Team 22 Kon Tum

MACV Team 22 – Kon Tum

This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 22 located in Kon Tum.

177 thoughts on “Team 22 Kon Tum

  1. Hope you all are well. I was assigned to the airfield (2 O-1s, a Crew Chief and 2 Pilots) we stayed in town at what I thought was an old “Fort”, which I assumed was French. On city street, tall gates with ARVN guards and a very, very small club. Might anyone have any back ground on it’s name or origin? I flew various folks, but in particular a fellow who wore US on his collar and took me under his wing and taught me a lot. Can’t remember his name – perhaps Hogan? Blessings, Bob

  2. Was assigned to team 22 69/70 and attached to B troop 7/17th air cav out of Pleiku recived the siliver star and other awards
    was in Kontum one day and send to B troop the next never met other numbers of the team .

  3. Sometime in late 1970 or first months of 1971, there was a chaplain assigned to the 22nd and living at the BaGi compound . I think Col Book was able to pull some strings to get one assigned. Can anyone remember his name?

  4. Dear Daren,

    As well as my 76 year old memory can recall, RCAT was the acronym for Regimental Combat Advisory Team just as DCAT was the acronym for Division Combat Advisory Team. While I’m pretty sure I have recalled these acronyms properly, I am a tad shy of being 100 % certain of this. I hope that helps you decode these military acronyms.

    • Bruce, You are correct! I believe that the 41st headquarters was at Phu Cat and they were located throughout the Binh Dinh province. The 41st participated in the mid 1970 operation coordinated out of Duc Co to evacuate Cambodian troops for training in Vietnam.

  5. Hello, my wife’s uncle Ronald McGuire has passed away and left her his Vietnam service gear and keepsakes. One of the items is a jungle hat that has MACV ADVITM 22 41st R/CAT 1965-1970 stenciled on it. Ron never spoke about his service but we did know he was very proud to serve. Can someone please tell us what this info on his hat means. We miss him very much and want to understand his service. Respectfully, thank you.

    • Hi Daren, I will try to help you the best I can. MACV = Military Assistance Command, Vietnam; ADVITM 22 = Advisory Team 22; 41st Regiment. I do not remember the CAT part. We were American Military advisors for ARVN (Army of the Reublic of Vietnam) 22nd Infantry Division. The 22nd Infantry Division had several regiments. One was the 41st.regiment.We help to train and support ARVN units in II Corps area of Vietnam.

      • Thank you very much for your detailed information and for your service to our country. This will help a greatly! Gods speed.

    • Hi Beth, I am sorry to hear your father had passed. I am not the person he remembered. I was stationed at Fort Benning, GA during that time. In 1968 I was in Team 22 which had moved to Bai Gi, VN. The age factor has caught up to many of us that served in TM 22. Finding them won’t be easy. Good luck. Jim Ratcliff

      • Thanks, Jim…I have so enjoyed talking with my dad over the years and putting names/places/events to the many pics he took and the short book he wrote about the year there. Still looking to contact Maj Mau…thanks

  6. Looking for any information on the MACV team that was on Firebase 6 outside of Dac To on 31 March 1971. I know SFC Salley was present but that is the only person I have from the team. I am writing a book about actions on Firebase 6 as my unit lost two helicopters that day with one pilot killed. Any information someone could provide would be appreciated.

  7. I just read a good book my son gave me for Christmas. Probably not for the serious PTSD folks among us but a good read about a pretty typical tour.

  8. My grandfather was Maj. William C. Elrod Jr. He went by Bill and he was killed on 14 April 1971. I believe he was killed in the Kontum province. I am trying to figure out more accurately where he died. If anyone can help me, I’d greatly appreciate it.

  9. I’m not sure who is out there reading this website but I thought i’d post this.
    For most of the month of May 1971, Tm 22 inhabited Duc Co Special Forces camp while the ARVN helped evacuate the Cambodian troops. It was rather interesting living with there with the Montagnards. The camp had two rather large (labrador size) dogs – one brown; one black. One morning we discovered that black dog was dead. No Idea why it died – could have been from eating fast poison. However, that did not discourage the Montagnards. They soon had a fire built up against the wall of the advisor hooch and were burning the hair off of blackie. Later that evening, we all were offered to taste blackie.

    That evening, Col Barth made several references to wanting a cold beer to go with Blackie. However, nothing was available. The next day, SFC Cowin and I were sent to coordinate activities with an American Mechanized Infantry Company that was operating north of Duc Co.

    When the helicopter arrived to take us back, the pilot announced that he had to go to Pleiku and would drop us at the vac hospital. We could then get a ride from the hospital back to camp. Cowin and I decided to stop in the evac hospital and found this whole wall of cardboard boxes marked “human blood – please expedite”. Opening up a box, we discovered a styrofoam cooler with partitions for pints of blood. On the other wall was an ice machine. We asked if we could have the boxes and were told “yes”. We borrowed a jeep, went to the PX and bought 8 cases of beer. We then cut the partitions out of the boxes and filled them with beer and ice.
    I think we had about a dozen boxes. We took the boxes down to the heliport and told the WO running the field that we need to get this “blood” down to Duc Co ASAP. He looked at the boxes and quickly got us a bird.

    If I remember correctly it was about 4PM when we got to Duc Co. When we showed the crew in the TOC what we had, Col Barth had us load up all but a couple of boxes and it was delivered out to the advisory teams in the field. I guess the word got about the beer delivery to all the aviators because when Cowin and I made a second run a week later, the WO told us not to try the stint again.

    If you were one of the guys that received a box that evening, thanks!

    • Yes, I was one of the G-2 staff who was out there in Duc Co for that operation. We stayed in the old (original) team house…….open space filled with cots. I worked in the TOC and flew APD missions along and over the border. I just loved the place. I remember the small compound, which we weren’t to notice, and they kept some of us supplied with soda when no one was looking. I also remember us driving from BaGi out to Duc Co, with stops along the way (for fuel and chow) and the dust along the road………we were red by the time we arrived.

      • John,
        I have been trying to locate CPT John Vinson who was with G-2 in Bagi – we were in touch years ago but I haven’t been able to locate him…if you know anything about where he is please send along info. He and I shared a room and taught him to play guitar and remember the day I drove him to Phu Cat to catch his plane home – a long story but a memorable one. I was a CPT then and served as the Div Signal Advisor from Jan-Dec 1971.

        I am also hoping to locate or find out what happen to our interpreter (can’t remember his name right now) who also did a beautiful oil painting of my wife and I from a small wallet size photo. Here is my email should you want to write directly
        Bill Fortier,

        • Bill Fortier, You might remember me, I was the G-3 Air advisor in Bagi at that time. I too had contact with John Vinson back in the late 70s and early 80s, but lost contact. He and his family visited us at Fort Riley. After he got out I know he was in the Kentucky Guard. I think his civilian job then was the director of a nursing home. When I was assigned to the National Giard Bureau In the 1980s, I contacted him to return to to active service for a special project working for the vice chief of staff, Army. He declined. I believe that was my last contact with him.
          After retiring I was in charge of a high school JROTC unit in Massachusetts (1994-2013) and ran into one of your former NCO signal advisors (his name escapes me now) who lived in the same town. I heard he has since passed away. Best wishes, Bob Tripp.

          • Bob, of course I remember you and you were around when we were partying pretty hard at Bagi…had some great times. I was in touch with John’s wife who was a nurse and I believe they divorced and he moved elsewhere but I will be damned if I can find out where they are…at least not yet.
            I will keep looking and I guess the Kentucky Guard sounds like a good place to start.
            I will look up the NCO’s I had with me…at least those that I can find…this growing old is a mental challenge to remember things, I am finding…but come to think of it…I was always bad about remembering names! At least now I have an excuse that people don’t question!
            Thanks Bob for writing.
            Best to you and yours,

            • Hi Guys, My name is Martin Arceneaux. I was at BaGi servicing with the 22nd DARRS Team. It is good to read correspondence from you guys. One of my CO was CPT Lee. I have forgot the names of most of the guys. However, I do think of all of us. It was good to find this site. Hoping to find out how some of the guys are doing.

