Team 49 Xuan Loc

MACV Team 49 – Xuan Loc

This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 49 located in Xuan Loc.

119 thoughts on “Team 49 Xuan Loc

  1. 1LT Mike Patalano….I served on MAT 32 attached to Team 49 in Xuan Loc District, Long Khanh Province, from August, 1970 to June, 1971. Members of my five man team who rotated in and out were: CPT Tom Smith, 1LT Jaschke, SFC’s Ellis, Dahlhauser, Jedrinski; SSG’s Stewart, Key, SP5 Maturi. We were assigned to the Ruff Puffs in our AO and conducted operations on our own and with companies from the 1st Cav, 25th Div and 11th ACR.

  2. Does anyone have a recollection of an attack on Bieh Hoa VILLAGE on QL20 in Kiem Tan District in 1969. QL20 was cut for about 24 hours. Any information regarding the exact date, friendly units involved, etc… I would appreciate any info. My name is John Gillham ….

    • I am Captain Bob Hughes. I was S-2 Advisor , Phoenix advisor in Dinh Quan District, June 1969 to June 1970. Major Ron Beckett was DSA, After 40 years I found and visited with CSM Bob Kirkbride who was with us. Bob died several years ago. Agent orange got him and Ron Beckett. I would love to hear form anyone who knew Sgt. Bob Kraft, another of our 6 man team.. would also love to hear of anyone who knew Captain Chuck Baklin who was in Keim Tan District same time period. I have been through the 29 boxes of Team 49 documents at National Archives at University of Maryland. It’s with the experience.

      • Bob,
        By way of background:
        My service in Long Khanh was almost the exaact year of 1969. IServed as MAJ Hovercroft’s assistant at the Kiem Tan District Team for a few weeks and a domino effect of MAT leaders’ deaths put me as the leader of MAT III-12. We were with the exception of a few weeks at Phuong Lam on a mountain spur, MAT III-12 was station at the little compound just to the west of Binh Hoa VILLAGE (name since changed by the communists and divbided into two villages)
        I met your MAJ Becket a few times and have since read his book. Of the Dinh Quan District Team and the co-located MAT I have few recollections, am afraid.
        The KT S-2 /Phoenix guy waas Larry Parks and he was at our compound alot to get away as was SSGT Rice.Both good men. SWent on a couple of night time operations with Larry and the PRU’s where they moved at night… that was enough for me in that!
        The PSA when I was there was LTC Jackson Scott a wonderful man and officer
        I have a roster of team 49 for the first part of 1970 but it doesn’t show the information needed. Since you have been thru the boxes…. was there a unit diary or something like it?
        All my photos are at your disposal… but all I have a about 3-4 of Phoung Lam .
        OH.. befor e I forget…. there was a LT of engineers that wrot a book about his experiences in working on QL20… it was an interesting read although it did not contain information that was needed. Athere is another either ebook or real bood by a LT who had a MAT down in Ham Tan in Xuan Loc District. Have it in my notes some where. Question: will they look thru stuff at University of Maryland and send copies for how much… do you know?
        Are you the Huges guy that became a general?
        John Gillham 1 501 442 2910

  3. Hello, my Dad served with MACV Tm 55 / adv 102 with Col Ellison. KIA 02-16-71.

    I’m actually trying to locate anyone who might have a photo of SFC Jose Overman-Rodriguez. He served with Adv Tm 49 and was KIA in Long Khanh.

    If you have a photo, would you mind uploading it to the Vietnam Veterans Wall of Faces, or you can send it to me and I’ll be glad to post it for you.

    • I do not have a photo of Sgt. Overman Rodriquez. I was assigned to MAT 98 Adv Team 49 on June 1, 1969 along with Capt Harris, Sgts Jones, Cooper and McSmith. They knew Sgt. Overman and told me about his KIA in early 1969. You can call me at 813-886-2223

      • Hi David, I’ve been notified that EVERY VIETNAM VETERAN now has a photo to go with their face. Wonderful job to all who participated.

