Team 4 Quang Tri

MACV Team 4 – Quang Tri

This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 4 located in Quang Tri.

312 thoughts on “Team 4 Quang Tri

  1. I was researching my grandfather, Major Melvin Williams’ military history and saw that he was a Senior Advisor for Team 4 from around January 1971 to March 1971. Is anyone familiar with or remember him?

    • Team 4 was renumbered Team.19 in August 1968. Do your files or records say he was assigned to Team 4 to Quang Tri? If the latter, I believe by 1971, Team 155 covered Quang Tri. Team155 has its own page, as does Team 19.

      • I was on team 4 in Huang Hoa Prov. at the old french fort (I think–didn’t know it had a name) through 8/68. I didn’t know it was changed to team 19

      • The document is some kind of listing for organization and station, duties performed, effective date, on some batch similar to what looks like what I’d expect of a record brief or DD-214, but I can’t read the title so I’m not sure what it is specifically. So I can’t really say how accurate it is. It specifically says “Sr Adv Rngr BN, TM4 (CmdEquivPos)” with “USMACV, 1Corps & MR1 (W08V) VN” under the organization section.

        I’ll see if I can find something else in his OERs and other files that might give me a better idea of that period of time

  2. I remember the Hospital Ships where we would take some of the wounded Marines to from time to time. I was with the 282nd Assault Helicopter Company (Black Cats) at Hue. Those Hospital Ships were very clean, and I remember one of those ships Repose or Sanctuary had sign on the landing pad at the back of ship that said, “You find them and we bind them”. I thought that was neat.

    We carried one Marine out to one of ships that was shot in the head with a bullet hole right above and between both of his eyes. He told me that the bullet went into the hole and circled around his head and went right back the same hole. All he had was some scratches on both sides his head. I said to him you have to be the luckiest guy in the world.

  3. Anyone remember USMC lieutenant Bill Cowan? He ran the Chieu Hoi training program in Quang Tri, early part of 1968. I used to visit him there from time to time, and he kept us (3rd Recon Bn) supplied with Chieu Hoi’s who, for the most part, did excellent work.

    • If he was running the Kit Carson Scout training center, I think I have a photo of him somewhere. It’s a Kit Carson Scout graduation day class photo, taken either late ’67 or possibly early ’68. I would have to hunt for it.

  4. In Westminister, CA there is consideration of building a Quang Tri historical and cultural monument commerating LAM SON 72, the 2nd battle. Looking for a representative patches honoring American advisors actually in Quang Tri.

    • I’m looking for information on my dad. Captain John V. Mumford USMC (ret). He was an AO at quang tri air base in 68-69. He started out as S3 in July 68 and then when the OV 10s arrived in October (?) he started as AO as LT. he flew over 700 hrs and 300 missions. His call sign was “Tango). He flew a lot of ground support.

    • My father Msg Ted Serna was in country Oct 66 to Oct 67 Hue and Quang Tri. He was in communications, He Received the CIB and Bronze Star. My question is, was every one assigned to MACV also assigned to SOG. (MACV SOG).. I know my dad said he was attached to so some Australian Forces.Sorry for my ignorance between the difference between MACV and MACV SOG.. I know when my dad received his orders for Vietnam he indicated that he was to to be assigned to some type of special forces detail even though he was not special ops.. I would have liked to asked my dad these questions, however, he passed away, He was a Veteran of WWII, Korea and Vietnam.

      Best Regards

      Ted Serna Jr

        • Gerald,

          I was a hospital corpsman on your replacement MILPHAP team 68-69. Arrived in October, left country from DaNang in December the following year.

          • Chris,     When you were at the hospital were there any Vietnamese physicians there? Do you remember the names of your interpreters? When I was there we had no physicians who practiced medicine at the hospital. The only physician was the providence medicine chief Bac Si Tu and he didn’t practice at the hospital. Was the generator for the OR stil there? There is a long story of how the generator got there.

        • I was the combat surgeon in MILPHAP 4 in 1970-1971 and was the surgical center for all of Lam Son 719, very intense times. I have a YouTube video of photos from my time there in Quang Tri 1970-1971.

          I would enjoy hearing your comments on the video if you get a chance to watch it.

          • You had it good. We did not have any Vietnamese physicians. I was the best trained surgeon with 6 months of surgery during my internship at Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton. It looks like the Vietnamese had improved th hospital from my time there in 67-68. The X-ray machine looks like the one we commandeered from the Army. I saw the same spectrum of diseases you did: TB, scurvy, advanced cancer and severe burns. I did a lot of harelip repairs while there. During TET we were really bombarded with casualties. We even treated Vietnamese soldiers. Interesting that you trained in Boston. I weent to Tufts Medical Scool and did my training when I got out of the Navy at St. Elizabeths Hospital in general surgery and Urology at Tufts.

            • I only got a 2 year deferment, thus only a Junior assistant resident, but when I got back to Boston city hosp. I was helping get chef senior residents through cases that I thought were easy compared to SVN. I did more surgery in that one year than my entire residency.,

          • Very interesting video. Do you remember the name of the Marine Captain, Motor T officer that you mentioned near the end?
            I agree with your assessment of life aboard the Sanctuary Hospital Ship. I flew out there to visit a few of my Marines that had been wounded. Good chow, scenery, and clean sheets!

            • Bill,

              I flew onto the Sanctuary once. After Quang Tri it felt somewhat alien. Smelled clean and below decks cool. Great chow. I remember having to leave my .45 and M16 at the locker next to the chopper pad. I purchased a shortwave radio, think it was a Panasonic, and would listen to it almost every night after getting back to base.

              As a corpsman I was assigned to the orthopedics ward and did mostly debreeding wounds, changing dressings, etc. Unlike many, I have no desire to go back there. I do remember going from an E3 to HM2 while in ‘Nam. When asked about re-upping, I thought my chances of going back were pretty high, so refused. Having FMSS stamped in red across the cover of my personal folder stuck in my memory.

              The MACV base in the video looks somewhat different than the one I remembers. We had an old French fort on one side with a large earthen berm surrounding the compound. There were bunkers and watch towers along the periphery and a chopper pad just outside the wire. I believe shotcrete coverred the berm. My duty station during alerts was to stand exposed between two of the bunkers. Always thought that was nuts. Our hooches also dated back to the French period with four of us enlisted personnel in each room. Another memory, the EM club served warm beer. Tasted horrible but did the trick. Occasionally, I would have a beer or two then volunteer to sneak some of our civilian workers back into their villages late at night. Interesting change of pace.

              I had enlisted to get the 36 months of college. When I got out I completed a BS Earth Science degree and much later a MS in Communications. The price was high but I got the education I wanted.

                • Did you see the Sanctuary on my U Tube Quang Tri 1970-1971 slide show, I went there every 6-9 weeks with Vietnam civilian pts ( over 60 years old for catarac surgery) it was like being in heaven with AC clean crisp sheets, great chow and all those round-eyed nurses.

                  • I went to the Sanctuary once with a Vietnamese girl who needed a femoral artery repair. You are right. it was like heaven compared to our living conditions..We ate in the wardroom and had a shrimp meal with all of the trimmings.

                    • I was at the MACV compound in 67-68 …. had some shrapnel removed there …. I was stationed there … I was one of four brothers in Viet Nam at the same time… three of us were in combat together…. we used to go to quang tri to get together.. my brother was a marine in dong ha and my other brother a green beret…. I was with attached to MACV … but was with Bravo 2/7 Ist Cav… maybe you saw us the Bolanos brothers … only family in the US with four brothers in viet nam at the same time

              • The Marine Captain of the Truck company was a mustang, tough a steel, had his guys washing and painting the 6 bys that they were too tired to look or use drugs. He had a great a Master Sargent that keep them in line. They stayed at the MACV compound after delivering “surplus” Navy Med supplies. They broke into the Army NCO bar and when this asshole provost army Captain trying find out who did it the Marine Captain and Master Sargent said it was news to them, but later the Sargent beat the shit out of the miscreants. I forget the Marine Captain name, but he was of Italian heritage. Does any one know of him.

                • Joe, I was looking through the Command Chronolgies for both 1st and 3rd Motor Transport Bns. 70-71 time frame looking for officers with “Italian” names. only found a few: Abbattista, GazaIio, Farrar. I did see one reference in the 1st Medical Bn chronologies as follows: “(5) U.S.S. OGDEN underway for Subic Bay, P.I., 24 November 1969.
                  Thirteen Medical Battalion trucks with Medical Battalion gear were left at Cua Viet. Due to weather conditions they could not be loaded. ” Probably not the ones you referred to due to the time frame.
                  If you have access to any of your slides/photos that show the trucks or vehicles more clearly, maybe we can get the unit identified by the TacMarks painted on the vehicle bumpers, etc. Some of the stay behind units in 70-71 had their own Motor T units, and he could have been with one of these. Do you remember the name of the camp where they stayed/loaded and played with the .50 cal?

              • Hi all– I was on Mobile team 4 in 68. We started in Quang Tri then to Cam Lo and finally to Hung Hoa to an old french compound. I’m trying to remember it’s exact location. It was triangular(?) surrounded by a ditch imbedded with sharp bamboo stakes. There were concrete bunkers inside. There were 5 on the team with 100++ RPF’s. We slept better when a large contingent of Marines set up nearby. We helped move some Montagnard families locate there from the Cam Lo area. Anyone out there that can jog my memory?

                  • I think it was south of Khe Sahn. Very small villages. Quite a few were built by the displaced people. The marines built quite a large compound with an airfield. Had to drive east through some mountains on rt. 19 (?) past CamLo to get to Rt 1 then south to Quang Tri. Got stopped for speeding once on Rt 1

                    • could have been the Rock Pile.. or Con Thien….. I remember the area very well when I was with MACV in Quang Tri city…… Lang Vei was also in that area…

                    • Thanks Rick–Wish I had taken some pictures but I decided earlier to stop. BTW the reason I was speeding was that my wife had just given birth to our second son and the nearest Ham radioman was In Quang Tri. I had to hear from her dad that she was OK. an I-phone would have been nice! She was and so are they as are my grandkids!

                    • Hello. I’m not sure if I’m jumping in in thr right way, but Huong Hoa is a district. The capital is Khe Sanh Village, and the district included Khe Sanh Combat Base. Route 9 runs from Highway 1 through Khe Sanh Village and Lang Vei into Laos.

                      What are you looking for?

                    • Thanks David- I know it is a district. I was trying to remember exactly where the fort was. There was no real village nearby. It was a long time ago (65 yrs wow) and my recollections are a bit fuzzy. I remember driving a bit north to route 9 (not 19) And heading east to Rt. 1 to get to Quang Tri. I think we were east –not south of Khe San. A large contingent of marines pulled in in July (?) 68. Felt good to have them there. BTW I was there with Cpt. Jaconi– some of the posters remember him.

  5. Hi Guys. Any info if anyone knew my uncle or what happened to him below. Thank you for your service.

    Justin Turner
    Ssgt. USMC

    Name John Harold Turner
    From Butler County, Kansas
    Born March 12, 1942
    Death May 20, 1968
    War Vietnam War
    Rank Staff Sergeant
    Specialty Infantry Operations and Intelligence Specialist
    Branch US Army
    Group MACV, Advisory Team 1
    Cause Died through non-hostile action, accident
    Location South Vietnam, Quang Nam province

  6. my name is ken crase Iwas at quang tri march of 65 till may 65 I was a radio operator.Lookiing for ssg Ray Portwood of Lexington,KY.he was the supply sgt.I used to make the trip to DaNang with Ray after booz so I would get my 55 dollars combat pay.

  7. I am looking for information regarding the 20-October, 1965 battles of Ba Long ARVN Outposts. It appears there may have been two ARVN Outposts within a click of one another. The southern post with American advisors, and the northern post near the river with Aussie advisors. Each outpost may have had a significant battle.
    Any information appreciated.

      • James,
        Please drop me an email regarding the 20 October 1965 assault on Ba Long Outpost.

        From Bill Kindreds database:
        Ba Long CDIG Outpost in Quan Tri Province
        94 BC
        16.630950,107.025727 (YD165395)
        Grave 100m west?
        2 US Advisors & ARVN SF

    • My name is Dick Stoops. I was a 1LT artillery advisor to 2nd Bn, 11th ARVN Artillery. I was at the Ba Long outpost in September 1965 when it was under construction. I was at the outpost the day before the attack in October 1965 and again the day after the attack. I have several photos before and after. I was also at the 155mm howitzer position at Bao Cong (Nhu Le) after it was overrun the night after the Ba Long attack. The infantry battalion commander and advisor were captured. The advisor escaped during the night. The ARVN battalion commander was executed with his hands tied behind his back. I have Stars & Stripes articles of both attacks. My email is My cell is 502 682-6676.

  8. Hi David (again)
    Don’t know if I asked you previously or not, but have you ever heard anyone mention an Army SSgt named Ernie Qualls? He was there when I was (Dec 65-Dec 66). My best recollection of him when the Killroy Compound mascot (a cute little dog) passed away from Hydrophobia. Nice guy from my recollection.


