Team 26 Dalat

MACV Team 26 -Dalat.

This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 26 located in Dalat.

196 thoughts on “Team 26 Dalat

  1. My name is Peter Little. I was an Arty FO with B Battery, 5/27 Arty, IFFV from 9/68 to 3/70. Started with a SF B Team with a Montagnard Company; HQ in Da Lat out of Ban Me Tout; Sr. Advisor was SFC Wolfgang Ostertag. Starting around 7/69 (?), I moved to an ARVN unit also out of Da Lat; Sr. Advisor Lt. James Farmer. Worked for a while with a Cpt. O’Neal (sp?)) a Cornell grad with a degree in music; exceptionally fluent in Vietnamese. I was all over the Province calling in 105 for both B and C Batteries. I spent almost all of my time in the boonies with B Teams or ARVN units; left Nam 4/70.

    • I knew LT. Gerry Buffalini at C/5/27. I was in A/5/22 in Duc Trong. When you were FO did you met LT. Dick Yousey who was also FO in your area. Also aware of the MET team at Duc Trong and wondered about MACV officers Rodney Lewis , Paul Gilbert, Dwight Wilingham.

  2. My name is Stuart Tropp. I served in Phu Bai with 82nd from 6/68-12/68 and then served w/MACV in many positions. I was a 1st lt. MAT leader in Buon Kram hamlet outside of Ban Me Thuot from 12/68 t0 4/69. Promoted to Capt and In May 69 took my team to another Darlac district ( Lac Thien?)and left there for Nha Trang to work in Office Of Territorial Forces (OTF) for Colonel Wheeler until late 69. Went to Pleiku as senior advisor to II Corps provincial forces inspection team. I think replaced Major Schissel. Then moved to Dalat around 10/70 as senior advisor to deputy mayor of Dalat. Left for home 4/71. Was housed in a villa with LTC Hilty, Major Obradovich , one other CPT and a couple of LTs.This is my first attempt at reaching out. As you can see I was all over the place, hopefully someone is still alive and remembers- alot of it is a fog to me.

    • You stayed at Villa 10, the officers BOQ. I spent some time there in September of 1970 and May-June 1971. Between those times I was Senior Advisor of MAT 106 in Dalat, then Duc Trong. I posted a photo of Villa 10 on this page several years ago. You can probably find it.
      Steve Rieck

      • Thanks for the reply. Could’nt find the picture. Did you know Major Obradovich? I was so focused on my counterpart that much of my time there is a blur.

        • I was with tm26 from july 69 to july 70 i knew maj Obradovich I worked on tm vehicles and was a advisor to the viet maint unit in dalat.

          • Thanks for the reply. I didn’t get to Dalat until 10/70. I remember getting my jeep painted chocolate brown and getting new vinyl seat covers. There was a African American guy that I hung with, I think a NCO or WO and I think he had something to do with motorpool. I remember him being quite thin but everything else is fuzzy.

          • I’ve been in touch with several people in Duc Trong who remember you. I think I have a picture of you with SFC Slaughter working on a Jeep.

        • Yes, I worked for MAJ Obradovich for a while. I thought him a fine officer. LTC Hilty was the Deputy PSA. He was my ultimate boss (under Mr. White, the head honcho).
          There is a Facebook page on Dalat (Dalat Historic) where I posted the photo of Villa 10. The FB page is administered by an Army chopper pilot who flew sector birds in the province. Check it out.

          • Hi Steve, Went to the page- couldn’t find photo of villa 10. Not that important. Did find film of a Buon Kram visit by Benge in 1960. When I lived in that hamlet it was much poorer probably due to the 1964 war. I must have interfaced with you at some point as I and my counterpart were responsible for the HES and TFES reports for all the RF/PF in the 43 hamlets of Dalat. I never really knew what the Major did as I pretty much was on my own although technically Hilty was my superior.

      • Steve
        I was at an Artillery fire base in DucTrong from about 4/69 to 1/70. I was part of the 8/26 Arty doing Metro for the 5/27 or 5/22 Arty at DucTrong.
        We were in DaLat many times a week picking up supplies etc .
        Barry Keshner

        • Hi Barry, there wasn’t very much US Arty left when I rotated back to the States in June of 1971. Most of our operational support came from ARVN arty with assistance from US advisors at the battery (who made sure the ARVN got the firing solutions right). We may have called on you guys a few times in Duc Trong when you were there. Thanks for your service!

        • I went to the “Dalat Historic” Facebook page and found my photo of Villa 10. If you go on Facebook to that page, you can select “Photos”on the menu bar at the top of the page. My photo is listed as #142 of 163. There are a few other photos of Dalat that I’ve posted over the years. Unfortunately the website doesn’t permit pictures. Good luck.

          • Steve,

            Found it under posts. Little memory of the exterior. Went through my things and found documents from Hilty related to visitors paying for meals and weapons policy. The latter was related to an incident between 2 LTs. One threatened the other brandishing his 45 in the villa- I broke it up. Were you there at the time? The pity is I don’t have any orders related to my specific assignments- just the dd214. Can’t get any records due to covid short staffing- bummer. That’s the reason I can’t be more specific.

      • Yes, remember that compound well when I was there. Team 26 thought of it as “the mother ship”. Pre Line mtn housed a signal operation that could let us set up MARS calls back home.

        • Yes you are right !   Lang Beign Mountain was off in the distance.  We had MAC V people who stayed on the compound all the time and many that visited or were always present.  The compound was home of the 556th Signal  Company part of the First Signal Brigade.  I was part of that unit.  It is good to hear from you and I hope you are safe and doing well.  How about Cam Ly airstrip do you remember it at all?  mI will round up some pictures if you want to see them

        • Joan Norman from Oklahoma? I drove to Pittsburgh in 1973 to see Ed Knight. I was working at Wonder Bread at the time. I remember you you worked with me also!

