Team 42 Binh Dinh

MACV Team 42 -Binh Dinh.

This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 42 located in Binh Dinh.

466 thoughts on “Team 42 Binh Dinh

  1. Hi – I apologize for the mistake.  I didn’t realize the problem until I read the website guidelines after I had replied. I was looking for a way to contact you about an issue that I am having creating an account.  Is this the correct way to do this?  Or is there some other way that I should try to resolve the problem? Again, I apologize. David Gunn

    • You have to either send the third party website location directly to the intended recipient’s email address or simply drop the “http://www” from the website address when posted on MACVTEAMS

      • Here’s my issue, and it is evident on the response you filed. My email address is:, not ccgunnb86ca48853.  I have no idea who that is.  When I tried to create an account for MACV TEAMS, the request to create a password keeps redirecting me to ccgunnb86ca48853.  What am I doing wrong? David

  2. Hello, I’m helping my wife look for information about her late father. His name was James Larry Smith and would have been a Lieutenant at the time. We found an old business card of his that had writing on the back. MACV TM 42 (Bing Son) APO SF 96238.

    It also appears to mention the 41st Civil Affairs Co

    we would really appreciate it if anyone has information about James you could email us at

    • If we are talking about a Captain James L. Smith, Military Police, he was my team leader in Bong Son, Hoai Nhon District, Binh Dinh Province, RVN. He joined our team about September, 1969, and stayed until the unit was deactivated in February, 1970. He was the team leader of Team 13, 41st Civil Affairs Co. At the time, we were living with MACV Team 42 in downtown Bong Son. I have a lot of information from the National Archives about the 41st Civil Affairs Co. I am sure his name is listed on some of the documents. I also have a couple of pictures of the MACV compound, with him in the background. He may also be on some super 8mm movie film I took at the time.

      I have not uploaded my movies anywhere.


      If you have any questions, let me know, and I will try to answer them.

      David Gunn

      • Per the Website guidelines: In order to protect those using this website from potential cyber harm, no post referring to or containing links to other sites will be permitted

    • Dale I was the Phoenix Advisor in Phu Phong, Tay Son District, Binh Dinh from February 1968 to March 1969. 

    • Dale I was the Phoenix Advisor in Phu Phong, Tay Son District, Binh Dinh from February 1968 to March 1969. 

  3. Hello, looking to see if anyone serviced and has photos with my Father Paul T Mckissick. like to put something together for his birthday. 

    you can reach me @

  4. Hi there looking for anyone who knew my Grandfather Fred Jackson he served on MAT Team-42. I’m not sure of his rank but I know he usually carried a shotgun

  5. First I want to thank you for your service!
    My name is Madeline Yaden Samec. I am looking for those who served with my father them Major L J Yaden(Buck). Please feel free to email me at

    Thank you all

  6. I was at TamQuan part of 69-70 with the 173rdABN.I was one of the RTOs there, along with Paul Etheridge and Ron [?] who was from Canada and joined our ARMY. Our HQ was LZ North English. There were a few other guys from the HERD stationed there. I do remember Mr. Johnson who assisted with interrogations. He spoke fluent Vietnamese. I also helped the MACV medic with the many many VN wounded that would come in when the VC would launch attacks

  7. I am trying to find anyone who may have served with my Uncle SSG Robert H Millwood. He was a medic at the time and was with Adv Tm#27 in 65 and 66 and then with Adv Tm# 42 and 46 in 69 and 70. Any help or knowledge would be greatly appreciated. He was stationed at Ft Benning and was buried there in 1971

    • Hello David. I , 1st Lt James Bevill, was with MACV Team 42 in Binh Dinh Provence. The Provence was divided into District. I served in Tam Quan district with Mobile Advisor Team -6 (Mat-6) during your uncle 2 d tour period. I do not remember him in our district among our three Mat teams. Maybe his military records file will have an evaluation by the District
      Advisor officer . Sorry for your search work.

        • Richard, is there a website or online chat that is for guys assigned to the STAG teams. You are the first person I have run into that served on the 173rd STAG teams. Most 173rd vets I talk to have never heard of them.

          • PAUL, If there is a website or chat,its first I heard of it. 173rd STAG teams were the leave behinds from each company in the Batt. ;Had to have at least 6 months in country and each team stayed in same AO as company. Were 6 man teams and we operated individually;if any team got down to 3 ,we were to get toand picked up at one of the bridges on QL1.Went back to North English and either DEROSed or went out to Valley.We operated out the old bombed out school north of TAM Quan and wandered around after dark pissing everyone else off. We had daily sitreps and that is when you found out about any other teams no longer there. Most 173rd company members didn’t know unless they knew someone on a team,and there were some that disappeared or wiped out.

            • 629-207-8920 My name is Clyde Porter The Son of Clyde Porter with Charlie Company 2ndplt 4th/503rd when you say old Bombed out School would that be the same school they was relocating to on 25, Aug. 69 when Gentry tripped a 105mm That Allen just happened to be standing directly on top of it. Allen disappeared in red flash and Gentry would end up passing away on the DustOff with my pops right next to him. Robert Gaftinak would also KIA 50cal to the top of the head. All three of those Have been a huge part of my family’s life visiting the WALL with my pops.

          • Paul, Just noticed that your reply still here and wondering if you have found any more or other STAG team members? I dont have any names about any of the other companies teams ,except their locations. Some of those changed periodically with advent of casualities,ect. Exspendability was the norm sometimes.

        • I believe Ihat I had the privilege of spending a few interesting evenings with your STAG Team. My team consisted of SFC Hunter , SFC Miller and my interpreter Sgt LOC. I think we came by way of a Boston Whaler.

          • Sam, think the team you visited was team 5,it was located on the coast at the fishing village. Team 6 was located inland about 3 klicks away at the abandoned school house ,that became a VC target bout every night-only problem was we were not there,cause we operated mostly at night,really pissed them off. Team $ was in the bigger village south of us TanThan ,by Snipers Island. That was about all the D Co. Teams.

          • Hi Sam. We had a Boston Whaler positioned at our compound in Bong Son, we took it out “fishing” several times. The motor didn’t run very well.

  8. Hi

    I served at the New Zealand Hospital in downtown Bong Son Apr 69 to Apr 70. Prior to my arrival the Team had lived in the MACV Compound by the bridge. We had regular visits from the Bong Son Team and supplied them with water on a daily basis. We also relied on the 173d Abn for our day to day living. I am interested in any information that may be available on SFC Don E Young. He did his first tour with Coy B Med, LZ ENGLISH then transferred to MACV and was at BINH DINH. Any one able to help

    • Hi Peter: Thanks for your letter as it’s always enlightening to hear from anyone who served in Bong Son. We did not meet as I arrived in May of 70 and left April 71 and do not remember SFC Davis. Do you remember what he did ? I do remember several invites for beer drinking and enjoyed meeting many at the hospital. My only story is during a skirmish in one of the villages, I medivac’d a young girl about age 7-9 who was shot through the chest. I went with her and her mother as I spoke some Vietnamese. During the trip she was not bleeding externally and was perfectly calm as if nothing happened. I watched while they triaged and was impressed by the professionalism. Please tell me the official unit designation and complete mission of the hospital i.e. did you guys just treat the civilians? Would like to hear any stories as I am trying to write about my experience as I was the senior advisor for MAT II-94. If you choose to reply, please send to my e-mail address below.
      Steve Brown

      • Hi Steve Thanks for your reply. The 1st New Zealand Services Medical Team comprised navy, army and air force personnel. The Team Mission was fourfold – 1. To provide a civilian medical service including surgical and clinical treatment of civilians using the Bong Son Dispensary as a base. 2. To provide OJT for the Vietnamese staff. 3. Provide assistance and education in public health and sanitation, and 4. Provide mobile sections to serve the needs of the adjoining districts. This was initially Hoai An and Phu My and later Hoai An and Tam Quan. All of this was done under MILPHAP. The new hospital was opened in early 69 and started to have problems with the generators and other things shortly there after. As a result I was posted to the Team in Apr 69 to keep things going. It was, at times, a challenge. We had a pair of 120kw Cat generators built to a US Air Force spec. Luckily, Phu Cat AFB had the same machines so parts were not a problem. At times, we were overwhelmed with casualties so I also took up the medical tools of trade to help out. During my tour, to the best of my memory, the OR was only ever used one time for life saving surgery for a GI that had been shot by an MP. The medics did great work and many Vietnamese in the area can thank them for still being alive today. Unfortunately, after the Team pulled out, December 71, and during the north’s push south the hospital was destroyed. There was great sadness here from those who had served in Bong Son. The Vietnamese then issued an invite to us to attend the official opening of the new hospital when opened. We had a great trip back to Bong Son and Qui Nhon but unfortunately this was cut short by the need to get one of our number to Singapore to catch a flight back to NZ. Lots more stories but for another day. SFC Don E Young was the guy, not Davis. Take care

        • Further to my comments on 1 NZ Services Medical Team. In addition to the hospital in BONG SON we had medics supporting dispensaries at HOAI AN and TAM QUAN. I am after detail of an action at TAM QUAN on 14 November 1969. A very tall order 50 some years after the event but here we go. On the morning of 14 November at around 0758 an ARVN patrol inadvertently entered a mine field to the rear of the MACV compound. This resulted in a number of wounded. One of our medics entered the mine field to render assistance. He was later joined by a MACV medic. This resulted in our medic being recommended for the Silver Star. In recent years I have been in contact with the US National Archives and Awards and Decorations Branch, Fort Knox. Neither of these organisations can find any supporting documentation for the award. Is there anybody out there who can recall this event and/or have any idea what was done after in respect of citations for the Silver Star. Some years after the event a Silver Star arrived in the mail but without a supporting citation and other documents the recipient is unable to wear the medal in New Zealand. An assistance would be appreciated

          • Peter, I think this happened just before I came to Tam Quan. I recall others talking about it and I was definitely aware of the mine field. One of the NZ medics later lost his life in an ambush near an abandoned Catholic Church just north of Tam Quan. I enjoyed the warm hospitality at the clinic several times and am sorry I am not able to be of more assistance in your search for supporting documentation.

      • Hi Steve. I arrived in Bong Son in May 71, and served thru Apr 72. We had a “going home” ceremony/party for the Australian and New Zealand doctors and nurses at the MACV Compound in late Dec 71. MAJ George Watkins was our Senior Advisor, and CPT Donald McClane was the DIOCC officer. Our senior interpreter was Nguyen Phat

      • Steve Brown, spencer Bevill here. Do you recall aMACV Advisor 1Lt Erne Case, at Bong Son Apr 70-May/Jun71 team II-?? We went through the Ft Bragg MATA course together. Met him in So CA about ‘70

        • Hi again Spencer: His name is very familiar as I must have known him but can’t recall his face or MAT #. Any chance you might have a picture ? During my eleven months on II-94 I had four asst. team leaders and pictures of most but I’m sure Lt. Case was not one of them. I’m still sure you and I were at Ft Bragg together and I will send a picture if you send me your e-mail address-mine is Can we send attachments on this sight ?

          • Thanks for your response to Lt case on the district team. Tam Quan team didn’t make down to your area. We did get to LZ English for supplies, px and I did get a tooth removed down in the bunker my last mo in area. Back home within a week, my dentist looked and treated me for free and was mad at the damage left. Lt Jim Bevill, MAT II-6 Apr 70–May 71. On my final trip down hyw, We were ambushed on the drive down hyw 1,got help from 173d, later came upon the results of a Co NVA ambush of a usa convoy. Lead gun truck took rockets to the Abc mounted on a 5 ton truck. Within a week and half, I was home in CA. This was a wild way to leave TAM QUAN DISTRICT..

    • Hey Ken On Memorial Day I find your post, what timing It’s Jim Walker, was a ist Lt at LZ Moon and I believe LZ Courage Was there
      November 69,- Nov 70. Worked with SSgt Jimmy Jiles Jr, who was killed In Khontum Province after I left country, as I remember him today, Jimmy and I worked together, and were a great team. Always with me after all these years l

  9. Hello,
    I am not sure if this is the proper group in which to ask about this but I am looking for any information on SD-5891,HQ MACV Advisors, MACV. My cousin, CPL Ronald Vincent Silbersack, was killed in South Vietnam on 20APR1966 after his Jeep hit an enemy land mine. After a fair amount of research, I can’t seem to find any information on Special Detachment 5891 and I was hoping someone might be able to either help me out with some unit information or point me in the right direction. Thank you all so much.
    Very Respectfully

  10. I was assigned to Team 42 around Feb 69 (not clear on dates anymore), and was assigned to Tuy Phouc (spelling and not sure of name). First district out of Qui Nhon. I was there when 1LT Tony Sisito was killed. I was on the team who went into the mangroves to look for his body. I left in Sep 69 and came back to the team around Apr/May 70 and was assigned to Tam Quan. I really don’t remember people’s name, I do have some pictures who was there. We had a SFC from a reserve unit in Hawaii, who did a lot of maintence and repair, he was assigned as Opns Sgt, I was his assistant and did a lot of the stuff. He was a great guy. I had a tall black RTO, again names have eluded me. Take Care to All
    Welcome Back

    • Hello Sam Diamond, welcome back. I was assigned to Tam Quan District with team II-6 and left about the time you arrived. II-6 was stood down, equips turned in but kept the two jeeps.
      Do you remember men from II-102 or another team or SFC Nance district doc, Major Markum, District Senior Advisor ? I have my info in storage boxes. During my time, II-6 was working north to the I/II border and out the Binh Dai Road with PF-314,257. You
      We’re at Tam Quan as things turned hot I learned. Any info you might share would be appreciated to

      • Spencer, I was in Tam Quan with the 173rd team, as an RTO, for part of 1970. I believe in remember SFC Nance, was he a big black guy? I believe the major in charge of the MACV team was named Markum. I also remember young Lt. (don’t remember his name) who got a little drunk one evening and told Maj. Markum what he thought about him. Didn’t see the Lt. after that. Another great guy was Sgt. Coy. There were others, I can see their faces but don’t remember their names, all really professional soldiers.

        • Paul. SFC Nance was a medic he worked with Captain Rex MAT-II-102. Nice guy. SFC Perry was a larger guy darker skin, he worked with R and D.

        • I was the last ADSA working for TM42 out of Quin Nhon. I was in An Nhon from November 72 to February 73. I believe I was the last American up country on the night of the cease fire. Any body want to swap stories?

          • I was with the last of team 42 out of Tam Quan on the morning of the cease fire maj John Noble plus others,there was no cease fire
            sgt Lloyd Divine USMC

            • I agree. We were locked and loaded that night on the parapet of the team headquarters in Quin Nhon. Small fire fight, nothing to write home about.

            • Only the LT’s were left to turn over their districts. All the field grade were taken out to serve on the so called International Control Commission. I was in An Nhon by myself for about a week at the end.

              • Gentlemen,

                My name is Frank Finocchio (CPT). I was the DSA in Tam Quan from Sept 68 to Apr 69. I can tell you it was a scary place. I lost 2 Mat advisors while I was there. The 173rd at LZ English was our main support, although they didn’t like coming up there. I had a platoon of tanks (3) spend one of the first nights we were there and we got attacked. They left the next morning and said they wouldn’t be back. Only those of us who were in that Base Camp know what “Hell Hole” it was. FSF

    • Sounds like you were on the District Team. I was on MAT II-84 which was with the RF company at Go Boi on the Song river. Down stream from us was a Korean compound. I was there from Apr 1969 to Apr 1970. Though we did move to a team south of there with the Mountagnards, about March or so of 1970. Others on the team were SFC Miller, SFC Basham, SSG Rovinski (Medic), 1LT Purdom, 1LT Scruggs, 1LT Lyons. I remember the incident of LT Sisito (though I could not remember the name) I had been in the hospital with FUO (fever unknown origen) and was saddened to hear about him. I was SSG Trotter, Heavy Wpns specialist.

      • Thanks for your note. I was with II-6 in Tam Quan district, Bin Din Prov. You were down south. Sorry about the team loss and you having to go out to recov…..We’re you on orders for the CIB AWARD?

        • I was not on the recovery team, I had just gotten back from hospital that day. Yes, I received the CIB months prior to that. Our team spent the vast majority of our time in night operations.

    • Anthony John SESTITO was killed on June 5, 1969. Our boats supported the landing where he was killed.

  11. I was the MACV-42 MAT II-1 Team Leader (Capt. Jackson) An Nhon District, Binh Dinh 1969. The Sr Advisor was Maj Wernette. My Assistant Team Leader was 1st Lt Kevin Nicholas. Nick and I are trying to find information on our team interpreter Sgt and the RF 185 company commander Lt . Any help you can provide to get in touch with them or know of the fate of our counterparts would be greatly appreciateld.

    • Capt jackson. I saw your post I was mat team leader of II 23 and then II 1 and was in An Nhon Bing Dinh Prov I must have been there right after you I think I remember hearing your name had a medic named Doc. Who had been there a while. Don’t know about the 185 Rf commander but they did rotate some of the Rf companies out and brought in a Rf battillion in that had worked with the 173rd up north. I was a first lt and was there from I think July 1969 to may of 1970

      • Robert, I saw your reply post and passed it onto Lt Nick. We were able to locate our interpreter after 50 years. We would like to talk with you about the time after we left to try and refine out search for the RF 185 CO. You might be interested in what we discoved in our search. You can e-mail me contact information through this site.

    • A big Hi from 1st Lt Dick Standaert, Phoenix Coordinator, with you in An Nhon in 1969. I just checked this website because its been 50 years and still think about our experiences,.

    • 1st Lt Dick Standaert — Phoenix Coordinator there with you & Kevin in 1969. No info on other members. Best to you & Kevin!!!

  12. Gentlemen,

    I’m looking for any information on my father, Edward Lloyd Gardiner. I’m not even sure if he was a part of team 42, he didn’t speak much about his service. I do know however that he was involved with MACV. I served myself, 4 years as a 1371 in the Marine Corps. Welcome home, and thank you for your service.

  13. I just recently found this website by way of a friend and read with interest the postings of Team 42 veterans. During most of 1970 I was DIOCC/Phung Hoang coordinator in Tam Quan. This website allowed me the great pleasure to connect with Nguyen Thanh Nhon who was my interpreter for a while (as he was with 1LT Bevill) and we have subsequently exchanged emails. Those who were there at the time may recall Major Joe Riley, our DSA. In early 1970 he and CPT Vinh and I were wounded during an Intel squad operation directed at the Hoai Nhon district VCI location. They were both medevaced away and I was treated at LZ English, but sadly the senior sergeant of the intel squad was killed. After that Major Alvin Johnson took over as DSA. I had little to do with the MAT teams and I am sorry to say forgot most of the personnel, except for 1LT Sam Morton who I spent some downtime with in Qui Nhon.
    My best wishes to all.