    • Winston. My brother, Sergeant Leo A. Remondini was a member of Advisory Team 4. He was KIA 3 Jan 66. By any chance did you know my brother. SFC Corville (USMC) was also KIA with my brother. My brother was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and SFC Corville was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. Must have been one heck of a fire fight that two members of Team 4 received their awards

    • Hi Winston. How are you doing? I only just saw your question. My apologies. Unfortunately I don’t remember that name, but I didn’t get there until May, 1967, so he was probably gone by then.

  9. Hello , look for information on my grandfather E7 John church he died on Jan 31st 1968 Quang TRi . He was a advisor there , if anyone has information or served with let me know thanks . Ryan church

    • Contact Dave Sciacchitano on this website. He is most knowledgeable of all people who served with MACV in Quang Sri. I was a doctor there and the name is familiar and I probably knew him, but don’t recall specifics.

    • Hi Ryan,
      Your Grandfather was Sergeant Adivsor in 94th Company/9th Battalion/1st Task Force/ARVN Airbone Division. He was kill at 3:00 AM, January, 1968 at Trí Bưu church, Trí Bưu village, Quảng Trị ( Now is Ward 02, Quảng Trị town ). His fellow was Seg Mike Smith (home town Dahlonega, ,Georgia). His commander was Captain Dick Blair, Chief of Advisor of 9th Battalion ARVN Airbone. There were 40 soldiers killed, 65 wounded. All Company commander and your grandfather were KIA.
      I just know that via internet documents. I am so sorry about your grandfather and his brothers in arm, who fought bravely and sacricifed for freedom of people in Republic of Vietnam. Salute.

    • was your grandfather a marine? I was there during tet as an advisor… at camp kilroy… my three brothers were also in viet nam with me…. the Bolanos brothers… I remember a sgt didn’t remember his name that got killed in the mortar pit…. I thought we called him Mac… for some reason..

      • The Marine was Ed McKim.

        John Church was an Army advisor to the 9th ARVN Airborne battalion that defended the city, who was KIA in the village immediately north of the MACV compound in the first hours of the Tet attack.

        What was your assignment with Team 4?

  10. My name is David Wilson, I live in Tallahassee FL. We have a group of Vietnam Veterans (VVA 96) who visit the graves of local men who died in Vietnam. During the month that he died, we will place a painted rock on his grave so that those who love him will know that he is not forgotten. We also attempt to contact any of his relatives, ask them to join us and to tell us something about the man.

    The man named below was serving with the MACV unit when he died. If anyone has information or remembrances about him, it will be shared with his family members and our group when we visit his grave.

    LT COLONEL JOSEPH PHILIP SEYMOE, KIA 21 JANUARY 1968, MACV Advisory Team 4, (originally from Texas, graduated from West Point)
    I have found details of his death on the VHPA web site.

    Thanking you in advance


    • I was a Navy physician assigned to a MILPHAP team assigned to MACV team4. Col Seymoe was the commander of the team. He was a gracious gentleman who carried out his duties in a professional manner, His death was tragic, I tended to the wounded from the mission.

      •  I’m familiar with the situation in Quang Tri both before and after Tet 68 as the Regional Officer responsible for operations involving Revolutionary Development Teams, Provincial Reconnaissance Units and Census Grievance Cadre.  I flew to both Hue City and Quang Tri the morning after the cities were attacked and we lost contact with our people there.  Province Senior Advisor, Robert Brewer, a CIA officer, filled me in on the following:  Here are my notes on the subject. FYI.    Prior to the 68Tet Offensive, the enemy made a concerted effort to cut Highway 9and stop boat traffic along the Cua Viet River.  South of the DMZ, the interlocking artillerybases at Con Thien, Camp Carroll, The Rockpile,Hill 881 and Khe Sanh came under increasing enemy attack. Soon these bases werecut off and could only be supplied only by air. Khe Sanh village also cameunder heavy enemy pressure.  CIA officerBob Brewer, Quang Tri’s Province Officer in Charge, held a war counsel withARVN 1st Division commander Major General Ngo Quang and his staff.  General Quang agreed to send one of his bestRF companies as reinforcements. Nine UH-1E helicopters from Danang would liftthe 256 RF Company from Quang Tri Cityat 1700 on January 21. Lt. Col Joseph Seymore, Brewer’s Senior Military Advisor,volunteered to lead the mission because he was thoroughly familiar with theplan and it was getting too late to brief the pilots for an extended period oftime. The relief force had planned to assault a designated LZ which was to becreated by fixed wing bombers moments before insertion. The strike would becontrolled by an Army L-19 observation plane. Unfortunately, a separate MarineCorps FAC was circling the area at the time and could not be contacted byradio. Thus, while the helicopters were hovering, the Army FAC was trying toget the other out of the way so the bomb strike could go forward. Apparently,Semore thought the strike had been scratched. He ordered the slicks to land the RF troops at the Old French Fortwhich, unknowingly, had become an NVA base camp. The enemy was well concealedand disciplined.  They held fire untilthe assault helicopter company touched down. They then opened fire and withmachine guns and B-40 rockets.  Semore’schopper was struck while in the air and crashed, rolling upside down as itburned. The other helicopters managed to clear the area despite heavy damage.Two men on the ground tried to free Semore from the skids, but he was alreadydead.  Of the six men left behind, threedied in action and three made it out alive to Ta Cong village but were woundedand later rescued.  Bob Brewer eventuallyrecovered Lt.Col Semore’s remains in April 1968 at the Old French Fort.

        • I, Joseph Sumner, was a crew chief on one of the helicopters that landed at the old French Fort about 5 pm. Prior to that, at approximately 1 pm, there were two helicopters that tried to land at the old French Fort. Col. Seymoe was on my helicopter at 1 pm. On this attempt we were unable to land because the fire was so heavy coming up from the ground. We aborted this landing and called for additional helicopters to come up from DaNang (282nd Assault Helicoper Company, i.e. Black Cats) and help Col. Seymoe get back to Khe Sahn Village with a load of ammo that was desparately needed (ammo supply was almost exhaused). When the other helicopters arrived from Da Nang (Marble Mountain) the command pilot, WO Gerald McKenzie, on my helicopter swapped from my helicopter to Captain Steiner’s helicopter. Captain Steiner request McKenzie because he was the most experienced piot operating in the Khe Sahn Village area. Col. Seymoe also swapped to Captain Steiner’s helicopter. We approached the Old French Fort again about 5 pm, however on this approach we were not receiving any fire from the ground. Immediately after we touched down, the NVA opened up on us. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The NVA was coming out of the ground like ants. I saw Capt. Steiner’s helicopter blow up as we attempted to leave. It slid down the side of the plateau we were on. The crew chief, David Howington, was blown out of the helicopter and was laying on the ground unconscious; Billy Hill his gunner died when the helicopter blew up; Col. Seymoe leg was trapped under the helicopter; Captain Steiner and WO Gerald McKenzie escaped out the front widows as the windows were blown out. Danny Williams tried to help free Col. Seymoe from under the skid before Col. Seymoe died. Danny then carried David Howington to another helicopter to get him out of the LZ. WO McKenzie was shot on the hill while returning fire and died. This left Captain Steiner and Danny Williams with all the helicopters now gone. They decided to run for it. Danny told me that they got in a stream and made their way to Khe Sahn that night. Danny was shot trying to get into Khe Sahn the next morning. The troops at Khe Sahn that that he and Captain Steiner were Russian advisors. After numerous operations Danny was able to carry on a normal life.

        • David, My father was assigned to MACV October 66 to October 67 His name was Msg Ted Serna he was an advisor.. He was diagnosed with Amoebic dysentery and was med vac to the USS Hope or Repose.. He said it was a Navy Doctor who made the diagnose. After seeing your post about being a Navy Doctor I thought it may have bee you that made the diagnose and had him sent to the hospital ship. My dad said the ship was full of wounded Marines. My had left Texas A&M in 1944 and served in WWII, Korea and Veitnam. He received  his Bronze Star and  Combat Infantry Badge while serving in Vietnam.. Best Regards Ted Serna Jr

          • I think you are confused. David was not the Navy doctor, I was. I was with MACV from April 67 to April 68. Your father’s name is familiar to me. I may have been the one to diagnose his problem. We had 2 other Navy doctors assigned to our team.                                        Gerald Zel. M.D.

            • Dr This is Ted Serna Jr the son of MSG.Ted Serna… it interesting you said there was two other navy doctors assigned to MACV because my father said there were three Doctors who made the diagnose… Thank you for your reply. Dad told me that when he was in Hawaii on R&R a Lt and a Sergeant were killed after they took cover in some sort of structure and were surrounded by VC. Thank you for your service and your comments. Best Regards Sgt. Ted Serna Jr Houston Police Department (Retired.)

              • The Sgt still had a heart beat when they got to the compound. I did CPR on him for 45 minutes until““ they pulled `me off of him and said he was gone. He was my first US casualty too tend to. It really broke me up that as a physician I couldn’t save him. I was 1 year out of medical school at the time. I want to thank you for your service with the police department.

                • Dr. Zel

                  I just found your comment about working on the Sgt. for 45 mins. I got goose bumps reading it. His name was Sgt. Witherspoon and I stood there watching you try to save him. I was a Spec 4 and part of the Signal group working in the bunker at the South East corner of the compound. About 10 yrs. ago I wrote a personal history about my time in VN for my wife & daughters. That story was one of the incidents I spoke about. It was due to David Scihccitano’s incredible help that I was able to find out the Sgt,’s name. I can absolutely confirm your valiant and long effort to save him. You went above & beyond!
                  Rich Kunz

                  • Rich,
                    Thank you for your kind words. I do remember now that his name was Witherspoon. As relatively new doctor it was heartbreaking to me to not be able to save someones life. I had lost patients while in medical school, but I guess it was different when I was THE doctor in charge. Pray you are doing well. We all are getting up in years now. It is hard to believe that VN was so long ago. Best wishes.

                    • You are very welcome. After reading more on this site I realized you’ve been friends with David S. for some time also. We haven’t e mailed in a while so I will do that soon and tell him the story of me watching you trying to save Sgt. Witherspoon. I also have some sort of citation mentioning Sgt. Witherspoon’s death which David helped me find and I also put it in the history I wrote for my wife & daughters.

                    • Hi Doc

                      I sent a few e mails to David in the past month or so with no response. Have you been in touch with him recently? Do you know if he is OK?

                      Rich Kunz

                    • As far asI know David is OK> He doesn’t stay in touch with our group as well as the other guys , but he usually stays in touch withAl McConnel the FAC pilot he worked for. I am sure if something was wrong Al would know and let the rest of us know. I will contact Al and get back to you. Hope you had a nice Memorial Day with all of this COVIdD business.

                    • Nobody in our group has heard from David. Al McConnel says that is not uncommon for David to drop off of the net for several months. He will try to contact him. I wrote him an email and haven’t heard anything back. If I hear from, I’ll let you know.

                    • Thanks for trying to get some info about DAVID. This site wouldn’t let me reply from your last comment on 5/26. I will wait to hear from you again. If It’s easier my e mail is Thanks Doc.

          • Your Dad was one of our true heroes who served in 3 wars. I have met several of them here in Williamsburg where we live.

          • My name is Rick Bolanos… I think I met your dad… I was stationed in Quang Tri during 67-68 …. ask him if he remembers me… I was one of the Bolanos brothers…. four of us were in Viet Nam at the same time…. I would visit with my marine brother in Dong Ha and Khe Sanh all the time… I met a Serna at the MACV in Quang Tri…. he was from Texas… so was I

            • Rick, Thank you for the reply. My Dad passed away a few year ago not sure if it was agent orange related or not. My father was was in Hue and  Quang Tri. I remember his talking about being assigned with some Australians  if Im not mistaken he said the Australian was a Major.  He was in country Oct 66 to Oct 67.   I wish I would have discovered this blog while he was still alive.  I know we was awarded the Bronze Star and the CIB while in Vietnam. He rotated back to Ft Sill Oklahoma where he retired.  My father left Texas A&M in 1944 for the war. He also served in Korea and then in Vietnam.

              Thank you for reaching out to me.. Best Regards Ted Serna Jr  

              • Was your father a medic? I served during that time with the “Aussies” in Threu Phong . We had an Aussie Major and Warrant officer, myself as a young Lt. and our medic.

                Jim Gunn

                • Jim, My father was assigned to MACV October 66 to October 67 Quang Tri and Hue. His name was Msg Ted Serna he was an advisor. He always spoke very highly of the the Aussies he was assigned with. On another note my fathers brother was a Medic in WWII and was assigned to the European theater. My fathers other brother landed on the first wave at Utah Beach 6 June 1944…they all made it back safely. Thank you for your inquiry ..Best Regards Ted Serna Jr


                BEST REGARDS



                • I give your son my greatest admiration for becoming a Physicians Assistant. Many people do not want to go into the medical field these days. He could get a commission in the Service and help with his tuition. I am sorry to hear of your father’ passing, but we Vietnam Vets are not getting any younger. Perhaps we can talk one day. All my best.
                  Gerry Zel

    • In addition, the story of that 21 Jan 68 mission and the death of LTC Seymoe is covered in the book Black Cat 2-1 by Bob Ford. Bob Ford did not use his name in the book, but it was him. You will understand why the death of Seymoe and his men was not necessary. One of Bob’s pilots and his friend was not supposed to be flying as he was set to go home… he volunteered as pilots were needed… his friend died. FYI Bob was the Hue detachment commander for the 282nd Helicopter unit. If you would like to talk to Bob Ford, he is one of our friends. You can see Bob’s bio at the OKMHF dot ORG as he was inducted. You can reach me through —info @ OKMHF dot ORG
      Best regards, John Farris

  11. one other name popped in my head that of E8 or E9 Muszic Army Intelligences. He stay with us in the Air Force Radio Shack awaiting word on Bird Dog Covey and Tiger Hound feedback of air strikes. Sarge Muszic a man who was very professional career Army.