  3. April 1970 to oct. 70. 5/32 then ship to 6/32 oct 70 to may 71 looking for a guy called popeye from RI. and find a guy named Gary Hurley from Chicago

  4. does anybody remember B btry 5/22 at the end of the ban-me-thouth air field. went on many raids ie bridge 20,abandoned MACV compound known as VC valley and duc lop

  5. My name is David Metcalf. I am trying to find out if anyone remembers my uncle SFC Robert H Millwood. I believe he was a member of MACV Adv. Tm. 26 and possibly 22 at one time. This would have been in the late 60s. He was a combat medic. He passes away in 1971 as a result of stomach cancer. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

  6. I was assigned to AT 34 in Dalat, 1965. Spent two years there and have been back 8-10 times.I remember most of the places you guys are talking about but not any of the guys. We lived in a villa until 31 Dec 1965 when the VC blew it up and killed Krause, we then moved into the modern hotel right by the steps and across from the main market. Moved in Krause compound about March of 66.

  7. Hi everyone,
    My unknown father served as a US military in the Dalat area in 67/68. Since there were not to many troops stationed in Dalat you may have some useful information of a men from Iowa who was a relative to the Kloster / Torgelson family. Thanks!

  8. Hello to all here,
    I am currently living in Dalat, Vietnam since 2015. I retired US Army in 1985, never served in Vietnam. Lucky, maybe but I am happily living in Dalat now. I have visited Cam Ly Airport. It is full of green houses and the tower is a home to a Vietnamese family. But I have driven around the landing strip. I have an old M151A2 that has been restored. I have seen the bailey bridge built and still in use by the engineers here. I have current photos of the surrounding area if anyone is interested, e-mail me.

          • I don’t do a lot, drink coffee, drive my M151A2 jeep around the area, and pretty much retired life. We are building a house outside of Dalat to the west in a village called Da Nghit. I go to Saigon once a month or so for doctor visits and shopping. I help out a real estate outfit with talking to expats wanting to buy houses, and I am the US Consulate warden for this area. Which means if there is an evacuation order, I e-mail all the US citizen residents. YouTube has lots of good videos of this area.

              • At the bottom of the hill where the Palace was there was a school taught by French nuns that we used to bring some food too and help with teaching English.

      • I would love some pictures also I was in the 556th Signal Company on the Krauss Compound between lang Bien Mountain and Priline

        • I would need more information on the Priline. I have been to Lang Bien, it’s a tourist site now. The Vietnamese drive you up from the bottom in Russian jeeps, they won’t let me drive my M151A2. They charge a few dollars per person. Nice views from the top on clear days. I buy my coffee from an expat that is from Michigan. He married into a Montangard family that has lots of coffee trees.

          • I will get you some pictures of Priline but all my stuff is packed and in my new condo as I am still in my old home scheduled to close on May 29th wife passed away September 17 life has been a whirlwind! How about the Krauss Compound you could see it from the top of Lang Bien mountain and did you go on that site I told you 556th signal co band of brothers all pictures of Dalat when we were there and I am the one Stephen Stankiewicz others are my buddies give me some feedback

    • Greeting, I arrived in Dalat 1969 assigned to the 362 Sig. I spent about 1 month on Pri Lin mountain before being sent to Bong Son. I remember Cam Ly airport and the Kraus compound. The compound alleged to have been built by the French army and Japanese army during WWII. You have a very beautiful place to live. I plan on visiting one day.

    • Freddie
      I was stationed down the road in Duc Trong in 69. It was an Artillery Fire Base.
      We were in DaLat almost every day for supplies. Is the lake still as pretty as it was then?
      Any pics of DaLat or Duc Trong.
      Thank you

      • My team was in a remote outpost west of Duc Trong. We visited team there occasionally and Dalat. I have pictures of Dampow and outpost before Dampow. Glad to forward if you like.

        • Thank you for the quick reply Fred.
          I don’t remember any MACV west of us, I thought there was a small team east of us but it was a while ago. I was there for most of 1969. I was an Artillery Ballistic Meteorologist at the fire base. Any pics would be great!!!
          Thank you again.

    • Hi, I was at Cam Ly during tet 68, I can’t believe the tower is still there I spent many nights in it, my bunker was about 50 yards away straight down from the tower on the left side, we were the 87th Engineer Battalion stationed their. Brings back a lot of memories would like to see how it looks today. My email is

    • Hi, I was at Cam Ly during tet 68, my bunker was about 100 maybe 200 yards down from the tower at end of the runway on the left side. Would be interesting to see how it looks today.

    • Is the old Signal compound still there up on the hill. The military training facility similar to our West Point for the Vietnamese office training

  9. Does anyone remember SFC Thomas Striplin who was in Dalat in 68 he was my father and would like to find out more from his time ther

    • I did not know your father as I did not arrive in Dalat, home of MACV Team 26, until April 1971. Here is the address for a Dalat Facebook page which may get you some results. I hope ypu can find someone who knew your father.

    • I was a member of team 26. I got to Dalat July 68. Our team was in a remote outpost in dam pau. I was the medic for the team. My name is Fred Saenz.

    • Hi, my name is Terry Moon, I was at the Cam Ly Airfield just outside Dalat is that where your father was or was he an MP in town. If he was at the Airfield (Cam Ly) I could tell you a lot about what it was like there. My email is

      • Hi Terry
        I was stationed down the road near Duc Trong at a Fire Base. We would go to the airport almost every day to pick up people and equipment etc.
        I remember a wrecked Army Cessna 337 Push-Pull twin engine that crashed after it was refueled with Jet fuel instead or gasoline.
        I was there for most of 1969. Loved the French bread we would get from downtown Da Lat.

