Team 43 Hua Nghia

MACV Team 43 – Hua Nghia.

This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 43 located in Hua Nghia.

445 thoughts on “Team 43 Hua Nghia

  1. Hi All

    My brother Rick Kiernan was on Team 43 in Cu Chi from March ‘69 to March ‘70. Does anyone remember him? Thanks. 

    • sorry, I don’t, but I led MAT 100 down in the Trang Bang area. , so we didn’t know all of the other Hau Nghia teams. Sometimes we would have joint opn’s with the 25th and other teams would be involved, but we rarely saw each other.

  2. i think I remember you. I was there April 1971 to APRIL 10972 . I was mostly in Mui Lon and a little bit in Cu Chi, a little bit in Hau Nghia, about a month in Duc Hue.

    1Lt. Ellis Edwards

  3. Anyone Remember my Big brother Joseph A Mena KIA 13th of May 1968 Thank You and Welcome Home 🏡 🇺🇲🫡🇺🇲

  4. Anyone associated with Team 43, MAT 100 from “70-71? A couple of us, like Lt Jerry Nix, have connected, but thought I’d give it another try after a few years…. Lt James Cassady

      • Hi Willie, I am responding to another question you had about the bunker between the chopper pad and the barracks in the compound at Bao Trai. Sgt Phil Porter from Signal Co 535 had that built by local Vietnamese workers. He paid for it himself. He said it cost him about $100. He had it built to protect the radio teletype rig that we had there. It probably wasn’t necessary. Everything else was exposed to attack in the compound. It was like working in a cave. Hope this helps. Aside from being on the same MACV compound, we didn’t report to anyone at MACV. Again, this was because we had Secret Crypto clearances and a special assignment, I guess. It was a long, long time ago. Take care.

    • Kevin and Michael

      Very interesting information. Thanks. This was after my time as senior advisor to the 3/49 and 4/49 1967-68. Cliff Lanham, TM99

      • No worries Cliff. I stumbled on this site quite by accident and saw Willie Durazo’s questions about the bunker and “the guy who fell off the building” in 1971 and I had to respond. I was stationed at a communications center in Cu Chi when we got the word that Dick Demuth had died by accident in Bao Trai on April 28, 1971. Phil Porter was working with Dick at the time. I had worked with Phil setting up a Net Control Station on Long Binh post to gather intelligence for General Abrams’ morning briefings at USARV headquarters. We were fresh out of radio teletype school at Fort Gordon. Anyway, the next thing I knew I was headed to Bao Trai on May 1, 1971 and stayed until the end of December 1971. By the way, you can find Dick Demuth on The Virtual Wall website by last name. He is Richard Lawrence Demuth. It was all a long time ago, but the associations on this website have triggered memories long forgotten. As they say, some were good; some not so good. It’s good to remember though. Thanks for responding. Kevin

          • I don’t know who that was. My grandfather Daniel Branson died two weeks earlier on April 14th there. I was wondering if anyone remembers him?

    • Not MAT 100, MAT 20 – Do you happen to know how to reach Lt Francis MacCarron? He was my team leader in 1971. 

    • My dad was SSG James Dunlap he was there at that point in time.

      Would like to connect with anyone who served with him during that time.

      I have a few photos I inherited and can share.


      • I believe I remember him from our infrequent trips into district HQ….he was not on MAT 100 when I led the unit. I’d love to see a photo and see if he is who I think I recall. You can email me at:

    • Joe Billot Trang Bang. July ‘71 to July ‘72.
      I replaced Jim Cassady.
      Hopefully some of Team 43 Advisors will be at the Counterparts reunion at Ft Moore (Benning) April 24 thru April 28.

  5. Does any one remember a SP4 Charles Outlaw, A btry/ 1st bn /8 artillery/25th infantry.He was supposed to be Radio Recon? He was a cousin of mine that I only knew through eavesdropping grown up conversations as a kid.My family called him “cooder” but seems like the army could have nicknamed him “Tye”. He was KIA on 3/4/69 in HUA NGHIA province.Any info ,stories would be greatly appreciated.

  6. I was in Bao Trai 69-71. I was paid and supported through Team 43 but I was the RD and PRU advisor and lived in a compound about 100yds from the 43 compound. Lived next door to the province chief. I was actually in the Phoenix program and my headquarters was in Bien Hoa. The only name I remember at MACV was the Sgt that ran the bar and his name was Berry. Wish we could put pictures on here.

    • Did you know a Michael R. Perme, my father? He served from mid ‘68-‘70.

      The last time I posted on here, almost 10 years ago now, I was able to catch up with a man who served with my father. His name was Russel Ochoa. He was gravely ill in a VA hospital, with seven of the associated conditions from agent orange. He wanted to touch base with my father, but my father had passed away years before. We found each other on here.

      It was one of the most impactful relationships I have ever had. He ended up passing away about six months after we started speaking. But during those months I would send him photos of my kid, and he would tell me stories of my dad, calling my father a hero and telling me stories about my father’s bravery in combat.

      He was an amazingly loyal friend to my dad, right to the end. I’ve found the same loyalty to my father in every man who served with my father within the intelligence community.

  7. Yes, I was! Stationed at bao trai , a Hamlet not far from the cambodian border, 1970-71 , a small unit , macv team
    43 in hau nghia province. It was an s1 location along side an extremely small one or 2 gun artillery post;;- they used to do di may when the VC came calling. Knew lieutenant Gary John Anderson who was killed there. Take care,. Gary folker.

    • Does anyone remember the name of the guy that fell off the roof of the bldg. next to the TOC in 1971 and died, I believe he landed on some motorcycles, he had come up from 7/8th FA. 2nd Field Forces ???

      • This is Kevin Hume. Spec 4. His name was Richard “Dick” DeMuth. He was from Massachusetts. He had just gotten married before he left for Vietnam. He ran the radio teletype rig with Sgt Porter from Spokane, WA for a radio network based on Long Binh Post. I came up from Cu Chi to replace him. We were all trained at Fort Gordon and we were assigned to the 535 Signal Corps , USARV. I was reassigned to the MACV 43 unit when I arrived in Bao Trai in the latter part of 1971 and left Vietnam in the early out for Christmas at the end of December. Dick was putting up a coaxial cable for the Ratt rig when it crossed a “live” cable and he fell off the roof onto a motor cycle handle bar which pierced his lungs. The medic from the local Phillipine? “hospital” couldn’t get the oxygen equipment to work and he died. Very sad. He was just a young, happy-go-lucky kid.

        We had Secret Crypto clearances so we had to keep pretty much to ourselves. I remember a Major Buck and Sugar Bear in the Mess hall. Not much else. 12 on and 12 off, 7 days a week, got in a chopper to Bien Hoa and home for Christmas.

  8. Hi all. My oldest brother Rick Kiernan was an Lt. on the team. He was stationed in Cu Chi which was in one of the four districts assigned to him. He was there from March of ‘69 thru March of ‘70. I was wondering if anyone may have come across him then

  9. Anyone remember Daniel Branson? He was my grandfather, he was KIA on April 14, 1968. Any information would be appreciated.

            • I was there from 2/68 to 12/68 then moved to the Sugar Mill. Had grilled steaks nearly every Sunday with MACV 43. Was in the lower part of the tower blown out during the TET counteroffensive in 5/68.

            • I was in a little two hut compound just outside 43 and spent time there. Only remember a couple of names———Womack——-Berry I remember two officers that got ambushed and killed on the road

        • Was in Trang bang august 68 thru about Dec 68 with lt stan owens and sgt chamberlain was moved to boa tri in dec and replaced Jim curren as rto

          • Joe, We were in Trang Bang at the same time. When I arrived in late Aug 1968 the DSA was a civilian. Terry Lambacher was DSA but he contracted Hepatitis in Sept and I became the DSA. Sgt Owen Chamberlain was the district team medic (and very, very, good as he kept me alive twice because of hookworm and gunshot wound). The team had a lot of men and they changed so often I really didn’t get to know any in my short time as DSA (about 10 weeks). I was relieved in early Dec 1968. I was told I was being reassigned to a staff position in Saigon due to my health. Actually, I was fired because of my fights with the US 25th Div regarding their Rome Plow tactics and the Vietnamese rural pacification policies the team had to support. The major who took over my job was from the US 25th Div, to make sure the advisors supported the 25th. I am a writer and describe all of this in my current book, Fighting Viet Cong in the Rung Sat. I have several chapters about the advisors in Trang Bang. What was your job on the District Advisor team? You can email me at Bob Worthington

            • All of the Advisors of this Team were killed in Jan 68 at Duc Hoa, Division HQ in a massive attack to get Major Le Van Don fameous Ranger BN CO….hell of a man… John Allen 3/49 66-67

              • Hi John
                Hope you and the wife have your health.
                Cindy and I are fine .

                White talked about Ray Wing. I heard of Ray when I was at 4-49th. Surprise we ended up in I G Department a few years later in Germany at TASC, Worms, GR

                • John
                  Sorry to hear about your health problems

                  Who knows, we to be on the road this summer to attend one HS and four college graduation
                  We drive through your area to West Point for HS grad
                  I’ll keep you posted

                • Ray became Senior Advisor for Duc Hue out of the Sugar Mill around June of 1969. I was one of his MAT leader . 1 LT James Smith. I was there from June to Dec of 1969. Prior to that I was with a team out of Duc Hoa, Feb to June 1969.

              • My dad was one of those Advisors. Floyd Brown Spencer Jr. This is the first time that I heard that all the Advisors were killed that day. In my mind, I hoped that everyone else survived. Honestly, I never thought about it this way. Sorry for everyone who lost someone there.

                • I rotated may 67. Do not remember names of those who remained. Tried to find some of them to no avail. Now I know why. If you can give me some names might jog my memory. Cpt. W. P. O’Loane

      • James, I was on Mobile Advisory Team MAT20 August-December 1971; Team was disbanded, and I went to Adv Tm 43 commanded by Maj. Robert S Bowes III and finished my 2nd tour there. We were down to four US members remaining when I left – Major Bowes, myself, a medic and PFC radio operator.

          • I was with LTC Cassaday when he was wounded at a road opener ceremony at Trang Bang he took shrapnel in the back from a rpg round he was in hospital just a little while

            • This is Joe Billot. I was on Advisory Team 43 in Trang Bang District from July 71 to July 72. I don’t remember a Lt Cassidy’s. I was there when Kim Phuc was napalmed during the Easter Offensive and ran naked down HW 1 to the Bao Mai bridge. Found out about the famous picture a few days later in Stars and Stripes. At the time I was in Trang Bang Village trying to repel the enemy who had closed HW 1 and dug in when the picture was taken on the east side of the village. War is hell! Joe Billot

              • Looks like we just missed each other…I was sent to the 3rd Field Hospital in Saigon the first week in August and then medivaced to Water Reed and Ft Benning. Maj Hawley was my CO at District and my team Sgts were Lee, Rash and Ogletree.

                • You may have been the Lt I replaced on the team. I remember being told he had contracted malaria. Major Hauley and most others left country not long after I got there. It was a time of change for the advisor effort.
                  Joe Billot

                  • Joe: That was me…it was not malaria: hepatitis and some other weird blood infection I contracted out in the field somewhere. I was at the same hospital several months before with shrapnel in my leg, but only stayed out of commission for a few weeks…… always wondered who replaced me and if he made it out. Glad you did!! Trang Bang was a nasty, deadly VC area for a long time that will live in infamy because of that iconic photo.