          • Bob…I don’t have your email address but wanted to let you know that I located John Vinson and he is now on the MACV Tm 22 email list…here is his email and I am sure that he would be happy to hear from you
            Please add your email address to the list as well…you can send an email to Bill Greinke 414-628-1210 cell to add to the mailing list for the group.

            Best to you and yours

            Bill F

    • This an update of a reply I did a few days age.
      From LTC (ret), then 1st Lt, Jack Burden – at MAAG 22 from Dec ‘63 – Apr ‘64
      3 February 1964 – Towards the end of January 1964, the Advisory Team to the 22nd ARVN Division, located at Kon Tum, was warned of rumors that a Viet Cong team may attempt to attack an Army compound. In preparation for such event, the team Senior Advisor directed that an officer and enlisted man would walk inside the fence in opposite directions each night – this was a life savior.

      On the morning of 3 February 1964, before dawn, a VC came through the fence and ran to the Team Headquarters building where the staff officers billets were. He threw a satchel charge into the building where it exploded resulting in one casualty and the building on fire. Spec 4 Flynn was about 100 feet away by the main gate. Flynn opened fire a few seconds before the explosion. A Captain (the S-1 Adjutant – I believe his last name was Schultz) in the first room on the left jumped out of bed just in time to get hit with the splinters from his door as it disintegrated from the explosion. The VC ran back to the fence just as a VC with a satchel charge, possible hit by Flynn, was blown apart and all his body parts were hanging on the fence. Another VC was dead at the fence with a bullet hole between his eyes. In addition, there was a trail of blood leading from the fence. Spec 4 Flynn was the only one that fired at the VC. We were told that the VC had been in a house near the compound for days before the attack. [I have pictures of both dead VC.]

      There was a CQ on duty in the orderly room, inside the headquarters building, who immediately activated the siren, which was on a telephone pole outside the building. The wiring was such that when the fire fused the wires the siren kept blaring for about an hour. All the team members ran to their assigned positions but there was no more VC activity.

      From my position I could see the helipad and when the medics half walked / half carried CPT Schultz to the medivac helicopter his body looked like it took a bath in blood. Two days later I visited him in the hospital in Quy Nhon and he told me what happened was he was hit with hundreds of splinters in his body except where his shorts were, and that area was totally black. CPT Schultz was already packed and would DROS in a few days.

      Either later that day or the next day, MAAG commander MG Charles J. Timmes, arrived and promoted Flynn to SGT E-5 and awarded the Army Commendation Medal. [Probably all the authority he had to make an award.]

      • Thanks for the recount of details surrounding the raid.  I arrived in Kontum the day after the attack.  I am the “spook” living in the house on the airport road, short of the District headquarters.  The guy I replaced could not get out of Kontum fast enough.  He left the next day.  Needless to say, living alone in town made for some anxious nights.. After six months in town I convinced the Senior Advisor I would sleep better staying in the compound.  I spent a lot of time on the roads to Dak Tho, Dak Pek and Polei Krong.  When the A team at Polei Krong got hit I followed up with some “resources” I had and tracked the VC back to Laos. I always thought the young soldier who shot the VC the night of the attack on the compound should have received a much higher award than the “green hornet”.  You might be interested in looking at the website VINH SON ORPHANAGE.  Some of the guys are working with the nuns in Kontum to help the orphans.  Their stories bring back some great memories. Again, thanks for the memories, good and bad.

        Paul F. DuffyCW3, MISMIAT (500th MI Group) while in Nam     

        • I was in Polei Krong Jun-Dec 63 Det A131 1ST SFG. I saw mentioned earlier Duc Co. I was there Oct 69 -Feb 70.

      • Hi…my dad, Captain Charles Luce served with you (I’m pretty sure) KonTum you remember him. He turned 90 years old last week. Hope you are well.

        • My dad, Chuck Luce passed away at the end of July at 92 years old…loved talking to him about his year in Vietnam. I am trying to contact Col Mau (was Major Mau then-moved to Mobile Alabama after the war. They were very close)

    • Hi Brice. We served together at Bag CI in 71. I had been the enlisted advisor along with Major Carter with the 14th CAV at Kon Tum. I was sent out the day before they were overrun and Maj Carter was killed. I was sent to be Supply Sgt Etc at the Team 22 hqs. We did some runs together to LZ English. I was in the CA ARNG for 17 years as a recruiter. Hope to hear from you or any other Team 22 members. Carl Manning. or 559-733-0439

  10. Hello Brice, I was in advisory team 22 in 1967 through 68. I have been back to the area two times, 1998 with my wife and again in 2009. I started out in QuiNhon and then moved to BaGi. The compound in BaGi is indeed gone but the Cham towers and ole Buddha are still there. I have lots of pictures and videos from both 1998 and 2009 of the area as well as QuiNhon. I would be happy to share those with you. My email address is My telephone number is 417-766-8381.
    Robert Griffon
    SP/5 US Army
    Washington, Missouri

  11. I am looking to speak with anyone whom may have served (or have known) my uncle; SGT Joseph E. May (originally from Troy, PA), served from Jan.66 thru Jan. 67.

    He recently passed away and my family is trying to research his military service.

    We have numerous pictures of him with a MACV patch on his left shoulder. In addition there are pictures of him wearing two different styles of berets. One with a ARVN Paratrooper Insignia, the other with an ARVN Ranger Insignia. However we have found no official documentation, to include anything on his DD214, that he was an advisor. His 214 has him with B Battery/6th Battalion/14th Arty.

    We have documentation and pictures that lead us to believe he was in II Corps throughout much of his tour, particularly Kontum, Pleiku and at some point Duc Co.

    I have a handful of pictures I can share, one of which appears to be Robert Mitchum during a USO visit. Other pictures I have appear to be from a fire base in or around Kontum and a few misc pictures that he labeled Kontum on the back.

    I thank you for your time and would love to hear from anyone that may have known my uncle. I can be contacted via email at:

    God Bless

  12. Hello,

    My name is Jimmy Humason and I was wondering if anybody knew of or serve with Patrick Smith Senior Who served with MACV Team 22 – Kon Tum 1965 to 1966 I believe. Hw had earned The silver and bronze star as well as two Purple Hearts. He was wounded in the lower right ankle and the side of his throat. He is the father of a close friend of mine. Any information would be helpful and or email or phone number

    Thank you all for your loyal service

    Kind Regards,

    Jimmy Humason

    • Jimmy: I’d like you — AND ALL TEAM MEMBERS — to know about our informal organization of the members of Teams 22, 23 and others who served in the Central Highlands with, or in support of, the 22nd ARVN Div. We call ourselves the HIGHLAND WARRIORS. We are actively seeking past and current information about team members; with a cumulative history of experiences from 63 thru 72 on our current roster. We’re planning our 4th Annual Reunion September 17-19, 2018 in San Antonio. The previous reunions have been held in Clear Water, Fl and two in Washington DC. We’ve laid wreaths at the Vietnam Memorial, had former POW Mike Enge as guest speaker and have toured the Pentagon. This year we plan to visit the recovering wounded at Brooke Army Med Center and to meet with former counterparts and their families. We’d sure like to hear further from you — AND ANY FORMER TEAM MEMBERS!!! If interested please contact me at

      • Hot Damn! I’m a Highland Warrior, wow. My mind is going, but it’s not a very long trip. I would love to be at the reunion this year, but Lynn and I have other commitments that are scheduled for the time period mentioned. I think the furthest west that we’ll be this this year is Vicksburg. If anyone wishes to contact me, you have my email just put Highland Warrior in the subject line. By the way, the only times I was able to get out to Pleiku from Division Hq at BaGi was during the two invasions of Laos when we flew ADP missions along the border.


        • Welcome home John! Glad to hear from you! Shame you can’t join us in San Antonio this year. Perhaps next year — don’t know where as yet but it will likely be in Sept. If you’ll contact me at I’d be glad to email you copies of our master roster and a fact sheet about our organization, Hope you’re doing well.

