Team 57 Tra Vinh-Vinh Binh

MACV Team 57 – Tra Vinh-Vinh Binh.

This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 57 located in Tra Vinh-Vinh Binh.  To post a new comment on this Team page please scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to “Leave a Reply”.

168 thoughts on “Team 57 Tra Vinh-Vinh Binh

  1. I’m going to be visiting Vietnam sometime in January 2025 and will be going to Vinh Binh to spend a few days. I still have my battle map and many of the coordinates of the operations I was on while serving directly under LTC Schowalter and LTC Girdner as their S-2. Have any of you been back since the war and do you have any info that would be helpful to me? I think our team house became a bank (?). I’m really looking forward to this trip and am beginning my preps for the journey. I have several photos taken during my tour. Thx, Bill (“Ambush 2”) 9/67 to 9/68

  2. I am now a retired SFC E-7. In 1963 I was assigned to the “Water Buffalos” Advisory Team 57. At that time I was one of five members on the team. I am searching for the team history and as yet have had no luck. Maybe it’s classified, I do not know. I ended up going to MACV headquarters (advisory command) in Saigon in 1966 and subsequently to the 199th Infantry Division (Sep) (Lt) in 1967 eventually departing Vietnam in 1969. I have seen a lot, but am really interested in Advisory Team 57 history. Please, someone help me.

    • IS anyone still out there who was assigned to Advisory
      Team 57 “Water Buffaloes” in 1962/63. IF so , please reply. SP5 Warren Ward. Team Administrative Leader.

      • My Name is Bill Presz and I was assigned to Advisory Team 57 in Tra Vinh in 68-69 but it was an Air Force Team and not known as Water Buffaloes. We were an Air Force MILPHAP Medical Unit assigned to the civilian hospital in Tra Vinh

        • Hey Bill how’s things going?
          Enjoying the golden years?
          Hope you are doing ok.
          I joined the Agent Orange Club prostate and bladder cancer, found it early so things should be ok. VA has just recently added them to the disability list. won’t complain, better off than alot of the Vets I’ve run into.
          Take care

      • Warren, I was with 57, Senior Advisor Cang Long District. By any chance were you there when one of the two advisors with Cang Long was kia?

        • Charlie – You may remember me. Don Boose. I was Senior Advisor to the 1/14 battalion along with SFC Rod Baker and SSG Verlyn Martin 1966-67. You and I later went to IOAC at Fort Benning. I remember when three members of the Cang Long team were killed in a jeep ambush and later when Jim was killed when his truck hit a mine. A few years ago, I sent a photograph of Jim to his son. On another topic, do you remember the regimental-sized amphibious landing on the coast of Long Tuan in the spring of 1967? I am trying to find out the date and name of that operation. Cheers, Don

          • Hello Don, what a small world. Yes, I remember you, we served together at Fort Gordon with the training battalion. I was the CO of Company C. Colonel Vail was the Battalion Commander, if I remember correctly. I remember the day you left the Tra Vinh air strip for home. I remained with the Battalion until October ;67, and was reassigned as SA of the Division TOC. Lt Jack Jacobs (MOH) was my assistant. I retired in 1976, and went into banking for 23 years. Good to hear from you, Charlie

            • Seeing your post made my day, Charlie! Lil asks if Charlotte is okay and if you still swallow razor blades. I ended up spending most of my career as a Northeast Asia Foreign Area Officer with two tours with the Military Armstice Commission (1975-78 and `984-87), one Pentagon tour as the JCS J-5 Korea Desk Officer, and a final tour as the ACoS J-5 for U.S. Forces Japan. I retired in Carlisle, where I taught at the Army War College 1990-2019. In addition to the loss of the Cang Long team and the amphibious operation (during which not a shot was fired except for the B-52 ARCLIGHT mission with which they “prepped the beach”), I also remember going in to LZ ALPHA on Easter Sunday, 26 March 1967. Best wishes. I hope we keep in touch. Don

              • Are you guys talking about Long Toan District? I was S-2 Aug 67 to May 68 and flew over it many times in the FAC backseat. Also conducted two ground ops there in the triple canopy and once made it on foot to the beach on the South China Sea. It’s now been reconstituted as a resort but without the magnificence of when it was a French resort during the “Indochine War”

                • Hi Bill. The amphibious operation WAS on the coast of Long Tuan. We also conducted several overland operations into Long Tuan (got flown back in the middle of one operation for Thanksgiving dinner in 1966). One of those operations was conducted during the rainy season and the entire battalion took to commandeered sampans. When we took some caualties and called for DUSTOFF, SFC Baker tied a smoke grenade to a pole and held it in the air. He told DUSTOFF, “The smoke is at the masthead of our flagship.” Then, of course, there was the problem of poling the “ambulance” sampan to the chopper in the face of the prop wash. I also flew over Long Tuan once, as you did, when our Australian FAC, Sqd Ldr Rex Ramsey (ASCOT SIX) took me along while he put in air strikes (F-100s and B-57s). I am still hoping someone has info on the spring 1967 amphib operation. Best, Don

                  • Shotgun 15 here.Seems I remember that operation, or part of it anyway.Trying to do radio relay ~ midnight, my plane, 733, lost oil pressure, so told Spooky good night and landed dead stick.It has so much else wrong with it – required an engine change, so traded it off for marvelous 839.Thanksgiving 1966 Dinner was good – flew the USAF Chaplain bac to Bien Thuy AFB – not sure if we were higher on the dinner wine than the airplane. With the Chaplain on board, I figured we were covered.Yes, Squadron Leader Ramsey was one of the good ones!By 1977, I was one of the Chaplains. Served Desert Storm with 410th Evac Hosp at Al Qaysuma as Protestant Chaplain.This old Birddog pilot loved flying an AH-1G  Cobra from the front seat, Easter Morning.Blessings to all.ned moore

    • SFC (Ret), US Army Adv Tm 57 Water Buffalos. I am still looking for information regarding Advisory Team 57 1963-1964. Is anyone still alive from the team. Please provide information regarding history of the team. Than ks.