        • You seem to be answering a post I put up way back in 2014. Thanks to this Adv Tm 49 website (then) Capt Harris and I were able to hook up in Orlando in 2015,,,47 years later ! Re Sgt Overman-Rodriquez…I was responding to a relative of his wanting to know if I had a picture of Overman-Rodriquez back in 2014. Unfortunately, Rodriquez was killed when the jeep he was driving outside of the MAT team Soui Cat compound was blown by a command detonated mine in early 69′.

          • Thank you David. I was just happy to let everyone know that every name on the Wall now has a picture, including mine. I added several since they needed the clearest possible. Thank you all for your service.

            Proud daughter of SFC LESLIE L. KARNES, KIA 16 Feb 71 while serving his 2nd tour of duty in Nam, Panel 5 West, Row 111.

  4. Re Capt. Brewer:

    Do you know what dates he was on Advisor Team 49 ? It would be from some month in 1968 to some month in 1969.

  5. Just came back from Vietnam in Dec. 2018 The Japanese build a new road from NE Saigon to Long Khanh (now called Long Thanh) that is south of the old Bien Hoa road. Other than the big rocks at Dinh Quan, I hardly recognized a thing. Whereas before in 1969-70 there was nothing between the villages along QL 20, now there are businesses and houses along both sides of the road between all the villages. People were friendly everywhere (except the sullen, sour immigration dudes at the HCMC (Saigon) Airport in their green (NAV) army uniforms with red star caps.) But since many of the people, we interfaced within Saigon at the hotel, on the streets, at attractions,
    etc, are in their teens-20s-30s-40s even 50s….the war is like ancient history to them. Made me feel real old !! Kids are still real cute……they like to yell out “Hello” “What is your name?” which seems to be the few words of English they know. Far fewer ao dais worn by girls/women on the streets nowadays. Ao dais mainly seen at dress up events, on hostesses, or for formal events.

  6. I was told by Capt. James Hughes (VMI grad, Adv Tm 49 1969) Univ of Md has 48 boxes of Adv Tm 49 records ….you called Univ of Md and try to get to the reference dept and/or National Archives ll collection and ask.or the Univ of Md webside may get you into these archives……but a phone call would probably be best place to start.

      • Texas A&M has a great archive of RVN stuff. I did not spend much time on the ground at Xuan Loc. Mostly looked down from 1500 ft on the way to support the 199th ID, Light. At that time (1970) I was with the 190th AHC/Spartans. The time I spent o the ground there was pretty good. There actually were some good times. Because of the people!!

      • The U.S. Archives is on the campus of the U. of Maryland. Entry to the Archives records is rather easy. I started my search on the 169th EB work on QL-20, just west of Xuan Loc, about 10 years ago. The staff is great! Take a digital camera to photograph the documents. Copying is expensive and one cannot take any paper or pens into the library. The library provides pencils and paper. I think that the library may have a special camera stand for taking photographs. Also visit the map and photograph offices on different floors of the building. I have not been there for a few years, so maybe copying has improved. Visit the website to get more details. I would imagine that it might be closed due to the gov. shutdown.

        Does anyone have any info on Company B, 169th EB that was stationed at Xuan Loc 1968-69???? The unit rebuilt the first 15 km of QL-20 from QL-1 north. Appreciate any comments on this topic.

        I never made it to Xuan Loc although one of my yellow color dump trucks was hijacked and the driver missed being killed. He was rescue by an MP jeep patrol. The truck and the driver spent the night at Xuan Loc. Does anyone remember this incident, probably early 1971.

        My phone number is 703-255-0353.

        Len Ignatowski
        169th EB
        RVN 1970-71

  7. I am writing the history of the 169th EB road building of QL-20 in Long Khanh Province.. I was involved with an incident in the village of Gia Kiem in 1971. I believe the local MACV team responded with local PFs. How can I find any documentation on this incident.

    • If you scroll down on all the Adv Tm 49 comments you will see (back in like 2016) the Univ of Virginia has all Adv Tm 49 paperworks from Xuan Loc hdqtrs.

    • What was the incident and when did it happen? I was part of the Kiem Tan section of Team 49 late 1970 to Spring 71.

      • I went and ordered your book from Barnes & Noble…great book! The last part of my tour there was an Engineer Company moved in across QL20 from my MAT and our 133rd RF Company.
        Our two compounds were about a mile or less from the little village of Binh Hoa. I HAD served on the District Team at Gia Tan-Gia Kiem.
        A good read !!