        • Hello John,
          It has been a long time, but I remember you well having served with Team 22 Aug 69-Jul 70. At the end of my tour I was the deputy G-2 (under Don Smay) and recall giving you the “low ship” on the last APD mission I flew on. (Sorry about that….!) Look forward to possibly attending the reunion in San Antonio. Too bad you cannot make it.

          For those reading this link, I was with the 22nd CAT (Combat Assistance Team) as we were one of the first teams to be down-sized in terms of numbers of advisors to try the new concept of combat assistance. I spent time at Ba Gi (HQ), with the 41st at Bong Son, and also was forward during the first incursion into Laos that John Warsing mentions (late March, April 1970) before finishing my tour back at Ba Gi as the deputy G-2. Served under senior advisors Col John Hodes and his successor Col Sam Barth. Remember lots of names and have some photos which I would be happy to share if there is some link or email to post/send to.

          A colleague from that time, Capt Bob Breed, was on another website and I re-established contact with him. He was at Ba Gi as well and then deployed back to the highlands after I left. He now lives in North Carolina.

          John, do you remember “brown dog”??

          Regards to all

          Rich Rolfe, Cape Coral, FL

          • Richard,
            If you have any pictures that you might think I’d like, please send them. All the picture I took were either destroyed years ago or were donated to the Army Heritage and Education Center in Carlisle, PA.

            • John,
              Sorry I haven’t been on the website for a while as have had some medical issues. Do have some pictures and if you send me your email I am at

              Liked seeing Bob Breed’s comment dated 4 June about the cold beers for the troops. I recall that event as our CO (forward) LTC (can’t remember his name) got us together one evening and told us that “the Colonel” (Barth) wanted cold beer for the troops. We were a small detachment forward as you will remember and then Capts Breed and Bruce (LNU – West Pointer – Signal Officer) groused that we had enough to do and the LTC said (ordered) that “the Colonel wants his g.. d…..ed beer we’re going to get it…..” And Bob’s story is the rest of the tale.

              Does anyone have anymore information on the September reunion?

        • Dear John,

          After reading a few comments on this site from you and James Greene, we all had to be at Ba Gi for a few months together, and may have even flown one ADP mission together (Don Smay only gave in to my pestering to go on a mission just once). I was the Signal Advisor at Ba Gi from January 9, 1970, until December 29, 1970, and Greene’s posting places him there in G2 from 1969-1970, and yours from 1969-1971. I vividly recall just how airsick I got on my one Low Ship ADP Mission; my first experience with contour flying in a chopper. I also recall my Crew Chief counting the bullet holes in our Low Ship fuselage when we refueled; evidently the bad guys underneath us did not use tracers as the High Ship never warned us we were taking ground fire. I also recall the flood at Ba Gi and the rescue efforts associated with it. My over-70 memory has trouble with recalling names, but I do recall Major Elliott (our Arty Advisor I think), Don Smay (G2), Col. Sam Barth (Sr. Advisor), Capt John “Doc” Barrett (Medical Services), Bob Breed (G4?), Capt. Joe Carden, Richard Rolfe (G2), and Capt. Al Barrett. Weren’t our tours overlapped somewhat at Ba Gi? Regards, Bruce

          • I arrived at the 22nd Div in June 1972 reassigned from the 196th Inf Bde (Sep) up in DaNang. Quickly went to the 47th RCAT at LZ Uplift, later LZ Two Bits then camped in LZ English where the 47th remained until they pulled all the Co Vans out of the Regiments. Joe Carden was assigned to the 47th ARVN Regt when I got there. There was another Captain and a LTC who’s name escapes me now.

            • Yes, I remember that event very well and even what was said…….I won’t print that. Don told me that you wanted to go and go you did. By the way, I spoke with Don Smay a month ago and will be writing him later today. He was nice enough to send a thumb drive of pictures a couple of weeks ago. Feel free to send me any picture you might have. A lot of my pictures and slides have been donated to the Army Heritage and Education Center in Carlisle, PA, and the ones I have here are in crates that I have to dig out.

              • Hi John. I have some slides from my Vietnam days. Not sure where they are now. Haven’t looked at them in years. Hope they’re still OK. I know I took a lot of the stay at LZ English. Not sure whether I took any at Ba Gi or the former Korean complex that I worked out of west of Qui Khon, after they removed us from the Regiments. I believe the 22nd Division’s training center was somewhere around there as I worked out of there for a while.

            • Mr. Vaitukunas,

              Sir, do you happen to know of the name Maj(LtCol select). Dang Xuan Nghi? He is my grandfather and he served in the 22nd.

              Thank you for your time.

              Very Respectfully,

          • I do remember you. In fact, we even let you cook a few steaks that were retrieved from the Air Force at Phu Cat. We usually ate well after running up there and bring back whatever they left behind Officer’s Club. Do you remember Colonel Hayland, our FAC?

      • I was in Kontum most of 1964 supporting the 22 Div with intel. I was part of the 500th MI GP using the designation SMIAT. Although bilateral I found operating, at times, on my own produced better results. My house was the brown wooden house on the right just short of district hq and the airport.

        • Welcome home Paul! I’m sure we have members who will recall you &/or your unit. Please provide me with an email address and I’ll send your copies of our roster and a fact sheet on our informal organization, Please contact me at Glad to hear from you and hope you are doing well.

      • Howdy I was with team 22 Bagi in 71 just read that the compound is gone lots of great memories. Just read about the Highland Warriors. Would be great to be at the reunion.

    • I am sgt.Mays retired in March 1966 I was assigned to c co.864 engr bn . before i reported for duty i was sent to cia compound in kontum to expand the area i was a dozer and scraper operator we worked in hostile conditions for how long i don’t remember i was told to forget where i was and what i did so i got no credit for what i did i was told by a LT. it was a special operation commmand directive so what do i do now can someone tell me i served another tour with the864 in1967 i also went to dessert storm in 1991 and bagram afghastan in 2002 for endureing freedom

  13. Thanks for contacting me. I am not the person you are thinking of. I went through ROTC at William & Mary, then Ft. Gordon, Ft. Monmouth, Ranger School, then stationed at Ft. Carson prior to Vietnam.

  14. Hi John,

    Ypour name rings a bell but after 44+ years, I can’t remember your face. I arrived with the 22nd DCAT about the same time you did. I ended up with the 47th RCAT north of Bagi on LZ Uplift. After a while the 22nd (and 47th ARVN Regt) went thru Bong Son and set up in LZ English. I stayed there until they pulled all the co vans out of the Regts and I ended up at the Division training center and then with 22nd Div HQ in the Former Korean Army camp west of Qui Nhon. I lasted until the bitter end marking time in the CIA compound in Qui Nhon until they told me to catch an Air America flight to Saigon & Camp Alpha. There I sat until getting out of Dodge in Mid-April 1973.

    I recall the stories told by CPT Charlie Carden and the ARVN interpreter that worked with me while with the 22nd Div about the E&E efforts made by them to book out of the highlands.

  15. Captain, John C. Mowen. I was the signal corps officer with Team 22 from June 1972-February 73. When I arrived, the 22nd Division headquarters was in Bagi. The Division was still healing from the Easter Offensive. The officer that I replaced told me (assuming my memory is correct) that half? of the advisory team was lost when the 22nd division collapsed. The MACV team had to escape and evade the North Vietnamese. While I was there, the headquarters moved from Bagi to Phu Cat and then to Bong Son. In February 1973, the team disbanded with the signing of Paris Accords. By that time we were down to six or seven officers. Straws were drawn to determine the officer who would stay with the Colonel to wrap things up. It was the “worst” two out of three. Fortunately, I did not draw the short straw twice and got to return to Ft. Carson. Anyone else there at the same time? And, thank all of you for your service!

    • John Mowen…just wondering if you were an OCS grad that got pushed back from class 21-69…I was the Signal Advisor for TM 22 Bagi Jan-Dec 1971…Bill Fortier. Your names sounds so familiar, just wondering

    • John, CPT Steve Varga here. I was with Team 22 first as an advisor for 40th Reg up around Bong Son and the old LZ Uplift and then finished as the G1 Advisor in Bagi. I was there from June 72 to Feb 73 when we all went to Phu Cat. I don’t remember drawing straws. I was told I would be among the last to leave because I had just gotten back from R&R the first week of January. Went from there to Ft. Benning. Glad to see you are well.