    • Hi John, This is Nhon, I had just sent you an email sort while ago in which I gave all information you wanted to know about me and my present life in Vietnam. Have you received it yet?. By the way, I want to let you know one very interesting news, I and my family was meeting Jim Beville and his wife, Nancy in Saigon on Sat night, Oct 06 at a Hotel where his tourist group spending their last days from their recent Vietnam visiting tour.During this reunion meeting after 48 years of lossing connection ,we did talk much about various memmories we both shared in the old days and many  friends whom we knew or worked well together with in TamQuan District since 1969s. I wished if I would ever see you and some of them coming here as I have been with Jim today. Do you think you would plan for one more trip with your wife like you did 10 yeas ago with your friend? If so, I would love to invite you two to my hometown, to my house and to see how I’ve been living and hard working to earn my life since after the war ended. We may then take a trip back to Tam Quan if you expecting to. You know, I’m anxiously looking forward that day of home comming would soon come true to both of us,Trage. Please say hello to Morgan for me if you do have connection with him at this moment.

      Best wishes and many Good lucks to you and your family. Bye John.  Your former Vietnamese Interpreter Nhon

      • Hi, Nhon Nguyen, My name is Kendy , former Interpreter served in Binh Khe . Very glad to hear your
        Experience in meeting mates after long years of separating, very touching. I never been to Tam Quan onl
        Y heard over the radio during TOC duty. I write to enquire about two friends lost contacted: Hoang Thanh Hoang, Ta Van Loom, both are interpreters within Binh Dinh . If you bump to them please let me know. My email :
        I am now age 67 living in Australia

          • Hi Jose, Kendy served in Binh Khe from 70/72, my DSA Maj Copes, I think yours was Taylor , I only work with him for short period. I have a great devotion for that small town as it was my first job in my life, by then I was only 17. I backpack went back to the town few years ago, I also collected numbers of photos from mates found from the web . Please keep on contact and refresh our memory. My email: kendytat

        • I was in Bing Khe from February 1068 to March 1969. Did our paths cross? I would like to make contact with my interpreters.

          • Hi Richard, Kendy served from 70/72, my DSA was Maj Copes, I think yours must be Maj Taylor, who is your interpreter?. Lucky was my best mate. Let me know the name if you can remember.

              • Hi Richard, i can not recall Truong, but Mi , I think should be MY, he is dark n not tall , so far he served in the Mat tm. Do u remember the name of the ARVN District Chief name? Ha ha I am testing your memory! Kendy

      • Nhon

        Were you working in Tam Quan District in early 1972? I ask because I believe my father was an advisor in Tam Quan from Jan 1971 to Feb 1972.


        Jim Cloninger

      • I applaud your service sir, our two interpreters on our MAT (in 1967 called CMIT) team were excellent counterparts. I corresponded with my counterpart for a while after I exited the army in 68 but we lost contact. I sure hope he and his family made it through the take over OK. He was a loyal friend, brave and afraid of nothing and young like me. I only hope someday we can reunite. I was extremely depressed when Saigon fall and USA and allies left. I never forgave the U.S. government for that. But in the long run it appears all is well and that’s good. Sgt Chuck Brown, MACV Team 27 before it became 42. Qui Nhon, 67-68. A beautiful area and city and still is. I wish all in Vietnam a good year in spite of this Chinese virus pandemic.

      • I found thus page by accident and was delighted to see your name. If so inclined I would love to hear from you. I never went back but of course remember those times well.

      • Nhon, I have tried to send you an email to the address that worked a couple of years ago. Now it won’t go through. If you have a new email, please send it to me.

    • Hello John Trage,
      Thanks for filling in the time line for Tam Quan district. I arrived after Major Johnson took over the Tam Quan district. He was tall, well respected and we all worked well together. A side note, he was a CO of an infantry company in the Tam Quan area during his first tour. He left in the spring of ‘71.

      • Hi Jim,
        Good to hear from you. As I wrote to our interpreter Nhon my memory of details at Tam Quan is less than good. Surely we must have interacted at that time although I had little contact with the MAT teams and spent most of my time with Lt Tung and the intel squad. I would like to know what became of Maj. Riley whose wounds, I believe, were not life threatening. Do you remember CPT Vinh? He received a serious chest wound in Feb. but returned to Tam Quan about six months later.

        How was your visit with Nhon in Saigon? If you feel like communicating some time my email address is

        Best wishes, John Trage

        • Hello John Trage, I just read your mail after meeting with Nhon and his wife plus family. My main concern all these years was did he make it home after the war. A bigYES and he has a great life story. I will contact you by email. Jimb

    • Hi John. I served in MACV Adv Tm 42 in Bong Son Apr 71 to Apr 72. My counterpart, CPT Donald McClain, were among six Americans in the compound. CPT McClain and I performed the duties of DIOCC and Phung Hoang operations in our district. MAJ George Watkins was our DSA. MAJ Bill Smith and 1LT Hanks served with us as the PSYWAR advisors. Kind regards, Don (Dep)

    • Hi John. This is Steve Roberts. You may recall we went to school together and then I was the DIOCC adviser in Phu My, two districts south of you, from Dec. 1969 to June 1971.

      • Hi Steve,
        I don’t check this site often and was glad to see your posting this evening. Sure I remember you. Email me sometime if you want and we’ll catch up on details.
        John Trage

        • Hi Wayne. The name LZ Ollie strikes a faint note, but I’m not sure. I recall we had three, possibly four, MAT team bases in the District located with RF units, and I am sure there were names for them–I just don’t remember. I was there during all of 1970 and until June 1971 and we didn’t change or close any of the MAT team bases during that period. Since there were only a few of us at District HQ, we shared the nightly duty of manning the TOC and making regular communications checks during the night with the MAT teams, and time-to-time would drop in to the MAT team locations. Do you recall the names of others on the MAT team when you were there? Steve

          • I was the Team leader for MAT II-47 in Phu My District. I replaced John Napper who completed his tour at HQ in Quin Nhon. When on site with the RF/PF Group we were located at LZ OLLIE along with a Vietnamese Engineer unit for a while. This was North of the LZ UPLIFT that belonged to the 173 rd ABN. the 50th MECH INF was also at LZ Uplift.

          • I sat in the center of the TOC every night, I cleared the DT’s for the 1st Bn 173rd Abn. I have photos of the Christmas party 1970. I was there when one of MAC V storage containers cooked off CS canasters.
            everyone up wind thought we were being attacked.
            I want to know what the team number was that was at Phu My compound.
            There was a 2nd Lt. there that I went out several times, I can not remember his name but we went to Phu Cat where he ordered a new Jag through PACX.
            Someday i will find the photos and post them that I have.

    • John, In a senior moment I managed to successfully lose your vital information. I got a couple of pictures of my supercilious self from those days and I wanted to return the favor. Hope you are well and continue to stay that way.

      • Hello Sam, I arrived in Tam Quan just prior to you being wounded and leaving the area. I took on Mat II-6 for the remainder of my tour. Good to learn of your life.
        We’re you in TQ WHEN major Johnson hade his going away party? To me, he was inspiration as a leader and kept us informed. Reply

        • Maj. Johnson was the real deal. I left before he did so missed the farewell. I was on orders to Germany and was cordially invited to attend airborne and ranger training on the way. Completed both with a massive bad attitude having asked to do both prior to Tam Quan time. Thanks for your service and welcome home.

    • John, My name is John Miller and served at the Tam Quan DIOCC after James Clay and before Maurice Collins. I remember you well. Do you recall Raul Vera? Best regards.

      • Hi John. My Dad knew Vera also, they were good friends during the war. My dad got to reconnect with Vera in the early 1990’s before my dad’s passing He lost his battle with cancer in 94. My dad was SFC James Sears (Ralph) was with Team 42 in Quin Nhon. he was there 69-70 . Also knew Wassen, Doc Boyd, a New Zealander named Snow were some names he mentioned.

  14. Dear sir and Madam.
    My name is Binh . Former Interpreter worked for The US Macv Advisory Team 42 in Binh Đinh province in 1969-1973 . Also worked at Hoai An district, Go Boi camp in Tuy Phước District… I am happy to know this page , so I am writing this message and fullyhope to connect to any of veterans who worked with these districts above . Please write to me at my email below:
    Thank you for reading this message.
    Binh Nguyen Thai ( home name Khoa )

      • Hi Gary . My team Matt 2 at that time moved back to Tuy Phước District ( Go Boi camp) my Team leader was name William C Phalen ( Captain) till I released from Interpreter back to ARVN .

          • Hi Bill, I was MAT-II-44 team leader at LZ Orange, August 1970 to May 1971. I worked with Team 7 on several ops, and knew your successors, LT Paul Newman, and LT Parden. Chuck Dooley was 44’s Team Leader when I arrived. Went back to visit with my family in 2015, and things have really changed.

            David Young

  15. I’m searching for any of my team members that were stationed in Hoi Nhan district at Bong Son. I was Senior Advisor of MATII-94 and have talked to our commander Maj. Scott Bradshaw. Looking for 1Lt Michael Lenkowsky (originally from PA), 1Lt Spencer Bevill, Doc Diaz Robles (MSgt from Puerto Rico) SGT James Hammond. Our A.O. was west of Bong Son to the south china sea and base of the tiger mountains. There was an American Engineer CO. (502 Abn from LZ English ?) on hill next to us-May 1970-April 1971. Looking for all Bong Son District and MAT Team members to say thanks and who absolutely helped keep us alive. I left active duty after 18 months as CO, HHC, 268 Armor Batt.,
    Baumholder, Germany.

    • Hello Steve Brown, 1st Lt spencer James Bevill, SA Mat II-6 Tam Quan District. I was assigned to Tam Quan but a friend from our MACV class, Ft Bragg assigned to Bong Song team. Lt Erny Case but never connected until later in CA. We would have been in country about April 70’—‘71.Tam Quan District depended on LZ. English for some rations, as in OD color one gallon cans, ammo / exphosives, dentist services. We had detailed Army, 173d RTO’S support (Sgt Bill Garrett) for on call-night light/HE over head for all teams out on ambush. We used them until they pulled out of LZ English.
      Our DSA was Major A Johnson, ADSA Capt Evans, DSA Medic MSgt Nance, and a Mr. Johnson, intel. Two other Mat team were lead by 1st Lt Dorchester and 1st Lt Sensabaugh.

      • Spencer: We must have met as I recall your name but thought you might have been in Bong Son. Our DSA was Maj. Scott Bradshaw. We also depended on LZ English but maybe we met in Qui Nhon on “stand down”. Don’t remember 1LT Erny Case but all of us were probably at Ft. Bragg together. Most of that class must have been sent to Nam at about the same time. I arrived on or about 15 April, 70, left 15 May 71. I found some old orders that you and I got our CIBs together. Please send me your E-mail-mine is: Living with my family in Mill Creek, WA. Would like to hear from you. Steve Brown

  16. Hello, all —

    First of all many thanks for your service to our country.

    My father Gerd Binder served on Advisory Team 42 when I was a baby (1969-70). I believe he was on Mobile Advisory Team 8. He passed away when I was young, and I never had a chance to find out about his service or the Bronze Star which he received. I have been trying to find people who may have known him during his time in Vietnam.

    I believe he was a sergeant at the time he was in Vietnam. He was older than most of the soldiers — around 38 — and he had a German accent. I’ve been told that people sometimes referred to him as the “German sergeant.”

    Thanks so much,
    Lisa Binder

    • Hi Lisa

      I am wondering g if yours new and served with my dad. His name was Major Ward Fagan Andy’s was there on the team during 69-70 as well. He also re dived a bronze star for valor there.

      Mark Fagan

      • Hi, Mark — Thanks for your note. I don’t know if my father might have known your father; I recently came across a shoebox of old slides my father took during his time in Vietnam. Maybe this will help us figure out if their paths crossed.

        Not all of the slides are labelled, but here are some of the labels he did write (as best as I can read his writing). I’m hoping that maybe some of the names might ring a bell for people — “our interpreter, District Advisor, Navy Advisor, General Russ,” “our interpreter in Tiger Suit, Lt. Peterson on left,” a street scene in Qui Non, “fish boat in dry dock,” “our water tower,” Phu Cat district fish boats, “schoolhouse,” “patrol boat coming in,” “fishing village Phu Cat district,” “our heli-port,” “marketplace,” “landing pier,” “Quinon airport,” patrol boat,” “my barber,” “Quinon prov camp,” “Armed Forces Day,” “market day,” “our house,” and “salt flats Qui Non.”

        There are many more slides; he was an enthusiastic photographer and documented everyday life there. If people think it might be helpful, I could try to post them.

        Thanks and stay well!

        — Lisa

        • Dear Lisa, Your daddy have left a treasured collection s: after the fall, Quinhon was turned up side down , even the airport was pulled down . I believed that not much record left behind. Please let me have a copy of the treasure as Quinhon means so much to me.

          • Dear Kendy,

            Thanks for your note. I will convert the slides and post them. I’ll send a link when they’re up. Stay well.

            — Lisa

            • Hi Lisa,
              I would love to see any photos you have. My dad was stationed at Quinhon from 69-70 MACV Advisor Team 42. He was E-7 SFC . James Sears “Ralph”.
              Can reach me at

              Thank you
              Mike Sears

              • Dear Kendy and Mike,

                I have put up a website with many of my dad’s photographs. It’s still a work in progress, but I thought I’d share it now so you all can see it. It’s at

                Many thanks and stay well!

                — Lisa

                • Thank you Lisa for sharing. Great photos. My dad wore the same style beret. Black with the Popular Force insignia. I still have one displayed with other military items my dad had.

  17. I am hoping to find anyone that was with my father in Tam Quan District, as a RF/PF advisor from Jan 71-Feb 72 and Jul 72-Jan 72. His name was 1Lt James M. Cloninger.

  18. Gentlemen,

    First and foremost thank you for your service! My family and I are forever grateful for your time and service in Vietnam. I was hoping to know if any of you gentlemen know or have worked with my grandfather Maj (Lt Col select) Nghi Xuan Dang. He served with the 22nd Infantry Division in BInh DInh Province. He told me that he received a Bronze Star with a combat V for helping a surrounded advisory team in years between 71-72. I just want to know if any of you gentlemen helped advise my grandfather personally or worked with him in any regard! I am also a 0311 served 3 years in the Marine Corps and now I am currently studying at the Naval Academy earning a commission (hopefully back in the Corps). None of this could’ve been made possible without my grandfather and you gentlemen.

    Thank you for your time!

    Very Respectfully,

    Tyler Dang

      • Bill, You didn’t happen to have served in 3rd Recon with a Sgt. John Sansbury did you? I was in B_D in 69-71,173rd Abn .Bde. then ended up as a left behind when the Batts moved out to the valley..STAG Team 6.Richard Bruce..

        • don’t remember him, rich, but saw him listed on our roster. we were spread out with the companies at phu bai, dong ha, quang tri, and khe sahn when i was there. he was in charlie company (dong ha) and i was with alpha (phu bai/quang tri). where did you know him from? 3rd recon reunion is next week in tucson, but i won’t be able to make it

          • I grew up w/ him,he was a couple years older than me,but his younger brother & I were /are best friends. Saw him quite a bit after ,just a few days before he drowned.doin what he loved.Was actually supposed to go on that trip, but had a son playing baseball that weekend.Johnny was his own guy, and guess he went doing just that.It was a B.N.R. for 6 or so months;even though we’d go back searching after the Coast Guard gave up.

    • Midshipman Tyler Dang,

      During that timeframe Colonel Philip Kaplan was the senior adviser to the 22nd ARVN Division. I

      first met him when he visited my district on 8 December 1971. I last saw him in late August 72

      just before I left Binh Dinh. He later was promoted to Lt. General and was the Deputy Chief of

      Staff for Personnel, HQDA, during the late 70’s. Perhaps there is an office at NAVACAD who can

      assist you in contacting the right office at HQDA concerning retired general officers.

      Bob Brady AKA: Brady Junior
      CPT, MI, ADSA, Tuy Phuoc
      Occasional Acting DSA / Lone Advisor

      • Mr. Brady,

        Sir, do you happen to recognize the name Nghi Xuan Dang? He was a major (Lt Col select) in Binh Dinh. He told me of a story of how he received a Bronze Star from the U.S. Army for saving a group of advisers from annihilation. Could I email you a picture of him to see if you recognize him from your time in the region?

        Very Respectfully,

        Tyler Dang
        MIDN, USN

    • Hello Steve, I served in VN Apr 69 ..end of Mar 70 up in Tam Quan districts as senior adviser on a MAT team. After two mo. we drove to provence HQ Quin Yuan. My medic and I drove over The Hill to the leper colony. Quit, offered real bottled coke plus roll by the nuns. US Army engineers built houses for the people
      I still wonder what happened to them.. especially sense now a four star hotel is in the area. My wife and have been to VN/ Siagon but I now want to go back by AB Phu Cat, LZ English(173d Airborne) and to Tam Quan district. We worked with villagers to build a school on the Bien Dai road, want to see if it is still standing.

      • I had a lot of respect for you guys on our MAT teams. At night sitting in relative safety in the TOC I heard a lot of anxiety in MAT teams calling in for clearance, artillery or air support or medivacs. I was out in the field doing that a few times and I found it challenging. Did you know Larry Shellito? He’s from Minnesota and a classmate from Moorhead high. He was on a MAT team for team 42 but I cannot remember what district. I ran into him at our compound getting a haircut. He was our past commander of the Minnesota national Guard. Ended up 2 star general,

        • Steve I remember Larry Shellito very well he and I were both mat team leaders in An Nhon dist. bing Dinh prov. In 69 to 70 we were both first lt. He was a good officer. Bob Adkins

          • Bob, yes he was a great officer. He still works with veterans here in Minnesota. He retired a couple years ago as the head of the Minnesota National Guard (three star general) I have seen and talked to him from time to time. One of my regrets is that when you guys on the mat teams came to Qui Nhon we at HQ could have done a lot more for you. We had access to things you needed, and we were very good at trading to get stuff. An AK or crossbow could buy a lot. I got a new motor and transmission for my jeep for a case of whiskey.
            I can’t remember which MAT team, but I dropped a fifth of Jonny Walker to a team in the field from the window of a Hawkeye O1 Birdog wrapped in two poncho liners. I pushed it out the back window at about 100 feet doing 60 knots. I know they appreciated the scotch, but I think the two poncho liners were appreciated..