  8. There were 2 advisory teams in Xuan Loc. One was Team 49 was a province team consisting of a headquarters… 3 district team and 4 to 12 MAT teams……
    There were others in that compound ……FAC team and others that had just a few members…
    .Now that was in 1969….. sometime before that both teams were just one team and then they divided the one team into two as the mission expanded and more advisors were sent to Vietnam.

    • Thanks. In 65 and 66 I think there was one team there for the arvn’s. Then there was the light airplane for reconn. i believe there was only at most 50 americans there in xuan loc. Probably closer to 30.
      Doug Sichler

    • I was a O-1 FAC at Ham Tan ( Tangerine 32) in 1967. Xuan Loc And Baria where we also had FACs. We supported the ARVN 18th Division.
      I derosed on Dec. 6th, 1967.
      Richard Kosco
      Call Sign Kenny 04.

      • Richard,
        Something that I had thought about a either FO in a “piper cub” or a FAC in a “piper cub”during 1969 south of Gia Kiem. . I forget his call sign. Both the FAC and the arty FO helped us. Well, one of them was killed … we were told that he flew into Nui Soc Lu … a small moutain to the west of Highway 20 (QL20).
        I was fooling around with the internet….many years later & I was looking up Long Khanh
        I found communist site “Heroes of Dong Nai” which told about a young assistant VC platoon leader that borrowed a M-16 from his higher headquarters and shot down a small slow moving plane in 1969 . I had the sense to run off a copy of it… sometime (years ) later I tried to find the same site.. it was gone.
        Funny how things you thought were true turn out to be a completely different thing…eh?

  9. Can anyone on the Team 49 site tell me what MACV Teams where in the Xuan Loc area in late 1965 and till April 1966?
    I was in the 232 signal co. TDY to a MACV Team at Xuan Loc in late 65 to 4/66. I was a radio teletype operator there. Had wood sided tent barracks and pcp airstrip across the road from compound. We had vietnamese for cleaning tents and doing laundry and cooking mess. We had a BBQ 1 day a week where you could cook your own steak Of all payed so much a month the services. We had a local barber there to cut hair and massage your your head. We vuilt a small bar/canteen there. Martha Raye performed there when I was there. All I want to know is what team was it and what exact location was it at. The airstrip could land up c-119 and there was arty setup at one end of the strip and in 1966 they got 175’s and almost knocked you out of bed when they went off on the what they called H&I fire.
    Thanks, The full bird colonel in charge was a nice guy. The rules were no saluting on compound, We built a cinder block enclosure for the radio teletype room in 1966 or late 65, with a steel door.
    Doug Sichler SP-4

    • What city was this compound closest to? I am heading to Vietnam next month I would like to see whereabouts my grandfather served. He was on team 49 In 1969.

      • Sorry Mr. Ray, I showed the picture of your grandfather and my husband said he is sorry but doesn’t recognize his picture …..hope you find out the information you need

        • team 49 was headquarterd in Xuan loc in long khanh province. there were two district teams , one co-located in Xuan loc and one located at dinh quan. there were only two mobile advisory teams remaining during my time there the last half of ’71 to june of ’72, you can get to Xuan loc by traveling east out of Saigon (ho chi minh city) about 50 miles or so on highway one.

          • There was another Team headquartered at XUAN LOC, Team 87, 18th ARVN Division, That Team covered all Division elements at Black Horse, Xuan Loc, Tay Ninh, the Dogs Head, the two mountain relay stations, Zone D and in 1972 at An Loc with the 5th Division. I was with that Team from December 1970-December 1971. Latest is Xuan Loc does not exist after it’s total destruction in 1973. Doubt there is any evidence we were ever there.

            • so we were there for a while at the same time. i was only a first lieutenant, but they gave me mat 32 since i was senior to the other lt that showed up after me to replace those who had deros’d. i can’t remember if you guys with the 18th arvn messed with us or not, but assume you had your own compound with the headquarters element. i have the personnel roster for team 49 as of october 1, 1971 which lists barry smith, tim vosnos and laurence wilkinson, all of whom have found this list serve and have chimed in at some point in time.