  16. Hi Steve Varga. Good to hear from you. Yes, I remember you–I think. Were you the one with whom I shared copies of the Woonsocket Call newspaper that got mailed to me from Rhode island? I vaguely remember post Vietnam time at Ft. Jackson before I riffed-out in July, 1973. I went back on active duty (AGR) in 1983 and retired with 20 years in 1998. Still alive after all these years!

    • HO Li CHITT ——– Think that was the name you gave me to check on in Vung Tau

      Remember both you guys like yesterday

      I was the Sr Adv. guy w the 14 cav at English and elsewhere along HWY 1 – like PHU Tai , HA

      Retired as LTC , worked w Gen Kaplan as bn cdr at Ft Riley

      Remember Cpt Carden , Ltc Huggins , Ltc Pfaller , Maj Morris ,Cpt Johnson, Maj Hertzl and u guys

      had no clue this site existed till now

      Walt Muller

      • Hi Walt. How could I forget those “quiet” evenings on LZ English when we enjoyed the rocket & mortar attacks while sitting on top of your command track drinking LZ English manhattans. Good to hear from you. I’m now in Minnesota for the greater part of the year. We escape to warmer places in January & February.

      • Hi Walt,

        I believe you took over after Major Carter was killed. I was the enlisted advisor to the 14th Cav. SSG Carl Manning. I think we where together when you first took over and a rpg went over our heads while in convoy. Mt email is or call 559-733-0439. Glad you made it ok. Carl

  17. Being Memorial Day, I always try to do an internet search on someone I served with. This year, Rich Rolfe beat me to it and called me. He pointed out this site. There are a lot more of us out there. If there is another reunion, count me in.
    Bob Breed Captain 70-71
    Now living in Raleigh, NC

  18. I would just like to thank Mr. Robert Griffon for his quick response to my inquiry on John P. Costello who served as Asst G3 Adv Air with Team 22 at De Duc from around November 1966 through May 1967.Some of his team mates were SFC Morado,Cpt. Bob Fraley,
    Staff Sergeant Tucker,Spec 4 Poper and he also had a photo of a French female news journalist name Michele Ray who abandoned
    her car and hung out with the VC for about 3 weeks.I served with John when he commanded Alpha Company,1st Bn.7th Cavalry in 1968-69 on his second tour. He passed away in March of 2005.To the grunts like me in Company A,he was the finest officer and combat leader we ever had the pleasure to served with and under. I’d love to hear from anyone from Team 22 who may have knew him back in 66-67. He was with the 3 or 4/40th at De Duc. -Randy Sutton Sr. (SFC USA,RET)

  19. Fellow soldiers:

    Started out in DaNang with the 196th Inf Bde in late 1971. Then in mid-1972, transferred to 22nd Arvn Div. Assigned to 47th Inf Regt and arrived at LZ Uplift sometime in July 72. Participated in retaking of Bong Song and northern Binh Dinh province and settled in on LZ English until co vans were taken out of the regiments. Then worked at 22nd Div Training Center and worked out of 22nd Div HQ in ex-Korean compound west of Qui Nhon.

    Don’t remember many names: LTC Blanton, CPT Charlie Carden, 1LT Mike ?, Maj Mueller, Armd Cav Co Van who’s ARVN Cav Unit was co-located with 47th Regt on LZ English.

    Back to the world in April 1973.

    Jim Vaitkunas – Apple Valley, Minnesota

    • Hey Jim, I remember you and one other who came from 196th. I was with 40th RCAT up around Bong Son and later the G! Advisor in Bagi. We turned off the lights in 2 Corps in 73. Didn’t we run into each other later at Ft Jackson?

      Steve Varga – Brunswick GA

  20. Wayne, good to hear from you. Send me your email address and we can communicate directly. I have also heard from John Denton who there with us and he shared some photos and a lot of stories. I have a photo of you and Lenny and I standing by a jeep…looks like out in the middle of nowhere – thought you might like a copy of it. I would love to hear a copy of your tape if you ever get it transferred to DVD another kind that I can play on the computer etc. Anyway, hope to hear from you. Bill Fortier

  21. Hello! I was wondering if anyone here knew of a man named kovoc or kovass. He would have been in kontum between 1969-1971. Was injured and sent home.

    • Do anyone remember a Captain John P. Costello? He was with the team in 1967. He was my CO on his second tour with the 1st Cav. in 69.

  22. csm greene great to hear from you . i do recall walking to briefings in the morning across the yard to hq. bigham i do recall a gentle giant.cousen was smart a great mentor to me.sanders was always off on an adventure in and out all the time .i do recall going on apd mission with pospeich and another lt.

  23. I was in Kontum in 1964 as part of the 500 MI Group, living on the road to the airport. Just before my arrival the 22 compound was attacked by two sappers. A young Spec 4 walking guard duty spotted them. One satchel charge was planted and exploded outside the liquor storage locker. The other sapper was hung up in the wire. The Spec 4 shot into the satchel charge of the one in the wire and blew both sappers up. The soldier was awarded the Army Commendation Ribbon. Based on the later bravery/service awards given out in Vietnam that Spec 4 should have received at least the Bronze Star. It is my opinion had he not spotted the VC many soldiers would have been injured or killed.. Anyhow, the Advisory Team 22 was very good to me and, when things got a little hot staying alone out in the city, the Senior Advisor let me sleep in the Compound.

  24. TEAM REUNION — All Teams serving the Tan Cahn/Kontum Areas of Operation; including Teams 22, 22 (Fwd), 23, 24; Advisors with the 22nd ARVN Div, the 4oth, 41st & 42nd Rgts for example. ***REUNION 17-18 SEP15 in CLEARWATER, FL *** for Registration & Details go to: *** Current registered attendees range from 1963 thru 1971. Catch-up with old friends and maybe collect on an old debt!??! PASS THE WORD!!!
    Feel free to contact me with questions: (Bill Greinke 1LT/CPT TanCahn/Kontum 70/71.)

    • Bill, I just left a message on the Reunion page for the “Organizer” who I take it, is you…saying I can’t make the reunion but want to get info and contact with others from MACV Tm 22…I was Div Signal Advisor Jan ’71-Dec ’71 and got a round to most of the teams for one reason or another having to do with the Signal problems…they will remember me as playing guitar, getting 2 mortars a couple of feet from the concrete barrels outside my hutch on 29 Mar 71, getting in a jeep wreck with NCO SFC Deal (sp?) in COL Book’s (Sr Advisor) brand new A2 model jeep that had about 300 miles on it (caught between two 2 1/2 ton trucks from the 173rd on QL1 as they were departing for the last time and it folded the new jeep right over our heads!)…anyway, they might remember me. Reading an old entry from last year I see that John Denton knew me but did’t leave a contact address…also, I will send this to your email address listed above.

      Bill Fortier

      • Hi Bill, I have fond memories of our little group enjoying and singing along with you in Baji. I still have a tape that I made in the club. Will have to pull it out and listen, it’s been a long time. I was with the team until Jul 72. In about 1979, when I was Chief of Officer Separations, MILPERCEN, I visited MG Phil Kaplan when he was DCSPER in the Petagon. Other than that I had not run across any other Team 22 member. Now retired and living at Smith Mountain Lake, VA and spending winters in Edinburg, TX. Hope all is well with you and to hear from you. Wayne Kvasnicka

  25. Hi, I was a PFC at Kontum. I have visited with his wife and son in Va. last year. Great people, he would be very proud. A radio operator Frank Wagner was also with him. I just got off the phone with him regarding the reunion in Sept. my email is Hope all is well!

  26. james nolan
    i was on the operation in Binh Dinh province w/ Lt Dean when he was KIA in april 65.
    were you his friend?