  10. Hi Bill,

    We were together at Don Doung for a couple months in early 1970. Since I can’t imagine more than a handful of medics there, I’m thinking we may have met, which, if so, might be substantiated by our brief discussion over the sort of event which tends to be more memorable. Given your interest in veterans history, particularly recognition of the obvious “waste” regarding Vietnam, I’d welcome any detailed elaboration you’d care to share ( Though Ken Burns’ recent documentary conjures adjectives like “powerful”, “riveting”, “instructive”, it missed, I believe, those historical nuances which, in the case of Vietnam, are essential to the “whys” and “wherefores.” While objective history is often frustratingly elusive (case in point; your neighbor), Vietnam, as it is today, is what it should be. They earned their independence and it isn’t for us to quibble over what form that takes.

  11. Hello Everyone,

    Does anyone remember my father? His name is Charlie Aregood. He was in the 43rd Sig Bat and spent much of his time in country at Dalat. I do not like to post my phone number online, but if anyone is out there please post a reply or email me (if my email address is shown with this post) so we can then connect privately. To be clear, my father is still living and in good health. I am here looking for some of the people who may be in the many photographs I have from there or those who might like to get in touch. I would also welcome opinions on whether I should put all the photos online.


  12. Lived with and flew MACV Team 26 Feb. and March 1972 right before the Easter Offensive. Was Crewchief of Huey 872 with the 201st Aviation in Nha Trang.

  13. Hello,

    I came across your post looking for people who served with my father. He remembers you. I have passed along your information to him. He intends to call. I have many photographs of where he worked and the people who were there at the time if you would be interested in seeing them.


  14. Michael S Barnes is my name and I was in Dalat from Jan 1969 until Jan 1970.I was assigned to Co.E 43 Sig Bn.I worked in crypto at the communication center..If anyone was in that outfit I would like to hear from you.I think I was in the Kraus compound.Had a NCO club and Comm Center.Give me a call 305 304 0979

    • Yes Mike Were you not a repairman??…David Lyden here.. was with Tasnady,Kurztnacker, Martin, & Eddie Turner from Chatanooga Tn. Among others. Oh Larsen too..
      Ended up working in that Comm Cntr 1 day on 2 daze off.. We had a apt in Dalat..I had a girlfriend from the mess hall. YUP.. NCO Club Friday nights DIME NITE YUP..Long time ago EH?? We actually did not have a bad time there at all.

  15. My name in Ken Wilks. I was with an RRC (we can now say ASA) COMSEC team in 66-67. We went to Da Lat a number of times. I ran into a young LT by the name of Tom Sickinger. He and I had been stationed in Panama together. He went to OCS, I went to Nam. I always enjoyed the trips to the MACV teams. Good people with a hard job. Tom was in Leavenworth Kansas (on the outside thankfully) last I heard. He had had cancer, but I think he beat it. Thanks guys for your service. My memories of Da Lat otherwise are downtown and the Ba Mui Ba stands. A;most got caught with a friend when we stayed after hours and VC decided to visit. The friend was Ski Galinski. He got a bronze star (I think) during a firefight in downtown Da Lat during Tet. I had gone home by then.

  16. I formed MAT 106 in II Corps CORDS Team 26 in September of 1970 in Dalat. Mr. White was Province Senior Advisor, LTC Hilty was his deputy. MAT 106 was formed to augment MACV training support in Tuyen Duc Province. We began with only three team members, myself, SFC Everett Birchard and SFC Jake Jacobs. Later added SFC Francis Key, SFC Pat Nugent and 1LT Jack Webster. By the time I rotated out of country in June of 1971, MAT 106 was being disbanded. I saw SFC Jacobs when I was a CPT in the 1/108th Armor Battalion at Fort Stewart in the late 1970’s but have lost track of all others since then. Hope someone has some contacts. Hoo-ah!

    • Steve:

      I was on MAVC Team 26 from April 1971 until December 1971. Of the names in your post, I only recall one, Mr. White who was the Province Senior Advisor. Other names I recall are MAJ Lucky, who was the Company Commander out at the Krauss Compound and his First Sergeant, 1SG Scott. I also recall a MSG Harrignton who has excellent cartentry skills and was married to a local Vietnamese lady. I should remember more since I booked travel on Air America for Team 26 members, but I don’t. I also was at Fort Stewart in the late 70s, 24th S&T Battalion, Hunter Personnel Team and the 24th AG Company at Stewart. I departed Ft. Stewart in 1980 for Alaska.

      Take care my friend and good luck on locating your team members.

      John T.

      • John, I finally connected with my assistant team leader, Jack Webster, on MAT 106. I’m going to visit him and his wife at their home in Virginia at the end of October. Haven’t seen Jack since we had dinner together the first week of June 1971. You may have booked some travel for me during the spring and early summer of ’71. Thanks for your help!
        Hope you are well.

      • Dan Reimer, you and I were both in Tuyen Duc province at the same time. I remember you well. You took some friendly shrapnel from the American arty support that forgot to adjust elevation for the mountains. Steve Rieck

  17. tourdirector1 I was with the team 25 from May 1971 to 1972. I was the Phoenix advisor for the district team and was reclassed small unit infantry advisor. We were a two man team and lived with the Vietnamese after a short lease with the 577th Engineeer Battalion.
    Fun times in the best engineeer site by a dam site.