                    • I agree with how dangerous Trang Bang was. I was DSA from Aug 1968 until Dec 1968 (hospitalized first for hookworm and later gunshot wound). Sent to Saigon to recuperate. I describe my time in Trang Bang in my current book, Fighting Viet Cong in the Rung Sat (McFarland Publishers, 2021). From Saigon, I went to the Rung Sat to train a Vietnamese commando unit to conduct raids in the Rung Sat. Bob Worthington

                    • Hey Bob W
                      Also glad you survived. Where do you live? Give me a call sometime (719)761-8071. I still have 2 knives that you left in the team
                      House after you were evacuated.
                      This website often confuses me as to who I am texting to.
                      Joe Billot

                    • Jim Cassady
                      I replied to your msg but it went to Bob Worthingtin (DSA IN ‘68).
                      FYI I still have 2 knives you left in the District team house when you left. Call me to catch up. (719)761-8071
                      Joe Billot Trang Bang ‘71. ‘72

              • This was in July of 67 i don’t know if we are spelling his name right but he awarded me my army commendation medal with v device and also the bronze star

          • Lt. Evans
            I am sgt Rogelio Mora . I was RTO for our team 43 (1/49) 10/67-5/68 Cpt. Goodell, you, Sfc Tommie and Ssg Pierce.
            Glad you made it home.
            The only one I’ve made contact with is Cpt.-LTC Goodell. We keep phone contact.
            I really wish you well and the best, it makes me happy to hear from another brother of our team

      • James, I served as the heavy-weapons NCO on MAT20 latter part of ’71 – TL Francis Maccaron(?), Moved to Team 43 in Bao Trai when 20 was deactivated. Served there with MAJ. RS Bowes III until July ’72.

    • My brother 1LT. Philipp Vollhardt was there from 8/2/70 to his death on 2/2/71. Wrote to me often about what you guys were going through on a daily basis.

    • I was one of the AAWCC, at Bao Tri, in 1971, Trained RF/PF to assume my duties in the TOC, Known as willie or Durazo

  10. I’m going through my dad’s paperwork from his service in Vietnam, I found MAC V ADV TM #43 (1966-7). Anyone by chance remember SGT Roland Matthews? Would be great to hear from you if you do.
    Happy New Year everyone! As discussed in several comments, very glad you’re still here.

    • Roland, sorry can’t help with your dad. My dad preceded yours on Team 43. SFC John McElvain (65-66). A little late, but Happy New Year to you as well.

    • I was with a SGT IN 67. and he was wounded in the thumb he was really luck bullet took a chunk of wood out of his stock i can’t remember his name

    • Nadine, the numbers represent the MACV Advisory Team(s) the individual was assigned to. Advisory Team 43 was in Hau Nghia Province. Advisory Team 44 was in Gia Dinh. American assigned to MACV Advisory Teams might show up most anywhere and knowing whom to contact and where to send reports and possessions helped the Medical Evacuation command sort us out.

    • I was at Bao Tria on Christmas Day 1966 when 4 Star General Johnson came to the compound. My Bn was at the west end of the village about 200 yards from Province Compound. We worked out of village July 66- Jan 67. Went north to Ranger Camp above Na Trang and operated with South Korean Army and returned March 67 to Bao Tria.My Master Sgy E-8 was badly wounded Jan 67 on night ambush. I was SA to the unit. Returned states April 67….John E. Allen

      • It was hell, having fought around the area and Tay Ninh numerous times. 66-67. Wast SA 3/49/25 ARVN. John Allen, Sr.
        My AO was Sugar Mill, river, swamps south of Tang Bang, Bao Tria, Chu Chi and War Zone C



          • We worked in Parrots Peak too and with SF along river. MST Foster was my NCO wounded January 67 night ambush. just outside south entrance to Bao Tria. John Allen

    • For real! We outlived our life expectancy a couple of times. Belated Merry Christmas and wishing all a happy, safe and peaceful new year.

    • Thanks very much I don’t have any good memories about the holidays during my time at Cu Chi sub sector. 4th of July 1967 I refilled the tanks under the two refrigerators but unknown to me someone when filling our kerosene cans fill one JP-4 fuel so when I relit the wicks we hand a fire in our team kitchen I hand everybody lottie & dottie scouping dirt and sand with steel helmets until fire was out. I drug both tanks outside by that time someone found a fire ext. The only other I spent with our Team was Thanksgiving Day 1997, I had done some horse Trading with a unit in the US 25th Div to make our team a dinner for us. I was to pick it up between 11 & 12 appox 0930 we received a call that a VNAF Skyraider returing from a mission spotted a NVA Bat. size unit was comming of of the iron Triangle moving south Towards Trung Lap we was was ordered to put togeher a a reaction force and try to block them, it al happen very fast! I wa swounded during the operation and the dust off chopper was shot down after picking me up. So you will understand why I don’t have fond memeries of holidays there, and then the DSA Maj Spencer and our radio operator PFC Radic was killed after I med-evac to the states

      • James, your name is on a plague that my father, SFC John R. McElvain (66-67), brought back from his time in Vietnam. Other names are MAJ Spencer, CPT Carey, 1LT McGracken, SFC McAndrews, SFC Konetsco, SP4 Watson and Mr. McKay. Dad passed away in 2003, and I am just now trying to reconstruct his movements. He never said much about his activities.

        • Frank I am Jim Evans I arrive to Tm 43 Cu Chi appox April 67 I was a SSG at the time and was assign as the operations and intell Sgt of the team if remember right your father was our Tm. Medic Major Andre was our team Chief, Cpt Carey was xo,Watson was our RTO Pop Konetco came after your father left and became out TM Medic, Bob Mckay came later he was a civilain as USAID Rep, he was US State Dept. If you want to contact me 727-542-0941 I am Retired living in Florida.

      • My dad was Major Spencer. I always wonder what he was like to work with. I would be grateful for anything you would feel comfortable sharing with me.

        • I served with your father in 1967 at Cu Chi I was his Opns Intel Sgt was wounded and Evavc to Valley Forge Hospital before he was killed but return to our Team at ch chi in 69 just passing thu if you would like to contact me 727-542-0941

          • Sgt. Evans, thank you for your service and working with my brother, Maj. Floyd Spencer. (my name, Arthur Spence) Just found this site and thank others that served with Team 43 during those very tough times. I was at Fort Sill as Sp5 when he was killed and have always felt sad for my company commander, Capt. Gibbons, who had to inform me of my brother’s death. I have your number, but want to give you mine if you think you might have any pictures or comments about your serving together — that would be a blessing! Floyd’s wife, Linda, indicated from Floyd’s letters how much he respected those of you he worked with and appreciated your friendship. God bless you and your family. Arthur Spencer – 214-621-2974 -cell 972-423-1684 (home in Plano, Texas )

    • Ronaald
      I don’t normally follow this regularly, I just happen to open this page today and noticed all the activity since I was last here, I started in 1970-1971 with 2nd Field Forces 7/8th FA and worked in Xuan Loc, Nui Cha Chien, Tay Ninh, Nui Ba Den and FSB Blue I got transferred to MACV team 43 at the beginning of 71, I served as the Artillery Airstrike Warning Control Coordinator in the TOC, my question is who cemented the bunkers next to the Helio pads and in front of the Barracks. I always assumed that the Seabees had but the question lingered

      • red a generaterr fot trivkle charger for 4 jeep bateries,refer some lights for the house.maag sent me a very bi,black generater that drank 100 gal of diesel a day.

    • Ronaald, (are there really two ‘a’s in your name?). Where exactly was Team 43 billeted? Hau Nghia at the time was a province. My dad (SFC John McElvain) told me of monthly food runs the team would make to Cu Chi. Be well.

      • Yes, Team 43 was billeted in Bao Trai, Hau Nghia, Provence. The city was renamed after the NVA took over. The Province is now combined with Tay Ninh Province. Your dad was correct, monthly food runs were done except when the roads were too dangerous to travel. Ambush factors. It was dangerous all the time just more so sometimes rather than others. We grilled steaks every Sunday when possible. 2/68-12/69 Lived and ate with Team 43 even though I was in the Recon Unit 2nd of the 27th Wolfhounds.

  11. I’m an trying to get as much information on Michael R. Bishop who was at Team 43 from August 68 – December 68. He was killed on December 16, 1968. If anyone has any information on Mike or what happened on December 16, 1968: please email me at

    • rto sparks with team 43 at sugar mill 1964 65 have no contact with tm i was with. looks like no one hear anymore hope i am wrong i see no posts in 2018 looking answer up sfc lee

  12. 1/27th CRIP was based in Duc Hoa I was sent there before Christmas 69, we moved in late Feb or early March. I believe they were there since June/July 69.Worked daily with PRUs Visited club at MACV few times-great food to a grunt

      • Sparks, were you involved in any action during Christmas week 1965, which took the life of Cpl Marvin Belt? He was WIA on/abt 22Dec and DoW 26Dec65.

        • SSGT Frank NO I dros in 65 Sooy i could not help forgive the typing getting up in years I was in nam 3.5 yrs tm43 68 145th 69th

          • Thanks James; glad you made it back. We’re all getting long in the tooth. Getting old sucks, but it sure beats dying young, and we’ve missed our chance to do that. Belt wasn’t in country long and he was assigned to Team43 “somewhere” in Hua Nghia. His family never got details, probably because he was the FNG and not there long enough for anyone to know him. He made it out of the field but died a few days later. We who knew him back home still wonder about his final days. Live well, Sparks.

            • frank looks as if we are looking for the past’ i have been all over this sight only connected with three people fog give the spelling hope things change for your quest sfc lee sparks

              • Sgt Lee….were you the Sgt James Lee with Tm 43, MAT 100 during ’70-71? If so, I was the Lt Cassady with you on that team for quite a while.

                • James, I was at team 43 sugar mill hoa 1964-65 five man team, major smith was senior master sergeant james, infantry, specialist Lloyd, Medic,
                  and myself commo, I heard about Sgt Lee before but I am not him. Do you recognize the names of those mentioned? Take care, Jim Lee

                  • I don’t recognize any of them. Frustrating that it’s so difficult to locate many of our comrades, but it HAS been 45 years or so. Always great to connect with a VN vet even if you aren’t the Sgt Lee I was looking for!

                    • yes it is good to conect damn getting young myself ha ha you can reachout any time stay well james[

                    • You guys are correct about it being tough to find old Nam buddies. About 2.7 million Americans served with their boots actually on the ground in Nam. During 14+ years of combat we lost roughly 59,000 lives. During the first 10 years after the war (1975-1985), VA says more than 71,000 NamVets committed suicide, so we lost more to our own hands in 10 years than Charlie and NVA managed to kill in 14+ years of outright combat. Drugs, alcohol, illness, Harley and the MOPAR Rapid Transit System, adrenalin-fueled lifestyles, old age and just bad luck took more than a million of us over the past 42 years, so today VA counts fewer than 1 million ‘actual’ NamVets left. Plenty more “Nam-era” vets and sailors who saw the country from their ship, and lots of aircrew who overflew Nam from their Thailand bases, but fewer than a million of us who had our boots on the ground. Congratulations men; each of us is now literally “one in a million”. All my career I watched WWII and Korean War vets dwindle in number, and now, by Gawd, it’s my turn. Time is weird. Nam was one of the worst times of my life, but one of the proudest things I ever did. I’ve been home since 1971, stayed in to retirement and only ever found four others who served with me in-country and today two of them are dead (one a suicide). My service was seldom a pleasure, but always an honor. Thanks, each of you, for whatever you did while the torch was yours to carry, and welcome home.
                      Frank I-Corps 69-70-71

                    • I was assign to Adv Tm 43 Cu Chi as the opns/ intell Sgt in 1967, didn’t have the pleasure to meet Sgt Lee, but your last name is interesting as that was the name of Col Cassady the Province Sr. Advisor of Tm 43 while I was there.

                    • Jerry your right its been so many years ago. Its been 53 yrs for me Tm 43 and 51 year in Tm 44 if anyone is still here with us GOD BESS ALL!