  3. I’m writing about my grandfather SSGT Julius Roy Elliott. He was killed in Vinh Binh on May 12th, 1968. I know very little about the details of his service but from what I’ve found online he served from 1957-1968 and was in the MACV Advisory Team 57. My mom was 2 years old when he was killed, she doesn’t remember him at all. So I’m trying to find somebody that served with him just to talk about memories they have from serving together. I know it’s a long shot but if I can find somebody that was in Vinh Binh on May 12th, 1968 and was in the MACV Advisory Team 57 that would like to talk about those things it would be greatly appreciated. You can email me at Thank everyone for your service ❤️🇺🇸

  4. ssp5 Warren Ward interested in team members from advisory team 57 in 1963. Remember martharaye as colonel visit in 1964?comeback



  5. Hello, I’m inquiring about my father Calvin Brown who was a medic with the 736th Med Detachment Jul 1966-Jun 1967. He was a SSG at the time. Any memories or information would be greatly appreciated. I can be emailed at

  6. Hello Mr. Lafayette,

    I heard from Jim Brouchard who was with my dad after the incident. He rode in the jeep after he was hit. He told me of my dad’s injuries. Could you tell me if he said anything. I’ve been trying to find anyone who knew him or had contact with him. I was very young when he died but I still remember him. Any information you could provide will help. You can reach me at Thank you – Elizabeth (Greene) Joplin

  7. Kim, I see that you have contacted Team 54, but I would suggest that you go to each individual that has made a post on BOTH the teams to inquiry. Team 54 was a MACV Team, and he may have been in the other. Good luck. Charlie

  8. Kim, could this possible be your father. If so let me know and I will pursue further information, or someone who might have knew him But, here the name is listed as John.

    MAJ – O4 – Army – Selective Service

    Length of service 14 years
    His tour began on Sep 14, 1967
    Casualty was on Nov 14, 1967
    Body was recovered

    • I knew Major Rubins when he was base commander in Baumholder Germany. Just sent an email to Ms. Joplin–and am confused by the references to Kim.
      I much admired Major Rubin…I was a young DAC Entertainment Director from 1958 to 1968 and have fond memories of working with him.

  9. Kim, sorry but I never knew your dad, but would be happy to help through the MACV team contacts to find someone who might have known him, but I need additional information. First, do you know what his rank was; do you know what his job description was, his location in VN; or any prior assignments with the Army, both within or outside the U.S. Do you have the last 4 of his Social Security number, or a serial number. What panel of the VN War memorial is his number; and what was his full name. There’s many sources available that can be explored, but there’s certain information that you must have to find his history. This is a great website with many great service members that will read this and also be willing to help. We were not only soldiers, we were a family. Blessings, Charlie

    • I am looking for anyone who new Sgt. Lewis Milton King. He was serving his 2nd tour when KIA 21 August 1968 in Military Region 4- Dinh Tuong
      His occupation was Missile Crewman. A member of Team 57. He is buried in Morantown WV. He said he was married to Nga King
      and has a daughter Thanh Hoa Kiong. I am trying to locate the daughter or any member of the family.
      Can anyone out there help me?

      Tom A.

      • My name is Sgt Peter Hilton. I served on Advisory Team 57 in 1967 – 1968. Part of my assignment was in Cau Ke, a small district headquarters. We had a Sgt King in our unit, serving a second tour because he had married a Vietnamese woman but was having trouble getting permission to bring her back to the States. I think she moved to our village to be with him. Shortly after I was transferred to TraCu I got word the Sgt King had been killed by rocket fire. It was a loss to me, because we had become friends in the time I was at Cau Ke. I have many fond memories of that Sgt King. Does that sound familiar?

  10. Jim, slipped my mind during my last reply. By any chance do you remember the 1/14th being ambushed by a NVA Ranger unit on July 4, 1967? It was a river boat operation and after landing the Battalion was caught in the open, between two tree lines, and lost many dead and wounded (forget numbers). It was raining and was unable to get air support, although the RTO at Regiment was determined to get us support, and finally the clouds broke and the gunships were able to get in. Just thought that you might recall. Charlie

    • Charlie : I do recall although sadly I didn’t make myself any notes on that day, I had just gotten word a good friend of mine was KIA in another part of the country and wasn’t taking it very well, kind of quit keeping track of things for a week or two. I believe we were trying to get a couple of Seawolves in to assist but they couldn’t get airborne because of weather. I was the first and only time the Seawolves didn’t come running when we were in trouble, I know they saved us many times especially during night attacks. Sorry I don’t have any more input on this operation.
      Take Care, JIM

  11. Thanks Jim. Yes, now that you mentioned his name I can it recall it being Major Butts. And uou probably knew Riggs and Bopp. A small world, just wonder how many time you made a radio check with me. Remember that there was a policy that checks be made, and of course I provided you with our daily situation report. The strange thing is, although I was with the 1/14th until November ’67, I only visited the Regiment compound no more than 4 or 5 times, and those were probably to catch the slick for travel. Had no jeep, so had to be picked up each time. I knew Major Boose, the SA of the 2/14th, but very few others. Due to becoming dehydrogenated (ops, computer glitz.) the Division SA visited us after an operation and ordered that I be reassigned to Sadec, Division G3) as the Chief of TOC. You may remember it was during this time that that Lt. Jack Jacobs won the MOH with the 3d Regiment. After being returned to duty he was assigned as my assistant. Vinh Binh Province was a beautiful place. Always enjoyed the landscape. Thanks for your service. Charlie

  12. Sir;
    You have a better memory at 80 than I have at 70. I have read your text you sent Major Tremayne’s son and I am impressed with the details. I traveled a similar route to Team 57 but as a twenty year old only 19 weeks in the Army I didn’t recognize what was happening until it was already over. 8wks basic at Ft Bliss, 9 wks AIT at Ft Polk, 2wks leave, Oakland Army term. , Travis, Branif to Maui/Guam/Ton Sa Nut(sic) LBJ, Koper Compound Siagon ,Tra Vinh , Team 57. I was 7 days in country to make a Rto out of a motarman before I met the team. All my stories are good up to Income tax time. Finally meeting the son of the man I admired has been closure. Thank you for your help.

    • Hi Bill, I’m sure you don’t remember me and I’m not sure where we met but I still vividly recall your face. I also took AIT at Ft. Polk and left from Oakland. It may have been at Ben Hoa or Kopler Compound. I recall that we were both destined for Tra Vinh at the same time and I was put on a chopper going down and you a convoy. I remember the incident in which you were injured, Capt. Temple was wounded and Maj. Tremayne was killed as my first wakeup call that this was indeed real. I’ve thought of you often over the years as one of those ” could have been me ” moments.
      I never knew for sure if you made it out or not, so happy to hear you are ok after all these years. God Bless. JIM

      • Hi Jim,

        Jim Tremayne here, son of Maj. Tremayne. I’ve been in contact with Charlie Reed & Bill Clapp and have greatly appreciated how they’ve shared their memories with me. I wonder if I may shoot you a quick email about your memories in-country?
        I’m at Thanks.