              • My late husband Tom Rothanburg was stationed at Xuan Loc from August 1971-April 1972 with MACV 49. Could you check the roster and see if his name is listed? Thanks

                • I have recently retired and split my time between the North Carolina mountains and Clearwater Florida. My records are in Clearwater and I am in North Carolina at the moment. I expect to return to Clearwater in late July and will try to remember to look for your man on the roster. If you don’t hear from me please feel free to prompt me.

          • My late husband Thomas Rothanburg was stationed at Xuan Loc from August of 1971-April 1972 I think with Team 49.
            He remembers Warrant Officer Camplete a Huey Cobra attack chopper pilot who volunteered to go after a number of VC prisoners who had escaped, but was killed by the prisoners. Does this incident ring a bell with you? Tom was terrible with names so Camplete could be way off base

            • i have the roster dated 1 october 1971 it was prepared by captain stephen williams, the provice administrative officer. your husband’s name does not appear in its pages. i can send you a copy if you would like. skip ollney

              • Thank you for your reply to my inquiry. I would appreciate a copy of the roster. My e-mail address is I’m really stumped as he wrote that he was transferred from Plekiu to MACV Xuan Loc in August of 1971 and the incident with warrant officer Camplet occurred in Oct of 1971. Do you know how I would find out the dates of his service in Vietnam as well as where he was stationed?

                • He could have meant he was on the advisor team to the 18th ARVN Division…. hQ at Xuan Loc…Teazm 87. Also at Xuan Loc there were a couple of Battalions of Arty, some signal Corps people , etc.
                  Also I have seen places where the 11th ACR listed themselves as being at Xuan Loc… when actually they wee a few Klicks south in a base camp named Black Horse. It seems that the term “Xuan Loc” was used a lot by these units instead of their unit number /name.

                • since i wrote, i have returned to north carolina and do not have access to the roster. i will be back in clearwater in late september and will email you a copy then.

  10. Hi Team 49ers. I was a District Senior Advisor down in Dinh Tuong Province (Teams 75 and 66) in 1966 and 1968-1969). I met a Major Ronald L. Beckett back in 1970-71 when we were both college ROTC instructors is 1st Army Region. We both spoke of writing books on our experiences for family and our soldiers’ legacy assigned to our teams. He was in Dinh Quan District and his book “Jack of All Trades” was just published last month by Stackpole Books and is a good read and mentions a number of men on this site. He died back in 1999 I believe and you can probably find his obit on the West Point Class of 1961 website. Good guy from what I remember. My book, “You Ain’t Nothing but a Swamp Rat” comes out next month and is really a memoir of my life with many comments by my brave soldiers who were assigned to my two teams–not all complimentary but true I must admit. It is more an heirloom for my progeny and those of my soldiers. Beckett’s book is much better and you can get it on Amazon Books for about $17.00 +. Really explains District Advisor role well and quite humorous too. I knew Major Ron Finnerty who he replaced (deceased) and Major Roger V. Havercroft who was DSA in Kiem Tam (still alive in GA. I think–hope to get up with him–Class of 1962 West Point. Good luck to you all and be proud of the effort so much of you undertook to bring peace and prosperity to Vietnam. I have Vietnamese friends who say we in many ways brought such through the modernizing of their economy, agriculture, cultural attitudes, and even our “can do” spirit. The South just rebelled against collectivization and the North Viets had to adjust to the new attitudes of the South Viets.

    • I was under Maj. Beckett’s district command (first as Asst. Advisor on Capt. Harris’s MAT 98 Team at Laghna Bridge)….and later when I had the team in Phoung Lam….great guy, so humorous.. Ordered his book. Hope he has the story about the beautiful VC girl who gave herself up and he sat his interpreter named Cho down in front of her to question her, but Cho was so infatuated with her beauty that he would not say a word. Maj. Becket was about to strangle the guy. He ended up having to get another interpreter form a nearby U.S. unit !!

    • Looking for Team 49 members from 1968-1971 Robert J Hanes from New York, and John Fogan from Ohio..anyone with information on these two men please contact me at I’m not computer smart but my wife is and she is helping me to try and fine my army brothers

      • I was on tm 49 in71-72 My supervisor was John Foggin. Last I heard he lives in Vietnam. Married Vietnamese woman.