                    • Hi John and Bob
                      It is amazing that we have all lasted this long. Three trips to VN was amazing. Now I can say, 3.2 trips
                      My son and I spent 20 days , Oct 2019, on a special walking tour of VN. We start in Hanoi and travelled all the way Down to LonAn. Spent one day in Duc Hoa where I was with Tm99, 4 Bn, 49th, 25th ARVN. Nothing left except the old runway which how is a street. LOL. Still sorting 1500 photos
                      VN has transitioned to a wonderful country.

                • My dad was on that team during that time.
                  My dad was Sgt. James A. Dunlap.
                  I have a picture of him with Sgt. Lee, who I have not been able to locate.
                  I have recently come by several photo’s of my dad’s from that time.
                  I have no idea who the soldiers in the pictures are.
                  Please email me and I will be glad to forward the photos.
                  I have also been looking for a Captain K. that I have not been able to locate

                    • I was next door to Team 43 for two years. 68-70 and remember two officers getting killed in an ambush on the road from the north but that’s all. Went to Cu Chi several times and would stop and get a bowl of noodle soup at the only roadside cafe. I shot a cowboy on his Honda getting ready to throw a grenade but never heard of anyone getting killed there. He didn’t even pull the pin. No one else got hurt. I was with the Combined Studies Division in the Pheonix Program.

                • James, This is Lt Jerry Nix. I have been looking for you for a long time, I just decided to check this site tonight and there you are.

            • I was in team 43 ,in bau try the spelling is not rite.he was on guard in the back of the compound,I was guarding the front.they drooped some morter rounds on us mostly in the hit close to him.a feys later we heard he died on the plane home.i hope this broke us all up,he was a good friend.i was there from may 65 to may 66 .I made it to sgt.e5 got out in 67.sgt John w.carter us army

            • A long time ago, in 68 he would have worked out of Bao Trai in Hua Nigha, Provence. Now Tay Ninh Provence was combined and was renamed after the war by NVA. He would have been involved in the firefight in the Tay Ninh area. May want to check after-action reports based on dates and units.

          • Trang Bang was north of the Sugar Mill. Sugar Mill housed Team III-56. Commanded unit from June through Dec of ’69. Ray Wing was district commander.

            • james smith sir did you sa team 43 that i was in if so i wish to say thinks for the honor of serving with you and have you heard from any of the others lee sparks rto


            • John Allen here….I was with Cliff lanham during tie he was with VN 25th BN at Trang Bang I was with 3r/49/25th at Bao Tria….for about 10 months. Departed May 1 1967…..our base camp was on either end of town going toward river or going toward Cu Chi…..bad ass area…..

              • John Allen, I was in Bao Trai in May 67’ with U S Navy Seabee Team 0406. Our compound was a few hundred yards from MACV compound near the big old town generator.
                A few MACV guys came to our bar for drinks, cards, and ship-captain-crew.
                Have a few pictures I would like to share. Maybe someone will remember the guys in my pictures. I am no good with names! I am on Facebook.

            • The 2nd of the 27th Recon 25th Infantry Division unit moved in just after you guys moved out. That area sucked, but that made us closer to Cambodia and Tay Ninh too.

        • I am SGT (posthumous promotion) Marvin Belt’s great nephew. I am trying to learn as much about him and how he died as I can. I know he was a new guy in the unit, only in country a few months but I am hopeful someone made friends with him and survived the war.

          Any info would be greatly appreciated.


          STG2 (SW) Seth Belt

      • { would say we are all gone to abetter tm or tms was there in 64*4*6 65 68 69 71 years assg tm 43 tm68 the 145th avn 69th retro 69th avn bn What us worry! signing off no one left please forgiive giegeting up thier in years eyes too MACV

      • Sfc Lee ie sparks hear I have tried to make contact my team members Maj J Smith Msgt James Sp5 Lloyd at the sugar mill inside acrss from the pf/pf and the 2 105 guns in 1964 Getting hard to type an think excess me i used air map of place are house gone But the Tennis court with strips is still there: the Maj & I played a game on it think I bet it pissed Chile off any one cares to reply I remain sparks rto

    • Greg…

      I was a SP4 RTO on Advisory Team 99 1/46th from January 1969 to August 1969+- out of Duc Hoa in Hua Nghia Province which later was merged with Long An Province. I served with Cpt. Louis Sustersic, 1st Lt. James Warfel, SSgt. James and Sgt. Doughty.

      During my down time, Sgt. Doughty and I hung out with the 1/27th CRIP Platoon which was located 100 yards east of our hootch in an elementary school that was across the road to the south from the MACV Duc Hoa HQ.

      I remember a few CRIP guys like Don Heisler, Gary Tews, etc. Needless to say, we talked story, drank and smoked and counting the days until we DEROSED home.

      I was transferred in late August or mid-September ’69 to the TOC Comms in Can Giuoc and worked with a Major Moss and two other RTO’s pulling 10 hour shifts with comms for Macv teams as well as for the 9th Infantry who were conducting ops in the Mekong Delta.

      Rob Weamer, Jr.
      Upland, Ca.

      • Rob, I was assigned to the MAT out of Duc Hoa as the assistant team leader. The Captain was wounded a few days after I arrived and took over the team. It was just outside a Cao Dai village. I was later transferred to Duc Hue when the team leader there was wounded and was team leader until I rotated back home in Dec. 68. I actually spent a week at the Duc Hoa headquarters. I cantacted food poisoning and was air lifted to Saigon for a week. I later returned and was the team leader until I was rotated to Duc Hue. I do have some pictures if you are interested.

        Jim Smith 1LT

        • Jim, I to would be interested in looking at your pictures. I just returned from Viet Nam. I spent 20 days in country traveling from Hanoi all the way day to Long An.
          I was the SA of the 4-49th July 1967 to about mid Feb 1968. Then moved to SA of the 3-49th at Bao Tri

          Everything in Duc Hao is different. A national monument how covers all the ground where Team 99 and HQ 25th ARVN DIV was located. Would you believe Duc Hoa has a population exceeding 40K.

          The country has taken to capitalism and really has changed. The lowest farmer has electricity, TV, the internet and a motorcycle. The internet is OPENto everyone, unlike China.

          I could not find the old 4-49 base camp a couple of clicks outside Duc Hoa. The airstrip is part of a poor residential area. One old vet told me re-education camp members cleaned up the mine field around the 4-49th.

          Would love to view your pics

          • Sounds like we was their around the same time, sound like you had a interesting trip, thought about taking a trip back, but getting to old. I was the open/intell Sgt for team 43 at Cu Chi starting in Mar 67was wounded Thanksgiving day 67 and med evac to the states. Got another chance to be all I could be in 69/70 on Tm 44 Gia Dinh Province Hq . Now living the good life in St Petersburg, Fl

            • Clifford, guess I wasn’t clear in my message to I have not been back to Vietnam Since Oct 70. I was commenting on your trip. I was talking about your time and mine in country.I was the Opn/Intell NCO for TM 43 at Cu Chi District Hq 3/67 until thanksgiving day 67 when I was wounded and then my medavac chopper was shot down and I was sent to hospital in US

            • Jim Evans – I was on MAT 20 late 1971 when it was deactivated. I was reassigned to ADV Team 43 as one of the last four Americans before they closed the team. I left in May 1972. We are currently living in Spring Hill. Would enjoy meeting and sharing some stories.

    • i will say later to all having based in sugar mill 1964 have ask about my follow mates noone as recalled them i hope there not gone and i am thr last of team. they where the best !!!! 81 still going

        • ron you an i have talked many times before tou must have been at B. H. in1964 65 time as i, irecall getting commo checks on fm the am had a bad power cable i had a292 an a prc 25. i think i meet you when maj smith an i came by on way to sagion in a jeep and tly yo get ratations for team plys for give the typing we must both long in the tooth live well your kind to answer. rto ie sparks over

  13. Howdy from Tennessee. Looking for anyone who may have known my late friend, Paul Reid, from Houston, TX, who served w/ MACV Team 43 in Hua Nghia 1971. He was seen occasionally wearing a WW2 style German combat helmet, if that rings any bells. Thanks, all. – Karl Amelang

  14. Guys, I’m looking for any Team 43 members who remember the action in the week before Christmas ’65 in which my high school buddy Cpl Marvin Belt was WIA (later DoW Christmas day)?


      • I am searching for anyone who might have known a young 1Lt. Michael William Enbody. He was the C.O. of the CRIPs platoon, H&HC, 2nd. Batt, 25th. Inf. Div. from December, 1967-11 February, 1968, when he was killed in an ambush with 9 others near Bao Trae. My email is Thanks, Dave Stephenson

      • sir the pictures of sugar mill where grate i wish the fly by started about 4 seconds sooner of corse i was thier in 64 65 years thinks again sfc lee sparks.

      • ron, when i was at the sugar mill maj smith and i would stop in we would go to sagion to get rations l recall standing in for com check in the small bunker i was there in 64 irecall raymond burr flying in for a short visit forgtve thr typing getting a touch old,,jim

        • he was there buying gems,so the u.s.thought it was a great p.r. move.had a photo of him with his 250lb arm on my sholder.ex wife pitched that and everything else

        • I was there when perry mason showed up.he was there buying gems.had a photo of him,but it got tossed by the ex wife.there was a huge black 20 watt generstor about 30 yards from the house.contacted maag for a generator for my batteries and trickle charge and they sent me a 100 gal. a day monster.with that generator you could light up a very good size mall.

    • Jingle Bells, mortar shells, VC in the grass,
      Take your Merry Christmas and…have a very happy New Year, too.
      I Corps, 1969-’70-’71

  16. My father was MACV adviser in Trang Bang 1967-68. Morris Jones. He was career at this time. I lived in Vietnam from 1992 – 1999 (more or less) and have visited Trang Bang and many other places. I’m currently scanning and archiving all of his remaining 1/4 frame ‘spy’ camera stuff. Just reaching out – anyone know my father or know of Trang Bang, etc?

    • Your father was in my regiment. He was 4th BN 49 Infantry 25th Army Republic of Vietnam. the Regimental headquarters was in Cu Chi. I have been in Trang Bang several times and it was a bad ass area for North VN soldiers and Viet Cong who we called Charlie. I left in April 67. Seldom did I meet any advisor or see many American’s. I was in 3rd BN and we were all to our self most of the time. Saw my boss 3 times in a year. I have a couple of photos…my email is allenriverford……….

      • was in country june 66 jun 67 boa tri LTC rutherford chief guy Maj griffin chief at trang bang we had a big Hawaiian guy at 43 long time names elude me now 50 years take there toll

        • SFC Mahoe is I believe who you are referring too William. My uncle Sp5 John Karcz was assigned there to Team 43 during that time.

        • The capt. you mentioned was Capt Kehoe. up I was at Bao Trai sep 66 to sep 67. Others I recall Capt Adams, ssg thompson our mess sgt, sgt couey, sgt clayton our boxey,

        • His name is Bill Keoho Hawaian decent lived in Atlanta looked for him but no luck. He was physically the polonisian type good friend. You make good friends while there and think you won’t ever forget but after 50+ years you do. Damn it.

    • Was in the area with a sister battalion and mostly south of Trang Bang in the swamp and Plain of Reeds….in and out of the area and Tay Ninh several times…. some long tough nights on numerous occasions….Happy New Year VN 66-67…..John Allen

      ps good book The Dynamics of Defeat written by Bergerud…. about Hau Nghia Province area… you might find very interesting…..since you father was there….get on Amazon used….great….tough duty…..

      • FYI Another good book that covers Hau Nghia Province is Silence Was a Weapon: The Vietnam War in the Villages by Stuart Herrington. Herrington was an advisor with the Phoenix Program and the books covers his tour there in 1971-72 and covers mostly the Duc Hue District and such places as Bao Tri, Duc Hue, Duc Hoa, the Sugar Mill, Tan My, etc. An excellent book. Duc Hoa and the area est of there was part of our AO when I was there 70-72. We were a 7-man arty detachment assigned to various ARVN units at Cau Xang/Chau Hiep which was the first village east of Duc Hoa ib QL-10.