  18. Ed, thanks for your comment. Frankly, I didn’t know your team moved down with us, which makes sense. Given that we numbered around two hundred, your half dozen or so could’ve easily gone unnoticed. Were you guys bunkered solo, or shuffled among us? My recollection is that we had three bunkers on the west end – mine was at the northeast corner (dam side). Dan Cabot.

    • Dan, with regards to billeting assignments, it varied…there were three rows of bunkers and then a bunch of hooches that were revetted..the compound was south of the dam…one could hit the dam with a rock from the helipad without throwing very hard…I had a single room next to the 577th Chaplain, Raymond J. Wade…that bunker was about evenly centered on the helipad and in the third row back….kept up with Ray until he passed a couple of years,ago…really miss him…we were close. The District Senior Advisor was bunked with your S3…the NCOs were in a separate bunker on the same row as the one I was but west near the Aid Station. We spent several months with your road construction battalion before moving to the RVN District Compound when our bunker was finished…memory fades…my guess is some time in October 1970. Ed

      • Just wondering if you knew my father. Gray Brooks was in the 577th from jan 70 to Nov 70 was on the road crew pulled guard duty at the dam and the rock crusher . Just a long shot he is doing fine I remember him mentioning a buddy named hittel .anyway good to see someone from where my dad was.

        • Jeff, the 577th Chaplain was the last one I had contact with that may have known your father…and, Ray Wade has now been gone for four, almost five years. I joined the Don Doung District Team of Advisory Team 26 in May 1970 after it was hit and Major Ator was killed…the Team was already in the 577th compound. We spent our days at the Vietnamese District HQ…our nights with the Engineers until our living fighter bunker was built. Was not acquainted with your father or very many of the 577th. An aside, Major George W. O’Kelley, the District Senior Advisor, passed in Austin, Texas, in 2010. Regards to all. Ed Stone

          • Ed, I was with MAT 106 from September of 1970 to June 1971. We started in Dalat City, but moved to Duc Trong in February. You may remember that II Corps was moving MATs all over the place. We almost went to Don Doung in December of 1970 to co-locate with a RF headquarters near the little village of Thanh My. I met several times with Major O’Kelley to plan our move but it didn’t pan out. I’m sorry to hear that he has passed away. Best wishes to you for the Thanksgiving holiday. Steve Rieck ̣

            • Steve, I recollect having met you in the Team house at Don Doung though I no longer have a distinct picture of your face in my mind. There was a RF Company and some PF located north of QL27 at Thanh My. Some unfriendlies used this location as a north-south crossing of the road in this area. There was a MAT co-located with the RF-PF unit for a while…the site was probed and repulsed one night while the team was there. No US casualties. Laid out on ambush in the rainy season in a cemetery in this general location once…never in the same place twice…no activity that night…got wet and cold…folks don’t realize that you can be overcome by hypothermia in that part of the world…had the family send me some thermal underwear from the US to stave off being cold. By the way, Tuyen Duc no longer exists as a separate geopolitical unit – it was rolled into Lam Dong Province. Enough of my rambling. You have a great Holiday Season, too. Warmest regards to all, Ed Stone

              • Thanks Ed. If you’re on Facebook, there’s a public group page titled “Dalat Historic” that you can look at. It focuses exclusively on the city. I can send you some pictures that I took at the Thanh My site and also a photo of me that we had done in a studio in 1970. I can relate to the “long undies” and the cold rain. Many ambush nights spent around the Khu Pho’s of Dalat and with the Montagnards around Duc Trong. Happy Thanksgiving my brother.

          • Thanks for the info I will pass it along to my dad. Be well and best wishes to you and your family and thank you for your service all veterans hold a special place in my heart..
            Jeff Brooks

            • . No, Mr. Adams. I did not know your uncle. He was not on the Duong District Team between May 1970 and April 1971 during the time I was assigned.

              • Thanks for responding. He was with MACV Advisory Team 26 as a unit commander. He was killed in Tuyen Duc Province on July 25th 1970.

                • Your Uncle Bob was a Mobile Advisory Team leader in Duc Trong District with MACV Advisory Team 26. He was killed by a booby trap in the wire of the MAT compound. 1LT Don Sampley (from Texas) was his assistant team leader and tried unsuccessfully to save his life. I arrived a few months after he was killed so did not know him personally but the guys on our team had a lot of respect for him and hated losing him. We kept a small shrine for him in his bunker space at our district compound. I conveyed this information to his daughter, Amanda several years ago who was very pleased to hear about where and with whom he served. I was the Phoenix advisor in Duc Trong from September 1970 to June 1971.

                  • Thanks so much for letting me know this. I was only 13 when he was killed, but, have very very good memories of him. My father, his older brother is 87 and we’ve all been a bit in the dark of what exactly happened; wishing to know more about his team, his position and leadership. Glad you were able to reach out to his daughter Amanda. If you are in touch with anyone who actually knew him, i would be most grateful to hear from him.

                    Thank you again for your words about him.

                    All the best,

                    Tom Adams

                    • Unfortunately, I am not in touch with others who knew him but can give you some information to research. His commanding officer was Captain Mark O. Gentry. He was our District Senior Advisor in Duc Trong and was a career military officer. He attended college at Berkeley in California and was promoted to Major shortly before leaving Vietnam. He was a good man and a fine officer. He would be about 80 years old now. 1LT Don Sampley was sent home early on compassionate leave and his assistant, 1LT Garry Foster took over the MAT Team that your Uncle Bob had commanded. Garry and I were very good friends but he may have arrived at his assignment shortly after Bob’s death – not sure. Garry was from New Hampshire. Don and Garry would be in their early 70s now. Hope this helps. All my best to you.