  12. T/Sgt. Earnest Booker was my last NCOIC during my 9mo. tour Quang Tri Kilroy compound. Others I recall are Maj. Robert Neubauer, (Lt. Col. Ret.) Capt. Loy, Bud Collier, S/Sgt. Bob Steward? Others you names you may know that have slipped my mind. (maybe you can shoot a few of the Asst, CC and your NCOIC names on those Bird Dawgs. The radio ops people and the other Pilot’s names I see their faces but there names are a fog.
    Bye the bye have you kept tabs with Angel (Rod) Rodriquez I saw where you posted a pic of him in Da Nang which hasn’t show up again. Rod and I were roommates at TINKER AFB for a couples of years.
    I have a few infamously unique O-1E pics from La Vang that to this day not anyone has posted.
    There certainly were several camera’s working that day. I CORP Marine Commandant paid a visit on that occasion and everyone were on their heels especially the Marine corporal of the guard.
    I would like to share however since they are unique I would like to have them copyrighted. e-mail me to discuss this if you are willing to help.

    • I think Brooker only had a few days left to go when I got Quang Tri in Apr. 67 left in Mar 68.La Vang was my second home.

  13. Greetings from Oklahoma,
    One of your fellow advisors, 1LT Mike Grammar, is being inducted into the Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame on November 3, 2018 in Norman, Oklahoma. I see 4 comments in the Team 4 comments. I know that Mike and SFC Frits were both killed on 20 May 67. I understand that there were two other men on the team…. one who stayed behind and one who went with Mike to the next village. When enemy was searching that village Mike ran across a field, distracting the search party allowing the other team member to escape. I am trying to find the name of that soldier… someone said he lived in San Antonio.

    • Al, I think I have a photo of you, though I am not at all certain. I will try to figure out a way to attach it so you can take a look. If it isn’t you, perhaps you might know him. I knew Booker, of course and there was an Airman 1st Class there when I arrived whose name I have forgotten. I didn’t know Neubauer, and Maj. Vlach was in charge of our detachment when I arrived. I haven’t spoken to him in years and so I don’t know if he is still with us.

      Capt. Loy passed away some years ago. Maj. Riley passed away just this past year if I remember correctly. They both retired as light birds. Capt. Furbush passed away about two years ago. H.T. Johnson made it up to four stars. I was at his promotion ceremony to Maj. General when I was working in Washington DC. He had some substantial assignments, including his final one, Acting Secretary of the Navy under Bush II. He is retired and living in Virginia.

      Of the radio operators who were at Quang Tri at that time, I have been in touch with two, Mike Hart and Winston Cope. I have some photos that Mike Hart gave me with some of those fellows in them, but I don’t know all of their names. I don’t think you knew Dave Gatewood, who arrived sometime during the summer of 1967 to take over radio operations. He had a guy working for him named Glinka, who passed away recently. I don’t remember the names of the others.

      Angel Rodriquez was one of my pals at Danang, but I never ran into him again after I went up country (to Tam Ky, initially). About the time I left, he went down to Pleiku and Kontum. You might remember one of his friends, Richard Pleasant, who was with us at Danang, and who went down to Pleiku when Angel did. I think Richard is still doing well. He lives out in California.

      Regarding photos and copyrights, we should have a talk. Since you are serious about copyrighting them, I would definitely not post them to your Facebook page, Wikipedia, or on to a publicly accessible site until you have the copyrighting done. I am not so touchy about mine, and some of mine have been used both with and without attribution (all should be used with attribution). In fact, one that I gave to an Army historian who was trying to understand the layout of Quang Tri City and the surrounding area put it into an official Army history without attribution, as he had gotten confused about where he got it and thought he had found it among Army photos. Others have shown up on various web sites. So handle all of this carefully.

      I am having trouble figuring out how to post photos here, so I will post them to your Facebook page, and I’ll send you a private message if something needs to be confidential for some reason. My email address is already in some of the postings here so no need to hide it.

      Best regards,


      • My father was in radio operation Quang Tri and Hue city October 1966 to October 1967.. He was with MACV APO advanced team 4. His name was Msg Ted Serna.. If any one knew him please let me know.. He went to Vietnam when I was 12 years old and he was 42. I remember his compound being over run and 300 suspect VC liberated ( I saw this on the eve news) I believe it was while he was in Quang Tri. My dad received his CIB and Bronze Star during his tour.

        • Hi Ted. I was attached to Team 4 Quang Tri beginning in May ’66. The name doesn’t ring a bell to me though we must have crossed paths. There are others here who might better remember him, but if you can email me the photo I will send it to some Army and Air Force friends who there at the time who might have known him. You are correct that the City was overrun on 6 April 1966 and about 300 prisoners released by the Communists. That happened about a month before I arrived. My email address is

          • Hello again . I’m Ryan Church I’m trying to find out if anyone on here served with my grandfather in quang tri 1968 SFC John Church , he was killed on Jan 31 1968 . . If anyone has information please let me know thanks . I can’t locate any records on him .

            • Ryan, I have answered your previous posts on thjs site several times without receiving any response from you. If you search below for “Church” you should be able to find the messages I wrote. I would be happy to repeat the information if you can’t find it. You may also email me at, or call me at 561 508-6338.

            • Your Grandfather’ commander was Captain Dick Blair ( Centerville,Virginia) , Chief of Advisor in 9th Battalion/1st Task Force/ARVN Airbone Div. His Fellow was Seg Mike Smith( Dahlonega,Georgia). Your Grandfather was kill at 3:AM, Jan 31, 1968 at Trí Bưu church, Trí Bưu village, Quảng Trị provine ( now belong ward 02, Quảng Trị town ). In that battle, He and whole 9th company’s commander were killed. 40 ARVN paratrooper were KIA, 65 wounded.

    • Mr Farris,

      I have some limited information on Lt. Grammar and SFC Fritts: a copy of a formal demarche to the ICRC protesting the torture and murder of the two men; the text of a Time Magazine article about the murders, and the Team 4 after action report on the battle in which Grammar and Fritts died.

      The after action report and the demarche are probably the most accurate accounts of the fight. I may be able to help you identify the men in question and if they alive, and to find them. I have had success in such matters in the past. You may contact me via email at, or call me at 561 508-6338 (home) or 703 980-7510 (cell).

      I am sure there are others who check into this site regularly who can also help.


      David Sciacchitano

    • Hello John, my Son-In-Law is Richard M. Grammar, 1LT Mike Grammar’s son. He was just a baby when Mike left for the war. Rich and my Daughter both attended the induction in Oklahoma. I have pictures of them there. I also would love to know who Mike saved that day, and am sure my Son-In-Law would like to know as well.

  14. I remember GySgt Farrell and the Lt taking Sgt Covarrubias and Me to the MACV compound in Quang Tri City.I can still hear the Gunny singing in the shower,”Hookie Luau”.Back at Kit Carson Scout Training Compound,SgtMaj Tranh kept an eye out for me.Semper Fi🇺🇸

  15. Anyone serve with my brother, Sergeant Leo A Remondini Jr., Advisory Team 4,? He along with Joseph F. Corvella, USMC were KIA 3 January 1966. My brother was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and Sergeant Corvella was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. I am hoping someone might remember my brother who arrived in country, October 1966. My brother also served in Korea 1963 and 1964. He also wenter to the Congo I believe TDY in 1965.

  16. I was a Navy physician with MILPHAP team from 1967-1968. Would love to hear from other MILPAP members or anyone from Team 4 who recalls me.

    • Dr. Zell — You are definitely in my memory! I was a young Army LT at the time, working for CPT Jim Merritt…do you remember me? Joe Brennan (Joe Bull) and I have connected after all these years, and surely he remembers you as well.

      • I do remember you and Jim Merrit. I live in Williamsburg, VA. I have connected with Alan McConnel (FAC pilot), Walt Esser (marine captain) and David Schiacittano (airplane mechanic) anbout 5 years ago. We have gotten together several times. It is always nice to communicate with old comrades.

        • I live near Sacramento, as does Joe Brennan. We connected via this website, and we have lunch together occasionally. I remember occasionally visiting the orphanage in Quang Tri with you and your team of Corpsmen.

          • The orphanage was one of my favorite places to visit. I still remember the Christmas party we gave the kids and handed out little rag dolls that women in the States had made for them and other gifts. When they got that little doll it was like giving them a million dollars.

            • We used to stuff our pockets with candies. The kids would come running to us, and before we could hand out the candies, they would be picking our pockets (the little rascals!). They even managed to steal a wristwatch from one of the guys, but it was returned. Many of the kids were living on their own before the nuns took them in, so I guess they were pretty street-savvy.

              • The nuns did a good job with those kids considering the limited resources they had. Some of the kids they received were pathetic. I remeber moving some kids to the hospital that were so severely malnourished they neede hospital care. I had never seen a case of rickets until I saw one at the orphanage.We had a whole slew of orphans that lived at the hospital and were taken care of by people at the hospital. The neat thing at the hospital was that families would come and camp out to care for the family member who was a patient. Probably a good thing becuase most of the nurses except for the head nurse were useless.

        • I forgot to mention that Jim Merritt retired from the Army as a Major. He became ill with cancer and passed away years ago. He lived in Gastonia, NC.

          • Another vivid memory I have is the day that LCOL Semoe was killed. I remember meeting the helos as they came back and trying to patch up the ARVN/PFs that had been shot up. It was a busy time in the operating room. Talking about the orphanage. I think the NVA/VC messed it up during Ten since it was run by the nuns.

            • Yeah, I remember when Marine 1LT Grammar and Army SFC Frits were captured and killed in May 1967. That was a very bad time for the whole team.

      • I believe you have made Dr. Gerry’s day. I think I also remember you, at least from around the the compound at one time or another. I also have been in touch with Joe Brennan, though I owe him an email to see how he is doing. I have some photos that may have you in them. Send but me your email address at and I will send them to you. If you can identify anyone in them I would appreciate having their names).

        One question: did you ever fly back seat on our Bird Dogs (out of La Vang)?

        And if you ever get to Williamsburg, you must see Dr. Gerry’s presentation at the Virginia State Yorktown park on medical care during the Revolutionary War. He does a wonderful job and you won’t ever forget it.

        David Sciacchitano

        • Hi David — I remember you working on the planes. And yes, I flew back seat a number of times. I also remember MAG Vlach and CPT Furman (hope I spelt their names correctly), and there was at least one or two other pilots whose names I cannot remember.

      • We also have contact information on some of the others who were there about the same time, like Walt Esser, in the group Gerry mentioned, Bill Coviello out of Mai Linh, Mike Pheneger, Stuart Ruehle and others, and of course our intrepid Air Force pilots.

          • Joe,
            Gerry Zel here. I do remember you from Team 4. Bill mentioned that you might remember me. I have never been able to track down any of the other MILPHAP physicians or corpsmen. Other docs were LCDR Hurst and LT. John Knudson. One of he corpsmen who worked closely with me was Skip Howard. Another member was my roomy LT. Bell our admin officer.

            • Do you fellows remember the civilian advisor who played guitar and sang the bawdy Christmas carols. He lives in Williamsburg and I heard him give a talk on his experiences in RVN, I can’t remember his name now but can get it from a friend of mine here.

                • Hi Gerry. I didn’t know that Jim Bullington lives in Williamsburg. If you see him, please tell him hello. He ought to remember me from the Foreign Service.

            • Hi Gerald. My father was Lt. John Knudson. John ended up in a UCSF Residency program for vascular surgery. He practiced vascular surgery in San Francisco, Vero Beach, FL, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Chicago, and Indianapolis. He passed away in 2002 of pancreatic cancer. RIP Dad! Please share any interesting information about my dad during his time in Vietnam. Thanks, Sean Knudson

              • Sean,
                Thank you for getting back to me. I am sorry to hear that your father passed away from pancreatic cancer. I joined the MILPHAP team in Quang Tri after spending 2 months in Hoi An. The team arrived in Quang Tri and I was assigned as the third physician. I remember your dad as a vibrant, young physician. I forget whether he was drafted or volunteered. That didn’t make a difference to him. He carried out his duties without question. We all found ourselves in a unique position. We were sent to train Vietnamese physicians in American medical practices. The only problem was that there were no Vietnamese physicians to train. So the 3 physicians on our team ran the hospital and provided all of the medical services. Your dad primarily did general medicine and pediatrics. He loved working with the children and felt real empathy for their plight. I primarily did the surgery at the hospital. I remember him joining in at the songfests we had at the officers’ club that we built out of cinder blocks. (We had to make our own cinder blocks). I also remember your dad as having a good sense of humor. Compared to me he was quite soft spoken. Once again thanks for getting back to me.