    • I use to help the orphanage in Trang Bang, we bomb them when we came back state side, i still can’t get over it since i trained the person responsible. Bao Tria Arty, Guillermo Durazo “Willie”.

    • Kirk, I was the district advisor in Trang Bang from about Aug to Dec 1968 but not sure if I knew Morris Jones. When was he in Trang Bang? What was his job? What was his rank?

  17. I was there my 3rd night in country and one other occasion. Got lot sniper fire coming out is all I remember 2d time…I packed my own radio….When the shit happens I want to know who is above and artillery I could call quickly ,,,,American….I made a point to keep my relationships up with US 25th Arty and call signs….some times just to say out there will advise…..mostly in and around Bao Tria, Chu Chi, Trang Bang…few occasions Tay Nigh….couple months at Ranger Camp north of Na Trang working with South Koreans…they were bad ass……I was in field for 11 months 1 month in #rd Field hospital……we would eat at times at Province hq and take shower….none of them wanted to go on ops and that was cool with me….except the LTC one time and that is another crazy story…..thanks for your response….John Allen
    Good book called The Dynamics of Defeat… is about Hau Nghia…u can get on Amazon….great read… Eric Bergerud published 1991…wish he knew me….I had much better phots than anything in his book…….

    • JOHN I ALSO WAS AROUND THE COUTRY I WAS WITH TM 43 ‘ TM 68 the 145 AV BN 69th AV CO ALSO the 69th reto bn all in all i spent 3& half yrs GU OH ARE HO HO SEE YOU LATER JIM

  18. I thought he was a Cpt but not sure now….all I remember was I was told I was going there and then ended up in 3rd BN….I was also told I was going to VN Airborne Brigade per my orders….the SFC I traveled with went to the Brigade…….not me….we had a hell of fight NOV 66 north of Sugar Mill near the SF camp….got some photos of it….send me your email address…..also we capture a flag near there too…I have it today…..My counter part Ranger Commander Major Lee Van Dan ( pronuce Don…French) went to the 4th….and killed Jan 67 a few weeks later in massive attack at night ….and 3/4 advisors KIA too….our BN was moved to Ranger Camp and SF Camp for 6 weeks north of Na Trang…worked with South Korean Army….they kicked ass…..if we had hired them it would have been over in 1 year…………..we came back south March 67 and worked your surrounding area out of Bao Tria and Cu Chi numerous times until my DROS…Apr 67..MST SGT was my NCO he was badly wounded night ambush Jan 67………thks for writing………John Allen

    • j allen sorry it took so long to get back maj smith when i knew him the mill had 2105 mms and was pf with vn capt in charge iplayed tennis on court to piss charly off hell of aplace..

      • john allen hope all is well,i replied to your entery ithink i was in a place called duc hue a sub sector all else is true getting younger in yrs makes it hard to type and think at the same timeawaiting your re ply or somes later all

  19. Still searching for any Team 43 members (Hua Nghia) who might know about the action which killed Cpl Marvin Belt, 11B20. He was apparently WIA on 17Dec65 and DoW on 26Dec65 after being with the Team only a short time. He was a black Corporal from Syracuse, posthumously promoted to Sgt.
    Tango Yankee.
    Frank USMC (Ret) RVN ’69-’70-’71

    • I am in the DC area now. I’ve been here since last Sunday doing research at the archives in CP, MD. I plan to leave early Sunday morning to go back to Lexington, Ky.

  20. Was anyone involved in the action on 26Dec65, which killed Sgt Marvin Belt, USA? He was Advisory Team 43. I’m cleared and have a need to know.

  21. Sir…Sugar Mill ( Duc Hue) was bad ass area…….I was SA for 3/49 operating out of Bao Tria, Cu Chi…66-67…..ARVN Major L Van Dan (Tigerman ) was our commander…We wore the red Ranger neckerchief. He was previously CO of 44th Ranger…Kill night attack Duc Hoa by NVA unit Jan 67. I could never understand why we put so many in harms way with little support at sugar mill and the AO . The SA of Sugar Mill was killed June 66. Another political issue as I look back. The Plain of Reeds was a hot area and terminus of Ho Chi Minh Trail…….we trapped a NVA unit crossing in day NOV 66 with US Wolfhounds. We were destroying them and then were called off…..they crossed back and then mortared the hell out of us…..all we could do was withdraw with our KIA and WIA…..could not understand that as a young regular army officer at the time….Thanks for your service to the country………John Allen….64-69

    • Dear John Allen, I served Duc Hue Sugar Mill with SA James Smith, Major. Is this the senior adviser who was killed in June 66? I was the RTO for him plus Master Sergeant, Smith and Specialist Lloyd, Medic. We served with Major Smith. Would you kindly respond to my reply?

      James T. Lee, i.e., sparks, rto

      • James…forgive me for not responding….no excuse….I was near the Sugar Mill several times….we had a huge battle Nov 66 night……VC kicked our ass……rain and they walked right into us before we knew they were there…..did not know any of your team personally….we only had 3 down to 2 when my MSGT got wounded……mostly worked out of Bao Tria compound and some out of Cu Chi…..John Allen

    • George, perhaps I was your replacement -arriving in March 1972 in Duc Hue – joining SSG Richard Arsenault and Major Carlson – who was the District Advisor. The Sugar Mill – with its massive walls – was where the team was housed. There was a partial battery of 105mm howitzers in the Hamlet – which occasionally lowered their tubes to the horizontal to fire “Killer Junior” rounds in an effort to dissuade Charlie from penetrating the compound. Only once did he succeed while I was there – an attempt by a sapper squad to breach the defenses…one enemy sapper wounded and captured while the rest were forced to withdraw. I can remember climbing the tall water tank on the edge of the Vam Co Dong River and using it an an observation platform when the action got hot across the river. The Easter Offensive was on top of us for most of the time that I was there. We lost SSG Arsenault in the operation of May 26, 1972 and I was medically evacuated back to the States from wounds received in the same battle – in mid-June. Captain Walt Mischler from the Province S-3 shop was sent out to Duc Hue to replace me. Colonel Bartlett was the Province Senior Advisor and Stu Herrington was the Province S-2 at the time. Any leads on whatever happened to Major Carlson? I heard that the American advisory team was eventually withdrawn from Duc Hue – either temporarily or permanently.
      COL (USA ret.) Ed Schwabe

      • U.S. Navy Seabee Team 0406 had a SP4 J. l. ARSENAULT staying at our compound in Bao Trai for a short time in 1967. He was a member of MACV Advisory Team 43. I will assume MACV did not have a billet for him at the time? Anyone remember him??? Advisory Team 43 HQ was just down the street from our compound in Bao Trai.

      • I remember Major Carlson quite well. On his first mission, he followed my Senior Master Sargent and me to a helicopter that had been shot down. All three of us received a Silver Star for rescuing the crew.

        • George, thanks for your reply. I was wounded in an ambush and medevaced Stateside in June, 1972. I lost track of Major Carlson after that. Did you ever run across him anytime after that? Any idea where he wound up after the war?

          • I have no idea how to find Major Carlson. MSGT Stover passed away shortly after returning hone to the state of Maine. I went there to visit his survivors and saw his tombstone.

  22. I was wondering if you have ever heard from members of Team 99, 1967-1969? If so do you still have names and e-mail address?

    I was the SA for 4/49 and 1/49 in 1967-68 time frame.

    Cliff LANHAM


  23. You were there when Major Maupin was the SA….he went with me on several occasions to qualify for his CIB….then I reported back to Fort Campbell, KY and he became my boss ….small world….he did not remember me until I told him I checked off on his CIB…..John Allen ps the 3 of us housed on the back side of the building in a tent for 2 months….got into big firefight one night on ambush with US 25th ….no claymores out that night or we would have killed all of them…..they were off by mile…..we were out about 100 yeards from wire…..John Allen

    • I think I remember Maj Maupin . I arrived in country Jun 66 Assigned to AT43 boa tri Hau Nghia as s14 later s23. You think you will not forget but you do. MAYBE I DO NOT WANT TO REMEMBER. if i am familiar to you say so . Cpt Wm P O’Loane that is
      me. Medic was B something i think Long long time ago

  24. I lost my interpetur in the parrots beak..standing 30 feet from me…motor…we were advising the,i think 38th rangers.lazy bunch of sobs ever

  25. James Smith, was your Cpt Ray Wing a Special Forces type? I was just outside Duc Hoa with the 4/49th June 67 to Feb 68, then I took the 1/49th to Areas north of TN City


  27. Sugarmill one hot place 66-67….Vn BN 3/49….worked Bao Trai, Chu Chi, Duc Hue, Duc Hoa, Trang Bang and at times into Tay Ninh…….Le Van Dan, VN Major my BN Co known as Tigerman to VC…killed Jan 67 big attack….our .compound west of Bao Trai and east 50% of time….lot action workin g road Chu Chi to Trang Bang and the swamp around Parrots Peak……….John Allen Cpt

    • Stationed Bao Trai and the Sugar Mill, 68-69. Didn’t change much still was a hot spot. The Parrots Beak was a main intrusion point.

      • Sugar Mill in 69? I commanded MAT unit there latter half of 69. Yes, hot spot but still manageable. A young Lt. was wounded and I was brought up from Duc Hoa to take over the unit. Ray Wing was the DSO at the time.


  29. We did much the same when I was on Mobile Advisory Team 20. We traded for a couple of 10KW generators and regularly purged our system of unauthorized subscribers. When you live with the RF/PF, you learn to adapt.

  30. Ron, The generator was still there in ’72 – a large piece of junk. We TRIED to get it running. A village chief offered us cash money for it if we could. Never did run.

    • I was in Bao Trai in 67′ with Seabee Team 0406. There was a huge OLD generator, (French maybe),that provided electricity to a portion of the town to include the Province Chief’s house. Many people would “tap” on in violation of orders and the generator would gradually die down and produce low voltage. Our electrician and myself took our loader around and clipped the unauthorized wire taps. The generator would recover and the Province Chief would be happy. Lot’s of pissed off people!


    • I don’t think anybody ever changed the filters on that piece of crap.from the road looking at the generator,we lived in the house to theleft.put my name in concrete by the back porch.

    • it ran 24 7 never changed the filters.all that diesel…1 ice machine..1 reer….1 battery trickle charger

  31. Just wondering if anyone knew my father, Lt. Donald F Hausen. All I know is he was part of team 43 and was in CuChi in 1970.

    • My brother 1st lieutenant Gary John Anderson and your dad where on the same team together. I do have some pictures of your dad that i could send you.

  32. Looking for anyone from Team 43 who served with Major George Reudelhuber in Trang Bang 1965-1966. I’m in contact with his son George, you can contact me or George’s son SGT Auston Reudelhuber and we’ll get your contact information to George.

  33. Nguyen Xuan Thinh received the Silver Star for his action on May 4, and 5th 1968 for the battle of Bao Trai. 196 Viet Cong and NVA were killed. Combine Reconnaissance Intelligence Platoon (CRIP), was in the wooden barracks from February 68 and sometime after February 69 moved out.

  34. I am trying to connect with a USAID Team 43 employee named Anthony Funicello. I was a SGT in the 25ID and often met with him. We traveled to and from Saigon several times. Once was to and from Australia as we were both on R&R. We returned to Saigon on 24 December 1968 if memory serves me right. We stayed overnight at a hotel in Saigon. The next day we drove back to his location. From there he got me back to CuChi. I believe that Mr. Funicello preceded Mr. Gettier at Team 43. Joe Gettier andI later were both in Kuwait during the 1991 war with the Civil Affairs unit known as the Kuwait Task Force (KTF). Any assistance would be appreciated.
    Michael D. Sternfeld
    LTC, AUS (ret)

    • The following obituary closes out my search for Tony Funicello, a USAID officer with whom I worked while I was an NCO in the 25th ID in 1968-69.Tony Funicello

      New Our good friend and colleague, Tony Funicello, passed away October 8th in Orlando, FL after a long struggle with cancer. He was 76.