                    • Thanks again Jack. I was able to locate Don Sampley; in Texas as you indicated, but, have not made contact with him yet. I will look into the other names you provided as well. Thanks so much for your follow-up! I will let you know what I find out.

                      All the best,


  19. Was the Army post the Krauss Compound home of the 556th signal company and host to the MACV that were all around

    • Ralph, you were the RTO on the Don Duong District Team, Team 26. Remember you well…along with Art Romero, Felder, “Doc” Pereria, Reese, and Major O’Kelly, Major Mashburn, and others. Your spot in the bunker was the corner room across from the District HQ looking up the long axis of the compound road to the front gate…you manned a M60 machine gun providing grazing fire the length of the center of the compound to the front entrance located on the “S” curve off the road across from the school house. Didn’t a pit viper crawl in the firing port over your bunk one night and get trapped in your mosquito net right over your head? “Doc” was telling me about the incident after he pulled you out of the sack, while taking care of the snake. Hope all is well with you. Ed Stone

      • I was with Macv team 26 at Don Duong from May 71 to June 72. I was the Phoenix advisor and the assistant district senior advisor because there were on two of left at Don Duong. In Jan 1972, we moved up the hill to live with the Vietnamese until I left in June and they closed the requirement for on site personnel.

  20. Anyone here visit either of these hamlets in ’68/69? I have a couple pics from an AHC pilot with some MACV members.

    Da M’Rong AP008463
    Teurlang To AP885214

  21. I’m still looking for some information as to what happened at dam pao starting july 4th. I have found where the team members and district team members received the bronze star for valor around the end july 1970. thanks in advance. russ bailey.

  22. ssg Toutant jul69-jul70

    I worked with a RVN LT Named Le Min Tam.

    I wondered if he ever made it out of the country,He painted a picture on a piece of plywood and gave it to me when i left country.

  23. SSG Wallace Toutant Vehicle maint advisor Jul 1969 – Jul 1970.
    Lived on the signal compound that had a Chinese restaurant at the bottom of the hill coming up to the gate.
    I had to repair and maintain the team vehicles,with the help of 2 Montanyards.
    Retired in mar 1981 and worked on FT Hood TX until Jul 2013.

    I remember a SFC Green Farrior,SSG Horton and SSG connely.

    • I was in Dalat Jan 1969 thruJan1970.I was a crypto repairman and worked in the communication center there.My name is Michael Barnes and I was a Sp.5.The OIC of the communication center was Warrant officer Coonley.{I think}i was assigned to Co.E 43 Sig Bn.I think I was on what was called Kraus Compound.On one side of the compound was the Vietnamese Military Acadamy.There was numerous mortars and rockets dropped not only on the compound but also on VNMA.If anyone knows if this was Kraus Compound or any of the incidents I’m talking about please get in touch with me.My number is 305 304 0979.I remember several attacks on the compound but need to know exact dates..Once again if anyone knows anyone that was in Co.E 43Sig Bn.please put them in touch with me..

  24. I was with Cpt Johnson, Hilty, O’Bradovich, Glenn A Hummerrich, James Kopley,Mr. White, In LAC DUONG district with Young, Pullen, Mendiolla, ….any of you remember me…SGT/INT
    VINH at Ho Chi’ Boi Noi office…looking for Vietnamese interpreters including Khoi, Quang, Nghia, Ho Chi, Van, Binh, Diep(butterfly). Thank you.

  25. happy easter everyone! talked with glen for 30 min. it was a good conversation. he would enjoy hearing from some of you. still not clear as to what happened on the ant hill.any information would be appreciated. would be the week of july fourth 1970.thanks russ

  26. is anyone out there that could shed some light on what happened the first week of july1970.i left the district team the last week of june 1970.i understand there might have been enemy action at the ant hill ( dam poa). some injured.would appreciate any feed back. thanks so much. russ

    • Team members on this event were Cpt R.A.UNDERWOOD ,1LT HUGHES ,SFC M.A. THORNTON , SFC.ROBERT COWAN SGT.DREW. The Ant Hill received incoming @ 2200 and the two RF/PF compounds were probed by ground forces but repelled for two or three hours.We used every asset we could communicate with from 60m mortars, small arms ,artillery and air support until dawn. There was a Project Concern Hospital across the road from the Ant Hill that was in the middle of the fight..There were VC KIA near the main entrance as I recall and the RF HQ TO WHOM WE WERE ADVISORS TOOK LIGHT CASUALTIES. This the best of my recollection and would like to hear from anyone else who was there to include members who was assigned the district team ? My phone number is 405-437-7270

      • mr. cowan I greatly appreciate the info on dam pao on the fourth of july. Iam a little confused about the the team members tho. where did lt. Willingham amd glen phiffer who was wounding that day. he stated(glen) was beside thornton when glen suffered a severe head injury. I made contact with john kilgress who was at district in duc troung. You and I should set up a time to chat on the phone. My nu ber is still 616-485-2932.thanks for the update and happy vets day. as well as to all of the rest you who served. russ bailey

  27. to john goode, was just curious. were you the lt. I was with when in dalat when we were hit by another jeep head-on? was just wondering. right now I find it difficult th grasp the news sfc thornton was kia another from the team was also kia. glen suffered the most without a dought. seems like yesterday- I guess it always will. later, russ bailey

  28. to mr. brockwell. iwas contacted by glen,we talked on the phone and I received a letter from glen yesterday.i’m having some copies of photos I had from the ant hill. will be sending out in a couple of days. thanks for putting glen and I in touch again.

  29. Dalat – Anyone remember a SFC Wolfgang Ostertag – worked a Mike Strike team with him along with a Norwegian SSGT (?) ’68 – ’69.

