Team 60 Vinh Long-Sa Dec

MACV Team 60 – Vinh Long-Sa Dec.

This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 60 located in Vinh Long-Sa Dec.  To post a new comment on this Team page please scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to “Leave a Reply”.

618 thoughts on “Team 60 Vinh Long-Sa Dec

  1. Steve, Thank you for the kind words about my memoir, The Ranger. It’s so great to hear from someone who was on Nui Gai. I’m impressed with your tour as a fellow advisor. Glad you survived the experience! Keep in touch. Gary L. Hinaman my email is if you want to contact me privately.

  2. Spec. 4 Charles E. Cook and I were the two advisors to the 4/14/9th ARVN who air assaulted on top of Nui Gai on October 5,1970 to secure the top of the mountain for the South Vietnamese army. There were 28 officers and 369 enlisted on that assault.  They told us there were at least three NVA Regiments on the hill and we were to take and hold the top until relieved.  Bye the 12th we had 7 officers and 69 enlisted left of the 4/14/9th ARVN, but we were still holding the top of Nui Gai.  My interpreter, Sargent Long told me we had less than 20 rounds of ammunition per man after he gave me that headcount.  We had been out of food for days and went almost three without water as they said it was “too dangerous” to resupply us.  Luckily, the NVA did not attack that night and we were finally resupplied and reinforced on the 13th.  A week or two later when we were relieved by a S. Vietnamese Ranger Battalion I took their Co Van a hot cup of coffee in a driving rainstorm.  I sure would like to communicate with that Captain and see how he survived that adventure. Gary L. Hinaman, 1st Lieutenant, Ranger Class 13-70. Author, “The Ranger “ published on Amazon 2020.

    • Hello Gary, I just got your book from Amazon and was delighted to read a story that mirrored so many of my experiences in some of the neighborhoods you visited, although at different times. I was a PFC about two months behind you on Nui Giai. I was with the 1/16/9th ARVN. We were on top of that mountain around Christmas. When I got dysentery from that crappy water, I was lucky enough to get a week off at the hospital in Cantho with a bonus ride from a chopper back up the mountain. I hated climbing up that thing. Up until reading your book, I thought someone made up an enemy body count on one of my awards, particularly the one at Nui Giai. I was witness to the ARVN casualties when we got ambushed coming down the mountain but was never in the vicinity of where the Navy gunships wreaked havoc upon. 30 seemed a bit much considering how sporadic our contact had been up until that point. Thank God you guys cleaned up a lot of that mountain before we got there. Your book brought back some memories I had buried for over 50 some years. Great read. Thanks for not only writing it but also coming to this blog and letting us know.

      • Steve, Thanks for the kind words about my memoir, The Ranger. I’m so impressed that you survived your tour on Nui Gia. I’m thinking you later units had a very rough time up there. I was in the hospital starting December 8, 1970 when First Sargent Raymond Spickelmier dusted me off of Tuck Chup so I kind of have a gap in my knowledge of what happened after we left while you were up there. I’m in NYS archery whitetail hunting as I write. My email is if you want to contact me off site. God Bless, Gary L. Hinaman

      • DJ..Name is Edwards I have 2 tours with TM 60 worked wirh 14th, 15th and 16 during both tours I cannot remember what unit I was with when it was ambushed between Vihn Long and Sadec…Cpt. Nichlow was SA does anyon rememberthat afternoon and night I read all comments ad post and never hear anyone say anything We lost half of our unit and 17 vehicles…I recently went to the same sight alot di-fferent the little bridge is still there email SFC William A Edwards67-68,,,70-71

  3. Names from my time 1969-1970;
    Col. Cavenger, major Spears, Capt. Jones, spclst. Kading, Jerry Kalinski, Lt. Gary Hineman,Sgt. Johnson. Charles E. ( Chuck) Cook.

    • Chuck, Been trying to locate you. I wrote a memoir, The Ranger published on Amazon that covers your time with me in the field. Gary L. Hinaman, 138 Pinyon Circle, Rangely, CO 81648

  4. I’m looking for a VC wanted banner for Robert L Hofmann. Does anyone still have one or do you know anyone who may? My husband, Bob, commanded the lightship/smokeship Tiger Surprise during mid 69 to early 70. The VC put out a bunch of wanted banners, written in Vietnamese, but with his full name announcing a million piastre reward. He never did get the chance to snag one. If anyone can help me to help him, my name is Amy Hofmann. Please text me at 808-542-3294. Thanks guys.

  5. My name is Gary Luff. I could use a little help from someone who was a UH1 pilot in the 114 van bbq on Easter Sunday 1967. I was the advisor to the 2-16 ARVN Ben of the 9th ARVN Div from 01-09 67 then in the G3 TOC until after Tet 1968 and would do the am joint brief to General Thi. As one of the first units airlifted into the Easter Sunday battle I was recommended for the Silver Star but need some substantiating information if any one can help me. I think Major Pallenchar is gone as is Reg Farrington. Sorry this is so long. My mail is Thank you one and all.

    • I think you came on after my dad; Sgt. Philip A Hebb Jr. Had been sent home by 1968. He worked as a Ranger Co advisor. He had big nasty firefight in Oct. 66 I believe. Couple birds went down He got trappped on the ground a couple days. His company out of 30th batt took very heavy casualties.. you ever here any about it? He said Hueys finally, with balls, rescued survivors. 114 out of 120 or so. He mentioned his partner, LaRiche, often.

    • Gary, I was the Senior TOC Advisor from October 1967 to May 1968. Lt Jack Jacob (MOH) came on board with the TOC after Tet, although I do not remember you. I was the 1/14th Battalion SA from May ’67 until going to Sadec in in October. I was in the TOC, shooting Jekos (lizards) off the wall with rubber bands on the night of Tet, when all at once small arms fire began reconshaing off the wall. Red Wilson was the compound commander, was running to the HQ building for security and fell face forward on his carbine and tore his finger nails off, the only one to receive the Purple Heart. I was a Captain at the time. Good to hear from you, and good luck on locating support for your recommended award. Charlie

      • Any of you guys remember Sgt. Philip Hebb Jr? He was advisor to ARVN 30th Ranger Batt. ’66 to ’67. A Sgt last name LaRiche was with dad and the company they advised.

    • Gary, This is Rex Latham. I was the Asst BN Advisor 3/16/9th ARVN on Easter Sunday 1967. The 1st lift of our BN was landed directly in front of the two VC BNs that morning and got shot to hell. Captain Tom Mitchell, the BN Senior Advisor, was with the 1st lift and killed rescuing crewmen from the downed helicopters. I was with the 2nd lift and went into the LZ to get his radio (mine was inoperable) and connect with the BN CO. As Reg Farrington, your Asst Advisor, recalled you guys landed in an LZ to the right of us with Major Palenchar and the 16th Regiment CO. Then, as I recall, the 1/14/9th ARVN landed in an LZ to the left of us. Reg and I, along with some of the chopper pilots, returned to Vietnam and the original rice paddy LZ in 2007 and commemorated the battle’s 40th anniversary. The Communists had erected a monument to their fake “victory.” It is nice to rewrite history.

      You are right, both Major Palenchar and Reg have passed away. Sorry, but I know nothing about your possible Silver Star recommendation. Someone on the admin team of Team 60 during that time frame might remember something.

      One thing, Easter Sunday 67 really stretched over two days (Saturday night when the two VC BNs attacked the 1/16/9th, which held them off ,and then all day Sunday when the 1st lift of the 3/16/9th was landed directly in front of the VC’s prepared “fall back” position. It was supposedly the biggest battle in the Mekong Delta prior to Tet 68 and you personally participated in it. As you may know several books include chapters on the battle and at least two magazine articles have been written about it.

      • As a note. The 9th ARVN US senior Adv had me and an RTO placed on immediate standby to go into the battle. There was a helio set aside on the division compound pad to make the lift. As luck had it we basically sat in the sun all day waiting for the ‘word’ to go which never came. As a side the TOC ‘forgot’ to tell us to standdown! Went to Sadec in early 2000, during the April Offensive commemorations, to see the place and walk the “Y.” The NVA have removed almost any trace of the SVN-US compounds

        • Dad was NCO advisor to N. Vietnamese Ranger Co. He was first unit in on an action that sounds very similar. He told me they were set down and essentially ambushed by an enemy unit much closer to LZ and much, much bigger. Dad told me when he got out with his wounded he had 14 alive and wounded remaining. His Co had lost 100 rangers. Dad said he had blood on him from a Ranger he had drug with him and multiple holes in his uniform, cuts, etc and was listed as wounded initially. I don’tknow if its same battle as yours. Sgt. Philip Hebb Jr..

      • One of the better books about the1967 Easter Sunday battle is titled “Vinh Long” written by Harvey Meyerson in1970. It is long out of print but it seems you can find almost anything on the internet these days.

  6. My father, Capt Pat Little, was a Team 60 advisor in SA Dec for May 1966 to May 1967. We lost him to ALS in 1998 but he never shared much information about his time in Viet Nam. I am very interested in talking with anyone about this time.

    • Hi David,
      My dad was:
      Capt. Frank ‘Bud’ Newman – 8 Jun 65 – 2 Oct 66
      II Field Force – 82162 -Adv Team 60 MACV {SubSecAd, 9th lnfDivAdDet{CI), Regt. Staff AD, 15th Regt., 9th INF ( Cl) MACV
      Capt. then Major – 20Jun66
      (Served w/ Special Detachment 59891 {SD-5891), MACV
      His second tour:
      2 Aug 69 – 2 Jun 70 – Chief of Protocol 2011 – Asst SGS – HQ I Field Force – Nha Trang

      I have extensive photos from his slides scanned and edited available to view on my Google drive. If you would like to see them email me at and I’ll send you a link to the drive.
      * he wrote on every slide so the file names are his comments. Best viewed on pc or mac. files are .pdf format.

    • You must have helped me as a young Cpt I was the Senior advisor to the ARVan 2/16 zing and first to be lifted into the battle of Easter Sunday March 36, 1968

    • I arrived at Sadec I think Nov 65 the only two names I remember were Cunningham and James Brown reassigned near Saigon I think in April or May of 66

      • Forgive me if I’ve previously replied to this – all the names appear on my dad’s slides.
        I believe you might find them there.
        Email me at and I can send you a link to view and download them on my Google drive.
        God Bless and eternally grateful for your service.

    • Name: Jack Brunson – Assistant G2 & G2 Air Advisor to 9th Inf Div (ARVN) on Team 60 – Feb 67 – Feb 68, looking for names of the G2 Advisory Team in SaDec. The G2 Advisor was George P. Cummings, Jr., MAJ, MI. Anyone has knowledge, please send.

      • I was a RA MI CPT at Team 60 in Sa Dec from Sept 68-Sept 69, as the G2 Air Advisor with additional duty as PX Officer. When I arrived the Asst G2 Advisor was CPT Steve Gerlach and the G2 Advisor was MAJ Angel Carrion. These two were replaced in mid- 1969 by CPT Allan Tureson and MAJ Ed Sweeney.

    • I would be very interested in a list or reunion as well. My father was in Sa Dec from May 1966 to May 1967.

      • Hi David; Have some photos of Sadec taken during the time your dad [and I] were there-5-66 to 5-67. Would you like some? Pete Shumbo

        • Peter, we overlapped in Sadec.  I was there Jan 67-Jan 68.  I was a CPT, first in Revolutionary Development, then Ass’t G-3 (Air) Adv.  I think we may have jointly briefed GEN Westmoreland on Mang Thich River/Nicolai Canal project.Interested in your photos from that era.Jim McGinnis

          Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

          • Hi Jim, Give me an e-mail address to send them to. Where you there when Westmorland dropped in? I drove out to the chopper pad to pick him up. When he was through talking with our SA, I drove him back. Too bad none of my buddies took photos.

              • Hi James; Going through my e-mail and latest MACV stuff-I show a 7/10/23 e-mail promising to send you photos of Sadec but my “sent” e-mails show none sent! If that is true,tell me, and I’ll send them to you.

                • Yes, Peter, I also had forgotten about my request. Hope all is well with you. Hope you can send photos. Do you remember John Couch, our PsyWarfare expert? Also Ty Cobb, Jake McGillen (Admin) and Dr. Dennis Mull (Harvard Medical School)? Good guys.
                  My e-mail:

  7. PART 6 TM 60 70-71


    ENG. ADV
    Van Epps


    MAT# 105
    O2 Tarbell
    E7 Baker
    E7 Worley
    E7 Zizak

    ARTY TM68
    E7 Poole
    O4 Thompson

    E7 Shelly

    • Steve what was the source of your roster for 70-71? I was there first with 16th RCAT and then forward CP as G-2 advisor. Oct 71 to Oct 72. Would like to get a roster for that time period.

      • Hi Jay,
        My source is a from a few of those small green Memoranda books I used to call in daily reports, positions, sightings etc A couple of them I must have gotten from my Senior Advisor, Captain Clayton after he stayed back in Sadec. He got wounded when we got mortared one night in Vinh Binh Province. I moved on to different missions with other Advisors and must have hung onto them for reference points. I had some of my formats in them for call ins, etc. Unfortunately he did not have a roster for the 16th Regiment which he and I were both assigned to, 1st Battalion, 16th Regiment, 9th ARVN. I know how it is when you bury stuff for years and then one day 40 or 50 years later it all bubbles back up to the surface, but as hard as you try, you can’t even remember the names of men you trusted your life with. That’s why I felt I should share some of these names so that at least they might be remembered in a small way on here.You came in a couple of months after I left. Sorry I couldn’t help more. Keep searching. It’s good to keep moving.

      • Sorry Steve,
        All I had was from around 70 71. Even that is not complete. My own unit was not part of it since the author and I knew who we worked with.

    • Steve, I know you don’t know who I am but I was in Tm. 60 from Mar.70 – Apr. 71. Did you have a nickname of “Stretch”? I do remember a Stretch and always folded his boonie hat rolled down on the sides and looked pretty cool.

        • Dennis, Thanks for coming out to the sticks to pay us. Vinh Long was where the 16th took their stand downs. I would go to the airbase here and there. I must say though. I was really happy when I saw I could buy some pizza there…..until I started eating it. Yikes. It made C-rations look a lot better.

          • Steve
            I remember many of my flights with 175th or 114th into the field. There were only 3 of us that went into the field I remember one of the other two Calvin was his first name. One flight our pilot took a round through the neck but got us home. On another flight we lost a bag of mail for a Sgt Major it fell through the sky to the paddies below we were afraid to get off the chopper haha. I have pics of the various outpost you brave men would be advising at some were triangled, some were square a few were round all with high dirt walls or sold walls of other materials. The key point hey were always way out away from any strong support just you and indigenous fighters.

            • Dennis, You were very fortunate. I looked it up. Almost 12,000 choppers went down. Nearly 5,000 pilots and crew did not make it back home alive. A friend of mine from grade school, Kenneth Kleppin, was one of those casualties. I think you will agree. None of us had time to worry if we would make it back home. We were in the moment. We had to be. Thanks again.

              • My unit was the first Infantry unit to get into the Vihn Long airfield during the Tet 67-68 was not a good site, Alot of piolets were hurt and aircraft was everwhere damaged and or burning, One bad ass time for me and my team, Thanks to you DJWilliam A Edwards

              • DJ that did not sound good Thanks to you DJ I meant thanks for your comments and for sharing your experiences

              • Steve
                You are correct we were young and didn’t think about it. When you gave those statistics, it makes one think about how life in a chopper was like playing Russian roulette the more I flew the better the chance of becoming a statistic. Sorry you lost your friend. I survived one helicopter crash those of us who survived evaded long enough to get to safety. Thank you for your service you were the real fighters in harms way.

      • HI Cat, no they called me DJ. I can vaguely picture talking to the guy with the rolled down boonie hat but don’t remember his name anymore. I do know you by name however. I was hunting through my military files trying to figure out if I was officially presented my CIB since my DD214 did not have everything listed. I found the orders for it. You are also on those orders for your CIB. We both started out as clerks, ended up being RTOs, and for one reason or another getting into the heat of things in the rice paddies. We are practically related. LOL

  8. PART 5 TM 60 70-71

    15th Regiment according to notebook

    O5 Atwood
    O4 Click
    E8 Moslin
    E7 Bennett
    E4 Johnson
    O3 Hemphill
    E6 Wiley
    E6 Hoffman
    O4 Miller
    E7 Ramos
    E7 Love
    O3 Chapman
    E7 Rodriguez
    E7 Sloan
    O3 Wick

      • Thanks for filling Lancey in. Not sure why he was not in there. Maybe he came to the unit after the list was made up? It had you in G-2 at the time the list was put together

  9. PART 4 TM 60 70-71

    14th Regiment according to book

    O5 Thompson
    O4 Andrew
    E7 Choat
    E7 Patterson
    E4 Curtis
    Maj Wall
    E7 Andrews
    E6 Daily
    O3 Goode
    E7 Farrell
    E6 Payne
    O3 Leonard
    E7 Fisette
    E7 Haverstock
    O4 Wilkie
    O4 Bob
    E7 Jones
    E7 Finley
    O3 Hatfield
    E7 Conley

    • I’m Harold Payne 15 th regt 9th DivArvn I was with Captain Goode 70-71 SFC spicklemier was also on the team he was shot in groin by sniper,we were on nui cam or nui tup chuc there were several mountains we were on overlooking gulf of Thailand Spickelmier passed in 2019 I would like to touch bases with capt Goode,we were together a long time,my Email is you.