      Tony was born in Utica, NY. After graduating from college, he joined the Peace Corps in 1965 and was assigned to Ethiopia for two years. Following that, he worked for USAID in Senegal, Sudan, Ethiopia, Thailand, Vietnam, Panama and Bolivia, where he made many friends who will miss his ready smile and good humor.

      He retired in 1989. Tony’s second career was with Track Masters where he was Chief Racecar Instructor for racing aficionados.

      Tony is survived by his wife, Lisa.

      May he rest in peace.

    • Larry,

      I am looking for a Captain K.
      Have no idea what his name was.
      My dad served with him in 6/70 to 6/71.
      Thank you.

  35. Terry Brown (PFC RTO) I remember you
    Leonard Brooks. I was on the tm. I did operation with
    with the wolf hounds.

  36. Yes i remember clearly…I have a photo of the young lady who served us too….how can I post on this blog??? We came back from 2 Corp late Feb 67 and were in Chu Chi a few weeks… then back to Bao Tria ….at the compound near the air strip. my email is….

  37. Bill Boland,
    I was in Trang Bang from Aug. 70 to April 71. Would like to talk with anyone about our time in Nam. I arrived with Bernie Lovett, who died on 16 Oct.70.

    • Hi Bill Boland,

      I was also in Trang Bang. My dates were from July 1971 to July 1972. I originally was assigned to MAT III-100 but the war was changing fast. By January 1972, there were very few advisors left in Trang Bang and American units were mostly gone from country. There were no more American artillery firebases in the District.

      Until May 11,1972, enemy activity in the District was not significant and involved attacks on outposts, ambushes, etc. The Easter Offensive changed all that and the NVA attacked Loc Giang Village in force on May 11. Most of the Easter Offensive involved a prolonged attack on An Loc north of us, that had been going on since April. Full blown war came to Trang Bang on May 11 and continued on and off until I left in July. Letters from my old DSA, Maj. Joe Falkner said it continued after that and even had a direct mortar round hitting and caving in part of the District team house.

      I’ve known of Bernie Lovett for a long time even though our paths never crossed. We were each similar in our training and duties but I survived and he died. There is a great tribute to Bernie on the Western Massachusetts Vietnam Memorial page. Check it out if you haven’t already.

      I suppose you knew DSA Maj. Rex Hauley, Captains Pulliam, Charles Roark, Jim Miller, and Doc Higgins. Except for Cpt. Miller, most of them left Trang Bang shortly after I got there. I did a lot of Phuong Huong missions with Cpt. Miller, trying to deal with the VCI in the District. A book written by Stuart Herrington details these efforts in the Province. It,s Silence Was a Weapon also published as Stalking the Viet Cong. Did you happen to know Dai Uy Dac or Cuong who led our two RF units?

      Call me anytime if you wish (719) 761-8071.

      Joe Billot

      • Hi Joe, I read Stuart’s book and it helped me to understand some of the things that happened and did not happen. What a crazy war we had.
        I hope everything is going well for you and I look forward to the next time we talk.

    • Hi Bill. We served on the same MAT team until they sent me to Bao Trai to be night duty officer in the provence TOC. The tribute to Bernie is very nice and you should check it out. It is on the Springfield 50 web site, which is to honor the 50 casualties from Springfield MA. You should also check out the book “Once A Warior King” by David Donavon about his time as a MAT team leader.
      If you get this message and want to contact me, my number is 417-784-4270. I would love to reconnect.
      Jim Powers

      • Hi Jim, sorry it has taken me so long to respond, but I got sick in July and this got sent to the back burner.
        I have tried to call you several times, but they say that the phone is out of service. Do you have another number?
        I spent 30 minutes talking with Joe Billot this week and he filled me in on what happened after we went home.
        I hope to hear from you. My number is 502-836-2684.

        • Lt Nix, If I am the same Sgt Lee I was RTO ie sparks from Kentucky. I am confused on the dates used, I was at the sugar mill with Sgt James and Specialist Lloyd and Major Smith, please reply if I am the same person you were referring to in the message of Sept. 2, 2016. I was also in Team 68,if that helps in the 70’s.

          • James, Thanks for the reply, but I don’t think you are the same sgt Lee. He was part of my team and the other names you used I am not familiar with. We were not at the sugar mill.Thanks though.Jerry.

    • I was moved from Tan Ann to Trang Bang in Jan 71. Derosed may 71. I was on a Mat Team with Lt James Casidy, Sgt. Lee, and Sgt Ogletree at An Binh outpost. I can’t remember the docs name. We abanded our shot up equipment and were moved to district HQ. because they didn’t believe the PF Platoon could or would protect us.

  38. Hello. I am looking for any information regarding Capt. (Robert Michael) “Mike” Magee, whom I think was with this team. I am his widow, Julie Brown Magee. We were married for only four years when Mike died of a brain tumor. I never learned much about his time in Vietnam. There were only a few stories that he was able to share. I miss him and feel there is so much I still do not know about his life. Thank you for anything you can share. And thank you for your service.

    • Do you know if he was with a battalion or at the compound in Bao Tria ? Do you remember any villiage names like Trang Bang, Tay Ninh, Cu Chi or Duc Hoa ? I do not rmember him but just attempting you to resolve….good luck…John Allen

    • Hi Charles, From the info I have along with the actually news release and 11 original pictures he was in the “Rung Sat Special zone”. The pictures say June of 1968. They housed outside of Nha Be. This company was headed by Capt. David Brown from Reading PA. My father was the intelligence advisor to the Rung Sat commander and served on the staff of the Senior U.S. commander Straney. I am not sure how long he was in this area, but he did serve 8 tours of Viet Nam.

      • I just found this web-page, while doing some on-line research, so I am getting into this conversation a bit late, and at this point Tracy may not even be checking the site. If you are Tracy, I served with your father in Marine Advisory Team # 43 in the RSSZ for several months. I was there from May 67 – May 68. I recall he joined the unit in or about November 67, therefore, the date of the photos are probably correct. His picture, and an article about the team appeared in Leatherneck magazine – I don’t recall the date, but I have copies at my residence in Florida (I am not there now but am working a project in Belgrade, Serbia, so don’t have access at this point).

        I located Capt. Haines sometime in the mid-90’s and we met for lunch every month or so for several years, until I left for Germany with the job. He was working in Crystal City, near DC, at that point and I was in DC…made lunch very convenient. Ed Haines and I had lunch at the Globe and Laurel restaurant in Quantico, Va sometime during that time with the son of retired M/Sgt. Nicholas Sosik, who was with the team until late 1967. Unfortunately, Top Sosik died a few years before that. I also kept in contact with retired Major (Mustang) Bruce Wencentsen (sp), USMC, the Intel officer that Ed Haines replaced. Bruce lived near Quantico. Dave Brown now lives in the North Caroline area. He wrote a book about his experience in Vietnam, including the Rung Sat. Dave was the senior Marine and was in-charge of psyops. The senior infantry advisor was Then Capt. Clifford R Dunning, now retired Lt. Col. He lives in Wheaton, Md, a DC suburb. A few years back we would regularly meet for Vietnamese soup “Pho” at a restaurant in Wheaton.

        Enough from me, but I have a lot of research, including intel products from the region that I’m sure Ed Haines produced. Tracy if you are still around, my email is – or if anyone communicates please pass my contact info.

        Best regards to all, thank you for your service, take care, be safe and Ooh Rah!!

        Jim May
        CWO4, USMCR, retired

  39. I have been reading my fathers papers from his time in Viet Nam, he was a member of the Advisory Team 43. His name was Edward R Haines, he was a Captain at this time. Is there anyone out there who knew him?

  40. My late father, Major Michael Richard Perme, was stationed at Military Advisory Team 43’s HQ in Bao Trai. According to an essay he wrote on the March 21st bombing in 1969, he arrived there on July 25, 1968. I recently developed photos he had took of the HQ. Did anyone know him? Or would anyone like to see them?

    • Rachel Perme
      I do believe I met your Father briefly upon returning the 1/49 Bn 25th ARVN to Bao Tri after I took this b. into an operation near Dau Tieng. This would havbe been about May 1968. I spent mt last three months in country at Duc Hoa, TM 99 Hq.

    • Rachel, I am Russell Ochoa and I knew your father very well. I was recently looking for him when I discovered he had passed away in 2009. I wanted to get in contact with you concerning the 4th of July 1969. In this action he and I along with my troops went to locate a weapons cache that my Intel guys had picked up. While there we surprised an enemy recon platoon that was coming from the Vam Co Dong river and engaged it forcing them to retreat. I was the adviser to the Armed Propaganda Team and your father accompanied me many time on my operations. I considered us as good friends. I also have at least one picture of him in my album. I was wondering if you have any letters or article recounting the 4th of July 1969 because I wanted to make sure that we both received the recognition we deserve. You can email me at anytime. I am still alive and fighting with the VA over compensation and any information you might have would be appreciated. Your father was a fine and honorable man whom I never forgot, thanks, Russ Ochoa

  41. First, Thank you for your service!!!!. I did not know anyone in Bao Tria or associated with Team 43 1966-67…with that last surname. However, I was with a BN and not with the Province HQs advisory unit. I would suggest you write to DA and get his personnel records. You can do that online now. It will take several months. That would be my suggestion…Thanks again for your servcie today….John Allen

  42. This is Sgt. Reudelhuber I’m active duty Army and I’m trying to figure out some things about my Grandfather LTC. Reudelhuber, George If anyone knows him please send me a message on here ad I will get back to you ASAP

  43. Looking for any one who served with Sgt. James A. Dunlap(my dad) June 70-June 71.
    Also looking for a Capt. K and a Sgt. Lee. Sgt. was from Kentucky.
    Any information will be greatly appreciated!

    • There was a Capt. John Kapranopoulis (spelling may be correct), referred to as Capt. K, who was Company Commander of A Co, 2/505, 3rd Brigade, 82nd ABN, in 1969. He is a member of the Golden Brigade Chapter of the 82nd Airborne Assoc. The 82nd operated in Hua Nghia province in ’69.

    • david, there is a sgt james lee, i.e. sparks that served at the sugar mill. He is not the Sgt Lee I am looking for, but the posted a reply to me Jerry Nix, and he is from Kentucky. give him a try.

  44. Our ARVN BN was moved to the north end of Bao Tria in Oct 67 near the airstrip. The USAID rep gave our team of 3 materials to trade with local contractors to help build our housing. It got us out of the rain, rats and mosquitoes at night. We were truly grateful!!!!!!!

    • John Allen, Do you remember Seabee Team 0406 in Bao Trai? I was there March 67′ thru Sept 67′. We sometimes ate at the MACV compound and some of the MACV guys would drink at our bar.

  45. We got there at the same time; our 3 man team was in and out of the compound July- to mid Jan 67. I was wounded Nov 66 and in 3rd Field Hospital Siagon month of Nov 66….I was like Forest Gump and all that ice cream ….then we went to 2 Corp for about 60 days back via Cu Chi about March…..into Bao Tria about April 67. Welcome Home brother….John Allen

    • does anyone that was in bao trai remember a big black generator in the middle of 64,i reuested a generatot for my radio.a ww2 angrc jeep radio..well,low a behold,out of no where here comes a 20 kilowatt generator drinking 100 gal of diesel a day for 25 dollar radio.advisory team 43 lied next to the generatorteam 43 was maj. Jensen,maj moore,capt dickey capt murphy,spc 4 silva.