  13. As mentioned above, I was assigned arrived in country and assigned as the SA to the 1/14 in Cang Long District a week after the mine incident that killed Major Tremayne, and wounded the two others. As you know, or as I was told, our Battalion huts were just a way from the road, and location, of the location. I served there from May until November ’67, and well aware of the District’s challenges. I was told that Major Tremayne served as the District SA, and also as the temporary SA to the 1/14 (with Capt Minh as Bn CO,) since the Battalion Adviser before me was also killed or wounded. This was never confirmed. I was also told that Major Tremayne had been picked up from the 1/14 CP to go to the VB helipad to be transported to Saigon for his Hawaiian RR with his wife. Sgt Green(e) was the only American with the Battalion when I arrived. There were two Sgt Green(e)s with the team at the time. One, I believe a SFC serviced as a staff advisor, and the other was sent to the 1/14th after Major Tremayne’s passing? I know the dirt road that ran from the District Hq in CL to the Bn CP. It was a short, but dangerous trex. At the time that I was there, 5/67 – 11/67, Major Riggs was 14th PSA, Maj Bopp the assistance, Dunlap the PASA (LTC Chapman arrived prior to my departure to Div Hq in Sadec as the TOC SA, and Major Meadows and Boose were District SAs. Sadly, shortly arriving at Div Hq I served as the honor ceremony officer for Sgt Green who was killed shortly after I had left the battalion. Again, at my age of 80 names don’t come back to be as easy as before. As you team members know, Cang Long, was where Ho Chi Meng(sp) set up his first communist cell, and it grew from there. Probably one of the most hostile areas in the country, with many locals still loyal to his cause, making it a challenge for the Cang Long military and advisors. One request, if anyone knows who, and what happened, to the 1/14th SA before me I would appreciate know. Blessings, Charlie

    • Charlie

      My name is Jim Borchard, I was in Tra Vinh March ’67 to March ’69 as an RTO assigned to Team 57. I have a few notes and do recall a Maj. Butts who may have preceded you, we found him found him deceased in his bunk in the officers quarters sometime after i arrived in March.
      I believe he died from a heart attack. Hole this may be of some help. JIM

    • Hi Charlie,

      My name is Kimberly Rubins Runyan. My father was an Advisory team member. He arrived in Vietnam in mid September of 1967, and was killed in an ambush on November 14, ’67. I was nine, and my memory is all I have about that time. My dad was Major Jack Rubins. He was tall and thinnish, 37 years old. He had dark brown almost black hair. He also had a hilarious, loud laugh. Obviously he was only there for a short time, but I wonder if you knew him? Thank you for your service.

      My email is

      • Kim, I just sent you an email.
        July 4, 2018

        Dear Kim,

        For some strange reason, today I was thinking about your Dad.

        I decided ed to start searching and came across the MCVTEAMS.ORG and saw your post.

        I was a very young 24 year old Entertainment Director (Department of Army civilian) assigned go Baumholder, Germany. I don’t remember if your dad was the post commander when I got there, but if not, he was soon after my arrival in September of 1965.

        I really enjoyed your father, and with his help I was able to do lots of “beyond the book” projects—soldier tours, turning an unused attic into a small community theatre, writing angry letters demanding theUSO not overlook us in the “boonies”—of course, with your dad’s editorial, but unacknowledged flourish. He was a great partner.

        I remember the multiple farewell parties for him that I attended with my wife, Barbara.

        And I very much member the shockwaves that stilled the base when the news spread of his death. And I remember our far far away gathering of farewell.

        I’m 77 now, and have had a life in the theatre since those early days in West Germany. What I learned in those 3 years was more than equal to my graduate degree in preparing me to navigate the world and worlds of professional theatre.

        I this sad time where talk is cheap, remembering your father on this special day of honor and celebration has made the day even more special for me—and I hope you as well.

        I’m still in the game, working in here in the US and in Eastern and Central Europe from base in Baltimore. I’d be happy to chat with you at any time.


        Philip Arnoult

  14. Ernie D’Orto here I was a USAF medic there 2/68 to 2/69
    Would like to see anything you have

  15. I found this site while trolling the internet, and it brings back some memories. I was assigned to AT57 from Feb ’63 to FEB ’64. AT that time, the team was composed of the senior advisor, an intelligence advisor, two advisors for the 39th Civil Guard battalion, and an officer the two Sgts for the training center. We lived in a villa in the center of town, about a block from the province headquarters. Interestingly enough, my twin brother Roger was assigned there in ’67-’68, and my interpreter and driver were still there, and thought that I had returned for another tour. I have some pictures from that first tour if anyone is interested.

    • Greetings, Bob: Yes, I would be interested in pictures you referenced ( Also, if you – or anyone else – would be interested in a short story of my visit to Tra Vinh last year at this time (April 2015), I’d be glad to forward a link to my Dropbox that contains the story; it includes before (1968) and after (2015) pictures of the villa. Also, my wife had a manicure just yesterday from a Vietnamese woman who is from Tra Vinh. She, her family and other relatives have been stateside since 2010. She said there is a community of ~45 Vietnamese citizens from Tra Vinh living in the Portland, Oregon area.

      • I would definitely appreciate a link to your drop box. I was wlth Team 57 from Nov. ’68 through early July ’69 at which time I was transferred to the 21st CSF (Casualty Staging Flight) at Tan Son Nhut. During my time we were assigned to Vinh Binh Provincial Hospital. I also have pictures that I’m willing to share.

        • Hi Bill,

          My name is Kathy Walsh-Shell and my Dad – SSGT Mike Walsh was a lab tech with the USAF medics on Team 57 from Nov 65-Jun 66. He was accepted into the Bootstrap commissioning program and came home halfway through his tour to attend Auburn Univ. I’m wading through slides he took and have found some from a local orphanage he volunteered at as well as town pics. I would love to see any pics you have. I have a lot of slides yet to go through, but once I’m finished scanning I would be more than happy to share. Does anyone on here remember my Dad? We lost him to cancer from Agent Orange in 1988. Thanks either way.

          • Hi Kathy,
            I have quite a few pictures taken at the orphanage where we all volunteered as time permitted. I also have quite a few pictures taken in some of the surrounding areas, the compound we lived on, the hospital grounds and in the city of Phu Vinh (aka Tra Vinh). I don’t think the appearance of the landscape changed much between the time your dad was there and I was there. The orphanage was staffed by nuns but for the life of me I can’t remember the name.

            In October 2016 I was diagnosed with cancer due to Orange Agent. I had cancer surgery on January 13, 2017. I’m doing blood tests every three months and so far so good. I would definitely share photos, answer your questions etc. Feel free to contact me directly via email ( Have a great week Kathy. Take care.

      • Tedd–I also would love to see the photos and here the story of your visit ( The before and after must be really interesting. Is there anyway all these photos from various members can be posted on this site? I just found some slides that I am having digitized that I would be willing to post.

      • I would appreciate a link to your drop box Mr Tritt. I was with Team 57 for a short time (Feb-Apr 17) 1967. Land mine killed Major Tremayne and wounded the Capt. and I. My memory of the incident that day are very limited. I have been in touch with the Major’s son and would very much enjoy any info you can provide. Thank You for your offer .