            • Steve do you have any contact information on Larry shellito I would like to talk to him I have not talked to him since I left An Nhon Thanks Bob adkins

              • Bob, I don’t. But I might be able to find something. Larry still works for Minnesota Veterans affairs so it shouldn’t be too hard.
                Have you looked at Google Earth lately at the coastline just north of Qui Nhon? Today there is a beautiful 36 hole golf course and resort. Last time I was out there we dropped in with 2 Hueys a dozen RFs, me and a major. We were looking for a so called Russian advisor leading a bunch of bad ass VC,

                • Steve; Would like to hear/read more regarding the Russian/caucasian VC advisor. We were briefed several times to be on the hunt for this guy in Bong Son but never heard a thing about finding him. If you have any leads–please let me know. Regards,
                  Steve Brown SAMAT II-94. May.70-Aprl 71 E-mail:

  19. I’m looking for any information on my father, RM3 Virgil Ray. He was stationed with Naval Advisory Team 42 from Dec 1969 to Nov 1970. Anyone remember him or have any idea where I can look for more info??


  20. Yes. He was there from 12/1968 to 12/1969.

    I don’t have any photos of him from this time frame, but I’ll see if I can dig a photo up from his time there from 65-66 when he was with the 2/12 Cav.

    • John

      Sorry it took so long, yes he was on MAT II 6, in Tam Quan, I think he was with us when we moved to Tam Quan from Van Canh around the 1st of April 1969, was still with the team when I left it in Sep. 1969.

      • Bruce,
        I sincerely appreciate you getting back to me. This gives me something to drill down on when I go to NARA. By chance, you wouldn’t happen to have any old team photos or anything that you would be able to share, would you?

  21. Gary,
    Can’t tell you how great it is to touch base with you and to hear that all is well. Before I forget, the address is correct in the Registry but the
    e-mail is not. And congratulations on Andrew’s choice of Schools, know you are proud of him. I will go to my grave thinking of what I could have done to get Col. Duc off his ass and fite. He fooled me as I thought he would. Onward and upward.
    Upon retirement in ’84 I taught and coached at Lawrenceville until 2002. I am now retired-retired enjoying our 17 grandchildren and
    struggling with my golf game and Army football. Nice win yesterday against Wake Forest.
    And again, if it were not for you, Ike and Col Anderson and his brave crew, none of this would have happened. Thanks for touching
    Grip Hands and Drive on!
    Dave Schorr

  22. Gentlemen, I have said / responded before that the 201st Aviation company Huey 872 was assigned to MACV Team 42 at Quin Nhon from April 1972 to July 1972 . We lived in the MACV compound in Quin Nhon all during this timeframe. We were the lead Helicopter in removing MACV from Tam Quan and Bong Son during the Easter Offensive. Colonel Anderson Slick was always chalk 3 or 4 during this time . I new Ruthless Slick from the 50 Cals. I always wonder why Ruthless 6 has always been the big dog when others worked just as hard for Team 42. The 201st Huey 872 was always first in these evacutions and lived and fought for Team 42 all during this timeframe. Yes I flew in this AO before with the 134th AHC .I was a Gunner with the 134th and CE of 872 all during the Easter Offensive . Jeff Lemon

    • Hello, I was with MAT II 46 at Tuy Phouc when it formed in Jan 69 for only a week but was exchanged with another Lt. From MAT II 6 at Van Canh so that both the officers wouldn’t be new to the MAT’s and the Province. Stayed with 6 until September 69, in April of 69 we moved to Tam Quan for the start of the pacification of the district with the 173rd and the 41st Reg. ARVN. From Oct. 69 to Jan. 69 l was Ass Senior Advisor Phu Cat district but didn’t like the job, and went to Phu Me District and took over MAT II 64 until Dec. 70 when I left for the states after two and a half years in county June 68 to Dec70. I finished collage and then went to medical school both at Ohio State after I got home. Have never connected with anyone from Team 42 or the MAT’s since I left RVN.

      • Bruce, welcome home buddy. I was with Team 42. Tam Quan left Dec 26th 1970. I was with MAT ll-6 part time, With Lt. Jim Bevil

      • Hello Bruce Smith, I was with mat II-6 in Tam Quan for my year back in April ’70 -Mar’71. We had 4-5 PFand one RF Co. II-6 worked the no area of the dist up to the border of two Corp. I was the new Lt. for a short time before taking over most of the tour. MATII-6 was deactivated out of Tam Quan just before I left. That left two teams. We were able to erect a school out on the new Binh Dai road that lead out to the far hills. The road improved the farmer accessibility to Hwy 1. If you read some comments about tam quan, it was one of the more dangerous districts in II Corp Team 42 accounts. I thought all districts were the same as to VC contacts. This just came to light through this 42 format. Well come back home. Jimb

        • Hello Jim, you are right about Tam Quan being a bad place. When we got there at the end of March 69, they were just building the district HQ, across Highway 1 from what had been a 1st Cav fire base they had evacuated and the RF Group HQ was moving into. We spent two nights there, you had to wear a helmet and flak jacket to go to piss at night because of the snipers. We claimed to control 4% of the district at that time, but it was probably an exaggeration. Our team 6 went to stay in a joint compound with an RF Company and a RVN 41st Reg. Company after the first two nights as there were only enough bunkers for the District team and two RF companies at the HQ at that time. We had no PF at that time and operated with our RF companies with either a 173rd or 41st company together. It was a really wild district. We had a district local VC Batallion, the 503rd Main Force Batallion, and over the hills in the An Loa Vally the 2nd NVA Regiment, who sometimes came over to visit.

      • Dear Smith.
        My name is Binh . Home name Khoa )
        I have read your message and know that you worked for The Macv Advisory Team 42 . In 1969-1973 I worked in Hoai An District and last duty in Go Boi Camp in Tuy Phước District Matt 7 . My Team Leader name William C Phalen – 1st Lt Delion – I was there till 1973 and released from Interpreter s program due to the Vietnameseation war Jan 27 1973 . Returned to AVRN . Happy to know you were there at that time .
        Hope you all well . Please send my best wishes to you and family.

        • Hello Khoi. I served in MACV Adv Tm 42 in Bong Son Apr 71 to Mar 72. Nguyen van Phat was our ARVN interpreter. Did you ever meet him?

    • Hey Jeff. Do you happen to remember Snoopy 10? He was a Huey pilot (warrant officer) who evacuated us from Bong Son in Apr 72.

    • Hi Jeff. I served in Bong Son from Jun 71 to April 72 as Phung Hoang/S-2 coordinator along with CPT Don McClain. Maj George Watkins was our DSA. Maj William Smith and 1Lt Tom Hanks, our PsyWar officers, were shot down in a Huey just west of the compound in Jan 72 (not sure of the date anymore). Maj Smith suffered a traumatic leg wound, and was medivaced. Do you remember a warrant officer pilot with the call sign of Snoopy 1-0? Thanks for any info you may have. Don (Dep) Ledbetter email:

  23. Dave
    Great to be in contact with you. And, yes we all shared in the good luck on that day, and Gary, Ike and I were the luckiest of all,
    thanks to the your courage and your entire crew.
    Drive on!
    P.S. Where are you now? Anywhere near Princeton NJ? Love to buy you a beer or whatever

    • To Dave Schorr & Gary Hacker;

      I’m glad to see that you two have finally reconnected after all these years. I wish we could all sit down and share a few cold beers together, but I think the miles that separate us will probably keep that from happening. Good memories to you two.

      Dave Stern

  24. David, I was the CE on Huey 872 from the 201st . We were assigned to Team 42 at Quin Nhon April 2 , 1972 and actually lived with them at Quin Nhon . . We were the lead Huey when we pulled the MACV out of Tam Quan , Bong Son and others . I remember your Huey it had 50 Cals. instead of 60’s . I lived with and flew Team 42 daily out of Quin Nhon and flew them until I left country July 18 , 1972. MACV team 42 was a great bunch of men and fought hard all over Binh Dinh. Thank You , Jeff .

    • Thanks for your reply, Jeff. I didn’t know that there was a dedicated chopper flying missions out of Qui Nhon. We flew daily missions with LTC Anderson, many to the northern part of Binh Dinh province but also to An Khe pass and on west to Pleiku. Much of the time we didn’t know where we were going or what the mission would be. We knew we had to be ready to go on short notice and that it might be just a scenic ride through the Mang Yang pass or a trip to some little ARVN fire base so the LTC could reassure the advisors there that we would be there if needed. It’s nice that someone remembers what things were like back in 72.

    • David, thank your crew for being available for the northern teams. We depended on helo support and medvac am/pm. I left Tam Quan Dist. after my full tour ended 26 Apr 71 and we got sniped and pin down on the hyw So. of LZ English. Further that day we approached a US convoy with a gun truck shot up and the NVA being pursued. Quin Nhon was a welcome site. One week later in was home in CA. The transition was made easy for me, still have issues, but welcome back party with family and good friends are still appreciated to this day. I hope you were honored at home too.

      • James Bevill

        We flew to LZ English many times – actually had a pilot shot on the way there one time. We flew over the road that led south from there in late April of 72 and it was choked with civilians trying to escape the fighting in northern Binh Dinh. I would not have wanted to be in that mess. I’m surprised that you didn’t get a chopper ride out. LTC Anderson, aka ruthless 6, was dedicated to looking after the advisors up in that area and probably would have flown up to give you a ride himself.

    • Hello David
      I was at Tam Quan in the final days in 72-73
      With Naval Gunfire Team.We worked alongside MACV Team 42 Maj John Noble and Lt Bill Jackson
      Jackson went on r&r before the cease fire that never happened.I’m pretty sure we were the last ones to leave Binh Din province if my memory serves me right.On the morning of Jan 28 we prepared for evac and a way back to Quinn Nhon. Well, the shit hit the fan and our LZ came under fire most of the morning. We were told it was too hot to get a chopper in there.Maj Noble was looking for different ways to get the hell out,but finally in the afternoon
      It was decided to send in a chopper but it had to be quick.When the Huey got to us in the HQ compound it was chaos.I don’t think the skids touched the ground.We flew out at treetop level until we were far enough out to climb up and then we looked around and we were in the clear

  25. Consider giving the slides and any other VN stuff to the Vietnam Archives at the Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Check out the web site. At least there it won’t get lost.

  26. Hi Gary, John & Bill, et all,

    This is Kim Leaty, Dan Leaty’s daughter. As Bill mentioned, my father did pass in Feb of 2014 and from pulmonary fibrosis. He had lots of slides from Vietnam that he digitized and I posted them in an online photo album for him a few years back. I’d be more than happy to share them with you and anyone else that may be interested. Perhaps you may be in one of the pictures and/or recognize a familiar face or place. Feel free to reach out to me at and I will send you the link to the online photo album.


  27. Was with mat ll-8 July 1970 to June 1971 in tuy phouc district until we lost US support then moved into town
    Would like to hear from fellow soldiers
    Lt Peterson

  28. I wonder if anyone out there knew/worked with my father… LT James Cloninger. He was in An Tuc mostly from Dec71 to Feb72 and Jun72 to Dec72. During the gap he was in Kontum during the Spring Offensive. Trying to fill in many of the gaps that I know about.

  29. My Dad was Lt. Stallings MAT II-7 ADV TM 42. I am trying to find any guys that served with him. He is still alive. We are both old Vets now.


      • Hi Tom,
        I was your CO for a short time. I replaced Mike Novotney. Roark was with the team at LZ Orange. SSG Campbell was there at that time also. I think SFC Jon Brown and SGt Vars came after you rotated. SGT Ho Caan was our interperter.
        Bill Stallings




  30. Dear Lt Price, you have good memory, the Subsector chief is Ng Xuan Tieu he was Maj during Cope ‘ year, later promoted then transfer to be Com of an arti batt. I found his story years ago in a book written by his mate , a Arvn Capt . When the Nva swept in he let all his guy withdraw, but he stay behind and killed himself. The Capt fled to the coast but arrested got years inside the Re-ed camp. Now settled in Canada and record in the book with other ex detainees. The kid ‘s name sound like 2nd Lt in Vietnamese. Have u tried to locate Copes?

    • Kien, I have successfully scanned some photos from my days at Binh Khe and will be glad to forward them to you. My email address is If you will send me a direct email, I will reply and attach the scanned photos for you.

      Best wishes, Lt. Price

    • Kien,

      I have successfully scanned some of the photos from my days in Binh Khe — I can email them to you if you provide a direct email address. My email is so if you send a message to there I will reply and attach the photos.

      Lt. Price

      • LT Price,
        This is Cecil (Cal) Calloway. I was your replacement on II-85. Prior to that I was the Assistant Team Leader of II-45 at Vinh Thanh. I would really love to see the pictures you’re talking about as well. Time has taken away many of the names and details, but a lot of what we did is still very clear and important.

        • Cal, I had not been on this site for awhile and just saw your note. Sorry for not responding before. I think you came Vinh Than in Jan70 right after Sgt Waddle was killed — is that correct? The other MAT team in Binh Khe went up there for a month or so to help out — did you know/meet them?When did you leave Binh Khe and how had things gotten? Hope to hear from you. Price

          • William, good to hear from you, Yes, I arrived at Vinh Thanh in Jan 70. LT Clyde Wooten was the team leader. This was right after SGT Waddle was killed. Then in the summer I moved to Binh Khe to be, I assume, your replacement. I have pics of my MAT II-85 if you want to see them. Since finding this site I have been able to share pictures and stories with Richard Osbourne who was there before us and Kien who was an interpreter at the same time as us and help Kien contact MAJ Copes. I would be interested in seeing your pictures and hearing more about your memories of Binh Khe. And I’m pretty sure Kien and (now) retired COL Copes would also. Please contact me at and we can communicate directly. Cal

          • William Price: Yes, I was there just after SGT Waddle’s death. I stayed at Vinh Thanh from Jan to Jun and then moved to Binh Khe to replace you (I guess) after R&R in July. I would love to see your pictures and see if you can remember some of the names of people in my photos. Please contact me by email at and we can talk directly. I tried to leave a reply yesterday and it didn’t seem to “take” so I am trying again in case this becomes a duplicate. Cal

    • kendy tat Kien,
      I am Cal Calloway. I was in Vinh Thanh (MAT II-45) with Dai Uy Ty from December 1969 through June 1970, then at Binh Khe (MAT II-85) from July 1970 until January 1971. I have some pictures of both locations but they are starting to fade from age. I have one photo of all the interpreters at Binh Khe, 8 people, standing in the doorway of the pagoda-looking entrance. Surely you are one of those. Everyone looks so young. But I was only 23 myself. I have other photos of MAJ Copes, 1LT Fitzgerald, and the TOC NCO who I remember but not the name. And of course a photo of my II-85 team. I was there when the President of RVN visited Binh Khe. There was a bad rainy season and the river flooded in the fall of 1970. I remember gathering candy from ration boxes that we gave out at Christmas to kids in Binh Khe. One big difference at Binh Khe was working with Korean units in our area that I had not had to worry about in Vinh Thanh. Looking at the photos brings back both good and bad memories. Hope you are doing well and that you get this. I realize it’s been a long time since your last post.

      • Cecil, wonderful to hear from you. I have a few pictures that I will get digitized and send all by to you. I think the team had totally turned over when you arrived at the compound. Of course the district chief was still around when you were there. Please make sure I have your email so I can sent the pictures. We can communicate later once you get the pics.

        • Richard,
          Thank you for responding. Recently I was cleaning out my garage and found the old box of photos from Vietnam and it prompted me to go back and try to remember the details of my assignment to Team 42. I would really like to see your photos. Please use the email: Look forward to hearing from you.

            • Richard,
              Photos received! Thank you. You must have been there at the beginning and I was somewhere in the middle of the program. Brings back many memories.

          • Cecil, do you have any pictures of the interpreters and Bing Khe that you can share? I scanned pictures on to a Kodak flash drive at my local CVS. Then downloaded to my laptop to attach to the email. I sent you. Thanks.

            • Richard,
              I have one that includes Loomy (My II-85 interpreter), Kien, Lucky, Whistledick (the mechanic), and two others that Kien couldn’t identify (that I believe were Chieu Hoi’s assigned to me right before I left). I have a separate photo of SSG Hoang (my II-45 interpreter). I tried to reply to your email but it wouldn’t go through. I have my photos scanned but the originals were so faded that they aren’t very sharp but they are still legible. I also found my old II-85 map and scanned a portion of it.

      • David, I arrived at Bing Khe around March 1968. I was the Phoenix advisor, and was followed by Bill Price, I believe. Major Foster was the senior district advisor, Don Rubo was the sparky radio operator.

        • I was off on the dates. I was there December 1967 to December 1968. You were tall with dark hair. The civilian was named Ken. Do you remember the HAWKEYE aircraft that crashed south of the District Headquarters from which we recovered the two dead Americans? I have some pictures and I will see if I can scan and send them to your email. Semd me your email to Do you remember us building the water tower?

          • The objective of the MACVTEAMS site is to reconnect teams members.Once done,back and forth conversations between two individuals are better done directly and not through the website

          • David,
            My name is Frank Finocchio. I was DSA at a base camp called Van Canh located in Bin Dinh Province. The Hawkeye pilot you are talking about was Capt. Gordon Hawkins (Hawkeye 11). He was from Maryville, TN. I met Gordon by accident when the Patrol I was on got pinned down by gunfire. I called for help and Hawkeye 11 showed up and bailed me out. Because I had a runway at our base camp, Gordon would fly in for coffee in the morning and I would fly as his aerial observer. The week prior to his death, we received some ground fire that actually hit the plane. We made it back to base. He made minor repairs and headed back Bin Dinh. The following week, he showed up one morning for breakfast and asked if I wanted to join him. I declined, telling him I didn’t want to tempt fate. We laughed. He left with a Spec 4 as his observer. It was later that afternoon, we heard him call for help and then went silent. I was stunned. Gordon was the best. I have never forgotten him. If you do have those pictures, would you please email them to me: I am going to also contact you at your e-mail address. Regards: FSF

            • Richard Osborn: please give me yr email to me kendytat
              I got some recent BK pix for you.

              Frank S. Finocchio commented: “David, My name is Frank Finocchio. I was DSA at a base camp called Van Canh located in Bin Dinh Province. The Hawkeye pilot you are talking about was Capt. Gordon Hawkins (Hawkeye 11). He was from Maryville, TN. I met Gordon by accident when the Patrol I”

          • That is correct. I remember Ken very well. Sargent Tenant, Don Rubin, Major Foster (I hope he is well) and the other Sargent name escapes me. I recall you leading the team that recovered the pilots.