  30. Thanks “LT”,
    Since I arrived in-country the same time as you (just before the wind-down when Life mag posted the photos of the 250 or so avg weekly American KIA’s) my lasting impression of Maj. West’s death was its differing circumstances than most losses. By that I mean its political nature suggestive of specific targeting. Whether it was his being well-liked by many locals (as we’d heard), or simply his role as station chief, or both; that was an elaborate and effective raid. The machinations of warfare aside, finishing my tour in that region was a welcome relief in terms of climate. To that I add, the area was stunningly beautiful, particularly Da Lat. Again, THX.

    • Transferred into the engineer compound below you in early 1970 the day following an attack on your compound resulting in a Major’s (your CO?) death. Rumors were rampant, including that tube flashes were visible from either in, or nearby, the vill, that the wire was cut right near where the Major was hunkered, that one of your own (probably a PF) was deliberately AWOL during the breech, that the VC tossed grenades into your CO’s bunker, and then, hacked him up as he emerged. Since I never had a chance to talk to any of you, this incident, so many years later, still eats at me.

      • I (Lt. John Goode) served with MACV 26, in Dalat from June 69 – may 70 as the Province Engineer Advisor. I remember the event described below. Maj. West (I think, West Point Grad) spent a couple of nights in Dalat before becoming the Don Zuang Dist Chief. and was killed as you described. My interpreter was Mr. Kim. Col. Hilty was our CO. Others on the team were: Capt. Johnson, Lt Stanley Reiser, Sgt. Harrington, Capt. Woods. John Goode

      • Major Richard Ator was the District Senior Advisor of Don Duong District, Team 26, apparently targeted and killed by Sappers in early ’70. The Team was moved to the 577th Engineer Battalion Compound at the base of the Da Nhim Dam until the living fighting bunker was rebuilt at the District Headquarters Compound. I joined the team sometime in May 1970 before it moved back into the RVN compound,.

        • You most have been my replacment, I were the when Major were killed, I derosed april 1970, I rememmber a Sgt Green (phoenix program) an interepter, called “macv”, I were Heavy weps covon SFC Jones

        • I was at the MACV compound the day of the sapper attack. My name is F G Brooks at that time I was a sp4 in A co 577 third shop. The major wanted me to stay over night in case they had problems with the generator that powered the perimeter lights. My Lt. Refused so I am here today. Welcome home to all my brothers

        • I was at the MACV compound the day of the sapper attack. My name is F G Brooks at that time I was a sp4 in A co 577 third shop. The major wanted me to stay over night in case they had problems with the generator that powered the perimeter lights. My Lt. Refused so I am here today. Welcome home to all my brothers

      • I was a medical corpsman with the 577th engineer batallion from Mar 70-Apr 71. I remember some of the personnel from the MACV unit that lived in our camp while they were undergoing reconstruction. There was an officer who spent some time hanging out with the medics. He was a Notre Dame grad as I recall. I do not remember his name. We had more casualties from accidents and/or shootings secondary to drug use than we did from any enemy actions. I am retired and I do participate in veterans history programs at two high schools in St. Louis. The Vietnam war was a huge waste in lives and resources. I have an ongoing disagreement on this subject with my next door neighbor who is an Air Force colonel.

        • I was at the MACV compound the day of the sapper attack. My name is F G Brooks at that time I was a sp4 in A co 577 third shop. The major wanted me to stay over night in case they had problems with the generator that powered the perimeter lights. My Lt. Refused so I am here today. Welcome home to all my brothers

  31. Hello Stephen,

    Being honest I don’t remember must as I try to block the memory of both tours. I remember we lived on a compound and 1SG Scott was the First Sergeant. I started that tour being a guard on the front gate and then became the Admin NCO for team 26. Worked down town in an office building with Mr. White who was a civilian and the Senior Military Advisor who reported to John Paul Vann. I always chuckled when I would think about the money the Army spent on training us to be advisors and teach us to read, write and speak the language and then put us on a gate guard flagging in and out traffic.

    I’m well but could deal with less snow. Hope things have gone well for you and your family. Thanks for your service my friend!

    John Tranum –

  32. I served at a place called the “ANT HILL” in DAM PAO near Dalat under our district team in Duc Truong.Team members were Underwood,Thornton (doc) who were awesome soldiers ! I welcome contact form any who served .

    • I was also at the ant hill. july 69 until dec 69 when I moved back to the district team. the day I left the district team I spent the day calling in support fot the team in the bonnies.Was thorton the one who did some surgery on his own behind? I think I have some pictures of the ant hill and at the district me 616-485-2932 russ bailey.

      • I built the sand bag bunker for the MAT team that was attacked by the VC and destroyed. Lt. Lewis was the OC at the time and survived the attack with most of his team. I was in the TOC when we called in Spookie and Shadow for air support. I don’t remember the date of the attack but probably summer of 69. Lt John Goode, Province Engineer Advisor, Team 26

      • still looking for team members team 26 duc trong ,mat teamII-31lt. lewis,lt. Willingham,sfc brown,sfc-thorton from district team 26 jack kilgress, capt parker LT. gilbert. LT. goode- are3 you referring to dam poa? If so– filled plenty of sand bags didn’t we? Trying to remember the name of the LT. who was the assistant district commander. He was the one who put me on the chopper on the Saturday the dam pao team was engagement with the vc. The LT. could write up a veit commander telling everyone how incompetent he was and the commander would smile and thank him. I sure hope to hear from someone out there. russ bailey-616-485-2932

      • I was with A/5/22 Arty at Duc Trong. I knew Gilbert, Parker, Lewis, Willingham. I have been contacted by Glen Allen Peiffer of Hot Springs,SD. He was severely wounded at Dam Pao(Ant Hill) and is trying to locate members from the Duc Trong/Dam Pao teams.His address is Brookside Apts.#418, 201 South River St., Hot Springs, SD 57747-2328. It would be nice if some of you guys sent him a card or something.