  27. Much to my regreet I can no longer fly. Last flight resulted in a blood clot to my lung. I hope it’s a wonderful reunion for all and I will notify my 3 contacts from Kontum.
    Jim Greene

  28. Hello

    I am LTC (R) David Blackburn US Army. I did a one year tour with MAAG Team 22 Kontum. I was there when bad guys attacked us on Feb 3, 1964. Westoreland came up and pinned medals on the com kid who saves us all as he caught the bad guys coming thru the wire. Can those who were there during Feb 3 1964 attack provide your recollection of the attack, damage and any other info


    • Hello

      I also am researching info on MAAG Team 22, Kontum. I need input on the Feb 3, 1964 attack on our compound as well as ambush on a convoy I was riding shotgun on from Kontum to Plieku. We had just mounted .30 Cal machine guns on our jeeps. Sure enough first time out the bad guys wanted the machine guns. We fought off the ambush and made Pleiku without further incident. Can any one help me develop that ambush? Where you in the convoy? Did you hear of it?


      • I arrived in Kokntum the day after the attack. The MACV Commander, General Harkins arrived that day or shortly after. My memory is of a Spec 4 getting the “green weenie” when he had saved the compound from sappers the night of the attack. Always felt the young Trooper should have at least been recognized with the Bronze Star. I lived in Kontum City as a “Civil advisor” when actually a part of the 500th MI supporting the 22nd and other US assets with intel (what little was available). The Team 22 folks from the Senior Advisor on down treated me well and, eventually, I started sleeping in the compound due to activity in the city after dark. Living alone was a little hairy and did not make for a lot of sleep.

    • Col. Blackburn. The com kid who shot the sappers lives in Colorado. I have his contact info around here somewhere and I’ll make a point of digging it out for you. Turns out I was his replacement in April ’64.

    • I believe it was General Harkins who decorated the Spec 4 with the “Green Weenie”. I am not familiar with the ambush on the convey. I know LTC Tom Whalen was the Civil Affairs Advisor working out of Province Headquarters. He is the guy who found the supplier of fish to the locals seeding the entire shipment with rotten fish. He crawled into the back of the truck and dug through the mound of fish. He started the “Go” Team that would respond to a hamlet when they held off the VC. He would take along ammo, food, and other goodies. I would accompany him in an attempt to find locals willing to go into the border area on observation missions for me. I also went out to
      the nuns at the leprosarium and showed movies. Really hairy trip but worth the effort.

  29. I was assigned to Team 22 in Ba Gi from April 69 to Jan 70. I did a TDY to team 24 at Kon Tum in March for 30 days. Worked in the message center at night. All I remember about 24 was the mess hall had holes in the roof. Worked in supply at Ba Gi. Unfortunately I do not remember many of the guys except for a guy named Henk and Dumar I think.

    • Hello Phil,
      I was with team 22 from June ’67 to July ’68 and also worked in supply. When I left SFC Roman was the supply sergeant. My replacement was Steve Thompson a red-headed guy. I have a list of names of team members but probably none were there for your stay unless they extended. I have been back to Vietnam twice; 1998 and 2009. The compound at BaGi is completely gone but ole “Buddha” and the Cham towers still remain. I have lots of photos from ’67 & ’68 as well as ’98 & ’09 and would be glad to share any with you. I live in Washington, MO. Feel free to give me a call or email. 417-766-8381- I have been in touch with 8 of my team members.

    • I was at BaGi from 69-71. Worked down at the G-2 Shop and flew APT missions. Col, Book was the Sr. Advisor. Captain Donald Smay was the G-2 Advisor.

    • I was at BaGi from 69-71. Worked in the G-2 and flew ADP missions. In fact, I flew out of DuCo during both of the invasions of Laos. Someone asked me about the 22nd patch we wore on our breast pockets. I had a smaller metal one that I wore and it is now in the Army Museum at the Army Heritage and Education Center in Carlisle, PA. While stationed at BaGi, there was a flood and I flew dangled from a slick getting the civilians from the village to the chopper pad. Life goes on.


      • John, I remember your name and what you did during the flood with bringing in the villagers. We ran short on food, so Col. Book got a chopper and I took it to Qui Nhon for supplies. When the pilot couldn’t land at the warehouse due to overhead lines, he set it down on the highway in front of a lone deuce-n-half, and I “borrowed” the truck to get what we needed back to the chopper. Those were the days, huh?

        I have a couple of pictures of the flood. If you want to see them, give me an e-mail address, and I’ll send them.

  30. I served with Macv Team 22 1967-68..Was nicknamed Bard of Bagi, for the poetry that I wrote for the camp newsletter at BaGi…I still have copies of the Hai Moui Hai Lighter and the news from Bagi..I was Ordnance Advisor and Assistant G-4 …Worked for Col Tibbits and LtC Fitzpatrick..Maj Yannity…
    Welcome Home Guys…
    Cpt Bob N. Evans

    • CPT Evans, could you send me copies of the Hai Moui Hai Lighter from before I rotated in July 1968 until December of ’68. I especially would like to see any team member names from that time. Did I tell you that I have been in touch with CWO Richard Parent? I have come of with a list of names, mostly last names, from memory of many of team 22 members but would like to try and make it more complete. Did I send you any pictures of the area from my visits in 1998 and 2009? Let me know. I recently talked to Robbie Stone but he said he didn’t remember me. He was the mail clerk before James Merithew and ran the movie projector before me. I have also spoken to Edward Warmeld, Robbie’s brother-in law and also Ben Youmans about the reunion of team 22 in September. I would like to attend and I’m sure some other team members would as well. Take care.

      • Hi Fellas My name is Richard Sheer I was a medic in Tm 22 when we were in BaGi.I was there from Aug 67 to Mar 68.I extended and was sent to Tm45 in Phan Rang.I worked with Dave French and Sgt Rosario who died in chopper crash.I just recently found this site.

    • I’m looking for information on my dad, Charles Ray Adams. He was in Kontum in July 1968 – 1969. I’m trying to see if anyone knows him. I’m not sure of which division he was in and am in the process of getting that information, hopefully. I have a lot of photos. Thank you.

      • Team 22 kontum 68-69 Charles Ray Adams was my father. I have many photos that my dad had. I would like to find out who the other gentleman are in the photos and share them. I have them posted on my Facebook Allison Adams Bates and a few Vietnam Veteran Groups on Facebook. Email me if you would like to see the photos….

    • Hi, My name is Jim Ratcliff. I was at MACV Tm 22 in Bagi from Jan 68 to Dec 68. I was an E7. I was the S3 Intel NCO. MAJOR Johnson was the S3. COL Tibbits was the CO. The Administration NCO was MSG McEwen. I do remember SFC Roman and his barbecue cookouts. One of the funniest things I remember was t he ISG opening the suggestion box and finding it full of mail. It was painted red, white and blue like the mail box. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Jim

      • Copies of the Hai-Muoi Hai-Lighter Newsletter (22 July 1968, 12 Aug 1968, 20 Dec 1968) are located on my Facebook page. All the team members are listed in the December edition.

          • To Robert Griffon…I will search my papers and see if I have any of the copies…My sister borrowed them to copy the poetry that I had written for the Hi Lighter and I have not been able to locate them…but I will try again… Bob Evans

  31. My Brother in law served with Team 22 from Aug 67-Aug 68 Sp/4 later promoted to SGT.
    I know he would like to hear from anyone who served with the Team 22 doing that time frame and later. I told him about the reunion planed for the team in Sept However he is confined to his house ( Almost down for the count)Old Army Slang! IF anyone from that time frame 67-68 Team 22 Knew him and would like to say hello Sent to my email address I will pass the info on to him.