  10. PART 3 LIST OF NAMES TM 60 70-71

    Cpt. Johnson
    Cpt. Costello
    1Lt. Thornburg
    CW3 Kollath
    E-7 Eller
    E-7 Sloan
    E-7 King
    E-6 Scott

    Taylor, T

    Maj. Doyle

    • Steve, you have me listed in FLIGHT. The four people listed there were all part of the Forward CP, MAJ Doyle, CPT Niemann, MAJ Thigpen and CPT Romano. Perhaps for some accounting reason we were carried in Flight.

      • Thank you for the correction. Looking at the list again, I can see that everyone listed under Flight was part of Forward. Glenna-Mess threw me off. There was no space after him in the book. Now I’m wondering if Flight was a last name. Those names should not have been fragmented. It would help if I remembered if the books came from my Senior Advisor Captain Clayton, Division Forward during my training, or the the 16th Regiment Forward. By the way. You wouldn’t remember if Major Doyle ended up working with the 16th Regiment for a short time in the Seven Sisters Mountain area. I have been driving myself nuts trying to put names on faces after keeping things buried for so many years. I’m almost certain but can’t be sure. This must be what they mean when they talk of the fog of war.

        • Steve, I can’t remember if Maj Doyle was with the 16th Regiment. We were in the Seven Sisters Mountain area with the Fwd and then the Fwd moved close to the Chi Lang village. Like you, it is hard to remember all the details after all these years. Pat

          • Maj. Doyle was the asst regiment senior advisor Maj Langiles (mispelled was the senior advisor 16 Arvn Regt in the Seven Sisters area

  11. PART 2 Names Tm 60 70 – 71

    Maj Gaylord




  12. Names from 70 71 that are in one of my memo books. Pretty sure I got it from Captain Ken Clayton before he went back to the states. Not all have rank and few have first names but if anyone is trying to remember some of the men they served with around that time, this should jar their memory.
    Sp/4 Beckum
    Sp/5 Vicens
    Lt. Walsh
    Sp/4 Spradlin
    Sp/4 Hull
    SSG Medsker
    SSG Wilson
    1Lt Hinaman

    • Gary Hinaman & I shared some memorable experiences while serving together 1969-1970. I would like to contact him but don’t know how?

      • I did a quick Facebook search on Hinaman and he popped right up in the following posting: On Jan 14 2022 he did a video presentation
        on Facebook. He should not be hard to contact, perhaps thru the US Army Ranger Assn.
        The U.S. Army Ranger Association was live.
        Jat055nua1mfry 14 5at m96:g0or0 P0Mf ·
        Author Gary L. Hinaman grew up in Johnson City, NY, and received his bachelor’s degree in Geology from Binghamton University. Gary volunteered for the active duty Army and served from October 18, 1968, to June 12, 1971. He was commissioned as a 2LT Infantry officer on September 9, 1969, and promoted to 1LT on September 9, 1970. He served as a Tactical Officer for the 62nd OCS company from September 1969 to March 1970. He graduated from Ranger School Class 13-70 to earn his Ranger Tab. He served in Vietnam from June 1970 to June 1971. He was awarded a Bronze Star V with two oak leaf clusters, CIB, Air Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal with 60 Device, and National Defense Service Medal. He served with MACV Advisory Team 60 when he was the senior advisor out of a two man team in a South Vietnamese Infantry Battalion, 4/14/9th ARVN. From July 1970 to January 1971, he was in the field with the South Vietnamese fighting the NVA. He was then assigned to the Advisory Team 60 headquarters as the S-2 officer until his return on June 12, 1971. Gary stayed in the Army Reserves from June 1971 to June 1974.

    • For those of us who served in Sa Dec while we were still on Advisory Status and were required to run mail and supply convoys to qualify for Hazardous Duty pay, our ranks are thinning, and some of us are just about ready to forget just about everything – Here is a list of some names I still recall:
      Agustus T. Young (Pork Chop Hill Vet)
      George William Thayer III (Early Infantry half squad security)
      SGT Willie Smith (NCOIC Commo)
      Hayes Singletary Commo Radio Opr)
      Mike Lester Commo TTY (Aspiring Cartoonist)
      SP4 Moses (Commo TTY)
      Danny Smith (AF Bird Dog Radio)
      Coffee (Admin)
      Chatman (Admin)
      Hope this list rings come bells!
      PFC William Bruce

      • Names from 70-71 Admin Medic G-1 G-3
        Lt. Walsh Sp/4 Beckum Maj. Gaylord Bean
        Sp/4 Spradlin SP/4 Vicens Mendoza
        Sp/4 Hull G-2 Speckelmierer
        SSG Medsker Slavin
        SSG Wilson Demski G-4
        1Lt Hinaman Quick Kuchesky
        James Flinn
        Alexander Livecchi

      • Hey Bruce.. This is Charles Moses. I am part of the list you posted. I am now 76 and still going strong. Was sent to Ft Cambell, Ky in Sept 65. Then to Washington DC in Oct 66. Had re-inlisted once. Got out of the Army Apr 1970. Am now a ExxonMobil retiree since 2013.

        • Hello Mose,
          Thank you for responding. I hope all is well w/you and yours.
          Here is some info that may jog your memory.

          The gulf of Tonkin Incident occurred in Aug ’64 just after I finished 721.B (ComCen
          Spec) school @ Ft. Gordon while we were awaiting orders and security clearances.
          I arrived in ‘Nam Oct 4, ’64 as part of first contingent of support troops that raised MACV
          troop strength from about 7500 to 18500. I spent 2 months on guard duty around Saigon
          before assignment to MACV Tm 95 @ Bien Hoa III Corps HQ. I showed up @ Tm 60 the last
          week of March ’64 – so I only spent about 6 1/2 months @ Sa Dec. We shared the same quarters.
          I rotated out early the 2nd week of Sep ’65. I did 2d tour in ‘Nam and separated late Sep ’67.
          Do you happen to know what became of SP4 Hayes Singletary (Radio Operator) whom also
          shared our hutch. I remember him because he talked me into taking his pistol w/me on the Aug ’64
          re-supply convoy to Saigon. It made a big difference for us on the way into Saigon. We were on that convoy
          when Raymond Burr (Perry Mason) visited Sa Dec, so I missed the chance to meet him. I also missed the Connie
          Frances show due to circumstances related to that trip.
          I had a footlocker full of books I had put together while serving in and about Saigon before Sa Dec.
          I gifted it to the new signal 2nd Lt. with the understanding he would start a library in the mess hall, if it was still in the
          same place 2 weeks after I left Sa Dec. I hope that the collection found good uses. If anyone else has an
          answer, please reply.
          I’m 78 now, in good health. and still running my business every day- and trying to tie some loose ends while
          I still can.
          Take care!

          • I was stationed in the Team 60 HQ from Sept 68-Sept 69. There was a recreation
            building on the east side of the tennis court. In it there was a library with a great many
            books, most of them the paperbacks that came in a monthly shipment from the Army.
            This box usually had about two dozen or more books, and a range of subjects from
            western, sci-fi, mystery, etc. I managed to get the box delivered to me since I ran the
            PX and thus had first pick every month. There were a LOT of books there, but I do not
            know if your collection was included. The library filled a bunch of book shelves in the
            back of one of the side rooms. There was no control, people just took and hopefully returned
            the books. It was a continuation of the Armed Services Editions of books started in WWII.
            For me, this library was a godsend and I read a great many of the books and they helped a
            lot to alleviate the overall boredom of working at the HQ. This library was certainly still
            there when I left in the fall of 1969.

  13. My cousin found a lighter engraved with the name John casella and has advisory team 60 on it. We are trying to find owner/family

  14. I have a picture of Cunningham and me with a couple captured VC. My daughter posted it on FB today. I’ll try to find and send it.

    • Where were you guys when the picture was taken .Did he stay at Sadec went some of us were reassigned?
      Would love too see the picture I also have a picture of him in front of the main gate .I remember I was on an operation when arvin troops captured some V.C. but don’t know here it was.

      • Cunnigham was there when I arrived 5-66 in Sadec, and he  was there for about 6-8 months till he rotated home. Our hootch girl ,Co Bai, absolutely adored him. She cried her eyes out when he went home. Here’s a pic of Co Bai and the first hootch to the left when you come through the compound gate.

        • Thats were I sleep the first bunk on the left as you entered the hooch Thanks for the information do you remember what Cunningham’s first name was

        • You arrived in Sa Dec in May 1966? Do you remember meeting Capt Pat Little? He was an advisor in Team 60 on an island base.

          • I remember Capt. Little. Unlike most officers who did not fraternize with enlisted men, we would talk at length many times. He was the only officer that ever did that. He had a way of making you feel relaxed in his presence-shooting the breeze about anything.

        • I am not seeing the pic on your feed. Could you email me those pictures I have some that you might like to see that I can share with you. My email address is I was there 68-69. Have you been to any of the reunions?

      • I have no idea where we were. We were out on one of our operations. These 2 were trying to grenade us as we were landing but actually hurt themselves. Send me your email address again and I will send the picture. It is a newspaper clipping from when someone saw the picture my mother had. I think I remember you. Sort of tall and dark blowfish hair. I think we were all in that first hooch.

    • Hi Dan; I was with Cunningham at Sadec-my buddy Terry and I cannot remember his first name, can you? Sure would like a copy of that photo of him!

  15. I posted a similar post for the Team 52, but was also told to post in here too. I’m trying to find out more information on my Great Uncle Thomas E. Collins. He was a SSGT in the Army. According to the Wall of Faces, he was a Armor Crewman Instructor with Advisory Team 52. I am trying to find out more information on him and the group he was with while he was over there in Vietnam.

  16. Found a small card saying I was a member of the Delta Club. Last month was 50 years that I set foot in Vietnam. Glad to say both the card and I survived these years. I always enjoyed my stand downs in Vinh Long. The 6 or 7 days of non stop living helped me get in the right frame of mind to go back out into the field, I needed the rest. LOL Not that any of us really slept while we were laying in our hammocks but it was peaceful most of the time until Charlie decided we needed a rude awakening. Also, found another survivor from Team 60 out of Sadec during my time there Joseph Waterman (Jay) He was the supply clerk back in Sadec and did a lot of traveling to Can Tho and Bien Thuy. He got there in January of 71 and must have been there close to the time the 9th ARVN moved to Vinh Long.

        • I was WIA in a helicopter assault on 11 Feb 1969. Does the time frame fit? 28 Aug 68. WIA 11 Feb69. Was at the 29th EVAC IN Can Tho for 31 days then Clark AFB Hospital, Philippines for another 35 days. Finally got to CONUS and Madigan where I was medically retired 30 Oct 69.

      • Assigned to Team 60 in August of 1970, had a bunk there as well as Vinh Long, but spent most of the first 8 months out in the field. I was full time in Sadec for the last 4 months when they assigned me to be the Mail Clerk. Now that was a nice job. Had my own jeep, come and go as I pleased, daily trips to Vinh Long to pick up the mail. Good way to end the year.

        • DJ,
          I was stationed at SC DEC from mid March to late October 1970 and among other watch duties was the mail truck driver to Vinh Long several time a week. Sometimes had a shotgun rider but usually traveled a small open jeep,probably the same one you used. The mail clerk’s office was real small just off the back side of the head and showers. This guy was there when I arrived and was a nice guy and played basketball with a group of us including the CO LJG Mac. He never left the base or drove the mail truck to my knowledge. Would you be the mail clerk? Also, Mac was still there when I left, do you or anyone else know how to get in touch with him. He was always good to me and would like to reach out to him if possible. I was the only blond hair blue eyed fair skin southerner on base at the time.

          Bob Derrick
          3rd class PO
          US Navy Reserve

          • DJ
            Follow up to last post.
            I probably got your post confused with my stay in SA DEC. I was stationed on the navy base support activity 13 and you must have been on the army base. I never entered the army base although some of our guys did to play basketball. Entered the army base at Vinh Long many times and can still see the sign ( welcome to the West Point of the Delta ).

            Any one stationed at the Navy base 1970 reach out.

            Bob Derrick

            • Your right. I was on the peninsula with MACV’s TM 60. Although I did not get back there permanently until April of 71. I preferred being in the boonies and stretched it out for my first 8 months. Having the freedom that came with the mail clerks job from May to August made those last four months pretty tolerable. I hung out mostly with the signal guys that handled our communication. Sadec was an interesting town. Do you remember a Signal Unit on the other end of town. There compound had a huge tower with a California flag flying on top of it. They took trips to Saigon for supplies but told me that they really did not have a mission anymore. One of the guys had reenlisted a couple of times just to stay there. His Vietnamese family lived in a house just across the open field from the compound. Crazy stuff. I never went to the Navy base, wish I would have. Maybe we could have helped each other piece together some buried memories. I can’t forget the river though. A bunch of us lower EM, guys from signal and me used to end some of our days on the ARVN side chilling by the river and waiting for one of those beautiful sunsets Vietnam had. I heard Senator Kerry was attached to you guys, not sure what year.

                • Hi Ben,
                  I just missed hanging out with you by a few months. I was still out in the rice paddies with the ARVNs. I wonder if you remember Mike O’Brian from Chicago. He was the MP for the compound during the time of my visits there. The names of some of the others escapes me. Like the guy that had his Vietnamese wife and his 3 kids living among the row of metal house on the edge of the open field next to the compound. . I know that he is not you since he reenlisted a couple of times to stay at that location. LOL Funny how some of us block things out for years trying to move on and then one day realize that part of us never left Vietnam.

  17. Hello Jessica, My name is Paul Buchwald. Rodney Wijas was my platoon commander at Kaneohe USMCA. It was a great pleasure to served under him. Thanks to your father I am who I am today. I wish him well.

  18. Hello,

    My name is Jessica M. Wijas, I am the daughter of Col. Rodney J. Wijas. I met some men in his Unit and had the pleasure of speaking to them when I joined him in 2005 for the Army Ranger Reunion in Georgia. I have some of his documents and photos. He is having health challenges and I am looking to finding anything I can for our family and to make a book for him. He lives in Las Vegas and is enjoying the warmer climate.

    • Jessica, Rodney Wijas was involved in a battle on 5 July 1966 . I was a helicopter crewchief flying above the operation. David Keefe (MACV) was there that day also. I have put together a document about that operation. If you are interested in this document email me .

      • Doug, do you by any chance remember Cpt Pat Little? He was on Team 60 from May 1966 to May 1967 and was awarded a Bronze Star and Air Medal. He didn’t talk about his time in Viet Nam and we have always wondered how an Ordinance advisor on an island in a river could earn an Air Medal.

    • I was your Dads teammate, and with him the day he earned the DSC. I will get you the few photos I have from those days. This is terrible news. He is in my prayers, for whatever that is worth.

    • Hi Jessica,
      I’ve sent the link for my dad’s photos on Google Drive.
      Hope your dad is feeling better. Stay Safe, Janine

  19. Anyone been to CU CHI? I have been trying to remember the stopover I spent the night at a few times on the way to Saigon by chopper. For some reason Cu Chi rang a bell tonight when I saw it on a map tonight. Does that make sense location wise?

    • There were at least a dozen places to land in and around Cu Chi so it will be difficult to pick one unless I know a name for it or a geographic feature of the countryside around it.

      • Howard A. Daniel III Thanks so much for your response. I’m still piecing things together. I am sure I am not alone in my survival strategy of burying as many memories and feelings as I could these 50 years. Trouble with that is the older we get the more time we have to think about our life and what it all means. I still don’t want to get caught up in my own whirlpool, had a few bouts of that anyway, but I would like to clear some of the cobwebs of the less caustic experiences. I’m sure the hospitality I received was at the main base at Cu Chi. I would not have gotten the VIP treatment for a destination of my choosing so I am guessing the Chopper I hitched a run on was going to there anyway for a standard mission. Thanks again.