            About eight years ago my son and his wife visited Binh Khe when they were in Vietnam for a destination wedding. Soldiers would not allow pictures and their driver strongly suggested they leave. The compound must be some sort of military headquarters.

            My interpreters were Troung and Mi.

            I will send you the pictures I have. Unfortunately the PX lost several rolls of film.

    • Lien, I missed this message two years ago. I was at Bing Khe from March 1968 to March 1969. Did our paths cross? Major Foster was the senior advisor.

  31. Yes dusty was on my volleyball team when we beat the Green Berets from the B team next door to our compound. They would not play us anymore after that.
    You must have been on our team.

    • i remember the GBs from next door but don’t remember the game —- however I do remember a Captain joining one of our games and leaving with a broken shoulder…..

    • Cliff, I was wondering if you know anything regarding Major Oneto. I worked directly for him during the last third or so of my tour installing the first repeaters and trying to improve the radio net.

  32. My name is Kien served in Binh Khe team 42 as an interpreter, Any one know about my former boss: Ronald A Copes , Capt Richard Black, DIOCC Jay Fitgerald, Radio Rick Empson.Now I am age 64 living in Melbourne

    • Kien, I headed MAT II-85 in Binh Khe District from July, 69 – June 1970. I knew Maj. Copes – he was the DSA in Binh Khe when I rotated home (he succeeded Maj. Taylor in Feb/Mar) and I was good friends with DIOCC Jay Fitzgerald — have several photos with him in them — he was still there when I left. My interpreter was Sgt. Son — did you know him and what happened with him.

      My other team members were Lt. Mike Murphy, Sgt. Outland, SFC Yamanaka and Sgt. Miranda — also knew the District Medic Sgt. Nalls; Also, in Jan 1970 Binh Khe district team lost a team member (Sgt. Waddle) in the attack on the compound in Vinh Thanh Valley.

      • Dear Lt Price, I remember you quite well because I had mistaken your sir name as Prince, that also related with the name of ADSA David Queen. I knew Sgt son, and Sgt Thanh of MAT II-4, another Sgt White , Miranda was look like Mexican. I do not know where about Sgt Son now, I worked closely with DIOCC and
        DSA Copes. I Like to say thanks to both of them, during that period, they made our life more easy. I finally made contact with another interpreter LUCKY. 3 years ago, I backpack went back to BKhe . They changed the name to Tay Son District,t he young generation do not know BK anymore, I went into the hamlet and located the sister of Lucky, and learnt that he had escaped via Saigon to LA in 75, I will meet him in LA this coming Sept. There were so many good memories inside the compound, Do you remember we always sat in the garage yard watching movies from a open reel projector, that enable me to learn more of the open world.
        There were also tragedy that the last DSA was killed also the VN Subsector chief killed himself before the fall. Lt. Price , do you mind to share some of the photo with me, all of mine burnt by my dad after the fall.

        • Kien,
          Good to read your information — I do recall the movies and also playing basketball in the garage area! I have googled and searched for DIOCC Jay Fitzgerald but had no luck –if you learn anything more on him, please advise. Miranda did look Mexican — in fact my MAT II-85 looked like the United Nations with a black, a Mexican, a Hawaiian and a couple whites, along with our Viet interpreter! If you learn more of Sgt. Son, also let me know, please.
          The Binh Khe District Chief when I was there was Col. Thieu (same spelling as the Country leader)– is that who you referenced killed himself or had he gone elsewhere before that area fell? He had a young boy who “visited” with us in the American compound a lot, and who we called “Teowee”. Always wondered about him.
          My photos are all prints — I will see if I can scan some that you would find interesting.

      • I took the spot report in the TOC at Qui Nhon that night. I’m not sure if was the same night but I cleared a target for illumination flares that were crucial. VN leutenant said not clear and the trash landed in a village. I had to explain that one to colonel Mendheim.

  33. Tom,
    I was in the S-2 office in Qui Nhon from Aug of 68 to Aug
    Of 69. I worked with Lt Rex Lemar and Sgt Dumont. Our CO was Col. Green

    We probably met briefly.

    Dale Shaffer Sent from

    • Message for Dale Shaffer. Looking for info about S2 Province Advisor at Qui Nhon in fall 66 early spring 67. Believe his first name was Jim but can’t recall last name. Any info you can provide much appreciated. I was in J2 Saigon at the time but visited Qui Nhon several times.
      Lewis Higinbotham Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, US Army (Retired) e-mail address zoolatana@aol,com

      • Lewis

        I rotated out of Qui Non in Aug. Of 68. I communicate with Rex Lemert on occasion as he lives in Amarillo, TX and I live in the Dallas, TX area. Where do you live?

        • Montana now but originally (long ago) from Amarillo. Any ideas about names or addresses of folks who might have known/might remember S2 advisor on Province Advisory group in fall 66 early spring 67″ That individual is my only contact with MACV Binh Dinh

  34. From Tom Bender: I was the RTO in An Khe, Tm 42 from Aug 68-Aug 69. The team designation was changed soon after I arrived. Formerly, it was Tm 27. I trained at the TOC in Qui Nhon for 2 weeks then was air lifted to An Khe. I would love to hear from anyone that remembers me. Please contact me at:

  35. I recently just discovered my dad was Leroy (roy) Augustine, based on his DD214, he was in Vietnam 14jul66 thru 30may67 and from 14feb69 thru 8feb70. It shows he was discharged and then re-enlisted during that time period from Can Tho, Vietnam his last duty was US MIL ASST COMD (SD-5891) Vietnam. It also indicates he received a BSM 1st OLC. Would anyone happen to know Roy, or have any input as to how I can get additional information on his military service..

  36. Sgt. Van, I arrived in Qui Nhon in December, 1971 and replaced Cpt Joe Lane as S2 Advisor. Dan Leaty was the PSA when I arrived. I was also the acting DSA at Hoai An when it was overrun in April 1972, after which I returned to Qui Nhon and completed my tour as S-2 Advisor. Leaty was replaced by LTC Esplin sometime after April, ’72. Were you in Qui Nhon when the satchel bag exploded in the TOC and killed and wounded several members of the HQ staff? I think you and I met, but don’t recall the time(s) or dates. Best regards,
    (then Major) Gary Hacker

    • I worked in the TOC for 14 months from Sept 1969 to Oct 26 1970. I was not aware of the satchel charge in the TOC. I guess it is all about timing.

    • Dear sỉr.
      Yes i rememberred that day. I came to the toc but securities and m.p stopped me because I was working for s.4. Do you know major Quinones my boss then. The incident was in the headquarters caused by electric fire, that all I can tell you.
      Best regards.
      Sgt van

    • John noble replaced maj freeman now retired maj gen freeman. Maj freeman and I were med vac out of tam quan in 72. Maj noble replaced us. I was in compound day satchel charge exploded in toc I happened to be looking that way. It looked as if top of concrete dome raised up and then down. It occurred right after morn briefing usually the prov sen adv and assist went to toc at that time. For some reason they didn’t go that morn just luck. One thing I never could understand was why they always had that briefing at same time every morn. I learned early not to establish a pattern

      • I was at Tam Quan with Maj Noble and Lt Jackson until the Cease fire in 73. Our interpreter told me all about the mortar attack that wounded Maj Freeman and a Marine. He did everything he could to get medical attention for them. He told me he called in the medevac chopper that came at night to pick up the Maj and marine. He received The US Army commendation medal for his actions that day. Were you that Marine or Advisor? we made contact in 2014 and we still correspond today? we talk about our time together at Tam Quan and it’s interesting how remember certain events but in different time frames and description of what actually happened. So much time has passed since then and we’re getting older.
        Are the accounts of what happened that day accurate? We have been trying to get in touch with Maj Noble for the last two years, but no joy..

        • Lloyd
          I was the capt that was with maj freeman at tam quan The marine had not been there for an hour before mortar hit and it wounded all three of us. We were in bunker during mortar attack and mortar hit on sandbags just outside air vent and sprayed inside with scrapnel. Did you use same bunker that we built

          • Yes Darrell we used that same bunker.the two advisors used the side with the air vent and slept in there on a hammock.I used the other side of the bunker with another Marine and later with a Navy Lt.
            Did you mean the Marine that was wounded had only been in Tam Quan for an hour?
            I also learned later that he was paralyzed as a result of his wounds.
            Were you wounded again in Quin Nhon?
            Do you remember interpreter ?
            Tam Quan was a scary place especially at night! I was lucky I left without a scratch.
            I’ll be waiting to hear back from you
            take care

            • No I was sent home to a hospital at ft Knox. My tour was almost ended. Yes the marine had just landed shortly. I was searching in my jeep trailer for an extra cot for him. I heard the mortar rounds leave the tube and told him to run to bunker. I remember he was real tall if he had been a foot shorter probably would not have been hit. If I remember he took piece of scrapnel in back of neck. I never knew him being there for such a short time. I want to think they came in and flew him out to ship for medical attention. I have often wondered why they didn’t take us at same time. We remained in compound for a long time hour or so before Vietnam chopper came in and got us out. I was later told province chief or someone held a gun to pilots head and told him he would kill him if he didn’t go. Often wondered why chopper wasn’t sent from province hq. they always told us they would get us out quickly if needed. Just bitter memories. Just glad got out I remember I was so happy when on chopper I was getting out of that place still alive

              • Glad you made it out alive Darrell
                Are you on Facebook?
                It’s been many years and I hope you are doing ok
                Thanks for your response

      • Hi Gary and Darrell, this is Edwin R. Rodriguez. I was supposed to have been at the TOC the Friday morning that the satchel charge explored, but I was sent to Tuy Phuoc to accompany a captain that I don’t remember his name. Initially I was the PsyOp Advisor, worked in Bon Song and remained until after the cease fire. Oh, Gary, I have located Stan Fulcher. I used to be called the Spanish Sapper and the Spanish Lt by our counterparts. Regards to all. My email is I would like to contact anyone from our team, particularly my interpretors. I served from May 72 til Mar 73. Regards

      • Darrell, Bill MacKinlay here. We shared adjoining rooms in the NACV compound before you went up to Tam Quan. I remember bringing you your personal items in the hospital after you were wounded. I am glad to see you made a full recovery. I was across from the TOC when it exploded. I was scheduled to cover the TOC desk while the on duty guy took a break. I eventually got into the rear of the TOC and carried out 2 Korean Liaison people, but I never knew if they lived or not.. I completed my tour after the treaty took effect. Pete Serfass (S-1) and I were one of the last out of town. After i turned over the billeting compound to the ARVN, Pete and i stayed with the CORDS people until we flew in March.

        I hope you are still well.

        • Bill,
          Do you remember an Engineer 2LT that was the last ADSA in An Nhon? That was me. As I recall, I was the last one picked up by the bird on the night of the cease fire. I couldn’t get my advisee to sign the property record because the grenade launcher had been stolen by one of his guys. We wrote it off as a combat loss. I still contend that I was the last American up country as the sun went down on that night. I remember manning the second floor parapet in Quin Nhon Team 42 HQ on the night of the ceasefire when I finally got in.
          LTC (ret) Mark J. Donald

          • Mark, I am fuzzy on who was last in from the field but I do remember by the time of the cease fire we were pretty thin. Pete and i stayed a few weeks after the cease fire cleaning up the property and administrative work at province HQ. I remember taking the property book down to Saigon when i was clearing. With the help of then Major Kilgore i had gotten accountability on all the vehicles, weapons and radios on my book. When the CW4 reviewed the package and gave me the clearance to fly i was a very happy camper. When we moved out of the living compound it was a relief. The CORD people still had a guarded compound.


            • Bill,
              Thanks for your reply. I do remember the folks in the TOC calling me every hour on the radio to see if I was ready to get picked up. As I recall, you may have been the one to tell me the bird was on the way and that you would write the 79 off as a combat loss. The sun was already setting when I arrived in Quin Nhon. Glad you were able to convince a crusty old CW4 to accept your property book. We had to ask a USAF LTC at the embassy to take our field gear and weapons when we finally got back to Saigon. Told him were manifested out the next day on a Pan Am charter and they would not look kindly on loaded M-16’s, 45’s and grenades. Dropped them on his floor and walked out, got drunk and was escorted back to Camp Alpha by the MP’s.
              Welcome home,
              LTC (ret) Mark J. Donald, CE

        • Bill I remember you well. I was impressed that day the toc blew. Not many people would have rushed in there to help people out. I remember you bring my belongings to me at hospital. My wife and I are doing fine and live in western Kentucky. Please email me sometime and we’ll catch up. Got out of service about a year or so after being wounded

          • Darrell, I am glad to hear from you as well. When i first arrived at the team I was a transfer from Team 22 in Bagi. Shortly after i got my room assignment as your neighbor you started providing me very useful hints on getting around and getting by. If you want to contact me directly i am at I stayed in the Army for 29 years and retired as a Colonel. I never forgot how impactful support efforts to the teams and guys in the field were as I progressed in my career. After retirement I was a consultant to an army PM office and I was still applying some of the lessons to the advise i provided to the program manager.
            I stayed in the district until the cease fire. I then was instructed to turnover our compound the the ARVN. The day after turn over, the forklifts and flatbeds swooped in and all the items that could be moved were taken out. The next morning you could find all the stenciled MACV Team 6 and 42 furnishing and refrigerators for sale on every corner in Qui Nhon. the S-1 and I were not put on the Joint commission and ended up flying out about a month after the ceasefire. I feel he and I turned off the lights.

            Now fully retired and living on the east coast.


  37. Dear gentlemen
    Here is Sgt Van, I was an interpreter in Qui Nhon, MACV 42.July 1970 to April 1975.
    I was transferred to Qui Nhon to work for Ltc Esplin, senior advisor of Binh Dinh province, I was a main translator for morning briefings in the conference room. In late 1970 to 1971 I worked for Cpt Joseph Lane, S4 advisor then Maj Quinones to early 1973. In 1973 to 1975 I worked for CORDS, Mr John v. Swan go and Eldon E. Ewings. After Hoai an was overrun in 1972 the district moved to Phu Tai Maj Vaugh was senior advisor and someone else I can’t remember I worked with them until the last military men left Qui Nhon then I was an interpreter for ICCS to An Lao valley and Hoai an to meet seniors from other side for releasing prisoners for 60 days from 27th of March 1973,I can’t remember your names…
    Now I am 69 years old(born 1946) I m a tour guide.
    If anything you can tell me about them would be great appreciated.
    My contact address:

    • Hello Sgt Van
      I was a Marine stationed in Tam Quan with naval gunfire team and we worked alongside MACV team 42. We left after the ceasefire in 1973 that was the last time I saw Maj Noble and Lt Jackson US Army and our interpreter was Sgt Nhon. Who I made contact with just last year but no info on the Maj or Lt. Did you know these men ? Or any of the Marines or Army in Qui Nhon at this time
      Thank you

    • Does anyone remember capt joe lane I have tried to find him numerous times on internet I saw him once after vn he came to Fort Knox on a visit in 1973. He was living in maryland at that time. I think the intell school was close to where he was living probably ft Meade I would love to get in touch with him. He carried my souvenir pistol all the way back from vn for me after I was wounded at tam quan and med vac out. That was a true friend

    • Hello Sgt Van,
      I am former 2LT Mark Donald. I was assigned as the last ADSA with Team 42 in An Nhon District from November 1972 to February 1973. On the night of the cease fire, I was the last Team 42 member up country as the sun set. At that time, there was only a Major and a Lieutenant in each district. My RF/PF advisee was Truang Hui Tuan. Were you my interpreter?
      LTC (Ret) Mark J. Donald

  38. cmsmurphy31@gmail. I am in search of Philip Byer (from Iowa possibly) on behalf of my father, Michael L. Sexton. Mr. Byer was my father’s RTO and saved his life when my father was shot in the head on July 3, 1971. I would love to connect them again. Please email me if you know any information – thank you!

    Christine Murphy

    • Christine- I knew your dad real well and Sgt Byer a little. He was our S3 at Bong Son and gave me most of my field orders. I was Senior team leader of Mat-II-94 from 05/70-04/71. We went on a couple of operations in my A.O. together and I think I have a picture of him and will look or send it for you. I found our DSA Maj. Scott Bradshaw and he told me about what happened to your dad. He was a very brave man who was well respected by all the men. Could tell you a few stories…! I”m still trying to connect with any of the Team members. ( see my post 31 May, 2018 )

  39. Still looking for anyone that knew Maj John Noble or Lt Bill Jackson from Macv Team 42 Tam Quan district 72-73 ?

    • I found it interesting to see some one that was at Tam Quan District after I left. 70-71 April. Mat 6 was than lead by 1 Lt Warren Hinie with Sgt ____ as our interpreter. I understand the perimeter was over run later, and my first interpreter returned with a recovery force. Can you fill me in on the district time line. . Our team had helped built a school on the Binh Dia Road, past the PF platoon 314 location across from a Catholic Church. Was it still standing and being used? Two other Mat teams were still in the district as I recall. I am just returned (Feb 3,’16) from a tour including Saigon and the delta on a tour of the three adjoining countries.

      • NbDear Lt james Bevill,  I’m Sgt Nhon, a former Vietnamese Interprerter of your Mat Team in TQ Distreet, still remember me. I’ve been asking around to find out some information about  you especialy on this Mac-V Team 42 web-site, but no commends replied me so far. Today, thanks to Internert, I finally got you. It was so great to hear from you. Why didn’t we reconect each other earlier so I could meet you on your recent tour to Vietnam as you revealed? It really makes me feeling very regret for this late reconection after 45 years lost. However, it’s also still better to get in-touch with you now, isn’t it? on this web-site, it doesn’t allow me to say much. So, kind you pls give me your e-mail address and or a phone call to ; 0949159651 when it possible. Wish you with all lucks  Nhon ( Tony)

        1 Lt James Bevill commented: “I found it interesting to see some one that was at Tam Quan District after I left. 70-71 April. Mat 6 was than lead by 1 Lt Warren Hinie with Sgt ____ as our interpreter. I understand the perimeter was over run later, and my first interpreter returned w” | |

        • Hello and greeting Sgt Nhon. YES, How could I not remember you as our team II-6 Interpreter when I arrived in Tam Quan. I have been thinking of the II-6 and we turned in all the eqpt, guns,mortor, jeeps and I left shortly after. I did receive a letter from you on your return to Tam Quan but that was lost. Did you see any of the platoons we worked with or Ba Nha or Co Ton from the team bldg? I had so many questions on the district. Did the new school bldg. out on the Binh Dai Road survive for the children? Was the old man and family behind the church next to the Plt 314 or 257 stay safe? How have you been and do you have a family with children? I hope you are well and enjoying your life now. I understand you are in the south now and farming rice. I hope you were able to escape all the tragedy of the change in the gov’t. My trip to VN was on short notice but I wish we could have connected. Our in country guide was from the delta and we visited his father in one of the villages areas for about 30 min. one day. I was telling a story about you playing/rolling dice(them bones) on a Hyw #1 bridge one night, Do you remember that night? You made some money. I hope we can connect this way.