              • Sean,
                One thing I forgot to mention is that your dad did enjoy assisting me in the OR when he could. I thought for sure he would end up in one of the medical specialties.

              • Sean,
                Your dad was like me and not satisfied with practicing in one place. After Vietnam, I was stationed in Scotland for 2 years. I then got out of the Navy and started a general surgery residency and ultimately switched to Urology. I then practiced in New Bedford, MA and Canton. IL. I then went back into the Navy as a diving and submarine physician. I ultimately got out of the Navy because they had me in admin positions and not practicing medicine. Moved to Seattle where I ran a hyperbaric facility for 3 years. Transferred to Army Reserves there. From Seattle went back into Urology in Pulaski, Pa. From Pulaski was called back into Army for Desert Storm. After Desert Storm went to Huntingdon, PA and retired from there. We moved to Hertford, NC and lived there for 10 years. Because of mounting medical problems moved to Williamsburg, VA where I currently live. I have been able to keep up with 2 other officers and one enlisted man from MACV. They probably remember your dad. Try David Sciacchitano. He has tried to keep up with many people from MACV. Sort of the historian.

                  • Hi Gerald. Sorry for being away so long! Completely forgot I that I wrote to you on the website. I did not bookmark the site. Thank you very much for sending the information about my father. The information provided parallels what we experienced with Dad. He was a wonderful man dedicated to his medical craft. I will give David S a try. FYI – I found out about the MACV website by accident. I Google searched for Knudson and Quang Tri and the site popped to the top of the list! Hope your health is doing well. Sean Knudson Castle Pines, CO

                    • Sean,
                      I am doing well for an 84 year old man that has survived 5 cancers. The VA recognizes 2 of them as agent orange related. I often think about my time in Quang Tri. As far as what I achieved, I think it was probably the most rewarding single year in my medical career. I can still picture your dad at the hospital. As I told you before, he was a very dedicated physician. Pray you are doing well, Merry Christmas to you and your family

                    • Sean
                      Since I received your mail I have been thinking a lot about my time at Quang Tri. I can still see your dad with his perpetual smile. I probably knew these facts at one time but have forgotten. Where did your dad go to med school? Did he volunteer to go to Vietnam. Why did he join the Navy? I’m sure he told me but my memory isn’t so good now.

                    • Hi guys, I finally reconnected with my CO  LCD Dave Dennis MC USNR, we were the last MILPHAP Team in Quang Tri, some of you my have seen my YOUTUBE slide show titled Quang Tri 1970-1971 there are a number of pics of Quang Tri and Hue for your interests.

                    • I was a physician with MILPHAP in Quang Tri from 67-68 through TET. Where there any Vietnamese physicians at the hospital when you are there? We had none except the medicine chief who didn’t see patients at the hospital. We three MILPHAP docs ran the show. Was there an interpreter there by the name of TU when you were there?

                    • I was a corpsman there 66-67.  Never saw a Vietnamese physician then either, or any Vietnamese nurses.  Tu was everyone’s favorite interpreter.  Small in stature, but always happy.

                    • Tu was great. Always cheerful. When I was there a new head nurse had arrived. She road shotgun on the other nurses telling them that the Americans were there to help their people and that they had better do their share. When the shooting stopped during Set I went to the hospital to take care of the wounded since I was the best qualified surgeon. When I got there Tu and the head nurse were there. They stayed until we had taken care of all the casualties (54 hours). She called in some of the other nurses to help. Was Capt. Pittard there when you were there?

                    • Glad to see the nurses finally got on board.  They would stand around the OB ward and look at us, but I think they were afraid of us, so communication was nil.  That new head nurse sounded like a godsend.  54 hours was extreme.  Thank you for your dedication.  I always wondered what happened to Quang Tri after I left.  Thankful that our replacements got through it.  Capt Pittard was indeed with us, and we couldn’t have had a better, more laid back, leader.  A corpsman by the name of Bell and myself accompanied the captain on multiple medcap visits to many villages.  Thanks again for being there and accomplishing so much

                    • I got to work with Capt Pittard for 2 months. He was a gifted surgeon and I learned a lot from him. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Different than in Nam.

                    • I was the surgeon at Quang Tri in 1970-1971 I worked with a Vietnamese surgeon Bac Si Dung, top-notch, he spent 5 years in a concentration camp and because of Regan diplomacy he and his family got out, there was a Vietnamese  Internist who worked it Dave Dennis LCD, and admin. type.  See my YOUTUBE SLIDE SHOW’ Quang Tri 1970-1971, you may find nostalgic.  

                    • I was there 1967-1968 including TET offensive. Never saw a Vietnamese doctor exxcept the head of the health department. I was best trained surgeon with 6 months during my internship at Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton. On one rare occasion a Vietnamese army doctor came and saw some patients. Otherwise it was the MILPHAP doctors.

                    • Maybe third time is the charm…… Hey Gerald. You are a survivor! I always wondered if Agent Orange, Xray machines, or something else in Vietnam caused my father’s cancer. Glad that you are doing well.

                      John went to The Ohio State University for undergrad and med school. He had zero $$ growing up and attended university on the ROTC program, thus the Navy service. Dad was either working his tail off or spending time with his family.

                      My family is doing well. Thanks for asking. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Cheers, Sean

                  • Hello again Gerald. You are a survivor! I always wondered if Agent Orange, Xray machines, or something else from Vietnam had something to do with the big C. Glad you are doing so well. John went to The Ohio State University for undergrad and med school. He had zero $$ growing up and went to university under their ROTC program, thus the Navy service. Although he did not speak about Vietnam, my mom relayed that he did enjoy his time working with the civilian population when in Quang Tri. Merry Christmas Gerald! May you and your family have wonderful holidays. Cheers, Sean

  17. Does anyone remember who the district advisor was for Trieu Phong district during August of 1967? Interested in the attack on the PRU compound 12 August 67, where I lost my former platoon Sgt, Eugene Castaneda, USMC. There was an Australian advisor wounded during that attack, as well as numerous other KIA and WIA.

    • I think Pete Luitweiler might have been there at that time, though I’m not sure. He was a Lt. at the time. If not, he might remember who he replaced and who the senior DA was. I can probably find the name of the Aussie if no one else comes up with it, though most of the Aussies who were at Quang Tri in those years have passed on.

      • I visited the compound shortly after the attack with Ambassador Koren and spoke with PRU commander Do Bach who filled me in on what happened during the attack. Besides losing PRU advisor Eugene Castaneda, the PRUs lost many men during the mortar attack and while fighting sappers inside the wire. Many concrete bunkers were destroyed along with the main building that was blown apart. That in spite of the fact that the compound was surrounded with rings of barbed wire and hundreds of claymore mines. Nevertheless, the Quang Tri PRUs played a major role in locating an NVA base area prior to the 31 Jan 68 Tet attack on the city that led to a combat assault by the 1st Cav which disrupted enemy plans and allowed Robert Brewer to develop a joint US/RF/PF/PRU/ARVN defense of the city that virtually destroyed enemy units involved in the attack. Moreover, a few weeks before Brewer lost his senior military assistant, LTC Semore whose helicopter was destroyed while attempting to reinforce ARVN forces at Khe Sanh with RF troops.after the town was overrun. This is the same Robert Brewer who was a platoon leader featured in the Band of Brothers. He was wounded both at Normandy and during Market Garden and survived, although reported killed in action.

      • the senior adviser was an Aussie Major along with an Aussie Warrant Officer along with an American E-6 Medic. I left this team a couple of months earlier. Was a First Lt.

    • Mr. McBride,

      Pete Luitwieler just told me that Major McMahon was the DA when he arrived and he thinks he was there in August.

    • The district advisor was Australian Major John Hughes along with Australian W.O. James Hill, I was the American advisor (Lt.)there earlier, left prior to the attack. There was also an American E-6 medic, and I don’t recall his name’

      Jim Gunn

      • thanks jim, in the process of trying to get some recognition for sgt.cass and the others who lost their lives that day. planning a small ceremony sometime in the fall. would be interested in knowing more about that attack. got a good feed from rudy enders, but also helpful to get information from others who were there. i was in phu bai at that time.


    • The senior advisor for Trieu Phong was Austrailian Maj. John Hughes and the W.O. was Mister Hill. There was an American E-6 medic, who i can’t remember his name. I left country before this incident.

  18. My name is Ryan Church I’m trying to find out I information on my grandfather that was killed at quang tri on January 31 1968 SFC John church , he was a macv advisor and a green beret any information would be help thanks .

    • Hello Ryan.

      I wrote to you some time ago about Sgt. Church but did not receive a reply.

      Sgt. Church was an advisor to the 9th ARVN (“Army of the Republic of Vietnam”) Airborne Battalion, which was moved to Quang Tri City in late January 1968 to beef up the town’s defenses in anticipation of the attack during the Tet celebrations that year. Sgt. Church was with one of the battalion’s companies which was bivouacked just northeast of the Quang Tri Citadel in a small village named Tri Buu on the evening of January 30th.

      At about 0400 on January 3st, the NVA 814th Independent Battalion, which was one of the units designated for the assault on Quang Tri City, was moving into its assigned jump off position in Tri Buu when it stumbled into the Airborne company. This resulted in an intense firefight involving hand-to-hand combat that went on for about 20 minutes or longer. Sgt. Church and most of the Airborne company fell fighting, with only a few survivors, most of them wounded, managing to retreat into the City.

      Sgt. Church and the Airborne troops who sacrificed themselves that night broke up the NVA battalion’s advance and probably saved a good many lives in doing so. He was well-regarded by the Vietnamese Airborne troopers, and especially by his senior advisor, then Captain Dick Blair. Your grandfather’s his last stand was a heroic one.

      I have some papers and documents that I can send you if you will get in touch with me directly at the email address below. I may also be able to put you in touch with Dick Blair who can tell you a lot more about your grandfather.


      David Sciacchitano (

      • Thank you for the information , I will be emailing you shortly I’ve been out of town for work . I’m so interested in what he did over there .

  19. I was on Team 4 (I think) from Feb 68 to Oct. 68. The team members were Cpt. Jaconi? Nick Myrsch (sp?) I. T. Moore, and Henry Sanford (Sandy). The latter 3 were Green Berets. We drove through Hue after it had been liberated after the Tet Offensive. The Marines who liberated it were incredibly brave. Then on to Quang Tri City and the MACV compound. We did several patrols with a RF/PF company encountering light action. We then moved to Cam Lo. Relocated Montagnards needed water and a reservoir was planned. While installing a pipeline from the Song Cam Lo to a reservoir Henry Sanford was killed (June 12, 68) by a grenade booby trap attached to a sign. An Australian WO was wounded. Among other wounds his eyes were bleeding. A young marine had some non-life-threatening wounds to his leg. An older Vietnamese man seemed to be unhurt but died soon after. I could not stop Sandy’s bleeding. The femoral artery had been cut and it was deep in the groin area. He was a nice kid and deserved a long life. He died doing humanitarian work.
    Soon after we move to an old french fort in Hung Hoa district. It was a triangular structure surrounded by a deep ditch with long sharpened bamboo stakes embedded throughout. We stayed there with the RF/PF company. Rt. 9 was relatively safe as was Huang Hua thanks to the bravery and combat skills of many units.

      • Sorry to hear that. His time in service was not easy. I don’t know if that was a factor. Your news saddens me. (I think he was from California?)

        My wife found a book with a history timeline about Quang Tri and that jogged a lot of memories which is why I wrote these many years after.

        • Hi Bill. I was trying to locate Jaconi for a good friend he served with, Bill Coviello (advisor assigned at Mai Linh District). I found an address and phone number for him, and reached his wife, who told me the sad story. His time at Quang Tri was a major factor in what happened, or perhaps I should say it was the major factor. His wife said he wrestled with his demons for years, but finally gave up the fight. It was nevertheless a shock to her when it happened, as you would expect. I have a good photo of him that Bill Coviello gave to me that I can send to you if you like.

    • Hello, Bill,

      Henry “Sandy” Sanford was my cousin. I knew he was killed in Vietnam, but never knew the details. A search led me to this site, and yours was the very first post I read. Thank you so much for the information. It is comforting to know that he was doing humanitarian work when he died. I really appreciate you sharing these memories.

      All best,

      Estella Clifford

      • Hello Estella
        Sandy was a great kid. He had an old beat up guitar and was always singing. “Green grow the lilacs” was one of his favorites. He was both cheerful and highly professional. I remember every detail of that tragedy. I can see who was there, where they were standing, what the area looked like. I will never forget any of it.
        If you want to look it up , we were a mile or two west of Cam Lo between route 9 and the Cam Lo river (Song Cam Lo). Also, the Ken Burns Viet Nam series (which is difficult to watch) covers the time period and the Quang Tri to Khe San area. I think it’s on episode 6.