      • Tedd–I’m going to Vietnam sometime in January 2025 and intend to visit our old stomping grounds in Tra Vinh. Would be happy to look at your Dropbox link relating to your trip there. Thanks, Bill (S-2 1967–1968)

    • Bob–I served closely with Bud in 1967–1968 as the team’s S-2 and spoke to you a few years ago after I found that he passed away. Spent many a night with him on ops and having a few drinks! Have quite a few stories, all of them good. Bud and I worked closely with a SEAL, Howard Paulson, and the head of the PRU, Ken Ferguson. I also remember Mr Dinh if that is who you are referring to as your interpreter and driver. He was outstanding in every way. I would love to see the photos. BTW, I’m coming out to your AO the beginning of June for a wedding—maybe there is a chance we could get together. Also, I’m going to my 50th Infantry OCS reunion at Ft Benning in a few weeks and hope to visit our Advisory Team CO’s widow, Bonnie Schowalter. Great to hear from you on this site.

      • Hi, Bill. I remember speaking with you after Bud passed. Dinh was the primary interpreter, and I’ve aften wondered what became of him. I remember that he was engaged to marry one of the local girls, but never heard if he did. My driver was a Cambodian, Thom. I heard later that he was badly injured by a road mine. I’ll dig out some pictures and figure out how to post them, and would be happy to join up with you this summer.

        • Mr. Hightower,

          My father served with you in Vietnam with Major Flynn and Major Brown. My Father’s name is Thong Tran, he was a ARVN Lt. at the time . He has been telling me stories about you and was wondering how the years treated you? Do you still have contact with Major Brown and how is Dinh doing? My father is doing well and would like to contact you if possible.

          My email is and

        • Sir,

          I am Dinh and you know I feel very happy to see you mention my name and my situation. Yes, I married to that “lady” and we been living together for 48 years so far and I am very sad to know that Bud passed. You know who I am, I have worked for two many nice officers such as Major Leland C Flynn (1962), Major Arthur E Brown Jr, Major Sellers, Major Fiumano, Captain Rekowsky and particularly yourself, your twin and Ken Ferguson…. We had wonderful time then and perhaps I could never have those moments again even from every day, I wish I could.

          During the time we had been together, there was one major who switched his branch from infantry to ordnance. His name was Donald W Olds from Mi and he had treated me like one of his family members. I got a picture of his wife and his daughter in 1962 but I feel very sorry to have burned all documents including bunch of commendation letters and pictures on the collapse day of South VN. If you could locate him, please let him know I miss him and his family and could never forget the time being together.

          • Dinh, How are you? Trung Uy Bill Boyle, here. I was the S-2 from about 9/67 to 8/68 and during TET. Replaced CPT Sutton and served under COL Schowalter and then COL Girdner. Both have passed away, as did Bud Hightower as you know. CPT Ben Plotkin replaced me. Do you have any knowledge of what happened to Dai Uy Hanh–my counterpart– or SGT Dac (sp?)–my interpreter–and his family? I found my photos of them recently and I think I have some photos of you. Others I remember are MAJ Ed Murphy, KIA at Song Loc, Navy Seal Howard Paulsen, Ken Ferguson, LTC Don Digison, MAJ Theil, MAJ Butt, MAJ Euhler, Lt Tam, Vince Aberle (FAC), LT Dave Stromberg (USN Liaison), MAJ Frank Marcus, SPC Welch, SGT Cline, some of the doctors–Lottie Verano (USAF), CPT Bob Leonard (USAF). There are many more, but I’ll have to dig into my diary and letters to find their names. All the best, Bill

            • Thank you for your email. I am fine but time has gone fast and we (I am sorry), i mean myself is too old now,,and I really appreciate old photos os any member of Team 57…Yes, you were in the team between Sep 67 and Aug 68, surely you still remembered the Tet offensive and Ken Ferguson who was badly wounded then…Team 57 is always in my memory….I was very glad to understand that my first boss (Major Arthur E Brown Jr then and a retired general now)..Any information or photos of team 57 would be greatly appreciated. Would you contact Mr Hightower and let me know how he is doing..We have good relationship and memories..Thank you again.

              • Mr Dinh, I am working on getting some photos together and will email them–it may take a little while. BTW, what area of the US are you living in now?

            • is my email address,,Appreciate very much all old photos…I wonder how you are doing today???I have heard from some bosses and friend s lately such as Lt Bob Hightower, Major Gen Arthur E Brown Jr….but not recently..Have you known anything from them????Wish you and them all well.

        • Sir Bob Hightower: I am Dinh, I’d like very much that I could be able to contact you. I am so happy that you still remember me (my name). After almost 54 years , I still cannot forget days when we were together in a Villa in a beloved province of VB, my second home…Wish to hear from you and everything about you soon. Always yours.

      • Thank you for your comments, I am the real Dinh who had worked for the advisory team 57, APO 96314 and appreciate very much to hear anything about old friends then. Too many american bosses and friends then, I could never forget what Major Arthur E Brown Jr and Major Leland C Flynn, the senior advisor had done for me after I got wounded during an operation in Cang Long District with Maj Brown. Very glad to hear from anyone who was assigned to Team # 57 and wish to have further info on everybody.

      • Bill-I am glad you referred me in the post. PRU, Bud and Ken were so close to me . I understand that I am just only a local Interpreter and all of you had made me feel home when first time living alone far from family. Glad to hear from you and all others after more than 5 decades.

    • Mr. Hightower,

      My name is Khai Tran, my father Thong Hong Tran served with you, Major Flynn and Major Brown in Vietnam. He was a ARVN Lieutenant at the time if I recall, but eventually made rank to Lt. Colonel. After ’75 he was was captured and sent to a re-education camp for almost 8 years. My father arrived in SF, California in ’95 and would tell me stories of his time in service; he always spoke highly of you, Brown and Flynn. My father is doing well and has told me he was looking to get in contact with you, i did some research and stumbled across a letter attempting to contact you. My half sister wrote a letter in ’64, that has some information leading me to find MACV Team 57. After 20 plus years, my father has the opportunity to reach out to you. He is asking how you are these past decades and how is Dinh doing.

      Please contact me, my father would love to catch up with you and swap war stories.
      My email is

    • Mr. Hightower,

      My name is Khai Tran, my father Thong Hong Tran served with you, Major Flynn and Major Brown in Vietnam. He was a ARVN Lieutenant at the time if I recall, but eventually made rank to Lt. Colonel. After ’75 he was was captured and sent to a re-education camp for almost 8 years. My father arrived in SF, California in ’95 and would tell me stories of his time in service; he always spoke highly of you, Brown and Flynn. My father is doing well and has told me he was looking to get in contact with you, i did some research and stumbled across a letter attempting to contact you. My half sister wrote a letter in ’64, that has some information leading me to find MACV Team 57. After 20 plus years, my father has the opportunity to reach out to you. He is asking how you are these past decades and how is Dinh doing.