    Ed warneld

  32. TEAM 22 KONTUM, TEAM 23 AND 24SIT-REP—Mark your calendars as the dates for the get together will be Sept. 17 & 18, 2015. Clearwater, FL. We have a recon unit checking for hotels, restaurants etc. Told them not to look for bars as any good Advisor can find one within 100miles.
    There two guys, Frank DeLong and Bill Grienke who have condo/lodging in the area. If anyone else does great. We will try to find a moderate priced hotel for all others. I know this will not be huge the first time but it is a start. Gentlemen we are not getting any younger. Remember we all shared an experience in an area that was part of the key corridor for the PAVN to win the war. We helped keep them from doing that while we were there with a lot of US units help. It does not matter what year or what job you did, we were all involved with the Kontum province Vietnamese especially the 42nd ARVN Infantry Regiment. Team 22 Div Fwd, 23 and 24 and any other US who supported supplied or assisted us are welcome also. This is a family friendly party. Tentative itinerary is Friday night meet and greet share stories photos history etc, Saturday Morning enjoy the local area and beaches or hang and share more “war stories (sometimes know as “you had to be there to believe it”. Saturday nite cocktails and dinner somewhere local. Short opening to honor our fallen teammates. I will look at the Coffelt Database and try to find team members. PLs send me via email any names of guys who died while with our teams. If anyone is interested in maybe having a nice Polo shirt with name team numbers years there etc let me know and will look for a vendor unless someone has one already and get us a good price. ALSO if you did not recently get an email on this then I don’t have your email on the distribution list, send it to me to stay up on the news.

    • Did anyone know a CPT Bernie Hendricks? He was the Psyops Advisor all of 1968. He and I attended the psywar school at Ft. Bragg and arrived in Jan 68 just in time for TET, he to AT22, me to AT89 in Phouc Tuy Province. I lost touch with him, and only recently found out from University of Florida (or Florida University?) that he had passed away some time ago.

      • My brother Jim Coggeshall, Spc 5 Interpreter/Translator, served with Cpt Bernie Hendricks. They shared a bunker during TET. He has pictures of Cpt Hendricks. He doesn’t have email. I can give you his phone number.

    • I was with the 41st ARVN out of Phu MY ’67 – ’68. I am interested in possible attendance at the reunion.

    • Ben

      This is awesome…count me and wife in.
      I was did a one year tour with MAAG Team 22 Kontum Nov 63 to Nov 64. When the Cong attacked and charges started detonating most of us un assed our barracks and got into the 18 inch concrete drainage ditches between the barracks. At day break we found the Cong in the wire and parts of bodies. The com kid on duty caught the Cong with his .45. He saved us all. Later Gen Westy showed up to pin medal on kid. Later after Pres Johnson changed rules of engagement, camps everywhere were under attack. The war was on. We mounted .30 cal machine guns on our jeeps. I rode shotgun often with my .12 gauge……one such ride we were ambushed. Cong wanted those 30s. If you know of others there in 63 64 have them contact me please.

      I live in Niceville where I am Trustee, Military Order of the Purple Heart. My wife and I graduated from University of Tampa.


      • Hello David, I was with Team 22 in 64-65. I just spoke with a radio operator who remembers you as his boss, Frank Wagner. He would like to speak with you so I am giving you his phone number. He does not use a computer. 201 488 6571 Do you recall Lt. Ken Dean?

  33. I still have a picture of John Klonoski and have actually been in contact with him every now and then but he does not like to talk much about Vietnam. If you would like that picture just e-mail me at hl9xx at yahoo dot com and I will send it. John was sent to Bongson later to work for some US Marine advisors there and I volunteered to go too…..Tom. Nickle.

  34. I was with TM 22 but we were based in Tuy Hoa until I left in December 69……I assume TM 22 moved to Kontum shortly thereafter???

  35. I have some Kontum pers rosters from 69 & 70. Send me your email address and I’ll forward you a copy if you’d like one. I was SSG Greene at the time in the G2 shop, 24th STZ Kontum.
    Jim Greene, PO Box 73541
    Puyallup, WA 98373

    • Hello Jim, I was with MACV Advisory Team 22 in both QuiNhon and BaGi from June 1967 to July 1968. My replacement was SP/4 Steve Thompson, a red-headed guy. Did you happen to know him? I would like to see a copy of the roster from ’69&’70. Also, I would like to know when the compound was closed or torn down at BaGi. I went back to Vietnam in 1968 and 2009. The compound at BaGi was completely gone when I was there in 1998. The old French Villa, MACV compound, in QuiNhon was still there in 1998 but only part of it remained in 2009.

      • Copies of MACV Tm 22, Bagi Hai-Muoi Hai-Lighter Newsletter (22 July 1968, 12 Aug 1968, 20 Dec 1968) are located on my Facebook page (James R. Ratcliff). All the team members are listed in the December edition.

  36. Trying to locate anyone that remembers Robbie Stone served on Team 22 Aug 67- Aug 68.He was with the Adv team security section as a 11B10. I am trying to obtain a copy of his orders for the CIB.Info needed for the VA. His 214 is so screwed up. He was a 2 year Soldier with his Rank and service locations All messed up. With orders from team 22 We have gotten his 214 to show Service dates in Vietnam. The Cib orders are needed by the VA for service connected Dis, His CIB orders should have a date of Aug-Sept 1968. We have tried St Louis there only reply was Need date of order, order Number,or a copy of the orders . Ed Warneld–

  37. Hello Martin……….I served 1st Bn 47th Inf Regt and with them in the battle of Bu Prang in November 69. When we were pulled out, we stopped in Ba Gi for a night or two on our way home to Tuy Hoa………had the first hot meal in some time at the MACV mess hall. However the meal counter didn’t like our appearance….didn’t seem to understand we had been in battle for nearly two weeks.

  38. Hi All, I was with the 22Darrs team in BaGi (70-73) working with MACV Advisor team 22. It was nice to read all of the comments here. Would love to hear form more of the guys working in that area.

    Martin Arceneaux

      • Do any of you have recollection of 47th Inf Regt tangling with 66 NVA at Bu Prang November 69?? I was Senior Adv along with SFC Charlie Brown for 1/47th. When we were relieved from Bu Prang we stopped at BaGi for a day or so.

        Harry Riley

  39. Tuan Tran

    My father,a Vietnamese soldier, Mr. Tran Dung sgt. was detailed to MACV team 22 which was assigned to advise and assist the 22nd Division headquartered at Ba Gi in Quy Nhon – Vietnam. I would like someone who knew any information about my father from 1970 to 1974.This valuable information wil be very useful for my family.

  40. I left Kontum team in Sep 70, and joined II RVN Ranger Advisors as a member of Intel team. We were converting SF funded border camps to Vietnamese Ranger camps. Non successful because without the extra money the Montanyards couldn’t keep their families with them. I left Pleiku (5th SF Compound) in Dec 70 for home. Lost track of everyone then.

  41. I was at Tan Canh with MACV Team from Oct 1970 to Aug 1971. Fire Base 5 and Fire Base 6 were in the hills to the west of us. Tan Canh was close to the Dak To airstrip, about 20 “clicks” from the Tri-border (Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam). Col. Mitchell was CO of Team 22 while I was there. Also remember SGT. Waller, Sgt. Stokes, Sgt. Keane, Sgt.Turbit. My immediate AF supervisor was T SGT Thomas. I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me or anyone I mentioned, as well as anyone else that was there at that time. Thanks. Jay Hennell

    • I was the signal advisor to the ARVN 22 Inf Div and was at Tan Canh at the Div Forward during the battle for FB 5 & 6. I was with MACV Advisory Team 22 commanded by Colonel Book. We were under rocket attack for about 10 or 11 days and the ARVN Artillery had difficulty hitting the location that was attacking – or they couldn’t provide proper coordinates for the locations so American Artillery could hit them. There was real concern because we had so many ships on the airfield/pad so COL Book’s and the ARVN chopper pilots didn’t want to go out. COL Book’s personal pilot only had a couple days left on his tour of duty but he went out cranked up and went into a hover (at what altitude I don’t know) but he stayed there and called in corrections to the artillery. Now that was a true American pilot…we hated it because the US was pulling out and we had to depend on the “cowboys” of the ARVN…usually, when called, their reply was “No can do…too HOT!” Anyway, I can’t remember the units that supported us maybe you can refresh my memory and maybe you know who was flying the Senior Advisor for MACV Team 22?
      thanks – Colonel Bill Fortier, USA, Retired

      • Bill, As I recall, you played a mean guitar back then. I’ve got a picture of you with one strapped on, but I only got the back of you in the shot. Were you the one who “borrowed” Col. Book’s jeep, of which he was very proud, and totaled it?