  46. John(ny) Pancrazio just saw your name in Bergerud’s book “The Dynanaics of Defeat”and several other names too who have responded on this site…page 8. Good book if you have not read….Rutherford was the SA when I was with a Ranger BN of the ARVN 25th; Major Le Van Dan, known as Tigerman and his wife Tiger lady….at one time he commanded the 44th Ranger in Delta. He was killed in Duc Hoa, VC mutilated his body, as previously stated in major attack Jan 67…..I was there Christmas 66 when 4* Chief of Staff Johnson came to the Bao Tria….Happy New Year and thanks for your service on this 50th year of the war…..John Allen

    • Hi John. I agree that it is a good book. I had forgotten about being interviewed for it until about a dozen years ago when I was contacted by the grandson of one of the guys who was on the team and he told me about it. The mind does strange things at times. I bought three copies of the book, kept one and gave the others to my daughters so they could read about their old man in the war. Rutherford was SA when I first got there but he was replaced by Morlang. Got to Bao Tri @June 66 and was there until June 67. Happy New Year my friend and thank you for serving…..Johnny

  47. I was with the Radio Research unit in Phu Bai in 1971-72, but I had a friend from my home town who was KIA with your unit in May of 68. Did any of you serve with Ron Beardsley?
    Tom Branan

  48. James, It is good to know you made it out. If you are ever in the KC area please don’t hesitate to contact me. Best Wishes for a Great Holiday Season. Charlie Owen

    • Gary, I was inn Bao Tri many times from Sept 69 to Dec 69. I commanded a MAT out of Duc Hoa from Feb to Jun and then moved north to command III-56 out of Duc Hue (Sugarmill) from June to Dec 69. 1LT JC Smith. My asst. 1LT Jack Thomas wrote a book called “Coyote Jack”. He was with me from July to Dec 69 when he then took over the team. Our District Commander was Capt. Ray Wing.

  49. I finally put the short clip on Bao Trai on my face book page, look at my description above so you know what your looking at, then go to Willie and Joy Durazo, on Facebook and look for My time in Viet-Nam, the clip was to long so it was cut short.

  50. Mike,
    I can’t recall a MACV KIA at the guard tower. There was however a MACV KIA out of the CuChi district around that time.
    Greatest respect for the Wolfhounds, they awarded me an honorary beret. We did some good work.

  51. I was aware of the 25th US Recon, but not aware of any recon unit in Bao Trai other than our ARVN BN lead by Commander Major Le Van Dan known as Tiger man. MSGT Foster, BN Advisor was on one of those one night and was wounded. Dec 1966……John Allen BN Advisor

  52. Charles I was with the 25th infantry CRIPS at Bao Trai in 68. We built the wooden barracks.
    It was May of 68 when one of the MACV guys was KIA in the guard tower. Do you remember who that was? Jan. 12 CRIP lost 10 men. Check out our site reconcrip

    • Mike….

      Did you ever work with the 25th Infantry CRIPS unit in Duc Hoa during 1969? They were located 300+- meters east of my Macv Adv. Tm. 99 compound at a small school located across the street from Adv. Team 99 Hq’s. I remember a couple of guys like Don Heisler, Gary Coombs, I fellow with a last name of Teuws…..

      I was a SP4 RTO for Capt. Sustersic (on 3rd straight tour who was later KIA with his RTO after RTO tripped a 105mm arty shell booby trap somewhere north of Saigon), 1st Lt. James Warfel (whom I spoke with today for the 1st time in 46+ years), SSGT. James and SGT. Allen Doughty. Capt. Goto was Sustersic’s replacement sometime in June or July 1969 after Sustersic transferred to his new assignment.

      Rob Weamer, Jr.

        • Mike..

          I went to your website but couldn’t find any info on the 25th Inf. CRIP pulling ops in Duc Hoa during 1968/1969.


      • Rob, just read your post. My name is James Smith (1LT). I was assigned to a MAT outside Duc Hoa near a Cao Dai village whose name I do not remember. The Captain, whose name I also do not remember, was killed a week after I arrived and I took over until June when I was transferred to Team III-56 out of Duc Hue. The MAT leader was wounded and later sent home. Good person. The Sugar mill was the district headquarters. I was assigned an assistant in May before I left. Not sure what his name was but Warfel does not sound familiar. Have several pictures of our outpost and my team. Very good Sgt’s and the medic was superb. We helped deliver a baby in the middle of the night when no one would go to the village. He actually delivered as I stood guard. I lost a few good RF/PF solders during my time, but fortunately no team members.

        • I was with CRIP at Bao Trai 68 but the unit did move to duc hoa wary 69. CRIP was started by Westmoreland in 67 then when wild in 68 and 69 and finished in 69.


    • I was RTO with 1/49 at that time, on may 5 I got hit and evacuated out of Bao Trai to 25th medevac hospital Cu Chi, the guy that got killed at the guard tower was sp4 William Worley.

      • I was in the lower part of the guard tower along with Mike Ringenberg “Ringo”. I pulled Bill off the roof of the tower after being hit by an RPG. I was part of the Recon unit from 2/68 -11/69 then moved to the Sugar Mill until 2/69.

        • I got to ride a dust off twice to Cu Chi. I got to Bao Tri after that tower got hit, they told me about it. I was FRU advisor in a separate compound just outside 43

          • Hey Gerald that sounds unlucky to me. We worked recon from the TOC intel down by the patriot’s beak to Tay Nighn. It was a hot time. Glad you survived. We also worked in the middle of agent orange drops. Glad to hear you made it.

        • Gary, I just saw your replay. I don’t think we ever knew his name, or we forgot it. I just pick up a book that is all about Mac V 1971, we traveled the same area. Silence Was A Weapon. The Vietnam War In The Villages. Stuart A Herrington. American advisor 1971-1972the advisor February 1971 to August 1972, the author’s job was to root out the insurgency in the villages and hamlets. Operation Phoenix (the code name for the central organization. Boa Trai, Duc Hoa, Trang Bang. I paid $5.00. He has wrote several others.

  53. Just found the site. I was with MAT 20 when it was shut down and moved to Bao Trai where I finished my 2nd tour after the Easter Offensive. Team 43 was down to four or five men by that time. SSG Stephen Forcade

    • Hello Steve Forcade,

      I just reviewed all the posts and noticed that you were there after the Easter Offensive. What District was Mat 20 in? I was Team 43 in Trang Bang from July ’71 to July ’72 and survived battles in Loc Giang village and Trang Bang during the Easter Offensive.

      I was originally an Lt. on Mat III-100 but ended my tour as the Deputy District Senior Advisor of Trang Bang District. That position was usually staffed by a senior Captain but with only me, Major Falkner (DSA), and one NCO left on our District Team, I, by default became DDSA.

      I don’t recall your name but maybe you might stimulate my brain with some more detail. You must have known Col. Bartlett, PSA. Do you remember Maj. Bynum or SFC McCracken from Bao Trai? I remember a time when the dwindling members of Team 43 met in Bao Trai for a cookout and volleyball games before the Easter Offensive. Were you there?

      I look forward to a reply.

      Joe Billot

      • Joe,

        Yes, I was there. When MAT 20 disbanded, I went to Bao Trai as the Heavy Weapons Specialist and transitioned (through attrition) to the Infantry Operations and Intelligence Advisor with Major Robert S Bowes III. There were two or three other officers but I do not remember their names. SGT Brevado was our team medic until his DEROS, and Col Bartlett sent a Pvt (Butler?) to our team to help with the TOC. Do you remember SSG Quales (known as Cowboy)? He was on the Tay Ninh team during the Easter Offensive.

        • SGT Brevaldo was my team medic on III-56 out of the Sugarmill. Him and Jack Thomas received a Bronze Star with V for their actions at An Dinh late ’69. Great guy.

        • Steve

          I had a SGT Brevado (or Brevaldo) as my team medic on team II-56 from Sept to Dec 69. Was a medivac medic out of Cu Chi prior to that. Lives in Florida last time we spoke. He earned a Bronze with “V” for action at our An Dinh outpost with my asst. Lt Jack Thomas. Liked him very much.

  54. I was with Major Le Van Dan BN known as Tiger man and Tiger lady….we wore the red neckerchiefs…ARVN 25th consider to be at that time a Ranger BN…My first 6 months my compound was about 150 west of US compound in Bao Trai….we operated mostly on the river, Chu Chi Hwy 1 Trang Bang, Duc Hue Tay Ninh Swamp, Hobo Woods, etc. Jan 66 we went to SF and Ranger Camp Na Trang….then back to Chu Chi and on to Bao Tria in April 67 and our compound was east of village on road going to Chu Chi near air strip…….July 4 1966-April 28 1967 I was wounded in Nov 6 and in 3rd Field hospital until 29 Nov 1966….Tiger man was killed in Duc Hoa Jan 67 just before we went north….had some meals and showers at compound an lots of drinks

  55. That would be great. I look forward to seeing it. I was on the west end of Bao Trai 66-67 with ARVN BN…We ate sometimes at the compound and took showers….most of the time we ate with our battalion……..John Allen

  56. I made my home at Boa Trai from 1970-1971, most people knew me as Boa Trai Arty, I served as the Artillery Airstrike warning Control, Coordinator. I still have 8mm movies I converted to cartridge, Scenes are of the village Street, compound, Helipad, bunkers w/our 50’s, Nui Ba Din, Xuan Loc, Nui Cha Chin, Long Bien, Bien Hoa. Some of the footage I borrowed from news archives, and the music was of the Era. I’ll try and convert it to a dvd so I can post it to this page, I was going to use this only for my family and it can get corny.

    • I was night duty officer in the tactical operations center in Bao Trai from Nov 1970 til Mar 71, and shared space with Bao Trai Arty. Did you have an accident during flight school with your instructor wash out? If so, we spent a lot of nights together.

      • Jim, sorry I did’t reply sooner but I only check this page once in a while, I think your speaking of Keith Emminger, we both served at the same time, saw him once since and that was a year since our DEROS!

  57. The sugar mill Duc Hue was bad ass VC area. I will check out your site. You guys from US 25th were great to me when I would come begging and gave me all kinds of stuff for my ARVN soldiers like jungle boots size 5, flares for 81mm, m-60 machine guns, ammo, a.50 cal for Bao Trai base camp, and thanks for the C rations too. But the flares save our ambushes numerous nights….John Allen

  58. Sent photos to your email and map of area of ops….we did not make Hobo Wood, but we did the others: War Zone C, Boi Loi Woods, Plain of Reeds….water to your ass, Kinh Thay Swamp, Hobo Woods, and mostly along the Oriental River border of Cambodia between Duc Hoa and Duc Hoa, water and bobby traps, and many holes with punji stakes…, looking for an NVA Battalion…they found us in the HQs village of 25 ARVN Div Duc Hoa…., and it was a regiment vs a battalion….we were outside the wire of the hqs..Major Le Van Dan, Tiger man, our counter part Ranger Commander was viciously captured and killed…..his second wife was not captured…..he killed first wife over her…..then we went North to the Ranger Camp north of Na Trang and worked with the South Korean on the Street without Joy…..I left the service in 69 after orders to go back after 3 months…. took me two years to get out….Infantry and language training to speak Vietnamese… future for a physical profile 3 Infantry Officer. ……..I would have been at Hamburger Hill if I did not leave the service….assigned to 3/187 ABN 101 ABN….many soldiers killed there….and for no reason……John….