      Please contact me, my father would love to catch up with you and swap war stories.
      My email is

    • I am also looking for Major Brown, he was looking for my father before US Troops has to withdraw from Vietnam

    • Mr. Hightower,

      You do not know me, but my Father served in Vietnam with you along with Major Brown and Major Flynn. My Father’s s name is Thong Tran; he was a ARVN Lt. at the time and eventually earned the rank of a Lt. Col. He is doing well and was telling me his war stories, he spoke highly of you and his friends in his time in theater. Mr Hightower, my father would love to contact and reach out to you. He told me; he was looking for you once he got stateside but to no luck. I did some research and came across a letter my sister wrote in 1964, it had ” MACV Team 57″ and led me to this website. My father is wondering how you are doing and if you had any contact with Brown or Dinh?

      My contact info is and Please write back, my dad would be estatic to reunite and swap war stories with an old friend.

      Khai Tran

    • Dear Bob and Roger(Navy Officer).
      I have been a Vietnamese interpreter of both of you in 1763 and 1967. When I first saw Roger, I thought he were you and after few minutes of surprise, I understood from him that you were twin brothers. You two are always in my memories and i know it could never happen because I am too old now but it is beyond my pleasure to see your name again.

    • I was there during part of the time period you listed, probably March-April 1963 and would be interested in any pictures you have.

  16. Kirk, I was a member of Team 57 from Nov.. ’68 till about July ’69. I also have pictures and I’d be happy to send them to you via email. Take care.

    Bill Presz

  17. Ernie, I don’t know how to post photos on this MACV Team website but if your up to posting your email I’ll get some pics to you right away. Great to hear back from you! Kirk

  18. Good to hear from you. Yes I remember you guys. What part of the country are u in.
    Likewise hope all is well and you’re retired.
    We should post then and now photos.
    Keep in touch.

  19. Hi, my father, MAJ James R Tremayne, was with Team 57 in Cang Long/Vinh Binh from August 1966 until he was killed 17 April 1967. I have been in touch with one team member recently, but I’m curious to know if anyone served with him there. Thanks.

    • My name is Specialist James Bussell. Jim, sorry to hear about the death our your father. I served with then Capt. Tremayne and remember that he was on the team in Cang Long when Sgt. Tyner and Major Layaou were KIA. I remember that he replaced Major Layaou as District Advisor. I left the team in March 1967 and did not realize that he was KIA until I saw your post. I have a picture of our team that was taken in the July or August 1966 time frame. I will be happy to forward your a copy. My e-mail address is

    • Bo, I’m the Lt Reed. :LOL I knew your Dad and may have some pictures of him. I’m now at 80 YO and memory is not as sharp as back then.

    • Jim, hard for me to make this reply. I believe that I was your Dad’s immediate replacement. I never met him but was thoroughly briefed on certain details. Sad, although the Senior Advisor that he replaced was also KIA. At 80 now it’s hard for me to put dates, times, and circumstances together. But it was either your Dad, or the one before him, was killed in a jeep mine. For some reason I keep thinking that he, or maybe another, was getting ready, or was on his way to meet his wife in Hawaii. Cang Long was the worse of the worse of all the IV Corps Districts, and as an Infantry advisor it was a difficult assignment. If this was in fact your Dad, first I’m sorry and have spent so many times thinking of his fate and wanting to meet, or contact his loved ones. My email address is, and my FB Page is Charlie Wayne Reed which has several Cang Long area pictures of me, so you can see from a one of these the environment

      • Howdy Ron,
        Thanks for sharing. Would love to know any other details related to your service & your time with Team 57 (what was your job, when did you arrive in Vietnam, were you with the team on 4/17/67, etc). Also, curious to know if you could recall the names of any other US Army personnel with the team. Many thanks.

    • Hi Jim. You and I corresponded a few years ago. Charlie Reed put us in touch. At that time, I had not yet found the box of photographs and documents from my Vietnam days, but a couple of months ago I did find the photographs and have a good image of your dad.

      As others have said, Cang Long was a real hot spot. I was not with your dad’s team, but was advisor to the 1/14 ARVN battalion, which frequently operated in the vicinity of Cang Long. We would often drop by to have a cup of coffee with the Cang Long District team.

      About a month or so before your dad was killed, the other three members of the team were killed in an ambush. Over our radio, we could hear the transmissions from the pilots of the helicopters overhead. I can still remember the memorial service at the advisor compound in Vinh Binh City (Tra Vinh). As others have mentioned, your dad was killed when the pickup truck he was driving hit a landmine on the road to An Truong, where we were often stationed to protect Revolutionary Development cadres in that area.

      If you have a way to contact me with an email address, I will scan and send you the image of your dad.


      • Wow, Don — that would be amazing to see any pics that you have. My sister & I sure would be thankful to see them.

        You can contact me also at I’d love to continue the conversation there as well.


  20. Thank you Jim….. I know it’s difficult and I’m am truly sorry you had to experience that level of tragedy. Yes still in the 831 area code, in fact I live in Monterey. I’ll wait to hear from you. Thank you again.

    • Liz–I still have the letters I wrote home. I’ll take a look and see if I documented the incident and the circumstances. It may take me a few weeks or so to dig them out. I’ll be in contact. BTW, Jim Borchard is one of the best.

  21. My dad, SFC Virlyn (Jack) Martin served with Team 57 in ’67. Have photos of Capt. Boose,Lt Reed, Sgt Baker and a few others.

    • Hello Bo Martin,
      My father was killed in 11/1967. He was on his second tour of duty which started May 1967 to when he was killed in action. Not sure if that was around the same time your father served with Team 57. If it is, then I would appreciate if you could scan or email me copies of the pictures. Thank you. Liz Joplin

    • Bo – Are you still checking this site? I was with your dad in Vietnam. He was an outstanding NCO with whom I was very proud to serve. I have many photographs of your Dad, as well as of SFC Rod Baker, our battalion commander, Major Thanh, and the Vietnamese soldiers we served with. Is your dad still alive? I would love to get in touch with him and SFC Baker. Don Boose

      • Hello Don, Sorry but I can’t recall if you were Captain or Major. Dad didn’t speak much of his service but he did mention your name when he did. He died in 2010. Colon cancer and a heart problem. I have a few photos of you guys. Thanks for reaching out. Hope you are well. Bo

        • Hi Bo. I was a captain when I was in Vietnam with your dad and retired as a Colonel in 1992. Since 1990, I have been living in Carlisle, PA, and teaching at the Army War College.