        • It is likely the Cu Chi Base Camp for the US 25th Inf Division (later the ARVN 25th Division took it over). It was located 25 miles NW of Saigon and just south of the Iron Triangle. You should be able to remember the white dust there! I am a retired Army Master Sergeant who was in VN for six years total from Jan 1966 to Jan 1973 when I was a SP5, SP6 and SFC. I was assigned to MACV J2 and frequently flying around III & IV Corps giving intel briefings to Province Senior Advisors and their staffs.

      • No problem. I flew around a lot during my time as an Advisor and RTO for the 1st Battalion, 16th Regiment of the 9th ARVN. Problem is most places I never worried about location other than coordinates or what Province I was in. In regard to Cu Chi, my recollections are more with the interactions I had with personnel. I have clips in my mind related more to immediate surroundings rather than the landscape around it if that makes sense. It sounds like you have way more of a grasp on the geography than I do. Most of the time I was too busy hanging on to the side of the Chopper, as I sat in the open doorway, to enjoy the view too much. LOL I’ll keep the thought of the sand in the background as I am still trying to piece things together. Any thoughts or recollections on Núi Giai one of the Seven Sisters Mountains near Chau Doc?

        • I remember flying into Long Xuyen dirt airstrip a few klicks outside the city. I could see the mountains from the plane. At one end of the airstrip was an ARVN camp. I met two US Army senior NCO who were advisors. They had just escaped their VC captors in the mountain area. They were very young and they charged them during an opportunity and they ran away. The NCOs worked their way into some tree lines until they got back to an ARVN temporary camp. They were drunk as skunks celebrating their escape. I stayed that night in their tent because my plane did not make it back before dark, but he arrived early in the morning and took me back to TSN. The plane was a Navy 2-engine Beechcraft that could hold 10-12 passengers. I usually sat in the seat to the right of the pilot, a Navy Cmdr who was sort of my boss (he signed the paperwork and I ran the unit – when he departed, the J2 offered 2LT to me to actually be the boss but I nicely turn him down so he gave me another stripe) and he would take the plane out to get his minimum flying hours. I often needed to go out to do briefings so he had a mission with me often enough to get paid his aviation pay. I never got to Chau Doc but I remember some advisors there sat in on my briefings in Long Xuyen. After my pilot/boss departed, I bummed rides on Air America, a Navy courier plane, and various other aircraft.

          • It certainly was a crazy war. I think more so for MACV. It seemed like we had a lot more mobility and freedom of movement than other units. I remember going out on a night mission with the ARVN in the paddies. We got ambushed ourselves as we were slipping and sliding off the muddy dikes. After a confusing firefight and a night in the village chiefs hootch, they rushed me back in a sampan so that I could make it back to Sadec for a promotion board that I was just informed of. After making it back to the command tent, I got a ride from a chopper back to Vinh Long were I could change out of my torn and muddy uniform. Upon getting back to the converted French Hotel we spent our stand down time, I found that the mamason had misplaced my clean clothes. I remember that I had just enough time to get into a jeep and drive the 29 kilometers to Sadec before dark so that I could make it on time to the board the next morning. Needless to say I showed up in front of the board alongside the two company clerks with spit shined boots at a slight disadvantage. When the 1st Lieutenant asked me a question related to some regulatio article something else I knew I was sunk. A short statement from me with an expletive in it and I was on my way back to Vinh Long to search for my lost laundry. LOL Too crazy for me, I was glad to get back out into the field, even without the promotion. Still a PFC.

            • I was promoted from SP5 to SP6 by my General, the MACV J2, but I went to a promotion board for the next promotion. I had a handlebar mustache and the board tossed me out of the room. I came back the next month without the mustache and they promoted me to SFC,

              • Interesting. If your SFC promotion took place after 71, it makes sense. Even though I was working in an E6 slot or and E7 slot as an Advisor, I was still a PFC and pretty much out of the loop on most of the administrative stuff. I was told that I needed more time in to get a field promotion, and then when I did have the time, I was told that the Commanding General of IV Corp shut off field promotions and that the boards were the SOP. Good to know it was my mustache and sideburns that kept me from getting it and not my muddy uniform. Still, I was pretty upset so I wrote General Westmoreland about the whole deal. A few weeks later I was given the letter back with a stamp on it that said it was forwarded to the commanding General of IV Corp. Shortly after that, on the same day, they held a private ceremony for my promotion to Spec 4 in the Headquarters Building on the Sadec compound (had a different name, forgot what it was called). That year they also had that big drug crackdown. Everything was shut down and searched. I was the company mail clerk for the last few months so I was the only one that could leave the compound. I would drive down to Vinh Long to pick up the mail from the base Post Office. That highway was interesting. It had some pretty deep ditches next to the road in some spots and if it was raining the surface could get pretty slick. the most concerning part of the whole 29 kilometers between Sadec and Vinh Long was the unmistakable smell of the decomposing bodies coming from a nearby cemetery. I don’t have a week stomach but that was one place I held my breath while driving by.

                • Steve- Interesting that you mentioned that 30 klick ride between Sadec and Vinh Long. Drove it many times between 5-66 and 5-67. We would get some rounds at us and across the road in front of us, but only a few times would we call “shotgun” circling above us. Most times they would stop quick, so we could not place them, but one time we did,and some F-100’s plastered them. Pete Shumbo

                  • I remember the road from Sadec to Vinh long there was a small bridge or rise I was driving a jeep and when I came over the rise there was a 6 ton truck stopped there no place to go ended up hitting it the fender of the truck knocked the windshield of the truck into my head then back to Sadec and got stitched up, still have the scars, there were two other guys in the jeep don’t remember who they were

                    • I remember there was a nước mắm factory on that road between Vĩnh Long town and the airfield. One day one of the large trucks leaving the factory for deliveries overturned on the road. Many of the large containers fell out and broke open. The stink remained for days! This occurred ~ early 1965.

                  • Things seemed more tame on that highway in the early 70’s, at least in my mind. I took my M16 along but I never even gave it second thought as to whether I would have any problems on that road. We had our share of contacts further out in the boonies but the war seemed distant when we came back in to the cities of Sadec and Vinh Long.

                    • I had flown most of the day with the 199th Aviation recon company in Vinh Long photographing over free fire zone. Upon my return the chopper that I should have return to Sa Dec on was down. Needing to return with valuable info I was instructed to find a jeep and return ASAP. I drove the road at dusk alone with my M16 and 1911. As I was coming up to the arch bridge I heard shots being fired, rounds then began impacting my Jeep. I floored the vehicle and drove as fast as possible. Upon my arrival it was discovered three hits on the Jeep. I had traveled the road before without incident but this trip was eventful. I did not drive the distance between Sa Dec to Vinh Long again.

              • My dad was msg Marshall ( Woody ) Woodson.
                Was macv team 60 1964-1965 Sa-dec.
                Wonder if you knew him.
                He retired at Ft Bragg 1971
                Passed away 1997

                • I do not remember your father’s name. I was very bad at names and relied on the name tags on our uniforms for many years.

          • I got trained on the radios and landlines in the Division Forward command tent for 9th ARVN at Chau Doc, after getting into a discussion with one of the officers there, I got assigned to the 16th Regiment Command. Not sure if it was Long Xuyen but definitely in that area. While I was waiting for someone to pick me up, I helped reload the rocket pods that the Cobra gunships used. Some had broken open and the tiny missiles, about the size of a nail, that had spilled out was a quick dose of reality for me. A few days after I got there one of our Choppers got shot down and our Advisors had to evade the enemy overnight and wait till the next day before we could extract them. Those mountains were like beehives at times. As much firepower as we had I always felt that the enemy was the one controlling things. They pretty much were the ones that chose when and where we would meet.

            • I arrived in Jan 66 as an E-5 and was assigned to the J2 to create an intel unit from scratch in 90 days or less. Two officers had previously failed to do it. I stole the equipment and supplies from Saigon Port and had it operational in 45 days or less. The J2 wanted to give me a 2LT’s bar but I told him I want to stay an NCO. He told me to put on another stripe but I refused that too until all (15+) of my men were also promoted one stripe. We all got promoted on the same day in Mar 66. I was sent to the promotion board for E-7 in Oct 1967 but was thrown out because of the mustache. I went back in Nov without it and was promoted. My J2 general had departed but then a Colonel who knew my work tried to give me a 1LT’s bar but I also turned it down. Almost all of my senior NCO mentors in the Army since I enlisted in Jul 59 were WWII and Korean War vets who had been rifted down to senior NCO grades from their officer grades because they were not regular officers after each war. I did not want to go through that and was satisfied with being a senior NCO. And I also had a lot more freedom as an NCO than as an officer. Plus I was not made for the social events at the Officers Clubs!

        • DJ: I ‘retired’ from my tour with DCAT 60 – 9th ARVN off Mt. Nui Ghia . I have photos & stories from ’69- 70.

          • Hi Chuck, I hope you will share some of those stories on here. I like this blog, I wish there was a photo section on it. Maybe at some point before we all die off or forget who we are, we could find a way to share more pics and memories. If you have them posted anywhere, please let us know. The landscape has been more friendly to us Vietnam vets in these later years, but the survival instinct does not go away. It’s not always easy to dig up memories that we intentionally bury. I recently went through my war chest that has been buried in the crawl space of our attic all these years. My slides still look like they can be made out, some less faded than others. Hopefully I will follow through on my plan to get one of those slide scanners soon.

          • I would be interested in checking out your photos from Núi Giai. We climbed up and down that little mountain a few times. Beautiful view from on top, the blue waters of the Gulf of Thailand, the contrast of the flat rice paddies disappearing into the lush green vegetation of Cambodia eight kilometers away, unforgettable. Núi Giai was one of several places I was almost permanently retired, that would probably explain any fixation I have with it. Some of the ARVN with us were not as lucky. I was up there around Christmas, I remember a tiny Christmas tree displayed on the wall of sandbags at the Ranger base on top. When I first got up on the hill, the Chinooks were coming in one at a time dropping a net full of 55 Gallon drums of MO gas on the rocky walls on the opposite side of the valley. They were peppered with VC caves as you probably know. Quite a sight when a little plane came in to strafe the barrels turning them into a big inferno.

            • I also retired from that same mountain in late 1970. Lt. Gary Hineman & I had some times there. I have photos taken with a Kodak. Recieved a Bronze Star 1st. Oak Leaf Cluster 9 0ct. 1970 for ‘Heroism In Combat’ just trying to save our hides. Welcome home. Thanks for your service.

              • I tried to figure out the dates I was on Núi Giai from paperwork from my citations but the dates don’t match my memories and other parts of my records. I think they mixed together incidents from my short time at the Team 60 forward command at Chou Doc, the 16th Regiment command tent somewhere near Nui Coto maybe, and operations in Vinh Binh Province around the time you were on Núi Giai. They have me there in early December of 70 for actions but now I am thinking that that date might have been closer to when we first assaulted the mountain. When we came back down the first time, we spent a day or two in a village not that far away. I remember the uncomfortable wooden bed with a thin straw mat. My hammock was a dream compared to that thing. Getting cleaned up next to the village well was interesting too. I got dysentery the third or fourth week into the operation and got a week off in the hospital in Can Tho. It was nice getting a ride from a chopper rather than climbing up and down again. That was in early January of 71, in those records I trust the date more. We had a couple of contacts with the enemy, in one of which we were mysteriously commanded to break off contact by the Vietnamese Rangers who we were attached to for the operation. By the time I got in touch with Colonel Conant to get the order reversed, the VC had disappeared. Not too long after that we finished the operation and came down the mountain once again in three columns. That’s when all hell broke loose. Fortunately for us Americans and the ARVN Major, we were in the middle column. The column next to us took the brunt of the attack. A tent full of wounded ARVN soldiers at the Province Chiefs compound greeted us when we finally got there that night. We had to first call in the Sea Wolves for a big pissing contest that we ended up winning. The VC lost more than we did in the way of bodies but how much of us stayed in those moments in time never able to fully leave and come home. Thanks for your service too.

        • Capt Delehanty here/ sr. advisor 1/14 9th==1969-1970
          I remember the seven sisters well. We lost 3 APCS at the base of nui koto near tri ton in spring of 1970. I was then the Sr advisor to th 2nd ARVN Cav they had just traded in their armored cars for APCS.I ran the night CTOC at Chi Lang (the ARVN training center at the base of a mountain (nui jai or something while my Cav guys went back intp Cambodia. We were not allowed in after the initial 90 day incursion.

          • Capt Delehanthy was in that area in late 70 and 71 I also was there just 6 months ago all has changed I did go top of mountain where the old French fortress was its still there a tourist attraction Chao Duc is very modern and one would never know there was once a war there   Bill Edwards

            • I have been there about 5 years ago and was surprised at how modern things where then. I took a boat down the Mekong from Phnom Penh heading for Sadec, Vinh Long and Can Tho. Stayed the night in Chau Doc for a few days and met the owner of an English book store on the town square. If you make it back there be sure and look the gentleman up. Really nice guy and conversationalist. He also téaches English to the local kids. Quite a view from the top.

          • Does anyon remember the ambush between Vihn Long and Sadec I was involved cant remember the month Unit was 1/15 Regt Cpt Charles Nichlos abd SSG Edwards started around 5 pm and ended some 6 hours later

            • Dad was an advisor to 30th ranger batt. South Vietnamese Army 1966-1967. Sgt. Philip A. Hebb Jr. He was in the field working out of a small village. Don’t know the name. They got into a big helicopter assault with other units. Enemy turned out to be ready for the assault. Dad say he took heavy casualties and when finally rescued had lost all but 14 rangers and 7 of those left were wounded. A really bad day as Dad said. He survived without being hit. Hard part was taking all the dead back to village. The families were there.

  20. There have been a couple of mentions here about a reunion in Charleston. It happened, and it was OUTSTANDING! Also mentioned is the Facebook page. It is impossible to overstate the value of those 2 activities. Technology is helping us communicate with our fellow IV Corps people, and I hope all of you are taking full advantage of that. There are plans afoot to get together again in the near futur. None of us are getting any younger, so please use these opportunities to reconnect with each other. RLTW. David Keefe

    • Thanks David. The reunion was a gathering of old warriors and I look forward to seeing you and many more at the next one!!

    • David my name is Bill Edwards and I did 2 tours with TM 60, I have heard there might be a reunion in September at Fort Benning if so can you let me know as soon as you can e mail 423 926 2266 leave message Thanks

  21. Wow. The Americans on the compound were all in position on top of bunkers and in defensive positions. We never had any fire during the entire Tet offensive. We could see the sky over Vinh Long a bright orange and tracers through the air.

    • I was air lifted from Long Xyuen to the Vhin Long air field about 330 pm that day the air field had Charlie every where What a day and one hell of a night wll never forget

      • I had to type up several ARCOM “V”s for our Vinh Long switchboard guys. They blocked the door and denied Charlie entry. A lot of our Signal troops had to revert to Infantry, taking back airfield bunkers. I heard on my PRC 25 the Airfield Commander commonly known as Vinh Long Six took some fire and died that night. I am so very proud of the support soldiers I served with. Although I flew a desk as the Company Clerk, I had to call up my infantry skills. Fortunately the Sadec compound didn’t take any fire although I guess Chuck was nosing around outside the wire. Just before TET 68, the PSA had all civilians booted off the compound and set aside the weekend before Set as bunker and fire position strengthen. He bought cases of beer and we all had a bunker building party. His name was COL Callan I believe. Connie Francis paid us an overnight visit once and she slept in the PSAs hootch with a guard outside. We also had Joe DiMaggio, and Pete Rose pay us a visit. Pete was a good poker player. For those of you familiar with the Sadec compound 67-68 my office was the little hootch behind the club.

        • RON SOLIS- I slept in the first hootch as you entered from the French building. hell of a Night- morning when Charlie blew up the Arvin hootch In think it was pretty close ,anyway we set up a check point and wire right along our part of the compound who remembers Cunningham big dude he called himself god I think it was around Jan 1966

          • I thought I had your email address but can’t find it. I have the picture of Cunningham and me with 2 captured VC. I tried to post it but couldn’t. Send me your email address and I will try that way. It calls him Airman but does specify spc 4. My email is

          • Hi Ron; I got to Sadec 5-66. Cunningham was there in that same hootch to the left when you went through the gate that was already installed when I arrived.. Co Bai was the cleaning gal in that hootch; she just worshiped him. Biggest guy there from what I remember- Tatro was another big guy- great tennis player. Officers always played with him. I have a bunch of photos of the compound and the French TOC building if you want them.

            • I would enjoy seeing your pictures of the Team 60 SaDec Compound and the French HQ Building. I was stationed at the HQ for my
              entire tour Sep 68-Sep 69. Among other duties I was OIC of
              the PX and barbershop.