        John Denton
        MACV 22, Ba Gi
        (CPT, Detach. XO and chief bottle washer)

      • SFC Hall here. I was your Communications Chief during the period May 71-May 72. QMP program caught up with me so I had to retire. Did OK however. Worked as Telecommunications Operator for the Navy, then went to Otis Air Force Base to get the PAVE PAWS Telecommunications Center set up and operating. Then a GS9 position opened up with the Customs Service in Boston as a shift supervisor finally retiring in 1988. Was offered a E8 position with the Massachusetts State Defense Force in 1973 and worked up until I was a LTC.
        P.S. Just found this site so please excuse my late response.

        • Edward, tell me more about your tour there. I left in Dec 71 and worked mostly out of Ba Gi headquarters and it seems my memory is getting bad with time. Your name is very familiar…but a picture would help! My NCO for several months was SFC Mason who left before I did. He had a large “red colored” birthmark on his right cheek that many VN thought indicated he was a religious Icon of some kind…they would bow down to him with their hands in a prayer position and say “Mo Phat” (my spelling) so I always called him SGT MO PHAT. We spent a lot of time traveling to all the outposts and going out to scrounge comm equip to support the 22 Inf Div Teams as well as the ARVN needs. Did you work out of Ba Gi or another location? I know your name but just can’t place you…the wonders of aging, I suppose. If you have other photos please send as well. I also have some that I have forwarded to others. My email is
          Bill Fortier, MACV TM 22 Jan-Dec 1971 (CPT at the time)

    • Jay, I was with 4th Batallion, 42nd Regiment, ARVN, at Tan Cahn during the time you mention. The Advisory team to the 42nd was Team 23. Team 22 was part of the 22nd ARvn division out of Pleiku. The 42nd was a Separate unit but OPCON to the 22nd. I was at Tan Can from Jan. 70 to Jan 71. Thr Sr. Advisor to the 42nd was LTC Brumley, my boss. Sorry I don’t remember you but we had a lot of personnel fron down south come up for short visits. The AF is tops in this grunts mind. Aptil 70 during the month long battle at Dak Seang SF camp I got a ground based AF FAC team for about 3 days to help coordinate thr camp resupply dropping planes, fighters, arc lights and all the army artillery units firing support, oh we got AF gunships (puff ? ) and flare ships every nite for several weeks. Did you stay at our Team House?

      • Ben, thanks for your reply. Sorry to say but I don’t remember you. Couple of corrections in my original post … it was MACV Team 23 (not 22), 42nd ARVN Infantry (the 22nd was confused with 22nd ARVN Inf. Division). I was there at Tan Canh from Nov 1970 to Aug 1971. We were 3 Air Force personnel that maintained the TACAN (TRN-6) that was situated under the 40 foot concrete water tower (built by the French in the 40’s or 50’s I believe). The TACAN was a Tactical Aid to Navigation that directed aircraft in and around the Tri Border Area, on bombing runs over the Ho Chi Minh trail as well as close tactical support for the units fighting in the valley. We were a detachment from the 1878 Communications Squadron out of Pleiku. As I remember, the CO was Col Michelli (not sure of the spelling).
        Fire Base 6 was over run on March 31, 1971, and re taken the next day. Lt Brian Thacker recieved the MOH for that engagement and Lt Craig German was awarded the Silver Star.
        That was part of the month long engagement (March and April) by the NVA to take the high ground, FB5 and FB6.

      • Jay, kind of recolect some AF people eating with us in our team house. Lt. Craig German was my on my team as number 2. He took over the team when I left for home Jan. 71. Good man. I visited with him and his wife some years ago north of atlanta where he was living.

    • Sir, I am writing a series of books about my unit, A/227th AHB, callsign Chickenman. We flew support in the Dak To area in 1971. We lost two aircraft on FB6 on 31 March 1971. I am looking for information on who was there besides the artillery observation from 1/19FA. I am writing these fictional books based on the events that occurred an attempting to make the events as accurate as possible. I know SFC Salley was taken prisoner that day and later died in captivity. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

    • Jay. I was in the aviation unit that lost two aircraft and one pilot on Firebase 6 on 31 March 1971. Chickenman was our call sign. I am writing a book, the second about our unit and its actions. I have the name and story about SFC Salley as well as the story about LT Thacker. I know that three members of Team 22 were lost in a sapper attack before the main attack started. The last appendix in each of my books list the names of those that gave all in the actions that I present. I would really like to get the names of those three men. Do you recall their names? My first book, Undaunted Valor; An Assault Helicopter Unit in Vietnam is on Amazon and kindle if you want to check out how I attempt to honor the memories of those we lost. I could really use your help if you recall those days. In my writings I use a pen name of Matt Jackson.

  42. I came in as 24th STZ G2 NCOIC E6, 96B in Jan 70, made E7 in Jul. Was re-assigned to II Corps Ranger Hq, Pleiku in Sep 70, and we began conversion of Border Camps from SF to RVN Rangers (red hats), When SF lost their funds for the LLDB SF, it all went downhill quickly We were supporting theh 42 Inf Rgt. Maj Elliot Sr Advisor was captured – POW out of TanCanh while I was there. He died a couple of years ago. Maj Jerry Parker was my OIC and Col Glen Day, Sr Adv of 24th STZ MACV.
    I just can’t remember too many folk these days……I just chalk it up to being 76 years old and “old-timers” Heh.

    • SGM greene. I was sr. Adv with 4/42nd, Team 23 at tan cahn 1/70 ti 1/71. Spent april 70 going up and down the dak poko valley in the battle to save SF camp at dak seang. April 1 to 5 or so at Fb tango just south of the camp where the arvn set up a 105 arty two gun section. Ranger group HQ colocated with us. That is when the 2 ranger battalions got chewed up just west of us. US Ranger SFC got MOH for taking over and organizing the arvn rangers after US Officers were kia. Later our bn was a couple klicks south of maj elliott’s bn when they got overrun and Art was captured. He was a teammate of mine in Tm 23. I never knew he was alive till years later thanks to the internet. I talked with him several times over the years. He should not have been out there as he was a lot older than the rest of us and not really in good health. He wanted his CIB and volunteered for field duty.we could not break through the dinks to get to his unit. I think I am the last US he talked to over the radio just before he led the surviving US and arvn in the breakout. He got seperated and was captured. It was utter chaos up there and we were just lucky to get out alive. 42nd had 3 bns reduced to non-Combat effective due to casualties. My bn had over 50 kia and 100+ Wounded. The dinks pulled back across the tr-border area and all was quiet starting early may. After Op report showed arvn could not sustain prolonged combat ops against NVA crack units due to bad inoperative logistical support and lack of solid intel on enemy movements and intentions. US air and arty were the only reason the camp was saved. Dumb location for the camps in that area as all were encircled by high ground and closeness to cambode an laos favored the nva. I heard later all the camps were closed by 72. They were only bait in my opinion to get nva to mass so air power could be brought to bear.
      Welcome Home.
      ben youmans, cpt, 4/42nd sr. Advisor

      • I appreciate your reply CPT Ben. One of our E6 cooks also went up to Tan Cahn about the same time MAJ Elliot did. Can’t remember his real name, we called him Budah. He was a big black guy who volunteered and never came back. Word I got was the unit was pinned down in a low valley and they were hit w/CS. Budah didn’t have his gas mask, came up out of the hole and a mortar (HE) landed on him, KIA..
        That 70 Apr/May battle for Dak Seang, Dak Pek & Dak To was a bugger bear. I was in Tan Cahn, G2 Sgt TOC. Our G3 Sgt, SFC Ron Fontenau
        was relieved by MG Dukeamen (sp) II Corps CG for screaming and cursing at counter-part in TOC. They wouldn’t wake district chief up and get permission to fire in support of our FO who was in trouble. We sent in ARPS to get Herb out as I recall, He had less than 30 days left in country. Some days were better than others.
        Too much blather from this old man,
        We’ll talk some more later I hope.