        All the best

        Bill Hastings

        • Hi, Bill,

          Thank you for those additional glimpses into Sandy’s life there. I am seven years younger than he; I’m 64 now, and I would have been 14 when he was killed. I was born and raised in and near Philadelphia, PA. His paternal grandmother was my Great-aunt Irene, and she was my maternal grandmother’s sister. Great-aunt Irene and her family moved to Michigan before I was born, and I think Sandy’s parents subsequently moved to Texas. I knew of them, but only met my great-aunt and uncle once. In the 1980’s, I did see my great uncle again and met Sandy’s father, Henry Sr., at that time.

          I’ve thought about Sandy, and wondered what the circumstances of his death were. I thought he might have been killed in the Tet Offensive. A friend who is an Army vet (from the Noriega clean-up era in Panama) told me that Advance Team 4 meant he was probably Special Forces, and you mentioned he was a Green Beret, confirming that.

          I appreciate you going back to that time in your mind, and filling me in. I can only imagine how deeply etched those memories of that tragic day must be, and how painful to recall. My dad and five uncles were in WWII, in all branches of the service except the Coast Guard, and none of them shared much. I’ve only found out things afterward (kind of like this), by doing some research, and finding the occasional old letter my Dad saved. I visited my oldest uncle a few times when I was in my 20’s and he was about 80, and he was still suffering the effects of PTSD, with nightmares, and waking himself up wresting with a bureau, which had been a Nazi in his nightmare.

          I will definitely check out the location, and the Ken Burns episode. I remember seeing a lot of reporting of the war on the evening news, but a lot of it is jumbled up in my memory.

          Anyway, thank you for writing back, and for the details. It makes me feel like I know him, a little. Thank you also for your service, and for protecting those of us back home.

          Take care, and be well.

          All best,


        • Hi Estella, I too, knew “Sandy” but only for a brief time that he was in the MACV 4 compound. We did tilt a few beers together once or twice. He always stood out in my mind as one of the most friendly persons I ever met. As he was only temporarily in our compound I think the put him in our 4 man room for awhile, as we had an extra bed. I remember his NCOIC (boss) came up to me several days, weeks? later, and told me he had been killed. He knew I liked him. It hurt. I worked in the small switchboard/communications site there.

          • Hi, Chatles, thank you so much for reaching out, and giving me another glimpse of Sandy. I’m very glad he had the chance to make a new friend and share a couple good times, even if he was only stationed there briefly. He seems to have been a likable, stand-up guy. The opportunity to hear about him from folks like you and Bill, who knew him, brings him to life for me, and is an unexpected and deeply appreciated gift. Thank you!

      • Hello Estella,,,my name is Alex,,,I was stationed with Sandy in quang Tri,,,I knew him pretty much and his team…if u would like to exchange some chat about him let me know,,,contact me e=mail at,,,take care!

    • Hey Bill,,,I was at MACV compound with 29th civil affairs,,I was in Cam Lo when Sandy was killed,,,I just got back to compound outside the refugee camp,,,when I was told that Sandy had been killed,,,I knew ssg M and the 1lt,,,wow,,,I have been looking for people from that MACV compound for a while….68-69 my name is Alex vigueras,,,I was E4 at the time

      • Are there any Advisory Team 4 members who served with the Team Oct 1965 until March 1966? If so any information as my brother Sergeant Leo A. Remondini Jr. was assigned to Team 4 and was KIA 3 Jan 66 along with Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Corville (not sure on the correct spelling). My brother was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross posthumously and Gunnery Sergeant Corville was awarded the Navy Cross posthumously.

      • Hi Alex –The 5 man MAT consisted of Cpt. Jaconi, Myself, 1Lt Bill Hastings, Sgt. Nick Myrsch, Sgt. I. T. Moore, And Henry “Sandy” Sanford. The latter 3 were all Green Berets. We were relocated to Hung Hoa after. It was a long drive down Rt. 9 to Quang Tri. I can’t remember th eexact location but it was a large triangular shaped concrete bunker. We were with a company of RFPF’s– Good people and I’m sure they fared badly after “75”. That bothers me to this day.
        I don’t always check this site. I should do it more often


        • My brother, Sergeant Leo A. Remondini Jr. arrived in-country Oct 65 and assigned to Advisory Team 4. My brother was KIA 3 Jan 66 as was Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Corville. My brother was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and Sergeant Corville was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. Anyone serve with my brother during that time period? I served on Advisory Team 44, 22 Nov 68 to 26 Nov 69.

  20. Looking for any information on my grandfather, James Robbins, i believe he was in MACV team 4, i know that he spent a lot of time in Hue city. if anyone here knows anything please email me. Would be much appreciated, thanks.

    • Mr. Haley,

      If your grandfather spent a lot of time in Hue, he may have been assigned to Team 3 rather than Team 4, or to both teams at different times. So you should post your query on the Team 3 page, too.

      If you can provide more information on your grandfather it might stir some memories: branch of service, rank while in Vietnam, military specialty, years assigned to Vietnam, etc.

      Finally, you might want to request a complete copy of your grandfather’s military records from the National Archives. You can find all necessary information on how to do that here:


      David Sciacchitano

  21. Robert
    Thanks for the Information on 1lt Elvis Barker. He (Ellie) and I went to Officer basic, airborne and Ranger together and we both served in the same company in the 1 st armored before we both deployed Vietnam in late 64, after training at Bragg. We went to opposite Ends of the country I was down the Camau peninsula he was up in the far north . He and I were both in Saigon for a conference before Christmas in 1964. Early in 65, January or February I saw the notice in Stars & Stripes where he was killed by a Grenade. He was a smart nuclear engineer and his widow in WA remarried, he had a son.


    Al short

    • LTC Short my name is Dennis Lane I was the RTO for the team at Cam Lo .Arrived in country the last 3rd of 1964 and joined Cpt Hogan at
      Lang Vie as RTO for his Bn advisory team RTO were essential in Quang Tri as the teams were spread out and our coms were by morse code
      Cpt Hogan had me moved to his team which was establishing a district team at Cam Lo . Cpt Hogan/ Lt Barker/SSG Kelly(weapons) Sp5 Denny
      (medic) and Aussie WO (weapons) and myself RTO. I was changing a long wire antenna for a night frequency change when the incident occured. Cpt Hogan and Lt Barker were leaving our compound west on Hwy 9 toward a relocation village up the road a bit. Just out of the gate
      and the grenades went off . Cpt Hogan was wounded and Lt Barker was DOA. We had to keep his body overnight and a Huey came next day
      and took him away. Cpt Hogan was not evacuated. It was interesting times living with the Viets ,,food etc and security by thr local PF’s. Our
      mission was different than with a mobile Bn as we were to assist the district chief ( a Vietnamese officer) in providing support for the locals
      bldg materials relief supplies etc.

      • hey Dennis.Good to hear from someone who shared same experiance. MY name is Ken Crase .I got to Quang tri in late march of 1965.I also was a radio operator. I remember a guy at cam lo who used a bug . it was hard to copy. could that have been you?

  22. My name is Dale Avery. I was a Hospital Corpsman assigned to MILPHAP N-1 in Quan Tri city from Oct. 68 to Oct 69. We were based at at the MACV base there and worked primarily at the Vietnamese hospital in city. I would like to hear from anyone on the team or who were stationed at that MACV base. Please contact me at

    Thanks in advance.

    Dale Avery

    • I left the country as you arrived . I remember that hospital from the short time I was at the MACV base. There were a lot of badly injured people there. The Docs were great. I hoe you’re OK


      • Bil,

        Thanks for the kind words. It took a long time for me to get over everything that went on in that hospital. But with the help of a great wife, good friends, and excellent counseling at our local VA hospital I’ve had a wonderful life. There are always a few demons lurking in the shadows, but a little light gets rid of them. I have a couple pictures of myself from there and can’t believe I was ever that young!

        Blessing to you and everyone who participates on this website.


      • Bill,
        I was one of the doctors with the MILPHAP team while you were there. Your name is very familiar. I am good friends with david Schiattiano.

    • Dale I believe we replaced your team arriving in July of 69. They changed the name from team 1 to team 4. Kilroy compound.

      • Chris — During my first tour in Viet Nam, I served on Team 4 Feb-Dec 1967. We were based at Kilroy Compound, just outside of the citadel. It was referred to as Team 4 in 1967. I never heard it called Team 1, so if the team’s designation was changed, then that might have happened after my time there.

  23. To: LTC AL Short you inquired about 1LT Elvis Barker. I can tell you about him and what happened.I knew Cpt Hogan ,SSG Denny and SSG Kelly they were all on the tean at Can LO. I don;t remember the date that it happened but I clearly remember That day. Cpt Hogan drove into Quang Tri with 1Lt Barker he was deceased. For some reason alot of people in Quang Tri were putting #Three gernades in their canteen cover .I don;t know how this started.CPT Hogan said that they were getting ready to go to the MACV compond in Quang Tri City. that Lt Barker got into the jeep back seat No one else had gotten into the jeep. They were still getting ready to go. Then there was and explosion. . One of the gernades went off killing Lt Barker. It was highly suspected that this was a act of terror . Cpt Hogan said that the Vietnamese at Cam Lo had Some civilian workers working in the Cam Lo District HQ where they stayed. The day before of this incident. That possible some may have been VC or people who sided with the VC. They had a investigation but nothing came of that to the best of my knowledge.. That was a very sad day for everyone in Quang Tri at this time Since there were only maybe 40 people station in all of Quang Tri Providence..Lt was a highly respected officer well liked by every one.. Cam Lo was a very dangerous place to be station at. Just to drive out there everytime you made it there you could count that as a success.Well you were there at this time. You know how it was. In Quang Tri we were at the end of the line when it comes to any kind of support.. There were no airsupport no helicopters in all of Quang Tri providence at this time .Thats why Cpt Hogan Had to drive Lt Barker to Quang Tri in a jeep.No Hospital either . Just a few medics to give first aid.Well LTC Short I hope this can answer some of your questions about Lt Barker..He was the first American solder that I knew that was killed in Vietnam.After three tour in Vietnam all of them in the infantry I would know and see many more die. Many that I don;t even remember their names.So Long Robert

  24. I was on a MILPHAP team 7/69 -7/70 on team 4. Anyone know where Houng Hoa (sp) was. It was near the Z west of the strip I think. Like to find it on a map.c

      • Val: I was on Navy MILPHAP Team N-6 in Rach Gia, Kien Giang province in 1970. Have lots of photos. Might have known some of your VN interpreters, one of which lives near Boston, MA
        R.G. Ryder, LCDR, USN, Retired

    • Hi Chris,
      Huong Hoa is the name of the district in Quang Tri Province where Khe Sanh Combat Base was located. The old South Vietnamese district headquarters was in Khe Sanh village, which is southwest of the base along Highway 9. After the town was overrun in January 1967, GVN operations moved east into eastern part of the district. I don’t know what changes the Communists might have made to district boundaries, district names, or district government headquarters. If you google either Huong Hoa or Khe Sanh on google maps, it should give you a satellite view of the area.

  25. After 50 years I just found a corner of an envelope my parents saved. It was my brother Daniel J. Heibel Cpl USMC address before he was KIA Aug. 12, 1967. The address was
    D J Heibel
    Box 120
    Advisory Team #4 MACV
    APO San Francisco
    He was involved with the CIA Phoenix Program as a 3541 Rado Operater, using a PRC 25. Him and another Marine LCPL Hansen were in a CIA compound with PRU’s 2 miles from Quang Tri when they came under attack at 0230 Aug. 12, 1967. Shot in the head and neck, sent back in a closed coffin.

    • Hey Fred, how are you doing? Still practicing medicine? I retired in ’96 after 31 years with the feds as a geologist. Would like to get in contact with you again.


      • I was a physician with MILPHAP from67-68. Haven’t been able to locate anyone else from the team. I did all of the surgery with our team.

  26. Searching for a fellow Army Vet that served with me in MACV Team 4 around 1970 named Tom Howes. Any info would be greatly appreciated. (Ret)Major Glenn L Taylor

  27. Hi Everyone, I am trying to get in touch with William N Johnson and a Mr Rogers who were both Captains working with 1st ARVN during 1967-68. They had worked with my grandfather – AATTV advisor WO2 Clarrie Crapper. If anyone knows them could you please pass their details onto me.

    Kind Regards,


  28. I’m looking for S.Simon (on his uniform was “S Simon”) , Simon’s father is French and morther is American , Sgt. Simon of the U.S Army detached to MACV Command in Vietnam, He came in Phu Bai, Hue, Vn from 1964 to 1966, Aviation reconnaissance aircraft, Div 1, ARVN Division Station at Hue Citadel, Vietnam. If you hear anything from Simon, or know his current whereabouts, please contact me.

  29. Gentlemen:

    RFI: Seeking to locate a senior advisor (possibly an O5) in I Corps in the ’71/’72 time frame by the name of “Granham.” He may have been with MI during a previous tour in Vietnam. Any assistance will be appreciated. Many thanks. Jack

  30. Another note re Quang Tri. I was in from Lang Vei via Khe Sanh to Quang pick up mail, rations on 24 Dec 65. Marth Raye was there with two sidemen, looking for a ride to Khe Sanh. She was not allowed to travel there. She was hoping to visit the SF team there. So we had Christmas dinner at the team house with her and they entertained us. Back to Lang Vei the following day.