  59. SGT Foster was a great NCO. I recommended him for the Silver Star the night he got wounded.I think he received BS with V device.He covered the other troopers with fire during the engagement, crawled out and got weapons and the VN solders in the ambushed were very impressed with his heroism I was going on the ambush that night, but he insisted I stay behind. Anyway we had just gotten our new 81 mm mortars from the US 25th Division in Cu Chi.and flare rounds which the BN did not have; the US 25 were great to our efforts and VN soldiers, like boots, ammo etc. When Fosters unit engaged the VC with great surprise it was hot!!! When it happened I ran to the mortar pits and started dropping the flares and got the VN troopers out and they continued…..then Spec. 4 Gonzales and I took off with my counter part to where they gone out of the wire with our jeep…..about 200 yards from our houch….we went out and helped the VN troopers with his injury….and drove him quickly to be Medivac Bao Tria HQs.He was discharged several weeks later and was reassigned and we went north for 3 months to Na Trang. Our counter part was Major Lee Van Dan known as Tigerman and Tiger lady. There are few good article on the web about them. I have some good photos so how can I exchange with you related to those of your Dad……John Allen

    • John, I want to thank you!!! My Dad retired Jan 1969 and died in 1976 of lung cancer at the age of 47. What rank were you? My Dad mentioned Lt Allen. I was told it was a hell of a firefight that night. He should have gotten the silver star for his actions. I have some slides that I need to get printed. Please sent photos. It is good to hear from someone that knew my Dad. Do you know where he was reassigned? I hope to talk to you soon. It is good to hear from someone that knew my Dad. My phone number is 254-702-6853 email: Many Thanks, John Foster

    • I’m terrible with names but Foster does sound familiar. Didn’t see many with that rank on the team but do remember one MSG being in Hau Ghnia during that time frame. I don’t remember him staying there very long but then I spent most of my time with other lower ranking NCOs and with the guys in my section.

      • He used the first name “Bill”. He was wounded in the leg during a firefight. He did advise the ARVN 25th. . He was also in operations in the Ho Bo Woods. I will try to find dates. I do have slides that I will convert to pictures. He did know a Lt Allen. Thanks, John

    • John,
      I knew your dad very well. He was my senior NCO and weapons specialist when I was Sr. Advisor the the 3rd Bn., 49 Arvin Inf. Regt., July 1966 to April 1967. If I remember correctly he had eight children and came to the Bn from a helicopter training post, Ft. Wolters? He was Bill to me and a great guy. Am very sorry that he died so young.
      On one of our early operations together he actually shot an assistant VC squad leader we had been following. I used to kid him about how great a shot he was. There was Bird dog spotter in the air who helped us keep track of the guy in the rice paddies. All of our early operations were on foot and the VC could see us miles away if they already did not know about the operation. Later we got helicopters from time to time.
      When I went on leave in December 1966 Bill was supposed to go the the ARVN 25th Division Hqs. and run the NCO club but he wanted to stay with the BN. until I returned in early January. While I was gone the 3rd Bn had a night outpost out in the rice paddy a few hundred yards from Bao Trai. They were attacked and one ARVN was wounded. His buddies left him and came back in leaving him. One of the VN officers came to the hooch and told the team what had happened. Bill and Sp4 Jesse Gonzeles, my RTO, ( he was wounded twice in RVN) went out with some ARVN soldiers to try to find the wounded man. It was pitch black and they did not know exactly where he was. Bill had them all get down on their hands an knees in a line and they found him. Bill asked for the stretcher and no one had brought one. He had them take make a stretcher with their rifles and he took off his fatigue shirt to complete the stretcher. It was at this time that some VC opened fire on the group and Bill was hit in the thigh, a clean wound. They got back safely to the compound and he was evacuated and ended up in Vung Tau on the coast. I got back from leave about 3 January and in Saigon ran into the deputy advisor to the 49th Inf. Regt. who told me that Bill had been wounded and where he was. I hopped a chopper ride to Vung Tau and walked into the ward. I knew that his wound was not serious and my first words to him were “You dumb ass. I told you to take the NCO club job”. He just laughed. He related to me the above circumstances of his wounding. In the next day or so I wrote to his wife and gave her some details. He was put in for the Silver Star but it was reduced to a Bronze star with “V”. The reason I was given was that he had not charged the VC! With a bullet in his leg, in the black of the night and not knowing where they were that that would have been quite a feat.
      I have the cartridge belt taken from the VC your dad shot. If to send me your address I`ll be very happy to send it to you. Your dad did not want it at the time so I kept it and still have it. .

      • Thank you so very much. Dad was the best! I would like to talk to you about dad. He died in 1976 of lung cancer. I was 23 at the time. My phone number is 254-702-6853. My address is 1908 North 60th Street, Killeen, Texas 76543. I would like to have anything that relates to dad.

      • I am very happy to hear from you. My Dad was First Sargent for the first WOC company at Fort Wolters from 1963 to 1966. I would like to hear more about Dad. My phone number is 254-702-6853 and my address is 1908 N 60th Street, Killeen, TX 76543. I would like to hear from you. John

  60. I remember Major Maupin when he was SA at Cu Chi in the cross roads. My ARVN BN stayed in the area couple months then back to Bao Tria. He was G 1 when I was assigned back to 101 ABN in 1967 at Fort Campbell. Anyone remember him. He would go on ops at times with us. I think he was from Clemson SC area..

    • I seem to remember the SA as a CPT but the name Maupin rings a bell. Its possible the SA was a Major in 65-66. I do know that I went on some ops with your guys wearing the red bandanas on their necks. I would have been the Buck SGT radio man. A RF/PF usually carried the radio and stuck close to me.

  61. Great to hear from you but I do not do facebook…how can we communicate via email have some pictures I could share

    • I got the pictures you sent the other day John. Any of you can contact me at Make sure you put some type of identifier such as MACV, Team 43, etc. so I don’t delete it as spam.

  62. I understand Bao Tria was over run Tet of 68 and VC occupied the town for several hours. Did they breech the Province Hqs of US? I know the Chu Ci District compound was totally destroyed and all advisors killed.

  63. You were como chief when I came in I replace Legate as a radio operator. The only person I have been able to find is Jerry Mullany. I don’t know if you were there when he came in. I met Jerry in California a few yrs ago and he was there in Feb of 68 when VC overran the compound. I was there when the VC overran the cords compound and burned to the ground. I have pictures of that compound after the burn. We were able to hold them off of the MACV compound. Glad to get to get out of there, it got harry in late 67. You can contact me on my wife’s facebook account under Jody Braunschweig.

    • I left the team in June 67. I’m not very good at remembering names but can usually remember faces, I might have met Jerry, it would depend on when he arrived. I went to the 525th MI Group in Saigon when I left then moved on to the 864th Engineers in Nha Trang in Dec.67 and was Commo Chief there until June 68 when I returned home and was discharged. Tet 68 wasn’t any fun.

    • I wish I knew John. Hopefully you’ll be able to figure it out or somebody more computer literate than me will jump in. I would love to see some Team photos.

  64. Paul Braunschweig
    Nov 66 to Nov 67

    I was a radio operator from Bao Tria, looking for anyone in that area and time that recognizes my name.

    • Hello Paul; I was with the Recon platoon, (CRIP), that lived in and worked out of the compound from June/July ’67 thru the ambush in Feb. ’68. I remember a few of your team members. John Kratz and Ron Thomas. I was the medic for the CRIP element.

    • Greetings from Virginia!
      Enjoyed reading your emails and they brought back a lot of memories. I worked in Bao Trai from 1966-1969 and visited MACV 43 sometimes. Had you stop by USAID (MACCORD) during your tour there?

      I would like to hear from YOU.

      Binh Akers

    • I was the first radio operater at bao trai. team 43 1963.ordered a generator for the batteries for the radio.expected a small one,but here comes a 20 watt,100 gallons of diesel a day generator.a big black one.dangerous then and it just got worse.

  65. LTC Rutherford were the Team commander when I got to the Team after processing in
    January 1967. I arrived In country on 25 Dec 1966. I would love to see some pictures, if they can be posted. That medic was E-8 Clayton.

  66. It is a small world John. I met LTC Morlang when he stopped in Cu Chi on his way to Bao Tri, he was a Major then. I don’t know if you ever met him but he was a mustang and a hell of a guy. LTC Rutherford was there when I got to Bao Tri but left shortly after I got there. The newly promoted LTC Morlang replaced him.

    • I have a lot of photos; can I post them on this site. You will recognize many of them. How do I get a photo like you have on your comments. Were you in Bao Tri Dec 1966. We had a hell night fight with Charlie: killed twelve of our company and we were outside the wire. One of team NCOs wounded badly on night ambush Jan 67 too. Medivac out of Hqs pad there in the village of Bao Tri. Occasionally, went to ops briefing with LTC Rutherford. He had one hell of a map in the dining area. Saw the guy I reported to 3 times. He was located east of Chu Ch about 1 mile across from the rubber plantation in a compound. It had a large MACV patch painted on hq area. Our BN team stayed to our self except when some guy was looking for 30 days on ops to get CIB; but I let them know I did not report to them and they were not in charged even if they ranked me and if that was not ok they could not go with my team. Frequently, two of us were with point platoon or company. When we got down to 3 team members I went by my self with the BN CO except in Hobo Woods, Boi Loi Woods or around Tay Ninh, I raised hell most of time if we did not have a fac when down in the river area or around Trang Bang……and always had contact with US 25th artillery and choppers….Red Raiders and Red Riders, and, Mustangs, Our BN wore red neckerchiefs. The advisory team did not need anymore sniper attention so we did not wear them.. But, on a few occasions when I was in the air it was great to see red moving from above. You could call in gunships and artillery quickly and napalm too.

      • My captain was Red Rider 1 and I was Red Rider 2, radio operator. I was in Bao Tria from Dec 66 to Dec 67. I was in CRIP and in field most of the time. Col Cassidy was our CO.

  67. I was in Bao Trai July 66-Jan 67 as senior advisor, 1 SFC, 1 Cpl. Our counterpart was Major Le Van Dan, known by VC as “tigerman.” He was killed Jan 67 in Duc Hoa,during major night assault. The BN operated, south of Bao Trai along river in Parrots Peak, Kinh Thay Swamp,, cleared Hwy 1 many times Cu Chi to Trang Bang sometimes into Tay Ninh. The Bn assigned to 2 Corp Ranger Camp, SF Group and training area north of Na Trang for 3 months, back to Cu Chi in the cross roads base camp until April 67 back to Bao Trai…. Duc Hue area always lots of contact and the swamp too. ., .

    • Interesting to read this. I got to Cu Chi in June 65 and was on the small compound with three other Americans, 1 CPT, 1 1LT, 1 SFC (Medic), 1 young SGT (me) as Infantry/Commo Advisor. Moved up the road to Bao Tri June 66 and remained there until June 67. SA was LTC Morlang and there were a number of Officers and NCOs along with quite a few EM. I ran the commo section there.

      • Johnny…LTC Rutherford was SA in Bao Tri when I arrived July 66.. I remember an E-8 who was medic. Limited contact with the other NCO’s and officers except for a movie sometimes, meal, and drink at bar….our base camp was 200 yards west of Bao Tri or near the airstrip on east. I was outside the wire frequently at night on ambush. When I was in Cu Chi a Major Maupin was District SA. He went on several ops with my BN and when I returned to 101st ABN… I reported in to him at G-1….small world. .

      • Paul Braunschweig U where como chief when I came to Bao Tria I replaced Legate I eventually became como chief I was in field with capt Barkman

      • Paul its great to hear from you. Are you on facebook? If so send me a friend request. You can also email me at I live in the Phoenix area. Maybe we can set something up to get together with Terry, John, or anybody else that was around at the time. All of you can email me or find me on FB. The only other person I’ve made contact with is Tommy Thompson who was the Supply SGT for the team back then.