              Harry Jones:

              • Captain Jones, I remember you well from your time in country until I was WIA on 11 Feb. 69. Please contact me at vetforjustice8@

                Scott Cameron.

    • We had a Sgt Walter Brunty in our unit. 9th-15th-2nd Bat in 1967-1968. He passed away last month. He lived in Shreveport. I hooked up with him twice in the last 10 years.

    • I served at the same time with Sgt. Woodson in Sadec. When I left Aug 64 he promised to care for my monkey. He was a good man and very well liked. Wish I could have talked with him again after nam.


    • SGM Wilson,

      There is going to be a reunion of IV Corps Advisors in Oct 2019. See the Sa Dec Province Advisor group Facebook page for details.

  23. Dad was advisor S. Vietnamese 30th Ranger Batt. Fall 1966 to 1967. He was partnered with another advisor, LaRiche. That’s all I know. They lived out in the villages with their rangers, in the v delta somewhere I think. Dad died 1991. He spoke Vietnamese always seemed so odd guy from Maine speaking Vietnamese.

  24. My dad was an advisor to 30th ARVN RANGER Batt. In 1966. He talked a little about an assualt they went on an encounter a much, much, bigger unit of the enemy than they had expected. Dad said it was a very bad day with almost his whole company being killed in first 30 minutes or so.
    Does this ring a bell, Sgt. Phillip A. Hebb Jr. ?

    • Gary, Sa Dec Teams 65 & 60 are having a reunion in October at “LZ Patriots Point” in Charleston, SC. Email your USPS mail address to me at for a look at The Vietnam Experience at the LZ.
      Best regards,
      Mike Burke, Co-Organizer
      MACV Teams 65 & 60 Reunion 2019

  25. My dad was with Team 60 then 53 in October 1965-1966.

    His name was Frank Newman but everyone knew him as “Bud” Newman. He was 5’7″ of fierce but fun determination, bright blue eyes and mischief. Readiing all your comments assures me he would have been right there with ya’ll!

    He was Army Airborne Ranger. MACV. He was assigned ‘SubSecAdvisor, 9th Inf Div, Advisory Detachment (CI) and Regiment Staff Advisor, 15th Regt, (th Inf (CI)

    I’ve got all his records, medals, etc. and am attempting to organize in order to write about his experiences. thx for your time, Janine Newman
    Pls contact me here and at

    • Janine-I served in Team 60 in 65 as a subsector advisor-my district was Duc Thanh-had a 5 man team.
      After 7 months,moved to the Province HQ-Vinh Long as an asst S3 advisor-it was there I might have run into your father.If you can give me more info on where he served in the province,maybe can remember him
      regards,Jim Lincoln Colonel Retired

      • Jim, I’m going through his papers, files, etc in the next week. I’ve got the “lifetime member of Sadec 53 certificate” and will look further. I’ll post back w/more info – thx so much for responding. Janine
        ps. Additionally, I’ve got boxes and boxes of slides to review – they’re dated so I’ll be looking at those as well.
        pps. 43rd Ranger Infantry Airborne came up too.

        Mapping all this out is a treasure to honor him and all of you who served

          • Hi David; I was stationed at Sadec with the 9th Arvin Div. 5-66 to 5-67 . Have a picture of the old operations tower at Vinh Long,, and others. Were you there when charley snuck in and raised hell at that time period? All convoys were stopped for about a month. Pete

            • Hey Pete. We we’re hootch mates in sadec . I was security till Gerald Nichols rotated and I got his mail clerk job for an early out
              . Got a picture of you and me eating watermelon and one of you in black pajamas. I will send them when I figure out how to

      • Jim, If you were on the Duc Thanh team in 1965, I’d be interested in getting your perspective on the place at that time. I was a Phoenix LT on Sadec Team 65 in 69 and 70 but spent most of my tour and a half as an economic development guy in the absence of enough State and AID people to fill those slots assigned in Duc Ton district and at province. I have written a book, Sadec Province: War and Reconstruction in the Mekong Delta, and am still adding to it for a possible second edition. Gordon Bare

        • Recently finished Gordon’s book “Sadec Province: War and Reconstruction in the Mekong Delta.” It is outstanding and I highly recommend it. It provides an excellent historical perspective of the province and also provides excellent information of events in the province all the way to the fall to North Vietnamese aggression (aided by the US “peace” movement and the Democratic Congress which chose to ignore US obligations under the Paris peace accords.)
          Rex Latham, assistant battalion advisor, 3/16/9th ARVN Inf Div, 1966-67.

          • Rex, Thanks for the kind words. It was fascinating doing the research and locating a number of people who served in or around Sadec before or after I was there. And thanks to you guys who were there in the early days of the advisory effort for helping make it a much safer place in my era. All proceeds from the book go to Team River Runner, a kayaking program for Wounded Warriors. We are doing a bit better for the troops coming home post 9/11. I’ve worked with multiple amputees and blind vets in kayaks. Gordon

            • There are several good books about the Sadec area and the seven provinces under the 9th ARVN Inf Div. I especially enjoyed the book “A Snake in the Road”, by LTC William Hanna, who served two tours as Intelligence Advisor at Sadec

              • Bill,
                If I ever had your email, I can no longer find it. I enjoyed your Snake in the Road. I dont think mine is as entertaining. And as I said to Rex, thanks to you guys who were there early and made it safe for us later arrivals. Send me your email ( and I’ll send you the manuscript or if you prefer the book, it can be had for a contribution to Team River Runner the details of which I have tried to post on this site but the administrators apparently object to any such however relevant to the mission of the site.

                • Gordon,

                  Am glad you picked up the banner, so to speak, and are reminding people that VN was not all Hamburger Hill and the US forces “up north.” There were two major areas that I think Ken Burns paid short shrift to in his TV production…one was the sideward glance he gave the advisory effort and the second was the lack of mentioning the “Land to the Tiller” program adopted by the VN in 70 time frame…and its impact. If you are interested I would like to pass on some of my thoughts on the why and wherefore of these in hope you can expand on them and do both areas the justice they deserve. I am at:
                  and I will be more than honored to provide funds to your cause…just send the details as to who, where, and when! Would prefer the book if possible.

                  Thanks too for the compliments…

                  Looking forward to hearing from you.

                  Bill Hanne

              • Bill-greetings-I recently discovered this site-would love to get a copy of your book-tell me how/how much–?
                jim 6901 Oak Ct Annandale,Va 22003

                • Jim Lincoln, Not sure whether you were posting an interest in Bill Hanne’s book or in mine. If the latter it is Sadec Province: War and Reconstruction in the Mekong Delta published last year and available for a donation to Team River Runner, a veterans service organization that gets Wounded Warriors out in kayaks. I’ve worked with Marine triple amputees and guided blind Army vets on the Potomac River. Drop me a line and I’ll give you the specific contact link. Gordon Bare

            • Gary, Sa Dec Teams 65 & 60 are having a reunion in October at “LZ Patriots Point” in Charleston, SC. Email your USPS mail address to me at for a look at The Vietnam Experience at the LZ.
              Best regards,
              Mike Burke, Co-Organizer
              MACV Teams 65 & 60 Reunion 2019

                • Hello My name is Edwards and I was with Tm 60 two tours 1967-68 and 1970-71 worked with 15th and 16th was with 15th in Vihn Long during Tet 67 if you have extra pictures and want to send me some I will greatly appreciate I have several pictures of Sadec and Vihn Long Chau Duc and Long Xeuyn recent photos I have been back several times I live in Philippines I am in the USA now returning Philippines in Oct this year e mail is covan6768@yahoo.comThanks Bill EdwardsSFC E-7 Retired

                  • Hi Bill; Having a hard time sending you pics. You put “Thanks” on the end of your e-mail and no matter how I try to correct it, Yahoo puts the “Thanks” back on and I get a reject on sending.

                  • Ref the pics of Sadec-would love to get them also-I was Duc Than advisor for about 7 months-65,then moved to province HQ as Asst S3 into early 66-then I extended and went to the 1st Inf–as a battery commander-was in country for 20 months! Hello Bill Hanne-my West Point classmate! who else served with me?? trying to remember-been too long–Jim Lincoln Colonel, retired

                    • Sir; Would be glad to send you pics of Sadec, but I see no e-mail address. These were taken by my now- deceased buddy, SPEC4 Terry Williams. Have many more I must dig out.

                • Pete, I just posted your photos to the SaDec Province Advisors Facebook page. It is a public group and you can join if you have a Facebook account. Regards, Rex

        • Everyone! MACV Team 60 has been invited to join Team 65 for its first annual Sa Dec Province Reunion. For a USPS information packet please contact me at and you will be added to the “interested-list” for this Fall’s reunion at “LZ Patriots Point” in Charleston, SC, where we’ll spend at least one full day at The Vietnam Experience located there. As sister-teams we are possibly looking at a record turn-out at this Mekong Delta lookalike during cooler months when the mosquitoes are MIA. Cold PBR beer will be served!!

          Best regards,
          Mike Burke, Duc Thanh 1968-69
          Atlanta, GA (Peachtree Corners)

      • Jim,
        Wish I had run across your name when I was writing my book on Sadec but would still like to get your take on what it was like in 65. I was a Phoenix and economic development guy in Duc Ton and at province in 69-70 and I was able to locate and get some imput from several people who were there in the the early days. By my time Duc Thanh was almost totally secure, we were resettling refugees in the Y base area in Duc Ton and the VC were down to operating in squad or at most platoon sized units. Drop me a line at
        Gordon Bare

      • Col. Lincoln.
        These names were in your team in Duc Thanh:
        Lt. Wilson
        Sgt. Yoder
        Sgt. Jackson
        Pfc. Martin
        Huyen ( that’s me)

        • Thx to everyone for responding – I’ve been away from this sight but am very encouraged to be back.
          I have been working (scanning/editing) over 450 slides my dad had given me. He made a description on nearly most of each slide as well. I’m going to scan those as well to go with the corresponding slides, then put them all in slideshow format.
          When finished, they’ll be available to anyone – no restrictions. I may be able to put them on YouTube channel – depending on the overall size. They are in a very high resolution, post editing, although a handful are blurry, they are included.
          There are many different names and they’ll all be included as well.
          Thank you again and with some due diligence, very soon I can share these with everyone.

          • Hello: I’m replying on behalf of MACV Teams 60 & 65, who are sponsoring a Sa Dec Province Reunion in honor of the Vietnam War 50th Commemorative Observance October 21-25 at LZ Patriots Point in Charleston, SC. Those slides mentioned would provide a wonderful show of honor and respect for those in the Mekong Delta IV Corp area of operations. Reunion open to all who served in the Mekong, not just Sa Dec; Army, Navy, AF, Vietnamese counterparts, et al. Just send your USPS mailing address via e-mail to Mike Burke at for a MACV Reunion info packet.

          • I saw your comments . I recognized the name Yoder.
            I posted some of my dads pics on facebook and Yoder was in several.
            The facebook site is Vietnam Veterans photo club.
            Lots of post. My dad was SFC Marshal (woody) Woodson.

          • Did you ever put pictures on YouTube? I recognized sgt Yoder’s name in your post , I have pictures of him my dad served with him and Larry zink. My dad was sgt woodson

        • Lots of veteran pics on facebook at Vietnan veterans photo club.
          I read your post and you mentioned Yoder.
          I have shared a photo of Yoder and remembered the name.
          My dad was SFC Marshal (woody) Woodson.
          Join facebook club

      • Hello Col. Lincoln, I am Huyen who worked with you and your Duc Thanh district advisory team ( your interpreter) . Now I’m living in Charlotte, NC since 1975. Good to hear from you.
        My contacts:
        Phone: 704 3512654


      • Saw your post and my sad qas with macv 60 in 64-65. The name conley seams familia
        My dad was msgt Marshall (woody) Woodson.
        Wonder if you kbew him

  26. Trying to remember the Major’s name that was with us on Nui Giai. Sgt Grigsby was the third Advisor and I thought it might have been Major Blankenship at first but now I am not sure. It might have been January 71 when we got ambushed coming down from the mountain. Don’t remember any KIA’s on the ARVN side but we had a tent full of wounded. I was told there were 30 enemy casualties but wasn’t in that area the next morning when either the local Rangers or ARVN from the 16th checked out if anyone was on the other end of the Sea Wolves barrage. Thought someone might know if they worked higher up. I’ll look up the date sometime on stuff I stashed away. Hope the mice didn’t get at it. LOL

  27. I was a resident August 70 to August 71, Learned how to operate radio at Chau Doc until I pissed off an officer over writing a letter on what I thought was my time. LOL Went from there to 16th regimental command post under Colonel Vance and Major Blankenship. After Sgt Shelly got heat stroke, talked the major into letting me go out as a replacement so that Captain Kenneth Clayton would not have to be pulled in, liked it better in the paddies once I got used to sinking in the mud and watching the Arvns look like they could walk on water. Visited Vinh Binh Province, Nuii Ghaii of the Seven Sisters Mountains, and several other interesting places I never got the name of. Spent the last few months as the mail clerk in Sadec trying to stay out of trouble, which wasn’t always easy hanging out with the Signal guys next door as well as with the ones on the other end of Sadec. Their signal tower had a California flag flying atop it. Scary stuff watching some of them climb high up and enjoying the scenery. When I was out in the field for almost 8 months, we took our stand downs in Vinh Long, that was nice, had access to jeep, stayed out all night, good times. Worked under Colonel Marx most of it, great guy, stuck up for me in some tight spots. Never kept up with anyone after I came back, had to look ahead as most of our brothers did to try and move on. Just now trying to figure out what the hell was happening around me back then. I googled Captain Clayton not long ago, found out he passed on a couple of years ago. Obit thanked docs and nurses in cancer hospital. Sad he was a good and brave man. I have been blessed. Had Tonsil Cancer and Colon Cancer ten years ago, playing a wait and watch game with the Prostate Cancer for the last three. So that was what all that dead vegetation was about when we worked out of that area along some river in who knows where. Agent Orange? What’s that?

    • Served as advisor to 9th ARVN Div, 15th Regiment, Recon company from 68 to 69. Promoted to captain the day I left. Privileged to serve with three outstanding NCOs – Honsucker, Hammonds, and one whose face I recall but whose Name I cannot.

      • I arrived feb 69, 9th ARVN, 15th Regiment, 1st Bn was my assignment. Also worked with the Recon Co. off and on when 1st Bn was not in the field until they got replacement for Recon. Both outfits were very good at what they did. Left April 1970. Turned down the promotion to 03 for a very close girl friend. Should of stayed for the 03.

        • I came home Jan 71 from Vinh Long wife said she’d leave if I stayed guess what she left years later anyways should have stayed as well.

          • If you were the Finance guy, I might have hitched a ride with you to pick up some poker winnings from someone. I believe his name was Captain Deal not sure though, just started trying dig up buried memories.

            • There was a Cpt. Deal who was with my husband Lt. DK Davis I think he picked up the nickname Deak. His name was Lt. Dana Keith Davis.
              I am trying to find someone who served with him.. He also was an advisor……

              • This would have been around April 1971 not too long before they sent me back in from the field. Never worked with Captain Deal, just met up with him during the poker game, sore loser. I was an E-3 at the time so it kind of hurt his pride a bit besides his wallet. LOL The Senior Advisor was Colonel Marks.

                • Cpt was my senior advisor Bn level and Col Marx was Regt Advisor Col Marx sur loved that Dramboui and scotch Cpt Deal recommended me for Silver star and was downngraded to Bronz Star Both was very professional Deal suggested me to throw the book away I told him I left it in USA

                  • Colonel Marx was a great boss, never heard of Drambuie until I met him, never saw anyone drink it since. I had and still do have great respect for him. He watched my back more times than once when I was still under his command. I am sure Captain Deal knew his stuff too, only saw him a few times since I worked with the 1st Battalion of the 16th ARVN Regiment. I do remember your name, we might possibly ran into each other back in Vinh Long. I am glad to see a couple of us on this site, I don’t think many of us are left standing, Found SFC Gentry’s Obituary not too ago.

                    • Hey SFC Gentry was with me I was the E6 Gentry was one of the best NCOS I met along with SFC Sims I talked to Gentry while he was at Fort Cambell several years ago and he was looking into Agent Orange he came accross my name on the orgional register for Orange do you know what happened to him

      • Do you remember Sgt Gary Southwick his nickname was Lurch. He was an advisor with the 9th Recon Sadec in 68. He was shot in the arm and chest.He survived and returned after 18 days. I was an advisor Sgt Gary Williams and worked with Lt Bill Hendrix. Our position was just to the right of the 9th Recon on the peninsula outside of Sadec. You can contact me at

        • He probably was my replacement. I was advising DD9TS until Sept of 67, when I was finally wounded and medevaced. The SA with the Recon Co was a Cpt., Bernie Muller-Thym.