    • Robert

      Seeking info re 1 LT Elvis Barker, SIGC, who was the PSYOP/CA Advisor in Quang Tri 64 /65 and KIA in early 65. He and I were commissioned in 62, Ranger School mates and in the 1st Armored together. We both deployed as PSYOP/CA advisors in Sept 64, he to Quang Tri and I to Choung Thien in the Delta. We were last together at a meeting in Saigon in Dec 64 and the only report I saw was in Stars & Stripes that he died in a grenade explosion. Can you provide any details???

      Al Short, Col, USA (RET)

  31. My name is Bob Weaver. I was a Sgt RTO (CW), assigned to Tm 3,, 1st Arvn div at Hue in April 1965. I was later assigned to Tm 4 to a 4 man team with 1st Bn 2nd Regt at Dong Ha. Bn commander was Cpt Chac. We rotated to Lang Vei for what turned out to be a 7 month tour. Cpt Edmund Dowling, USMC, WO Tom Dolan, RAR, and one other Army NCO ( don’t recall his name). We were a few milesWest of Khe Sanh. Operated along Highway 9. Protection for montegards (Bru tribe). Had one 105mm for support of operations. Returned to Dong Ha and operated along the coast.
    Cpt Dowling later went to Danang with Gen Walt. (He retired as LTC). WO Dolan went to Danang, Aussie R&R center. (RAR reported him deceased in 1972, cause unknown)

  32. CSM Army retired Robert L Williams went to Quang Tri in Oct 1964. We were changeing from MAAG Vietnam to MACV at that time. Quang Tri was very small. There were only about 40 army NCOs and Officers. In Quang Tri. About six Marine NCOs and a few Australian WO. There were no Helicopers or aircraft in Quang Tri providence. In November 64 I went to Hai Lang And we setup the first advisor team for Hai Lang District. Headquaters. The commander for Quang Tri Providence was Maj Gildart. He was the higest ranking Officer in Quang Tri providence. Mr To was the providence chief of Quang Tri. He was a civilian because of the DMZ between North and South Vietnam.. At This time the other districts started setting up Trie Phong , Cam Lo and Jo Lin.The MACV compond was guarded by soldiers from the ARVN 1st Inf Div. They had a small Mess hall with Vietnamese cooks and a few girls who cleaned the tables. There were only about 20 soldiers who stayed in the compound full time the others were in and out with their units . Advisors to the ARVN 1st inf Div. I went back to Vietnam six years ago and visited Quang Tri. Of course the old MACV compond was gone no buildings were there . They were useing to sort of run a laundry now. No Building just the street were still ther and they have running water to wash clothes.. The wall from the cidital is gone . The school beside the compound is still there but it was pretty much bombed out and burned up. Well later on everything changed and you know the story. SMILE I have been back to Vietnam many times .I use to go to Beijing Chania often and then take the train from Beijing to Dong Dang Vietnam ;Then on to Hanoi ,Hue and Sagion. Of course takes about a month to stop and visit every where.Any way if you want to travel there you will enjoy your tour. The people are good to you . Suspriseling they really treat you very good in Hanoi . NOT TO EXPENSIVE. So to all who servedYou Did you job excellent. Iwish you a good life. You earned that. So Long Robert

      • To robertadunfee From CSM Robert L Wiliams The new goverment has tried to erase every thing that we buildt in Vietnam that they could. So I remember when I went to Khe Sanh I had to sort of look around from where I was standing to get a idea as to where I was standing. Khe Sanh is now a coffee plantation Just to give you a idea as to how every thing has changed . Coffee tree every where. After about 30 min it came to me . Where I was standing was close to the command bunker in 1964. Sop if you go there don;t really to see much of a trace of the old US military buildings. In Quang Tri there is no trace of the US Military . So Long Robert

  33. Was assigned as advisor to Trieu Phong Sub-Sector with an American medic, and Aussie Maj. and Warrant officer from 1966-67.Ran operations with RF/PF, very exciting for a young 1st Lt.

    • My brother Cpl Daniel Heibel USMC was in a CIA/PRU compound outside of Quang Tri, KIA Aug. 12 1967 after being overrun at 0230

    • Greetings Jim,

      Just checking to see if it was Major Peter Badcoe ( the Aussie Major ) who was later killed in April of 1967 whom you served with ? Regards Laurie Sams

      • Hello Laurie, I was with the team in 68. I was working with an Australian WO In Cam Lo Building a reservoir when he was badly injured by a booby trap on June12. One of my men was killed by the same. Don’t know if it was related. I don’t remember specifically that I was on team 4. I’m assuming that’s the case. I think we were the only team in the area. I was on the team in Quang Tri then Cam Lo and then to the west in Hung Hoa. Back to the States in Oct.

        Hope you are well


        • Hi Bill,
          Not related to that incident in 1968 due to the fact that Major Peter Badcoe was killed in Thua Thien 7th April 1967. He was awarded the Silver Star with Oak Leaf for a previous action and later awarded Australia’s highest medal for Valor the Victoria Cross ( phoshumous ) Regards Laurie Sams

  34. I posted a reply in the Team 155 site before seeing this one. I am seeking more info and trying to confirm some archival mistakes regarding my father death on Dec.10, 1966. Rather than take up space with a re-post here, if those who were in the Quang Tri area please refer to my other post it would be appreciated.
    Thank you all for your service…

    • Mr. Mixson,

      According to the casualty sheet for your father published on, he was assigned to Advisory Team 3, which was located in Thua Thien Province, the province south of Quang Tri Province, and his place of death was Bind Dinh Province. Advisory Team 27 was the Binh Dinh team, and Advisory Team 22 was located in Kontum, but it happened on occasion in 1965 and 1966 that units of the 1st ARVN Division, which normally operated in Quang Tri and Thua Thien Provinces, were involved in operations further south (though Binh Dinh would have been quite a distance away from the division’s AOR). So your father being with Team 3, would not have precluded him from being on an operation in Binh Dinh Province, and there may have been other reasons he was there.

      I assume you have gotten a complete copy of his personnel and medical records from the National Archives. You will want to have these anyway, but it is always possible you will find something in them that will serve as guidance for further research. You might also, though, find someone who can do a search of the MACV advisory team after action reports at the National Archives satellite location in Adelphi, Maryland. Since you are not entirely certain at this point to which team he belonged, you might want to get copies of all after action reports covering the general time period of his death that were submitted by any of the advisory team possibilities you can identify who might have worked in Binh Dinh during the general timeframe. Note that the after action reports are filed by date of submission, rather than the date of the action, and a relevant report might have been submitted months afterward, though in general they were submitted not long after the actions took place.

      It might also be possible to identify some of the officers involved – and some may still be alive and have enough of a recollection of the incident to help you in your research. For instance, it appears that the only regular Army officer named Turner with the initials “J.J.” assigned to Team 3 was James Justice Turner. Turner, who retired as a Lt. Col., was an advisor in 1966 and 1967 to the 3rd ARVN Regiment of the 1st ARVN Division, which was headquartered in Hue, Thua Thien Province. That is, he would have been a member of Advisory Team 3, the same team of which your father appears to have been a member (from his casualty report). I was not able to find any Marine or Army lt. colonels or colonels from that time surnamed “Smith” with the initials “W.P.”, but your mother may have mis-remembered the precise initials.

      This is the casualty report to which I am referring:

      Joseph Gary Mixson
      ON THE WALL: Panel 13E Line 28

      Home of Record: Buna, TX
      Date of birth: 03/17/1934
      Service Branch: United States Marine Corps
      Grade at loss: O3
      Rank: Posthumous Promotion as indicated
      Promotion Note: None
      ID No: 074030
      MOS or Specialty: 0392: Unknown Infantry MOS Code
      Length Service: 08
      Start Tour: Not Recorded
      Incident Date: 12/10/1966
      Casualty Date: 12/10/1966
      Age at Loss: 32
      Location: Binh Dinh Province, South Vietnam
      Remains: Body recovered
      Casualty Type: Hostile, died outright
      Casualty Reason: Ground casualty
      Casualty Detail: Artillery, rocket, or mortar
      Status Date: Not Applicable; was not MIA
      Status Change: Not Applicable; was not MIA
      Repatriated: Not Applicable; was not MIA
      Identified: Not Applicable; was not MIA

      Good luck with your efforts.

      David Sciacchitano

      • Mr Sciacchitano,
        I am getting better and location information but you have provided some areas I did not know about. It is possible I need to post on the Team 3 Thua Thien Hue as well. My mother is going back through some letters to get a refresher on names, places and time frames.
        Many thanks for your help,
        Mark Mixson.

    • As a young 2LT, I was on Team 4 with CPT Fred Green. If my memory is correct, he was promoted to major MAJ while he was on the team. He had previously served in Korea.

      • Hi, Bill! I was there when you were, and have a photo of you walking thru the mud at DongHa.
        I was with JTAD, and named Joe Bull. Fred and I happened to share R&R in same hotel in Hawaii. Let me know if you find him! You replaced (as I recall ) another Lt who was wounded in mortar attack, and they gave him penicillin even tho he was alergic joe.Brennan

        • Well hello, Joe! I absolutely do remember “Joe Bull” back in the day. I knew that you guys used aliases and always wondered what your real name might be. My first Vietnam deployment ran from October 66 through December 67, and I was at I Corps in Da Nang for the first couple of months before joining Team 4. CPT Jim Merritt was my boss until his tour was over (he died a few years ago). My ARVN counterpart was LT Rang, and we ran a recon unit. I returned to RVN in 1969 (101st Abn Div), and met Rang again…he was a CPT by then, and so was I. Small world!

        • Does anyone recall Staff Sat, Roy Holcom, USMC? We were on and around A-1. (Hill 31) and the fire base just north of Dong Ha in Feb thru May, 68. Don’t know if he received a valor award for heroism loading wounded after a figtpht over toward the CUA Viet.

          Travis Kirkland LTC ret

  35. Does anyone remember LT and then CPT Bruce Clarke who was in Khe Sanh? Looking for your recollections of me.

    • I have positive memories of you when assigned to AdvisoryTeam 4. The memory I remember the best is how confident you were after enduring 77 days under dangerous conditions at KSCB during Tet of 1968. We talked briefly at Sector Hqs shortly after the siege was broken.

  36. Sgt. Al Turner served with Capt. Brown Sr. Advisor 2nd Regt. ARVN Team 4 Dong Ha June 1965 to July 1966. Col Storm was SR. Advisor, Quang Tri Sector at that time.

    • Mr. Turner,

      Did you know an Australian warrant officer named Kevin Wheatley while you were with Team 4? He was with the team through late 1965, though assigned to another regiment and battalion (1/1). Those he served with included USMC Capt. Jim Lowe, and MSgt. Jim Sharp.

  37. My father, Captain Kenneth S. Mink (USA), was a member of Team 4 from March 1966 until February 1967. He was assigned to 4th Battalion, 1st Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, ARVN According to the inscription on the back of a photo I have, he served with “Sergeant First Class Fritz, ‘Ed,’ Master Sergeant Stanford (USMC).”

    – Eric Mink

    • Mr. Mink, FYI: SFC “Fritz” is probably SFC Orville Bill Frits, who was killed in May, 1967 along with a Marine advisor, Lt. Grammar. They were captured, tortured and then murdered, so not technically KIA. Your father may have known both of them.

      • Good catch, David…pretty sure he did spell it “Frits.” I remember him and 1LT Grammar (USMC) very well. Their deaths were tragic.

    • I have a fleeting memory of CPT Mink…he was left Team 4 not too long after I arrived. I knew SFC Fritz. He and 1LT Mike Grammar (USMC) were captured and killed by the NVA in May 1967.

  38. Hi folks. I just found this blog and would like to share and get some information if you have it. I served with team 4 from March to November 1969 when I was WIA. On this operation our Team Leader, Marine Major May was KIA. Members of our Team were two Australians, A young Army Lt and two Army NCOs. I was a SFC at the time. Don’t have much recollection of names (one of my wounds is on side of my head and affected my memory, the Major and I received a direct hit in our foxhole.) but do have a few pictures I can share. We worked with an ARVN unit ( Ben Hai patch) whos Commander was Captain Ho. The AO was mostly along the DMZ. Remember spending lots of times at Qua Viet, Cam Lo, Gio Lin and The Rock Pile. My personal email is I appreciate any information on this team during this period.. I read some recent statistics and learned that over 70 % of those who served in Vietnam are no longer in this world. Would like to connect with another of the few survivors from this Team before I am gone. Thanks, :).

    • Manuel,

      If you can dredge up any other information on the two Australians – partial names, Battalion and Regiment number of the ARVN unit to which your team was assigned (you must have been with the 2nd Regiment), I can probably determine if they are still alive.

    • Hi Manuel, my Great-grandpa Lowell Landre was in Macv teams 3 and 4, 66-67. 1st infantry. He was the best man I’ve ever known. Did you know him?