    • Hello Lloyd Devine, My name is Jim Bevill and I served in Tam Quan District 70-April 71.We had three mats in district at the time. I was on Mat II-6 with Sgt and we worked up north to the border and out the Binh Dai Rd. Do you have any recollections of that area? We built a school on the road, with desks made from 105 arti boxes. The hamlet was so proud of that but the vc killed our village chief after it was completed. I have slides of my tour that must be looked at some time. Any help, info would be appreciated. Could we communicate in email?

      • Hello sir I didn’t arrive Tam Quan until later in 1972 I was NCOIC of naval gunfire.I coordinated naval gunfire missions in support of ARVN 40th infantry regiment. Most of the time I was close to Headquarters compound and Village. I’m not familiar with the hamlet you mentioned or the school.I really was only familiar with advisors and Marines at Bon Song and LZ English.I didn’t know much about MAT-Il 6, I did know a full bird colonel and a couple of light birds that visited our site
        And tried to provide support to their ARVN troops but I couldn’t tell you much about their MACV groups.I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.Sgt Nhon was our interpreter too and I reconnect with him by email and Facebook.
        He would be the one to communicate with.

  40. The Air Force museum in Dayton Ohio, wright Patterson has a hallway with 15 large oil paintings of Qui Nhon an the Phu Cat mountains. If ever you flew over the Phu Cats you would recognize the stone pinnacle with the monastery on top. A lot of air crews used it for target practice.

    • Steve,

      Haven’t seen the museum paintings, but the monastery might be a Cham Temple. I don’t remember seeing any Buddhist Monasteries in Binh Dinh, but the memory is getting old. However, I do have fond memories of flying out of Qui Nhon and marking targets in an Air Force OV-10. On one occasion we had just marked a target North of Phu My for 2 F-4’s when the unit from the 173rd that claimed to be in contact started withdrawing. We asked them what they were doing and they said that a shipment of ice cream had just arrived at their base camp and they were going to get some. We cancelled the F-4’s. Not too sure there were any VC in the area anyway.

      I do hope the Air Force has a painting of the tennis courts at Phu Cat. I am still angry about being kicked of the courts by Air Force security personnel for not wearing appropriate attire. Only white tennis shorts were allowed and no boots. Ahhhhhh!

      • The paintings were done by Wilson Hurley who was a backs eater in an O1 Birddog about a year before I was there. There is a painting of the Catholic Church with the fuel depot at the docks burning from early 1969. There is a painting of the bandstand on the beach by the compound where he lived.
        The building on top of the pinnacle in the Phu Cat mountains was said to be very old and was built by carrying up bricks one at a time. I remember discussing this with Cpt. walzel and a couple other pilots.
        A friend of mine was a LLRP with the 173 airborne and after a mission they got permission to take a hot shower at the AFB in Tuy Hoa. The AF guys cleared out when they came in and almost kicked them out. I worked with a couple guys from the AF and even took Bill Schluchter on a Combat assault. Not all AF guys were pampered.

      • Good morning, Mr. Erdahl. I was wondering if you might be the same person that my father included in his written account of the daily reconnaissance flights along the coast from Saigon to Nha Trang:

        After arriving in Saigon, John Ford volunteered to make daily aerial reconnaissance flights along the coast from Saigon to Nha Trang to monitor the flow of refugees to the south. During these flights he was successful in establishing communications with province officials of those provinces still under GVN control. Because of the outstanding rapport he had established with GVN officials throughout Military Region II during his approximately 10 years service in that area and his fluency in the Vietnamese language, he was able to obtain useful and current information about the existing situation in those provinces. This information included requests for food, medical supplies and water transportation for the evacuation of refugees from congested coastal locations. John ford accompanied the delivery of these supplies to Binh Thuan province. Others participating in these flights were Gerald K. Davey, William Erdahl, and MacDaniels. The flights were stopped after our a/c was hit by ground fire and forced to make an emergency landing at Vungtau. At this time Binh Thuan was the only Military Region II province still under GVN control.

  41. I watched the PBS “Last Days in Viet Nam”. Pissed me off all over again how we abandoned our counterparts. I have friends that flew Air America and they have the same feelings. What a difference we could have made if we would have had better leaders.

    • Steve,

      Here are some comments that you may find of interest. In early March, the Consulate General in Nha Trang started evacuating American and VN Staff from the II Corps Provinces. I flew with an Air America pilot (Ed Davis) in a twin engine volpar for four days over Ban Me Tout, but the town was already under siege. We were hoping for a lul in the fighting so that we could land at a ARVN airfield SW of the city and pick up our staff. Watched one hell of a tank battle between ARVN and the NVA, but never had a chance to land since the airfield was constantly being shelled. On the 4th day we lost radio contact with the staff and later learned that they had been captured by the NVA. They were transported North through Binh Dinh and I was told by one of them that given the number to destroyed NVA tanks and other vehicles that they saw along the way that the 22nd Div must have put up a good fight.

      In Binh Dinh, we evacuated early and the Province Chief had an honor guard at the airfield to say good bye to the departing Americans. All personnel were brought to Nha Trang and around noon on April 1 the American staff and a few girlfriends were evacuated by Air America C-46. VN Staff and their families were to be evacuated later in the day, but their DC 8 flight was cancelled and they were left stranded on the beach adjacent to the airfield. The night of April 1 VNAF evacuated all of our staff to Saigon. I checked with many of them and they all said that VNAF personnel had not charged them anything to fly them out. On April 2 our II Corps VN staff presented the Consul General with a letter signed by many of them that read in part “you have treated us like an orange. You squeezed the juice out of us and then you threw us away.” You are so right. A few good men in leadership positions could have made a big difference.

      • Bill, Thanks for filling in some of the blanks in what I have often wondered about. Have written about your experience?
        The staff that were stranded on the beach, was that at Nha Trang or Qui Nhon. If it were Qui Nhon I have driven past that area of the beach hundreds of times, and the thought of being stranded on shit beach is a little to terrible to comprehend.
        I was in Macy’s mens department in St Cloud, Minnesota about 6 years ago when I bumped in to a Viet Namese gentleman also shopping in the mens department. After a long curious look I thought is was Col. Chuc the province chief of Binh Dinh. I asked “are you Colonel Chuc?” He hesitated and said “yes, yes.” Then I asked “Colonel Chuc, Qui Nhon?” He again said yes, yes” I told him that I lived in Qui Nhon for a year and a half and that I had worked in the TOC bunker behind his house in Qui Nhon. I told him we had talked in passing as he went through the guard gate to his house. He looked at me for the longest time trying to figure out what the hell I wanted. By this time his wife and daughter (I assumed) joined him and started talking in Viet Namese and giving me some real quizical looks. I asked them again if they were from Qui Nhon and they all said yes, but what do you want. I just explained that if he was indeed Col Chuc from Qui Nhon, Binh Dinh it was a great relief to me to see that they were safe and living in Minnesota. I am not sure to this day who I was talking to but if it was indeed Col Chuc it made my day. If you have anymore information on the evacuation and last days of our involvement in Qui Nhon I would be very interested. My email address is

      • Mr. Eradhl,

        Sir, I was hoping if had any more experiences with the 22nd Infantry Division. My Grandfather Maj. Dang Xuan Nghi. He told me received a Bronze star from the U.S. Army for actions in the Binh Dinh Province from ’71-’72. I would very much like to know the performance, and combat competency of the 22nd. I believe my grandfather in every word (which is not much) about his service, but I would like to hear it as well from you gentlemen.

        Thank you for your time sir.

        Very Respectfully,

        Tyler Dang

        • Tyler, During my time in Binh Dinh (69-71) I worked primarily with the District Teams and the 173 out of LZ English. I had no direct contact with any 22nd ARVN Division units so I can’t be of much help to you in that regard. I know that in early April 1975 the 22nd was blocking the Anh Khe pass and that A-37’s from Phan Rang were providing them with air support, but since we had already left II Corp I was out of the loop on most military related information.
          I did hear the following secondary info that might be of interest to you. A good friend of mine had been captured in March and was being transported to Hanoi in April 1975 with other prisoners and commented to me after his release that when they drove through Binh Dinh “they saw so much destroyed NVA and ARVN equipment that “the 22nd must have put up one hell of a fight.”
          Best regards,

          • Mr. Erdahl, Thank you for the quick response! It is really amazing to know that the 22nd fought hard. In quite a few books they’re not as highly praised as you mentioned. I know for a fact that my grandfather was a competent and effective combat leader, but to know that the overall performance of the 22nd during that time frame helps to solidify my belief in my grandfather past. Thank you for time, and for your service.

            Very Respectfully,
            Tyler Dang

  42. I was the 05B20 at Song Cau in 1967-68. I visited the Binh Dinh Team once – believe it was in 1968. We drove up from Song Cau. We needed an Army two ton truck. We “traded” a Montanyard Crossbow for one. The supply sergeant who got the crossbow “wrote off” the truck as “damaged in combat” and we drove it back to Song Cau! An example of “creative trading” during the war!

  43. Bill
    Those names are not known to me. I left in Oct 68. Julius owned a warehouse of construction goods, they were HIS goods. Protected by RF/PF who were ‘owned’ by the CIA guy. The CIA guy and I arranged for two large loads of goods to be delivered to An Khe and we built a fine cement school. Julius was outraged. I believe the minorities group was with me part time, I stayed out of the negotiations, they had no building, but were often at the village and did make suggestions so we could better help the resettlement. I do have photos of some of them. Also my photo collection is at Texas Tech VN archive. Your story of process to get ID cards and etc. is funny and sad.

    • Lee,

      Don’t know who Julius worked for, but I do know that he didn’t own a warehouse full of goods. He may have acted like it, but they were not his. In Jan ’69 I inherited a warehouse in Qui Nhon full of generators, pumps, rice, powdered milk, farming tools, etc. The warehouse was adjacent to a regugee camp. Unfortunately on my first trip to the warehouse to verify the inventory I arrived about two minutes before the fire trucks. Accidental fire, according to the security guards.

  44. Harlan Cooper….re:Your compound west of An Khe. In Dec 66 the Yards began to settle in that area and by Oct 67 there were about 1200 there. South, on the road were another 1000 Vietnamese. And there was a major protected compound on rt-19–where some SOF/LRRPs were housed. I guess that old compound is where you lived. The Yards had a RF/PF platoon living on a hill whose top had been pushed off to make a flat area. I spent most of my year in VN with those Yards–trying to help. I’ll be visiting Austin in May 2015.

    • Thanks for your reply Lee. That’s good information. I’d look forward to talking with you in Austin. Not sure what the protocol is on this blog for accomplishing that. Looking at a couple of your letters in the Texas Tech collection, I find they quickly feel untouchable. Don’t want to go back. My wife and I have a box of letters we exchanged then. We have never opened it. We’ll let the grandkids do that later. Contact at

    • Harlan/Lee – A few miles west of the district compound on QL 19 on the south side of the road there was a building occupied by military officers from the Ministry of Ethnic Minorities. Did you know either Capt Y-Jut Buon To or Capt Y-Tin Ewing? At different times they coordinated activities in the An Khe Montagnard Refugee Camp. In 1970 we finally paid US funded refugee benefits to the 160,000 VN refugees in Binh Dinh, including the Sedang in An Khe and the Cham Bahnar in Van Canh. The process was a little complicated since we had to first get acceptable ID cards for everyone. That took the help of some VN high school kids who translated individual registration documents from VN into English and a Key Punch Unit from the Qui Nhon Support Command who turned individual registration slips into district by district payroll listings. They also provided Polaroid cameras and film for the montagnard family ID cards. Payment was a little late, but at least they finally got paid.
      Lee, the name Julius Hovaney doesn’t ring any bells. I also looked up the name Hovaney/Hovany in a 1999 listing of retired Foreign Service Officers, but didn’t find anything.

  45. I was Sr. Advisor on MACV MAT II-42 from July 1970 to April 1971. We had a compound which we shared with a PF platoon a few miles west of An Khe in Binh Dinh province but still within spotlight range from the mountain at Camp Radcliff. There was a Montagnard village adjacent to us. The District HQ was in An Khe and the Regional HQ in Qui Nhon. Sorry, I don’t recognize any of the names posted in this discussion up to now. I wonder if the designation “Team 42” referred to two different units. Mine was strictly infantry although we had a young intelligence fellow wearing civilian clothes stay with us for a little while. Besides myself we had 4 or 5 NCOs, a Vietnamese interpreter, a Montagnard interpreter and the indispensable ba cook and a houseboy. Our district CO was Major Camp, and I recall intelligence CPT James Fragalla, a fine fellow. I think my counterpart was a Lt. Trung. I may have found the old compound on Google Earth, still there, apparently about as it was left. It was built of sandbags, so I’m not sure whether that can be right.
    Before Vietnam I was a platoon leader and company XO with the 1/505th, 82nd Airborne Division at Ft. Bragg.

    • You were with Tm 42. Jim Fragalla and I arrived in-country on the same day in ’70 and went up-country on the same day. He was assigned as DIOCC adviser in An Khe; I had the same job in An Nhon. We frequently talked on “secure” but didn’t meet again until he picked my wife and I up in Honolulu International in ’74. Both of us retired as Lt. Col. in D.C in the late ’80’s. A “fine fellow” indeed, and a good friend — talked be out of accepting command of a “rock painting” company in El Paso (no equipment, no mission — just personnel) and into extending in An Nhon for another year.

      • Bob, when you arrived in AnNhon, who was the head of the PIOCC in Qui Nhon, was it Maj Gardner or Maj Knapp? I was the PIOCC clerk from Jan 70 to Mar 71. I know I must have met you and Jim Fragalla at some time.

    • Please contact me. I was the Phoenix Adviser for the An Khe Team while you were there. So, I know all the folks you are talking about.
      Buzz Van Dyke – SGT at the time.

      • Hi Buzz Van Dyke – I had a young intelligence fellow come stay with my team (MAT II-42) outside An Khe for a little while. Could that have been you? I’m very interested in what you know of the people and the place, and what you saw happening during 1970-1971. It seemed to be relatively quiet then compared to before and after that. We can thank Nixon’s Cambodia bombing for that, I presume. How did you see it? Our compound, built out of sandbags, was still there on Google Earth as of about 2012 (I think), but now it appears to be a nice little suburban area. I cannot quite make out the Montagnard village that was adjacent. Glad to see normalization of relations between US and Vietnam, and improved living for the Vietnamese these days. I don’t recall how I got labeled “htcwordp” in my 2015 post. Thanks for posting. -Harlan Cooper

        • I definitely remember you. I was the guy on the district team who went hamlet to hamlet around the district for the HES program. So, I gathered lots of data on the area at the time. I would like to continue this off line. My email is

  46. Steve – The hamlet was just North of Qui Nhon on the inner bay. I don’t remember the name, but on a Google map it is about where Phouc Son Village is today. Most of the houses in the hamlet were made of mud and rice straw. There were no trees around, just rice fields. The MAT team was located in a sand bagged bunker on the edge of the bay. The nearest hamlet house was about 15 feet from the bunker. Around dusk the MAT Team test fired their 50 cal from the top of the bunker and that drew 2 choppers from the Qui Nhon Support Command. They each made two passes before they were told to cease fire. They first claimed that the inner bay was a free fire zone. They then modified that statement to say that they thought they were being fired on and were just returning fire. . I guess they didn’t know the difference between red and green tracers. There was a reason no charges were ever filed. One of the choppers was flown by the unit’s CO, a LTC Long. Long was reportedly the nephew of Louisiana Senator Russell Long and he was considered to be “untouchable.”

    • Bill, Ah, yes I do know that story, it is amazing how much we forget. Some of it thank god we do. The MAT members were very upset over that one. Did you know Lt. Larry Shellito? Now Lt. General Shellito. He was on a MAT team and one day in Qui Nhon I ran into him in a barber shop in our compound. He is a friend of mine from Moorhead High in Minnesota. He was the commander of the Minnesota National Guard and is now head of Veteran’s Affairs in Minnesota. He was a great MAT team member and is doing a great job for the Veterans in Minnesota.
      Do you remember the story about the Russian Advisor just NE of Qui Nhon in the bird sanctuary? On Google Earth that area is now one big sand pit. We (Major, me and platoon of RF’s) were on a search mission for this so called Russian Advisor and toward sundown the two choppers came and picked everyone up except me and 6 VN RF’s from Qui Nhon. The chopper that was supposed to pick us up was very late and it was getting dark. The VN looked at me and the radio and we communcated somehow that we needed to set up a perimeter. Two American Huey Cobra gunships spotted us and started circling. On the final pass I could hear the pitch change and thought we were screwed. One American with a Beret and 6 VN in dark clothing. I am sure they thought we were the Russian Advisor with a squad of VC. My frantic pleas on the radio to everyone must have reached their ears because they flew over us like they were attcking but never fired and left. A few minutes later our chopper picked us up. I wish I would have had a camera to capture the smiles on 6 very happy Viet Namese soldiers climbing aboard the Huey.

      • Steve, I did not know Lt Shellito, but he probably knows John Finney (Phu Yen Advisor) when John was Political Advisor to the National Guard CG at the Pentagon. It is a small world though. While I was in Qui Nhon I ran into a Captain in the S-2 shop from Minnesota and it turned out that our mothers had graduated from the same H.S in Mankato in 1936. Don’t remember anything about a Russian advisor, but I did know that Al Lovelle and Gene Ewing both spoke Russian and Japanese and on occasion communicated with each other in both languages over the province net. I do remember reports about Salt and Pepper being with the 3rd NVA in the An Lao Valley. The 173rd guys were always looking for these two, but as far as I know they never found them.

        • Bill/Steve, Salt and Pepper were quite active in Western Binh Dinh throughout 1971. I served 2 months as interim Binh Dinh PIOCC adviser and we were getting quite a bit of heat about finding those guys. My staff and I combed through hundreds of previous reports that had been filed as unread, compiling quite a dossier on them. Don’t know anything about a Russian adviser, but they frequently traveled with a North Korean individual who would come up in the Tiger Division artillery net at night and drive the ROK’s crazy, screaming propaganda at each other. We never did learn whether they were passive captives or turn-coats but suspected the latter because they were often reported as armed at the hamlet propaganda meetings where they appeared — though their weapons may have been for show only.