    • I’m Robert (Bob) Gaddis I was a member of Team 71 in Soc Trang from Oct 1970 to Oct 1971. I was an E-7 at the time serving as the Rural Development Cadre Advisor. I just finished reading Maj Ronald Beckett’s Book -Jack Of All Trades-. This is truly an outstanding work. I think it represents a great deal of the day to day interaction we all had with the Vietnamese. 1971 was my second tour and living and working with the Vietnamese saved my sanity. I came to understand that they were people like all others, trying to make their way through life doing the best they could for their family’s. I think often of the good folks I worked with and wonder at there fate, fearing the worst. Maj Beckett is at rest now. It would have been a privilege to have served with him.

    • The book about the District Senior Advisor’s experience titled, “You Ain’t Nothing But A SWAMP RAT” is available on the website of the Airborne and Special Operations Museum Foundation, Go to “Gift Shop” and hit on “On-Line Shopping” to see the now “Book of the Month” of the museum. All proceeds go to the museum and it needs them as Army funding has been cut. The book lauds the brave young advisors (E.M. and junior officers) who served under my command in 1966 and ’68-’69. They were the bravest men I knew in my 24 years service.

  11. Yes this is Lt. Reed. I sent you and email. Go ahead and call if it is not too expensive since you are over there. or else we can correspond via email. I know you are taking in the “cultural” sights !

  12. My name is John Gillham. I served on the Kiem Tan team until taking over MATIII-12. My tour exactly covered the fyear of 1969.The Major was Major Hovercroft (airborne Ranger/ west point grad} a humorless man Larry Parks was the Phoenix guy on that team and a great officer my address is

  13. I was team leader of MAT III-12 and am seeking information about LTC Joseph Scott. Traced him to a duty station up north.. but don’t have any more info if he is alive or what. He was a great commander and an honerable man. I have only a couple of photos of him.
    John Gillham

  14. Attn: Joseph Williams, Retired

    Not sure if other Adv Team records are there….you called Univ of Md and try to get to the reference dept and/or National Archives ll collection and ask.or the Univ of Md webside may get you into these archives……but a phone call would probably be best place to start.

    • For David Reed, Thanks for the information. I was with Team 87, not 49 and just was snooping on your site and bumped into your comment. I read through some of the other Team sites that I served with at times during my two tours in III Corps. Hope all is well with you and that you have a Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year’

  15. Not sure if other Adv Team records are there….you called Univ of Md and try to get to the reference dept and/or National Archives ll collection and ask.or the Univ of Md webside may get you into these archives……but a phone call would probably be best place to start.

  16. Hi Clark
    Thanks for that. It is possible that I was on that mission as I remember doing a hairy two helo lift with the 18th in tiger country.
    These snippets of info are what the historians are after so if you can expand on it or others it would be appreciated.
    Did you have any dealing with the irregulars at Xuan Loc Maj Puttnam was one US soldier I had contact with.
    Thanks Ray

  17. Thanks Tom
    We were attached to the 145CAB on several occasions.
    Appreciate any comments/contacts from anyone who remembers the EMUs.
    Thanks Ray

      • Hi Tom
        We chatted a few years ago about the EMUs / 135AHC.You mentioned at the time you were attending a reunion Jun 15 and would ask if anyone else had any recollections of our unit.
        Due to a number of problems and a change of server/email address I lost contact with with many people.
        I have only just come across your unit again and wonder if you had any luck with the reunion.
        Thanks for any help
        Ray Godfrey

        • Hey Ray, I don’t use this old computer much but came across this and thought I would jump in. In early 1970 I picked up a mission supporting 5th SF Group HQ as I was familiar with angel wing, dog face, etc. Spent a few weeks taking the Col. and buddy’s around to talk with village chiefs and oither Cambot politicians. That was before the “incursion”. Retired as a W4 in 2000, but get this. My son is an LTC (XO) of the 75th Fighter Sqd flying the Wart Hog. He is in the sandbox now for the 4th tour. That bird is a killing machine.