    • John Allen and Johnny Pancrazio

      Happened to run accross your comments on Team 43 and 99. I was the senior advisor for 1/49th and the 4/49 25th ARVAN at Duc Hoa( TM99) and latter at Bao Tri. I worked the area around Duc Hoa and later took one of these units in to Soui Tri north west of Dau Tieng. D.T was east of Tay Ninh. This assignment was 1967 -1968. Come back to me anytime at

  68. I was in Cu Chi June 65 – June 66, Infantry/Commo Advisor and in Bao Tri June 66 – June 67. Anybody around from those time periods?

  69. Hey Stuart Herrington,
    Thank you for the reply. I recall meeting you a couple of times at our District compound in Trang Bang when you visited Cpt. Miller. I worked with him a lot. I have a picture he took of me in An Tinh Village in Oct ’71 when we were on a patrol to snatch VCI. I have some distinct memories of him. I spoke with Joe Falkner (now deceased) Trang Bang DSA, a few years ago and he told me of your book. I’ve read it a few times and agree, Nam was a Bummer. As I get old, I often think of what a big waste and lie it all was. I recall the enthusiasm SSG Richard Roland Arsenault had when I picked him up in Saigon to take him to his Hau Nghia assignment. After a number of denied requests, he had finally made it to Vietnam from duty in Alaska. Unfortunately, within a few weeks, he became just another Uniform Sierra Kilo statistic of Vietnam. Do you remember SFC James Muir McCracken from Bao Trai? I did the Line of Duty investigation into his suicide. Some of these things bother me a lot more lately. War is Hell!


  71. I served on the Team 43’s Duc Hue district team from Jan ’71 to Jan ’72, then transferred to Team 43 HQ, where I remained until mid-August ’72. Job was Phoenix/S-2 Advisor. I had a reunion with former Captain Tim Miller years later, in 1986, in Washington, DC. He was a civilian, working in the OPSEC arena. I have the vague memory that he was a New Englander, not sure of this, but lost track of him after a couple of years. Stu Herrington

    • I also served on Team 43 Duc Hue district ’71 to ’72 as MAT 56 Team Leader. I visited the final resting place of SFC Stover in Rockland, Maine several years ago. His son showed me the tombstone.

    • Col. Herrington, Were you in Duc Hoa with Col Patchell prior to the Easter Offensive 1972? If so, please contact me. I would enjoy hearing from you.

    • Mr. Herrington,
      I am not sure you will receive this but it was suggested by Dr. Jim Willbanks (whom I spoke with earlier this A.M), that I try to contact you through your publisher. I am in the middle of “Stalking the Vietcong” which I find to be the best documentary/biography of this area and time frame of the Vietnam conflict. You mention in the last paragraph on page five the mishap and subsequent memorial service you attended upon arrival. One of the KIAs in that incident was my brother 1st Lt. Philipp Vollhardt. I am currently on a belated mission to determine (and hopefully have changed) his death certificate, army issue, from “misadventure” to read what it is for Sgt. Strauser which is more accurately indicated as “enemy action”. This has been a source of constant irritation for the past 46 years so I’ve decided to do something about it (now that I am retired & have more time to get aggravated about it). If there is anything you can provide or add that you may know that would help my cause, I certainly could use the help.
      Thank-you in advance for your help.
      Very truly yours,
      Frederick J. Vollhardt

  72. I was in Trang Bang District July ’71 to July ’72. Served on MAT III-100 initially. The NVA hit us hard in Loc Giang Village during the Easter Offensive. The book Stalking the Viet Cong details our operations. What ever happened to Capt. Tim Miller?

  73. I’m afraid not. Do you recall Terry Lambacher? He was in Trang Bang. regrettably, he passed away fairly recently.

    • Tony,
      I would like to reconnect with you for a historical monograph I am preparing. We traveled together a few times in Vietnam, that was when I was a SGT in the 25 Infantry Division. After retiring from my civilian career at Amtrak I am in graduate school.

    • Tony, I just discovered this web site. When was Terry in Trang Bang and what did he do? I went there in Aug 1968 as DSA and there was a Terry there as DSA. He was a Foreign Service officer and formerly an Army SGT (SF I think). This Terry left as soon as I got there due to Jaundice or hepatitis. He was very fluent in Vietnamese and rode his motorcycle everywhere. Is the Terry I knew your Terry Lambacher?

      • Trang Bang was a bad ass area!!! I was with 3/49 before Major Le Van Dan (Tigerman) was killed.He was previously with 42 Ranger near Canto. He moved to 4/49th and was killed in Duc Hoa Jan 66. The BN went to Na Trang 2 Corp and worked with Roks and Ranger Camp for 6 weeks and then returned to Cu Chi. We were mostly at Bao Tria during my tenure as BN SA 66-67. Road from Trang Bang to Cu Chi was tough and many VC around Trang Bang….John Allen

  74. I am looking for anyone who knew my cousin SFC John Charles Strauser. His Unit was ADV Team 43, HQ, MACV Advisors, MACV. He was killed 2/2/1971.

    • Jay, my name is Guillermo Durazo I was attached to team 43 from 70/71, you’ll need to tell me a bit of the details of his death, I served as th3 the Artillery Airstrike Warning Control Cordinator, known as boi trey arty!

      • Guillermo, If you were attached to team 43 from 70/71, you also most likely knew my brother 1st Lt. Philipp Vollhardt who was killed on 2 February 1971, If you access this website, you will see my interest in pursuing information about that fatality. Thank you for any information you may be able to furnish.
        Frederick Vollhardt

    • I served with a SFC John Strauser until his death in early 1971. He was on MAT #23, Adv. Tm. 43. I hope I can help with any questions you might have if this is the same person.

      • Mr. Holeman, Hopefully you can access the previous e-mail I sent earlier today to Stuart Herrington and as I’ve stated, I’ve had this 46 year aggravation with the “misadventure” classification our friends in Washington gave for the death of my brother, 1st Lt. Philipp Vollhardt’. Any information you could provide as a first hand source would be invaluable. I look forward to hearing from you.
        Thanking you in advance,
        Frederick Vollhardt

        • Lt Vollhardt and SFC Strausser were members of my Mobile Advisory Team. On the day they were killed, they had travelled by jeep to the nearby Vietnamese Group Headquarters, where they were spending the night and had planned to go on a sweep of the local village and have a stay behind ambush. Instead, from the information I received from the Vietnamese, the VC ambushed a vehicle on Highway 1, not far from the Group Headquarters. The Vietnamese Group Commander apparently told the two Americans that he had security out on Highway 1 from his headquarters to the ambush site and convinced the Americans at about 20:15 hours to get in their jeep with the Group Commander and drive out to the ambush site (between CuChi District and Trang Bang District), driving on Highway 1. They did so, and the VC ambushed them and the jeep was destroyed by a B-40 rocket killing Lt. Vollhardt and SFC Straussser as well as the Group Commander and I don’t recall who else died or were wounded in the action.
          I have always been concerned about the “misadventure” designation as well. Two major rules were ignored, 1) Always let your unit know where you are, and 2) never drive a vehicle after 5 to 5:30 p.m. on the roads of Vietnam. Those were our internal rules at the time. There were exceptions, such as the radios might not be working or an emergency that required traveling later by vehicle at night in a convoy.
          Remember most of my information comes from talking to the Vietnamese soldiers. I know when they left our compound, and where they were going. The rest of the information is all second-hand, but I do know there was no radio contact with them any further that evening after they left our compound. The Vietnamese at our compound related the actual ambush information to me.
          Hope this gives you some insight into what happened.

          • I was in Bao Tria with 3/49 for 66-67….lived at back side of Cu Chi district several months also…Cu Chi to Trang Bang in day I would not go unless with a battalion and never at night. Been in two many fire fights on that road….and Trang Bang was a bad ass area for VC……been there several times at night and it was on all night….hot stuff too….I think something else happened… did they get to him at night on that road…..??? it would be slow going at night with a battalion….or a meck group….sorry about his loss…..Cu Chi, was a hot area for NVA and VC

            John Allen


          • Please forgive my tardiness in getting back to you. I do wish to thank you for your prompt response and I certainly appreciate the additional information you have provided. If I may, I hope you do not mind if I impose upon you with another question concerning this matter.
            I know it has been a lifetime ago but do you recall seeing any written casualty reports for Lt. Vollhardt or SFC Strausser being submitted through Advisory Team 43 and on up to MAC-V HQ? If you can affirm that they indeed exist, then we do stand a good chance of locating additional information in the microfilm MAC-V records. We do have access to those and your recollections may prove to be invaluable.
            Finally, I do believe I have located your phone number online and I ask if you would mind taking a phone call from me if it is not too much of an imposition. I would do so only if it is truly necessary, of course.
            Again, thank you for all of your help. It is truly appreciated.

            • All documents regarding the matter (if there were any) were handled by Advisory team 43 (province headquarters). I asked if I could write a letter of condolence to Lt. Vollhardt’s family, and the request was denied. The Advisory Team Commander said that the matter was to be handled by his folks. You certainly are free to call me. I am at the Lakewood Disabled American Veterans office during the time of 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Pacific daylight time. Give me a call and I will share what little more info I have.

            • Try a search through the Texas Tech Vietnam Center and Archives. They have thousands of pages of hard to find documents.

              • Steve F-
                As relates to your reply of August 23rd suggesting a search through the Texas Tech Archives, I am wondering if you could provide any insight as I search for any documents that may explain why my brother 1st. Lt. Philipp Vollhardt’s casualty was determined to be a “misadventure” when the casualty sitting next to him was processed as “Artillery Rocket Mortar”. Do you know what type of document(s) would contain the explanation I’m looking for? With your knowledge of documents and the fact that you’re the namesake of the “Forcade Collection” in the Texas Tech archive, I’m hoping you can steer me with the correct information.
                I look forward to hearing from you.

                • Fred, I wish I could be more specific, but this will have to do. Most advisors in Hau Nghia province worked with the Regional/Popular Forces (RF/PF). These were poorly trained, equipped locals who were as far down the hierarchical pole as one could get. Anything could have happened to your brother. The “misadventure” classification basically translates to “friendly fire.”
                  I Misadventure
                  Commonly termed “friendly fire”, death caused by a weapon discharged
                  with the intention of causing harm to a real or perceived enemy.
                  Considered a hostile-action death.
                  Why would your brother be classified as Friendly Fire vs mortar round? Perhaps the mortar round caused the casualty to fire his weapon which killed your brother. It was by no means unusual to have casualties from accidental discharges, e.g. friendly fire

                  Look for an Operations or After Actions Reports from either/or both the Team Leader and District Advisor. You might find something useful.

    • Jay,
      Not sure whether or not it helps but my brother 1st. Lt. Philipp Vollhardt was the passenger in the vehicle your cousin was driving on 2/2/1971.

    • Charles,

      I was in Cu Chi during the period you mentioned; a civilian advisor. Regret that I do not recall your name.

      Tony Funicello

      • This is ex-SGT Mike Sternfeld. Tony, wow, I did not pick up on your reply back in August. Forgive my poor computer skills. I have been searching for you ever since I deployed to Operation Desert Storm in 1991 with Joseph Gettier of USAID. Joe knew you during his RVN days. As you may know, Joe died (way to young) some years ago. I retired from the U.S. Army Reserve as an LTC in 2006 after doing a 13 month Operation Iraqi Freedom recall to active duty. My branch was Civil Affairs. Please feel free to call me at 301-330-2608 (home) or 301-332-5365.

      • Tony; Do you remember the two U.S. Army Advisors murdered in Cu Chi town center at a cafe during the Christmas and or New Years truce of 67-68? Then CPT Carl Hirsch an Army SF officer who led a special tracking team that located and eliminated the VC unit that broke the truce and did the kill. I deployed to Operation Desert Storm in ’91 from the same Army Reserve unit in the Washington, DC area. Carl was an LTC at the time and I was a MAJ. Carl and I did not know each other in Vietnam. We met in the Army Reserve at the 5th Psychological Operations Group.

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