    • My Dad the Senior Province Advisor from late 1968 – 1970…

      I have his photo collection (many photos of the Citadel and surrounding areas) will post if people are interested

  39. I don’t know how to post photos, but I would love to see it. My email is

    The 1st Lt. could have been Mike Montgomery, but he was a Marine. I forget the name of the gunny who worked with him, but he was a big tall friendly guy, sandy-haired and very husky. There was another I am thinking of who was shorter and had one of those Old Corps gunny guts – also a friendly guy and one who, as the Australians say, “loved his beer”. He always carried an AK-47 around. The CIA had villas along the river, and the Navy Lt. and gunny may have lived there. There were military personnel working along with the CIA guys. But there was also Riverview compound itself. Most personnel at Riverview were Australians, but there were some Marine officers and enlisted guys who stayed there. Were you with the JTAD yourself?

  40. Their house was down the street from the Provincial Headquarters, across from the river. Navy Lt (Mike something or other) stayed pretty much to himself, assumed he worked with Bob Brewer. Do you know how to add photos to the website?

  41. I remember Jack Moore well as a very hard charging, competent and capable platoon commander. Too bad we didn’t know we were so close in I Corps. Interesting times.

  42. Walt Esser was my company commander when I reported to Second Bn Second Regt Fox Company at Camp Lejeune in 1966.

    • Great. I will forward this to him. I am sure he would like to hear from you. He is now living in North Carolina, and has written a couple of books on running, something he does as a dedicated hobby these days – super long distance runs, as befits a guy who is still USMC all the way through. My email address is If you send me a note, I will email Walt’s email address to you.

  43. No sir, I was with Auustralian W/O Vercoe and US Ranger Capt. Culpepper. I was only there for about six weeks and then returned back to my unit 2bn 1st Marines at Phu Bai

  44. Skip,
    I was only w/3rd Bn, 3rd Regt., for a short time—maybe 6 wks. I was then transferred to 1st Bn., 2nd ARVN Regt. in Dong Ha. The only faces that I recognize in those pictures are yours and Roger Knapper.
    I do appreciate getting those pictures, however!
    Stay in touch.
    Semper Fi,

    • Col. Tschan, speaking of photos, I have some photos of advisors who were with Team 4 when you were there. I would like to send them to you to see if you recognize anyone. Also, do you remember Walt Esser? He was a USMC artillery advisor on the team in ’67 and ’68.

      • I recognize the name–Walt Esser, but I can’t say that I remember him. We must have crossed paths somewhere along the line–since we must have just missed each other @ both “Fox” Co., 2nd Bn., 2nd Marines or @ GITMO. My first duty station assignment out of TBS was plt. cmdr., 1st Plt., 2nd Bn., 2nd Marines. Arrived there 7 Jan. ’65, departed 16 Dec. ’65.
        I should have met up w/both Walt Esser and Skip Moore in GITMO, since I was C.O. of one of the two Marine Guard Co.s @ the Marine Barracks, GITMO from Dec. ’65–Dec. ’66. I have gleaned from other conversations that both Walt and Skip were part of the FMF augmentation to the Marine Barracks sometime during ’66.
        I was the Regt’l Staff advisor w/Team 4, 1st ARVN Regt., @ Quang Tri, June ’68-Sept. ’68–so should have met him there also.

        Semper Fi,
        Bob Tschan

      • David S,–your last name is even worse than mine. Yes I would like to see the photos that you have.
        You can send them via this site/ to my e-mail (, or by snail mail to: Robert Tschan
        739 Rocky Trail Rd,
        Henderson, NV 89014
        Thanks &
        Semper Fi,

    • I forgot to mention that I have a roster from August, 1968, just after Harley Mooney took over as Senior Advisor from Marlin Thrasher. I don’t see your name on it, but it does list Capt. Donald Moore as Asst. Senior Advisor for Gio Linh, but it lists his duty station as Dong Ha. The Gio Linh Senior Advisor is Maj. Charles Slaby, but his duty station is listed as Gio Linh. I see you posted your email address, so I will go ahead and send you the photos and the roster.

    • Hello,

      Did you get the photos I emailed to you?

      I gave Walt Esser your name and email address in case he remembered you. He said he was going to post a note to Mr. Moore, and I mentioned to him you had some postings he might want to look at, to see if they jogged his memory. You two certainly should have crossed paths at some point. Walt was an artillery advisor with Team 4, and he was there when I arrived in May, 1967. So he probably would have left about when I did, I think, in June, 1968. But I am not certain.

      Your name is familiar to me but I very much doubt it was from Quang Tri. I might have seen it in a notebook kept by the Team 4 XO, Maj. Sanderson. It isn’t on my roster from August ’68, but that list seems to include only U.S. Army officers. No Marines or other services are listed except for one Australian, David Millie.

      Let me know if you recognized any of the people in the photos who are not named in the file titles.


      David Sciacchitano

  45. Bill/Skip,

    I wish that the “accidental” discharge had been the “.50 cal”. The Ontos 106’s were pointed down range. They had been used for “H & I’s” all night on Sat. The 106″s needed cleaning, so the crews were doing just that on that Sunday morn.

    The 106 RR can be cleaned while loaded IF the hydraulic bypass valve is turned to the correct position. It wasn’t!!!!!!!!!!!!! When they finished cleaning one of the 106’s, they slammed the breach closed. They, of course, were cleaning the breach from the rear & when they slammed the breach block, the 106 fired. Four of the worst deaths I have ever witnessed anywhere!!

    We cleaned up most of the parts, but not nearly all.

    Semper Fi,

    • Bob, I sent an e-mail to you and Bill with some pictures I had taken in the MACV Compound and in the field. You will be surprised to see some of the faces!!!

  46. Skip,
    Of course I remember you!! We were together during some very exciting times of my life. I still have a picture of you and I together–not sure exactly when it was taken–or where it is right now.
    Maybe I’m wrong, but I always thought that we were with the 3rd Bn., 3rd ARVN Regt. HQ, 3rd ARVN Regt. was located @ PK-17, I think. During the time I/we were with the 3rd Bn., I think the Regt’l Staff Advisor was Maj. Roger Knapper, USMC.
    Do you remember being w/3rd Bn. when it was located up on that old French fortress? Remember the accidental discharge of the Ontos on a Sunday morn.?

    I had a Marine “buck” Sgt. w/me when we were transferred from the 1st ARVN Div. Recon Co. He was w/me/us up on that old French fortress. I have been trying to think of his name for the last 25 yrs.–no luck. Do you remember him or his name or?

    • bob and skip….just listening in on this conversation
      accidental discharge from an ontos???? i hope it was the .50 cal spotting rifle and not the 106! must have been a memorable sunday morning for all who observed.

      first time i saw an ontos fired was at pendleton when i was going through itr in oct ’58. we were sitting in the bleachers, ontos was out in front pointing down range. instructor told us to watch the dumpster a couple of hundred meters down range. the ontos fired the 50 cal first and i remember being disappointed and thinking “that sure wasn’t very spectacular” didn’t know that was only the preliminaries! then it let loose with 4 or 6 of the 106’s and that WAS SPECTACULAR!

      later i served with 1st recon bn. at camp horno and we were in adjacent barracks to 1st AT Bn. got to ride on/in the ontos a few times during joint field days.

      semper fi…glad you two are a team again


    • It was a 106 accidental discharge that took a Marine’s head off. He slammed the breech while standing directly behind it. We also had a Marine shoot a finger off with the .50 cal. Lt. Bob (Hoot) Gibson was the Ontos Platood Commander. Yes, it was 3Bn 3rd Regt. Yes, I do remember you, Bob, Roger Knapper, JJ Coolican, and Peter Kelly. There was a Westoint LTCOL Turner there too, I believe. Interesting times. I have been living in The Villages, FL since Oct 2004. Great place to retire. Softball and golf are my life. 😃😃😃
      Stay in touch!
      Skip Moore

  47. To Bob Tschan: Remember me, Jack (Skip) Moore? I was advisor to 3rd Batt, 4th Regt, 1st ARVN Di. From Jan 67 to Jan 68 based out of Hue. Hope to hear from you.

    • Skip,
      I posted my last comment before I had finished & it won’t let me edit after posting.
      I remember seeing you @ HQMC when I was there, but don’t remember exactly when that was.
      Where are you now and what are you doing? Still in the D.C. area?
      Semper Fi,

  48. Does anyone remember Naval team #1 MILPHAP (military provincial hospital assistance program) under Captain Knox Pittard, from 66 to 67? Based in Quang Tri, but traveled extensively in 1, 2, and 3 corps.

    • I have contact information for one of the doctors who served on the MILPHAP team in 1967 who might remember the name, depending on the exact dates of Capt. Pittar’s command. It would not be too difficult to determine if Capt. Pittard is still alive.

      • I remember Dr. Pittard; he took me out to the hospital several times. Seemed to be a very personable and professional member of Team 4.

        • He was very personable. He was in charge of just 16 medical advisors, just one step from Admiral, but he loved his job and related to the community, dedicated himself and us to the care of the civilians, and traveled extensively in Vietnam to aid the populace. I was honored to travel with him and a corpsman named Bell who learned fluent Vietnamese and interacted with the people superbly.

    • I worked with Dr. Pittard when I was with MILPHAP in Quang Tri. He died in a plane crash about 6 weeks after returning to the States.

    • A Navy Captain could have been Pittard. He one fatal night sloshing through a wet rice patty passed the deep end of Kilroy compound with myself and others in the late night trailing him to where a Marine helicopter crashed into a dirt Mount. Because of zero visibility from a thick fog not being able to find the landing patch came in to low and pulling up late.. He being head of me I followed along when the first responders approaching us had a casualty in tow on a litter. The Captain took his jacket off realizing he had expired covered his face that had been torn off. The doctor recognized the death from 10 yards out. In the moment I was in awe of his professionalisms to cover him so quickly sparing us. I visited the hospital on occasionally however never saw him again. It’s the professionalism that MACV Team 4 displayed throughout my 9 mos.. stay In !-CORP Quang Tri and La Vang.

      • I was a physician on MILPHAP team N1. I was there from 1967-68. I overlapped with Capt. Pittard and learned quite a lot from him. He was a good surgeon and physician. From what I understand he died in a plane crash shortly after returning to Texas

        • Hi, Dr. Zei, It’s too bad that you didn’t arrive a year earlier. You would have loved to have served with Capt. Pittard. He was a very personable and capable physician. He loved to take chances and visit the villages where viet cong activity was rampant. I was lucky enough to go with him on these medicade missions. We were taken to various sites by Air America (CIA), with various aircraft. He would often disappear on these visits, and I suspected he may have been covertly involved. We even went into the DMZ on one occassion. He loved the people, and they loved him. He loved beefeaters gin, and enjoyed the company of his fellow officers, but he was always ready for surgery day of night. To hear that he died in a airplane crash is not surprising, because he loved to live on the edge.


            • Dr Zei, Too bad I wasn’t there a little while longer. You sound like you were also a caring person, and good to work with. Beside Dr. Pittard, we had 2 other doctors, but their specialties were ob/gyn and anesthesiology. They adapted quickly though and were a big help. The 11 corpsmen assigned there were all petty officers and did help with the minor surgeries. I volunteered to go the medcaps with Dr. Pittard and another corpsman by the name of Bell that also cared very deeply for the people, and spoke fluent Vietnamese. We were always welcome no matter where we went. We also would pass out what supplies we could and especially soap. We always got swamped, and it all was very rewarding. I never went to the orphanage, but Capt. Pittard probably did. I imagine that it had to have been an amazing experience, but also very sad to see so much suffering from people that didn’t deserve it. I remember Tu very well. Little guy, even by asian standards, but a joy to be around. He was always smiling. I wasn’t too sure some of our other interpreters weren’t v.c. at night. I was invited to a dinner at one of their homes, and his 18 year old daughter stared daggers at me the entire time. Made me very uncomfortable. Our job there, as I understood it, was to teach the Vietnamese how to run their own hospital, but all that we accomplished was to do all the work, while they sometimes watched. That was discouraging. I’m surprised that you were still there during Tet. I thought they would have evacuated you. I’ll bet that was no fun. I also look back on the experience as rewarding

              • We had another young man as an interpreter who was also very pleasant and trustworthy. After Tet they both came to the hospital to help us take care of the casualties. The other two doctors with me were both primary care doctors. I spent my time doing primary care when I wasn’t doing surgery. I agree with you that we were supposed to be there to teach the Vietnamese how to practice better medicine. Besides the providence medical chief (who never saw patients at the hospital) the only other Vietnamese doctor we saw was an army captain who would come by occasionally. I agree with you that basically what we did was run the hospital. Most of the Vietnamese wouldn’t even help us. The only one I admired was the new head nurse. She made the others help us. She was the only one to show up after Tet. I used to go out to the hospital even at night. I gave medical care to the “Rough and Puffs” who were basically hoodlums trained and run by the CIA. In return the CIA advisor armed us all with Swedish K submachine guns and Baretta 9mm pistols. When I went to the hospital I drove by their compound. As i drove by a jeep with 2 Rough and Puffa would follow me and stay at the hospital until I left, My own bodyguards. What did you do when you got out of the Navy? Where do you live now?