          Mostly flew over Xuan Loc.

          Does any one know P. Stoneman? He was a passenger and friend in the ’90s in Arkansas. Interesting fellow.

          • Hi Tom
            We had left Xuan Loc at end 68 foe Bear Cat and although we continued to work with the 18th ARVN we pulled the LO out.
            Love the Warthogs . Would have been useful in Vn

              • Thanks Joe. Tom should be Back in the world Jan/Feb. He sounds really good when we get to talk on the phone. All his Sqad brothers are great people. The cutting edge of the sword, watching after the ones on the ground. That is what they are dedicate to. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Rrt.W4 out

  18. Hi Thomas
    Thanks. I am aware of VHPA and also have had little success with their site.
    However if you come across anything concerning 135AHC EMUs /Taipans I would appreciate a heads up.
    Cheers Ray

  19. Hi
    My name is Ray(Beachball) Godfrey. I was an Australian Navy pilot with the 135AHC EMUs out of Blackhorse in 68. I flew a number of missions for a Mike Force/US Special Forces team based at Xuan Loc.
    Dose anyone remember a ex British Army officer who commanded the group. We also had another Australian Navy officer attached to the unit as a liaison officer David (Foxy) Cronin.
    I remember spending a boozy night at the camp with some of the team following a pretty hectic H&T mission.
    A. Do I have the right outfit?
    B. If so does anyone remember the EMUs and the chaps mentioned?
    C. Can anyone help me with locating records of this unit as I am writing memoirs for our museum.

    • Ray, I’m familiar with the 135th and the fact that they had Australian Nay pilots. I’m looking at a VHPA (Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association) directory and I do not see you or Cronin listed. My directory is dated 2009, which is about the time, I think, VHPA went digital and more listings could have been made that I am not aware of.. You might want to contact the VHPA to ensure they are up to date.

    • Ray Godfrey,
      I was the G-2 Air Advisor to the 18th ARVN Division from April – August 1968. I had problems getting US helicopters for a Vietnamese only LRRP insertion into War Zone D about June 1968, when the Australian Navy volunteered two slicks for the mission. I was coordinating in the C&C ship and had two gunships in support.
      The LRRP Team got in OK, but within about 10 minutes they were yelling over the radio to get out of the area. They had been discovered by a large force and requested immediate extraction. Gunships went in to suppress the enemy fire and the Aussie Navy went back and got of them out without casualties.
      Landing back at Xuan Loc, I went to apologize to the Aussie pilot and found him with a huge smile telling me that this mission was the most excitement he had had in Vietnam and wanted to know when we could go again.
      i also flew a number of FireFly and People Sniffer missions during this time.

  20. Thanks for the reply. Army was rather loose with our SSN back then so I do not like to advertise this point…I have one roster dated Jan 70 that has all Advisor Team 49 personnel and SSN’s…….this is how I found Capt Hughes, Lt Gillham…

    • I fully concur ref SSN and the Army. I talked with my friend today (the one in possession of the gun) and he has LtG’s email and cell phone #. Hopefully he will receive a reply and we will have a positive conclusion. I will let you know, however some time will pass as I only see my friend at the shows. I should have gotten his cell. Oh well. He did tell me he is familiar with this site so he might chime in. Thanks again. Tom

    • I was CPT James R. Harris (Jim) with a MAT team out of Xuan Loc in 1969. We were with a RF unit that guarded a bridge in a small hamlet. Were you the 1LT assigned to my 5 man team?

      • I commanded the MAT team at the village of Cam Tan. Everything we did went wrong there. Several other advisors on neighboring teams were mysteriously killed-lots of problems with our Vietnamese counterparts. Do you remember that?. Sometime around early 1969.

        • CPT James R. Harris,
          Don’t want to butt in or your comments to another person. I was the MATIII-12. We were at Binh Hoa/Tuc Trung area compound with the 122th RF Co. Also was up at Phu Lam for a couple of weeks. Have photos of the Binh Hoa area and some of the Phu Lam compound… do you have any photo that I might want … perhaps we can swap photos.
          John Gillham

      • I may have met you. I was in Xuan Loc and assigned to the 413th RF company in Cam Tan, in the middle of the SIPH French rubber plantation. I was tm leader of my MAT and we were the first ones deployed in 1 dec 68. One Captain got blown up in his jeep and lost his leg, another captain killed under mysterious circumstances. We were booted out of CAM Tam because my counterpart threatened to have me killed. Does anyone remember that?