          I’m very sorry to hear that your dad has passed away and regret that I failed to make contact with him and SFC Baker. They were both truly outstanding men upon whom I depended totally. They were both very experienced Korean War veterans and I was a 26-year-old infantry captain with a lot to learn from them.

          Major Thanh, whom we called Tootah (Thieu Ta, or Major) was also an old hand. He had been a lieutenant in the French Army when I was in junior high school, so I didn’t have much military advice to give him, but I had the radio and could get gunships, medevac helicopters, and (one dark night) Puff the Magic Dragon (AC-47 gun ship).

          I hope we can figure out a way to exchange photos. I just discovered this site today and am still trying to figure out how it works. I also have some stories, including the reason Major Thanh nicknamed your dad “Covanmi Biffalo.”



  22. Gene Albrecht, Cpt. I was assigned to Tra Vinh in Oct 66 as the “S2/S3 Air Advisor”. Flew around in L-19s/O-1Vs for a couple of months & then went to the team at Cang Long. Left in Nov 67.

    • Gene – Ned Moore here.
      Shotgun 15, May 1966 – May 1967. IIRC, did you replace Al Fumano (?) as S2/S3 Air.
      Glad to know you made it home.

    • Gene, do you remember me, the 14th SA down the road from you? Sgt Green was filling in as the advisor when I got there, due to the death of the SA (at 80 I’ve forgotten his name) due I understand from a road mine on the dirt road between District Hq and the 3/14th base camp. It would be appreciated if you could enlighten me on the circumstances surrounding his death. Heard that he was on his way to Tra Vinh to catch chopper for Saigon to go meet his wife in Hawaii. Was the only American with the Battalion from May til November ’67.

  23. 26 September 1966 an armed 114th AHC Lancer gunship (UH-1B 64-13935) from Vinh Long was shot down in the South China Sea near the mouth of the Son Co Chien River area of Bo Dong village, Vinh Binh Province in 9 feet of water. Coordinates 094014n 1063454E XR 73593 .The Aircraft Commander Major Norman Dupree was KIA, crewchief Richard Pystor was WIA, the doorgunner Marvin Phillips was MIA, his body was recovered 45 years later, the co-pilot Captain Henry Mosburg is still listed as MIA. Does anyone from that time recall anything about that helicopter crash.

    • john, wonderful to talk to you today. just to let you know i checked as best i can and no kenneth cherry listed as a casualty. i am going to try and get my son to mail me my pics i told you about and i’ll make copies and send them to you. will talk to you soon . david ” baby”

  24. I served in IIcorps Kontum in 1970. My next door neighbor’s husband was KIA in Team 57 in 1966. His name was Sargeant James Daniel Tyner. Does anyone know of the action that resulted in his death?

    • I am Specialist 5th Class James Bussell and was a member of Team 57. I was an administrative assistant to Senior Sector Advisor Colonel Frank H. Duggins. I typed the after action report surrounding the deaths of Sgt. Tyner and Major Layauo. I have a copy and will be happy to forward it to you or Sgt. Tyner’s relatives. My e-mail address is

    • I am Specialist 5th Class James Bussell and was a member of Team 57. I have a copy of the after-action report surrounding the deaths of Sgt. Tyner and Major Layauo. I have a copy and will be happy to forward it to you or to Sgt. Tyner’s relatives. My e-mail address is

  25. Would like to thank whoever put this site together, it’s hard to find info on personnel from vn. I was the rto for the district team in tieu can, sept 67 to aug 68. I then went to the toc in vinh binh working as a rto,till july 69 deross and home. The reason I went looking tonight for info is a letter I got at xmas from a man I served with on our team, sfc john green “hat”. Our sa was capt. Kenneth cherry a great officer can’t remember any other names. david walters

  26. Hello Bob,
    I can get a picture of my dad. I’m also forwarding this to my brother, Eddie, who was named after my father. You can reach me at 831 383 4704. Thank you so much for responding to my post.

  27. Served as district team advisor, Long Toan July-Dec 1966. Would appreciate hearing from anyone about their experiences in the Delta.

    • I am Ned Moore and was Shotgun15, May 1966 – May 1967. Your name seems familiar.
      I landed my L-19D (57-2839) but don’t remember the date, on that sandy stretch between the cemetery and the hooches. I think maybe we had crossed paths in the MAAG House when you came to town.

    • James Tutwiler , do you recall anything about a helicopter being shot down in the river near Ba Dong village, Long Toan District 26 September 1966. It would have been 114th AHC Lancer UH-1B 64-13935 . This probably was during Operation “Dan Chi 262” ?

  28. Hello – my father was with MACV from May 1967 to October 28th 1967 – records indicate he died by accidental gunship – friendly fire incident in the Vin Binh Province. His name was Sgt. Edward Greene – US Army – he spoke fluent French – I was told he was an interpreter / translator. He passed away when I was 5 years old. If anyone has any information I would appreciate it. Thank you.

    • Hi Liz,
      Been trying to reach a member of Sgt Greene’s family for quite a while. I’m hoping a to locate a photo of Edward to post on the VVMF web-site so that it could be sent to the
      Vietnam Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. I’ve been searching in Waterbury Ct, Marysville Ca., and Marina California. I then tried his unit and came across this posting by you. I’m out of ideas, hope to hear from you. I called the Cemetery in Pacific Grove today hoping that they could come up with a obituary, they couldn’t come up with any info./

      Sorry for you loss Liz, maybe I can help you locate some of the fellows he served with.
      Bob Harik 530 671 7805
      Yuba City, Cal.

    • Hello Liz, I am your 3rd cousin. Related to your Grandmother Alyce. If you are interested in some family history pls contact me

    • Liz, my name is Jim Borchard, I was a radio operator on team 57 from Sept. 67 to Sept 68. This is the first time I’ve been on this website or I would have responded earlier. I was in Tra Vinh when this incident happened and helped in the evacuation of the dead and wounded. I drove your father and a medic from our airfield to our local hospital which was manned by American personel, he was gravely wounded but did not lose consciousness while I was with him, I remember him talking about a priest, I tried to keep him talking so he would stay awake, he was in shock and did was not in a lot of pain. After our people did all they could we could he was airlifted to Saigon, I heard the next morning that he had passed and said a prayer for him. So sorry for your loss. If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them.

      • I remember that day well, especially the radio transmissions from the gunships as they immediately recognized the impact of the incident. Liz, I’m sorry for your loss. I also remember Jim taking your dad to the Provincial Hospital where our doctors worked on him before evacuating him to Saigon. One of our four US military doctors—his name escapes me, but I may be able to look it up—was a superb Air Force surgeon who was on his second or third tour of duty. I believe he was probably the lead doctor working on SGT Greene.