        • Williams Lurch was a friend I went to Hon kong on RR borrowed his camera it was snatched be a theif i paid him he kept saying I did not owe we got into a firefight somewhere and we thought the Arvan was going to run he jumped up and yelled come on you sob why he did not get hit I will never know Lurch what is his location

        • i remmber lurch , tall red head kid , great target for the VC , HE WAS MY REPLACEMENT ,,I WAS WITH 9TH RECON , GOT HIT ON MAR 12 68 SGT RADIO OP , WAS OUT OF THE UNIT FOR ABOUT 30 DAYS ,,WHEN I GOT BACK I LEARNED LURCH GOT HIT BUT WAS OK ,

          • Did you know Cpt Bernie Muller-Thym? He and I were with 9th Division Reconnaissance company. I was medevaced in September 1967, after being wounded.

            • i might have been your replacement ,, not sure of the time line ,, but i do know i was with capt shaw ,,give me a few days to look thru my stuff
              .. i might be able to get a more accurate time line ,,,ED

              • I was in Sadec from June 67 to June 68. I was with Co C, 52d Signal Bn, the OTHER unit on the compound. I was also a member of the Board for the Club and was instrumental in getting a swing gate put in to divide enlisted and officer areas. Anyone remember Connie Francis’ visit? Joe Dimaggio and Pete Rose? Pete took all my money at the poker table. Looking at Google Earth, at least an older version, the rec hall is still there as well as the tennis courts. I think everything else is goine except for the main building. We had a water purification unit put in but now it’s gone as well. They would have done good to keep it running. Ya know, looking back on it all, I did two tours, the second with MACV in the Delta, why were we there in the first place? On my second tour I could see the war winding down a lot. I finished up in My Tho and all that was left were a few hang over MACV folks. What would we have done if we won the war? Pour money and aid into a corrupt Government. Welcome Home.

            • hi dave ,, i was with team 60 at the compound as security for about 9 months .starting dec 66 .. then i got pulled to go to 9th recon ..
              so i must have been your reolacement ,, cant say i was with capt bernie ,, just dont remember ….
              then around dec 67 i was due to rotate out to go to germany ,, i said no thanks ill stay with 9th recon ..
              do you remember the fish pond in back of our building with the shitter on top of it ,,the joke was when you went to shit you were going to feed the fishes ….
              also do you remember a cambodian i believe he was a scout or something ,,real dark skin and real hairy ,,mean looking and hated the vc
              well ,, one day we captured a big ammo dump ,,alot of booby traps ,, he stepted on one , a 105 round that he didnt see ,,
              we were picking pieces of him real small pieces ,, and putting them in a plastic sheet to give to his family …
              the only way we knew it was him was hairy pieces of skin ,,,
              HOPE TO TALK TO YOU SOON ,,,, ED

              • We had 2 Cambodians like that. Kohn and Sut, phonetically. They were my self appointed bodyguards. Another guy I remember we nicknamed Moon Mullins. He would make Nescafe any time we were gonna be stopped for 10 minutes or more. Carried the PRC25. Remember the latrine pond well. We grenaded it a couple of times for fish fries.

                • I was there starting in I think Oct. of 65 until around maybe Mar. of 66 the for some reason a bunch of us got orders to other assignments ,the rumor was our most were 951 military police and we were assigned to a 11b job I hated leaving  went on a few operations nothing serious I do remember a hutch  begin blown up with several arvin recruits in it and it was only a few yards away from where I was sleeping the rumor was that there was a vc  that packed the light switch wit c-4 but I don’t know it that was true I was part of the security on the compound .It was a great place to be considering some of the alternatives.

                  • I was there when the hutch blew up. I was one of the 3 Air Force personnel assigned to work with the Forward Air Observer and maintained radio contact with Saigon so we could call in when air strikes were needed.

                    • So, you were one of the guys that would start up one of the radio jeeps parked right outside my bunk and fire it up every Sunday morning? I remember once when one of you managed to contact a B-52 off the California coast. I remember the air strikes well and the B-52 strikes that at time knocked down out light covers. Welcome Home.

            • hi david ,, while looking thru some of my old stuff i came across a copy of a newspaper ,, the MACV OBSERVER DATED MAY 24 1967 ,, on the inside there is a write up about 9TH RECON ,, AND A PICTURE OF CPT.BERNIE MULLER-THYM helping a wounded arvn ,, seems to fit your time line when you were with the company ,,, if your interested in a copy i can fax it to you ,,, ED NOWAK

      • I believe the other NCO you served with was Gary Southwick his nickname was Lurch. He was an advisor with the 9th Recon Sadec in 68. He was shot in the left arm and the bullet passed through his arm and into his chest. He survived and returned after 18 days. I was an advisor Sgt Gary Williams and worked with Lt Bill Hendrix. Our position was just to the right of the 9th Recon on the peninsula outside of Sadec. I think we may have met in the early morning hours of December 13th 1968. That would be Friday the 13th and the VC’s first mortar round hit our CS launcher. You can contact me at

        • Who ever was with the 9th/15th/ Recon Company, we had a ARVN soldier by the last name of THU who use to carry our PRC25 in the field. Does anyone remember him? I served from July 67 to June 68

          • ARVN Major, 16th Regiment 9th ARVN Division had cook named Thu but that was in late 1970, not sure how common the name or if they move them around to different Regiments. This Thu got pretty tore up and the kid that carried the radio got KIA when they walked in three Mortar rounds on us in the middle of the night on our camp. If it was the same Thu, I was told he survived but he would be getting out of the Army. We got medevacked out but they found a small map the next morning with an American Flag on the area were me and Captain Clayton slept and a Vietnamese flag were the Major slept. So much for security.

            • Hey if someone remembers SFC Sims or if you read this Sims the night you and Gentry was top of mountain in Chau Duc I tried to get the Lt to help me he just would not get out of his sack so I screw up the reports I am really sorry anyway I could never push papers

  28. I was a radio-teletype operator with the 9th Divisional Assistance Radio Research Station at 9th Forward at Nui Sam and Chi Lang Oct 70-Feb 71. We were attached to DCAT 60 for rations. I have a fair number of photos from the CP areas and some from Sa Dec and Can Tho. If anyone was there and would like some pictures let me know. I don’t think I have any photos of DCAT 60 personnel.

  29. Two of us who were with the 9th in 65-66 have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s for which the VA has accepted Agent Orange as being a probable/possible cause. Question we have is are there others of us who we’re with the 9th in the Delta who have PD. Your response would be appreciated–time with the 9th in terms of arrive/departure would be most helpful. Many thanks
    Bill Hanne

      • My husband passed away from lung cancer related to agent orange. He was Lt Dana Keith Davis. He served in the Delta area in 1968/69. Does anyone remember him?? He was wounded in May of 1969

      • I was at Sadec Nov 65 to around Mar or April 66 then a bunch of us got reassinged to different places in country MOS 951b does anyone remember when several ARVAN were blow up in their huch by a V.C on the compound and we ,the Americans put a barrier and guard between our huches and the Arvans

      • I was flying into the Mekong Delta about weekly during 1966 and 1967. I was often sprayed with Agent Orange there and around the Saigon perimeter. I have gotten many melanoma cancers on my skin plus many other cancers and pre-cancers. Some of them are very fast growers and surprise my dermatologist, who I see every six months. She thinks it is because of Agent Orange. I suggest everyone see a dermatologist right now!

    • I was with the 9th in Sadec from Nov 65 until Mar 65 do not have Parkinson’s I am 74 only there for 6 months several operations don’t remember much

  30. Captain Mcginnis i served with you in Sadec in 1967. I remember us getting drunk at the club when the Colonel shipped back to states. Can’t remember his name. Been 50 years hard to believe. SP/5 Dewayne McAninch.

  31. Did anyone know Captain Clarence R. Lancey….Battalion Senior Advisor 3rd bn., 15th Regt., 9th ARVN Infantry Division…1970-1971?

      • Pat…I took Noel Doyle’s position and you were just leaving as I checked in…what happened with then-captain Demski? Lost touch with him as well. Bill Hanne

        • Hi Bill, yes I recall you coming in as the new G2 Advisor. I don’t know what happened to CPT Demski. If I recall correctly he graduated from law school and probably separated from the Army and went into practice. Pat

      • I was supplying intel reports and map overlays to the JGS which were forwarded down to the 9th. DId you see them? The Vietnamese captured a bunch of NLF currency in Cambodia which was going to be used after RVN was liberated. Did you see it? Were you given any as souvenirs? I have published a catalog which describes all of them.

          • The RRU sent their stuff to me at MACV J2 IDHS where we collated it against other sources and created reports and map overlays for our “customers” and briefings.

  32. There was a engineer dump truck located at the far end of the airfield away from most air craft when I was inserted into the field seven aircraft was burning and a 3/4 ton made into a gun truck T Chung was the CO of company 1 and was located under the truck, the drainage tile was blown apart and VC was entering the field trom that hole and T Chung was cutting of heads of VC coming out of hole, T Chung was a mean commander and got mad at me because I would not do what he was doing, there was 4 American bodies on back of engineer truck, the gun truck had a SP/4 and a WO and had located the hole in the drainage pipe, I was right there as the Inf Advisor

  33. Just read your post I was in Sadec Nov 67 68 16and yes all hell broke loose in Vihn Long I was inserted by helicopter around 2 pm 16th Regt 9th Arvn Divison was there all night then went into VL city I remember you some you remember the 50 cal position in the tower back of club

  34. Jim, great to hear from and about you! We had a great team that you were definitely part of…and being with the 9th was another great tteam, esp in the early 70’s when BG Di led them up and over the Seven Mountains. Please get back in touch off line when you get tthe chance…BTW, ck Amazon for “A Snake in the Road,” my biased comments on the two tours I had with the 9th.
    Bill Hanne

  35. My father was sgt Marshal( Woody) Woodson. Comment if you knew him have stories or pictures of his service.

    • Was your father the mess sgt in 64. If so he was a fine man. I remember one night he and Sgt Cupp slipped out with a advisor and some ARVN on patrol.

  36. Yes, I have known him for MANY years. He and I worked on some books about Viet Nam together beginning back in the 1990s.

    • Howard, I found a Son Nguyen that died in Penfield NY. 11 May 2016 on the internet. Was that Major Nguyen Xuan Son ?

      • Yes, that was him. I did not know him in VN but since he came to the USA. He and I shared an interested in collecting and researching the money printed by the Viet Minh in the Mekong Delta during the French Indochina War. He was a real gentleman!

  37. Hi! DOUG WILSON Crew chief Vinh long
    Commanding Genegal of the 9th ARVN, BG Huynh van Lac has lived in Sacramento, California

  38. Charlie, sounds like you knew my Dad. He actually passed away in early 68, but everything else is spot on. It’s really great to make a connection to him. I lost him when I was 3, so I’d really like to learn more about his time in viet nam.

    • Christian, yes I knew your Dad. He was assigned to the Regiment Headquarters team, the 14th Regiment, 9th ARVN Division, and I was with one of the Regiment’s Battalion. As I remember he arrived in Tra Vinh in June or July of ’67, after my arrival in May. He was a good man, with a loving heart. I was an Infantry Officer out in the field, so I did not have the opportunity to visit with him very often. I remember, and hopefully we’re referring to the Major Butt’s, your Dad, he died of a heart attack while asleep. I was totally devastated to learn of his death. Thought that I might have a photo of him, but thus far have been unable to locate it. I’m now 80 years old and hard to find things from 50 years ago:)) Blessings, Charlie

  39. A SFC Trujillo served on the advisory team with the 3rd Bn, 16th Regiment, 9th ARVN division for several months in 1967 and then transferred to another position within Tm 60. . Sorry, I don’t have his first name.

    • Hello Rex
      Don’t usually respond to these but I saw a few names I recall. Anyway last time we saw each other was several years ago. Anyway alive, well. Was in the delta two years ago. Other than the highway, new bridge not much really changed. The NVA have removed almost all signs of the ARVN and US presence.

      • Steve, Thanks for replying. Returned to Vietnam in 2007 with five other men involved in the Easter Sunday 1967 battle, my wife and the brother of one of the other men . Found an impressive monument near the battle field. It was very interesting to revisit Sad Dec & the Vinh Long areas. Hope you are doing well.

  40. I did not serve with Sgts’ Plata or Castaneda but I did serve with Team 60 from March 1970 to April 1971. When I arrived I was placed in the administrative field then The administrative Captain and I bumped heads quite often and gave me orders to the field as a Light and Heavy Weapons infantry advisor with the 3rd Battalion, 15th Regiment, 9th ARVN Infantry Division. My Battalion Senior Advisor was Captain Clarence R. Lancey and Team 60 Senior Advisor was Colonel Conant. I am Latino of Mexican descent from Los Angeles, California.

    • Yes, I remember him well. Tall, gray haired. When Connie Francis visited one day, she slept in the Colonel’s hootch. I was the Company Clerk for Co C, 52d Signal June 67 – June 68. I was there listening to my PRC25 when all hell broke loose in Vinh Long. Sadec compound didn’t get hit at all. My office was the little shack behind the club. Looking at Google Earth, you can see some of our old buildings remain but most are gone. Were you there for Tet 68?

  41. I cannot remember the first SA name when I first got to Sa Dec. What group were you with? Major Sweeney was my commanding officer. Good guy and leader.

      • Mike Virginia here, Jan Brown was my replacement in Sa Dec and W Ft Hood. Major Sweeney was one of the good guys, great leader. Glad to hear from you Slavin, refresh my memory on how our paths crossed. I also remember Capt Lindenau and Clark. Sgt Yoder was my NCO.

        • I remember Sgt Yoder. He usually operated the Senior advisor’s radio when we were out on operations. I was with the G-2 Advisor Dec 1965-Nov 1966. John Rutledge SGM Retired.

          • Glad to hear from someone who knew Sa Dec and Tm60. Sgt. Yoder was from W. Virginia, upon his return to the states he visited my parents in Southern Ohio. Hope your years are good to you my friend.

        • I came in as Asst G2 in September 1969. I remember Yoder, Steve Harris, Jan Brown and Ed Sweeney on several trips. . I went out with the mobile detachment. Early April1970, we became Officer heavy in G2 and I went out to work with 14th and 15th Regiments.

  42. I found some 9th ARVN video from November 1970. Search vietnam war 9th arvn division chau duc province .

  43. Reunion of Easter Sunday Battle, 26 March 1967 Veterans & Families -To mark the 50th anniversary of that battle, veterans of the 175th Aviation Company are in the very initial stages of planning a commemorative reunion to be held about 25-26 March 2017. They are hoping to invite all those who participated in or supported units involved in the battle (MACV advisors & helicopter crews, etc). If you are one of those people and are interested in attending, or know someone who was in or supported units involved in the battle, please respond to this post.

  44. I sure would like to see some pics or video of the old tower. It’s not there anymore as I was there a few years ago. Live in the Philippines now and been back many times. If you could send some pics as I was WIA on 11 Feb 69 and lost most of my stuff when it was returned to the states. My email is

    • Hi Scott; Did you want pictures of the old tower at Vinh Long? I have one. Was in Sadec May 66 -May 67. Pete

  45. Wow! Very interesting on all your comments. I was assigned to DCAT Tm 60 from March 1970 to April 1971 after serving a tour in Korea. Was supposed to be a clerk but ended up with Captain Clarence R. Lancey, Senior Advisor, 3rd Bn., 15th Regt. He kept me alive along with those awesome ARVN’s in our battalion!

    • Just a short comment. I started looking through some of my stuff buried in the attic. I have a copy of the special orders for your Combat Infantry Badge.
      I was with the 1st BN, 16th Regt.

  46. I was attached to the 2nd/15th/9th ARVN Div in Long Xuyen from July 67 to June 68. I would like to go back and revisit Sadec and Long Xuyen. Does anyone know older Vietnamese tour guides (65-75 years old) that remember how it was back on the 60’s? On convoys from Long Xuyen to Sadec the ferry was the only way over the river. I understand a bridge is now in place. I also understand that an airfield is now standing where the 2nd Battalion was stationed.

    • Hello Ramirez. I was also there from Aug 68 until I was WIA on 11 Feb 69. I live in the Philippines now and have backpacked and traveled back to Sadec numerous times as it’s only 1 1/2 hour flight from Manila. Yes there are many roads and bridges now. Right across the river from Vinh Long there is a few resorts that can be reached by renting a boat for a few dollars. The owners are old Viet Cong who married each other after the war and started this resort. If your interested , I’ll find the name and some contact info. If you go keep in mind very little English or French is spoken in Vietnam anymore as over 90% of the population was born after the war. You can hire a Vietnamese fairly easily if you look around in Can Tho or Vinh Long to interperate for you. It’s really cheap to go on your own and if you decide to do that you’ll save a bundle as these guided tours are well over twice as much as you’d pay just going it alone. It’s easy and safe. If you want to know more or are interested mail me at and we can SKYPE.