                • The few people that stepped up and did their duty above and beyond what was necessary deserve medals. The other ones, I can forgive, because they were stuck in the middle and were fearing for their lives if they took the wrong path. I am so happy that Capt Pittard had such a capable replacement. The CIA were, in my memory, a bunch of mercenaries that loved the adventure and lived on the edge. So glad they took care of you. You sound like a wonderful, caring man. When I left the Navy, I drove an ambulance for a while, then went back to being an x-ray tech. Worked at Kaiser Permanente for over 30 years, mostly in hospital supervision, and clinical work. Live in southern Calif., and long ago retired. Would love to get back to the Virginia area to meet you

          • You are right about the fact that I would have enjoyed working with Dr. Pittard. The 2 months I spent with him were quite enjoyable. I learned a lot of surgery from him which helped me later on when he was gone and the new team arrived.

            • Speaking of great doctors, Gerry Zel himself was then and still remains one. He is being far too modest which is his way. I have no doubt that Dr. Pittard was excellent, if only because the MILPHAP team we had at Quang Tri was outstanding all around. Gerry Zel did remarkable work while he was there, and he worked on cases other doctors would have given up on. I remember one case I saw who hardly looked human he was so badly hurt, and Gerry saved him. He is wonderful with kids and was wonderful with them in those days. And more than that, he is just a great all around person. If any of you get to Yorktown, Virginia, or Williamsburg, which is not far, be sure to visit the Virginia State Park there (it is separate from the Yorktown National park). Gerry gives a fantastic demonstration of Revolutionary War medicine that you won’t forget. It is truly fascinating. Three cheers for Gerry!

              • I remember driving back from our safehouse, near the hospital, when I was stopped by a crowd of Vietnamese. They had a little boy, who had a hand blown almost clear off, from a found explosive.
                Wrapped a belt around his wrist and drove to the hospital for treatment. Upon reflection, am ashamed that I did not follow up on what happened to him afterwards.

                  • Oct 66-Sept 67. My initial immersion into Quang Tri: just arrived in Hue, went to MACV there to look for someone going to Quang Tri. Cpt Rud had a convoy going up that day (2 jeeps), and offered me a ride. Talk about pucker factor…Learned to really respect him, great devastation in Quang Tri at his loss…

                    • We did overlap. I was in Quang Tri from June 67- Apr 68. I know that we know each other. What did you do in Quag Tri?

                    • 149thMI Group. Lived in compound first 6 months, then moved to QT across the street from ProvChief’s Palace….civilian clothes

                    • Joseph,
                      My father was at HUE and Quang Tri Oct 66 to Oct 67.. His name was Msg Ted Serna assigned to MACV.. Di you possibly know him he was in communications ..

                      Best Regards

                      Ted Serna Jr

                • Joe, That was one of the sad things about Nam. All the work that we put in there, the lives we intermingled with, the friends we made, and we don”t have closure on where and what happened to the people we connected with. Thank you for stepping up and helping that child

              • Hi David, Been going thru the comments, and you seemed to have knowledge and friends of those bad old days. Sorry that I never met you. Dr. Zei sounds like a very caring and knowledgeable physician. I would have been honored to have worked with him.

                • You would have loved knowing or even working with Gerry.

                  Me? Probably not so much!

                  But try to catch one of Gerry’s shows at Yorktown if you are able. They are terrific and you will enjoy meeting Gerry.

      • Hi Albert, I was on guard duty that night. There were 2 choppers. First one landed and immediately started throwing his spotlight around looking for the other one. I didn’t know why, because I never heard a crash. The other pilot came running at me screaming for help. I woke up 4 of my fellow corpsmen and we luckily found the other chopper pretty quickly. We brought the co-pilot back to the compound where Captain Pitttard pronounced him dead. I went with the chopper and the injured pilot to Dong Ha where he recovered well.

  49. i was there around 1969. also, worked a lot around dong ha area. does anyone remember an army guy named Trintini? how about jose boles. his real name wasn’t jose, but that’s what we called him. major jones was the c.o. then, as well. if anyone remembers these guys, or if you remember me, gimme an email. I was air force then. still miss that medic. I think his last name way styme. that what we called him, anyway. Kilroy compound. I would have never remembered that name.

  50. I was attached out to team IV in 1966. 

    Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Mega™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

      • Dasher Wheatley was my team mate from February/March 1965 he was killed in action November 1965 and awarded a Victoria Cross. If Rafael was “attached out”” to team IV in 1966 WO Wheatley was already KIA.

        • Mr. Sharp, I tried to locate you a couple of years ago. I see I had the spelling of your last name wrong, which couldn’t have helped. Have you ever been in touch with an Australian named Joe Roach? He is writing a book on Wheatley. You can reach me directly at

    • Rafael,

      Vercoe was WO2 Raymond Frederick Vercoe, Royal Australian Engineers. He was an advisor to the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Regiment, while with Team 4, and then went down to an assignment in Vung Tau at the end of January, 1967. He passed away in 2004.

  51. My wife just found this site and the site for Team 3.
    My name is Robert(Bob) E. Tschan. When I arrived in VN on 7 Mar., 1967, I had just been promoted to Capt., USMC. On arrival at the 1st ARVN Div. HQTRS., in Hue, the Sr. Advisor to the Div., was Col. Peter E. Kelly, USA. I was assigned as the Sr. Advisor to the 1st ARVN Div. Recon Co. The HQTRS of the Recon Co. was located inside the Citadel. The Recon Co. was very active and conducted several clandestine ops.
    Sometime in May, several members of the Advisor team assigned to the 3rd Bn., 3rd ARVN Regt., were killed during an attack. The Marine Sgt. who was with me @ the Recon Co., and I were reassigned to that Bn. They were located on a mountaintop north of Hue and west of PK-17, overlooking one of the main NVA infiltration routes. The location was an old French fortress–probably the same place some of you have said was turned into a cement factory! I became the Sr. Advisor to that Bn. The asst. Sr. Advisor was Capt. Jack Moore, USMC.
    In July, or thereabouts, I was transferred to be the Sr. Advisor to the 1st Bn., 2nd ARVN Regt., located in Dong Ha. I replaced Capt. Costantin, USA, who was transferred to a Div. Staff Advisor billet in Hue.
    In late Oct., I was transferred to be the Regt’l. Staff Advisor. In mid-Dec., the Sr. Regt’l. Advisor, Maj. Gerald Peterson, USA, rotated stateside. His replacement had not arrived and even tho’ there were 2-3 Majors on the advisor team, Col. Kelly assigned me as the “acting” Sr. Regt’l. Advisor.
    I was the Sr. Advisor to Lt.Col. Vu Van Giai during “TET”. He wanted to take the 2nd ARVN Regt. from Dong Ha into Hue City—“to save the 1st ARVN Div. HQTRS” (Lt.Gen. Troung). Lt.Col. Giai’s ulterior motive, however, was that his family lived in Hue and he wanted to ensure their safety. Had he done that, that would have left the infiltration corridor from Rte. 1 east to the coast and the city of Dong Ha, (the 2nd ARVN Regt.’s TAOR) totally unprotected.
    The ARVN had no helos available for transport. Lt.Col Giai and I met w/ CG, 3rd MarDiv., headquartered in Dong Ha. Lt.Col. Giai requested that the Marines provide the 2nd ARVN Regt. w/ enough helo support to get them into Hue.
    Fortunately, the CG would only provide nine CH-46’s. With the nine helo’s enroute to Hue City, three were shot down, three were shot up and had to go to a carrier off the coast, and three made it into a “hot LZ” in Hue, near the “Citadel.”
    The relatively small group of ARVN soldiers that did make it into Hue decided to retrograde from the “Citadel” and try to make it back to the Div. Hqtrs. I was w/that group, and Unfortunately, they didn’t tell me that they were leaving!!!!! I spent about 6-8 hrs. in the moat!!!
    The next morning, I made it to an LZ near the Div. Hqtrs., caught a helo back to Dong Ha and reconnected with Lt.Col. Giai. He and I then boarded an ARVN L-19(Piper Cub) and returned to fly around Hue City so Lt. Col. Giai could act as a spotter for the Div. He reported NVA unit locations back to the Div. until we had to return to Dong Ha for fuel and sleep!!
    Later on in Feb., the Sr. Advisor to the ARVN Bn. located @ A-1, Capt. Roger Wellbrook, USMC, received a minor wound. I went to replace him while he recuperated for a couple of days. I had only been on A-1 for a couple of days when we took direct hits to the advisor bunker and the Naval Gunfire Spot team bunker.
    The USArmy Forward Observer Team was in the advisor team bunker–both were killed. Neither SFC Green nor I were wounded.
    I returned to the Sr. Advisor billet in Dong Ha and remained there until relieved by Major Costantin, USA, in May.
    I went on leave in May/June and in July ’68, I was assigned to the 1st ARVN Regt. in Quang Tri, as the Regt.’l Staff advisor.
    I rotated back to the U.S. in early Sept.
    Now that I have written this epistle, I know that I have known some of you–or just missed you, either coming or going.
    Capt. Jim Cooligan, Sr. Advisor to the Hoc Bao, won the Navy Cross for his actions @ the Hue MACV compound during TET.
    At some point, during, I think mid-’68, Capt. Roger Wellbrook, USMC, became the Sr. Advisor to the Hoc Bao.
    I retired in 1992, after the Gulf War.

    • bob,

      did you ever meet up with bill cervenak in hue? he was the company man with the pru unit. loaned him one of my best sgts who was soon kia.

      jack moore is old friend

      what is a good email address for you?

      semper fi

      bill mcbride

      • Bill,
        That name–Bill Cervenak does not sound familiar.
        Jack Moore and I served together a couple of different times. I last saw Jack wandering the halls @ HQMC in mid-late ’80’s. He was a civilian then. I have lost track of him, so if you are in contact w/him, tell him I said, “Hello”, and give him my e-mail.
        I live in Henderson, NV,–just outside of Las Vegas.
        Semper Fi,

      • Bill Cervenak was the RDC/O (Revolutionary Development Cadre/Operations) officer in Quang Tri, not Hue. He worked for CIA officer Province Chief Robert Brewer responsible for Vietnamese Revolutionary Development Teams and PRUs with help from Eugene Castaneda who was killed at the PRU Compound on August 12, 1967 during an enemy sapper attack. I was the Regional Officer responsible for these programs and am familiar with those serving in Quang Tri Province. Hope this helps.

        • Pete Luitwieler didn’t go out to Trieu Phong until later in the year after Lt. Col. Smith departed. My apologies.

          I have Pete’s contact information if you need it at any point, though it seems you have as good a source of info as you can get now in Mr. Enders.

          • Australian Maj. John F. Hughes was the senior advisor to Trieu Phong along with myself as “Senior American” as a young Lt. along with Australian W. O. William J. Hill. We also had an American E-6 medic, and I can’t recall his name. I left prior to the attack in 1967

  52. I was on Team 2 in Quang Ngai, 5-1-67-4-30-68. I had a friend who was in Quang Tri with MACV as an RTO at the same time. His name was Al Simmons. He would have been a PFC and was a really fun guy. If this rings a bell with anyone, could you let me know? Thanks. Ed

    • Was Simmons assigned to the team or attached to an army outfit co-located with it? I am still in touch with a few people who worked in the TOC Quang Trip citadel during that period and they may have known him. But there were also a couple of classified operations based at the compound that had RTO types with them.

  53. Sgt. Church was an advisor to the 9th ARVN Airborne Battalion. He was killed in a hamlet just north of Quang Tri City when his company was overrun by NVA troops in the opening hours of the NVA assault on Quang Tri City. Sgt. Church was assigned to Advisory Team 162 (not Team 4), which was the advisory team attached to the ARVN Airborne Division. If you send me your email address I can put you in touch with Col. Dick Blair, who was also an advisor to the 9th ARVN Airborne Battalion at the same time and who knew your grandfather very well. I can also send you some material on the attack on Quang Tri City, but for personal information Dick Blair is your best bet.

    David Sciacchitano david.sciacchitano@verizon;net

  54. I am trying to get more information on my grandfather that was with macv in quang tri on January 31 1968 during the tet offensive . My grandfather name is john church . Died January 31 1968

    • Sgt. Church was an advisor to the 9th ARVN Airborne Battalion. He was killed in a hamlet just north of Quang Tri City when his company was overrun by NVA troops in the opening hours of the NVA assault on Quang Tri City. Sgt. Church was assigned to Advisory Team 162 (not Team 4), which was the advisory team attached to the ARVN Airborne Division. If you send me your email address I can put you in touch with Col. Dick Blair, who was also an advisor to the 9th ARVN Airborne Battalion at the same time and who knew your grandfather very well. I can also send you some material on the attack on Quang Tri City, but for personal information Dick Blair is your best bet.

      David Sciacchitano david.sciacchitano@verizon;net

  55. Henry John Stuttard, WO2, Australian, AATTV, advisor to 7th ARVN Cavalry, Thua Thien and Quang Tri Provinces, was in Quang Tri May – November 1969. WIA 24/3/69 Quang Tri. Still living in 2005.

    Eric Crawley Burns, WO2, Australian. AATTV advisor to the 7h ARVN Cavalry in Quang Tri 1/69 to 1/70. Deceased 9/6/02


  57. Please correct the spelling to “Quang Tri”. Teams 3 and 4 were both assigned to support the ARVN 1st Division in addition to RF/PF and other Vietnamese forces and activities.

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