        • i was with b btry 5/22 at fire base kukas at the end of the air field do you have any info about “b”btry?

          David King
          gunner on BETTY

      • Doc Thornton ; I remember you and my time there .You were a great team member and soldier .I was a SFC and heavy weapons advisor . I remember Project Concern Hospital and other memories .It was good to see you are still above ground as I am as well. I live in Choctaw Oklahoma . Stay well and Gods Blessings . CSM(RET) Cowan

  33. MACV Team 26 – I served on this team from April 1971 until late December 1971. Then I was SSG John Tranum and my MOS was 12B4LVS. This was my second tour in Vietnam. I got be know John Paul Vann as he often visited Dalat. Upon my return to the states, Fort Jackson, I ran across the First Sergeant who was there when I was in Dalat. Sorry, I don’t remember any names but should you remember I would enjoy talking to you. I stayed in the Army and retired in 1988 as a Sergeant Major.


    John Tranum –

    • Hello John Do you remember the 556th Signal Company or the compound. We always had MACV people all around etc. I would be willing to bet you do? Anyways hope you are well and in good health! Thank you for your service!

      Stephen Stankiewicz
      Marlborough Massachusetts former member of the 556th Signal Company 73rd Signal Btn

  34. John Goode

    I was in Dalat from June 69 to May 1970. I would like to hear from anyone serving on MACV TM 26 at that time.

  35. Looking for Captain O’Neil; Senior Advisor to a Battalion HQ just outside DaLat; I was TDY as Arty F.O. from 5/27 IFFV. He is a Cornell Grad, previously stationed at Fort Ord, CA.


    Peter Little (Ha-si Nho)

  36. Team 26 was located in Dalat which was in II corp. I was there from July 68 to Oct 69. Dalat was built by the French during their occupation. It was built around a small lake which was in the center of town.

    • Sam, I was glad to hear from you. My name is Ron Griffin. If I remember right, we used to run around together. I was also friends with Dean Woolsley(sp) and Dale Rantum who was killed. I would be happy to hear from you.

      • Good morning, My name is John Goode and I served with MACV TM 26 from June 69 to May 70. I was a 1st Lt. and recall the following members; Lt. Col Hilty, Capt. Johnson, Capt. Flowers, Sgt Bridges; do any of those names ring a bell. I hope you all are doing well and thank you for your service. John Goode

      • I was on team 26 1971-1972 I was a radio operator. I was with Sgt. Jerry Beckett. Mr white, John Vann. I lived at kraus compound . I am looking for cpt Fong a Vietnamese captain who was with 302 recon. He is in the United States. He may live in Fla or Ca. My commander was Lt. John Bringham.
        If you have any information call (585) 344-3944

        • I was in Dalat also during 1971 (April – December). I started my tour flagging traffic in and out of Kraus Compound. The Company Commander was Major Lucky and his First Sergeant was ISG Scott with offices on the left as you entered Kraus Compound. I worked after duty at the NCO Club created there on Kraus. After learning how to flag traffic in and out they moved me over to the building that Mr.White occupied. He was on the second floor we were on the first floor in the Admin Section. I was the Admin NCO and Security NCO. I drove the 1966 black Ford station wagon that Mr. Vann enjoyed using when he was in town. I’m have issues with my memory and recalling names, but i remember a Navy guy who also lived on Krause. MSG Harrington I remember, smoked a pipe, was married to a local Vietnamees lady and lived down at the bottom of the hill when you departed the Krause Compound. He was an excellent carpenter. As the Admin NCO I had to drive an Army 3/4 ton truck about 1.5 hours South topic up the mail. About 50% of the time I had a shotgun to go with me. One time when I had no shotgun, I got ambushed. The mail had holes and some letters were covered in peach juice as some rounds hit the care packages from home. After that attack, they flew me on a huey to get mail. I have no information on CPT Fong nor LT Bringham as I do not recognize the names. Hope you fine the folks you are looking for.

          • Been doing some research for my mémoire. We all knew “Mr. White” as the Province Senior Advisor. His full name was Richard W. White, a career foreign service officer who held the equivalent military rank of brigadier general. His Deputy Province Senior Advisor was LTC Paul Hilty.
            The Vietnamese company commander that you asked about commanded the 302 RF Company. I went on my first combat operation with him in September of 1970. We had 5 enemy KIA’s with no friendly losses during that operation. He was a multi-generational native of Tuyen Duc Province. When I knew him, he was married and had two kids, ages one and three. His wife was pregnant with their third child. His unit was the most proficient in the province.
            I remember SGT Beckett’s name. He also had a good reputation.
            I live in Florida and will try to see what I can find on him.
            Best wishes to you and thank you for your service.

            • Steve, I was then CPT Ronald S. Robb, Deputy District Advisor at Don Duong District of Team 26 from Oct 68 to Oct 69. I didn’t know you but I was also on an operation with the 302nd RF Company in July or August of 1969. They were anything but proficient at that time. I wrote an after-action report that guaranteed I would never go with them again. I was at the Don Duong compound on the hill over Than My and the Engineer compound by the dam when the team house was built. The District Senior Advisor was a Maj Manowski during most of my tour. The medic was Stephen Doran. Our heavy weapons guy was a SFC Stackhouse. Major Manowski was replaced by a Major Jasper a couple of months before I left. The District Chief was a VN Maj Sau, who was able to get out of the country thanks to Maj “Ski” as we called him. I assume Maj Jasper was replaced by MAJ Ator before the attack on our compound. Security on the compound was quite lax. We had 2 VN women that worked for us and I understand both of their husbands were in the VC attack group – though they had been cleared by US to work for us. I haven’t seen any other posts from guys that were there during my time. I was in Dalat several times. Beautiful, but I have never had any desire to go back.