  47. Bill Erdahl: You brought back fond memories of Gili and Mitzi. What characters they were! I helped them out one summer when they were on a trip to Kashmir. They loved going there on vacations and renting a house boat. Not any more! It was just before CB Wood called me and asked me to join CORDS. I held down Gili’s office for about a month and drove around in their Deux Chivaux which they named “Froggy”. I remember evenings at the officer’s club on the beach with Gili regaling us in stories in her higher pitched voice while Mitzi added a counterpoint in a lower tone. I recall us agreeing that it would be good the day that we didn’t have to hold down twenty-five cents with a glass…referring to the ubiquitous MPC’s…

  48. Steve/Rick, – Ray was a good friend and the Saturday night before his chopper went down he was having dinner at my place in the CORDS compound on Gia Long Street. Gene Ewing was scheduled the next day to return the body of a 3 year old girl to her family in the hamlet that had been shot up by choppers from the Qui Nhon Support Command a few days earlier. He stopped by to ask if anyone would take his place and take the girl home. I had been to the hamlet the morning after the shooting and wasn’t interested in facing the family again, but Ray volunteered to go. You know the rest.
    I did know the New Zealanders and they were fun to be with. Chalmers B. Wood married one of the surgeons in New Zealand on his following assignment to that country and Gene Ewing’s daughter married another doctor that she met on a trip to visit her dad in Qui Nhon. Another group that was just as nice to party with were the British nurses from the British Save the Children’s Federation. They lived in an apartment building just across the street from the Korean Massage Parlor.
    Did you ever meet the Countess Gili de Ficquelmont and her sister Mitzi? They worked for the American Community Development Foundation. I first met Gili in early 1969 in An Nhon District when I drove into a Hamlet and almost hit this French lady who was standing on a box in the middle of the road lecturing a group of VN in French. That was Gili. They were older than most of us, but full of stories about Colonial VN and Algeria and they loved to party as long as the wine held out. Among other things, Gili claimed that she was involved in a plot to kill Charles de Gaulle and couldn’t return to France as long as de Gaulle was alive. This may have been true since she left Qui Nhon for France in Nov 1970 right after his death.

    • Bill, Do you remember the name of the hamlet that the 3 year old was killed in? There was an incident just north of Qui Nhon on the S China Sea where 2 helicopters from QN Support command shot up a MAT team or district team house and there were multiple casualties. If I rmemember the name was Nouc something or something Nouc. I came to work at the TOC with one of our lieutenats at 19:00 and the place was a mad house. Sgt Ron Hardison, another LT. and Major Oneto told us to get on the other radios and try stop two American helicopters shooting up their location. The Viet Namese, Qui Nhon support command, Air Force and Koreans working in the TOC, on their radios were all trying various frequencies to stop the attack. Finally one of us got ahold of Qui Nhon tower at the airport and they contacted the helicopters on “Guard frequency” and pretty much told anyone who could hear them cease fire. It was awful. I can’t remember who went over to the chopper pad at the 67th Evac to help, but it was a mess. The next day (or same night) the members of that team were in the TOC and they were pissed and looking to hang someone. If I remember correctly the pilots and crew thought they were taking ground fire when the VN tested their 50 Cal machine gun out over the Sea. I think there was a General onboard also. Nobody called for clearance of any kind and they just opened fire and made several passes. I don’t know what became of any charges, but there certainly should have been some discussion.
      I do remember some French women older than I was but cannot remember their names. They did like their wine and they were certainly eccentric. But then I was from a small midwestern town and when I was only in VN for a few months everyone seemed a little idiosyncratic or capricious. After 14 months I fit right in and comming home was a little strange.
      A couple years ago Ray Delorenzo’s daughter called me to ask about her father. She was only 2 when he left for VN and she had no memory of him. I told her what I could and left out any unpleasantries. I sure am glad I didn’t know at the time that he was taking someone elses place. It seems like a lot of us, including myself, are alive because of the luck of the draw. Lt. Col. George Aikman Finter from the QN Support Command was killed in the backseat of an O-1 L-19 Birddog as an observer. He wanted an Air Medal and I was scheduled for that flight, he replaced me at the last minute because I had worked all night at the TOC and was exhausted. The “luck of the draw”. God I hate that saying.

      • Steve Bakkum, I’m working on a project about local vets who died in Vietnam. I’m looking for some personal info on Ray DiLorenzo…..memories, personality, anecdotal information, etc. Can you help?

  49. Just a question, any one out there that , was in Tam QuanBinh Dinh Pv. come down with any blood cancer?

  50. My name is Bill Erdahl and I was a Foreign Officer assigned to Team 42 from Jan 69 to June 71 at which time I was transferred to Team 30 (Cam Ranh). I stayed in-country until April 30, 1975. When I arrived in Qui Nhon, not counting the CIA contingent, there were approximately 30 civilians and 350 military advisors assigned to the team. If my memory serves me correctly, in 69 Chalmers B. Wood was Province Senior Advisor and Tom Stevens was his Deputy. Wood was replaced by Col. Clayton Gompf and his Deputy was Frank Corey. Col. Gompf was replaced by Col. Billy J. Mendheim and Frank stayed on as Deputy. Dan Leaty replaced Col. Mendheim and his Deputy was LTC Will Esplin. While Dan was PSA LTC Buzz Johnson was his Special Assistant. One of my assignments was compiling data for the Hamlet Evaluation System (HES) so I travelled all over Binh Dinh. Tam Quan was without doubt the most dangerous place in the province and it was not a pleasant place to spend the night. So many good people passed through the team. Some of the names that come to mind are Parker Borg (DSA,Tuy Phouc), Capt Dave Wilson (SA, Phu Cat), Curt Piper (DSA, Hoai An), Tom O’Keefe (DSA, Hoai Nhon), Maj. Ron Copes (SA, Binh Khe), Maj. Gavin Pilton (SA, Binh Khe), Lt. Ray DeLorenzo (Qui Nhon). Also can’t forget the indispensable Doc Boyd.

    • Bill, Thanks for the names I have forgotten. I got Col. Gomph and Mr. Stevens turned about. I cannot believe I did after working at the Qui Nhon TOC. Also working closely with us in Qui Nhon was the New Zealand medical teams. Outstanding people and great partiers. Doc Boyd was one of my heroes, he was there when I got there in Sept. 1969 and he was there when I left in Oct 1970. I did not know what to expect when I was assigned to CORDS, but my experience in VN does not compare to any of the regularly army veterans.
      Ray Delorenzo was killed in a helicopter crash Feb 6, 1970. When we visited him in the 67 evac hospital we inquired as to when he would be sent to Japan to recuperate. He had burns over 90 percent of his body and the physician mater of fact said he would die in VN in a few days. He did die a few days later. His daughter who was two when he left for VN called me a few years ago to inquire about her father she never knew. It was a very difficult conversation as I knew all the particulars of the crash and his death. I do remember the name Erdahl on the many reports and memos we received at the TOC in Qui Nhon. Since I am Norweigan names like Erdahl I remember.

    • Bill, Lt Ray DeLorenzo died in February 1970. The chopper he was in was shot down and he died a couple days later from complications of his severe burns.

        • Steve, I was at the compound. Do you remember Sgt Cosgrove? Is there any way to put pictures on this website?

          • Rick, I do remember Sgt Cosgrove, although I do not remember what or where he worked. So far there is no way to put photos on this site. Others have been sending photos and messages on email.

            • He was Top Sgt. but I don’t know where or what he did either. Did you remember Butch Barrett. He was Col Mendheim’s clerk?

              • What was Col Mendheim’s XO’s name? A Lt Col, super nice guy. I would drive over to Col Mendheim’s trailer to delver flash messages at 3 or 4 in the morning and he always seemed to be there. Do you remember Sgt Wasson? Another super guy. In the TOC we had lots of people asking us to send messages, sometimes we had to encode them.I do remember Barrett.

              • Steve, I think Lt. Col Perkins was the XO, not sure though. Butch Barrett died in Dec 2009. We kept in touch. Back in the 80’s Butch was a manager of a motel in Murfreesboro Tn. (I lived in NJ) We were talking on the phone and of all things, Doc Boyd walked into the motel to get a room, He was passing through. So I got to talk to both Butch and Doc Boyd that night.

                • I saw your posting, My dad served with Team 42 in 69/70. His name was James Sears, but he had a plaque from Nam that said Ralph. Guessing he had a nick name. His rank was E7. He knew Wasson and Doc Boyd. My dad didnt talk much about Nam,but those names he mentioned and wish he could see them again. He met Wasson back in 88 , but never got to find Boyd. My dad passed away in 94 from cancer. Im into history and trying to find information about his Tour. Im ex USAF GW Vet, Thanks for any help. Also use to mention a New Zealander Medic named Snow.

    • Bill, Before your time in Quinon, 1967,, there was a State Dept fellow called Julius Hovaney, that’s phoenic. Any idea what happened to him?

    • Hi Bill,

      You have a good memory, or good memoirs. Do you remember me or Stan Fulcher? I was the Binh Dinh S-2 Advisor who had previously served with Dan Leaty in Phu Yen Province in ’68, and asked to be assigned to his Province when I learned that I was returning to Vietnam in ’71. I was also the acting District Advisor in Hoai An in April ’72 who, along with the Deputy District Advisor and the wounded Advisor to the ARVN 42d Regiment, was rescued from a rice paddy by a heroic helicopter crew after the NVA had overrun the District HQ and our RF/PF/ARVN counterparts had abandoned us in favor of making a run for the coast with vehicles full of refrigerators, other appliances, furnishings and personal effects or, alternatively, had shed their uniforms in an attempt to appear to be viet cong. A week after the fall of Hoai An, we learned that the RF soldier who had been the District S-2 was serving as the Viet Cong District Chief.

      Neil Sheehan wrote a brief description of the fall of Hoai An in his book, ” A Bright Shining Lie.”

      Stan Fulcher was the Binh Dinh Province Phoenix Advisor. He also got some mention in a Book titled “The Phoenix Program.”

      Stan and I were selected by LTC Esplin to brief an aide of Kissinger after the fall of Hoai An. The aide was more interested in hearing about NVA and Viet Cong successes in Binh Dinh than about ARVN/RF/PF accomplishments. He asked for a candid intelligence briefing and got one, Two or three weeks later, General Weyand scheduled a stop in Binh Dinh for a briefing on the enemy offensive in the Province. Esplin instructed Stan and me to avoid the General, although protocol required all advisors and staff to line the walkway from the helicopter landing pad to the conference room to salute the General on arrival. Unkown to Esplin, Stan had previously served as Weyand’s aide. When the General saw Stan, he put his arm around Stan’s shoulder and invited Stan to sit with him during the briefing by the Vietnamese (Stan sat in the chair that normally have been occupied by Esplin). After the briefing, the General exchanged a few words with the Province Chief and Esplin, then sat down with Stan for a long discussion. Afterwards, Stan would only say that the discussion had been about “old times and the present situation.” Just a few weeks later, SECDEF announced that evacuation of US Forces from Vietnam would accelerate.

      I can’t speak for Stan, but I have fond memories of the ladies who served with “Save the Children” in Qui Nhon (they were Aussies and knew how to throw a great party), as well as all of the nurses at the Holy Family Children’s Hospital and Orphanage.

      The primary billet for officers and enlisted soldiers was a large house with hotel-like rooms on the beach. The house purportedly was formerly owned by a first lady of Vietnam. There was a large mail box on the premises. Shortly after my arrival in Qui Nhon, a new postal clerk found the key to the mail box, opened it, and found it stuffed full of outgoing letters, some as old as three years (don’t know how they determined age). After that, they checked the box daily for a while, then removed the box because no one would drop a letter into it.

      • Hi Gary,

        We may have had overlapping assignments for a few months before I was transferred to Team 30 and would have met at the weekly briefings, but I don’t think I remember you. Were you there when the Hoai Nhon DSA was killed? I don’t remember Stan either. I think he arrived after I left, but I did know many of the people he worked with from Col. Lew Millett and others in Nha Trang to the guys in Binh Dinh. I didn’t like the Phung Hoang Program, the PRU or Special Branch, but that’s not for this venue.

        The last time I was in Hoai An there was a brand new 105 howitzer sitting out in the open in the compound right in-front of the team house. No gun crew or sand bags. Was it still there in ’72?

        Also missed the Kissinger Aide, but do have a Kissinger story even though I have never met Dr. Kissinger. When I arrived in Cam Ranh my counterpart was the former Binh Dinh Province Chief, Col. Nguyen Mong Hung. Shortly after my arrival I heard that he was very disappointed that so young an advisor had been assigned to Cam Ranh. At the time,, I was 31 and he was around 55. So, I got a picture of Kissinger and wrote on it: “Dear Bill, good luck on your next assignment to Cam Ranh. Best regards, Henry.” I didn’t say anything, but just hung the framed picture in my office. Within days word got out that I was a Kissinger protégé and from then on Col. Hung wanted me to attend every function under the sun with him. We worked well together, but the issue of corruption came up frequently. Col. Hung told me that all senior officers had to pay 4 people every month, including the Corps Commander and the President. He stated that he didn’t like the corruption, but the only way he could make money was to charge 10,000 piasters whenever he signed a document and he signed lots of them. I think that to show me that he was in fact making payments, he invited me to go with him to Saigon in 1972 when he made one of his monthly payments to President Thieu. The three of us had a nice lunch at the Presidential Palace and left after the two of them met privately and payment had been made.

        The only other time that I was at the Presidential Palace was in early 1973 when senior VN and American Officers were briefed on the Paris Peace Accords. I still remember the words of the speaker. “We have invested too much in VN and will never abandon you.”

      • Hi Gary, this is Edwin R. Rodriguez (Spanish Sapper). I worked for Stan (Cow Killer 6) until he rotated out of VN. I am currently in Houston attended a MAC-V Counterpart Reunion (Apr 3-7, 2019). My email is Please drop me an email.

    • Curtis, you are right. It was a very scary place. We were the most northern unit in the II Corp area. The 173rd was south of us and provided artillery support plus we ran joint operations with them. I do remember that on one occasion they sent a tank platoon (3) to actually spend the night in the compound. They kept firing there guns all night at what they thought was enemy movement. I finally had to give them an order to cease firing unless they contacted me first. They left 1st thing that next morning as soon as Hwy 1 was cleared.

      I don’t remember the Ant Hill but there was plenty of action. Not only did I have my team but they assigned a MATS team to our unit.

    • We always got nervous at night at the TOC in Qui Nhon when we could not get a reply from our hourly commo checks from one of the districts. Almost always it was Tam Quan. Early in 1970 Major Oneto got a retrans system that we installed on top of Vung Chua mountain. With the range we had we could easily reach all the districts. I know a lot of you hated us calling on the radio every hour while you trying to get some rest, but more than once one of the districts were in some really deep shit and needed support and clearance. Several times one of us radio operators gave VN clearance before we actually had it. If you needed arty flares desperately and the trash was going to land in ? We cleared it then asked. It was really hard listening to the pleas for clearance to get arty support and watching a young VN lieutenant do nothing to help me get clearance. We got in some trouble over those instances, but off the record were told we did the right thing.

      • Interesting that the repeater ended up on Vung Chua. We installed the first one on an unused nav tower up near Phu Cat. We put the radios and switch gear in a conex container at the base and ran the cables up to the top (300 feet) —- it did not work — cables were to long. The next spot was in an abandoned shack on top of a hill inside the 22nd ARVN division — it actually worked and we could talk to most of the districts but it was unreliable and kept burning up the switch gear because of all the traffic. Don’t know why we didn’t try Vung Chua earlier.

        • Dave
          You made me climb the tower.
          What a great view of the paddies.
          Thank god noe of the bad guys were around, it was just the 2 f us.
          I WASa sitting duck up on the tower

          • Nick, you weren’t the only sitting duck up there, as I remember, I was the duck at the top of that dang thing… anyway I’m glad you made it back and hope you are doing well!

            • Dave Thanks for the come back. Nice to hear from one of the team. Hanging in there, I have some issues, but holding up. Settled in N J when I got married. Keep in touch. Nick

              • Nick, as I recall, you were from Shenandoah, Pa. I was born in Jim Thorpe just down the road but my parents moved to Va when I was three where I am now….. At our age we all have some issue so hang in there. Great to hear from you!

                • Dave
                  I was from Shenandoah, got married and moved to Elizabeth N J, still here, now in Whitehouse Station.
                  I thought you were from W VA.

          • Hey Boxter. I replaced one of you guys, Either you, Shuck or Ramey. We had the retransmission set up on top of VungChua in a guard bunker. Every 3 days one of us had to drive to the top of VungChua to change the batteries. We were taking pictures of QuiNhon from up there one day when a sniper fired a few rounds at us. I always hated the drive up there, one trip I drove Major Onetos International Scout of the road and had to be towed out by a Duece and a half. Great memories. Good to hear from you.

              • I must have talked to you a lot. I got there early September 69 and left the end of October 70 when a typhoon was coming to shore in Qui Nhon. I came back to Minnesota, went to pharmacy school in Fargo at NDSU and am currently retired still living in Hutchinson, MN and Arizona in the winter. A lot happened at the Binh Dinh TOC in Qui Nhon after I left.

                • Steve
                  Alot happened in Nam after we left.
                  If you were in T O C in 69, we did talk.
                  When I got back, Nam kicked me in the ass and I grew up.
                  I too went to college, thank you G I Bill, Penn State, got a degree in accounting,and got my C P A license and I am still in practice in N J.
                  My wife and I went back, you would not recognize the place, Qui Nhon is now a “Resort Destination”.
                  We stayed in a 5 star hotel over where the leper hospital was located if I remember correctly. Dirt cheap.
                  It was eerie, brought back alot of memories, good and bad.
                  The airport is now a huge shopping mall and residential.
                  Phu Cat airport is now Qui Nhon International Airport.
                  Good chatting with you.

                  • I have looked on Google Earth at Qui Nhon. Amazing how many 5 star hotels are there. We went to the Qui Hoa lepper colony a few times and it was a magnificent beach. The Philippino dredging ship that cleared the harbor in QuiNhon washed ashore there and Major Oneto had Sgt George Harmon and I go out by(480) 787-8788 helicopter and check it out for salvage. We got some nice Snap On tools and an acetylene torch. I have no desire to go back to Vietnam. Maybe 20 years ago I might have. I know what you mean about adjustments after getting home. Somehow it never leaves my thinking, it was a pretty big deal for us “kids”.