      Scott Cameron

      • Was with Team 60 from 5/68 until dusted off on 17 Feb 69. Was a first lieutenant and Sr. Advisor with the 3d Bn, 15th Regiment, Dai Uy My in command. With me at different times were SSG Griffen, SSG Stover, Sgt. Williams. I began as Asst Bn Adviser, but spent most of my time as Sr. Adviser. I was training my replacement, CPT. Draper when I was WIA. 2d Bn advisers were Cpt. Norm Otis, 1Lt. Dan Cronin and SSG Weiner. Lt. Copeland was the 15th Recon adviser. Ben Castaneda, an OCS classmate and close friend was also an adviser with Tm 60, but was KIA in the latter part of 1968.

  47. I was the Marine Staff Sergeant and in charge of a Naval Gunfire team attached to Team 60 at Rach Gia during the Easter Offensive in 1972. Had previous tour with Korean Marine Brigade in I Corps and with Adv. Team 95 In Bien Hoa A.B.

  48. My father was Major Herbert H. Butt. He was with team 60 and died shortly after the TET offensive. I was wondering if anyone on here knew him.

    • I was with a Major Butt’s at Tra Vinh (1/14 Inf of the 9th ARVN Div Tm 60) who died of heart attack in 1967 (á heavy set individual). A great gentleman, could it be him? Charlie

    • I remember a Major Butts or Butt. He was one of the initial people that started the SDC. He was great guy. I had the pleasure of riding around country with him. I was a Sp 4 with the 232 signal det 9 in 1964 . He had no fear and enjoyed his counter partner. I think he was a vet of the Korean war. Where he got a battle field commission to Major . You can be proud of him

      • Mr. Zink,
        Thank you so much for your reply and your thoughtful words. I lost my father when I was 3, so I have few recollections of him, much less a lot of detail of his wartime service. Having some small connection to someone who served with him give some small measure of solace. Thank you again.

    • Do you know the name of the Commanding General of the 9th ARVN Division on April 30, 1975? Do you remember a Major Nguyen Xuan Son? MSG, US Army Retired (VN 66-70 & 71-73)

      • Howard, I believe that the Commanding General of the 9th ARVN Division 26 October 1973 till 30 April 1975 was BG Huynh Van Lac .

  49. FYI, my recently published “A Snake in the Road” covers personal comments about Team 60 in 65-66 and again in 71-72. Wrote it for our four sons so they had some idea of “what Daddy did in the war.” It’s available thru Amazon (have to
    add my name to the search element) or thru Enjoy!

    • Enjoyed your book. I was an MI LT in Sadec 69-70 as a Phoenix and then an economic development adviser and I’m trying to write a memoir/Sadec province history utilizing archival material and the recollections of about thirty men who served there as well as my own experience. I have some of your observations particularly on the changes between your two tours and footnoted you. I’d be interested in your comments on my manuscript and also your experience in publishing. Shoot me a line at

      • I live in the Philippines now and have traveled back alot over the last 10 years as Vietnam is very, very cheap and only 1 1/2 hour flight from Manila. While in the delta last time, I took a boat from Phnom Penh into our AO at Chau Doc. Nice guy that runs an English bookstore there right in the town square. Was amazed to see most maps don’t include Sadec there and asked why when I was there. Was told that it was the birth place of Ho Chi Minh’s father. The old compound is almost gone , but the 9th ARVN Divisional HQ bldg is still there and looks like it went through hell as alot of pockmarks from frags and bullets. The tower is gone and it’s being used as a Vietnamese base last time I was there.

        Scott Cameron
        Adv. Tm 60, RTO

    • Tet 67 68 I was with the Arvn Inf Regt 2nd Bn from Long Xyeun I went into the Vihn Long airfield which was partially over run, I stumbled onto how Charlie was getting in a 1st Lt Chung formally a VC commander took over he was cutting the heads of vc does anyone remember him had no teeth was 1st CO we stayed in Vihn Long 3 weeks 11th US Armored Cav came to our rescue does anyone remember why the 9th Div was sent to Can Tho (21st Div AO} we had to retake the University

      • I was also attached to the ARVN 9th, 15 Regt.out of Long Xuyen. I served from July 67 to june 68. I was a radio operator. I would go on operations with Sgt Brunty. and the 15th Recon unit which were also part of the 2nd Battalion. Major Langlias was our top Ofr. He could speak french and his ARVN counterpart could also speak french so it was easy for them to communicate. i remember Captain Crowell who was hawaiian and Lt Brock. I was also there for the Vinh Long airfield skirmish that went on for days. Mr. Edwards, were you the E6 Sgt that had to leave the 2nd Bn out of Long Xuyen because of hepitatis or other illness?

      • Do you remember a Capt. Stewart Jamison. He also came to the airfield via a two Shinuck lift. I was at the airfield for tet-68. He was with an ARVN unit.

      • That’s some really bad information and mostly pure BS! VL airfirld wasn’t partially overrun, yes, the sappers got inside the wire, mostly trying to blowupr the aircraft, whic they failed miserably at. the defenders,a lot, aviation personnel from the units hel thwem at the wire and cleand up the ones that managed to gett through. There were few casualties inside the wire, but did include our company clerk the base comander nad one of the Sea Wolves pilots. Many of the VC were captured, but no heads were cut off. I was there from the very beginning and know how it went down. It was a whole different story in VL city!.

  50. Gordon, good luck, I had excellent support from Book Services, Betsy was a joy to work with, timely responses and much encouragement.

    • I was enlisted Intel Advisor to the 9th ARVN Inf Div at Sadec and worked for a Capt William Hanna or Hannah,as I remember the spelling. He was a fine officer and a West Pointer. Could this be you??

      • No I had 1st Bn and did c&c ops training a maj from D.C. for col. Colonia(sp) was on compound night of shooting. I had 3 different Sgts. One from Guam sgt Iguana e-6\ incorrect spelling but that’s how it sounded\he was on his 5th straight tour, then “pop” Dunn e-7, and finally ed wiley e-5

  51. Tran, I was the Sr. Advisor to 2nd Bn 16th ARVN Regiment in 1967 the moved into TOC late in 67 until TET of 68. Do you happen to know what happened to the ARVN Battalion Commander LUAN who was a Dalat Graduate. He got relieved of his command sometime in Sept. or Oct. of 1967 and I could never find out what happened to him or where he went.

    • Gary, You could try the source. General Thi wrote a book entitled The twenty-Five Year Century which he signed for me and I believe he is still alive and living in Fremont California. Other than that I know Cpt Luan left in August since I left on Sep 9th and he had been gone for at least a few weeks by then. If you would like to read the book I can send you my copy. Reg

      • Dear
        I didn’t know capt. Luan, because I was in 1st Bn/15 Reg 1965&66 with capt. Huynh.
        Yes, I would like, too. Thank you.

    • Gary, we must have worked together at the TOC. I was SA 1/14 until Col. Callahan paid me a visit after a battle to inspect the captured weapons, and assigned me to the TOC in Nov 67. Lt Jack Jacobs, the MOH winner, was my assistant until I left for home in May 68. Remember the night Tet started, bullets began bouncing off the TOC walls:)) Cpt. Red Taylor was the compound commander, and remember him running down the street by the volley ball court with his carbine, fell with his hands under it tearing the skin off his hands and fingers, but was good for a Purple Heart:)) I think that I remember you, but at 80 faces, times, and things have changed. Was trying to remember the name of the red headed FAC captain that was assigned to the Division and lived on the compound. Glad to meet you again. Charlie

  52. I was SFC Interpreter in G-2 DCAT-60 9th inf. Division ARVN. Knew capt.Black, Lt Harris, Slavin…. Did you remember me? Thank for your time.

  53. Knew Major Noel Doyle–was G2 Advisor 70-71, he left me a smooth running and professional shop–he had two assistants, Captains Demski and Niemeyer…I was Noel’s “turtle.” Lost contact with him following 71 transfer. BTW, Book Services ( just published my experiences with the 9th in 65-66 and again in 71-72. Title is “A Snake in the Road.”. Enjoy!

    • William,
      I just ordered your book. I am writing a Sadec province history/memoir of my tour with Team 65 in 69-70 as a Phoenix LT and as an economic development guy. Looking forward to what you have to say about the bad old days (Sadec was quite secure in 69-70) and also want to get your take on publishing with book services — an operation new to me.

      • Hey Just visited Sadec the bridge is still there and also the Phu duc but its not called that also went to the brick factory was there 67 68 70 71 Vihn Long has changed I coud not find the Team building but went on the air field some of it is still there but could not go too many un exploded devices will visit agin on March……I live in Philippines vacationg here in USAWilliam Edwards

        • Was the red and white microwave signal tower still standing in the corner of the airfield closest to town? 369th signal battalion company C… “long lines vietnam”

        • I also live in the Philippines Bill Edwards. Just came back from the American Legion Convention in Angeles City. I’m the new Cmdr of Post 66 in Davao, PI., but live in General Santos City, Mindanao. Contact me if you’d like to correspond at Been back to Vietnam a number of times, twice to Sadec , Vinh Long and Can Tho. I usually take the boat down the river from Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

          • I first went back to Viet Nam after the war in 1989. I was restricted to Saigon by the secret police. Went back in 1991 and they allowed me to travel to my wife’s hometown in Ben Tre province. We took a car down to My Tho and then a boat up the river to Cho Lach because many of the roads/bridges would not support a car from Ben Tre City to the end of the province closest to Vinh Long. The entire town came to see me because they had not seen anyone but Vietnamese since 1975. Now, no one pays attention to me except my friends and in-laws. My wife and I go back four out of five years to Viet Nam and will be back in early Dec to early Feb. Sometimes my wife comes with me but I am often traveling in the Delta by myself doing research for my books. A lot of the old places are gone and the towns are now cities, and the villages are now towns, etc. Building is going on everywhere. In the last few years, I have seen only one old US Army bridge going over a creek, and I am sure it will be replaced with a new one when I am next at that location. One thing which is obvious is that the farmers are growing excellent crops and animals and making money. The farmers/country people were on the wrong end of the stick for many years until the late 1980s and early 1990s, and now you can see they are living much better lives. Things are not perfect but they are much better.

  54. Yes I remember Mal. Doyle he was the assistant regt advisor to Maj Languies hope I spelled that right he later went into G 2 I believe he was from Georgia or Alamaba

  55. James Shipp, I was also there then and I remember your name, but after 45 years faces seem to fade. I’m sure we saw each other alot. Where do you live now. I’m living in General Santos City, Philippines now. I’ve been here about 9 years now. My e-mail is and would really like to corresponde.

    • I live in the Philippines Angeles Cith near the Clark Air Base I own the bar and grill Luthers Bunker just down from the VFW Pinatubo St Bill Edwards

      • Do you still own the bar as have to be up in Manila on Feb 29th and will travel to Clark if your still there. I almost died in the hospital there as they took me off the plane and ended up spending another 32 days there before I could make it home. Found the hospital ruins and my old room just behind the McDonalds about 8 years ago. Who whole face is gone and had to sneak around a guard who tried to stop me from going in. Look forward to seeing you

  56. Shipp I was with MACV Tm 60 from Dec 68 to Dec 69. I have photo’s of you in my collection. The day the shooting took place in the barn I was flying out of Vinh Long. When I returned latte that evening I was informed of the incident. Sad situation.

    • Jim, WOW, I have no pictures of my time in Vietnam as I had an irate exwife that destroyed everything, including my purple heart and bronze star. If you could send me a few photo’s it would be greatly appreciated. Amazing to me. My e-mail is I would really appreciate it. I remember the name now, Penny. If you remember and I knew that Penny was trying to start the old racial thing in the unit and Pat had a talk with him in a bunker. So sad. The pictures would be great and also of yourself as it would refresh my memory so much. Thanks much Jim.

    • JIm…great to catch up!…no boat rides like my Navy buddy McCallister took me on!…maturity is a great thing!

  57. That particular day I was flying out of Vinh Long, when I returned late that evening I was told of the incident.

    • Amazing they had a chopper on the pad in minutes to get the shooter out of there as Pat was well liked and we felt it was murder. Understand though that there where some that say Pat was reaching for his M-16. He was a great guy and the other one a real big city punk in my opinion. It was a sad day. I was WIA a few days later.

  58. I was with Team 60 Dec. 68 to Dec. 69. Major Sweeney was my commanding officer. I worked Div G2. I flew with the 199th RAC. Col. Smith was the SA. I have also been trying to locate Maj. Sweeney, last known address was in Georgia. I too would like to make contact with him, can anyone else help?

  59. I was with the 2nd/15th/9th out of Long Xuyen from July 67 to June 68. I was a drafted 2 year radio operator. When I served my 2 years I was only 20 years old when I got discharged, Even though I was at the base compound with the 2nd most of the combat operations I went on were with the 15th Recon unit. Major Langlais, Major Fern, Capt Brock, Sgt Bradley, Sgt Brunty were some of the others I remember throughout the year I was there. One of the big combat operations i remember was during the Tet offensive at the Binh Long airfield. One end of the airfield was being hit hard by Charlie so multiple airstrikes were necessary.

  60. Ed
    Did you go into Cambodia in May of 1970 with the 9th ARVN Division. I had a few ARVN friends in the 9th and they got permission for me to go along in at the Parrots Peak area.


  61. Capt Ed Delehanty here
    I was Sr advisor to the 1/14th 9th Division Sept 1969-Mar 1970 then was an advisor to the ATVN 2nd Cav in Vinh Long. I remember Col Knapp who was the 14th Regt Sr. Advisor and my boss.
    I cannot recall the NCO killed in Jan or Feb of 1970. He was with the recon platoon attached to the 14th Headquarters. I had to ID him at graves registration my memory escapes me.
    I have a few pictures and remember the Cambodian Campaign as I ended up running the TOC at the special forces B camp in Chi Li ( ARVN Traing center at the base of a mountain) on the night shift as my ARVN amored cav unit continued operations in Cambodia wewere not allowed to go in after 90 days.I remember a Major Mattheison with the ARVN 2nd Cav. in Vinh Long.

      • Wish I could remember his name Jan or Feb 1970 I think. I have no idea who I replaced as SA. I don’t think I ever met him.

        I can’t remember squat–Names escape me–I can remember some of our operations. We were the “airmobile reserve unit : for the 9th DIV and flew all over and walked forever.

  62. I was there in 63 left Aug 64
    I ran the switchboard
    . Sgt cupp was the 1 shirt. Col crane was they senior advisor
    Can’t remember my Lt name. Allso perry mason visited us.

    • Still there Larry? I was in Sadec at same time, 63, left in May 64. Came down right after the move from Qui Nhon.

      Worked crypto & teletype. Can’t remember many names from that time. Too much time has gone by.

      • Hi Gary, i found a 8 mm tape of sadec . Had it changed to cd. I dont remember all the names. I tryed to put a telephone next to your trailer. Got into trouble about it. I had a monkey then too. Do you remember Raymon Burr when he came there ? How about the building out side our gate that vc blew up. The round one.. if you go on my page face book i have some pictures . I am tryingto put on cd on there . Do you have any pic on face book? I will look. My email is

      • Gary i saw your post with larry zink and zink talked about perry mason and monkeys so i sent some pics by email to larry of mason the monkeys and my dad sgt marshal (woody)woodson. He sent me back 22 pics of my dad and is mailing a video. If you would like some of my pictures youll welcome to them and i will email them to you.

  63. I came to DCAT 60 in Sadec Sep 71 through Mar 72 from 362nd Signal in CRB . I am trying to piece together my time in Sadec . When my father died my mother gave me all my letters I had sent to them from June 71 through April 72. They have helped me put together a timeline of places and all letters are dated which provides the when. I remember an ARVN Capt named Huy or Hui it was pronounced dah-we we . I have complete memories of my time in Nah Trang and Cam Rahn but my time in Sadec I had no interpreter and had to rely on 4 yrs of High School French taught by a nice elderly black man from the Deep South . Most conversations we would write in French. I was trained on Microwave communications 26L20 . Anybody remember me ? I was from St Louis and Mom would send the Post Dispatch newspaper once in awhile (according to my letters) Any help would be appreciated !!