              • Major Le Tan Sau was the RVN Don Doung District Chief later promoted to Lieutenant Colonel sometime late ’70 early ’71. Glad he made it out. How about his wife and son?

        • John, I was with MAT 106 in Dakar with Advisory Team 26 in 1970-71. I remember Sargeant Beckett and Dai Uy Phuong. I’ll try to call you tomorrow.

          • My name is Fred, I was also a medic at Dam Pow, I was there from July 68 to Jan 69. I am glad that both of you made it and thank you for your service. I also have picture which I can snare. I never slept in the team house the whole time I was there. The team house was erected when I was there.

            Fred Saenz
            Retired SGM

            the t

            • Did anyone know Bob Adams? He was my Uncle. He was killed in July 1970 (could have been 1971). Would be interested if anyone knew him.

              Thank you,

              Tom Adams

              • I knew your uncle Bob his team was located with district team 26. we actually worked together out of the district

                team. I have a picture with bob. Just recently my grand kids wanted to know what I did there so I able to show picures . some things I didnt bring up. but I shared them about your uncle. give me your address and I will send you a copy of the picures.

                • So nice of you Russell! I and my father (Bob’s brother) would love to have anything you have that could bring back memories of him; including any comments, stories, events, etc. that you might share.

                  My Address:
                  Tom Adams
                  69 Valley View Drive
                  Morristown, New Jersey

                  Phone: 908-447-6662

                  Thank you so much. Look forward to hearing from you.

                  All the best,

                  Tom Adams

                  • i was at
                    @ artillery fire base also a 175/8inch composite battery at the end of ban me thuoht airfield were you attached to this battery 68-69.
                    .cpl david king gunner Betty 175 gun

                    • Dave
                      I was with the 8/26 Arty at DucTrong. We were attached to the 5/22 Arty there. We also shared the entire area with the 577 Engineers.
                      I was with the Metro unit there at the fire base— well, — most of the time there.
                      Jan 26, 1969 to Jan 10, 1970.
                      We had 2 – 175s self propelled, 2- 8″ self propelled and a 155 Howitzer, + 2 – quad 50s on 5 ton trucks.
                      My bud flew Hueys out of BanMeThuoht in 69.

                    • YES that was my battery and we were attached to the 8/26 but was always under the banner of 5/22 and attached under First Field Force. I was the gunner on the gun (175) Betty march 1968-march 1969.

                      we did not have much contact (if at all) but i do remember watching you guys set your ballons up to get our valuable info
                      to FDC did you happen to know a guy named Spinelli in FDC?

                    • WOW!!!! Someone who remembers that place. Yes, we would do 4 flights a day to keep the Metro info current for FDC and, I think the stone-age computer was called FADAC???
                      The guys in FDC were all good guys and a pleasure to deal with. We had a good crew at the METRO unit there at the fire base. Don’t remember Spinelli, sorry. Do you remember a guy from Boston we called “Gunky motors” ? He would do the water truck run most days. He may have been part of a quad-50 team. G_D bless the quads!!!!
                      Thank you for your response Dave, —– so cool after after all this time.

                    • i did not know “gunky motors but it is still good that somebody/anybody remembers this Fire Base we did plenty of raids and fire missions from this base it was called Fire Base Kukas but i guess they changed the name, What was it called when you were there the same name?

                    • Dave
                      Just to review —- this fire base was just near the town of DucTrong. I can’t remember it having a name?
                      Half of the big compound was occupied buy the 577 engineers and the other half by the 5/22 Arty plus the one Hooch by us, the 8/26 Arty Metro unit.
                      We had a big sign in front of the Hooch and we called the building “VALHALA”, the home of Metro one.
                      I have all this stuff on 35MM slides in my other home up north. At the moment I’m in south Florida.
                      As I recall the base was just being put together when we got there. We lived in a hole in the ground covered with PSP and sand bags before we built the Hooch. That may have been around April or May of 1969?

                    • Was with the 577th’s sister company at Don Duong around the same time. Abutted a dam also (can’t remember the name). Six 105’s were on a hill behind us – I believe manned by ARVN? Never took pics but welcome them from anyone in that AO. All these years later friends are skeptical when I tell them about those piney mountains and relatively cool climate. I guess too many Rambo and Chuck Norris movies permeated public perception.

                    • TY Ed. Recall you from some cross chat a couple years ago. As to the dam, did you hear talk of a resident tiger along the reservoir? One of ours on perimeter sworn he’d seen it after popping a flare. After DEROS I read that this area was pretty thick with big cats.

                    • Dan
                      We went to your local once, (that i remember) to hijack some supplies like plywood and anything else we could steal. We were desperate for things to build our Hooch. We hijacked a master Carpenters tool box from the Air Force at Tuy Hoa air base that was so so important for us.
                      The Air Force didn’t need those tools for the Tennis courts — that’s what we thought.

                    • Lotsa big plans – in your case a comfy hooch. ‘Appropriating’ was a countrywide pastime. We all did it. Hope that ply helped….

                    • It made a MAJOR difference to all of us. Don’t know what we would have done without those parts and supplies.
                      We would not have been able to build our Hooch/Live-in bunker without it.

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