bunked opposite me but more central on the floor. I was located just inside the door facing the mess hall. I worked the AM shift at the school and life guarded at the MAC V pool usually in the PM or in the evening and played a lot of racket ball and tennis so I kept fairly busy. I am from suburban Philadelphia. If I can be helpful, please contact me.

      Regards, Malcolm “Mac” J. Keiter

  29. Tom & Bill,

    We do not have your current email addresses on the Advisory Team 62/PalaceDog master list. If you would send me an email ( I will send you the Advisory Team 62 reunion announcement. Any other names and email addresses you would be willing to send would also be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

    Advisory Team 62
    Oct 70-Oct 71

    • Hello Dean, I got your phone message, but the number was garbled. Yes I was with the AFLS from March 70 – June 71. Lived at the St George in Cholon, then moved to MACV

  30. This is in reply to Carl Wisneski’s 2014 post. Some more names in our group are: Peter Darby, and John Esher. I have been in touch with both. Also, Jack Wilson was in the group behind us. We were all instructors from 4/69 – 4/70.

    • Hello Tom. Last I heard you lived somewhere in Pennsylvania.
      John J Blair, had a listing one time of all of us
      Phone numbers and addresses.
      He lives in Mission, TX. Just outside McAllen.

        • I would be happy to send you a spreadsheet containing contact information for many of our team members if you send me your email address. Our next reunion will be held in Branson, MO September 27-30, 2018.

          Dean Hjelle

          October 70 – October 71

  31. Fred,
    Our first reunion was held in San Antonio. It’s too bad you missed it. Please send your email address to Carl or me so we can keep you better informed. You may want to join the Yahoo Groups ‘Palacedog’ page as well. There are a lot of pictures and information you may find interesting. Carl was Air Force. I was Navy.


  32. Fred Fisher, taught from Oct ’69 to Oct ’70. 2323 Cardigan Hill, San Antonio, Texas 78232. Why not have the next reunion in San Antonio…where it all began 🙂

  33. MACV Advisory Team 62 – AFLS English Language Instructors, Vietnam will be holding their second reunion in Branson, MO September 29 – October 2, 2016. Please contact Carl Wisneski ( ) or Dean Hjelle ( for more information. If you are unable to attend, please contact us so we can add your name to our contact list for future reunions.

    • Dan McCoy – VN language school in Saigon, October 1970, until April 1971. In a lucky stroke of luck, I was transferred into Saigon from the 199th Lt. Inf. Bde and got out of the bush to a safe placement in the rear. I loved it, by comparison.

    • Hi Dean, please add me to the list, i served from Aug of 1971 through May of 1972, Not many replies from this span. We had a whole barracks of Navy personnel, mostly E-3 TARS. thanks for doing this.

      Mark Tunison

  34. My gosh the things one finds on the internet. SSgt James Buckland. Was assigned to the 834th Air Division, 377th Combat Support Group, ALCE and ALCC. Two tours: 1970 and 1971. Worked to support MACV Teams with both supplies and Commando Vault missions. Had an assignment to Wiesbaden Germany following my second tour. I enrolled in and took German lessons. Looking back I often have wondered who the hell the people were that taught me basic 101 German. Guess it was MACV Language people. Think I remember the classes at TSN but also in Cholon(?)

  35. I taught at the AFLS at Ton Son Nhut on the JGS compound in 1968 during Tet. I rotated in July of 1968. I never knew what happened to the unit after leaving. The gun ships left the school a twisted mass of corrugated steel while going after NVA insurgents.

  36. This comment is for the Moderator. There is some confusion here. I was with MACV Mobile Advisory Team (62) in Kien Tuong Province, Village of Bac Chan. The other group that is posting is an Air Force Group (AFIS). I contacted one of the individual and see their email below:


    We were a relatively small Navy unit attached to an Air Force command. My orders said Advisory Team 62 (AFLS). Some of the Air Force personnel identify with Advisory Team 62, others with Palacedog. I understand there was another group named Palacedog also. We taught English to Vietnamese sailors, marines, airmen and army personnel. The Navy had one school in Saigon, the Army one in Vung Tau and the Air Force at least three in Saigon and one in Nha Trang. I don’t know if AFLS (Armed Forces Language School) was referred to as Advisory Team 62 in 1968 but I know it existed in Saigon at that time.