        Jim, it’s great to see you on this site. We spent many a night together in the TOC and I remember being on a number of operations with you. We all wanted you to be the RTO on our ops because of your competency and ability to remain cool, especially during TET.

        • Hi Bill, been e few years since I posted anything here, but I look often to see what posts are made. Just as an aside, I recently traveled to Fort Benning to see my grandson graduate from Calvary Scout AIT. Needless to say I am very proud of him, while there we visited the Infantry Museum which was a great monument to our fighting men and women. I live in Las Vegas now so while I was in Georgia I made a point of visiting the grave of Col. Schowalter . It brought back a lot of memories and I am very proud to have served under him. Hope all is well with you. Jim

          • Jim (Bouchard), same with me. All is going well, but hard to believe that time is passing so quickly. In doing some web searches I discovered that Dave Stromberg, our Naval liaison officer while we were there, had passed away. Dave was famous for wearing shorts while on duty, authorized by the Navy since he was in the tropics. Also found that Vince Aberle, one of our Army FAC’s passed away as well. The things you didn’t know: Prior to the Army, Vince was a rodeo competitor. I believe he was inducted into the rodeo Hall of Fame. I think you will remember both of them. Haven’t been able to find any updates on LTC Digison, the S-3 Ops Officer, or “Buck” Rogers, another USAF FAC who was a B-52 pilot in real life. He almost died when he got his folios-on assignment to Minot AFB in snowy, cold North Dakota: “Why not Minot” was the refrain. Hope you are well. BTW, always remember how we loved to have you as the RTO on an op or even while pulling night Duty Officer. You were the best!! Drive on!

            • Good to hear from you Bill, have a few names popped up in my head, don’t know if you were there when all of these were but here goes: Capt. Baucum was S-1 I believe, Capt. Sutton was S-2, Lt. and later Capt. John Dean in S-3 was replaced by LT. and later Capt. Dennis Lewis who was there same time under Col. Digison, also Maj. Coleman was S-5 . Sgt. Kline I believe was supply and I recall a Sgt. Beaver. I don’t know if I’m hallucinating but I recall a civilian named Tom Hayden who worked as deputy senior advisor under Col. Girdner. Do you remember him ?
              One of my most lasting memories occurred somewhere mid November 1967, I was on duty in T.O.C. when Maj. Murphy who was Cang Long senior advisor and his counterpart were ambushed. Maj. Murphy was “866” informed me that he was relinquishing command to “855” his second in command. I asked his location and what support we could provide but he said it was too late. Shortly after he was executed with a shot under his chin and his counterpart was shot several times, I don’t recall if he survived. Let me know when you have time if you remember some of these guys. Jim Borchard

              • Hi, Jim. I replaced CPT Sutton as S-2 in Sep 1967. Then, CPT Ben Plotkin arrived as S-2 around May or June 1968 because the slot was for a Captain and I was not! I worked for him, but started doing a lot directly for COL Girdner. I think Plotkin left the Army after Vietnam and went to work for Xerox in Baltimore. SGT Cline was the head NCO in the S-2 shop but DEROS’ed from the team shortly after the Tet Offensive. He also was in charge of the mess and the bar, but not Supply, per se. There was a MSG whose name I can’t remember who was the supply sergeant. Yes, Tommy Baucum was the S-1. Denny Lewis, a West Point grad, was leaving the Army after he rotated home and had been accepted to law school–Harvard, I believe. I do remember Tom Hayden–he went on to bigger things after Vietnam. I run into references to him every once in a while. I remember a number of helicopter flights with him and we usually ended up shooting at something–he was quite aggressive. You are not hallucinating–he was a go-getter. I was close to MAJ Murphy, was on a lot of operations with him and remember when he was killed with his own .45. The FAC was reporting the whole incident on the radio (Vince Aberle, Buck Rogers or Jerry Pittinger??). I met the body at the airstrip with COL Girdner, Bud Hightower (CIA), Howard Paulsen (SEAL) and Ken Ferguson (PRU)–(I think). You’re right–it has been a lasting memory. Not a good one, either. I still have the letters I wrote my ex-wife while in Vietnam and probably have a lot more detail about people and incidents in those documents. Just need to pull them out and review them. Best, Bill

              • Jim, was it my predecessor, Major Tremayne, the Cang Long District SA, who was KIA in May 67? I’M 86 now. The Lord had to be with me, from reading the various posts. It seems as though the two Cang Long teams before me suffered casualties, with both SAs being KIA. Major Tremayne, whom I replaced, being KIA in late April, and me replacing him on May 22, 1967; then me being moved to Division in Sadec as Tactical Operations Center Senior Advisor in late October, and Major Murphy, my replacement, being KIA along with his team in November. As you have mentioned in a previous post, Cang Long was a hot spot, and ambushes and road/foot mines were common. What puzzles me is that no one ever told me of my predecessor, Major Tremayne, being killed? Maybe it was appropriate. As you may remember, from my nightly report, for a while I was the only American with the Cang Long team. You have told me that you remember the battalion being ambushed by a NVN Ranger battalion on July 4, 1967. It was cloudy, and raining, and you could not get us air support, then shortly the skies cleared, and the gunships came in, with your endeavor. As you probably never knew, you saved my life because we had already lost numerous troops. Thanks to you, and the Lord.

                • I was on the same operation with Major Murphy when he was killed but not with him when he died. We were good friends. He got caught by the VC and there was a FAC overhead. As he was being over-run by the VC, he told the FAC on the radio that there was nothing that could be done. When we recovered his body, it was evident that he was executed with his own .45. The FAC–not sure if it was Jerry Pittinger or Buck Rogers, or one of the others–saw him being shot by a VC. Howard Paulsen (SEAL) and (I think) Ken Ferguson (PRU commander) organized a reactionary force to head off the VC unit but never were able to engage them. I remember the body being brought to the CP in a body bag. It was a very sad day. I’m 80 now, may have lost some of the details, but that day is very vivid in my memory

      • Hello Jim & Bill,

        Thank you for the information……could you tell me what happened….was it misinformation that directed the gunship on their position? What wounds did he sustain?

        I remember the day when two men dressed in uniforms came to our home and told my mother that my father had died. I remember her sitting in front of a picture of my dad and crying. I was one of four kids and as I said in my original post was only 5 years old at the time. My mom really didn’t speak of him or what happened after he died. I’ve been trying to get information from anyone who served with him.

        What ever information you could give me I would very much appreciate. You can contact me at my email address – or call me at 831 383 4704. Thank you again.

      • Liz, I’ll be in touch, give me a few days and I’ll give you a call. Some of this is a little hard to re live. FYI I see you have an 831 area code I am from Salinas, Ca now living in Las Vegas.
        Bill, thanks for the kind words I remember you well you were one of the good guys.