  43. Ray Robison – I was assigned to Team 22, ’67-68 and the Headquarters at that time was in Ba Gi just outside of Qui Nhon. I was attached to the 2nd Bn 41st ARVN Regt, in the district of Phu My (between Phu Cat and LZ Uplift).

    • I was with the 41st ARVN Regt. in the districe of Phu My. I really should know you. What rank were you?

      • Bob I arrived Kontum Jan 70 as E6 and made E7 in Jun. I was E6 in 1st MIBARS, (Military Intelligence Bn Aerial Recon & Surveilance) Saigon in Jun 67-68. My memory is awful 🙂

      • Sorry to be so long in getting back to you. I never saw your posting being forwarded to me. Maj Gordon was the RSA and LTC Dan was the Regt Cdr. I was with the 2nd Bn, and started out at LZ Courage out on the coast. It was aptly named. In early Jan ’68 we rotated to LZ Mon where we were over-run. Then moved to the Palace guard at Crystal. For Tet ’68 I was attached to the 1st Bn, where we went to Quinhon to run the little bastards out of town. You can contact me, 254-534-2506. Take care

        Ray Robison
        SGM US Army (Ret)

  44. Thanks for your efforts on this site. I was with Team 2, 2nd DARRS, 1971-1972. Looks like two of the guys I served with have already found this site. My dad was a MAG Vietnam advisor in 1962 -1963. He worked out of Kontum and Pleiku setting up future Special
    Forces camps with the Montanyards near Dak To and Dak Pek.

    I was having trouble finding a place to contact Team 2 and 2nd DARRS guys. This is terriffic!

    Bob Little

  45. Hello Randy, We had a very restful R & R in Taiwan as I recall. I’m still in touch with Hartley Coursen also. I’ll be 76 in Nov and I’m 100% Disabled Vet. Still mobile but can no longer fly.
    I buy, sell trade Randall Made Knives (Orlando, FL) as my main hobby and collect a few weapons as well. I retired CSM, May 89, as Commandant of the I Corps NCO Academy at Ft Lewis, worked for WA State helping Vets find jobs (DVOP) Disabled Vets Outreach Pgm.
    and retired in 2002. If I had known I was gonna live this long I would have taken better care of myself. I hope this finds you and yours healthy, wealthy and wise. I would enjoy hearing about your status. Still in the Army?
    Jim Greene

  46. I was in MACV G2,Tm 22, ARVN 22d Inf Div Fwd from Jan – Oct 1970. Lived on the compound adjacent to SF B-24 compound.

    • Hello. My very first assignment in Vietnam was with Advisory Team 22 in Kontum in January 1965. Captain Michaels was the Team Commander and I was a radio operator. I was living quite close to the Special Forces “B” Team in the rear. I still have a picture of myself with the Leopard mascot and pulling guard duty in a foxhole there. I also went along on medical visits to local Montagnard villages during my tenure there before moving to Qui Nhon.

      • I was there at the same time. Do recall other radio operator John Klanoski and Frank Wagner. Still in contact with Frank.

        • I didn’t arrive in Kontum until Jan 70. I lived in the same compound you did and can still see and smell the place J

          I worked as NCOIC G2 at zone Hq.

          Welcome home..

          Jim Greene

      • Hello Thomas & James , my name is Jason Cook and I have been sitting here with my father Sidney E. Cook for the last few hours talking to him about his tour in Vietnam. He was telling me several stories and some included the leopard and many things you guys have talked about here and I came across this forum after the fact and his jaw almost hit the floor when I told him you guys were discussing the same things he had just been talking about ! he use to have tons of pictures from Vietnam of is friends, of the Leopard and many many things but his ex wife destroyed and burned everything including his medals . We got all of his military awards and decorations reissued for him but he lost many memories we he lost his pictures . He couldn’t recall your names right off but he had to have served with you guys because he was there from May of 65 until November of 66 . He mentioned Patrick J. Smith from Michigan, Dennis Frovarp , Salcido (last name) both from New York , Bracken (last name) took in a dog and let the dog have pups in his bed lol), Major Brown and a Sgt 1st class Henry . I’m so happy we came across this forum, he said earlier tonight he wishes he would have done this years ago but better late than never. Hopefully you guys remember him ! If either of you have any pictures already scanned of all of you together or of the Leopard, please email them to me . hope to hear from you soon !

      • Thomas. We crossed paths. I was a signal corps shooter convert April 64-Apr 65. I was in the hooch right in front of yours (the SF B Team was right behind). We started out guard duty in regular foxholes. As the fighting grew more serious the holes became bunkers with log roofs and actual fields of fire. We also had one guy posted atop the water tower. I was a shooter on at least 30 convoys to Pleiku during that year. As near as I can figure, the TO&E for the Advisory team didn’t include many lower ranking enlisted men so they overcame that by loading up on signal types and converted them to shooters. I had to get my pay records for that year for a VA claim. I learned they had me classified as an “armed guard.” I have been in contact with Fred Beer, tall blonde cattle rancher from Lemmon, SD, who was with us from early 65 until he was sent to Cam Rahn Bay to help set up that facility.

      • One thing I need to add. I always thought the big cat was a leopard but found out it’s a type of river cat indigenous to that area. Do you remember that the Montagnard guards cut off its tail and hung it in their tent for good luck. That cat became a real pain in the ass so someone got rid of it. It was originally brought onto the compound after a patrol found it. Its mother and a sibling were apparently killed by a booby trap. Other guys brought monkeys into the compound but they had to go after learning to throw rocks. We had occasional snakes show up in the compound. I remember Joe Grys of Buffalo, NY going bat shit crazy over a harmless snake he found outside of his hooch.

    • James – How are you. We exchanged an email or two several years ago and then I lost contact. I’m in Lawton/Fort Sill OK and doing fine (I think).

    • james greene ,i can’t remember who you are but i was stationed with you in g2 up on the hill in the arvn hq. i remember going there through the gates and on the left was our office. right behind us was the artillery battery. i remember joe pospieich and another LT.we once went to a phillipino show at the special forces camp. behind the you remember going to chow and all the brothers would give each other the dap:” before we even sat down to eat.we all passed the statute of the warrior with the sword.i had an office in the rear with maps on the wall passed all the arvn before i could get to it.i had to drink a bottle of jack before i could leave.i did brief the col. most morn across the hq. i did go to dak seang sf camp during tet of col. was shot down that briefed everyday i can”t get his name correct but he was up in obsevation on a A MOUNTAIN WHEN CHOPPER FELL. IT STILL BOTHERS ME TO THIS DAY THAT ICAN”T GET HIS NAME RIGHT BECAUSE HE WAS A GREAT GUY. MAYBE YOU WILL REMEMBER. GOOD LUCK JESSIE LWALSTON@LIVE.COM

      • I remember the chopper going down. Left out of the Tan Chan HQ’s right. On the way to the Old French Fort, landed, then took off and went in the ground after leaving hill. Had NVA POW on board who was going to point out enemy positions. Col. was Sr Advisor to 24 Tactical Zone. His counter part was on board. Col. Day replaced him. Cpt John Avila

      • His name was Col George Miller. I was at Tan Cahn, the day his Huey went down. The irony is I was to be on the chopper when it was being loaded at Tan Cahn but was waved off as it was fully loaded. Was present when they brought the bodies back that afternoon. All horribly burned beyond recognition. Col Miller was identified because he was such a big man. Cpt John Avila

      • Hi J, That’s what we called you while I was there. I’m not sure who I replaced but I took over as NCOIC in Jan 70 and served with our G2 Tm 24th STZ in Kontum until late Sep 70. MAJ Jerry M. Parker was our G2 Advisor. Col Skoien (sp) G2 for IICorps in Pleiku, pulled me up for my last 90 days.
        I’m still in touch with SSG Hartley Coursen in OH The other Lt you mentioned was Clarence Pawn. We also had SSG Sanders, Sp4 Bigham, tall guy with moustache. we also called J. Another SSG McGee who was a 96D Imagry Interpreter (grey headed and heavy set). I’m so brain dead these days….I do remember you got a new Konica camera while I was there. Well, enough blather for now, nice to hear from you.

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