              • When Major Oneto left Viet Nam he was assigned to NORAD here in Minnesota at Duluth. I always ment to visit him there but never did. I called Onetos about 20 years ago when he was living in California. And talked to his son as he was not home. I didn’t leave my phone number, About 12 years ago I called him when he was living in Hawaii. His brother Bruce answered and they had just gotten home from Major Onetos funeral. Bad timing. I talked to his brother Bruce for over an hour and told him all about our activities in Vietnam and how we all liked and respected his brother. If it were not for Major Oneto I would have gone to Kontum, as that was what my orders said. I’m not sure how he got that canged, but I am forever grateful. Major Oneto owned a sporting goods store on Waikiki beach. He died ofrom cancer, damn Salems.

      • Vung Chua was a great location for the relay to the districts. We had a VRC 76 radio on top of Vung Chua mountain in a guard tower. When we first put it up there we had problems with humidity so we covered the unit in the guard tower and had a 100 watt light bulb under the tarp. Worked great. Every 3 days or 4 days max we had to change the 6 d cell batteries on the relay unit on top of the mountain. One of us radio operators would drive up in our jeep and change the batteries. We usually did this alone and in the daytime. I did have to go up one night at about 2 am when the unit quit working. Driving that road in the dark alone was one of the scarriest things I did when I was in Qui Nhon. Flack jacket, steel helmet, 45 and an m-16. When I got to the top of the mountain and got to the guard tower with our radio in it one of the guards said he turned it off because it kept him awake. I could have shot him. I said Jesus Christ we rely on this radio for keeping contact with the entire province, and why the fuck are sleeping on guard duty. I waited until sunrise at the computer center on top of the mountain before I drove back down. I don’t know how many people have ever been in the computer/comm center on top of Vung Chua, but at the time it was something from the future. I had to wear cloth booties over my boots to go in and the place was climate controlled. I still am not sure what they did there with the big microwave towers.
        One day while driving up in Major Oneto’s blue green International I drove off the side of the road and started sliding down the crushed granite. I heard gunfire and figured it was coming my way since I was the only one on the road at the time. Jumping out and landing wrong I almost dislocated my knee. A duece and a half came to my rescue from the top of the mountain and said that was a really bad spot for snipers. They pulled me out and I was on my way to change batteries. I found out later they got the sniper along the road. I had to go to the 67th evac for my knee since I really could not walk, so I wore a brace for a couple weeks. Just another day I guess.

      • I spent a few nights in ambush on the front and back side of that mountain with the local Ruff Puffs…. never made contact though…… I suppose Charlie always knew we were there…..

    • Hello Curtis, I find it interesting that you stated Tam Quan was a scary place. That was my assignment 70- April71 Mat II-6 and thought all teams were in that situation. I was the last to get an assignment and landed with the supply helo as two others with troups lifted off. That was my into to TQ> We worked north of the dist Hdq up to the border and out the Binh Dai Road built by the 173 Eng. It opened up the whole area for the people to use. Who was at the Team? Major Johnson, Dist Adv, a Mister Johnson was in the Phoenix program. We had three Mat at district.

      • Hi Bevill. I was with MAT II-7 at LZ Pony in Hoai An district 1969 a 1970. Maj Johnson was my DSA for a short while before bein transfered to Tam Quan. He was a good soldier.


      • Hi Jim Bevill,

        Finally got around to scrolling through Tam Quan submissions. Do you remember MAT team leader Sam Morton? I left before he did (Dec. 70) and would really like to know how things went for him. He was second tour Nam and I think career. By the way, Mr. Johnson, a great guy, was a civilian USAID guy. I was phoenix advisor for almost of all of 1970. MAJ Johnson, as you write, was an excellent DSA. CPT Wise was succeeded by CPT Challin, an artillery officer who tried to refine our artillery call-ins. Best wishes, John Trage

    • Hi Curtis Piper, I was SA in Tam Quan Dist with MAT-6. Our area of operation was No of district. The Ant Hill you mentioned was possible off the main hwy on the new Binh Dai road. It was an old French concrete bunker/post that was hard to defend, protect, and the 173rd had a platoon on it so it was let go. We had in our area with a PF 257 near it at the Catholic church area. You would drive by the church on the way up to the ANT Hill. It was scary for us but I thought that was the norm for mat teams. Glad you made it home as I did. James Bevill

  51. Richard Osborne- I worked on Phoenix as well although Lt. MacMillan ran the nets. As I recall Binh Khe was closer to Qui Nhon, right? Were you there when Col. Gompf was the Senior Prov. advisor or was it Chalmbers B. Wood?

  52. LZ ORANGE: I was deputy sr. advisor there from sometime in ’68-’69. I served under Major Undercoffer and a couple other majors. I was a State Dept. employee. I remember the duster Sgt. Nunez. Lt. Millan from the 173rd. was killed while I was there. Lt. MacMillan too. Sgt.

    • I was Ben Khae District Phenoix advisor in ’68 & ’69. Lt Toby Street was colleague at Phu Cat District. Was KIA’d in early ’69. Any knowledge of Phoenix or Lt Street

        • Toby Street and I were friends, and I think of him whenever I recall my VN experience. I attended his service in Qui Nhon. Can you fill me in on some of the details?

        • I played football at Rialto, CA with Toby. He was second string and the toughest little guy on the team. No quit in him. I remember when I heard of the WIA/KIA. I was with 519th MI BN, May 69-69. Toby, I believe, was airborne and ranger tab. He was a great guy. My little brother remembers him. Tough, tough …

      • I was with the S-2 office in Qui Nhon from Aug. 68 to Aug 69. Col. Green was the CO, with Lt. Rex Lemert and Sg. Dumont In my office.
        C. Dale Shaffer

        • I am Dale Shaffer and I was on team 42 based in Qui Nhon under
          Col. Green, lt. Rex Lemert and Sgt. Dumont. I was in the S-2 office from Aug. of 68 to Aug. of 69. I became and interrogator and traveled all over the Binh Dinh to pick up POW’s and dealt with the Capitol ROC division as well.

          • Hi Dale. My name is Frank Finocchio. I was the Sr. Advisor at Tam Quan from late ’68 until 4/69. I don’t remember you but had worked with Col Green. We didn’t get along very well. Our main support was with the 173rd located at LZ English. I also had experience working with the 1st ROC Division. They were awesome. FSF

            • Col. Green did not get along with very people at all. he seemed to like me I guess because I was always volunteering for stuff.

          • Lemert: The only Dusty I remember was a young nurse back in Qhin Nhon. I was stationed at Tuy Phuoc. Occasionally, a group of us would meet in Qhin Nhon at the base for breakfast or lunch. She was part of that group. We celebrated her rotation back to the States. I heard several days later that she had been killed.

    • C. Piper, I was at LZ Pony with MAT II-7 while you were deputy Sr. Advisor at Hoai An District. I am Bill Stallings, I replaced Mike Nvotney.

  53. I am Lt Richard Osborne and served on Macv Team 42 in Phu Phong District from March ’68 to March 69. I was the district Phoenix advisor and served under Major Foster. Staff Sargent Tenant, Sgt. Rubo and Sgt. McMichaels are team members I recall. I am interested in catching up with my treat members and especially learning the fate of our interpreters.

    • Lt. Osborne, I was at the PIOCC from Jan 70 to March 71 and at that time there were nine districts, but none named Phu Phong. There was a Phu Cat and Phu My districts in Binh Dinh Province. Hope this helps.

      • Rick, the current name of my Location in 68-69 is Phu Phong, Tay Son, Binh Dinh Province. (Per Google Earth). It was the western most district on the highway to Anh Khe about 5 miles west of the Korean Tiger Div brigade hq. It may have been called Ben Khe District back then.

      • I was with the Binh Khe district team most of 1967. I don’t remember the team member names. I was a captain at the time.

        • I arrived in the District in Mid March 1968. Must have just missed you. Major Foster was my CO. My interpreters were Sgs. Mi and Toung. Where they with you?

  54. Hi John, good to hear from you. The wounded advisor was LTC David Schorr, whose counterpart was the commander of the ARVN 40th Regiment. I was still recovering from hepatitis and was so weak that I couldn’t pull myself into the helicopter. One of our Kit Carson Scouts realized that I was in trouble and reached down from the chopper and pulled me into the aircraft.

    Stan Fulcher was a Phoenix Program advisor. We shared a bathroom in the old hotel on the beach which was our quarters in Qui Nhon. Except for my three week hospital stay followed by two weeks leave, followed by my Hoai An experience (Where Dan Leaty sent me to recuperate from hepatitis because “it’s quiet up there”), I served as S-2 Advisor from December 1, 1971 to October 31, 1972.

    I thought I had a Team 42 Roster, but if I did, it has disappeared. I did find a copy of an order awarding both of us a Bronze Star for meritorious service.

    • Gary-thanks for your reply. I have re-read Bright Shining Lie and am surprised by how much I missed during the first reading. I Leaty still alive, I think Esplin has passed on, but no sure. Dwayne Kidd, who served with me in An Nhon has passed on. I think he might have served earlier in one of the northern districts. John

      • Gary/John,

        Dan died in Florida in Feb 2014. Don’t know Will’s status.

        If you haven’t read it, and want a copy of the declassified Binh Dinh After Action Report covering the month of April 1972, signed by Will Esplin, let me know and I will e-mail it to you. My e-mail is Bill

  55. Dear Nhon,

    Thank you so much for getting back to me. I was totally surprised and pleased. I have to admit, that I vaguely remember you because of the time element. I do remember Capt Wise and Lt TU from the MATS team. Lt Simmuro I believe was my S-2 and from New York city. His first name was Bernie
    I am most interested if you have any knowledge of what ever happened to SGT Phuoc? He was not only my trusted Interpreter but my Friend. I have thought of him many times over the years and hoped he survived. Do you happen to know what happened to him?
    There ins a Vietnamese Village located in North Carolina and I tried to see if he was there but had not luck in finding him.
    Anything you can tell me about him would be greatly appreciated.

    I am now 71 years old and living on a small island in Florida. It has taken me many years to get over what happened there. I was proud to have served in Vietnam. I believed strongly in our cause and was devastated when the U.S. pulled out. I have only been able to talk to my family about it in recent years.

    Please stay in touch.

    Regards: FSF

  56. Gentlemen. My name is Frank Finocchio. A good friend of mine just sent me this link. I was stationed in Vietnam from April 68 to Mar 69. I was originally assigned to Tm 42 as Asst Sr.
    Advisor in Tuy Phuoc out of Qhin Nhon. Shortly thereafter, I became Sr Advisor at Van Can and then finally, just prior to Christmas was assigned to Team 27 in Tam Quan. As those of you who were there, we were the most northern unit on the I Corps/II Corps border. LZ English was to the south of us and was our life line. It was an experience I will never forget. My team included Lt/Capt Rick Tatum from Lebanon, Ky; E-8 H. Brunelle; E-7 Meryl Hanscomb; SP 4 Tringalli; SP 4 Julius Bennett from New York City; 2nd Lt Bernie Guvernelli – also NYC and last but not least my trusted interpreter Le Van Phuoc. I have not been in touch with any of these gentlemen since I left. I was a little jaded when I came back and wanted to put that behind me. I wish I had tried to contact them and thank them for all they did. We were all under a lot of pressure then and Tam Quan was the end of the earth. We lost 2 members of the Mats team that was assigned to our camp. I still have some flashbacks that bother me to this day. If anyone happens to know any of those guys please have them contact me @

    • Dear Mr. Frank Finocchio, I’m Nhon,  a former Vietnamese Interpreter assigned to Tam Quan Mac-V Dist Team from Feb 1969 till Dec 70.  When I came up TQ reporting for a new assignment, there were you , Cpt Wise, a HawaiIan officer, and 1st Lt TU, your Vietnamese counterpart  At that time, our MacV team house was a small block located in the right side of Dist compound by the main gate while the new building was being built. One or two days later, Maj Riley (?), your replacement arrived from Qui Nhon taking over the command as T.Quan DSA. Sgt LE VAN PHUC, not Le van Phuoc, was Dist Team Intepreter, Sgt NHU, Mat Team interpreter, he worked for Capt Wise, and me, I worked with 1st Lt Simmuro. I didn’t work with you even one day, but I still remember you so well, even your face, more than that you were the man who brought me up to TQ from Qui Nhon Sector Hqs compound, remember? I also remember E7 Hancombs, SP4 Bennett, Cpt Tatum… I’ll talk with you more about TQuan in my next e-mail if you like to. I’m now 63 of ages and still living in VN. Email address: Good luck, Nguyen Thanh Nhon

      Vào ngày 23:30 Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 12 2014, MACV Teams đã viết:

      #yiv2878580853 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv2878580853 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv2878580853 a.yiv2878580853primaryactionlink:link, #yiv2878580853 a.yiv2878580853primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv2878580853 a.yiv2878580853primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv2878580853 a.yiv2878580853primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv2878580853

      Frank Finocchio commented: “Gentlemen. My name is Frank Finocchio. A good friend of mine just sent me this link. I was stationed in Vietnam from April 68 to Mar 69. I was originally assigned to Tm 42 as Asst Sr. Advisor in Tuy Phuoc out of Qhin Nhon. Shortly thereafter, I became S” | |

    • Hello Frank, I was assigned to Tam Quan a yr later 70- April71 Mat II-6. Your description was great. 173 was our life line for support at night. Mat II-6 worked from the HQ north to the boarder, coast to the mountains. The 173 Eng opened up the Binh Dai Road to the back reaches which mainly helped the locals to use it to reach Hwy 1.I liked your recall. I am having a hard time with recall of the team members while I was at TQ. I just recently got contacted by the TOC operator and we do not have any other contact. My interpreter was Sgt most of the tour. He left and I got a Chu Hoi vc Sgt _____ that was excellent in the field. Welcome back, we made it.

      • Hi James,

        Great hearing from you. I have been reading with much interest, what happened in Tam Quan after I left. I think I read where the camp had actually been overrun in “72 or “73. All I can tell you is that it was one of the toughest assignments I ever had. I remember getting on my hands and knees to clear an unmapped mine field so we could reinforce our defenses. I actually had a platoon of tanks (3) from the 173rd come up in the evening for protection when we 1st arrived. They only lasted one evening. VC probed us all night and I couldn’t keep the tanks from firing indiscriminately. They left at dawn after Hwy 1 was cleared, never to return. Ah! for the good old days again. That’s a joke.

        I would like to make contact with any of the guys that were on my team, especially my trusted interpreter and friend. He was the best. I hope he survived.

        You’re right, We did make it back.

        Regards: FSF

  57. I’m a former Marine Sgt and I was head of a Naval Gunfire Team, we were stattioned with MACV Advisor Team 42 at Tam Quan from Oct 72 until the cease fire. The team was maj noble and Lt Jackson. Tony Nhon was also our interpreter, and I’ve made contact with him on the internet after 42 yrs. I can’t locate the Maj or Lt. Does anyone remember them or know what happened to them after the war?

    • Lloyd, we landed with I guess Naval personel on 2 Destroyers during my time in Binh Dinh from April 1972 until July 1972. I was a Crewchief on Huey 872 from the 201st AVN assigned to the MACV Team 42. I remember my pilot told the Naval Destroyer that the Army was never trained to land on ships that moved. That shook them up. The Navy was very good to us on the Destroyers they feed us a hot outstanding meal took us to the ship store for soap, shaving gear and candy. And yes I had a Chief ask me if I could bring a little hard stuff if we came back out. Everyone on both ships were very nice.

    • Lloyd,
      I have just been made aware of this site. I was the ADSA in An Nhon District for Team 42 from November 72 to the end in February 73. I remember you guys distinctly as we had the opportunity to utilize your services. As I recall, the fast mover request resulted in 2 F-4’s off the Enterprise? providing help when needed. In 1992, after retiring from the Army, I met a former F-4 pilot in Florida who said he was the one of the planes in that sortie. Small world. Semper Fi from an Army guy.
      Mark J. Donald

      • Hi Mark,
        Good to hear from you! Not too many of us were in country at the time of the cease fire.I’m not familiar with some of the ARMY acronyms were you an advisor? I do remember getting a call one day from a USAF forward air controller wanting to know if we needed any support in our area.I was assigned to ANGLICO (air and naval gunfire liaison company)and worked with pretty much everybody that was left in country at that time.I do remember some F-4’s bombing a hill not too far from us but the details slip away from my memory.I would like to hear more from you.

        Thanks for contacting me

        • Lloyd,
          I believe you are correct. The AF guys called the ANGLICO who provided the F-4’s. Do you remember if it was off the Enterprise or another carrier. The cease fire was a very scary night. The VC were trying to control as much territory as possible before midnight. All the district advisors had been pilled back to Team 42 headquarters in Quin Nhon (the old French Hotel). We were locked and loaded on the balcony of the second floor all night and actually did repel a somewhat half ass attack.

  58. I was a crewchief on the Huey # 872 from the 201st AVN which was assigned to the MACV at Quin Nhon from March to July 1972 during the Easter Offensive. We flew and worked with Team 42 at Tam Quam, Bong Son , LZ English and others during that time frame. We lived at the compound in Quin Nhon. Huey # 872 was parked on the concrete pad on the beach when we were not flying. I became friends with a Lt. Colonel that left and was assigned to the Pentagon. When I left in July 1972 I was assigned to Ft. Belvoir and flew to the Pentagon some. Guard at the pad outside the Pentagon help me locate the Colonel and we would visit when I flew in there. I cannot remember his name but he was an outstanding person as was all assigned to Team 42. Does anyone remember him ?

    • Jeff,
      Just found out about this site. The Team 42 Senior Military Advisor in Quin Nhon during my short stay with Team 42 was LTC Bob Jarvis. I was the ADSA up in An Nhon from November 72 to February 73 after the cease fire.
      LTC (ret) Mark Donald

  59. Raymond A. Lee, I served with the MAC CORDS II, Advisory Team 42, April 1971 to March 1972, Tam Quan District, Binh Dinh province. My records show I was a Senior Mobile advisor with Team II-8 and Team II-102. Also served on cooperative operations with RF Control Group II-44 in July 1971.

    The interpreter’s name I remember was “Charlie Brown.” Planning a trip to Vietnam, with stops in Quy Nhon and Nha Trang.

    • Ray, do remember Jim Bevil. He was II-6 in Tam Quan. You came after I left but I have been in contact with Jim.