      • Hello Jim, after reading the various advisors’ post, I have come to realize that I owe you a “thank you” for saving my life. This is my memory of a horrible day of combat. But, first a couple of questions, a couple already being answered by other posts, but to put events in order I’ll cover the topics in order. .

        First, was it my predecessor, Major Tremayne, the Cang Long District SA, who was KIA in May 67? I’M 86 now. The Lord had to be with me, from reading the various posts. It seems as though the two Cang Long teams before me suffered casualties, with both SAs being KIA. Major Tremayne, whom I replaced, being KIA in late April, and me replacing him on May 22, 1967; then me being moved to Division in Sadec as Tactical Operations Center Senior Advisor in late October, and Major Murphy, my replacement, being KIA along with his team in November. As you have mentioned in a previous post, Cang Long was a hot spot, and ambushes and road/foot mines were common. What puzzles me is that no one ever told me of my predecessor, Major Tremayne, being killed? Maybe it was appropriate. As you may remember, from my nightly report, for a while I was the only American with the Cang Long team. You have told me that you remember the battalion being ambushed by a NVN Ranger battalion on July 4, 1967. It was cloudy, and raining, and you could not get us air support, then shortly the skies cleared, and the gunships came in, with your endeavor. As you probably never knew, you saved my life because we had already lost numerous troops. Thanks to you, and the Lord.

        • Hi Charlie, I do remember that day and as I recollect it was the only time the Navy Seawolves didn’t come to our rescue immediately, but they came as soon as they could. They saved our butts on so many occasions. The incident with Major Murphy is one that will always be with me. Sorry I can’t answer any of your questions but thanks, you certainly made my day. Bless You !!

    • Liz if you have a picture of your Dad and would email it to me at I may be able to ascertain the fact that he served with me. We had only a two man US team. A Sgt Greene worked with me after a Sgt Wittervien rotated home. Charlie

    • I was with Sgt Greene the day he died. November, 19, 1967. He was hit by a 2.75 rocket from one of our own choppers. We were evacuated together. We talked on the way out. He died of shock from the los of his leg. I am

  29. Ben took over from me as S-2 sometime after the Tet Offensive–(probably Apr or May 1968??). I stayed on until late Aug 1968 but mostly worked for LTC Girdner and LTC Digison until my DEROS. I spoke with Ben via phone in (maybe) 1970 or 1971. He was in Baltimore and I think he had gone to work for Xerox. Lost track of him after that. Regards, Bill

    • Although assigned to 32nd Intelligence Battalion (as best I can remember) out of Can Tho, I was assigned to Team 57 (later 72) from about May 1968 through the first of 1969. I worked closely with Ben; you and I probably bumped shoulders as well. Do you recall John Morrison, my roommate during that time? I’m short on names, but very interested. I visited Tra Vihn city in April and located the Team villa, which is now a branch of Saigon Commercial Bank. It’s in very good shape. Glad to read other remarks about this time in Tra Vihn from those who are reaching out.

  30. I’m tring to locate Ben Plotkin. Capt. Plotkin served on the MACV advisory team at provincial headquarters until his DEROS around April/May 1969. Would appreciate any information about his current whereabouts.

  31. Was with CG 35 from Dec 1969 to Mar 1971. I don’t remember many name. The one I remember most was TOP and his monkey.

    • James,
      I have a picture of that monkey picking fleas off of the large mutt that was in our compound.

  32. I arrived in Tra Vinh in January 1969 and served there until March 1970.

    Can anyone who served on Advisory Team 57 during 1969 and the first few months of 1970 remember the names of the officers in Tra Vinh?

    LTC Dick Ellison was the PSA and his deputy was a civilian named Rob Robertson. In particular I am trying to remember the name of a U.S. Army major on the staff who I think served as G-2. Also, I think his first name was Tony, but I’m not certain. He was a big guy, wore a flattop haircut.

    Mike Hacker

  33. I arrived in Tra Vinh in Nov.’68. Right around the one year anniversary of Tet in January ’69 the VC launched another coordinated attack which was fairly wide spread in the Mekong Delta. They came close enough to our compound to cause damage to a few buildings. They got so close that we could hear them dropping rounds into mortar tubes. Within a few days of that attack it was discovered that one of the locals working on our compound had VC ties and had paced off our compound for this particular assault.

  34. I served with Team 57 in Tra Vinh from Nov. 68 thru Sept. 1969 at which time I was transferred to the Casualty Staging Unit at Tan Son Nhut.

  35. I served with Team 57 in Tra Vinh from Nov. 68 thru Sept. 1969 at which time I was transferred to the Casualty Staging Unit at Ta Son Nhut.

  36. Trying to remember all that happened the morning of TET 1968 . A good friend killed that day, and I cannot remember his name. In fact, he was the only American KIA in Tra Vinh that day. Much of that day is lost in my mind somewhere.

      • I could remember your Vietnamese counterparts during that period Team 57 was my real and everlasting memories. Those days were outstanding days.

    • Kribbs, don’t feel like the lone ranger. I was there Feb 1968 to Feb 1969 and can’t remember most of the names. I see the faces but can’t put a name to them.

      • Ernie, I’m not sure my firsts mend went through so here goes. I have a partial list of names and they are as follows: Maj. David Zarek ( MD ), Capt. Paley,, Capt. Richard Gill, MSgt. Harold Powell, A1C Paul Baker, A1C Rod Gilchrist, Pete Frazzell (spl ?)’ and myself.


      • Ernie, Phil Dean and I (Kirk Engdall) lived in your hooch at the same time you were there. We were assigned as radio teletype operators. Hope all is well with you! Kirk

      • Ernie, I was there November 68 till around July 69. I’ve recently found “then” pictures that I’m in the process of scanning. I would be more than happy to send copies to you. I live in Grove City, Ohio about 10 miles south of Columbus. I also have a couple different name lists with some minimal “now” contact info. Take care my friend, I hope all is well with you and yours.

        Bill Presz

        • I joined the Agent Orange club in Oct 2016’ prostate removed in Jan 2017. Now dealing with Neuropathy in both legs, makes walking difficult it times, VA ok’d me for a handicap parking placard. I went to Hines hospital here in Chicago yesterday fora MRI on my lower back. Good luck Ernie keep in touch my friend.

          • yea it was a Club I didn’t want to join. hang in there my friend, I figure I made it through my crazy teenage years, Vietnam, a wacked out crazy ex-wife,4 teenagers and a whole lot of shit in my life, so I won’t let this get me.
            will keep in touch

          • Bill, I was there in 1964. If your pictures are of the team house in Tra Vinh I would appreciate copies as well. Thanks!

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