    I would suggest requesting that the moderator of the site list us as Advisory Team 62 (AFLS). Maybe yours could be Advisory Team 62 (RF) or something your team members would recognize. It’s been awhile since I looked at the site but it might be good to ask the moderator to separate the comments currently under Advisory Team 62 so they fall under the right group – yours or ours.

    Feel free to contact the moderator and make these changes. I know those on our team would recognize AFLS so that would be much better for us than Tan Son Nhut.

    I hope this helps,



    I couldn’t find anything either but the last entry under Team 15 seems to indicate that Bill was able to contact the administrator by just making a post addressed to admin under one of the teams (in our case Team 62). It’s very possible that the administrator sees and has to approve each post.

    Here is a copy of Bill’s post and the administrator’s response.

    Bill Presz, SSgt. USAF MILPHAP Team 57 permalink
    October 15, 2013 8:11 pm

    Admin, Please note, MILPHAP Team 15 was located in Vinh Binh Provence, the city of Tra Vinh (aka Phu Vinh) in the Mekong Delta. The team leadership in ¹68 and ¹69 was as follows:
    Commander: USAF Maj. David S. Zarek, 553 Med. Svc. Flight
    Administrative Officer: USAF Capt. Richard Gill, 553 Med. Svc. Flight
    NCOIC MILPHAP Team 15: USAF TSgt. Harold Powell

    I¹ve been posting to the Team 57 site in error. I received a copy of my official Service Records this AM indicating that the Team I was part of was in fact Team 15. I can send you a copy of the document if you need to verify. Please move my posts to the Team 15 site and advise me how to change the team number next to my name. Bill Presz, SSgt. USAF MILPHAP Team 15. Thank you in advance.


    MACV TEAMS permalink*
    July 4, 2014 4:39 pm

    Thank you Bill.

    I hope this helps,


    • I,m Leslie Scheeler selective service number 284491350 I,M SPEC 4 rank. Time in country Jan. 1969 to Jan. 1970. Stationed along the side of the Air force Base. This was Fuel depot Base. Sure meet the other people I was with

  37. I was an ESL instructor at TSN 1 from Oct 69 to Oct 70. Lived in one of the 4 barracks at MACV Annex. Eric Floyd was, and still is, my best friend.

  38. I was an TESL Instuctor, language lab. tech. and testing ctr. tech. At Koepler Compound and then TSN 2. In-country from 13 NOV ’69 to 12 NOV ’70. It would great to reconnect

  39. Instructors I know of:
    Allen, Thomas F. AF11710996
    Blair, John J. AF15964609
    Golas, John P. Jr. AF11807445
    Hare, John R. AF18984929
    Kunz, Paul AF68040185
    LaValley, Richard J. AF12834409
    McSorley, Ronald E. AF68029230
    Milburn, Glenn J. AF68029140
    Neiman, Michael AF18984460
    Oak, Oden L. AF11841845
    Ohora, Jon P. AF11647268
    Peddie, William A. J. AF68061566
    Poole, Rodger E. Jr. AF12834263
    Porter, Joel S. AF12986389
    Russ, Roger A. AF17724397
    Seely, Robert R. Jr. AF15814610
    Upson, Thomas T. AF11891623
    Wisneski, Carl AF68077699
    Yates, Roger W. AF12895953
    Zenith, Daniel L. AF11630103

      • I was at Koepler Compound in Saigon (59-70) and lived in the Hung Dao and White hotels. Steve Gilman and I were both based at Grand Forks after Vietnam. I stay in touch with my roommate, Larry Sutterer, Dennis Edwards and Joel Corneli.

        • Thomas – We do not have a current email for you on our AFLS-Vietnam master list. Please send me an email off list. Thank you. Dean (

    • John J. Blair lives in Mission, TX, just outside McAllen.
      I was unable to find his phone number.
      Anybody remember him??
      He may have a listing of all the guys names and addresses, at least then.

      • I was there from 1969 to 1970 I don’t know any of these comrrads. I believe the post that I was stationed at was 602 it was a fuel depot this was Ton Son Nut 602nd GS CO 6th Army

    • I am Rodger E. Poole, Jr’s sister, Diana Poole Smith in Virginia. Rodger died on January 9, 2017 one day after his 71st birthday, of Scleroderma related esophageal problems. Do I understand correctly that Rodger was an Air Force language instructor with Team 62 at Ton Son Nhut?