  21. Tom Harney:
    Maybe a long shot..but Univ of Maryland Nat’l Archives II, College Park, MD has something like 50 boxes of Advisor Team 49 records. I have never seen these but the public has access. Capt. James Hughes the Phoenix Coordinator in 69-70′ has seen them. The Monthly Personnel Status Reports for Adv Team 49 are in these boxes and they have social security numbers listed next to our names. A good PI can find Hughes.

  22. Tom Harney, CW4 Ret. here. Flew in and around Xuan Loc with the 187th AHC (Crusaders) and 190th AHC (Spartans) in 69/70. A gun show friend of mine has a Chicom Tok presented to Patrick Hughes of Team 49, later of DIA. My friend would like to contact Hughes if possible. Standing by.

    • Come on. I picked up the 5 SF HQ mission going across the border early in 1970. No one wanted the mission because it was ash and trash, take the mail and the chaplain on Sunday. Ton le Chon, etc. I had a lot of time in that AO. It got more interesting as time went on. Cam Bot.
      I’m hoping to reunite the pistol to its owner. Did another MACV mission with the 190th resulting in several VC kia from a living position along a major canal 1970. Stoneman became a friend in 1989. Admins can delete if you want. I would like to reunite this pistol with its owner.

  23. My name is John Gillham. I was the team leader of MAT III-12 during 1969. Was with 133rd RF company just outside of Binh Hoa Village. LTC Scott was the PSA when I was there. My email is

  24. I served on Cords Team 49 from December 1970 until October 1971. I was the S-1 advisor and ran the Class V for the teams. Anyone out there?
    John Schmidt III

  25. I was Air Force buck sgt radio operator working with Kenny FAC’s early 1970 for a month then assigned to MACV 48 Ham Tan. I was in Xuan Loc when the barber was found VC with drawings of the compound. One of many bullets dodged 70-71. Used to hitch chopper rides with Air Cav for fun at the King Hotel in Saigon. Thanks guys. Proud to serve with you all.

  26. To Wayne Schaffer;

    Call me at 813-886-2223. I have a roster from Advisor Group 49 for Jan 20, 1970. It has info about Robert Haynes that might help you find him. I was Sr Adv MAT-98 with Sgts Cooper, McSmith, Hughes, Holiday from June 69-Feb 70.

    • My grandpa served on Team 49 for most of 1969 in Vietnam. His name was William Tuss Allen. He joined the Army in 1944. Any chance you knew him? I would love to hear from you, feel free to email me at or give me a call at 1–912-661-7340.

  27. My name is John Gillham. I was on MAT III-12 during the exact year of 1969. Served with Lt. Diaz, SFC Cruiz, SSgt. Rice, Sgt. Johnson and a SSgt and later SFC HAYNES . SFC Haynes was a medic. Is this the man you are looking for? What Job did you do on Team 49 ?

  28. Looking for information on veterans from Team 49 from 1968 to 1971. Name is Wayne Schaffer looking for Robert J. Haynes from NY.

  29. I was Sr Advisor MAT 98 Adv Team 49 from June 69-Feb 70..taking over from Capt Harris who rotated out in Aug 69′. On the team was Sgt Cooper, Sgt McSmith, Sgt Hughes….unfortunately all those guys have passed on. We operated out of Langha Bridge, Xuan Loc, Soui Cat, Thrung Hieu, Phoung Lam. Major Beckett was Dist Cmdr out of Dinh Quan.

    • Hi David. I am that Capt Harris who was the team leader who rotated in Aug 69. I am now retired from the USAR and civil service and staying in Thailand for a few months. Life has been good for me and still is. It would be great to hear from you.

  30. to Ken Johnson; I was close friend Lt. Larry Parks which held the same job before you. I have a lot of photos of your old team house and the volcanic caldera on which it was located. Another part of the rim of this old volcano was occupied by district/sub-sector headquarters. Down in the bowl was the officers dependents quarter for some 18th ARVN officers, if memory serves. Did you know any of the members of MAT III-12 ? I can’t find any of them. My email is My cell is 501 412 8709.