    SP4 Richard Rankin
    235 East Main
    Cambridge City, IN 47327

  64. I did not know your father. I was with Adv Tm 60 from June 71 to April 72. I was with Div HQ and Div HQ was in the field–first at Chau Duc in the Seven Mtns and later moved in Nov 71 to Rach Soi on the Gulf of Thailand. There were elements back at SaDec,mainly administrative personnel. There were also sub-sector teams in the six provinces which it appears your father was with. I recall that the six were Vinh Binh, Vinh Long, Kieng Phuong, Kieng Giang, Chau Duc and one where we had no advisors that was north west of Vinh Long and Sa Dec. Long Xuiang must have been a district . If you can determine which province you might be able to go to the US Military History people at Carlisle Barracks for more assistance. Good hunting..

    • Was ordered to chi Lang in Sept 71 as Naval Liason Officer later went with the team to Rach Gia. Great bunch of guys. Can only remember a few Capt Syndnor, Capt. Flauto and Col Harris. Never forget the daily volley ball games and night movies Things we didn’t have at the Naval opbase. HaTien

      • Jim, I was with Team 60 in Sadec, Rach Gia, and My Tho from December 1971 through November 1972. I don’t remember names, but you must be that Navy guy I remember in the TOC at Rach Gia. Long ago. Ben Fouts

      • Jim, I was with the tam at Rach Gia. I was flown out to ships a couple of times to meet the folks providing naval gunfire.’

    • You can go into the mountain now and see all the VC rooms billiting and hospital inside the mountain now. Not many tourists go there, but they where basically running the war in the Delta from there.

  65. Wondering if anyone here served with my father sfc solei. Looks like paperwork says he was adv team 60 1971-72. Longxuyen viet. Under senior advisor TS jones. My father has passed but i find myself spending alot of time trying to research what hes done and where. Thanks for any info.

    • Robert, I was there in 64-5, and again 68-9, so did not know your father. I suspect your reference probably is to Long Xuyen, the capital of An Giang Province (the 7th province in Adv Tm 60 (ARVN 9th Div) area) to those mentioned by William.

  66. Bill Hanne: Was with DCAT 60 in 65-66 as asst G2 adv and again in 71-72 as G2 Advisor following Noel Doyle. COL Vic Conley was SA first tour and COL Aubrey Harris was SA most of my second tour. COL Ted Williams took his place. Was in Sa Dec 65-66 and in Chau Duc and Rak Gia second tour after the division took the Seven Mountain area. Remember BG Di very well as SA and I flew with him virtually every day visiting div locations and provincial HQ. Just found this site by chance–many thanks to those who started it and kept it going.

    • Bill, I remember you as one hell of a half-miler on the West Point track team. I just stumbled across this Web site. I was with Adv Tm 60 as a CPT from Jan 67 to Jan 68, first as Asst Revolutionary Development Advisor (winning hearts and minds), then as Asst G-3 Air Advisor (killing those who failed the first test). Senior Advisors were COL Bringham and COL Calnan. General Thi was Div commander. I later saw him when he visited West Point while Supe of the VN Mil Academy.
      Hope you are well.
      Jim McGinnis

  67. Bruce and William. I also live in the Philippines and have been back to Vietnam many times. I live in General Santos City, PHP. I guess I just like living on the edge as I’m as far south as you can get in Mindanao. Sometimes not such a friendly place as alot of MILF and NPA. Abu Saraf is around occasionally, but usually 50-60 miles away.

  68. Does anyone remember or still have contact with the following from Team 60 in the 1966-67 time period?v Lt. Mason, SaDec HQS detachment XO; SFC Springer, MP advisor & club manager; Navy Lt Gibson, Navy liaison; Cpt Faulkner, 9th ARVN Div TOC; Cpt Stone, G1. Found some slides I took of them in the Team 60 club circa Jan-June 1967.

    • I would sure love to see those Club photos. I played poker with Pete Rose in that club when he came on a USO visit with DiMaggio and another player. Connie Frances did a show on the tennis court. The PSA was Col Callan. The TOC S3 NCO was MSG Cato.

      • Rich, I was there for the event also. Remember having trouble getting the projector to work. DiMaggio took my and Cpt Red Taylor’s hut:)) If you’ll send me your email address I’ll send you a picture of myself and an NCO at a memorial service on the court. I was Chief of the TOC, with Lt. Jacobs who had just won, but didn’t know at the time, the MOH. Bet you remember Red Taylor, the compound commander. Left there in May 68. Charlie

  69. Rich, To my knowledge I was not related to Danny Latham (although the Lathams are a large extended family.) At least I did not know him in Vietnam.

  70. Hey Rich you are spot on. That Sunday night as darkness fell my PRC25 was not working well and I was virtually lying in the rice paddy as there was s much fire going over head. TOC got a Spooky up for us but when trying to communicate with Spooky the only way we could communicate was he figured out that if I clicked once he would either fire or stop firing and twice the reverse or something like that. It was pretty harrowing for awhile but thank goodness the two of us got if figured out.

    I am sure we worked together in the TOC as my first tour dd not end until after TET 68 and I remember Vihn Long Air Field was still pretty dicey and when I got to Saigon was down in Cholon where the fighting was still street to street and a lot of fires were raging. In fact when we were finally bused up to Long Bihn the air field got mortared and we had to be brought back to Saigon at last light and finally boarded a Freedom Bird there. Not a word was spoken until we were up in the air as it was a surreal situation that’s for sure.

    Regarding General Thi, he lives in San Diego area and as I understand, he has been somewhat unsuccessful in running in local politics out there. Goggle his name and you will find him still a prominent figure in the Vietnamese Community.

    • I also remember an operation where the ARVN 9th had the VC pinned down but the ARVN Commander wanted the birds to come in and pick them up and take them back to base. The Advisor advised TOC that the reason the ARVN wanted to pull out was because the next day was a holiday and they don’t fight on holidays. Reminds me when my 1SG and myself were visiting some signal sites because WE provided all land line, microwave, and TROPO commo in that part of the Delta. Sorry if you had to whistle down circuits to complete a call, but we had to drop into a RFPF outpost for some reason and there was an Officer taking down a loss report from two Advisors. They got overrun the night before and all they had was the clothing they wore.

  71. Sgt. Yoder was my Sgt. in late 68, 69. He was from W. Virginia. We we’re Div. G-2. I also flew w/Swamp Fox Recon Airplane Co. Out of Vinh Long. Last operation for me was Nov 69 in Vi Than w/Major Sweeny. Does anyone remember him?

  72. Hey Does anyone remember 1stLt Nichlos later made Cpt was with the 15th Regt and I do remember Sfc Gentry he lives neat Fort Cambell Ky

    • I was with the 15th regiment ARVN out of Long Xuyen from July 67 to Jun 68. Happened to be in Sa dec when a mail plane hit a antenna tower and crashed in the canal adjacent to the compound killing the pilot.

    • Hey Bill Edwards, were you the Sgt that got malaria (or other sickness) and had to leave the 15th. i remember a Lt Nichols (who I think use to shave his head). We would drive into the city of Long Xuyen from the base camp of the 2nd and drink some BA-MI-BA (33) beer.

  73. Thanks Reg. I suspected something like this might have happened. The whole situation from the time we off loaded the trucks and came under fire was unlike another operation I had been on with them. Since Luan was a graduate of DaLat and kind of a “Fair Haired Guy” for General Thi, I just never did know what to think of what happened to him. By the way, I just read “Outlaws In The Delta” and relived a lot of their missions with them including the Top Secret one where the Seals were inserted. As memory recalls, we went in to link up with them and they were ahead of us, and when we got to the spot where the POW(s) were to have been, found strong indications they had been ahead of us and were moved by the time we got there. I often wondered if the target with Major James Rowe.

    Thanks for the note about the Outlaws getting together. Don’t know if I can make that but will look at the calendar. Spent a lot of time in the air with them that’s for sure.

    • Gary, Just got back from the visit with the Outlaws and Maverick’s. Met Jon meyhr and Jim Martins on they got shot up on Easter Sunday. Everyone had a good time. Rex was sorry you couldn’t make it. Me too, we are getting old. They are hoping to do it again in 2 years, the 50th. Hope you can make it then. Reg

  74. Maryland Public Television, Stevenson University, and the Wall of Faces and Virtual Wall are looking for a photo of SFC John E Davis KIA Jan 16, 1971. He was a member of ADV TM 60 and he was from Baltimore. We are trying to ensure his sacrifice is recognized.. Please reply if you can help with photo or can describe circumstances of his death. Much appreciated.

  75. Hey Rex, Long time. I do remember you but we probably did not get to cross paths that much since we were all so spread out. It was interesting that after the 9th ARVN on my 3rd tour I got to be the S3 of 6/31 Inf of the 9th US when they were a separate brigade and spent time out in the Plain of Reeds doing interdiction missions. Had opcon of the hovercraft for awhile and was kind of like being in the Deltat all over again.


    • Gary, Long time. Rex emailed me the other day about a reunion of sorts the Outlaws are having in western Kentucky March 26- 29. I am going if you could make it, it would be great. In the meantime let me know how life is. I am fine freezing here in Connecticut. Reg

  76. When I arrived in SaDec Dec. 68 Major Sweeney was my commanding officer. When I departed in Dec. 1969 Maj. Sweeney was my boss and Colonel Smyth was the senior advisor. I’ve been attempting to contact Major Sweeney in Georgia but have been unsuccessful to date. Any additional information would be appreciated.

  77. Question. I was the Senior Advisor to 2/16 ARVN in 1967/1968; and moved over to TM 60 at 9th ARVN Div HQ Toc Operations in the fall of 1967. One Sunday in late 1967, while camped outside of Div. HQ the Sa Dec Provience Chief got permission for 2/16 Arvn to join PF forces who had gotten in a fire fight and it then got really messy. The next day, after the fog of battle cleared, several VC Suspects were marched off and never seen again. That is the last time I ever saw the ARVN BN Commander Cpt. Luan. Does anyone ever remember this incident or what might have hapended. I got an email years ago from a LT of the lead Company stating that there were MGs placed at either end of a dike line and as the ARVN forces moved across the open field but them down by inviting them to advance that they (The VC) were PF Forces. I believe the field advisor from Sa Dec was a Citadel Graduate (Major).

    • Gary, Don’t know if you remember me but I was the assistant advisor to 3/16/9th ARVN 1966-67. I do remember you. I served with Captains Mitchell, Clark and Wiley. I am also in touch with Reg Farrington who also served with the 2/16 and with Dave Radin who was in Vinh Long.

    • Gary, I remember what happened I was with 1st company, they got shot up . The company commander got shot in the butt his second wound in a week. He took one the week before as we were uploading LCVPs in an area called the triangle. Cpt Luan Was relieved because one of the never seen agains was the village chief, a VC. He and the security platoon were sent to the 10th ARVN Div. It was Let. Hanh the S3 who filled me in. Reg

    • I was assigned to Co C, 52d Signal, a tenant attached to Team 60. I think I also remember that incident. I had a PRC-25 that I used to listen in on missions. BTW, the Ops NCO was MSG Yoder I believe or it started with a C. Can’t remember. What I heard was the ARVNS had the VC surrounded on an island and it was getting late. The ARVN Commander decided to wait until daylight to go in and get them. When daylight came, the VC had disappeared. Also, do you remember whenever General Thi would leave with his family, we would get hit? I was there during Tet 68. We were lucky but Vinh Long not so lucky. I was also the first person to take a drink of water from the new water purification unit that sucked water from the river. You can see the compound on Google Earth. I see the old TOC building is still there along with the Rec Hall, and Club. Looks like the rest was torn down, oh, and the tennis court is still there as well. My dates in Sadec – Jun 67 – Jun 68 and Outlaw 26 the PSA’s ship flew me out to Long Binh. Welcome Home.

      • Summary of the Tết offensive in Sadec.

        1969 Tet offensive, Sadec city was safe, because the 9th ARVN Recon. knew in advance few hours, that the Viet Cong’s force would attacked the 9th ARVN Division Head Quarter in midnight.
        We call to inform P2 (intel.), P3 (oper.), and Capt. Muller Thym (Team 60), let them know the dangerous situation, that the 9th ARVN Recon. force will move out the base on operation.
        We contacted P2, P3 had 2nd Lt on duty, but they could not decided and no response (We still have no answering for where are all high-ranking staff officers!!!). Respectively, Capt.Muller Thym let us known that 10-DAY ON TRUCE, advisor team could not let him leave his compound. But about 9 AM the next đay, when we still searched near the Tan Quy church, he was in civilian camouflage come to me for one question: Success? When I nodded, he quiet move right away. Thanks Thyme a lot for what we used to discuss about the world histories.

        On the way to protect the 9th ARVN Div.HQ. we got a call from Major Trung (Sadec Province Chief), he had just warning us beware of the 2 Local Force Battalions station around the province.
        The battle was happening about few hundred yards in front of the 9th ARVN Division HQ.(the area behind Gen. Lam Quang Thi and Div. staff officers residents)
        The Vc’s force was totally annihilated on the night before Tet (Mau Than), Vc didn’t know we had arrived and attacked them from behind when all of them still standing on the road, no formation, and could not open fire on us.
        Next morning, the 9th ARVN Recon kept searching around , and caught more than 200 Vc POWs.h
        The fighting was difficult because the civilian residents mistook with the sound of the firecracker, so their had fire firecrackers. We had no casualty, Except the area in front of the 9th ARVN Div. HQ, most the city didn’t know the battle just happening.

        On day 5, Vc tried another attack, but they were destroyed in Tan Quy Hamlet, The 9th ARVN Con. had one KIA.
        The Vc Lt. Commander was executed by right them, reason his failure attacking.

        On day 6, we coordinated with the batt. 2/15/9, Maj. Nguyen Van Hien, Batt. Commander (he is in San Jose, CA), open an operation around Vinh Long Province. The central of city had damaged.)

        • Sgt Dinh, thank you for the kind words about Captain Muller-Thym. He was a wonderful man and an outstanding soldier. As for me, I will never forget my time with DD9TS. Outstanding soldiers. Hope all is well with you and your family.

    • Gary, you were at 60 the same time I was but I was attached from Co C, 52d Signal Bn. Did you know MSG Cato S3? I was there June 67 until June 68.

      • Do you remember a Ricky Holmes who was with his 52nd. He was in sedac in 1968. He and I grew up together and he does not live far from me now. I was in sadec at the same time as an advisor.

  78. Remember a Lt. Mitchell. Ran into him in the 29th EVAC just before I was evaced to Clark AFB. He caught a mortar frag through his back into his lung.
    The date was February 1969.

  79. Thank you. Ms Tay was a very pretty lady. I never got to talk to her but she seemed to be very nice. Sgt Gentry sounds familiar. Like i said before I don’t remember a lot of names. I hope you enjoy your trip back there too. I have looked at Sadec on Google map or earth. You can still see the compound. I have wanted to return for years just could not afford

    it. Thanks for answering.

  80. I am in Philippines now and am making plans to visit Vihn Long in Feb 2015 My unit went into the airfield during Tet 6768 mean ass time

  81. Major Sweeney was my commanding officer and we worked with a translator of Sgt. Duc. I left Vietnam in Dec. of 1969. My last operation was in Vi Thanh. Spec/4 Jan Brown was my replacement.

    • Yes, talked with him last week. His email address is I’m a bit leery of publishing his telephone number. I arrived October of 1969. I talked with Ed Sweeney last year. He was living in Madison Georgia at that time.

        • Yes,I hope day!I remembered my SFC Le served with Maj. Ed Sweeney in G-1. Did you know him? A MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR SEASON

    • I also remember Sp4 Brown, He arrived Sa Dec about same time I did, left for home later. Also remember I saw him coming back as I was leaving in July of 71, I believe. I think he was an E5 and had requested fast return. He was shared clerk for G2 office. 3 officers and 1 enlisted. What a rank heavy configuration that was. Major Ninh and LTC Nguyen were ARVN officer names in G2 I recall.
      Sweeney’s given name is Edwin.

  82. I have a web page on facebook search for Vinh Long Army Airfield, it has lots of photos and personal stories from its members and have even connected those who served in IV Corps.

  83. Bill, Do you have contact info or full name of SSGT Frye? Hoping I could find out info on CPT Wiley. I worked with CPT Wiley for a few months before ending my tour. Would like to contact him if possible. .

    Thanks. Rex

  84. I served with both 15th and 16th Regt Capt Nam and Maj My was commanders Heavy wpns Inf Advisor Looking for Senior Advisor Capt Nichlos last known Germany

      • Gian Tran, I was a 1Lt. with the 1st Bn/15th Regiment/9th ARVN/ Team 60 out of Sa Dec. I was the senior Bn advisor from March 1960/April 1970. SFC (sounds like) iguana (sorry) he was from Guam, another Sgt was Ed Wylie and SFC “Pop” Dunn. I believe Col. “Colona” was the Reg. commander. I also ran C&C ops and trained a (desk-no combat experience) Major how to run C&C’s. Spent a lot of time in 4 Corps, “visited” 3 Corps and a quick tip one the other side of the Mekong. Did you cross paths with any one of us?