      • Hi Bill, This is Nhon, your former Vietnamese Interpreter. I’m again back in contact with you. As I read a part of your comment on Team 42 Binh Dinh, it said you had been in contact with Jim Bevil, hadn’t you? If so, could you Pls send me his e-mail address if you do have it or any information you heard about him. Very sorry for not written to you for a long time due to the PC got broken out. It’s repaired and running pretty good now. Hopefully to hear from you soon. Bye Bill, Tony Nhon

        Vào ngày 2:55 Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 10 2014, MACV Teams đã viết:

        #yiv9397256861 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv9397256861 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv9397256861 a.yiv9397256861primaryactionlink:link, #yiv9397256861 a.yiv9397256861primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv9397256861 a.yiv9397256861primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv9397256861 a.yiv9397256861primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv9397256861 |

        Bill Garrett commented: “Ray, do remember Jim Bevil. He was II-6 in Tam Quan. You came after I left but I have been in contact with Jim.” | |

    • You were there at same time I was (capt darrell halcomb engr). I went to tam quan district with maj freeman both of us were wounded and left

    • Hello Raymond Lee. You must have arrived just after I left the team in Mar/Apri 1971. You might have billeted in my room, 1st in hall on the left.
      Do you recall the school out on the Binh Dai Road near PF 257 or 314 perimeters? The PF location was across from the Catholic Church. At the end of my tour, a Captain Evan drove a jeep out on the road and just missed a clamore ambush intended for me. Tam Quan District was tough. Do you recall the cook Ba Nha or Co’ Tan working in the perimeter and how were they doing? I think a Major Markham was in charge.

  60. SP/5 John Kinlaw ( MACV Team 42) January -April 1972 When I extended my tour,I was transferred from Team 30 in Ba Ngoi to the MACV Team in Nha Trang which was then Team 42 to the best of my recollection. I would really like to talk with someone that was stationed there during this period since I was wounded during an ambush on QL26 between Ninh Hoa and Ban Me Thuot (April 19, 1972), and left the RVN shortly thereafter for Letterman General Hospital in San Francisco.

    • Team 27 was in Binh Dinh and was changed to Team 42 around the time that I arrived in July of 68. I suppose it was possible that they moved or renamed the Nha Trang Team after I left in Oct 69.

    • John, team 42 was a CORDS team in Binh Dinh Province with HQ in Qui Nhon. I was on team 42 for 14 months. I was on a team in Nha Trang for only about 10 days when they transferred me to team 42. I think the team in Nha Trang was team 35.

  61. Dave Shuck, Arrived Adv Tm 42 in late July 1968, trained 11Bravo at Fort Jackson. Assigned to Qui Nhon Hq under Major Francis. Eventually was assigned as Province Commo Sgt under Major John Oneto. Flew into every district at least once. Also flew as artillery spotter. Left October 3, 1969.

    • When I joined Team 42 as a radio operator Major Oneto changed my orders from Kontum to LZ hard times in Vinh Than. After working at the TOC in Qui Nhon with Cota, Ramey and probably Dave Shuck, Major Oneto changed my orders again to stay in Qui Nhon. After spending 14 months at the MACV compound in Qui Nhon I felt very lucky to have stayed in Qui Nhon. Qui Nhon was a dangerous place for sure, but having a bed and flush toilets at the MACV compound was a luxury.

      • Couldn’t agree more on the toilets. I do remember Terry Cota from Vermont. A couple of other names were Brown, Wilfong, Boxter, Duistermyers ( I’m sure I spelled that wrong), Sgt. Hedge, and The Sgt. Major ( forgot his name) but he carried a golf club around with him where ever he went.

          • I remember “Dusty” quite well — he was a rather large person and a force to be reckoned with when we played the occasional game of “no rules” volleyball!

      • I just found the designated teams list for the Team 42 compound in Qui Nhon. You were on the TOC team with Schoendaller. I was on B team. Do you remember Bac si (Doc) Boyd?

      • Anybody remember the call sign Seaside Creeper? At the TOC in Qui Nhon when I first got there our call sign was seaside creeper two six. That would have been about October 1969 the month that Dave Shuck left. Our Sgt in charge of S-3 was Sgt Wasson, Major Oneto was the officer in charge of S-3 and the 2nd in charge was Capt Krusher. Mr Stevens was the Provence Senior Advisor and Col Gomph was second in charge as Deputy Senior Advisor. We had a lot people rotate through in the 14 months I was there. Lt. Bolden and I had an interesting close call downtown Qui Nhon late one night. A VN guard post fired a round through the back window of the CORDS white Econoline van that was taking the bar girls home from our NCO and Officers club at the MACV compound. I don’t remeber who was driving but when Bolden and I got there with a VN officer the guard was ready to shoot the driver. We cooled things down and alll that was lost was a window. As MACV members I am sure we call all recall incidents “downtown” at any of our locations. We had Lt Green, and Lt Metzger, Captain Swift was the head of S-2 intelligence and a lot of others.

  62. I left LZ orange in Hoai an in early June 1969 I was originally with team 27 and then I think team 42 we were South of bong song about 5 miles

  63. Dear Bill, It’s really my great pleasure to receive your reply so quickly. Very sory that I’d forgot to add my e-mail address on this part of the reply. So now, here it is: I strongly beleive that from now on and through your help, I could possibibly re-contact with some of those American friends whom I had closely worked with during that terrible period of time in T.Quan Dist. Pls write me now. I’ll be online and waitting for your e-mail. Tony Nhon.

  64. Hi Tony
    I am George Benedict some called me Boo Coo Kilo, (many pounds) radio operator for team 27, 11/25/1967 to ???? sometime later we became team number 42. before you came I think. I think your cousin was Que, he was our interpreter then and you came later. I remember your Poor English at first, but you became an excellent interpreter because you always asked questions. Where are you now? do you have a family? Do you remember Lt. Col Wasko? Sgt. Mark Weissbaum, New zealand medic Pat Larter? Please reply. George

  65. Dear Sir, Lt BEVIL. You are right, I’m NHON, you and other friends used to call meTony, your former Vietnamese Interpreter. I was very surprised and happy to read your reply today. Thanks to God. How are you and your family? I’ll let you know more about me since I left Tam Quan in Mar 1973 till now. Pls write to me through the enclosed e-mail address as early as you can. Tony NHON, MACV Team 42 Binh Dinh Prov, Tam Quan Dist Adv Team.

    • Nhon, I am so glad you made it through. Sorry to hear about Sgt. DANH and Sgt. LAC. I can not believe this, so many years have come and gone. I hope all is well with you and your family. I came back home and got married, had 2 great boys, now I have 2 grand children, which are the love of my life. I live in Colorado in a town called Cannon City. I am retired now I worked for the government for 30 years. Where are you at now? per chance are you on Facebook? Your email address did not come up.
      your friend

  66. Perhaps someone can help me out. My father was assigned to Team 42 as a 11F from December 1968 to December 1969, or, at least that is what his DD214 states. It also shows a concurrent assignment to SD-5891 as well. I have no idea what that means nor can I find anything specific on the internet about SD-5891. Was one a subordinate of the other, or was it a “different” sort of mission that paralleled what was being done on Team 42?

      • Thanks for the info. How many different components of the Advisory Teams were there? I get the Advisory Team 42 nomenclature and that being a provincial assignment, but how would someone find out exactly what mobile team/district team a member was assigned to?

  67. I was at LZ orange from November 1967 to June 1969 a think we were team27 then and change to team 2–44 mat team 2-44 I was the RTO at LZ orange

    • Hi Mr. Bill Garret. I’m very surprised and happy to find out an old member of MacV team 42 Tam Quan Dist, Binh Dinh (P). My name is NHON, a former Vietnamese Interpreter for MacV Dist team in TQ since Jan 1969 till Dec 70. As far I remembered, the Dist team was first under command by Major RILEY then Major JOHNSON, a very tall man, while I was working there. And also the first MATTII-51 team leader was Capt WISE, a Hawaiian. Is that all correct? But I can’t remember the name of your team leader and its ARVN Interpreter at that time. It could have been either Sgt DANH or Sgt LAC, them both unfortunately got killed in Tam Quan, one at a time. It would be appreciated and thank you so much if you minded to send me a reply and let me know about the above person and those who had been working in the same MACV team in Tam Quan Dist during that period.

      • Nhon, Did you go by “Tony” and was with MAT II-6 Lt. Bevill? You are right Maj. Johnson. II-51 was Lt. Senubaugh. great guy, so was Jim Bevil. Please provide a email in order to communicate with you. If you are Tony, then I am looking at a picture of you and Lt. Bevil right

      • Hi NHOH. I was the SA of MAT II-7 in Hoai An district 1969 a 1970. My interpreter was Sgt Ho Caan his family was from Na Trang I think. Did you know him or know what may have happen to him?

      • Hello Sgt. Nhon. Your message from2013 brought back many memories. I certainly remember you and your excellent interpreting. Sgt. Lac was my interpretor and was killed while I was away in the Qui Nhon hospital getting patched up. I always think of Lac playing a guitar and singing House of the Rising Sun.

  68. I was with MAT II-7, Adv.Tm. 42 during 69-70 at LZ Pony, Hoai An District, Binh Dinh Province. LZ Orange was west of district Hq. and nw of LZ Pony.


  69. I served on Advisory team 42 in Binh Dinh Province from 1/70 to 3/71. We had 9 districts in Binh Dinh, and Hoi An was one of them. I had heard somewhere that team 42 was previously team 27.

    • Not sure what you mean Rick, But I was at LZ orange, Hoi An, Binh Dinh Province from Nov. 1967 to June of 69. See photos.

  70. George Benedict MACV Team 42? 24,26,or 27? gettin to old to remember. Hoi An District, Binh Dinh Province.
    Hoai An LZ Orange Nov. 1967 to June 1969

    • Hi George,

      I was the acting Hoai An District Sr. Advisor in April, 1972 when the NVA over-ran the District HQ, as described in Neil Sheehan’s book “Bright Shining Lie.”

      My actual assignment was Province S-2 Advisor. I came down with hepatitis, spent two weeks in the hospital, followed by two weeks on leave, and was sent back to Province HQ. The Province Senior Advisor, Dan Leaty, could see that I didn’t feel well and sent me to Hoai An to fill-in for the Sr. Advisor, who was going on leave, because “things are quiet up there, and you can get some rest.” Three weeks later, I and two other advisors( one of whom had taken a round in the leg and couldn’t walk), were in a rice paddy about a mile from the district HQ, abandoned by our counterparts and surrounded by NVA. How we were rescued by a very brave helicopter pilot and crew is in Mr. Sheehan’s book.

      We were the last MACV advisors Hoai An District ever had. It remained under VC control until the end. What isn’t in Sheehan’s book is that we learned that the District S-2, who I had regular conferences with as Province S-2 Advisor, turned out to be the VC Hoai An District Chief.

      • Gary, I am really glad you made it. I was following things from when I left at the end of October 1970. Really scary times after I left, the day we flew out of Qui Nhon there was a typhoon headed for Qui Nhon. After I got home Sgt. Davis one of the RTOs in Qui Nhon said it wiped out a lof of the temporary shacks on the beach and flooded the TOC. Then after the 1972 spring offensive I no longer got letters from my VN friends Sgt. Nguyen Van Hai and Sgt. Moui. What ever happend I will probably never know and only guess the worst.

        • John,
          I was your replacement in An Nhon in December 72. You had already left. Our boss was Major John Koisch.
          LTC (ret) Mark Donald

      • Darrell halcomb. I was at province when they brought you all in. I’ll never forget the lt that was with you he had aged over nite. Later I went to tam quan with maj freeman and we were both wounded later and med vac out

        • Darrell Halcomb, This is James Bevill, Mat II-6 Senior Adv. I was assign there June ’70 to 24 Apr ’71, thank you for posting your Tam Quan assignment and welcome back.. What mo/yr was that? I left as II-6 was closed, all eqpt delived to Provence. The distr was relatively quite. Did you work up no. to the I/II border? Our team worked to build a school on the Bien Dai Road with cement walls, ammo wood desks. Do you know if that still is standing. That same area was a claymore mine ambush late in the day on my jeep with a Capt Evan driving. I felt that was to eliminate me before I left. Was Sgt Nhon(tony) team interpreter, with your team? ucan reach me at

          • It was in 1972. Maj freeman and I went to tam quan after it had been over run. Don’t remember school. When we arrived in tq we didn’t have a compound. I remember digging a foxhole in front of an old stone structure they said was a school. We later built another compound of bunkers If this structure was the school it was totally destroyed. Wasn’t much left except village when we arrived

      • Gary Hacker – I was the door gunner on the Huey ( tail # 69-15507 ) flown by Lt. Col. Anderson. Pretty exciting day for me. Our chopper took a few rounds that day. The description of that event in Neil Sheehan’s book was pretty accurate – made the hair stand up on the back of my neck . I still wonder how we were able to fly in & out of that rice paddy without any of our crew being shot. I’m glad we were able to get you guys out of there.

        • Dave, Words can’t express how surprised and pleased I am to hear from you. You, LTC Anderson and the other two members of your crew are the heroes in my life. You all literally saved my life, and I never had a chance to thank you. I was the last to board the aircraft, and you may recall that I was having some difficulty in doing so – I was still pretty weak from my bout with Hepatitis. The Vietnamese who reached down and pulled me aboard had jumped up about 30 yards from where we three advisors were taking cover (LT Eisenhour was working on LTC Schoor’s wound, and I was returning fire) and ran directly toward us. He had nothing on but a pair of shorts and was carrying a satchel. I had the middle of his chest in my sights and ready to pull the trigger when something told me not to shoot him. He joined us in the paddy, and when your huey came in to pick us up, he helped Eisenhour get Schoor over and into the aircraft. If I had shot him, this story may have had a different ending. When Sheehan interviewed me about this incident, I didn’t mention the Vietnamese.
          I hope you are doing well. Tell me where you are and the next time I’m there, I will buy you a beer. Thanks again,

          Gary Hacker

          • I always wondered how Sheehan knew what had happened that day – he got a first hand version from you. LTC Anderson was the hero and the man who made the decision to rescue you guys- I was just along for the ride. Maybe you can clear up something for me. A few weeks after that incident I took my r&r in Bangkok & on the flight back I sat next to a man on the plane who asked me where I was stationed. As our discussion progressed, he said he was one of the guys that was rescued that day. I know it wasn’t LTC Schoor – no leg wound – I’m guessing it wasn’t you either so it must have been the Lt mentioned in the story. He bought me dinner when we got back to Saigon – I was flat broke – and told me that you guys had put us in for a DFC, which I got several months later at Ft Lewis. I thought this man told me that he was Special Forces & I always assumed he was an enlisted man but there was never any mention of any other Americans in your group, so it must have been Lt Eisenhour. I was overwhelmed with my emotions when I saw your reply yesterday. I think of that day often and it was really good to hear from you. I live in Kansas City – actually in a suburb on the Kansas side. I’m retired and have two grown children that live in the pacific NW. My wife & I may join them there after she retires in a few years.

          • Gary, I just stumbled upon this site. For years I have been hoping to be able to make contact with you and Jack Anderson, and his crew, to somehow say thank you for saving my life. Where are you located? Do you happen to know where Jack Anderson may be? I am located
            in Princeton, NJ. Do hope this gets to you and Col. Anderson. A day does not go by that I don’t thank God for your, Ike’s and Jack, and his
            crew’s bravery. A real testament to our creed of never leaving a comrade behind. Hope this finds all well. All’s well here.
            Drive on!
            Dave Schorr

            • Sir, my name is David Stern. I flew with LTC Anderson as door gunner from late ’71 to around the end of April ’72. I was sitting on the right side of the Huey when we “rescued” you & the other members of your group from the rice paddy. I think of that event daily and how it unfolded, for me anyway, like something out of a movie script. I’m glad to hear that you are well. We are all reaching our “golden years ” now, as that event took place almost 45 years ago. Perhaps you can answer a question for me. The date of action listed on the DFC I received for my part in the mission was April 12. In Sheehan’s book “A Bright Shining Lie” he lists the date of the event as April 19. I think the 12th is correct. Do you remember?
              I have done a Google search for LTC Anderson as well as the crew chief, Robert Russell, with no luck finding either one. I don’t recall who the other pilot was that day. Perhaps you have that information. I hope you are able to reconnect with Gary Hacker. From the look of things on this site, no one has posted on here since my last message to Gary Hacker in March. You

              • David,
                First, thank you for being part of the effort that saved our lives. As Sheehan stated in his book, you guys were the unsung heroes,
                the “dark knights” of the Vietnam war. I fear I can’t help you out with regards to the dates or the name of LTC Anderson’s co-pilot. I remember
                that one of the door gunners was hit. Was that you? And there is no doubt the 50’s certainly made a difference and as Sheehan reported
                you knew how to use them. Again, we all can’t thank you enough for your courage on that day, whenever it was!
                I’ll keep hoping that maybe Gary Hacker or LTC Anderson will discover this site as I did.
                Grip Hands and Drive on!
                Dave Schorr

                • Col. Schorr,
                  Actually, the rumor of one of us being hit was an exaggeration. Russell & I borh carried 10 cans of 50 cal ammo under our seat. Enemy fire found its way into a can under Russ’s seat and cooked off one of the 50 cal rounds. I believe that Russ got some pinprick shrapnel or powder burn that was so insignificant that he didn’t even seek treatment. When we got back to Lane Heliport and had a chance to give the chopper a closer inspection we discovered that a round had also found one of the ammo cans under my seat. The projectile was lodged in a 50 cal round. I kept it for a souvenir. From the size of the bullet it appears to be an M16 round. Lots of weapons were discarded by ARVN that day, from what I understand, as they ran to escape the NVA. If I remember correctly, we took 15 rounds in the helicopter that day. It’s pretty amazing that nobody in the crew was hit. Lots of good luck for all of us that day.

                  Dave Stern

                  • Good luck for us also Dave I was CE on Huey 872 from the 201st assigned to MACV Team 42 from around March 30 till I left country July 18, 1972. Took hits also coming out of Tam Quan and Bong Son had them fixed at Lane . Would go back to Nha Trang for 100 PE Inspections other than stayed at Binh Dinh. Remember your Huey from the 50 ‘s. Hope you are doing well.

            • Dave, I apologize for my delay in responding to you. I’m in the process of retiring from my law practice here in Abilene, Texas, which is taking more time than actively practicing. It’s really good to hear from you. I continue to look for Col Jack Anderson and Lt Tom Eisenhower, but have had no luck. I can’t thank you enough for waiting for Tom and me to evacuate the district compound and join up with you. And you had the radio, without which we very likely wouldn’t be exchanging these emails. I just looked you up in my son’s Registry of Graduates (Andrew, Co. G-4, 2005). Is your address correct in the Registry? I’d like to add you to our Christmas card list.

              After that year in VN, I was assigned to SF School at Ft Bragg, Civil Affairs Office, to edit updates to the CA Field Manual (not very exciting work). In ’74 I resigned and entered law school, after which I came to Abilene, where I’ve practiced law since.

              My best regards,

              Gary Hacker

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