      • Diane, I am saddened to hear of Rodger’s passing. He and I were part of the first wave of English language instructors sent to Vietnam. We were originally sent to Saigon and taught at a school in Cholon. We lived in the Hung Dao hotel. We were later reassigned upcountry in Nha Trang. I don’t know our unit designation in Saigon, but we were part of Air Force Advisory Group, Air Force Advisory Team 4 while in Nha Trang. That unit was later redesignated Advisory Team 7. While we were in Nha Trang, we appropriated a couple of sailboats and Rodger was the only guy with actual sailing experience. So he taught me and a couple of other guys how to bark orders. He was a good guy.

        • I don’t know if Diane will see this but I can remember going with Rodger and some others to the Continental Hotel in Saigon and imagine Graham Greene sitting with us since he was a resident for some time. I saw Rodger once after Vietnam when he was at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama. Sorry to hear of his passing.

      • Diane; I also was saddened to hear of Roger’ passing. I was a member of the second group to be sent to Nha Trang as a English Language Instructor at the Air Training Center. When I first arrived (August 1969), the first group (i.e. Jack Golas et al) were living in what was known as the cantonement area. Roger must have told you about our accommodations we moved into later. They were nice and I was Roger’s roommate. I guess there were about 12-15 people in the house. We were roommates until Roger left in April 1970. My memory is not what it was at one time, but I do remember that Roger was highly respected by the students and staff of the school. Being new to teaching I needed all the help I could get. I spent many days and nights with Roger picking his brain about teaching methodologies and ways to improve my teaching. I am grateful to Roger for all the help he gave me
        Jack’s story about the sailboats must have happened before I arrived. Jack said it best…Roger was a good guy

  40. I was assigned to Detachment 11, 1131st Special Activities Squadron, Tan Son Nhut Air Base, Vietnam, with duty at Kopler Compound, Saigon, Vietnam from October 1969 to 1970. I taught at the school located in Cholon, and performed other duties in addition to teaching.

    Lafayette (Paul) Harney, SMSgt USAF Retired

  41. Air Force guys were assigned to MACV Advisory Teams, We worked with a mix of the other services, but mostly Army. The FACs had a tough job. They had to fly low and be exposed to ground fire in order to do their job successfully. I was with Team 62 out of TSN Annex.

    • Fred,

      Advisory Team 62 (Palacedog) is in the final stages of planning a reunion at Lackland AFB. If Interested you will want to check out the Yahoo Group site named Palacedog.


  42. I need some help from you IV Corps (Mekong Delta) Advisory Team vets.

    I am trying to piece together my brother’s experiences in Vietnam (June 65 to June 66) for the benefit of his boys and the rest of the family.

    A2C Tom Toussaint was a USAF reciprocating engine mechanic. For part of his time he was on Advisory Team 53 at Long Xuyen or Can Tho. He spent time at Soc Trang and Chi Lang. And he had been in both Thailand and Laos.

    I think he was a crew chief on a Forward Air Control 1-E Bird Dog. He had hundreds of slides taken from the rear seat of the FAC plane of air strikes in the forests below. But the few pictures I have of him show only Bird Dogs with US Army markings, not USAF.

    How were these Advisory Teams organized? Who did the members report to?

    Could he have been working on an Army plane?

    He talked about having an M60 mounted on the door of the O1-E. The FAC’s I have talked to said that the Army O1-E’s did this, but not the Air Force.

    What was the role of these USAF people on these Advisory Teams in the Delta?


    Ed Toussaint
    Potomac, MD

  43. I was with MAT 62 but in 1968 it was located in Ap Bac Chan, Capital Moc Hoa, Province of Kien Tuong. RIght under the Parrot’s Beak area of the Cambodia border. We reported to SF Team B41 out of Moc Hoa. Timeframe: June 1968 to November 1968. At times the SF also called us MAT 85. I wonder if the team moved subsequently?

    • Fred,

      We have two Yahoo groups set up for Advisory Team 62. The primary one is Palacedog and the other AFLS Vietnam. They contain a lot of pictures, after action reports, etc. I also have a database of a lot of men that we served with. Contact me if you are interested.

      I taught at Royal Annex, JGS and Ton Son Nhut. I also spent about 3 weeks teaching at Vung Tau.

      Dean Hjelle
      Advisory Team 62
      Oct 70-Oct 71

      • Dean,

        I taught at the AFLS school in Cholon and also at Ton Son Nhut after they blew up our school in Cholon. This was in 1969. I was there TDY and now my TDY orders no longer exist. Do you know how I could get a list of the instructors who taught there in 1969.


        Peter Burg

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