  85. Arrived Sadec October 1969 and left July 1971.. Served Division G2 (Major Ninh) and then 15th Regiment SA parts of 70& 71. Met General Di, in Orlando October 2012 and hope to see him again next month. Great man, he was a WARRIOR. Di was a full colonel in 1969, promoted during the Cambodian skirmish in 1970 and received additional star after I left.

      • I was with Division G2 Dec 68-Dec 69. Major Sweeney was my boss. The last month in country we were mobil in IV Corps.  Running an operation in Vi Thanh.  Any body remembe?

      • Yes., He was living there and I believe he continues. I have misplaced contact information, but Orlando is a good addres for him.

    • Hello! Slavin
      I am so happy when seeing your name.
      Do you remember 2 interpreters in G2/DCAT-60/9th ARVN division located in Sadec province/Delta area
      I am a E.8 Gian and other E.8 HOA
      I wish your respond.
      I have been in Sacramento, California.
      My address Gian tran
      4001.S. Watt ave apt # 223
      Sacramento, CA 95826
      My phone # (916) 363 9026

      And HOA still lives in VN

  86. Charlie, Believe the name of the restaurant was the “Long Chau” or something life that. The restaurant is still there, but under different name, Phuong Thuy.. Ate there during a 2007 trip to commemorate the 26 March 1967 Easter Sunday battle.

    • ‘Long Chau’, that rang the bell, Rex – thanks! I remember sitting there eating an omelet watching the long-tail boats ply there way back and forth, and Hiep always referring to the catchup I put on the omelet as ‘cat soup’.

    • Rex, are you any relation to Danny Latham from Texas? He was a cook in Sadec in 67-68 and moved up to Binh Thuy where he committed suicide.

  87. Thanks for responding, David. In addition to “tough SOB, and a great commander”, I also remember Hiep as calm, cool, determined, but with a good sense of humor (very dry). When in town (VL), my daily routine was to pick him up in the morning at his home (with my jeep), and drive to the popular water front restaurant (don’t recall the name; wish I had taken notes). Our table served as his VL ‘office’, to which his staff would bring assorted paperwork for him to sign. One time his younger brother joined us for lunch (he had first gone to his home, and his wife told him we were at the restaurant). Hiep had previously told me his brother was a VC Co the Tan An area. He told his brother that he had told me of his affiliation, so his brother asked if I had any concerns meeting him. I said something to the effect ‘OK with me, it it’s OK with you’. He hung out for about 1/2 an hour, and bid his adieu’s. After lunch, he would normally move his ‘office’ to one of the bars.

    Hiep also told me his bro-in-law was a MG in the NVA Marines (he met his wife in NVN while serving with the French ABN), and had asked him to consider changing sides and he would get him a commission as a Colonel in the NVA. I have MANY anecdotes about my time with Hiep, and several of them are hilarious!

    Where are you now, David? I live in Seminole County, FL ~ 20 mi. north of Orlando.

  88. I served as assistant bn advisor with the 3rd Bn, 16th Regiment 9th ARVN division from about Oct 1966 to November 1967. We ranged over Sadec, Vinh Long, Kien Phong and Vinh Binh provinces. When I joined the battalion it was in the 13th Regiment but was designated the16th when it was decided that 13 was an unlucky number. Am looking for others who served with Team 60, especially during the 1966-68 period.

    • I was the Air Force ground radio operator with the MACV Advisory Team 60 1965-66. This was prior to it becoming a naval base although we did go on a few missions in the boats. Anyone else from that time period on here?

      • Danny;

        I have been in contact with Art Fromm who was a radio operator for Adv 53 at Long Xuyen and Chi Lang during the same time period as you were in Vietnam. I have his email address.


        Ed Toussaint (

  89. I need some help from you IV Corps (Mekong Delta) Advisory Team vets.

    I am trying to piece together my brother’s experiences in Vietnam (June 65 to June 66) for the benefit of his boys and the rest of the family.

    A2C Tom Toussaint was a USAF reciprocating engine mechanic. For part of his time he was on Advisory Team 53 at Long Xuyen or Can Tho. He spent time at Soc Trang and Chi Lang. And he had been in both Thailand and Laos.

    I think he was a crew chief on a Forward Air Control 1-E Bird Dog. He had hundreds of slides taken from the rear seat of the FAC plane of air strikes in the forests below. But the few pictures I have of him show only Bird Dogs with US Army markings, not USAF.

    How were these Advisory Teams organized? Who did the members report to?

    Could he have been working on an Army plane?

    He talked about having an M60 mounted on the door of the O1-E. The FAC’s I have talked to said that the Army O1-E’s did this, but not the Air Force.

    What was the role of these USAF people on these Advisory Teams in the Delta?


    Ed Toussaint
    Potomac, MD

    • Ed,

      The Cessna produced O1 series (originally L-19) was used by both the Army and AF, as well as the Marines. The AF use was predominantly, if not exclusively, to support FAC’s directing air strikes. The Army used them also to direct air strikes (both USAF and Army gunships), put primarily for directing artillery and observation/reconnaissance missions. When I was there each of the provincial advisory teams had an AF team assigned consisting of an officer-pilot/FAC, and an enlisted crew chief..

      As far as I know, all of the Army O1’s flew in support of US Army units, and were not assigned to advisory teams. The M60’s were add-on field modifications by the Army. The Marines also flew their own O1’s with the same missions as the Army O1’s, with the addition of directing naval gunfire support.

      There is a ton of info available on the internet, including some good pictures and YouTube videos. Just search on “O-1 Bird Dob”. Here’s a good one about one of the most famous episodes: I went to school with the Ranger advisor mentioned in the article.

      Hope this helps.

      • We had a bird dog U.S. Army assigned to Team 72 in Tra Vinh, They mainly flew missions to locate VC. Plus they operated as our personal air taxi when we couldn’t get Air America to come in to pick us up. One time I had a bad toothache and needed to see a dentist pronto. I was flown to Can Tho airfield in our bird dog but I also served as an observer on the way out. I had to hitch a flight back to Try Vinh which wasn’t easy.

    • I was WIA on 11 Feb 69 with Adv. Tm 60. Scott Cameron. I think Lt. Davis , if I remember correctly had just gotten incountry a few months before being hit.

        • I vaguely remember the name. Remember that I was an 18 year old kid and now 65 and living in Asia. Went back to Sadec and Vietnam and ended up staying in Asia. Go figure, but love it here. I spent 5 months in the states out of 36 backpacking from Hanoi to Kamodo Island in Indonesia and everywhere in between.

  90. Mike Virginia I served with Tm 60 Dec 68/ Dec 69 G2 also flew with 199th RAC out of Vinh Long as the GIB gathering intel. Maj. Sweeney was my commanding officer.

    • Dear Mr Gregory M. Virginia.
      Interpreter E.8 Gian Tran I served with Tm 60 Feb.1970 G2 9th ARVN Division located in Sadec-Delta area. My G2 Tm Leader was Major Noel Doyle and Major Sweeney was commanding in G1.May you tell me about Major N. Doyle. Thank you for your time
      My Email address is

      • I used to go to Vinh Long a lot. I had a friend there by the name of Whitaker. He was a gunner tdy from Hawaii. I remember a beautiful translator in Sadec. She was tall and slender. Do you remember they found out our bar tender that they had brought from the last base was a VC. He go away before anyone could get him. When I first arrived in Vinh long a Special Forces Sgt. Took me to eat at a down town restaurant. He later got me a 45 from the supply at Can Tho. I would like to return to Sadec one day, but getting to old to go. I turn 72 this year. Enjoy your time in country.

        • Mr Vink read your comment the translator was Ms Tay sorta sweet with 1ST Sargeant do you remember Maj Langely, SFC Sims, SFC Gentry all with 16 RCAT what about SFC Lightsinger in the club this is in Sadec was in Vihn Long during TET 67 68 bad ass time

          • Hello!IThe 16 RCAT was in Long Ho – Vinh long province but Iwas in 1st bn 15th reg. located in Rach soi- Rach gia..I also remembered Sfc Lightsinger in PX too.

          • Looking for more info on SFC Billy Lightsinger. I am writing his biography on our website – Madison County Hall of Heroes (Alabama). Have his citations for Silver Star and one of his Bronze Star with V. You ought to consider a similar website for the advisor teams – certainly enough valor there.

          • Bill Edwards, I was in Sadec during Tea 68. We had a detachment (Co C, 52d Sig) at the airfield. Most received an ARCOM “V” for the fight they put up defending the switchboard and other commo operations. They also pulled guard on the bunkers that got run over. I
            left Sadec in June 68. The Sadec compound did not get hit.

    • I was the G2 Air Advisor with Team 60, 9th ARVN ID from Aug 68-Aug 69. I also was OIC of the Team PX. MAJ Sweeney was the G2 Advisor for a few months before I left, as he had replaced a Puerto Rican Major.

      • Hello Harry, I’m sure we crossed paths a time or two but never met. I was Div G2 security analyst. Major Sweeney was my boss, I do believe he has passed. I did fly out of Vinh Long with tha 199th RAC. Sweeney sent me to an in country school for photography, hence the reason for flying. Good to hear from someone from the team. A lot of water under the bridge, life is good.

      • I was in SaDec 28 Aug until wia 11 Feb 60. Did you catch some shrapnel in the back and at 29th EVAC? REMEMBER YOU I THINK. E-6 ??

        • No, not me. I was an MI Captain at the Div HQ and never really in harm’s way. I had a college classmate LT Crittenden and a high school classmate CPT Keating (West Point ’66) who were also at the HQ after stints in the field. Both died 10+ years ago from Agent Orange associated causes. I remember that killing in the compound in 1969. They came rushing into my hooch to get my buddy the doctor, Jim Loeb, who was unable to do anything. I had to go down to Can Tho that afternoon, and rode in the same helo as the deceased soldier.

    • Sarge, When were you with the 14th ARVN Regiment? I was with the 3/16/9th from Oct 66-Nov 67 and a friend, the Capt Reg Farrington was with the 2/14/9th ARVN during part of that time frame.

  91. I was assigned as the Chief Radio Operator to Hq. 9th ARVN Infantry DIV. (MAAG – Advisory Team 60) at Sadec, Vietnam from DEC 1963 – DEC 1964. There was a Signal Company Detachment on the compound but they were a separate unit from the MAAG folks. We worked Morse Code with other Support Units throughout the sector, Provided Communications Support for convoys, Long Range recons, and Search and destroy missions.

    • I was with the 232 signal co detachment 9 at Sadec about the same time frame you were.
      I we operated the tiger switchboard and lines men. We also had the crepto operators in the truck behind the building. . The senior Adviser was Col. Crane and he had a black Plymouth . And first shirt was Cupp. We had a black Spt 4 that ran the radios on the end of the island. out of a tent. He did not like leaving the island, can not remember his name.
      We had just got our new billets and hot water around Aug 1964. We ran convoys and I drove the Dr.s on their Phsy War to treat the locals.

      • Sorry I don’t remember thoughts names. Its been a long time. I do remember a Kawiski he was a linemen. Can not remember our Lt. He was a ROTC officer. I have some movies of sadec on old 8mm reels. Was you there when they blew up the round guard building just out side the gate? How about Perry Mason when he visited us ? We had one USO show . Not a very good one either. I do remember Sgt Fontano and his side kick. Remember the medic that had the combat medics badge?. I had a monkey I keep chained to the awing beside the switchboard. I built the awing to keep the rain out of the switchboard area. I taught english at the school in town to the locals. I remember a tall slender black radio operatos that stayed in the field I think with Lt Hines. You can email me direct if you want.

      • Hello Larry,
        I hope this note finds you well. In response to your query about the Spec 4 radio operator – could it be Hayes Singletary from
        D.C.? He loaned me his pistol for the re-supply convoy in mid- August ’65 during which the incident of the school-house semi-hostage
        situation happened at Tan An II. We missed out on the Raymond Burr visit due to that mission. PFC William Bruce, late Mar ’65 thru
        mid-Sep ’65.

        • Hello Mr Bruce.
          Wondering if you knew my father Sgt Marshal (woody)Woodson. I see coments and Larry zink knew my dad and actually sent me 2 pictures of him i had never seen.
          Army brat here was born ft hood 1954

          • Hi Michael, I bet your Dad knew him since he was there after I left.
            I wish I could remember some names. I can’t can’t remember our Lt. over the signal detachment. All I can remember was he was R.O.T.C officer, blonde and about 25. He didn’t leave the compound much. Merry Christmas to you and families.

    • Do you remember the AirForce Lt that flew the L19 as a spotter He cracked up a few birds. Was chased by a Meg once. You could hear him ( hes diving at me again. , finally I think he hit the trees to get away from him.) 1964

    • Was the NCO/Officers Club at the end of the island when you were there? I remember that they had photographs of all the troops that were stationed at Sadec posted all around the upper walls in the club.

      I also had a Radio Operator by the name of Snider working for me that I had to send to one of the sectors and he begged me not send him. I guess he liked it there as he wound up extending his tour for six months.

      • Bobby, I think I remember bunking in the same hut with you just before you left. I was there from Sept 64 to Sept 65. Worked in the teletype van on the back of a duce and a half next to the main building. We had 2 monkeys (Jocko and Charlie) next to the hut in a small thatched roof chicken wire enclosure. I have pictures of them and the compound.

        • Saw your coment on jacko and charlie. My dad was msgt marshall (woody) woodson. I have home movies of the monkeys on leash with dad and others sitting around and one monkey swiming in a wheel barrel. My email is mww54wdsn@gmail. Com

          • I was there from Sept 64 – Apr 65 as assistant Bn advisor to the 43rd Ranger Bn. Was out in the boonies most of the time, or else in Vinh Long with the ARVN Bn Cdr. I do remember one time handing some APC’s (Aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine (a pill containing all three)) to the monkeys, pretending they were candy. After they bit into them, they were pissed! I was super glad they had chains on.

            • I served on the committee while I was there to build the new building beside the tennis court and update the bar in the club at the end of the compound with the bamboo look and wood circles on the false ceiling. I too made the monkeys mad one time. I wet them down with a fire extinguisher. They were tied up right outside of our building and I was trying to keep them out. The ropes were long enough to allow them to get to my bunk so they destroyed my mosquito net and broke a bottle of aftershave on the ledge.

            • I must have followed you to the 43d. Rarely got to Sadec then, mostly in Vinh Long. Second tour was with Division Recon Co, and we were in Sadec a lot. Lived just outside town in an old monastery.

              • Me too, hardly ever in Sadec, and mostly in Vinh Long. CPT John Holecek was Snr Advisor, guess same with you. Saw him a couple of months ago at a funeral for one of his West Point classmates.
                Dai Uy Hiep was one hell of a Battalion Commander, and a good friend.

                • Walt Sanders was SA, along with a 1LT/Cpt Clark, SFC Williams, SSG Wijas. Hiep was still Bn Cmdr, and a great guy. I worked mostly with 4th Co.

                  • Rodney J Wijas was given the Distinguished Service Cross for action on 5 July 1966. I was a 502nd Maverick gunship crewchief flying that day. We lost a helicopter, Outlaw 15 that day and 3 crewmembers killed and 2 crew badly wounded.

                    • I was on the ground with him that day. Received the BS w/V when we assaulted the bunkers, and Wijas was wounded.

                    • Hi Scott; Did you want pictures of the old tower at Vinh Long? I have one. Was in Sadec May 66 -May 67. Pete

    • Are you the man that had the radio tent next to the old tower on the end of the island? I have some video of the campI will try to up load on my face book

    • Dennis, I was with the 3/16/9th ARVN 1966-67. Am sure we crossed paths as I remember some joint operations with the 43th. Have also established contact with Reg Farrington (2/14/9 ARVN and Dave Radin of Vinh Long Province advisory team 1966-67.

    • David,
      I was with the 43rd BDQ in 1964-5. Do you have any info you can share as to your experiences with CPT Hiep, who was the Bn Cdr when I was there? And any info as to what happened with him after you left? Thanks.

      • Hiep was Major when I was there. No idea of what happened to him. He was a tough SOB, and a great commander. As were many of the company commanders. Lt Chi particularly sticks in my mind, the 4th Company commander.

      • I went in with the ARVN 2nd Cav that was attached to the ARVN 9th division We staged at Muc Wa ( big strike camp there) and actually had 14th ARVN infantry riding on our tracks.

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