    • Do you mean Ken Johnson or Ken ROBINSON? I was Park’s replacement. Sorry this is reply is so late. I changed PCs and lost a lot of information.
      Ken Robinson

      • Not sure… which one is right name. I just am sure of Larry Parks… he was the :Phonix guy during the short time I was on the Kiem Tan team. from ther I was on MAT III-12 and was around Larry a lot even then. He was a great guy and a very good officer. was Maj Hovercroft still there as DSA and LTC Jackson Scott as the PSA?

    • You just got my name wrong from an earlier post. I took over Phoenix from Parks in the Fall of 1970 when he DEROSed. I can’t recall anybody else’s name on the team even the DSA who was a Major. When he left, a State Department civilian took over the slot. The team house was exactly where you described. I only knew of one MAT team. It consisted of LT Terranova and SGT Hill. The only reason I recall their names is I read it off their uniform name tags on one of the pictures I have.

  31. My name is John Gillham. I served first on Kiem Tan District Team for some weeks (MAJ Hovercroft). Then was assigned a leader of MAT III-12, serving at the triangular fort just west of Binh Hoa VILAGE on QL20. Then we were sent to Phu Lam for a few weeks… then back to the Binh Hoa fort. I served with the bravest & most competent in the US ARMY…. LT Raymond Diaz, SFC Cruz, SFC Haynes and SGT Johnson (and SFC Ray Rice from the Kiem Tan team). I was honored to serve with such men and felt humble in their presence as they were game for anything….”fear did not enter into their thinking”

  32. Follow up and more info to my previous post… Staff Sergeant Starkovich, October 1971, served as Light Weapons Infantry Advisor, MAT 32, CORDS Advisory Team 49, Long Khanh Province.

    Later, Staff Sergeant Starkovich, May 1972, served as Operations and Training NCO, CORDS Advisory Team 49, Long Khanh Province.

  33. Does anyone know John Starkovich? He was my dad and I have some very good 8mm movies of his I think members of the team would be interested to see. He passed away in 2012. Happy to share what I have. I don’t have the awards in front of me but I think he was a Sgt and assigned about 1971-1972.

    • john starkovich was a staff sergeant on mat III-32. he was a good soldier and a brave man. he won an arcom with a valor device for an action in a rubber plantation. we had two lieutenants and three sergeants. ssgt starkovich was the light weapons specialist. sfc richard l. thompson was the heavy wpns specialist and sfc dale erb was our medical advisor. sfc erb was shot in the leg and was replaced by another medic, but i cannot recall his name. my name is gregory olney. i was the sr advisor and 1lt donald lundman was the asst advisor. lt lundman was wounded in the groin by a vc claymore mine and was replaced by 1lt william macdonald.

  34. I was the Phoenix Advisor at Team 49’s Kiem Tan District unit from September 1970 until March 1971. The District Senior Advisor was a Major when I first arrived and he was replaced by a State Department civilian about a month or two later.

  35. Located in Xuan Loc, Capital of Long Khanh Province. I served the 1st Cav. Div (Airmobile) as Liaison officer for Fire Support Coordination between June -Sept 1971.

    • I served on CORDS Team 49 from March 1970 until November 1971. While you were with Team 49 David it was myself and Capt. James Chesnutt, who was replaced by Capt. Gilbert Reilly, in the S2 section with Vietnamese Major Xa. I was a Sp5 then. Your name seems familiar but I can’t picture you. I’m sure we met.

      • I happened to come across this site just now. I’ve always wondered about some of the guys that I served with in Vietnam. Barry, I shared a room with you for awhile while with Adv Team 49. I remember you regularly doing exercises before going to bed or first thing in the morning. I can’t remember which. Anyway, I was the S2 clerk and typed out the necessary reports. I also distributed mail/films via choppers to other team members. I have photos of both you and Cpt Chesnutt. My name is Tim Vosnos. I recently retired from American Airlines. It would be really nice to know how you are doing.
        My address..276 Presidential Lane
        Elgin, Illinois 60123

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